Now that the dust's settled, what went wrong?
Now that the dust's settled, what went wrong?
The remake.
Thats what Im asking what went wrong about
Everything. They couldn't even get the basic fucking movement right. Here's a more exhaustive explanation:
it somehow runs worse than OoT
I loved this guy's April Fools joke.
The moon is too scary for kids
It doesn't have ocarina
Masks are too scary for kids
Probably has hidden adult themes not suitable for kids like in gta san andreas
Certain things possible in the N64, Gamecube, and Virtual Console releases aren't in the 3DS remake. Deku link's water hops are nerfed now so certain areas of the game designed around the N64's water hops don't work properly.
>observatory isn’t as magical and it’s drab for no reason
>Deku Scrub hops are fucked up
>ruined Zora swimming for no fucking reasons
>made Odalwa a joke, Gyorg and Twinmold got slightly better but hitting the giant eyeball is retarded
>moved the bank because people were too retarded to find it apparently
>moved the Stone Mask location to make the Gerudo pirates fortress even easier
That’s just off the top of my head but I’m sure there’s more
but the 3ds is more powerful than the n64.
You're gonna get the major issues, like with the Deku and Zora masks, but for me it has to be the ice arrows. I cannot for the life of me understand why they thought nerfing ice arrows to be contextual, rather than wherever the player wants, would be fun
Pretty soon, actually. Did you see the latest Nintendo Direct?
they gotta finish dripfeeding NEs games, and then dripfeed SNES games, but they even think about slowly dripfeeding N64 games
Instead of just fixing issues like the camera and inventory to make it the better version of the game like Ocarina 3D, the game took liberties to rework mechanics and physics that didn’t need fixing and busted the game with more problems
>Aunouma was afraid of remaking Majora because he knew he would take liberties to change things he knows he shouldn’t but can’t help as a developer
>It literally fucking happens
The video is cherrypicked garbage: The remake does as much right as it does wrong:
>Much better models, textures lighting and effects that almost always preserve the atmosphere
>Gyorg fight is better
>Doesn't make you rewatch the business scrub cutscene
>Better framerate
>Song of double time allows you to pick times
>Gyro arrow controls
>if you have a n3ds/xl, you have camera rotation/control via c nub
>The bombers notebook is a little less obtuse/more organic to use, but it's also a little too helpful.
>Likewise, the save system is less obtuse, but allowing you to save without it being attached to going back in time also removes some of the stress the game is meant to invoke
>Twinmold fight is different but not better or worse. Some people like the change, some don't.
>Bank placement is moved
>Odolwa fight was made very easy, especially with the deku mask.
>Ice arrows can't be used just anywhere anymore.
>Zora swimming less fun, which outweighs the benefit of easier control in tight spaces.
>Bombers notebook pops up automatically and takes a while to do so, is annoying
>The Keeta chase is made way easier
>You have to get out of rolling as goron to hit Goht, but this isn't nearrly as bad as Odolwa's change
>It's harder to use the Deku spin to go faster (super minor thing to count against it, but it's there)
>Great bay temple's atmosphere is changed due to less gritty textures and brighter lighting
It comes down to if you want an experience with better visuals and quality of life stuff at the cost of slight casualization (with an associated erosion of some of the intended stress) and a few other odd changes or not
in particular, there's comparsions of the visuals of every single thing in game here:
The observatory is still the same in tone and mood and is updated mostly faithfully, it's not "drab", the stairs just aren't rainbow colored anymore
>Admits he will be tempted to tamper with the game as he feels its quirky and more difficult nature is a mistake
>Promises he wont, reassures fans while working on it that he wont make it easier.
>People point out how they coded in little quirks like bypassing the webs early for OoT to match the OG, evidence they wont mess it up.
>Game comes out and they've tampered with the design, made it easier, and broken it in areas
>Song of double time allows you to pick times
>Doesn't make you rewatch the business scrub cutscene
Bro youve got to be joking