

Attached: Nisrael.png (812x556, 322K)

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I really wish I could think of a funny joke for this first post best post, but I can't. Sorry anons


what games do kikes play?

Oh what a shock we definitely didn’t know who was behind banning emuparadise

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Refugee Tycoon: Europa Edition

Doesn't exist

right now i'm in the middle of max payne 2 and i play tf2 regularly

They’re rich, have no shortage of kids to peddle bing bing wahoos to, and are less arbitrarily puritanical about media content than Gulf States.

What exactly is the issue here?


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>arm behind on the left side but in front on the right side
absolutely trigged

all thanks to you mr.goldenstien

The wrong side won the war.

Weird move, considering Nintendo's lack of market share in Israel. Other than the Gameboy Color, I don't think they had anything reach the local public's eye.

Most blokes I know just buy a "sony 4" because that's the next one after "sony 3" and "sony 2". They play FIFA, Pro Evolution Soccer and normie stuff.
Others play HoM&M and whatever's popular worldwide. Teens play Fortnite.

Bling bling oy vey

"Pilpul 2019 : Holohoax-is-the-only-argument-you-need edition"
But it's not really an upgrade over Pilpul 2018, the goyims' AI get dumber and dumber with every version.
Fucking Zionletronic Arts, tailoring the game for casual jews.

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>Israel hasn't been all over a company who's flagship series is a short little hairy man with a big nose chasing after loads of coins of different colours and values

I'm not believing this for a second.

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Other fun facts about how progressive and open minded Weimar Republic was : the vast majority of the "6 millions innocent books" burned by the nazi where mostly shit encouraging transgenderism, communism, and fucking kids.

Wario games

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here comes the JDF

Why didn't they burn all their bibles then?

Your post will be the most original one in this thread, so you've at least accomplished that.

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