Give me your worst "woke" moments in recent videogames.
Give me your worst "woke" moments in recent videogames
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I'm not entirely sure what I'm supposed to think about this. Can I get some context?
If white guys sleep with black women that's bad
It's a DC comic that was cancelled because it was selling so poorly so they wrapped it up in one issue. All the "witches" went and killed all their caretakers who were all good people to the tune of "smash the patriarchy!". One witch makes a cat dive through a mans stomach and climb out his mouth. This witch set her boyfriend (pictured) on fire and he killed himself by diving out the window.
based Ryan
What comic?
Ok but seriously can you just say the name
I was with a black girl for 3 years and I could jokingly say nigga with her. Didn't really matter to her considering she was straight from Africa.
>that ass game tho
didnt even notice the fire past that ass
Uhh... Hex Wives
Fuck China. WWIII needs to start now.
>our Blacks at Xbox
I don't think you're allowed to talk about them like that anymore Phil
I love how disconnected this sounds, like they keep their blacks in a cage in the basement or something
Here's the witch killing her step dad with a cat
>like they keep their blacks in a cage in the basement or something
Where else would you keep them?
So was there an actual reason to murder the dudes or was this just completely unwarranted
Do black people say "the n-word" in private? Seems more appropriate in this context that she just say he wants to say nigger.
Because he was in on the conspiracy that if she learned about her powers she would brutally murder people so he dated her and kept her from figuring it out. But she brutally murders him and like three other people right after
Phil, they aren't "blacks", they're "black people"
But the white women writing the comic don't have an n-word pass.
can someone post the cringy scene of ME:A about asari pronoun ?
I love how this could have been avoided if they just said "the" instead of "our"
I don't need to get with a black girl to say NIGGER
Holy shit that looks bad. Im not even a pro artist and i could make that scene look more violent and gory.
>he can't see a parody miles away
Based. M*n are literally unable to love anyone but themselves.
what's it a parody of? i don't keep up with the latest ebin memes.
It's not parody. Have you even read a comic in the last 10 years?
What's the N-word?
There's only one post in this thread of a video game.
>looking at the carvings on a pot
>"inclusive gameplay"
>There's a conspiracy to keep you from learning about your powers out of the fear you'll murder a bunch of people
>Prove them wrong by murdering a bunch of people
Great logic
imagine seeing a pot with only men attending a class and going NO I MUST CHANGE THIS, HISTORY WAS SEXIST
Lmao picture of the writer:
I know its one big bait slideshow but wtf. whining on social media about your struggle is not extra work or even job relevant. if it wasn't for tossing that card out at the slightest sign of adversity they wouldn't even have those jobs.
Wait, is that how it works? If you fuck a black chick you get to say nigger? Is it once per fuck or do you get freedom to say it as much as you want as long as you fuck away least once every couple weeks?
I'd care more about niggas at Nintendo
It says it's not historically accurate but I'm not getting any search results for the vase it's actually based on.
>those giant fucking soulless insectoid eyes
why did seeing "him" trigger a fight or flight response
Is that a human?
So she tried to peg him in bed and he beat her up for it?
Pretty cool game.
If you make them cum you get to say it for life.
It lasts as long as the relationship does.
The reason it's inaccurate is because the art depicts girls at a class, but girls didn't attend schools in ancient Greece
She pegged him then he came on her
Yea Forumsmblr applauds this
The reason labor reform will not happen in this country for a while. Thank you, identity politics, for convincing everyone that unions are the same as "We're Sorry" marches.
Kek. The primary method of recruitment in our colonies was simple: either they belonged in what we perceived as a "warrior tribe" or not. The first category was derivated from the time we BTFOed their asses. If they showed some military pride during that time, it was good for them. If not, they'll be left to rot in their shithole. That's why we mostly drafted Morrocans and West Africans. Also, they were liked by the french population, who was not racist against them at all, since they understood well that Bamboula was here to take the g*rman bullet before Jean-Jacques, nothing more. I'm happy to pay those dudes their war pensions. I'm less so inclined to pay for the niggers lurking in Paris.
>Not wanting to be sexually assaulted every 15 minutes when playing a game
>we cannot make room for the people that have money and buy video games.
Of course they fucking do. They're probably fapping to that comic as we speak.
>a battosai810 spess muhreen
Really makes those almonds activate.
you guys really cant help but bite all the outrage bait you can find
'ere in my country we just say oy lovey ou got bangin' tits and its fine amercica is a weird place can't even say you like tits
Funny, in Italy they are remembered as rapers
>Oi'm gabbin bout ya minge ya daft cunt!
still the most offensive thing is that disgusting font
yeah it's fun stupid
I'm not so sure about the validity of these claims
It's the lifeblood of this board.
comics have been completely ruined by sjws and I fear that games are going to be in a very similar state soon
What about the Black Israelites?
What's with the haphazard capitalization?
>maybe learn something about history
No it's because of whining shitbags like you who won't join with laborers you disagree with to affect change. Do you think everyone is like you? Learn to put the well-being of laborers shove your petty bullshit.
Poorly educated diversity hires
The thing is, comics were, even years ago, a dying medium. Slowly dying yes, but sales will never again get to the levels they were in the 90's. Video games are in nothing but an upward swing, especially because technology advancing actually helps them. Unlike comic books and printed comics becoming outdated
Do people actually think Wakanda is a real place in Africa?
Fuck yes, I'm a gay wife. This sounds right up my alley
fuck video games
Everything is going to get ruined, the entire millennial generation is just a walking disease bag of retardation that's going to spill over.
