ITT: Series that were never good yet keep getting games

ITT: Series that were never good yet keep getting games

I'll start

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Your favorite game series

Fe13 protag is robin

Ys, trails of cold steel

I LOVE pokemon, but this is very true.

>any other nintendo series sells less than 5 million copies
>cancelled forever
>FE fails for 20 years straight, briefly has 2 ok selling games, starts failing again
>continues to consistently get games

How can this series be bad if I like it?

Nintendo wants to keep FE because it wants to pretend it has games that aren't platformers at heart, and FE fills that gap when nothing else can.

That means you shit taste. FEfags are naturally retarded

Chrom was always shown as the main protagonist until Smash 4. Robin legitimately didn't even have any official artwork showing his face until Smash 4, hence his Smash Ultimate spirit being a Smash render. After Smash 4, they've been slowly phasing Chrom out in favour of Lucina, see this soundtrack art.

Also RIP Leif

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Why do the remakes count as sequels?

devil may shit

I don't care about smash, he is still the protagonist


4-8 we're great

>People are salty that FE and Pokemon review well and keep getting games.
Lol, cant wait to put over 2k hours into SwSh and 3 houses.



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That's a good qwestion

Not really. Robin's a main protagonist, but not THE main protagonist.

I feel like every Fire Emblem is mediocre to a degree.
Some have strengths but fail in other areas. I personally don't really see what's so good about the pre gba games. Those games have flawed gameplay as well while looking like dogshit to boot.

I'm not too sure why people like them as much as they say they do either. I mean, sure, they generally have more ambitious game design than the GBA games and 4's plot is alright, but the execution isn't great at all.

FEfags are just very delusional

This man knows

>while looking like dogshit to boot.
While the games are shit, the animation for sprites and aesthetic are decent looking


>Series that was never good
>So I'll post a series I don't like
top jej

FE was good until the end of the Radiant games. A real series that was never good Sonic.

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PoR and RD are shit so no


GTA, or any open world shit of that ilk.

They are better than most games in the series. Tell me why they aren’t without saying “muh furries.”

>open world

Well, you already failed. GTA didn’t start as an oprn world series.

Holy blue hair.

shit graphics, artstyle and plot


Not even close