ITT: Post an image and others will recommend a game based off it

ITT: Post an image and others will recommend a game based off it

Attached: 8d08828efa22581c60c66720234fd2e0.jpg (460x585, 50K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Xcom EU

Fallout Shelter

Terraria, maybe Starbound but I don't know anything about it

Attached: 1253_original.jpg (754x1024, 353K)

Evil genius

7 days to die

>entrance right above lab area
>not even a ladder

Attached: 7C8F52B6-5B55-43C8-985C-67E4FC60C2BB.jpg (750x729, 116K)

this war of mine

Attached: 1551530780833.jpg (289x289, 27K)

blind or pretending to be retarded

VA-11 Hall-A

Attached: IMG_0015.jpg (856x1141, 211K)

russian roulette.

Attached: aleup.jpg (513x378, 48K)

>false door
where is the real door?

Bioshock Infinite

Attached: jcwdwpl7e3u01.png (640x278, 38K)

>lab and infirmary on the least defensible level
>Living quarters next to the heat and noise of the generators instead of adjacent to the recreation area
>no armory
>repair bay not adjacent to lab, requires redunant equipment
terrible design.

Attached: 1efdea28482797.55c23a078c554_01.jpg (1734x2008, 1.37M)

The Last Station

Metroid Prime

Tales of the Neon Sea
Project Warlock

Attached: danger-i-dont-remember-did-we-take-this-flight-together_original.jpg (1166x766, 424K)

If I just want to watch two people fuck with no build up and context I'd just go to a swinger's club. I actually like the story in porn it's entertainingly bad so I can lose my sides while I lose my never to be children.

>laws of physics no longer apply in the future

I hate pictures like this

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>generator systems at the bottom so you have longer ventilation shafts that are more difficult to fix, leak fumes into the upper floors, flood, etc

What an incredible design

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dwarf fortress

what if the planet is composed of some highly magnetic ore and the cube is just using conventional maglev technology scaled up to an absurd degree?

FSX multiplayer


then why the fuck would you stand underneath a magnetic field that fucking powerful

Attached: cover_lg.jpg (604x780, 513K)

NeoScavenger it's shit don't bother.

>Project Warlock
thanks user, looks cool as fuck

Dominions 5.

Attached: 1482682722944.jpg (1554x937, 348K)

Alone in the Dark 3

>Noisy generators directly below living quarters

Where are they getting fuel? Horticulture to feed a facility with that many beds is incredibly power-consuming (even if you use the expensive power-efficient LED lights that most groweries don't use)


Attached: Men.jpg (580x437, 21K)

>communal quarters
>no bathrooms or waste disposal
>a whole room dedicated to research
Yeah no thanks

Attached: Wd7Mwh8.jpg (802x960, 64K)

presumably the generators are bio-diesel and they're producing vegetable oil from the garden somehow, but with that small of a growroom there's no way they'd be able to sustain that.

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pokemon lets go evee

Attached: 1448898817952.webm (1280x720, 2.88M)

Yeah, the order is really off.
Living quarters should be top in case of emergency.
Monitor station should be integrated with living quarters.
Repair bay should be nearest to generator systems.
It's a complete do over i'm afraid.

Attached: 8adc7db1a84d23bd7809405ed5235635.jpg (736x981, 82K)

persona 3

I know. Foolish heathens thinking anything but angels can fly. We truly understand everything about the world at this exact moment.

>presumably the generators are bio-diesel and they're producing vegetable oil from the garden somehow

It doesn't really work like that... you can't have a closed energy system that feeds itself. All these processes are like 10-50% efficient, recycling biodiesel fuel into light into vegetables back into biodiesel fuel makes no sense whatsoever.

The only way that image could work is if they were constantly scavenging fuel from the surface.

A real apocalypse bunker needs renewable energy. Solar, wind, hydroelectric, geothermal (probably best option,) etc.

Gemini Rue

why would the generators be below the living quarters?
fucking dumb

>A real apocalypse bunker needs renewable energy. Solar, wind, hydroelectric, geothermal (probably best option,) etc.

You could also do nuclear if you had enough fuel. But in a closed bunker, waste disposal is a no-go, so it had better be a zero-waste breeder reactor, and it requires heavily trained staff.


this just makes me wish there was an umbrella corp simulator under a city

It is wind powered, in the apocalypse they eat nothing but beans...

