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Did he finally kill himself?

oh god dont get close to me

Absolutely not.

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Cosmo's story is legitimately sad. At the height of his fame, he:
1) got cucked by his gf
2) lost a big competition to a literal who
3) lost interest/prominence in the only thing he was any good at

and as a result, he:
1) transitioned unsafely
2) had to self medicate to compensate for the chemical imbalanced cause by his transition meds
3) had no options to finance his lifestyle successfully so he just sank further and further into misery

It's legitimately fucking depressing. The speedrunning community legitimately ruined this man's life. If he never picked up speedrunning, he would have been better off. Dude had a big of an ego, but not becoming a big streamer would have 1) prevented his ego from growing 2) preventing him from finding a degenerate cunt who would cuck him and 3) prevent him from becoming such a prominent figure that he felt the need to maintain some form of status.

I don't understand how people still support the speedrunning community. It's literally ruined marriages and lives. Anyone who is attached to it is pretty much a guaranteed closet degenerate, or will fall victim to degeneracy at some point.

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I know this is a pasta but
>The speedrunning community legitimately ruined this man's life
He did everything himself. Don't blame anyone but his faggot ass.


>1) transitioned unsafely

There is no way to "transition safely",you are already fucked in the brain to ever consider that.

>destroys Yea Forums's smash community
>while on shrooms
I will never not laugh at smash fans

>The speedrunning community legitimately ruined this man's life
That's the same as saying "guns kill people". People holding guns kill people, and while speedrunning trash might've helped, at the end of the day it's his fault and his alone.

Is there a video of this? Seeing the gaggle of namefags getting their shit pushed in sounds pretty good right now

Not a pasta but it has the potential to be I guess.
Anyway, speedrunning is at least 80% to blame; it places too much attention and glory on autists who have literally no talent other than playing video games a lot, and corrupts them. It also attracts, and perhaps creates, pure degeneracy (look at how much cuckolding goes on in that community).
You're right, but I'm relatively speaking, just shoving HRT into your body without having any medical supervision is insanely unsafe compared to transitioning "properly". He threw off his body's chemical balances, causing his depressive fits, and all he could do to alleviate it is get high as fuck on shrooms.

>some activity that you perform is the main cause of your degeneracy
no, you are the main cause of it. the amount you can attribute to external factors is so minimal that he would have gone the exactly same path if he chose a different lifestyle. you are the owner of your actions and choices, and you alone.

Are there any other trainwrecks I can watch aside from him and chris chan?

Could someone catch me up, did he recently do something.


this is video games?

Is Narci the queen of Yea Forums?

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jason genova

>if he chose to play video games as a casual hobby rather than as a career, and instead he got a job in an office setting, he still would have found a girlfriend who cucked him at speedrunning conventions, still would have garnered an army of internet spergs who give him hundreds of dollars a night to play a video game, and still would have participated in a giant video game competition that he ended up losing in front of hundreds of thousands of people
Yeah, nah. Like I said, the speedrunning community fuels delusions of grandeur and it's apparent if you look at how many basket cases this community has produced. It's a lot like eSports, but even worse because you don't even have to be talented to speedrun, just autistic enough to commit hours and hours of a game's content/mechanics to muscle memory.

Speedrunners aren't inherently degenerates. Most of them are semi-high functioning spergs who would lead typical lives if they did literally anything else.

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I apoligize for uncle Addie not being alive so you can put you out of misery, mentally ill tranny

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it is like depression caused his mentall illness (aka becoming a tranny) rather than not becoming a tranny causing his depression
really makes you wonder

Try 'Drachenlord' he's like a german chris-chan-lite
You can find more yourself if you check lolcow sites

>all he could do to alleviate it is get high as fuck on shrooms
probably the only non-retarded thing he's done since he started speedrunning desu

this, shrooms are based and redpilled

yes, she deserves it

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Anything can fuck you up, is your lack of character and weakness what makes it actually happen.

zoom zoom zoom

>1) got cucked by his gf
did he actually get cheated on?