Yes, some people like laughing at stupid shit.
dunno if "literally" fits as a word in fantasy vocabulary
>want to post a picture of a black kike
>type in "black jew" in google
>1st result
Can't make this shit up.
This was fucking retarded.
it's like they got all the trannies who wrote the gay snowflake fan fiction character stories that litter the first game to write the main characters in the sequel
"Where is Wakanda" was one of the most google searched thing the year Black Panther was released.
This reads like a Tumblr post. Who the hell wrote the dialogue for this game?
saying Wakanda isn't real is hate speech, user
this game all screencaps are from, whats the weirdest kinky shit it lets you do? can you dress up a dude in latex and spank him
Answered your own question.
>Hahaha look at those stupid blacks searching for hope in a sea of despair
any body got the screen shot from wolfenstein where they say "fucking white scum" or something like that
What's wrong with this exactly?
This one still makes me mad as hell.
Wants his daughter to play a 18+ game, wants to lie to her about history, instead of using his position to make her empathize with the soldiers who died prefers to cater to self-inserts and encourage her to be egotistical, only caring about herself.
Wants to make it seem like women were always seen as equal to men, therefore why the fuck are people complaining today about inequality?
Could've easily picked from the actual women of war, show their story and struggle, instead makes donut steel like some knockoff Mad Max.
It's been a while since I've been happy for a game failing, because if any game deserved to bomb, it was this one.
Legit a bunch of trannies, hamplanets, and dangerhairs. Worst part is this shit is pretty tame but most people didn't take screenshots of the most deranged writing because everybody dropped the game in the first four hours.
>hahaha look at those blacks confusing abject stupidity for hope
What's wrong with being sexually assaulted every 15 minutes by 30 playersexual crewmates?
It's Yea Forums and not Yea Forums, but I was curious enough to check for myself. Here's an interview with the lead writer. He's not indicating any parody, and neither is the rest of the press.
Yet the still don't have an empire in Central Africa that is a 1st world country...
Many still believe in Magic and 100% PROVEN FALSE BELIEFS...
They don't believe in Race Realism but will make claims that otherwise support if their vanity benefits...
Really makes you thonk, who are the real cultural appropriators...
It ain't biting at the bait, this thread is calling out the BS narrative and political shitstorm that elites, governments, lobbyists, and Cultural Marxist multiculturalism are spreading like a plague. It's using common sense to tell you their shit under your shoe when you smell it and have a weird feeling something happened.
That's not really woke, that's just a very shitty implementation of romance.
You can practically hear her ego swell with each sentence
The point is that "woke" people make shit games. How have you not caught onto that?
The VTM: Bloodlines 2 pronouns shit
Just post actual cringy woke shit in videogames so I can have a laugh, I don't give a fuck about your points, you fucking faggot.
White guys have been saying this for years. Nice of the niggers to champion that for us now that condemning miscegenation has gone out of vogue
>hotline miami was a stealth game
casual pleb detected
How about you contribute to the thread instead of being a parasite in every aspect of your life.
Marxs hated homosexuality.
What the fuck?
>Could've easily picked from the actual women of war
cant do much with that. most of the notable ones were propaganda pieces
Marxism is jsut a code word *wink wink* for particularly "well read" "woke" individuals who don't want to say communism and who think socialism isn't enough.
Pretty sure the arabs did, but arabs look pretty white to me.
I wish Joseph McCarthy was still around.
Get on my level. I make fake outrage overreacting to fake outrage bait.
>One witch makes a cat dive through a mans stomach and climb out his mouth.
It’s a fetish comic.
Your "contributions" are garbage, that's my point.
Want to breed this sow
Pretending to be a triggered incel is fun because it illicits reactions as well
It's fun you should try it
I'm eager to see what kind of environment all this safe spacing will do to the real world. Everything is so padded now, but things can't be like that forever. The repercussions are going to be great, just a whole generation of useless sad sacks.
>I think this thread SUCKS!
If you're close with anyone black they're fine with you saying nigga. Unless they're specifically from either New York, California, or Kansas City.
Especially 35+ blacks who grew up in the most racially harmonic era any country has ever been in.
as much as i fucking LOATHE league of losers, i am kind of curious what heroes are popular in china other than wukong.
Hot and I'm into it but keep your kinks in private or at fetish parties where everyone is consenting to be there. "Public humiliation" should never go beyond fetish parties. Keep that shit out of the public where normalfags and children are.
Anything not getting a rework is played in China.
>white niggas "apologizing" for their privilege
>Nigga Niggas thinking today's white niggas owe them anything
Can't you niggas just coexist? Everybody love everybody it's that fucking easy.
The manifesto is a 50 page book that was mean to be read by illiterate workers during breaks. Reading it is not an acomplishment.
Holy shit. This comic is garbage. What did DC think this was a good idea?
It's a shitty comic that got cancelled at issue 6 and more people bought it to shit on it than to actually read.
Why are you lying when you can easily just click Yea Forums to find out the truth?
Peter still fucked her raw.
>had a black friend
>he said nigger and nigga all the time
>was cool with both from his friends so long as they were joking
>fast forward 5 years to present
>he’s now borderline hotep, hates his former friends, tried to expose one online for saying nigga
Make it stop please
90% of DC and Marvel comics are all "propaganda" now with 10% keeping the lights on.
>chinks saved wukung from the reowrd grinder
wtf I love china now
Now that's what I call diversity!
Why would you want to call someone nigga though? It's so artificial, unless you've only had black friends for most of your life.
