Do people actually defend Epic or is it just ironic shitposting opportunity?
Do people actually defend Epic or is it just ironic shitposting opportunity?
It's Yea Forums contrarianism. Because reddit hates it, that means Yea Forums must love it.
Yea Forums has a lot of Chinese shills
It's unironic shilling
>shitposting opportunity
It's like 90% trolling and 10% chinks (probably from china) shilling their shit. Also considering how they've paid off developers and journos, I wouldn't put paid shills past them.
I don’t really want to use Epic because I signed up for an account and for the past year I’ve been getting emails about people trying to access my account. I’m not putting my credit card on there.
A combination of shitposting, shills and reactionaries.
Shitposting, clasic v contrarians mostly and a handfull of shills
>DL the epic launcher for quake champs a while back
>friends do the same
>half of their accounts got compromised a month after quitting, i get regular emails about attempted logins on mine
>literally never happens to bnet or steam
only reason i need tbqh
Just pirate it until it’s on Steam.
90% of it is done by one guy.
This but Sony
It's hilarious how SEETHING steamdrones get.
its just not as horrible as people make it out to be
It's a great way to wind up Steam fags, they literally froth at the mere mention of Epic.
Epic pays developers to get into their shitty store
Epic pays random retards to shitpost against Steam on the internet
Epic pays falseflaggers to seem dumber and make the competition look worse
Living in your head rent free.
that's not how you use that meme
I just realized that Valve shills are just amerilards fearing their chinese overlords
95% of it is shitposting for (you)s, one of the downsides of an anonymous imageboard, and people fall for it every time
theres your answer op
Yes it is faggot, you just don't want to admit it.
You're literally conditioned at this point to sperg out at the mere mention of Epic.
Nobody is defending Epic. Everybody is laughing at Valve for doing absolutely nothing for a decade and then getting shit on in such a way they absolutely deserve.
They needed a competitor to stay true in the market rather than dominate it and do nothing and this is what they got as a consequence.
Americans are unironically and direly stupid and become willing lemmings for any shilling campaign. I would wager half of the posts we see now are no longer ironic shitposting or shills, but genuine retards who now love Epic for no other reason but the fact that they’ve been told to repeatedly, and their only defence when questioned on it is a repetition of phrases and talking points found in those shilling campaigns. The world is much more fucked than you think. Stupid people are a cancer and we are stage 4 terminal.
you say that when someone brings up something that isn't related to the case
this thread is literally about epic dumbass
>doing absolutely nothing for a decade
What should they have done then?
inb4 games, this isn't related to the store wars at all
Epic shill
>Hey do you like low fat vanilla ice cream?
>Yeah it's alright.
>valve getting shit on now
>their daily operations have no changed one iota
What fantasy world do you live in?
Do you remember the domain change? Why do you think it happened?
>doing absolutely nothing for a decade
Built-in controller support that's constantly updated, Proton, a new multiplayer API that can be used for both Steam and non-Steam games, letting whoever wants to release a game to release it (which has been us some genuine gems that never would have made it through a curated storefront), and a new UI is nothing?
Came here to affirm this. It's shills.
I think its more anti valve than pro epic.
Do you actually care or did you take the shitposting opportunity?
>absolutely nothing for a decade
what do you want them to do? please, im eager for your response
Back you go /r/games isn't locked anymore kid
user you don't have to try so hard to fit in, we accept you here as you are
Go home discord tranny
Why you no likey very epic store? It great for game, it good bissness, and it numba 1. Very epic store win and beat dumb american steam. NUMBA 1
Something like 90 percent of it is just one person. It's VERY obvious because of the state of the catalog when he shows up, and the amount of copypasta shit he uses thread after thread.
There are shitposters, but their shit looks more like the consolewars , and isn't so focused on valve and steam.
>people on Yea Forums worried about chinese botnet when this site is run by Hiroshima
fuckin lol
So fucking annoying. I uninstalled EGS like 2 months ago and I still get these emails.
id rather the japs spy on me than the chinks
>some randoms from reddit defending their chink masters
>Everybody is laughing at Valve for doing absolutely nothing for a decade
Nah, we're laughing at you still pushing this retarded shit.
Better, but still not quite there. Give it another try.
>Do people actually defend Epic or is it just ironic shitposting opportunity?
you tell me.
you think hiro wont sell info to the chinks?
>literally exaplins why is bullshit
>i-i-it doesn't count because it's from plebbit
Yeah, just like .