Nice thanks

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>extremely shit clothes
Definitely british. It's astounding how much femdom and sissy shit content they pump out with relatively high production values but they're all ugly with the worst accents and dialogue on the planet. They also have horrible fashion for whatever reason.

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seriously is there anything worse than finding what you think might be the perfect fap and then she opens her mouth and out comes some oliver twist cockney accent?

Civ V

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Any Ace Attorney game with Franzika von Karma in it

>not EW, which is basically EU with more content.


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The accent is bad enough on it's own but then they just say the most ridiculous shit. It's so much more than just a dialect difference. It's in their entire culture just to say the most retarded things the world has ever heard and they're trying to pass it off as dead serious.

It's science fiction not science boring reality where nothing interesting is possible.

Serious Sam 3

necron monoliths in dawn of war kinda remind me of this.

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Attached: Donnie.jpg (720x292, 56K)

A game for this feel? Big monumental bleakness?

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otherwise i actually like the aesthetic of this image

Nier automata

Heavy Rain

Illusion of Gaia

Left 4 Dead

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Pathologic, The Void, Zeno Clash, Morrowind

bloodborne's DLC

what is that from? it reminds me of system shock 2, though the order is different

the ww1 segments in the darkness

adding to
>saloon and repair bay next to eachother
>drunk assholes constantly wandering in and re-breaking shit or other people

this is the worst fucking design


I know it's cheating to post this but any similar games where you can play as God or just have a lot of freedom/control to do fun shit?
games like BotW, Terraria or even Hollow Knight count, anything with a lot of variety in locations and such

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looks like you want to gain some Brouzouf

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The sims 3

There's a level in E.Y.E Divine Cybermancy i think that has a very similar scene with giant stone katana blades instead of those bio mushroom growth things you posted.

Someone post it if you got it

Star Wars: Rogue Squadron


Attached: M1UUSnl.jpg (2448x3264, 802K)

Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon

What am I looking at

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maybe mount and blade warband?
it's not a god game but its more like terraria/botw/hollow knight in a sandbox way
except there's no real open world, just traveling on a map

Does this causes a shortcut?

tfw The Flame in the Flood (just add a doggo)

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Oni, Ghost in the Shell

What the fuck is StreumOn doing? They promised EYE2 like five years ago.

Any Pokémon gen III game

>Living quarters above the generator
>Not having the plants above the generator

This is STUPID and clearly not made by someone who has ever had to sleep near machinery.

there's parts in Mass Effect 1/2 that are similar

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They fucked up that Deathwatch game and lost all hope for a better tomorrow.

Dishonored - Knife of Dunwall

Not him. I don't see it.

They made that FPS space hulk... other than that Idk.

Your eyes should not be quickly acessible to breaching. That shit should be lower in the base.

>Science fiction
I know right? If people could fly god would give them wings.

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Saints Row 3 at night

Attached: Saints_Row_Editorial_-_1.jpg (640x360, 194K)

>what are morons?

System Shock

Attached: D1RADtZU8AIaa3j.jpg large.jpg (945x945, 260K)

Don't starve

Turtles in Time

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Another World

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>shit fashion
The fact that English people are generally ugly as sin could be the main reason behind this.

Attached: kate_middleton_teeth.jpg (615x409, 50K)

From bottom to top:
Repair Bay
Monitor Station
Living Quarters

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Stardew Valley

The Last Guardian

Attached: 07d268b84b266439656497b966f84596.png (1280x1705, 3M)

Recc me.

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Anybody have that picture of the chick hiding behind a shed with these giant floating white humanoid things? Kinda reminds me of that.

Spelunky if they only had shotguns
Planet Coaster?


Attached: Db4JwdlU0AA-luT.jpg (767x647, 107K)

Lobotomy Corp

Dark Souls

hearthstone: heroes of warcraft

This image triggers me hard.
I don't know, what kind of facility that is but it has only one entrance/exit and right next to it are monitor room and research.
I case of a breech intruders will have only a couple of medical person or scientists resisting and a guard or two at most, they'll have instant access to security systems, could get research data right away (this may be a science object, I believe), could just gas all the people on lower floors.
It's so fucking stupid.

why the fuck would you put your living quarters directly above the generators and directly below the repair bay, Good job getting zero sleep

>retina damage is more dangerous than burning alive or gas leak
Sure, user.