I met a black guy and hanged together for a few months and I just called him "dude", like I do with every other friend. I had no need to be some retarded wigger and suck his cock for his approval to call him nigga. It's just fucking awkward and unnatural dude, just b urself.
Sorry. I'm not into blacked porn
apparently the blacks themselves picked that name
Feels good
this thread just makes me think women working on games was a mistake
Yea Forumsmblr's too busy celebrating Captain Marvel doing well. Because corporations getting richer is feminism something something
t. mutt
Kill me.
I've been trying to do that since fucking forever, but them social justice niggas ain't right, they preach love and shit but they're full of hate themselves, you say anything they disagree with and they harass you and try to make you lose your job, even if you apologize they never forgive. I wish it was just as easy as going out, meeting a bunch of cool peeps on the webs and having a good time with my niggas but it's aint that easy bro.
Didn't marvel say they were moving away from that shit because it doesn't sell?
They've been working in games for about as long as there have been video games. The only difference is that they were competent and dedicated to gaming, not dedicated to twitter's idea of what gaming should be.
That better not be a tranny, cos she cute.
He joined something.
Doesn't matter what it is but any black focused group is poison for racial harmony because regardless of spoken intentions there will always be someone eager to force feed someone racial bullshit.
Independent blacks are harder to go for shit that would pit them against friends, and are usually the ones who are most likely to call out bullshit.
For example one of the black guys at my job a couple days ago was telling some black woman about how abortion centers are near black neighborhoods to cull blacks and that's why rich white women are always the ones trying to say killing your baby is a human right.
Here's an hour of Gearbox talking about fat acceptance, gay acceptance, smashing the patriarchy, and trannies.
Then turned out to be a pedo.
How are they moving away from it when they keep making #1's with Captain Marvel and shit?
Wasn't the girl 18?
Seeing as that was the first thing to pop into your head I'm willing to bet despite being "not into" it you have a folder full of it.
Purely for shitposting purposes, right?
not really.
some white male character returned but they are still written like losers so that female and minority characters can look good in comparison.
also the plot and dialogue is still 99% about sjw and feminist propaganda like "white male privilage" or "the wage gap"
sexy female costumes are still also forbidden but literally every comic nowadays has at least one home erotic shot of a half naked buff guy.
sell numbers continue to go down. batman, spider-man and iron man all don´t even manage to sell 100k issues a month.
it´s absolutely shocking how much comics have been destroyed by sjws
I don't get blacks who get mad over others using the word nigger, especially if it's meant as banter. How fragile do you have to be to get hurt by words? I don't give a shit when someone calls me a nigger, even if it's a stranger.
>According to the date, Nazis are the new whales.
What the everloving fuck does that even mean.
This is a world, of course, where Nazi means "Literally everyone that doesn't 100% agree with my extremist views", and whales being people who spend an exorbitant amount of money on microtransactions.
How does that overlap? In any way? What does one of them ever have to do with the other? What the fuck is wrong with her brain?
Fuck off with that "According to the data" bullshit, as if you have a single actual fact to base your shitty opinion on, you just wanna sound objective even though your entire career, ego and your perceived fame are based on pure subjectivity.
God, that sentence makes me mad just through its sheer idiocy.
They were, but the SJWs bitched at them so hard that they took it back and now I think Disney is shutting the Marvel comics division down because they don't make a profit.
>sea of despair
well they can't swim so you might be right but go kill yourself tranny.
White men are buying the majority of microtransactions in the US. Which makes sense when 90% of gamers are white men.
Because when it isn't used for banter it is used to insult, and people get mad when they're insulted.
Man you expect to much of me.
I don't even have a smug anime girls folder.
That dude is clearly a chink
You call HER nigger slave because they love it obviously. I've yet to meet a woman that doesn't like degradation of some sorts, even from time to time
>This is your average /pol/tard
not buying this "nazi" bullshit but as somebody who interacts a lot with crowdfunded projects I would totally agree that projects that sjws would consider "racist" or "sexist" for having stuff like a mostly white cast or pretty female characters in skimpy clothes are making absolute gangbusters right now.
A small indie studio nowadays can easily make more profit then a generic tripple a title simply by pandering to the right type of audiences.
None sjw games have become so raw that they actually look unique and diverse in todays gaming landscape
>being offended by the rape scene in HM2
It was literally a movie scene. The point of it was to show how dogshit the movie was going to be and how much it exaggerated the events it was based on.
We need another plague.
I wonder if they changed their attitude a bit after blunderborn
choccy milkies
It isn't degradation, it is having the balls to say it. Women don't want pussy limp-wristed men who ask permission to kiss.
Slap her ass, pull her hair, bite her a little. Black women have more testosterone than any other race's females so they're pretty much always down for rough stuff.
Yeah but an insult is an insult. Why would I get more mad over the word nigger than any other insult?
It’s true.
A nigress can lift an entire table and chuck it at someone like a slab of cardboard so that’s not surprising. I’ll stick to light skin though
look at anthem.
spent millions of dollars and 7 years to end up with the most generic game that still hardly works and has almost zero content.
products are just going to get more and more shitty as time goes own until society doesn´t function anymore
Because it is used constantly as an insult. Same reason every race gets up their ass over their classic insults that's been used for decades if not centuries.
they consider it a victory over the /pol/ incel bully incels
> 'lying'
i-is this a personal attack on me?
2P a best.
You’d think after 300 years of calling someone a nigger that they’d just stop caring
Yes. Now you get set on fire by a nigress.
