>Borderlands 3 is exclusive to a launcher you can download for free for a set amount of time
Borderlands 3 is exclusive to a launcher you can download for free for a set amount of time
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Hey, 4channel Error Team here. Seems like some text in your post wasn't quite formatted correctly and got kinda mangled during the upload. No worries though. I fetched the raws from our database and I'll resubmit them below. This one's on us.
>Borderlands 3 is free and can be played without a launcher
>buy game on epic store
>russian neckbeard hacks your account
>lose your game lose your money
>April 2020
Tbqh I can wait. Even though I unironically enjoy Borderlands games, I can wait. Maybe by then, it'll be $30 for the GoTY edition.
Time to sail again
>giving money to epic or gearbox
how fucking retarded can you be?
Maybe I don't want to support Epic buying exclusivity. Maybe I don't want to support Gearbox either because Randy's a colossal faggot.
Shill are in full force to night, check your Photoshop before posting Epic shill
I have no desire to install another launcher. Between all Steam, Battle.net, and GoG? Who would willing want more processing bloat?
I'm gonna torrent it like I did the other games.
you just sound insecure and delusional, dude
>want to pay to Epic to steal and sell his personal data
How much is it gonna cost when it comes to steam?
What program is used to see this shit.
Free to a launcher that will mine your information from your Internet settings and files to your steam information for free for all the time you have it installed.
Yeah. No thank you. Would rather it be on any other launcher or Console exclusive at that point.
Fucking hilarious how Valve drones say they'll just pirate it. Oh yes I'm sure you'll enjoy your coop loot shooter playing alone with your pirated copy.
every borderlands games have local coop
I’m sure it’s just some conspiracy theory and that you guys actually hate free-market capitalism and its competitive nature.
nope it has been confirmed many times. see
Boycott the game completely. Never buy it on any platform. You really don't need to play it anyway.
>he doesn't know
anal sex is free as well but somehow people aren't very enclined to try it
Agreed. I'll let the Epic beta testers deal with the first few months of balancing and patches. Doesn't change anything for me if I get it next year.
Thanks for the bugspray
I’ve never played a single game on pc, what’s the issue with downloading the epic games launcher thing? Can’t you just get it and steam together?
>client is the problem
on the superficial level. real problem is you're giving your info, and seemingly access to shit like certain steam-stored info, to a company where chinese hold 40% stake at. for now, mind you.
>implying I didn’t play the other ones solo
Here is the bottom line.
2k is being payed to put it on Epic game's store. And will be payed again when nobody buys it because of Epics policy to reimburse lost sales.
2k knows this isn't going to sell on epic so they are milking the profit of the games lost sales.
Then when they release it on steam and get all of the games audience back they will be swimming in far more money then if they just released it to everything.
Greed is a hell of a thing.
Had this convo on the Borderlands Discord
Why not on both stores?
chinky damage control
LAN partys are a thing
I know Hamachi is probably older than you are but, well, it exists.
You can, its just valve drones seething.
>he doesn't know
Because 2k got payed off.
are people unironically wanting to play a borderlands game or is the entire board working together to jape me ?
Your onions order has shipped!
from what i've read these are all leaks and rumours, is it actually epic exclusive or is it just sensationalist media?
>i-i'll do as you s-say....
>using discord at all
Found the zoomer.
it's just more shit to stoke the grand epic vs steam bonfire
Over the internet LAN programs are a thing.
poll from the borderlands reddit
>inb4 reddit
Skinner box games are all the rage now, you can thank the booming phone game market. Majority of the people posting here is probably posting from a phone.
You realize the game needs LAN functionality for you to use any LAN or virtual LAN, right brainlets? If the online component works via their servers, you're fucked unless it's a very shitty authentication you can spoof.
I use it because it's convenient retard
Can't fuck with them some more if I'm banned
A official Trailer launched like 3 hours ago stating it's released in September on PS4 Xbone and EGS until April 2020 when steam finally gets it.
>zoomer trying to act smart
A minimum of half of those votes who say they will wait are going to get it day one anyways. People are stoic until it actually matters.
>fuck with them
Okay tough guy. Should've told them to fuck off and left the server.
>Discord trannies going mad over you downloading some files
Fucking drones
Damage control
I accept your concession, you'll hold out a week at best before you buy it on the EGS.
can i get a link?
Look, we're all probably going to get it on Epic anyway because I'm not waiting a year to play a game.
>that newfag who thinks Yea Forums ever liked borderlands
It hasn't been actually confirmed confirmed, but people have spotted Epic logos on trailers, and on the site the only preorder options for pc are retail and epic game store. They're probably just not going to announce it formally to avoid the backlash.
>stealing is good
Found the nigger
And what fun would that be? I get more kicks out of subtly fucking with them
stop man, you just look ridiculous.
>Reddit-tier trash
Literally who cares
More like boringlands.
Its even weirder seeing the people suck off halos dick recently if you ask me
>Yea Forums is a single entity
I'll just wait till next year because I'm not some retarded need-for-instant-gratification having retard and I actually have patience. If you weren't a fucking retard you'd wait as well. But you are a fucking retard. So enjoy your preorder, retard.
>Can't fuck with them
>subtly fucking with them
you look like a total bitch on that pic, user
I put tons of hours into borderlands 1 and 2 and I was hoping to do the same with 3, assuming they dial back on their political bias and focus on the gameplay. But if this shit really is only exclusive on their shitty launcher than I'll just pirate it or hopefully they realize how retarded they are being and put this shit on steam like any sane person would do.
in your dreams chang
>70% of Redditors not buying the game because of a store
>when people are buying and enjoying it on release
Ah yes like all those great boycotts where 95% of the boycotters bought it anyway.
I dont think they brief these people anymore. Paid advertisers will post about any dogshit AAA game without regard for series Yea Forums has hated in the past (Boredomlands, Biodrone RPGs, Halo, etc.)
So I wait a year to find out if it's dogshit and end up getting the """game of the year""" edition and all the DLC for the cost of just the base game. Big whoop
>They still have the original files
Well imagine my shock
>local coop
With who?
Borderlands in the kind of game you play with friends and if all your friends are already playing it, you're not going to wait the 6 months to buy it.
Fair enough. I mean I did have the intent of doing this from the get go
The borderlands account deleted a few comments. Mostly ones that were "Fuck epic" with over 1k likes.
>Borderlands in the kind of game you play with friends
not really i enjoyed it playing single player
>he doesn't remember when the whole front page was nothing but Borderlands
Whose the newfag now idiot
people go out on the streets and protest when 99% of the time it does nothing too
theres no loss in trying until the end to change things so whatever they want to do with their wasted time
>Yahtzee is the only major reviewer to agree with Yea Forums on the series
>Opinion is invalid due to him bitching about a plot point in 2 that was explained shortly after it came up indicating he dropped the game right there.
>assuming they dial back on their political bias
When did they introduce this? 1 and 2 were fine, and had only a bit of the whole "girl power" thing (nothing egregious). Was Tales or Pre Sequel pretty bad or something?
The fuck you on about? I'd get it on the piece of shit known as the Xbone before I got it on fucking Epic.
I fucking hate vinny and being a radical centrist on everything he talks about, playing devils advocate and shit. He needs to fucking pick a side and stick with it and not being this wishy washy faggot all the time.