Attached: 1547986626595.jpg (3874x1381, 365K)

Oh, you're good. I have it opened on my second monitor right now.

Attached: img7.jpg (4032x3024, 2.81M)

Attached: Ghostbusters.jpg (768x433, 72K)

various Tycoon games

Attached: Excalibur.mp4_snapshot_02.12.55_[2015.05.26_21.13.00].jpg (1920x1080, 93K)

Obligatory Mark of the Ninja.

>living quarters right above the generators
have fun not getting any sleep
>horticulture right underneath the infirmary
its like you want your shit to get contaminated. all it takes is one leak.

No Man's Sky


Hotline Miami.

Attached: frank_frazetta_afightingmanofmars.jpg (876x1200, 277K)

You mean SCP-093?

Rule of Rose

Games with moody washed out color palettes like this? Besides sotc of course

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Pornstars pretending to flirt is the most hot part, actually. It's very grotesque but pickup likes like "quit sucking in GAME and suck on these tits" makes me diamonds.

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Cod Black ops 2 zombies map “buried”

LA Noire

There's literally no point in having science in the name if you're just gonna disregard it. It's just fantastical fiction at that point.

>quit sucking in GAME and suck on these tits

R6: Siege

Attached: 1420484092031.png (600x720, 320K)

You can achieve whats shown there with magnetism. Obviously its meant to be a spaceship in a desert, but if there were magnets under the sand, it could levitate there.

>want to play this
>remember it's on Uplay

So you think we will never make any interesting alloys or materials that will make bigger building/structures? Do you assume we will never make more efficient fuel than right now? We keep making new stuff and every time some guy goes "Everything that would be invented, is invented" i laugh.

Castle Crashers


It will if one of the plugs is twisted around upside down.

Fran Bow

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Gratis user

It seems like any fiction is not for you. Instead of complaining about a wide genre of entertainment, find something else to do.

Oh deer!

Attached: giveafuck.jpg (569x587, 27K)

Payday 2, specifically Hoxton Escape day 2.

Gifts from senile grandparents were always weird. She just went into Goodwill and picked the most useless shit imaginable. Feels sad man.

Hot Lava

Space engineers

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meant for

game doesn't even have a publisher yet so it's extremely early, and unfortunately it's multiplayer only at this point, but a lot of people have been asking for single-player or offline modes and the devs seemed to respond well

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That new wolfenstein game

Apex Legends

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>hoverhanding Betania

Attached: 5.png (2047x3000, 2.92M)

Dawn of War

Attached: 1536604959323.png (618x626, 312K)

Expeditions: Conquistador

Attached: 1553913252329.png (1401x425, 845K)

Attached: 1553708308223.jpg (540x539, 69K)

The official Donald Trump real estate business tycoon game.

Attached: translucent-waves-19th-century-painting-ivan-konstantinovich-aivazovsky-thumb640.jpg (640x452, 49K)

>strawberry is slang for 15k yen
So let me guess, 25k is NIGGER?

Breath of the wild

hardmode: no Souls or Dishonored

Attached: severian.jpg (2287x3000, 1011K)

There's no vidya to top the kino levels of Vagabond.

Attached: 1551027192562.jpg (724x1079, 408K)

Has this updated

For some reason Thief was the first thing to come to mind.

Medal of honor aa

no lol
Just read the book.

More like cod blops 1 ir max payne 2, games about really close friends

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Virtue's Last Reward

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What's that free browser based survival game that Yea Forums recommends?

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Quake 3 Arena

Attached: sailor moon.jpg (704x480, 43K)

what's the source for this... for research purposes.

World of Warcraft

Is this porn or feminist power fantasy? I really can't tell from that image.

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Unfortunately feminist power fantasy.

Shotaxgyaru is disgusting.