I dont get, why is "Nigger" such a no no word? I mean, im not even saying it to be dismissive or racist, im saying it because its an actual word that exists and see no reason to use it in a roundabout way when its clear its not being used in a pejorative way, do people think that its racist to use literally everytime its being said without caring for the context or the intention of the phrasing? Reminds me of a thing that happened in a meeting of politicians/court of law in my country I think that one of the people there had to be retired of the building by the police because she said the word "vagina" out loud despite the subject being talked about having everything to do with that part of the body
Is it like in the bible where no one is ever allowed under any circumstances to say the name of God? If I was in the USA and said to some racist dude "you cant say nigger" would I go to jail because I used that word, or at least, called out as racist because I just used it?
Fun fact, Nigger wasn't widely used until after the slaves were freed. Historically Negro and Colored were used far more than nigger.
Because instead of NOT being a nigger like the stereotypes imply, blacks continue to be niggers. It’s a call to stop being hood rats and jigaboos and actually become functioning members of society.
>Because it is used constantly as an insult
But.. it literally isn't. Ever heard of banter?
Could have focused on the Russian female soldiers in ww2. There the propaganda was opposite: after the war the Russian government toned down the women's input as much as possible as they thought it would make the USSR look weak
so are you going to stop using incel as well and refer to it as the I word?
I mean everything you said about nigger does fit incel as well given enough time
Does this mean that they were treated better as slaves?
that´s some nice feminist revisionist history you got there user
All units, be advised: FEMINISM IS AWESOME!
It turns out that the actual customers aren't woke as fuck as she is.
We'll see with the new BL. Do they have, what was his name? Ashey Birch? The Uberkek? Is he still writing for it?
Drunk dark skin black women have more testosterone than Asian men. If you have any kind of orc, ogre, or giantess fetish they're what you want. They fuck like they're in heat and it is fucking godly if you're into that, but catch them sober and be strong enough to dominate and they will worship you.
Light skins have been diluted by the miscegenation, so they're pretty much typical if a little more sexually aggressive
Half and half mixed girls are where you want to go if you want to play out your massa kink.
No it means when they say "nigger" was used to demean slaves they're lying/incorrect.
Hey is that youtube girl on the left?
The new BL looks like trash. Epic buying exclusivity cements that
I liked the Shadowrun games
You don't insult your toaster, do you?
>If you have any kind of orc, ogre, or giantess fetish they're what you want.
Nooooooo I want an orc, ogre, or giantess. I don’t want a hulking nigger
>no argument
Mccarthy rightly realized America was in extreme danger and took extreme steps to stop it
Sadly it was already too late, most of the 20th century was spent laying the groundwork for social marxists to infiltrate the deepest levels of society while America was coveniently busy fighting two world wars, an economy crash and by the time it could actually focus solely on itself it was already too late, the trap was set and soon the social upheavals began.
We need more men like Mccarthy, and yes, even Hitler, who are not afraid to address the problem everyone is too blind to see or is intentionally ignoring, and do anything they can to put a stop to it.
probably zin zow
I do when I’m having a bad day :(
Because people will stab you for it.
Nah, it's bullshit what happened with the battlefield game or ac odyssey, but this fits the bill. Of course it's not like women were the vast majority of the army or did the most work but the USSR needed soldiers
absolutely true. they also have the huge benefit of built-in hype networks that make lots of noise in support of projects that conspicuously buck the leftie "sjw" trend.
The difference between "Nigger" and shit like "Slope" or "Chink" is night and day.
Read the chain. It can be used in banter with black friends, but if it isn't being used in banter it is being used to insult. Plus it is typically the go to insult for anyone mad at a black person so it gets that association young and reinforced constantly..
It doesn't affect me much, because nobody used it growing up. My friends would call me a piece of charcoal or something when we'd get into it. Then we'd fight and go back to being bros.
What went wrong with Battleborn?
>we we we we
You weren't part of any of this, so stop being as retarded about this as the niggers are
More like
>look at those stupid people of all kinds trying to find an imaginary land made up in a comic book
Because chinks have lighter skin than niggers?
lmao nice job not posting the image faggot
>but if it isn't being used in banter it is being used to insult.
Guess it’s true, not everyone can handle the bantz
Funny, but I'm talking more about how much the words are "Feared"
I've never used the word. It is literally a reddit idiom.
The fact that you see it on Yea Forums Yea Forums, and /pol/ more than any other board is indicative of how far these boards have fallen.
Freindly reminder, if you want to know how communism got into America jsut look up Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie, yes the same people who build all the railroads, steel, and roads and cars and hospitals and colleges etc etc etc
>It can be used in banter with black friends
My white friends also use it as banter, just like I do banter about other races all the time. Does that mean we're racists?
How the fuck is it possible to fear a word?
>Idris_Elba has been banned due to toxic behaviour
>If you have any kind of orc, ogre, or giantess fetish they're what you want
Don't you fucking DARE compare my sweet, kind, motherly giant girls to a bunch of drunken clods you fucking troglodyte.
Ask the Jews when they get named.
“I’ve been found out”
Is she going to murder him because he fancies her?
Slope wasn't used used as much as slant-eyes or chink. And chink will still get you a beating in Chinatown.
As far as I can tell this is some really shit way of saying that you need to get the dull, technical, nuts-and-bolts work done before you can focus on the flashy high-level stuff that you want to work on.
>no "fuck off" option
Tyranny was better.
sounds based and redpilled desu
Both sides agree then that's good
Good to see low int runs are an option in the game, thought they went out of vogue after fallout 2
That's not a low int run, that's just an option
>there are a bunch of colours to choose from
In some cases, yes. You wouldn't insult another man's horse or tractor. Slave owners had an obligation to make sure their livestock didn't go around trashing the neighborhood.