This, I expect nothing but a group of "Anti-Epic Gamers" all showing as playing Borderlands and Outer World on Epic.
>no regional prices so i cant buy it
welp it is their loss, i will pirate it when soneone cracks it.
>for a set time
Kek, it's not going to Steam at all. Randy himself confirmed.
> enjoy your coop loot shooter playing alone with your pirated copy.
unironically yes
soloing shit on op 8 is fun as fuck
I remember. I remember a shill doing tireless and thankless work repeating the same threads over and over again and people telling the marketer to fuck off.
Enjoy Solo only
fuck the Epic Store shit. what the fuck happened to those Randy Bo Bandy pedophile allegations?
It's even more fun with friends.
Not that you'd know.
There was already hints of this shit happening in 2 and if the game was released like a couple years later it would have been full of SJW shit guaranteed. But apparently they fired their writer who put in that garbage in the first place so hopefully that means it will be more reigned in. The pre-sequal was even worse in that aspect as well as little to no farming potential or replayability.
When was this confirmation? Because multiple sources just say April of 2020 for steam.
friends through hamachi or tunngle
>buying looter shooters in current year
Thanks for killing the industry, y'all. Appreciate it.
Not really, it's just as fun single player.
jk on you i dont have anyone to play with anyway
They'll play defiant for a day at best, the moment their other friends buy it and start playing it they'll immediately fold and jump in. Like every other retarded boycott. All it takes is some gameplay footage of people having fun or a friend buying it and it's over.
>But apparently they fired their writer who put in that garbage in the first place so hopefully that means it will be more reigned in.
But then Hired him back temporarly to write the 3 worst scenes in Tales from the Borderlands.
Anthony Burch will probably worm his way back into Gearbox for 3.
>There was already hints of this shit happening in 2
Weird. I didn't even notice it. I am generally able to ignore that shit anyways. Messages only work if people listen to them bla bla bla.
I couldn't get very far through Pre Sequel though, because it was too Australian and that seemed really weird considering the lack of Australian accent in the other games. It really put me off. And yes, I understand it was developed in Aus - that's no excuse to fill it with that twangy accent.
What SJW shit was in Pre Sequel?
> just steam importing friends list from epic launcher
Holy shit, I really, really hope you shills are getting paid properly for this amazing display of autism. The amount of "Haha Memelands 3 exlusive Steamdrones BTFO" threads must be in the triple digits by now
And your name. Credit card info, Email address, Email in general and whatever they can gleam from your email.
Not that you'd know.
It's okay though user. You can just pretend you're streaming and explain to your 'viewers' what your'e doing and talk to them. They're basically friends, right?
I have played with friends and it is no different than soloing it. The whole "you need other players to play this for the game to be good/fun" argument is just lazy.
>Yea ForumsPC hivemind
big fucking cringe coming right up
id rather not play the game at all than use that cancerous "launcher"
the 1 week i used it because some friends wanted to play fortnite i got multiple hack attempts from some sandnigger
Cool story.
Hey, that screenshot is showing Steam scanning the Epic folder, idiot.
>all showing as playing Borderlands and Outer World on Epic.
Where exactly? There's nothing on Epic that would show you doing anything except the barebones friends list.
Had like a dozen of these over the last year, stop denying that this happens
You really showed us now lad heh heh
fuck off back to your chink masters
anyone got their bl1 remaster shit on steam yet?
Who the fuck was denying?
I had massive problems with it.
I didn't give a shit though because I'm not a mental midget with a password like ABC123 and I use 2FA.
If you think your email isn't being passed around like a hippie in the 70's by every place you've inputted it, you're fucking delusional.
>it's normal!
>just get used to it!
As a test, create an email account and don't use it. See how fast you receive spam email. Your shit is not secure at all and it's not because of Epic alone.
BL2 just finished updating and TPS in in the process of doing so.
Of course you get used to it. The fuck are you going to do about it?
That's like complaining that cars get stolen and you're mad you have to lock it at night.
Stop being fucking retarded and naive.
I dont get login attempts on my steam/blizzard account. I wonder why that is...
>borderlands advert on page 1
Did I take a portal back to 2009?
If you're this beta on the internet i cant fathom just how much of a fudgepacking beta sóyslurper you are in real life.
And just how sure of that are you?
>Trust big corporation. BELIEVE big corporation. Be a good customer.
Implying I'd ever buy gearbox shit again
Then there is Dumb Fuck Randy on Twitter saying he would do everything in his power to get Borderlands 3 on steam if Gabe announced Half Life 3.
That's just being a faggot to the BL community.
Isn't it only BL1 that's getting an enhancement?
Not him but 2 was riddled with that girl power bordering on SJW angle. It was all about the Sirens (turning it into a series thing) you had Moxie's story and the little crazy girl stories both being a little on the nose. Then the DLC had the ongoing jokes about the Macho Man dude respecting women as a rule he vocally announced and the D&D stuff with the girls being just as good as the guys.
It was minor but the jabs were repeated.
Who ever said it would be 100% pozzed if it came out a few years later was right. They were constantly straddling the edge as it was.
This is all if you choose to see it that way of course. You can just as easily ignore it, mostly.
> passwords on steam cannot be bruteforced
I received this 2 weeks ago. Good thing is that I have 2fa enabled. And you should enable it for your epic account too, they even "strongly encourage you" to do it.
I know for a fact that steam will notify you of login attempts. Not sure about blizzard.
Ive had Epic launcher for 3 years and not once have had that email. Stop using the same shit for everything retard
>I know for a fact
How do you know this as a matter of FACT?
I haven't bought a single game in my life and this will be no exception
>Borderlands 3 is exclusive to a piece of chinese intelligence software you can download for free for a set amount of time
meant for obviously
The first game had 3 sirens.
The second game had 3 sirens.
The prequel referenced 2 sirens.
The 3rd probably has like 5 sirens.
>epic game store
borderlands was never good
Why are they so retarded? They outed themselves in that picture given the fact that they didn't make a webm for comparison and the fact that what's displayed in the image means that somehow steam is installing the EpicGamesLauncher. I really hope every single shill and false flagger riding the wave gets a bullet to the brain.
Holy shit, why are you fucks so obsessed with getting everyone to download the epic launcher?
Chinese are very friendly people and their government is very friendly towards all people unlike US it actually has "People's" in its name to remind everyone its about the People. Whereas in US you are spied on far worse by drug police. Very racist post by you against Chinese.
>The 3rd probably has like 5 sirens.
Yeah, but at least 2 of those will be established characters.
the second game was the first game to make them recurring aspects of the series. Lilith is a douche to Brick and Mordecai and bosses them around the same way your typical feminist does.
She is the leader in raising the little retard girl like she is normal and her behavior is okay. Same thing lefties do with our mentally deranged.
Like I said, it is there if you want to look for it. It is also wrapped in alot of sarcasm and memery so it is easy to see as a joke.
just checked, got a bunch of that bullshit back on 2017 too
>Add non-steam game
>Epic Launcher
>not playing solo to hoard all the loot
just a learning process man rome wasn't pirated in a day
100 million dead chinese during the Great Leap Forward.
Epic games store is just Great Leap 2.0
>now have borderlands GOTY
>nothing changed
>100 million dead chinese during the Great Leap Forward.