Attached: [Maron ☆ Maron] Gaki ni Modotte Yarinaoshi!!! Turning Back Into a Kid And Starting Over!!! [Englis (1920x1080, 868K)

Attached: 3512343512.jpg (1440x720, 251K)

Hard sci-fi and Regular sci-fi are different things
Star Wars and Star Trek is sci-fi and both have shit like the force or blood that revives people

The saloon is the bathroom.

Hard West
Battle of Empires
Rusty Lake games
Shinobi Legions
Asura's Wrath
Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together
The Sword of Etheria
Metal Slug games
Enslaved: Odyssey to the West
also Asura's Wrath

Attached: mercury.jpg (735x1000, 314K)

swat 4

Divinity original sin 2

OP here, found it on a /k/ thread

Metroid: Zero Mission
Street Fighter series

Just Cause 3

7 days to die

Attached: Videodrome-Gun.jpg (1536x831, 929K)

Attached: a4qSd19.jpg (1200x800, 434K)

It's not "above lab area"
There's a hallway between monitor station and research, and the hatch is above it
You don't see any ladder because it is obscured by the wall

portal 2

Well thanks now I want that too and I feel like shit

Cyberpunk 2077

rainbow six vegas two

>the generator room is right down the living quarters
enjoy cancer


Attached: 9181891851.gif (368x239, 1.99M)

FO4 settlement heavy playthrough. Wait nm you can't build underground ;)

Attached: 1549657559575.jpg (900x800, 198K)

Dragon's Dogma, I've seen it used as a filename for that gif before


A deals a deal user

Katawa Shoujo


Attached: reply_or_mother_dies_in_sleep.png (524x561, 445K)

Real life


I post that on filename threads, I just wanted to see if someone gets it

how about this??!?!?!

Attached: brennus_and_his_share_of_the_spoils_sack_of_rome.jpg (1032x1400, 220K)

system shock

Attached: 1550897543694.png (1200x675, 1.46M)


Attached: 1518644502751.jpg (2816x2112, 1.94M)

ok last one!? how about this one?????

Attached: Draper_Herbert_James_Ulysses_and_the_Sirens.jpg (1589x1311, 750K)


Stranded 2
UnReal World

That's not a game.
I'm serious about the question though. Is there a game where I can play as a warrior sometime in classical antiquity or the early middle ages where I go around adventuring and fight temptresses?

It's literally made after one of the me environments.

Clive barkers undying

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>enemy breach can instantly disable your monitoring capability and strike your sickbay
What retard designed this?

>inb4 HoMM3

Attached: harryhausen.jpg (590x329, 98K)

already familiar with Caves of Qud and Risky Rain

Attached: massimiliano-haematinon-nigro-20180823-191614.jpg (1920x1374, 502K)

fuckin' glad somebody else said it, thank you for existing user

Attached: lobotomy corp.gif (554x342, 1.75M)

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Radio Commander an indie game where you are a radio commander in a tent.
or PR or any arma I guess.

Attached: 3.jpg (1277x896, 732K)

The Last of Us

>caves of qud literally mentioned in the pic

I'm retarded, here's another though

Attached: 3631b569cc2a9ccad15eb7963008460a.jpg (1978x3000, 1.25M)

Dragon's dogma

Attached: it aint me.jpg (1790x2150, 755K)

Cry of Fear

Games for this feel?

Attached: 1527402749438.jpg (478x463, 158K)

Dead Space 3

kind of reminds me a bit of some areas in destiny 2

Chaos Reborn

Attached: unicorn.jpg (940x1712, 501K)

literally any game with close range dps, long range dps, tanks and supports

one of the good fallouts.

Total War:Warhammer

Attached: 1540683924454.jpg (1024x770, 1.05M)

bottom image source please

Attached: red-horse-michael-creese.jpg (900x717, 148K)

Cooking with Mama

any blizzard game

Attached: hydrafight.png (1920x1080, 2.41M)

Breath of the Wild honestly


Weed farming simulator 2019

War of the Monsters(PS2/4)
or Fighting Force 2(PS)

Hitman:Blood Money


any game that uses the allegory of the cave as a theme
I can't think of many right now

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Any battle royale.

Attached: ap.jpg (1170x700, 269K)

unironically modded minecraft


tides of numera.

