Zelda Wind Walker & Twilight Princess HD coming to Switch



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Wake me when Skyward Sword HD comes out.

Who cares? I already have those on my Wii U.

Literally what games? Literally what console?

>excited for ports
yikes, on it on Nintendo I guess

Cool. Fuck wind waker but I'm down to replay TP since I skipped it on the Wii U.

is it going to be that Nvidia re-texture? because it fucking should be

I'd buy a switch if they ported all the Zelda Ive only played Botw on my brothers switch

Did this guy watch the IGN aprils fools direct and think they were real?

No Buy

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I like how he put "Best Buy" in there so people would take his bullshit seriously then when called on it he just says "Oh it's actually unrelated"

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Yes Nintendo are known for their exceptional PC ports

>Literally who twitter
Twitterfags need to be guillotined

>ports of remakes

I really shouldn't have bought a Wii U a few months ago
I wanted to play Mario Maker, Xenoblade Chronicles X, and WWHD/TPHD
So far it looks like fucking everything is getting ported over the ship that didn't sink.

portable midna

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Well duh
No one bought a wii U so they have to make money somehow

>port of a port
>port of an enhanced port
still mad about TP ''''''''''HD''''''''' fuck you Nintendo it barely looked different from the Wii game

No one bought that piece of shit besides you and I. Thank god it's been swept under the rug and we'll soon be able to forget it existed entirely.

Maybe they'll take the chance to replace WW's miiverse functionaliry.
On the other hand,
>WW without miiverse

>Piratefag has room temperature IQ

Not surprising.

When's Xenoblade X coming. That's the only one I care about.

>He owns a Wii U

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At least you're always going to have Nintendo Land. Which is unironically pretty good.

In 2 years and it'll have a 2 at the end of it.

Wii U is better than the Switch :)

>Getting excited to play mediocre adventure games for children from 15-20 years ago

Who actually does this?

big for the speedrunning communities if true

>More ports
>Not even ports of games that weren't previously on Nintendo consoles, just literally the same Nintendo games Nintendo has already released.
Oh man, so glad I bought a Switch. I can't wait to play literally every video game I already played years ago.

I swear to god if one of you faggots have the nerve to say "UH WHAT ABOUT NEW GAMES LIKE SPLATOON 2 AND ARMS??" I will shit down you chimney. Those are terrible baby toddler games and Xenoblade 2 sucks dick.

Why do people like pretending to be retarded consolewartards on this site?

>excited for a game he doesn't even know the name of

every fucking idiot on Yea Forums, have you been sleeping under a rock?

I won’t be happy until every 3D Zelda and Mario game are ported

Buy her game a third time.

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>Literally every WiiU game except Pikmin is on Switch

My girlfriend's boyfriends uncle who works at Walmart has a cousin who is Nintendo's dad and he said that a Majora's Mask remake in unreal engine is coming out on epic games store tomorrow, screenshot this post


Kek isn't that the faggot who told his followers to go spam Nintendo's anti-piracy website when someone uploaded the Smash Ultimate OST early

It's okay user, having shit taste isn't illegal yet.

>inb4 Tingle Tuner phone connectivity

I'm waiting for TP HD. I have it on WiiU but it's my favorite game and having it portable would be fantastic.

>her ass will be gone

ahahaha what a fucking bootlicker

Because barely anyone owned a Wii U when it released.

I'm not touching wind waker HD on any system until they fix the lighting.

You and me both, although I want every Zelda game, not just the 3D ones.

Nintendo fanboys only like Splatoon because it's the only shooting game on a Nintendo console. You would actually have to have a head injury to like Arms.

I'm a Pikmin fag, I had no choice.

>Twilight princess and windwaker again

God damn nintendo, I bet they port these fucking games for their next console too.

>it's a "person on twitter says they have insider information" thread

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I'd expect facebook/twitter myself.

>Liking Skyward Sword

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>he's never played Wonderful 101 or Pikmin 3
Top kek

>random twitter insider guy

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>I don't know about X
>but according to a few [sources missing] Twilight Princess HD and Wind Waker HD are both coming to the Switch eShop.
>Might be related to X
>Might not
>This is completely unfounded, grains. It's so baseless you can't even touch it.
>but if this is correct I want all the credit
>though if it isn't remember that I never said that this would happen, and that that I said that this is just a rumour, so don't hate me ok
Why does this never stop?

Are nintendo fans actual children? Were they just too young to be around in Wii U days?

No they are actual retards

Splatoon 2 is practically a port anyway at least unless you get the expansion.

>the most popular games for transsexual and flamboyantly homosexual Zelda fans
Oh. Goody.

Wow, so epic. Can it compete with a laptop emulator from 10 years ago?

>not liking the best 3d zelda
I haven't played botw, though, so it might be second best.

How about some GC games please? For the VC on the Wii U they almost made a concerted effort to avoid it for whatever reason. I don't want to be reliant on scummy ebay scalpers anymore.