If a person had an issue with a slave, they had the additional option of taking it up with the owner, rather than taking action themselves, or going to the police.
The question is will it be woke trash, stupid trash, or just boring as fuck trash.
Shadowrun as a setting is explicitly multicultural, but wasn't shy from showing cultural conflict.
>you got a loisence for that dangerous breed
First, this is a really shitty Photoshop. Plus, whoever created this fundamentally misunderstands Marxism; historical materialism is not deterministic, it is simply a method for analyzing the role in class contradictions in shaping historical development, and the relationship between base and superstructure. Using Marxism to justify a deterministic view of history is idealistic ultraleftism.
No. She’s a witch, and didn’t know she was a witch, but he did. It was kept a secret from her because people thought she would kill innocent people if she knew. She reacts to this by murdering her boyfriend by setting him on fire, and doing the same to 3 others.
My guess is all 3. Boring stupid and woke trash
Two shekels deposited into your account
Hey, I hate arabs and all since they took half of my country over a milennia but niggas be smart, washing hands saved middle europe.
Here’s Marxism in a nutshell:
Give me that for free
I play Degrees of Lewdity so I can be sodomized every 3 minutes, pleb
Because it is known that in polite company that you don't say nigger. It would be like asking why do Jews get so bent out of shape because you said kike. It's just a shortening of kikel or circle in yiddish, right?
Usage around friends is different, but that goes for any insulting words.
Wouldn't call anyone a motherfucker unless we're buds or they've pissed me off.
And when there are a lot of white guys who have literally no life and spend all their incoming on videogames and twitch streamers
>When shit is so bad that video games are your only way to get away from the shit.
They’re even taking video games away too
>6 options
>3 for "yes, let's butt-fuck"
>1 for "i really, really want to but we can't"
>1 for "no, but it's perfectly reasonably to proposition your captain like this"
>only 1 option to tell him to fuck off, and it's not even severe enough for his grossly disrespectful attitude towards the fucking CAPTAIN
Gee, I wonder.
>make sure you put the blacks in the front to show our diversity!
Change green to black, shortent the tusks, and shave the head.
Search your boner, you know it to be true.
To be fair he only ever says that line after killing one the female characters.
Yeah no. Sorry nigger lover
There's a lot of normal dialog options like that in PoE2. They're not intended as low int, they were just Obsidian's way of competing with Larian after the success of D:OS2.
It was actually recieved reasonably well by the pro comics press. And there's quite a few other titles of a similar genre that were critically aclaimed. Bitch Planet. Maneaters, ect.
They sold like garbage, but probably broke even.
Face it, you just have a mommy fetish
You may not like it, but it is as close to an orc you're going to get.
That'll teach him.
What do you think surplus value is? Free shit for the bourgeoisie.
Probably not. But I've been wrong before.
>anime chick with big teeth
Begone weebtrash
Again nah. I’ll stick to 2D over coons and mammies
yeah it's actually her wtf
it's so hard to tell if this shit is done out of fear or if things really are this embarrassing
Banter ends where offense begins.
I don't have any sfw edits, but just search the name cedargrove.
This is technically true under capitalism. Any kind of action is political, that however does not mean it is intended as a political statement. This is mostly due to the way that anything tied to money shapes the policies around it.
It’s both. They fear the vocal minority for some fucking reason and can’t stop embarrassing themselves over it
Anyone that takes offense is a faggot
Well if you're going to compare 2D to 3D in any capacity it isn't fair.
Keep enjoying the best this world has to offer.
I will fren. I refuse to let this nigger faggot tell me that blacks and orcs are the same thing sexually
Why would I want to look at generic anime chicks with "orc" stuff plastered on them? The who anime orc fetish is retarded.
Shouldn't game companies be concerned with making the best game they can to make the most money instead of worrying about dropping bluepilled tidbits in the game?
I remember when I used to call people nibbas just for fun on there since it was a meme at the time. Then they ban me for it and say i'm just a toxic gamer that wants to insult the enemy team and opress women and minorities fuck off
the way war veterans have been treated the last half century or longer is fucking embarassing. The fact that random immigrants from literally where are treated like kings compared to PTSD-ridden vets lacking a limb or two even being forced to live on the street and called babykillers by uninformed cal-i's really activates one's almonds
Of course not. Even relatively non political AAA games are 60 percent marketing.
Do it faggot. I’ve got my N-Word pass
I just take it as Sweden being completely ignorant of everything not going on in Sweden.
It's not historical revisionism if there is 100% transparency, it's artistic choice.
>keep your public humiliation fetish private
kinda defeats the purpose, I imagine
I didn't say they were the same, I specifically said they're the closest you're going to get.
Nothing 3D can compare to 2D. No reality can live up to fantasy. But they're literally the next best thing.
>thinks cedargrove is weeb in any way
His first story is about orc women razing a town breeding the men and enslaving the women. Complete with the men being integrated into the clan after successfully impregnating an orc.
cedargrove isn't weebtrash.
>Our pet blacks at Xbox
>That fucking controller
Late but the whole
>Jews were enslaved by Egyptians
is almost 100% bullshit. Theres quite literally zero historical evidence behind it and a giant pile of evidence disproving the possibility.
Most early humans didn't live in caves, actually. That's the only factual inaccuracy I can see in this pic
It's because they're not capitalists, obviously
>Next best thing
Fuck that and fuck no.