Oh who says this the Western Media elite?? You are a sucker for them now huh??? That is loling extra hard!
You for responding to this thread
Can you explain this to me? I'm retarded.
fuck off Tim
They're going to have instanced loot. Even playing multiplayer, you only get your own drops.
exclusivity of sale
It is not a console.
The first game outright tells you that the universe holds 6 sirens at any given time.
And seeing as you only see two of them and the third was revealed to you as your guardian angel in 2 and that one of the sirens die in 1 you could expect that if they ever make any sequels than sirens will continue to show the fuck up because we haven't seen the other 3.
I am winnie the pooh
410,757,864,530 DEAD GAMES
Same, how the fuck do I play the actual remaster? I need it.
I haven't bought a single game in my life and this will be no exception
>Millions of chinks totally didn't die as a result of communism and anybody who argues otherwise is a western revisionist
Whatever you say Ling
Im a greedy man user
I would not be able to accept that someone could possibly get something better than me
That program views running processes for a program you select.
The webm shows that Epic's launcher searches through your registry. Your IE, Your steam library for information nonstop while it is active.
ayy this is always the plan with Borderlands anyways since its a game I can play with friends its okay we'll all wait. I have never bought a Borderlands game day 1.
Borderlands is now below Borderlands 2 in my game list because they added GOTY to the end of it.
I had a russian nice enough to make an account on my email and continuously try to break into it so I would get notifications on it.
Either it's some 3D chess ploy from Epic to remind me that their store exists, or they're just this awful, because I emailed them to delete my account and it's still here ½ a year later.
I fucking hate these cucks.
That's the joke, retard-o.
>playing alone
>what is hamachi,tunngle, freelan
>Final DOOM
>Fallout New Vegas
>DOTA 2 Test not removed
Steam is BULLSHIT.
I welcome Chinese bullshit over this.
>Publishers use retarded naming conventions
REEEEE VALVE. You're too autistic to accept alphabetical sorting, but too retarded to use Steams built in features to sort them to your liking.
>DOTA 2 Test not removed
i'm so fucking glad to see all those manbabies cry
Weird. In the last couple minutes there's a new Borderlands GOTY in my library. An Enhanced version.
RIP in piece the fags that downloaded unenhanced GOTY.
It would still be there.
I'd know.
since sjws, trannies, commies and cucks are not people stealing from them is not a crime
Jesus fucking christ.
How beta do you have to be to get dom'd on discord.
LOL. Go eat some steak, you fucking fairy.
>Buy it at a price Gearbox doesn't like
>Game gets removed from my account
>some nation is doing something on my PC and to millions others
Guess what.
I don't give a shit.
I am one of millions, there will always be somebody who uses some launcher to do shit.
I'm pirating all the games possible since 1998 and never had a really bad malware or virus, my acounts were never hacked, my credit card was never stolen... etc... schizo losers.
>getting fucked by a company and still buying the game
found the fag
There's actually laws surrounding improperly priced goods. Can't remember what the circumstances were, but there was some bullshit around someone buying a PS4 for excessively cheap at one point. I remember it being really interesting. I no longer care though.
I hope you enjoyed my post.
>thinking that Steam isn't fucking him
>create file
How tech illiterate does one nigger need to be to not photoshop the Operation column too? Also why the fuck do it in the first place? Why are they defending epic for F R E E?
EGS is even worse than steam, and that's saying something.
I don't know why this is difficult to understand.
Why do you think i use steam?
>thinking that whatever device/software he's using at any given point isn't fucking him
Haha epic thanks reddit bot!
Steam didn't choose the name it was the publisher
you are really grasping at straws to find a way to accept spyware.
i don't understand, what am i supposed to see here?
anyone just start? want to get a 4 player game going?
*dabs on paypigs*
So both of us are retards for using modern day technology and not reverting back to nomadic tribes
>match browser doesnt show connection qualit
>download a launcher i dont want and pay $60
>pirate it for free a few days after release
this desu
Stop lying to yourselves.
You were gonna pirate it anyway.
Is my penis supposed to go through the hole? I don't get it.
How am I reasonably supposed to get at that boipussy with those restraints?
>Snapchat text and filter
>she has no ability to take the picture, type or send it
why do people do this to perfectly good pictures
>Borderlands 3 is exclusive to a launcher you can download for free for a set amount of time
I'm just going to skip the launcher and get the game for free, don't even want to play but I'll happily seed for a bit.
This. Imagine playing on PC and not pirating 90% of your games lol.
based and redpilled.
Friends dragged me to try fortnite 2 years ago.
mailbox getting swarmed with this bs twice a day or more.
Had to email back and forth with their dumb ass support team to terminate my account. Never installing this chinese botnet ever again.
Does anyone actually want to play this? Do I really share a board with retards that would defend Randy and his shitty company that has only ever made shitty games.
>generic game being exclusive to a generic plataform
it fits
Bobandy isn't at the helm on this. 2K/T2 owns the publishing rights and 12% is better than valves 30% cut.
Get this though your fucking skulls people.
Publishers(and every other giant corporation Valve included and you are deluded if you think they are exempt from similar shit behavior) DO NOT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOU AND ONLY CARE ABOUT YOUR WALLET.
If you want games to go back to being on Steam, Valve needs to get their act straight. Even if devs don't get jack shit, a flat 30% cut is insane for a digital platform.
At this point, just go the EA rout and cut out the middle man and have every publisher have their own platform.
yeah getting 12% from the 30% sales you get compared to the 30% cut from 70%+ surely is the better way
youre just fucking wrong the only reason they go to epic is because they pay a shitload in advance so the loss of sales is compensated
How does me pointing out that you don't understnad the ways in which you're being fucked equate to me saying we all need to abandon all technology?
You're a fucking retard.
I really don't care about the steam/epic debate. I just really don't understand what people see in this garbage. All the borderlands games are trash.
>yeah getting 12% from the 30% sales you get compared to the 30% cut from 70%+ surely is the better way
What the fuck even is this sentence?
Get a GDPR template for account deletion and send them that.
>inb4 they clearly don't care about GDPR
You're trash.
alright, a question
so disregard for a minute that EGS is obvious spyware right
without that, it's just a normal launcher
that legit sounds like someone who's 12 made it shit up
oh and don't forget that these are the same people who made FORTNITE
i wouldn't give my money to these people, not in a million years
Enjoy your shit game I guess, but stop making so many threads about it.
He means that publishers would make more money on steam because of a larger consumer base if it wasn't for the massive payout that Tencent is giving publishers to go exclusive on epic.
The 30% and 70% refers to the market share that epic and steam have respectively (even though that assertion makes no sense and disregards all other platforms and shit like that)
Enjoy your shit life I guess, but stop shitting up my threads with your stupid comments.
Imagine gaming on a PC in the year 2019. Holy fucking cringe.
Imagine using a term like 'cringe' outside of r*ddit.
Jesus fucking christ you're gay.
>wow people having the best experience OMG CRINGE I sould support my HARD WORKING MILLIONAIRES instead and enjoy my fake 4k 20 fps PS4 games like a king!
>He means that publishers would make more money on steam because of a larger consumer base if it wasn't for the massive payout that Tencent is giving publishers to go exclusive on epic.