I love WW & TP. This is nice if it's true.

A concerted effort means in concert with other entities or persons. I don't think Nintendo conspired with others to keep GameCube games off WiiU.

that fucker claimed Inklings were gonna be 4 DLC and Springman/Rex getting in at E3

I want to believe, portable Wind Waker sounds amazing and I want to replay TP for the first time since release. But I'll believe it when I see it.

>baby toddler games
>everything that doesn't look like TLOU is a baby toddler game
Based retard

>Who cares? I already have those on my Wii U.
basically the story of switch
just give us xenoblade x already

and lol at people wanting metroid prime trilogy collection again

I recently bought a second hand WiiU and hacked it. I'm pretty happy with it because the last time I played any of nintendo's games was back in the NES era and I was a toddler. After the NES I switched to Sega and PC with playstations and just never touched Nintendos until now. The wiiU has at least 10 games + tons of wii games worth playing and thats enough for me to buy it. I don't think Switch is worth it without full hack, however.

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Hahaha oh no he said it, hahahah epic XD

>The only way you could not like my Fisher-Price toys is if you're a sony fanboy!
Go fuck yourself, being disappointed by Nintendo's shitshow this generation is the morally right thing to do.

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>He think W101 is good.
major oof

Literally all I did is say the name of a Playstation 4 game, you implying I called you a Sony fanboy is what proves you're a Sony fanboy.

I was with you till the spoiler, I can't imagine buying a switch with the intention to play mature games for mature gamerz like me.

>basically the story of switch
>it's another "For the sake of this argument I'm gonna say everyone owns a Wii U again" post

Fuck off Egoraptor.

>first Persona 5

>he DOESN'T have a hacked Wii U that can play 3 platforms natively and all 2D consoles on a screen perfectly fitted for them in bed under a blanket

I never owned a GameCube or Wii, really happy about my Wii U overall. I bought it used recently though

Why is Yea Forums so quick to believe ""insiders""?

Cool, more games to run on yuzu

by the way, the build quality is still really excellent and it's a sturdy system, unlike the switch

why are nintendies so delusional?

I'd buy you a beer

>I didn't call you a fanboy, I just insinuated that you judge all games against a sony exclusive! Totally different!
Intellectually dishonest post.


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WWHD won't be as good without the miiverse function

>wahhh but I like MY console
Fuck off consolewar faggot.

Skyward Sword with proper controls would be great

WW HD & TP HD were already in 1080p on Wii U, so who cares

Cope, Seethe & Cry more
Highest Rated Games Ever
> 1. Ocarina of Time (1998, Nintendo) (372) (N64)
> 2. Chrono Trigger (1995, SquareSoft) (358) (SNES)
> 3. Breath of The Wild (2017, Nintendo) (302) (Switch)
> 4. Super Mario 64 (1995, Nintendo) (275) (N64)
> 5. A Link To The Past (1991, Nintendo) (272) (SNES)
> 6. Super Metroid (1995, Nintendo) (266) (SNES)
> 7. Super Mario World (1990, Nintendo) (262) (SNES)
> 8. Final Fantasy VII (1997, SquareSoft) (259) (PS1)
> 9. Final Fantasy VI (1994, SquareSoft) (256) (SNES)
> 10. Super Mario Bros 3 (1989, Nintendo) (256) (NES)
> 11. Resident Evil 4 (2005, Capcom (256) (GameCube)
> 12. Metal Gear Solid (1998, Konami) (255) (PS1)
> 13. Street Fighter II (1991, Capcom) (252) (SNES)
> 14. GoldenEye 007 (1997, Nintendo) (246) (N64)
> 15. Metroid Prime (2002, Nintendo) (246) (GameCube)

I insinuated that you judge videogames based on how realistic they look, hence why you judged Splatoon and ARMS by none of their merits other than how they look. You're a retarded graphicsfag and you should be ashamed your mom didn't abort you when she had the chance.

To be fair, Wii U would still be superior for WWHD/TPHD unless you’re unable to stick around a TV thanks to being able to punt the inventory to the Gamepad. That alone made up for the bloom spam in WWHD.

The third user you linked agrees with you, dipshit.

No, Splatoon and Arms are baby games because they're brainless, shallow, and deeply unfun. Don't put words in my mouth, dipshit.

Fucking this. I’d still buy a Pikmin 3 port though

Don’t care, all of you are faggots

>because they're brainless, shallow, and deeply unfun
Why? Because you don't like them?

The Wii U was a terrible console with good games.

>6. Super Metroid (1995, Nintendo) (266) (SNES)

>MFW this game still hasn't been remade.

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Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask, when?