In all reality it was probably just someone assuming it was normal to put them both on a pot (because who the hell cares about a pot design?) but when they started shilling their historical accuracy thing they had to mention it
>game devs
This shit is just middle class college grads trying to get benefits meant for the working class and tradesmen. Their work doesn't involve risking their own lives or providing a communal service so why do they deserve a union?
when you least expect it
people whose prior game experience was western porn VNs
>not posting the best version
I hard R it around my black friends unless I'm quoting someone else who said nigga
Alright then, what would be the next best thing to glorious 2D orcs?
3D orcs don't exist, white women are weak, asian women are sexually passive, western raised asians are just whites who age even worse.
What in the realm of 3D compares?
post more on the subject, if you can please
how do you miss the point of the Hotline Miami 2 scene THAT BAD holy shit
God I love this shit
What does woke mean? Is it the complete opposite of redpilled and means that you're fully submerged in the sjw lifestyle and beliefs?
>history is sexist
>better change it :o)
these fucking guys
>Jews participated in the European colonization of the Americas, and owned slaves in Latin America and the Caribbean, most notably in Brazil and Suriname, but also in Barbados and Jamaica.[104][105][106] Especially in Suriname, Jews owned many large plantations.[107] Many of the ethnic Jews in the New World, particularly in Brazil, were "New Christians" or conversos, some of which continued to practice Judaism, so the distinction between Jewish and non-Jewish slave owners is a difficult distinction for scholars to make
Oh well, just say White people did it.
>The Jews of Algiers were frequent purchasers of Christian slaves from Barbary corsairs.[108] Meanwhile, Jewish brokers in Livorno, Italy, were instrumental in arranging the ransom of Christian slaves from Algiers to their home countries and freedom. Other reports indicate Jews as being very active in assisting the release of English Christian captives.[109] In 1637, an exceptionally poor year for ransoming captives, the few slaves freed were ransomed largely by Jewish factors in Algiers working with Henry Draper.[110]
not him but amateur biblical scholar. The entire story dates from the babylonian captivity, ~6th century BCE, which is when most of the "old testament" was actually codified. It was written as a parallel to the exile from palestine that the jews were experiencing in at that time, hoping for their eventual return. There just isn't any evidence that they were ever mass-imprisoned in egypt, either in egyptian records or israelite records.
That poor woman is about to get hipchecked into the wall from midfield
>Jews and descendants of Jews participated in the slave trade on both sides of the Atlantic, in the Netherlands, Spain, and Portugal on the eastern side, and in Brazil, Caribbean, and North America on the west side.[111]
>After Spain and Portugal expelled many of their Jewish residents in the 1490s, many Jews from Spain and Portugal migrated to the Americas and to the Netherlands.[112] Jewish participation in the Atlantic slave trade increased through the 17th century because Spain and Portugal maintained a dominant role in the Atlantic trade and peaked in the early 18th century, but started to decline after the Peace of Utrecht in 1713 when Britain obtained the right to sell slaves in Spanish colonies, and Britain and France started to compete with Spain and Portugal.[113] By the time the worldwide slave trade and European sugar-growing reached its peak in the 18th century, During the 19th century, some Jews owned some cotton plantations in the southern United States.[112]
So like that time all those White people tried to find where the Na'vi were when Avatar came out?
I love where this is going. There will be no women or women's teams left in any major sports, at this rate. Trannies will replace them all.
Maybe this is how we save mankind. Give rights to MTFs, take rights away from actual women. Men are better at being women than women, after all.
No archeological records of the whole Exodus either
I thought it was well-known that it was all fairytales
More or less. It's thinking you know the truth or pretending you know the truth that isn't actually represented in reality, or is complete poppycock in any sense.
>The role of Jewish converts to Christianity (New Christians) and of Jewish traders was momentarily significant in Brazil[114] and the Christian inhabitants of Brazil were envious because the Jews owned some of the best plantations in the river valley of Pernambuco, and some Jews were among the leading slave traders in the colony.[115] Some Jews from Brazil migrated to Rhode Island in the American colonies, and played a significant but non dominant role in the 18th-century slave trade of that colony
>jeremy clarkson getting a slap on the hand for saying the shitty rickety bridge they crossed over had a literal slope on it, just as a vietnamese dude was crossing over as well
No. It takes it's roots from the same concept as redpilled. Just a leftist form of redpilled. Awaken the sleeper. See through the veil and into the heart of the truth.
Fetish events should fulfill "public" humiliation. Exposing the non-consenting public to your kinks with disregard for them makes you a sociopath. Normies don't want to see sissy maids in public.
No such thing as ethical grammar under capitalism.
Not even trannies, that's the hilarious part. It's clearly just a regular dude who wants to dominate the entire league simply by pretending to be a tranny. And they can't do anything about it because it's a made-up condition so they can't prove him wrong
"i'm not looking for any complications" is "fuck off but politely since we work together"
you need to get out more
reminds me of that fucked up vid of some homeless dude eating a kitten alive
fucking fucked up shit humanity needs to die
I wonder what he did with the 4th bullet.
Egypt didn't have much slavery in general, it had a fuck ton of the equivalent of serfs which you could argue are slaves but thats splitting hairs.
Take the great pyramid where the 10,000~ people who built it's homes were said to be larger than average for the time and had honored burials in stone tombs near the pyramid in thanks for their contribution after the fact. It was proven that Farmers made up large amount of seasonal laborers who worked on them during the months where the niles floods. We have information about the amount of food they ate and it was better than normal people got in the time.