But that doesn't make any sense.
If people really want to buy the game on PC, they'll just download the client regardless.
And the people who don't want to deal with it, will just get the game six months down the line when it releases on Steam anyway.
And the rest will just pirate the damn thing.
So who fucking cares at this point?
The funny thing is that Valve created this situation by STILL thinking they could charge 30% to the publishers when there are more beneficial alternatives.
60fps is a jew trick
also I enjoy true 4k on my xbox one x
>The funny thing is that Valve created this situation by STILL thinking they could charge 30% to the publishers when there are more beneficial alternatives.
So when are we going to get people standing up to Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo if the 30% take is so terrible?
It's not even that. According to steam would somehow install the Epic Store. Whoever made it is probably from plebbit and has no fucking clue what he shopped in the first place.
>So when are we going to get people standing up to Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo if the 30% take is so terrible?
But do they? I don't know how muc they take but here's a key difference you're forgetting: Their customers are also using their hardware.
Valve doesn't have such an excuse. The PC market isn't sustained by one hardware company or another. But the console market has to account for shit on the manufacturers end.
>never gave a shit about steam vs epic
>borderlands 3 is only on Epic
>it costs more than it should be in my country
wew lad
How can something cost more than it should be?
"Should be" according to who?
>But do they?
Yes, 30% is the industry standard
>but here's a key difference you're forgetting: Their customers are also using their hardware.
And? The consoles charge people to play online even if they don't use the platform holder's servers for all games so they already take more from their users
Google and Apple also take 30%. Almost as if everyone was okay with it and saw it as normal given the services provided until Epic shat the bed and convinced Indies that it's the cut that takes their money away and not their shit games that nobody buys.
>60$ steam game = ~240
>60$ epic store game = 250
And the deluxe editions are even more expensive
Turns out Epic Games's 12% doesn't compensate for poorer regions increased payment processes.
So they just slapped it ontop of the price.
Go figure.
>The consoles charge people to play online even if they don't use the platform holder's servers for all games so they already take more from their users
You chalk that up to outright greed from Sony and company that occured from this gen(don't forget that PS3 and 360 had none of that shit). But again, they GET to name their cut because it's also their hardware and their infrastructure.
>Google and Apple also take 30%
And google and Apple have always been shittastic so i ain't surprised.
But i can actually be more forgiving to Apple because they own and operate iOS.
Google has got noooo reason to be charging that much.
What? If they're both sixty bucks then there's no error. There's probably a bumfuckistan tax put on it on the epic store because dealing with your shitty euro countries is annoying as hell.
>And google and Apple have always been shittastic
No they haven't, lol.
Carry on making things up though.
>No they haven't, lol.
Tell me how they tried making Youtube a Netflix competitor. How did that turn out?
Just more proof epic doesn't give a shit about customers.
They only reason they gave out $10 coupons for Metro: Exodus in the USA was so their gamejourno sycophants could report it was 10 bux cheaper than on steam after the move. The rest of the world paid full price or worse.
>Just more proof epic doesn't give a shit about EU.
EU is trash anyway.
Weird fixation you have there but ok bro.
What the fuck does that have to do with anything? Grasp at more straws, bro. Apple and Android have always been fine publishers and have only ever received the same amount of shit as any other digital distributor in regards to % take.
Truth hurts, Hans.
Who buys borderlands day 1 loool
>Apple and Google have always been fine publishers
Shill more why don't ya.
You're a slave though, it doesn't matter what you want.
I don't think you know what a shill is.
>implying I'll ever buy anything from Epic
I'll just get it on PS4.
I do, you're one.
They're Chinese, if they don't shill Epic they'll be executed via escalator.
No you don't. Your assertion proves it.
Going to pirate it until it comes out on steam and you can't do nothing about.
The tears are fucking delicious. Go download Epic Games Launcher and play some Fortnite you fucking cucks.
>being this mad online
imagine giving this much of a shit about anything. lmao fucking faggot
>makes it clear he's a shill
>gets pointed out
>claims he never did it
You're a pretty retarded shill tough.
You still don't know what a shill is.
It's okay user. I understand that you're mad.
>Your assertion proves it.
Let's just pretend that you're baiting and not clinically retarded.
Learn how to read English, Tyrone.
Day 1 fucking pirate :^)
Just gonna leave my thoughts here
>Spreading info about pirating the game
>On the developers discord
>Surprised you're banned for it
I downloaded the hd pack for borderlands 2 all installed but i don't see any new options in the game or launcher and i don't see any difference in texture quality. Is it that small? Or am i missing something
I'm gonna pirate it and not even play it since Boredomlands is a shitty meme series with bad gunplay
I'm actually excited that Steam is finally going to get some real competition. So sad, crybaby Valve drones, I know.
>people have a preference for store and library they want to build
>remove that choice and have to deal with console fags who have no idea how fucking miserable it is to have to organize a bunch of bullshit resource sapping programs along with any driver issues that always pop up on games release
Who the fuck even buys games within the first 6 months from release? I have too large of a backlog to spend $60 on a game that's gonna be $30 when the exclusivity deal ends.
I'm a sucker for borderlands, but EGS is not touching my PC.
If the game is not utter shit I might buy the 2020 goty release, and hope 2k gets the message to never associate with epic again
>BLfags eating shit
Feels good to not play shit games
m8 just pirate the game. It has LAN support so you could still play with friends who also pirate
does steam have a referral code system that pays out when people use your code?
i've noticed the streamers who are shilling for borderlands on epic have a creator code that does just that.
just wondering if there is a correlation there, since i see more content creators have been openly shilling for epic
congrats, you alone single handedly saved the industry
There's probably a correlation there.
Nah, this is just the beginning for the EGS. Pirate all you want, but shit-eating Fortnite players are going to make the casuals that killed the industry in 2007 look like niche hardcore gaymurrs. Steam won't die, but it's never going to be the same from here on out.
Bro, gonna pirate it the day the crack is out. I just like this series enough to actually buy it at some point. But on epic? Fuck no, would prefer something like gog better, but steam is ok
Do you have the full list for every launcher?
good one they already run out of money and cant even afford a full year exclusivity
you mean this?
>but shit-eating Fortnite players are going to make the casuals that killed the industry in 2007 look like niche hardcore gaymurrs.
Honestly the Fortnite kids don't buy games. Epic's own Sergey said as much when doing Steamspy analysis on free-to-play games like Dota 2. Those players play their one game and largely don't buy other games on that sales platform. It's the reason Epic needs to poach exclusives from Steam and GOG
I didn't spread any info. I just made a joke about pirating the game
>Epic knows people don't buy games
>That's why they're spending money to advertise games to people who don't buy them
Hmm are you sure about that
>>That's why they're spending money to advertise games to people who don't buy them
They're not advertising games to people that don't buy them. They're trying to poach users who primarily use Steam and GOG because they need regular customers on their store who actually buy things that aren't Fortnite microtransactions
Yeah, thanks.
>Epic Games Store
>1 name change per fortnight
chinkoids are getting desperate
they announced it themself that its only a 6 month exclusive deal and confirmed april 2020 as the steam release
Don't play dumb, we already know that. Source on your other claims, pal.