Play dark corners of the Earth bröther

Attached: wilbur.jpg (768x1024, 156K)

Aahaha, that got me

Attached: 1524828313262.jpg (960x711, 43K)

Kingdom Hearts



trials of obi wan

gta5, informatively


Final fantasy 7.


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go fuck yourself cunt

Something that's designed to arouse you.

Looking at my waifu, what do you suggest I should play?

Attached: 1546198913798.jpg (640x627, 46K)

Oxygen not included

I just want something easy and calming to finish. Help me.

Attached: help.png (497x4795, 198K)


Free Cities

This Is The Police 2

use a breeder reactor

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The day of the rope can't come soon enough

boomer is an insult? The newest is the first generation to be lamer then the last. What happened to kids being cool and rebelling against the boring adults? Now everyone thinks younger millennials and zoomers are retarded.

total warhammer empire campaign with karl franz.

Please I'm desperate.

Attached: 1546537542708.jpg (661x900, 187K)

Literally no came that capture this feel
Any team based game

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Walking simulator: Christchurch

They're rebelling against reason and civility while claiming to be championing progress and harmony.

Attached: 5A645FF9-CBC5-4F6C-892E-7194650974B7.jpg (640x625, 238K)

>The newest is the first generation to be lamer then the last
Every generation thinks this you fucking dummy.

Pretty much everyone looks upon actual boomers with nothing but disdain and rightfully so. The meme type boomer isn't really insulting though, that's true

the type of man I want dead.


based. absolute classic.
no one on Yea Forums has played it though.

Obscure 1 & 2

Attached: 1465096801347.jpg (986x806, 345K)

You can just pirate it, bro.

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clearly you don't watch JAV


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Maximo: Ghosts to Glory, and that weird Dragon's Lair game

NaissanceE though it's not quite what you are looking for, maybe Journey too

shadow of the colossus

Fallout Shelter
Fallout 4
Fallout New Vegas
Fallout 3
Fallout: New Vegas: Old World Blues
Fallout 4
Fallout 4
Fallout New Vegas

Get the fuck outta here, Todd.


Based and Toddpilled

Attached: 1533594923495.jpg (900x1051, 492K)

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Skyrim with mods

Attached: gram.png (820x820, 72K)

that is so Kafkaesque

I'unno, I feel like there's potential for one.

Journey might get you close to it, or even just playing in a big 'ol empty gmod map with a buddy or somethink.

I could be that buddy, user.
In all seriousness that show gave me heavy YKK vibes, if you haven't read that yet.

Attached: Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou v08 c067 026-027.jpg (1535x1100, 226K)

real life

post the green text of this pic


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Death Stranding

Attached: 1451332325610.png (720x406, 586K)

Rain World.

>In 2010 the International Panel on Fissile Materials said "After six decades and the expenditure of the equivalent of tens of billions of dollars, the promise of breeder reactors remains largely unfulfilled and efforts to commercialize them have been steadily cut back in most countries".
>In Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States, breeder reactor development programs have been abandoned.

Pure sci-fi.

Attached: 1550549797188.png (940x1200, 1.2M)

Attached: 1515799103900.jpg (1681x1623, 600K)

Fallout 3
Fallout New Vegas
Fallout 76
Fallout 4
Fallout 4
Fallout 76
Skyrim with the 4k texture mod
Timesplitters Future Perfect
Skyrim :Dragonborn DLC
Fallout 4
Fallout 4 : Nuka World
leveling up in Skyrim
New Vegas
New Vegas
Fallout 4: Far Harbor

Or they could just have a deep mineshaft somewhere where they dump it. It's not like they have to survive for hundreds of years. A bunker of that size would not produce much nuclear waste.

>think & kick: big ass
what did he mean by this

Mad Max

Puella Madoka Magica

The Electric State

Attached: 6b1f5d9a86e02ecd7ed13a7b6826f47d_original.jpg (639x639, 114K)

Vikings age online!

Or drawf fortress

Attached: 1500043264102.jpg (1023x704, 290K)

How can I /ll/ in New Vegas



>Stranded 2
Jesus Christ, I haven't thought about that game in years. I thought like 100 people had played it in total.

>no not_todd.jpg

One job.

Love that artist honestly, top tier

Soul Sacrifice Delta

Mad Max

>play me user.
>I am probably still out there and free
Man I remember losing every hut I made every night when it got dark and rainy.