Never happening. Skyward Sword was built from the ground up around motion swordplay, removing it would be like remaking Sunshine without Fludd because the Switch doesn't have analog triggers. Most people just want a remaster to look prettier, cut out handholding shit like Fi and item notifications, turn off motion controls for smaller activities, and maybe if we're lucky make pace killing sections optional content and fill the Sky with more stuff.

you're so much in defense force mode you don't even read the posts

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>Liking an objectively terrible waggle control game just to be a special snowflake
I bet you unironically shill Color Splash just because HOLY SHIT ITS SO INNOVATIVE AND DIFFERENT!!!

no it's shit

>according to a few sources
sorry kid, I’d like better proof than that

FF7 was never good

>Look at all these games from 4 generations ago! That proves that Nintendo is good forever!
Nostalgiafaggotry is a mindkiller.

Kill yourself.

>great games
>great browser
>miiverse functionality r.i.p.
>considered a terrible console by people who never owned one

>Wind Walker
It's called Wind Waker now bro

> Ignores BOTW being in the top 3

That we'll be playing for the 10th time.

>Who cares? I already have those on my Wii U.

I kinda agree. WW and TP was vastly improved by having the inventory on the second screen, something which won't be possible on Switch.

But then again, I'll buy it anyway. Portable WW and TP will be cool.

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He’s pretty reliable fwiw

Your mom is objectively my cock sock. Do you still love her!

I have like 20 games now lol.

7 ( S E V E N) of the Top 10 Greatest Games Of All Time are Nintendo games but seething kids on this board still try to deny Nintendo any praise. Welp.

Would you want another Samus Returns?

Guys I already own the original game cube version of WW and just finished TPHD a couple of days ago 100%. Does the WWHD at least has all the bullshit blocked by the gameboy advance cable?

>He doesn't own a hacked Wii U.

I feel bad for you.

>Does the WWHD at least has all the bullshit blocked by the gameboy advance cable?

No but that was pointless shit anyway. The HD remake improves the gameplay and general pacing of the game.

That dumbass shit is gone. Tingle gives you a Tingle Bottle, which allowed you to send Miiverse posts to other users as a message in a bottle for them to find. But now Miiverse is dead so it’s useless.
The Tingle Statues are still there and can be exposed with regular bombs, but you have to pretty much already know where they are.

Dude, you don't have a Wii U? Wow man, that's literally three fucking consoles in one once you hack it. Gamecube, Wii & Wii U games. You are missing out man.

can the switch play gamecube, nintendo, gba, snes, ds games? oh right....

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I somehow managed to find most of them first time in WWHD. Must be knowledge of Zelda 1's esoteric secrets that tips off "this little area is a bit too elaborate to be pointless", like the room in the Earth Temple with a song barrier, there are also hanging platforms above curse fog leading to a dead end. I thought it was a weird design choice in the original WW but now I get why it's there. I'm still made they ditched the Tingle Tuner stuff because that was actual content being blocked off from most players.

You and I would be good friends.

miiverse was the shit tho

>WW release: 2003
WWHD release: 2013
>TP release: 2006
TPHD release: 2016
>SS release: 2011
SSHD release: 20??

You should be able to figure this one out

we will never see its like again

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>stuck in a game
>post screenshot on communuty miiverse for help
>put out monster hunter lobby information
>actually talk about video games
And there will never be a successor.


we want new great games not replay games that we've already played

*ports your ports towards you*


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I will

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>wind waker hd
miss me with that shit

Oh he is one of those retards who still after 5 fucking games can not tell samurai bases the roster off last gen consoles?

Nah bought it once and it was enough for me.
I'd buy wind waker for the third time or skyward sword for a second time though.

why would it? It is perfect as it is.

>the April Fool's Direct wasn't a joke but an actual Direct

>a port of a port of a port

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skyward sword is great you fucking npc

Not an argument.

wake me when OoT and majoras mask are there

Reminder that that seething Nincel got banned from RetardEra for his fake Insider bullshit. Nothing to see here.

>getting banned from trannyera
>not for being an ebil natsee bigotes
Holy shit how low can someone fall


This, I would love those games on the go, and that's two more Wii U games I can trade in

Fuck, I seriously doubt I'll even be alive in 2099.


>Portable Midna

Yes please

>coming to eShop
Digital only? Where the fuck is 3D World Nintendo?

This is pretty likely, but Stealth is a retard that doesn't have any actual info

>everyone gets pissy about ports
>last nintendo console I owned was an n64
werks 4 me

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Why is everyone so excited about the two worst 3D Zelda games?

I will never understand why people make a big deal about ports somehow being negative. It was dumb that people complained about them when the PS4 was new and getting them and it's dumb to complain about these too.

The most common argument against them I see is "they should be developing new games instead" as if people genuinely think it takes the same amount of fucking resources, or even the same kind of team to port a game from Wii U to Switch as it does to develop an entirely new game in that series.

>but I already own it
Okay then. Don't buy it then? Why is it an issue?

What possible fucking reason do you people have to complain about ports?

they couldn't just make a zelda collection nwith WW TP and SS?

I just want Twilight Princess directors cut with the scrapped dungeons and enemies

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