>Removed offline play because EGS got it now
How many other things are gonna be removed as EGS gets them?
both Epic and Borderlands are bad, independent of each other
Again, aren't they just spending money to advertise games to people who don't buy them? Valve drones on reddit and Yea Forums have made it very clear that they will never use the EGS.
Not enough to outweigh the hidden yet completely open negatives.
I love borderlands but fuck if i'm ever going to be bothered to put the epic shit store on my pc.
Well, Yea Forums? Should I bite the bullet and save up for a console? Or just wait it out until 2020 when BL3 comes out on Steam?
>it's a new car, it's okay it only goes 30 mph
Zoomers to reddit please.
Nobody really cares, honestly
>takes more than SIX MONTHS to add a fucking shopping cart
>this is somehow a good thing
>shopping cart
>6 months+
What kind oif absolute brainlet uses that shit in the first place`Even the most tech illiterate retard who has an online shop has that shit in.
Fucking hell, the more you learn about it, the worse it becomes.
Pirate you dummy. Borderlands games have LAN play so you can use a program like Hamachi or Freelan to play with other people who pirated
It's also a smart car that drives you into oncoming traffic.
Once upon a time Steam was just a bloated launcher for 1.6 that failed to connect 95% of the time and remained that way for months. You Valve drones are probably too young to remember.
>steam was shit 15 years ago
>that excuses that the "competition" is shit in 2019
How stupid are you really?
>buying borderlands on release when they always release fuckload of dlc followed by a complete edition which i doubt will be out by 2020
>when there's a likely chance of there being a lan mode or a fix akin to steamworks ones to play pirated copies online
Have patience.
and now it's not. Epic is competing with Steam today in a modern internet environment, not Steam at launch on the 2003 internet.
You know what else is free to download?
What's your issue with EGS? You can buy games, download, install and play them.
>Once upon a time Steam was just a bloated launcher for 1.6
>Steam was just a bloated launcher
I wish you could see how you just argued against yourself, but knowing that you defend the epic store I already know that you lack the needed brain capacity for that anyway.
I'll just get it in 2020 when it actually comes out. Halo will keep me occupied this year.
It does everything it needs to. Not everyone needs social networking spyware attached to everything you do.
If BL1 was anything to go by the ratio of co-op to SP players is about 50:50 and that's just judging by players who played co-op, basically, once.
epic did say they can check steam data because its belong to the user, not valve
This is so fucking stupid. I play everything on Xbox so I don’t give a shit anyway but goddamn it people it’s a free app just download the fucking app and then you can play the fucking game.
PLEASE. So we can actually discuss the game instead of OH MY GODDDD I HAVE TO DOWNLOAD A FREE APP WTF BROOOOO
I already have three launchers on my computer, I don't need a fourth that's worse than all of them.
I didn't
I'll sell you a shitty burned omelette and you better not complain and pay up because it's my first time.
>inb4 food analogy
Fine, i'll build you a shitty car which you will buy without complaining because it's my first time building one.
It's because it's on PC now
I suppose Chinese spyware attached to it is fine, though.
Nobody cares
Should I have added the /s, redditard?
nice pasta mong
Enjoy paying for your game bro
>what's your issue
>here's my issue, many others share it
Fuck that. They take more than they give, and they don't give a fuck about gaming. They just want to steal games for console-like exclusivity and benefit the chinese with not only your money, but all the information on your computer. Fuck you, Chang.
>provide legit reason
>d-d-doesn't count because my playbook has no answer for it
Every fucking time.
I don't like the company behind it. I'm not particularly interested in the games they have, aside from mild interest in Metro, but my dislike for epic gaym devs is stronger.
>inb4 stop talking then
That's what the majority does. It's only a small fraction of people sucking epic's dick desu.
Just pirate it you fucking dumbo.
It's 6 month plus because it's such an unnecessary feature that they aren't gonna spend time to implement it until they've done most other stuff.
They don't hire a team of programmers for every feature, and then fire them when the feature is complete. They have the team that works on their application, and they have priorities for which features to incorporate first.
Since a lot of the stuff is fairly complex, and needs a lot of testing, it takes time to program it all.
I'll fix your analogy
>Steam in early 00s
>Burned omelette
>EGS Now
>Omelette, just the basics
>Steam Now
>Omelette, please upload a picture of your omelette to instagram before eating it
>Please verify your phone number before you can select additional omelette options
>Hey, your friends all want to see that you're here eating an omelette, please say hi!
>Check out all of these other subpar breakfast items that Johnny the methhead cooked up for you in the dumpster!
>Once upon a time Steam was
Holy fuck, you're retarded
Ultimately this is my issue with the whole thing.
Benefits to the consumer so far? Nothing.
Your issue isn't with the launcher, it's the fact that it's a launcher, so why are you defending the other 3 launchers?
>trying this hard
>food analogy
>Said the retard
I wish Yea Forums was 25+.
Thats a good point actually. The epic store doesn't really have enough games to warrant a cart, and it doesn't have sales so buying alot of games at once there never happens.
My favorite part is how people keep mentioning it’s the Devs that benefit when in reality the devs got paid for their work ages ago and the only people laughing all the way to the bank are the publishers.
>No argument
That does depend. Phoenix Point are the developers and publishers so they got the money directly. Same goes for all the smaller titlles as well.
>Y-yeah b-but Steam was bad 12 years ago so that excuses the Epic store today! By 2037, we might have a shopping cart!
>Get BTFO with your own shitty food analogy
Every time lmao
But in this particular case it’s all I keep hearing, about how this is good for the dev, etc.
If there's no shopping cart how do you buy games? :thinking:
Deus Ex Human Revolution taught me to never ever accept something manufactured by a chink for free
It's not the other three launchers specifically, it's that Epic is ANOTHER launcher coming late to the game. It's inconvenient, when Steam has been doing everything it could to make PC gaming as convenient as possible for the past 15 years. No one actually likes switching between Steam, Uplay, Origin, and Battle.net just to play games. At the core of it, Epic is just another layer of inconvenience that has become too much for a lot of people.
Buy em one at a time
You don't have to lie user
It's an analogy, user.
Given it's only 6 months, I am guessing they plan to release some kind of DLC with it at the sametime.
So, I expect, the game will be out by then and discounted to the point where the DLC+Game are about 50~60USD anyway
Why do I need the Epic launcher for that? Just give me DRM free games if you're not going to have any fucking features.
Nobody cares
It really isn't when it's not true to begin with user.
you should ask your manager to add some responses to reasonable arguments to your script.
>Why do I need the Epic launcher for that?
To buy the game, presumably.
What's not true?
You're a fucking moron. Not surprising really, given that you're shilling for Epic.
Doesn't matter who used the food analogy, using one even in rebuttal is deserving of being mocked.
That was epic, epic for the win!
>Have to make another account just for 1 game
>Only reason why I'm using it is because Epic paid the dev to keep is exclusive to their store
>Not allowed to buy it anywhere else while Epic shills scream that Steam is a monopoly
>EGS has nothing else interesting in their store and barely any features that even Origin offered day 1
>In a year it would be worthless as I can get the game on Steam and not deal the EGS ever again
>imagine unironically shilling for chinks
pathetic vermin
>Not doing what GOG does and letting you buy and download games through your browser and only having the launcher be an option, but not a requirement
If Epic did that instead of forcing me to use their chink spyware, I'd be tolerant of their garbage.