> people trying to access my account
Do you know what it means?
This is literally ironic shit posting, Steam fags have made it way to easy and tempting.
Sure, you're low hanging fruit, but it's still an easy laugh and you guys have been sperging non-stop for months.
>Steam logo badly photoshopped with pixels cut off
>If image were real, it would imply Steam creates the EpicGamesLauncher.exe
Imagine being this retarded.
>This is literally ironic shit posting
it's a mental illness actually but i'm too tired to constantly showcase the autismo's posts
It's shilling you dumb fuck - there are people who get PAID to do this
>what are low res .exe icons
Wouldn't the easiest way try and fuck over epic games be by reporting them to the Eu for Gdpr violations on mass.
Do it faggot
It's only a good thing for the industry if Valve loses all of their monopolistic death grip over PC gaming.
I don’t defend Epic. I shit on Steam. Brainlets can’t tell the difference
LIterally all of these are irrelevant to the consumer's interest. Fuck off.
the same can be said in reverse
Fuck Valve, they're disgusting and abhorrent shitlords who actively contributes to the stagnation and degeneration of video gaming.
That shit will be providing years of hilarity. The best part is that when epic removed games from everyone's libraries, they didn't add a new transaction saying the shit was canceled. They REMOVED the entry, and the reciept as well.
You apparently have to archive all of your own transactions yourself with them, as they will fuck with your records.
Except it isn't. But I've come to realize not to expect anything substaintial from a chinkshill anyway.
Still waiting for just one reason why Epic store is better then any other btw.
But why?
What? It's easy. The epic spammer has to constantly deflect from GOG being good, customer friendly, viable and even existing.
They say words can be put together in any combination.
I am still waiting for you to prove that Valve has been doing anything in the last five years, because as far as we all can tell, they haven't done jackshit.
It's a mess all around
They have, which I posted. Not my fault that you're a brainlet who's unable to understand when even children should be able to do it.
What should they have done, exactly?
I don't see any video games or anything of similar substantiality anywhere in that little post of yours. You failed, and so has Valve. Try again, kiddo.
>epic launcher
>quake champs
What do video games have to do with the store wars exactly?
>making games has something to do with managing the storefront
Epic Store is shit, but Steam also has a lot of issues, and frankly I can understand devs opting to be a bigger fish in a smaller pond and get sign up bonuses on top of that
The fact that Valve are expected to make video games instead of wasting their time on shit nobody wants.
Don't be stupid nigga. There's already multiple threads in archive with pretty much that exact text, as well as being posted dozens of other times. He wants to change the subject to the shit he's got his scripts for.
You cannot seriously believe that?
I'm responsible for fuck tons of the epic shilling, I don't use epic, I sure as shit don't get paid and I do it for no reason other than to see posts like yours.
Look how fucking wound up you are, you're literally delusional, i've seen threads full of you fags just lying non-stop to try and discredit Epic in childish rants instead of actually going about it in a logical and sensible manner.
I mean fuck, right now you're review bombing Borderlands games on Steam because 3 is an Epic Exclusive.
You guys are an absolute fucking riot.
GOG shill? I didn’t mention GOG
>Valve are expected to make video games
What does this have to do with the store wars, exactly?
Nothing, it's just a popular form of deflection once Cheng realizes that he fucked up.
Everything, because it's the center of Valve's identity.
>>If image were real, it would imply Steam creates the EpicGamesLauncher.exe
>Creates or opens a file or I/O device.
Not really.
You mean do people actually defend steamshit or is it just ironic shitposting opportunity? Unfortunately yes, there are retards that unironically defend this jewish garbage spyware.
Yet they haven't made games in 10 years as you say?
>I'm responsible for fuck tons of the epic shilling, I don't use epic, I sure as shit don't get paid and I do it for no reason other than to see posts like yours.
>he actually does it for free
>hurr epic bad
>But steam is the same spyware garbage with even worse conditions for developers and shitload of social cancer garbage that basically killed pc gaming
>b-b-but muh gog
Then why the fuck do you have steam installed, you pathetic cuck? If you are so against epic, uninstall steam and buy only from gog or independent marketplaces. Fucking retards I swear.
>Gabe is selling me these AAA bytes for half off!!!! What a steal!