The first ever evidence of ANY jewish people in Egypt is over 2000 years after the construction of the great pyramid. And they were just Persian soldiers.
Theres also literally zero evidence of a "mass exodus" of any people let alone Jews from Egypt and they kept pretty damn detailed records/
>chinese MMO i played sold $60 outfits
>i bought every one
dude I wish I had a black gf so I could say the N word
I hear some of them like being called that in bed. That’s pretty hot
On the one hand this is ridiculous clown world bullshit that needs to be stopped, but on the other hand it's fucking hilarious to see women freak the everloving shit out over a different group of people being seated at the top of the modern progressive stack.
Funny thing is, women aren't entirely blameless in losing their favor either. So many stayed silent or played along when Muslims started being culturally cocksucked like a decade ago, which showed that women are a group that won't fight back greatly anymore when they start to have special treatment taken away.
if you love men so much why dont you marry one?
The fact that slave, serf, and employee could all be argued to be the same thing makes the whole thing seem pointless to discuss. Ultimately, some people have to do the work some of the time, and it might be miserable until we've perfected society.
If nobody builds it, nobody can rely on it.
Yup, you can't look much more Jewish than this
No it means friends with benefits
To put it in the most simple fashion
>No Jews built the pyramids because Jews didn’t exist at the period when the pyramids were built
I'm already married. To justice.
>Surplus value
You mean profit. Only retards call it surplus value, and only retards think any exchange is done for a 1:1 value.
>anywhere in the 80s/90s was racially harmonic
Haha holy shit you’re retardrd
>Civil rights ended so that means everyone was happy right?
Next you’ll say blacks stopped being oppressed in the 1860s
>what inc*ls actually believe
so this is why men talk about the friendzone like it's an actual thing, huh
user there was slavery in Egypt but the people who built the pyramids were quite literally not slaves.
Yes they were poor people but its not like Egyptian royalty went through the slums and picked ten thousand dudes and forced them into labor.
They said "come work for us and we will feed you really goddamn well and you get a roof over your head"
They don't have threads supporting it.
It’s real but only if you’re ugly and American
marxism = being the boss of a business?
Most evidence shows the workers on the pyramids were actually builders and masons to begin with, so they were not even poor people.
>it is real
Is it not? I have several women I'm friends with that I don't particularly want to fuck, isn't that the definition of a "Friendzone"?
Yea Forums was talking shit about it since it was announced
I think so, look I'm gay myself and absolutely hate all the identity politics being crammed into games. They always come across as pandering at best and coldly calcutaled marked decisions at worst. I don't have a problem with diversity and representation what I do have a problem with is when the discourse is made to be solely about that. When a company or game developer comes out and says "look at how inclusive we are" they are not doing it because they want to be progressive but rather to gain political capital which will aid in financial capital. Naughty Dog comes to mind, the Last of Us had a great gay character and they made no fuzz about it, fast forward to the DLC and their marketing seems to revolve around they how brave and queer they are for having Ellie be gay. This then became exacerbated with TLOU 2.
Because female representation not scaring off the $1 billion mouse bux is a sign that the world is okay with a not so hot female lead... that happens to be riding the endgame hype.
And that too. Those who were saying it was going to bomb or at least not make as much money as Shazam. It's all pettiness.
Friendzone is rejecting romantic advances while also encourging them to get something out of the relationship.
Or basically trying to have a boyfriend with all the benefits.
Who let the normies in?
Because the word is dehumanizing and carries the context of coming from a time where people weren't seen as people but instead as property and given a funny pet name. You won't be thrown in jail for saying it.
Imagine this could have two meanings.
Either it is awesome because now you can kill women the same as men.
Or then the one more in sync with the SJW morons self-congratulatory ways.
that's called "being friends" and it's healthy
the friend zone is a conspiracy theory by losers where they believe that people are only rejecting their romantic advances to torture them and get stuff out of them
No that's just being friends. "Friendzone" is when you're interested in a woman but she doesn't want to fuck you, and you're too autistic to realize that her kindness is just her being nice, not leading you on or some shit.
It's almost as if all people can be shit despite any previous trauma. Maybe it's not whatever group you want to point your finger at maybe we just suck as a species.
nice tits
Manifest destiny? The way our own capitalist society demands that we work for free if we're going to get our foot in the door anywhere without connections? I love capitalism, but that's an oversimplification.
I've always taken to to be literally "She only sees me as a friend" and bitching about it because you want to FUCK her in the VAGINA but she isn't interested in you romantically.
>women never lead men on
Nigga, they brag about that shit. Don't be dumb.
Moreso than any other point in history? Yes.
Totally harmonic? We've never seen it.
That fucking ubisoft progapanga video.
>women never lead men on
Who said that?
What the fuck happened to Vertigo man, they brought it back just to shit in it's corpse
i guess it'd be different for all kinds of men, and maybe some people would use it that way. the people i described definitely do exist though, and it's what comes to mind immediately when i see the term
That's what it is. The only people who bitch about the friend zone are retards who can't grasp that she just isn't attracted to him.
>she was nice to me, that means she wants to fuck me!
>wtf she doesn't want to fuck me????? i was lead on!!!!!!!!
That's what I'm saying. It's all the same, but people depict it differently based on minute differences. As if it's more horrible than it is.
I'd rather have been a roman serf than my current self.
The friendzone is a problem because it's part of a larger scheme people work out in their heads while courting someone. You should make your intentions clear, rather than playing this sneaky long game where you pretend to value someone's friendship when you're looking for more. It's not a simple situation, but people often feel you're being misleading if you see friendship as friendzoning.
what's the easiest way to offend a white guy?