Uhh knock knock retard it’s me himachi
Also the past 3 games in the series you could play online even if you pirated same thing with dark souls
>gets BTFO by his own food analogy
>throws a tantrum
>have to make an account just to buy something online
imagine being this autistic LMAO
>He thinks I made the food analogy
Once again, you're a fucking retard.
The fact you think I'm the same user is proof of that.
Doubt it. You'd probably still throw a tantrum because muh Steam
Does EGS not even have 2-factor authentication or what?
What the fuck?
Is it possible to have a Borderlands 3 discussion without it devolving into an Epic vs Steam debate, interspersed with Tencent spyware and piracy discussion?
Maybe it's a bit early for that, given we don't have any details on the game really. I have a feeling that it won't be possible even after the game is released though.
>Call him out for making the food analogy
>He gets even angrier and desperately tries to convince everyone else that he didn't
Well, I'm not staying with Epic for it's massive list of features and games so what is there to do when that 1 game I wanted is no longer exclusive? I'm waiting
I believe it does
it doesn't even have email verification
I'm not sure anyone really cares. Why don't you ask your dad?
>Game made by Randy Bobandy
Remember the budget for BL3 is tight due to Gearbox burning all it's money on Battle Born.
Each Dollar which is spent on a shill, is one dollar not spent on BL3. The more shills you see, the worse the end product will be. You have been warned.
Yup, looks like no arguments here today. The shills really need to update their scripts
>I don't care!
>keeps responding to every post BTFOing him
Who do you make these threads for? What do you gain from your utter faggotry?
>make chinese spyware account
>buy game
>russian neckbeard hacks my account because epic is garbage (also steals my credit card information)
>money and game stolen
woah, truly EPIC
Nobody cares, kiddo
$2 an hour
That was EPIC, EPIC for the win!
take two wants steam dead so they can start their own launcher they don't care about epic or steam.
Literally who cares.
It's a good thing this series has been dead since 2.
>H-Ha, nobody c-cares!
>Retreats until the next Epic thread
>doesn't have two-factor enabled
>uses username and password on a pwned list
>GOG does it this way, if Epic did it that same way I'd fine with it
I use GOG every single time I can for a game, because they are objectively superior to any launchers since they don't force theirs on me.
That's too bad. See you in the next thread, I guess?
I want my achievements, name, and avatar on Steam, fuck you.
No you don't and no you wouldn't. Stop virtue signaling, user.
Based retard
what possible reason would you have to not use GOG at every opportunity
Maybe the Valve drones crying about Epic exclusives can answer that.
>I do this
>N-no you don't, you can't because that's not in my shill handbook
man you guys really need to update your script
Who are you quoting?
>he doesn't know about virtual local networks
>buying games from GOG
Get a load of this retard lmao. You can literally download their games for free.
>Valve/Steam fired 2GD because he upset the chinese
play the demo.
buy if you think its worth it when its actually released next year
Borderlands 3 will require a connection to a server. Sorry to ruin your high seas adventure, bub.
So if i buy B3 from EGS I won't be able to play it offline? Lost my purchase.
Cite your sources
It won't, Randy said that he wanted bl3 to be possible to play offline, and on LAN.
Based Tencent paying for games so that we don't have to
I come to you all today with a proposition. A bit of an operation against our man, Randy Pitchford, that will stain the game and Epic in the process.
Remember the USB stick? Remember all the allegations from it? What if we brought those all back into the media's eyes for a while? Any media company would jump at the chance for clicks and making Randy, the main face of the Epic sellout and possible pedo would make a combo that any site would plaster on the frontpage.
A plan is needed, so I shall lay a skeleton for it.
>1. Resurgance
Simply start by talking about it more in multiple places. Yea Forums, Reddit, ResetEra, Twitter especially needs to be a place for it. Talk about it and say how you heard awful things about what he's done to get away with it. @ Epic, news sites, and the gaming lefties about how they feel about a possible pedophile being given the spotlight for a big company like Epic and Gearbox. Stir up the hive basically.
>2. Treat with more medicine
Continue step 1 until major responses have been given or until enough attention is on it for it to break a bit into the gaming crowds online more.
Prepare for step 3 by saying people have been wanting to actually hurt Randy because of all this, some going as far to lay out plans for it.
We create a fake article screencap for multiple sites saying that Randy was assaulted and robbed in the late night in public by a group of self proclaimed activists who didn't want such a disgusting man to be at the head of a company, siting MeToo as their inspiration.
A few days later we will circulate that his USB was stolen there at the scene to prove the allegations, thus making Randy look like an actual pedophile. Some lolifag will post their folder, a bit of changing here and there and we'll send it to news jounros.
If we really do this, it could have actual consequences for how Randy and Gearbox looks to the public. Especially since they're partnered with Epic now.
All kinds of 3rd party exclusives (especially on PC) are bad. Full fucking stop. Anyone who defends them is a corporate rimjobbing waste.
Epic by their own admission has ZERO interest in users or competing for them (or any real competition at all -they just want their own little fiefdom no matter how shitty), and instead try to get publishers under their thrall. That in and of itself is shitty.
\Their client is shitty and doesn't have any of the features of Steam, much less compatibility. It also doesn't support Mac/Linux properly etc... not to mention any of the literal decade+ things that Steam have released as OPEN SOURCE (ie SteamVR, Proton) that make gaming a more open thing and better for PC gamers. Hell Remember when Japanese developers didsn't really port things to PC a couple of years back or if they did it was without multiplayer? Steam's drop in multiplayer/Steamworks features basically made it possible to get Japanese titles onto PC! Steam EARNED their fucking place at the table and still continue to do so.
Epic came down, shit on everyone's plates and started demanding that we just eat. Fuck off.
Who the fuck cares. It's borderlands. I wouldn't even pirate shit that gearbox made.
>but it's okay when Steam has exclusives
we should make an online campaing on twitter that "epic is using fortnite microtransaction money to fund videogame piracy" or something like this
This, Gearbox is trash and people are just using the Steam vs Epic drama to try and downplay the fact that all they release is utter garbage.
Okay now this is epic
Oh and lets pretend that some of you don't care about all the rest of this or say "I'll buy when it comes to Steam."
Remember that this will mean 1 of 2 things - either 1) When it finally comes to Steam, its likely that Gearbox will insist on $60 standard HEY GUYS ITS A NEW NEW NEW TITLE pricing. That means $60 up to $100-120 for the GOOD version, even though its years later. If we all say "No assholes eat a dick, your game is late", Epic will rub its hands together and whisper in Gearbox's ears "See.... they won't buy like we will" and try to convince them we aren't needed. 2) If we do buy, then it will mean that every exclusive will keep its price up for much much longer! We;'vealready seen how games on Epic are NOT discounted via keys the way that other keys (ie for Steam etc) are! This is emphatically making games more expensive.
This is really a joke when it comes to Borderlands considering that BL2 and TPS have been successful on Steam over a LONG curve, mostly because of their sales. So its a huge slap in the face for them to not support Steam.
Why don't you show us actual "exclusives" valve actually paid to keep off other platforms they didn't make themselves or paid for since the very start of a games development.
