What video game are you the most GODLIKE at?
What video game are you the most GODLIKE at?
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Worms: A
I noticed most black dudes playing at EvO are actually pretty cool.
LTG isn't one of them.
Pretty confident and can hold my own even against top players but I know that there's always room to improve.
Actraiser :)
post LTG kino before mods delete the thread
Def Jam FFNY
Sadly it is like 3 gens old now and it has no online multiplayer.
Fucking copyright jews.
Gothic 1/2/Notr
I've played the games so much there's barely anything I don't know about them at this point.
quick run down?
Is there a more KINO moment than LTG vs Viscant in the FGC?
Mario Kart DS.
I could beat 95% of this board
Out of your mind
What a waste of time.
I thought the dude would punch low tier scrubs face in.
Turns out they're just barking at each other for 8 minutes over nothing and then leave.
LTG skimped the guy on their security deposit return. I think.
Was this recent? Is this the fat guy that would be on his streams sometimes?
nigga he should be in based tier due to the sheer quality of his videos
Glad to be an incineroar main. Fuck LTG.
It was last night. Any videos of the fat guy?