Literally make anything not with them in mind.
You fucking sackless cucks. I swear, white guys are the most spineless, crybaby, whiny, easily offended, repellant little cuntstains on the planet. I am repulsed by your lack of a backbone.
Blame women for making the idea of cross gender friendship a fucking minefield then.
Women make wanting to hang out and have a beer or whatever weird because they ASSUME it's always a sexual thing.
Hey, I'd bitch about it too. It's a frustrating state of affairs where you don't particularly want to break off the relationship but at the same time she doesn't feel like making it romantic. It's an irritating limbo.
No need to get racist, but part of that comes from an over inflated sense of self worth. Coming from a society that largely centered marketing around them, trading relatively all of the pie for most of the pie hurts. That's why it's so easy for them to see white genocide in games like Celeste because the assumption is made that "you know I'm your safest demographic but you didn't pander to me so that means you made this game to stick it to me and make me mad so now I'm mad and it's your fault".
Don't get attached then, retard. If she's not into you there are two options: friends for life, or never speak to her again.
>Women make wanting to hang out and have a beer or whatever weird because they ASSUME it's always a sexual thing.
according to who?
2B nigger is best nigger
Or maybe we just dislike constant stabs at our demographic like we did something wrong simply for existing and that white men somehow need to only have white men for them to be the target demographic.
t. Nigger who thinks your leftpol segregation shit is retarded.
>she doesn't feel like making it romantic
lol yeah she'd rather just torture you poor incels, just to hurt you for fun right
>because they ASSUME it's always a sexual thing
I can't blame them for that.
>Women make wanting to hang out and have a beer or whatever weird because they ASSUME it's always a sexual thing
Literally the opposite.
Agreed. I can’t get enough of her fat ass.
Who saw white genocide in Celeste ?
What? That's not the implication at all.
You don't get to just shut off romantic interest, my dude.
It means they're admitting they were full of shit about white male gamers being just a vocal minority there were on their way out.
I know a woman who went on a mission and she said that women are told not to hang out with men in shithole countries because they often see kindness and friendship as a sign of "she wants to fuck" and it can lead to rape. That's not to say that men are the same in the first world, but it speaks to the larger natural climate. If you're a woman you need to be more careful, but they're still open to the idea of friendship, just understand their risks.
While she was sucking those dicks, did she ever think it would end like this?
I've worked in third worlds and I have seen women do the exact same. I could have been elbow deep in chink puss if I wanted to.
>mfw it's actually true
>did she ever think
According to Women, if a Man calls you to hang out, she either needs her boyfriend, you need to be gay or it's a sex thing.
It's happened to me like half a dozen times where women assume I am trying to fuck them, even when most of the time, it's even with my own girlfriend or a group.
it is the same in the first world, it's just less likely to lead to rape and more likely to lead to an autistic chimpout
not as bad, but still retarded
Your demographic gets "stabbed" because it's the majority power. It's an easy and marketable target and it's accurate to say that these geek hobbies were white male dominated for decades. Not that that was done or maintained out of malice, but people can write clickbait articles about why that precedence creates a "need" for minority inclusion.
I knew someone who had a stay woke tattoo on his neck. He did not last long at our job, maybe like a week or so. I can't imagine having a "take the red pill" tattoo on your body
Then they should stop crying foul when people stab back.
Because maybe they should simply try opening new demographics without needing to stomp on others.
literally false, but ok
nazis fucked my country tho
>Literally false
Sounds like you've never interacted with women user. Very few don't give a shit about social circle shit.
It's not stomping though and it wasn't stabbing. The fact that you see inclusion as an act of agression is indicative of your larger problem.
>I hate that white people feel safe in any space
Top yikes.
i am one though. i was born with a vagina
It changes when you're older. Come back after you finish college. Come back when you're at least 25.
Insinuating onesself has historically been seen as an act of aggression.
I don't though, I see the constant attacks of the majority like representation is somehow finite as pointless and tripe.
But then again, most of this reasoning is done using backward marxist theory, so of course they think things like "rights" and "Media" are finite because Marx thought value was finite.
>quarter pounder wastes no time plugging himself and using the NZ shooting
this is the type of shit that makes my blood boil and people think it's just /pol/
god i wish that was me
Pick one
>if you beat jevil without taking a hit he calls ralsei a nigger
how did toby get away with it
I'm 28.
I'm sick of social cliques and I just want to play Vidya and smoke pot with my closest friends without the faux Game of Thrones stupidity in the background.
>It's not historical revisionism if you revision history
Uh, about that sweetie....
>he typed, barely containing his rage that others didn't think like him, spittle dripping from his open mouth.
and chainsaw originals or w/ever mikey movie mikey up front right?
Anyone else not even know what the fuck is going on anymore?
>We taught white people [...] astrology
>zodiac shit
you can't make this up
Look at this bitch's makeup and tell me she isn't crazy. Who neglects to put color between their tits in that kinda of outfit?
which one is the boy?
the gamecube!
Can't these faggots stop themselves from soiling history... This is making me mad on the internet. Fuck them.
even trash western h-games like SS or CoC are are more stimulating dialogue-wise than anything i encountered in deadfire
or the first piece of shit they made for that matter
then stop being friends with children
If that's the case, why is there a feeling of stomping at all? People here call it an "invasion" and anti-marxist people like Milo see feminists in games as the complete destruction of the medium. Language like this suggests that video games as a medium isn't big enough for multiple demographics.