Borderlands 3 Diamond Loot Chest Collector's Edition
What's included:
Super Deluxe Edition of the game (including season pass) + any pre-order bonuses
Diamond Loot Chest Replica -- features a functional retractable lid so you can store your real-world loot
Ten Borderlands 3 three-inch character figurines -- the whole crew is here, including the four new Vault Hunters, the Calypso Twins, and more of your favorite characters from the Borderlands universe
Sanctuary 3 snap model with stand included
Four Vault Key keychains
Cloth galaxy map of the Borderlands
Five character art lithographs -- character prints starring the new Vault Hunters and fanatical Calypso Twins
Borderlands 3 steelbook case
Valve didn't have to pay anyone for the Steam exclusives that exist.
inb4 HL2, Portal, and TF2
There are no Steam exclusives by contract. In all the decade+ they've been on top of the industry with nearly no competitors they never once went to some studio or publisher and said "Either you only sell on Steam or fuck off and fail", forcing them into contracts like Epic does. Steam COULD have easily done so if they wanted to be evil , but they didn't., Just like they never once increased their cut taken.
There are zero 3rd party Steam exclusives (by contract) the way that Epic and Discord have done recently.
>Epic store exclusive
yikes, thats gonna be a pirate from me
I agree
So what you're saying is that they haven't and you cannot prove they have at all. Nothing is stopping devs from releasing their game on their own or trying to appeal to other store fronts.
So he didn't actually say that, thanks anyway.
EGS pays ~30% more than Steam, so Steam has to sell 30% more copies to get even with EGS.
If you have a sale on top of that, that's even less copies EGS have to sell to be as profitable as Steam.
>it's okay they don't have a shoping cart becuase they don't have enough games anyway
I always suspected that you folks aren't the brightest bulbs out there, but you are an extremely dim one even compared to the rest.
>But we want to be there for off-line gamers, too.
Are you really this brian dead?
this is pathetic even by shill standards
>Your issue isn't with the launcher
Yes it is. Take more english classes before the next thread, Chang.
Nope, what I'm saying is "Valve didn't have to pay anyone for the Steam exclusives that exist."
>Randy says he wants off-line players to be supported to
>'Dude he didn't say that'
I can make an email for you and it won't ask me for any confirmation. They had a huge problem with Fortnite scammers because of it last year and still haven't fixed it
>There are no Steam exclusives
You should be fired desu. This shit isn't even trying to be transparent.
>russian plants are joining the 50 cent army now
go away
>chink s falls for fake email
kek, thanks for the laugh I guess.
then they're contractually not exclusive. They can leave whenever they want. Several publishers and developers have, sometimes right to Epic.
Please explain, because this doesn't confirm offline play or LAN
Never said he didn't. I said he didn't say offline or LAN are in the game, which he did not.
Wrong. Learn your maths. The default cut of Steam is 30% and the "default" cut of Epic is 12% (+5% which is waved if you use Unreal Engine for your game) So What's 30 - 12? 18% So that's at absolute MAXIMUM an 18% difference. Now, consider that for most titles that sell a reasonable amount, a number that Borderlands 3 is guaranteed to hit, especially big AAA titles and many indies, Steam's cut is only 20%, so now we're comparing 20 - 12 = 8%
Now, keep in mind that Sales do NOT come out of the developer/publisher's pocket but instead out of Steam, or the keyselling store like GMG or whomever, so...what you say makes no sense.
But even if you were correct, Steam has a MUCH LARGER user base who will over a long time buy the game so I'd venture the'd be far better there than anywhere.
Randy says a lot of shit tough. I wouldn't believe it until it ships.
>18% more is now 30% more
is this that new math
They're exclusives.
Okay, enjoy
Epic spends all their Fortnite money on buying exclusives
Epic loses all their Fortnite money because people don't like exclusives
Fortnite money is redistributed among all other videogame companies
I'm okay with this
Holy shit you fucking zoomers are so sad. You could live your life perfectly fine and this new store would not affect you negatively in any way but you are making a big deal out of it because your lives are so fragile and boring that this has to be some attack on everything you stand for. Grow up.
You're late to the party, user. What's your issue with the launcher? Not enough emoticons to buy?
>EGS pays ~30% more than Steam
I tough chinks were supposed to be good at amth.
yeah, he was late to seeing you get BTFO
OK Chang
Every single Borderlands game has had LAN support. Why do you think they would take it away now?
Okay now this is epic
>inb4 they remove LAN support because of all the people vowing to pirate
It is imperative that we make that toxic behavior. For instance, Supergiant Games is doing an early access thing with Epic because they got the big fortnite bucks shoved at them along with the whole illusion. They're still making up their mind on what to do about exclusive releases, since their Steam forums for all their games (ie Bastion, Transistor etc) basically said - if you don't release on Steam we won't buy.
We should contact them ASAP and draw their attention -along with many others including Gearbox, that making a deal with Epic means the gamers will go out of our way to ruin your day, because you've gone out of your way to do the same for us. Let them know supporting shitty business practices like Epic have a cost to their reputation and they can avoid it simply by sticking with no exclusives of any kind, releasing on Steam because they've proven to be the best consumer-facing option we have, and generally not being shit
the pirate bay game launcher when?
>Grow up
>while he spergs out that others don't want substandrad software
Starting to reach now, are we.
This thread is hilarious, I thought they are just trolling but there are actual fucking epic shills
Probably because the majority of people use it for piracy.
The conflicted tweet with the vague sentences makes it seem like there is change coming anyhow.
Every single Borderlands title to date has a pretty awesome Linux (and Mac I am told) port by Aspyr. However, I'm worried that won't happen this time because fucking Epic doesn't support games that already have a Linux client and doesn't give a shit about Linux or openness.
If you buy a game like Slime Rancher on Epic Store, it does NOT come with a Linux client for instance, even though the game on Steam has full Linux support. This is not the only title that works this way when it comes to shitty stores like Epic and Discord
>gets proven wrong
>just keeps repeating the same line over and over
Xing really needs to update the shill code.
There are also gearbox shills who have been here since BL1
>remove lan until it releases on setam
I wouldn't be suprised considering Radnys scumines.
>getting your account haxed multiple times is part and parcel for being on a Chinese launcher
Epic does not take the 5% royalty if you launch on EGS.
It's not clear if they don't take the 5% royalty if you don't launch exclusively.
A steam launch is 35%, 30% as a base, and then Epic wants 5% for UE4.
On EGS it's 12%, because it's launched as an exclusive they're forging the UE4 royalty fee.
>88/12 vs 65/35.
>88/65 = 1.35
Aka 35% more profit.
However, it's possible they won't have to pay the 5% UE4 royalty on steam either, because of the timed exclusive... But they probably will have to.
If you want to go by steam only taking 20%.
Then it's still 20+5%, 25%, compared to 12%.
That's still 17% more profit.
>Steam has a MUCH LARGER user base who will over a long time buy the game so I'd venture the'd be far better there than anywhere.
Epic has already payed a shit ton of money for the exclusivity deal.
If 2k were not to make a ton more money on this exclusivity deal over launching on steam they wouldn't have taken it.
>It's substandard because I can't post my anime all over my profile
I think I'm gonna have to go with the other user on this one, kiddo.