>Oh no my greatest ally is facing competition :((((
I reckon it's:
Shitposters desperate for those sweet succulent (you)s, genuine fucking shills, the retard tier contrarians that have infested Yea Forums for years, a downright deranged spammer (there might be more than one of these) and maybe a discord or something (They've been found to be behind boards getting barraged with obnoxious shill threads before)
Perfect storm of retardation
The first post literally confirms that Epic is spying on users, but it's somehow ok because Origin and Uplay do it too, even though it mentions that Steam is an outlier in that regard.
It doesn't explain why Uplay looks for files that are created by Steam either. "Just taking a look at your consumer habits on competitors, goy"
Kill yourself.
Someone who's objective it is to shit on steam is perfectly fine with GOG. For the epic spammer, as shown by his previous posts in the thousands of threads he's created, simply dropping steam in favor of GOG isn't a win condition. He needs a response to GOG that makes people pick up epic.
I wonder if hes' the same dude who's obsessed with that one indie steam game Tayel I think it was?
Imagine being so deranged that you think that Valve are not the worst company of all time.
If you don't see being datamined by China as an issue (ie. you don't think it will affect you or you have a box dedicated JUST for Epic Games) you probably find the whole debate a little ludicrous. I will personally never use the launcher even if it means missing out on some games.
I don't even have an Epic account and you see me defending Epic. Why?
I was there when Steam first launched. I was 20 years old and I still remember the vitriol and screeching going on "why do I have to install an online verification program just to play Half Life 2"
fast forward current year and steam is full of shit games. Just when a competitor comes out Steam keks are losing their shit.
Fucking hypocrites
how is it competing when they have less functions than steam with EVEN less games?
Imagine being so disturbed that you defend any of these rackets without compensation.
>Do people actually defend Steam or is it just ironic shitposting opportunity?
>Fucking hypocrites
Notice how nobody right now gives a shit about a Ubisoft game coming to Uplay, a Blizzard game coming to or an EA game coming to Origin. Nobody gives a fuck if a game a company developed themselves is exclusive to their own storefront. Hell, nobody gives a shit if Fortnite is exclusive to Epic's store. What is is doing is paying to have games they had no involvement in that were always going to release taken away from other storefronts. There is zero benefit for the customer here
developers and other employees of the industry do use this board too, you know.
Both, there's probably a few legitimate shills, the rest is retarded contrarians and ebin shitposters stirring the pot and doing it FOR FREE.
Also a few delusional physicalfags and bitter anti-Valve drones.
>being anti-valve is being a drone
You're getting predictable.
This is the first time that I can say it's shilling, no actual costumer would defend this piece of shit.
>Everybody is laughing at Valve
I just enjoy triggering these steam faggots going full seethe mode at the idea of an epic exclusive.
Meanwhile Steam did it first and they just ended up sucking its dick for it.
The backlash is just retarded, just dll a new launcher and stop being a lil bitch. U already do so with Ubisoft, EA, Blizz, Steam and what not.
>Meanwhile Steam did it first
When did Valve pay a third-party developer/publisher to not release their games anywhere but Steam?
>Meanwhile Steam did it first
I'm just gonna pirate the game without the concern of getting banned, seems like a win-win for me.
Totally worth it
>Totally worth it
For what? The developer that made Satisfactory created fucking Goat Simulator. They'll be rolling in cash for years and were in no danger of shutting down without Epic's money
They didn't have to since they were the first and it was basically a monopoly.
So you're admitting Steam didn't 'do it first'?
Everyone should just start promoting gog. It's the most pro-consumer platform
>Valve: waaaaah exclusivity is bad!!!111!!!
>also Valve: let's never allow any form of valve content to be released outside of steam ever
Not the same dude, but also fuck them for shamelessly ripping off Factorio and doing a shit job at it.
I pirated Satisfactory and it's fucking garbage in comparison, literally the only reason anyone would prefer it over Factorio is if they're a shoe on head retard.
Steam exclusive games are atleast made by valve themselves
Epic on the other hand just snatches other devs' games
>>also Valve: let's never allow any form of valve content to be released outside of steam ever
But nobody ever complained about storefront exclusives if the storefront developed it themselves. See:
It’s shills. This site gets shilled all the fucking time. Look at the Captain Marvel threads on Yea Forums for example.
>brainlets still can't tell the difference between first party and third party games
Your logic is failing you.
Steam was mandatory, since there was not even a competitor.
Releasing a game outside of steam just resulted in having shit sales. So did they really have a choice?
It's especially embarrassing when you consider that Captain Marvel flopped.
Cope more.
Valve are hypocrites.