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Rape Day

Golden Sun

I'm thinking of a great game for pic related. Can anyone guess it?

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Ultima: Worlds of Adventure 2: Martian Dreams

The Moonman wad

A game where you have to make a difficult decision or try your luck.

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Endless legend. Play as Cultists.

Postal 2

what's the best way to play this game? I've tried it a few times but always find the combat to be a chore; should I just use auto-resolve?
something that annoys me is that it feels like you can't be very diplomatic

dmc5 with V


Company of Heroes

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Dwarf Fortress

man I wish I knew
Psychonauts maybe but it's a bit of a stretch

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Oh, damn. Thanks, user. Perspective is a bitch.

>living quarters between repair bay and generator
>monitor station and infirmary on the first floor
Nice, so if somebody breaks through the first floor not only are you unable to see what they do from now on, but all the wounded in the infirmary are fucked as well since they can't run.

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Cartoon Cartoon Resort

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nostalgia fucking overload

Lilith's Throne

I literally spend the whole game enslaving succubi and keeping them perpetually pregnant. I make money by selling their sexual fluids and breast milk.

Man i spent so much time on this shit, good times

then that one faggot didn't know what he was talking about.
IMO power the entire thing by the vibrations from the bed I'll be fucking lolis on 24/7

Crusader Kings 2

no stalker or metro

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CoD 4

>lab anywhere but in the top
lmao retard

Majesty Gold.

>people said this before planes were made
>today we mock them
we will mock you too


How about this, bois?

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Malcolm in the middle

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are you jewish

Shadowrun: Hong Kong

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Stalker is basically GYBE the game

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They Are Billions, Factorio


Darkwood, Silent Hill and Stalker

Yume Nikki

Musashi fights Kojiro
Musashi clubs kojiro to death with a boat oar
Musashi retires

The end

Dominions is correct

>living quarters right on top of power generator
who designed this?

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I need this feel.

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Patrician taste

That fight at the start of red dead 2,

Or overcooked, you'll feel like you're hitting the dirt and your comrade could've likely prevented it

people that wanted hands free orgasms in the middle of the night due to vibrations

Hi todd

Halo Reach Multiplayer
i only day that because I listened to strictly Electric Wizard while playing not sure why.

Death Stranding.

source? it's so nice
I'd say hotline miami

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Isnt it some sports game?

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Super Mario 64 Unreal engine 4 remake

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Generator on the bottom floor is very dangerous, water flows down, heat and smoke rise. If the generators get flooded you are fucked, if there is a fire you are all dead due to smoke. Ventilation should be near the top next to the generator room this way you can vent in case of fire and contain the fire better, this also gives ventilation to pull fresh air near the surface. You don't want your ventilation fans to overwork to pull air and pushing air to places that are far away from the fans. Water treatment should be on the bottom, water is generally going to come from wells, also this keeps water leaks from draining down all other floors. From there prioritize material movement for each of the other departments. the more floors you have to move to a destination the more work you will have to move something. depending on the facility repair should be closer to the surface. As you would be generally using drones or machinery near the surface.

Hytale it's not out yet

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Charles Barkley shut up and jam gaiden

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missing a danger room and a narrow corridor entrance filled with either glass large serrated discs or weaponized impulse driven minecarts

Life is strange

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West of Loathing if you want a game that looks like that, and is pretty funny

UFC Undisputed 2010

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Amazon circa 12,000 AD After the great wage cage wars.

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unironically fallout 76 has this feel

Bultima 7: Berpent Bisland

TF2 had a couple maps like that.

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I'm sure it had a GBA cash grab

Metro 2033

2064 Read Only Memories

Valiant Hearts The Great War

Train Sim

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>Doll maid A
That sounds like a normal female.

I got the art off of the Google Arts and Cultures thing, some pretty neat stuff on it. Only issue is that you have to screencap it because it doesn't let you just save the paintings as an image.

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Fuck off with this racist shit

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New Vegas

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Shadow of the Colossus

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King of the Monsters 2 has good kaiju feel, and since you can play it mame you don't even have to dump in $10 of quarters because of the BULLSHIT button prompts.

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Victoria 2

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