>Hi fag we're bothering you again
are you stupid or illiterate? maybe both?
it's fake retard
Steam still has exclusives and nothing you say can change that fact, sorry!
>people against Epic store
>when it's build and funded by fortnite money
At least keep your reddit memes straight
Read Maybe then your pea-sized brain will understand it.
You retarded zoomers.
We're talking profit.
>12% share cut means developers/publisher gets 88%
>35% share cut means developers/publishers get 65%.
88/65 = 1.35, not 1.18.
>Epic loses all their Fortnite money because people don't like exclusives
Why would you even buy these kinds of games on launch anymore, it's going to be 30 dollars for the deluxe edition with the season pass when it hits steam.
>need something to be angry about today
>See this
Hell yeah I'll just get comfy and FUCK epic too man i feel for you guys
Which ones? Name the titles that Valve paid for to be only on Steam and nowhere else.
>There's no support for posting my anime therefor this video games store is shit
Imagine the autism required for this train of thought LMAO
Shut the fuck up chang, your shilling is getting very old
The launcher being free does not change anything, steam games are sold from 100s of stores all competing in price. Epic games are sold in 1 store, with no competition in price so they gouge the shit out of you.
Even if it wasn't a chink botnet, it'd still be garbage.
You're right. Valve pays off devs to support them and release it on as many platforms as possible.
Valve didn't pay for any of the exclusives that are currently on the Steam store
Stfu sonyccuck.
Imagine the retardness required to not be able to read trough one simple image.
That's why I left out the 5% royalty entirely and left it at 12.
Don't cram in the 5% licensing fee for UE, because that's not part of Steam's doing - that's Epics. They could use another engine if it really bothered them. So we don't; count that against them as its part of paying for any other dev licensing you need.
The rest of your math if wrong - you're just throwing numbers together. THey don't make sense versus what I mentioned, we're only talking about the specific amount that cut to the platform and the differences between it.
And Epic is certainly being shifty and throwing money up front for exclusivity deals. Its up to us to make that idea toxic. But lets not forget that tons of corporations especiially public held ones will do things that make short term profit this quarter kind of sense, damn the fact it hobbles them in the long term - its practically the American way!
So they're literally paying to keep their games on Steam? This is an interesting development indeed.
>basic math is impossible for chang
That's a disspointment.
I'm still not hearing any titles that are exclusive to Steam that they bought from another developer.
Can't imagine it, sorry. Do you often have issues with reading or is it just that one image?
>Valve didn't pay for any of the exclusives that are currently on the Steam store
Which ones did they pay in the past then. Name them faggot, or fuck off.
This one broken bugbot repeating the same line over and over again because his shitty store has no legit upsides. I bet it's the same retard that got DEMOLISHED in multiple threads earlier, before I went to bed. Man, the Chinese sure do have long hour workdays.
2 died
Commandant Steele and Angel
4 left
Lilith, Maya, Amara, and Tyreen
the male twin has red siren looking tats he might be a pseudo-siren or maybe he just wants tats like his sister who knows
>2011 Steam is doing better than '19 EGS
lmao, what a stupid fucking service. I hope their vilification serves as a cautionary tale for balkanizing the PC community with "exclusivity deals"
Me neither. None of the exclusives currently on Steam were paid for directly as far as I know.
>a launcher you can download for free for a set amount of time
so the launcher costs money normally or what?
i had someone from thailand using my email to make an account on epic store. really did cost me some time to figure out what in the fuck was going on when i recently got metro
I'm not aware of any Steam exclusives past or present that were paid for.
>hamachi and tungle magically don't exist and we've not all been using them for old multiplayer games/pirated games for years
ok retard
Well, at least you admitted that you're too retarded to understand a simple image. there might still be hope for you. Maybe...
>download for free for a set amount of time
someone please redpill me
thats a boy isn't it
Randy casted some doubt on whether or not BL3 will have offline play with a recent tweet. Wouldn't be surprised if they lock it down since it's only used for piracy.
Reread it again nigga. They're paying devs to support them to develop their games so they don't need exclusive contracts. They're literally saying that they don't give a fuck where the games end up on. Nohere do they say that they have to be on steam.
Having it as online only on Epic will surley be a wise buissnes move.
You think epic should give out their game engine entirely free? Yeah man, that would make a lot of sense.
Developing easy to use tools, and tools for extremely fast prototyping for absolutely free.
EGS is just giving them a good deal by not taking the 5% if they launch on their platform.
The UE4 cost has to be counted in with steam to make this comparison fair, since we're talking about profit for 2k/gearbox.
I'm really not surprised that basic maths was too difficult for you to follow.
Seems so, it will stop people from stealing the game if they want to play multiplayer.
didn't randy say he'd try to make cross platform possible when the news first leaked though?
>Dude MY fav game Borderlands is weird but ISNT HALO weirder???? Even though Halo 1 & 2 were on PC?????
First of all, they're fucking incompetent so I'd be impressed if they even could lock it down.
Second of all, pirates are not incompetent, they will literally always find a way to do what they want, just like every other always online game that has tried it.
>Don't use UE4
>Don't pay 5%
But your Chink brain can't comprehend not using something your Chinese masters didn't come up with, because if you even think about using things that weren't made by glorious president Winnie the Pooh, your social credit immediately gets docked.
I've read it. Valve have literally been paying developers to keep games from being exclusives on other storefronts so they can continue being sold on Steam. In a way, Valve is guilty of doing the same thing Epic is doing.
Sounds like cope to me, but okay
>Valve is guilty of doing the same thing Epic is doing
No they are not. Epic pays companies to NOT release on Steam. Valve pays companies to NOT sign exclusivity deals. Your subhuman IQ is showing.
>In a way, Valve is guilty of doing the same thing Epic is doing.
>Paying for exclusives is the same as paying devs so they can freely develop and sell everywhere
Are you fucking stupid?
I mean, Valve is literally paying people to keep games on their substandard launcher. Isn't this the *exact* thing everyone is complaining about with Epic?
>Valve have literally been paying developers to keep games from being exclusives on other storefronts so they can continue being sold on Steam.
Yet they've doing the excat opposite. God I do hope you're just basiting and not really that stupid.
They're giving them money to develop games and then let them do with the game whatever they want. Read this part very slowly, take a dictionary if you need it.
>substandard launcher
>says the epic shill
Sounds like a paid chink shill to me, but okay :^)
It must be nice though, getting paid by chinks to shitpost on Yea Forums in the hopes that it'll damage control their permanently -100 pr.
Make the most of it user, they'll eventually give up and accept their pr is fucked.
Shut the fuck up you absolute retard lol. This shit won't work. People with brain damage should be supervised when using computers please call your carer immediately.
There is always 6 sirens.
One dies and another exists.
literally a paid shill
So then they aren't exclusive. Sheesh Xing really didn't try when programming you, huh?
>Valve is literally paying people to keep games on their substandard launcher
First off, Steam kicks the crap out of your shitty chink botnet. Secondly, Valve is not paying anyone to put out anything on Steam. They are paying people to have freedom of choice of where to put their things, instead of taking filthy chink money to sign a deal with the devil. Now fuck off, Chinkoid. Stop repeating your same lies over and over again. That won't make them more true.
Also the male twin had his sister steal Lilith's Siren powers and transferred to him.