Does bikini armor bother you Yea Forums?

Does bikini armor bother you Yea Forums?

Attached: girl.jpg (1200x675, 169K)

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It bothers my dick, greatly.

Only when it's clipping.

Never has. Never will.

what kind of armor bonus does it grant?

Attached: girl2.jpg (1200x675, 53K)

It bothers my cock

no because it's really hot

I love bikini armor.
I will purchase it in any game that offers it.

Alot actually, sexy armour dosent bother me much, but bikini armour does.

Tiananmen Square Protests
Freedom of Speech
Winnie The Pooh

not really, but it's at it's best when done for comedic purposes.

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Ain't any metal in that senpai. That's just lingerie.

I wish Black Desert Online wasn't complete garbage

I don't get why people always bring up Taimanin in these kinds of threads, it's so rude!

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>those thighs and hips

Attached: ouuuaaaaaa.png (331x387, 133K)

that's not the main point here

No, but everything else about this garbage game does.

Bikini armor? No.
Fucked up anatomy? Yes.

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cute feet

my brain thinks it looks stupid but my dick disagrees

child bearing hips is fucked up guys

this is the new gen we're living in

Attached: girl6.jpg (1200x675, 88K)

what game

Not really, but I prefer armors mixed with frilly dresses.

Yes, I don't like nudity it's disturbing.

If a wooden stick with an owl carving on the end can be the most legendary magic weapon in the game, I can also buy that skimpy gear provides more protection somehow.

that's not armor, that's wizard clothes or something.
but even if it was armor it wouldn't bother me because i'm not a retarded tranny / roastie jealous of fictional characters.


Yeah, it's annoying. Form fitting boobplate too, but nowhere near as much.

I only hate it when bikini armor is actually an armor with great stats since I prefer frilly armor. Cosmetic armor is whatever

>enemy hit chance reduced to 20% maximum
>enemy damage type converted to 'Grope'
>enemy crits do 'Rape' damage, but no actual physical damage
Pretty good.

Attached: girl4.jpg (1200x675, 118K)

BDO is such a great game visually. Shame its a grindy garbage MMO.

>child bearing hips

Just start posting what everyone came here for

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no but fat people do

look at that face oh nononono

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It bothers me only when the environment is cold.

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Puritan scum

I like it, but i like dress armor more.

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Now tell us how much that armor coast in real dollars
it's all a scam man.

what game?

oops, wrong one.

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Only when it's in an otherwise terrible AGP dressup game that mentally ill retards play instead of finding normal porn.
E.g., BDO.

Sometimes, depends heavily on what I'm going for or if it's just a porno game/fapfuel then I dont care.

what is happening here?

not surprised a tranny doesn't like child bearing hips

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Armor skirts are fucking retarded but I still love them anyway.


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some mmo

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Well put

i like them because of how retarded they are. wish i had pics of my MHW character, i always wore the fuckhuge plate metal rathian coil skirt, which would've probably weighed more than my character, while spinning around in the air and shit

Is that new feet textures?

Black Desert. Garbage game. Alright fap.

Which one? I need it user

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>Chrome Metal Coil gives Torso Up in 4U and Gen
Move over, Vangis Coil

black desert

i dont think ive added a pic in my folder as fast as this, any more?

Bikini armor is low tier.

Now form fitting, full armor on the other hand...

Attached: hildelarge.jpg (1131x1600, 188K)

Reverse Image Search is your best friend.

Maybe, but you should put on a helmet before all that other armor

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That can't even be considered a bikini armor. It's just a piece of cloths strapped together by some thin strings.
Bikini armor implies revealing armor but actually made in iron/steel

I really like it, especially on barbarian girls.

it's cloth armor

It generally only shows up in a setting where its consistent so it's not a problem. I actually like it if it's explained why a girl is wearing it. Like for instance if they go at lengths to explain the magic properties of the armor or the wearer having like some Emma Frost skin or sone shit.

Conan the Barbarian doesn't bother me. So why would this?

Yes, because logically everyone would be wearing it, and that's never the case.

why would it?

It's impractical as all hell but you know you're playing a video game anyways so suspension of belief.

Some superstition that if they wear outlandish talismans and garbs they'll become bulletproof.

The lack of it bothers me more.

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People are autists and will lose their absolute fucking mind if things don't have any practical realism. Even though most of the time their perception of realism is greatly shaped by media and not by any historical knowledge. So you'll see those same people not utter a word about swords drawn over the back and the like.

Learn the difference it may just save your life
child bearing hips

cancerous tumors embedded in the thighs

If it fits the setting sure.

But when I see korean fantasy MMOs where everyone else is running around in rusty armor and tattered rags, and you have some whale come along with pristine white bikini armor and angel wings it makes me uninstall.

I'm straight.

Of course not. I love having my characters wearing silly or sexy shit, bonus point if i play a guy

>thighs are too big for my small dick better call them cancer bubbles



Attached: Black Desert 2018.12.21 - (2720x1480, 1.53M)

Truly men of high culture.
Just imagine the sweaty abs under that armor and the gap moe of a cute girl wearing full plate armor.

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I like it if seems fitting, for example being worn by an aggressive speedy amazon or by a dancer from a desert country. I think it looks silly if there's a medieval knight wearing something like that alongside fully armored characters, especially if it's in a cold environment.

at least tell him how much those costumes cost and last. dont get the hopes up.

In generic fantasy, nah.
It's called fantasy for a reason.

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absolute based

No, I'm not autistic.

nigger desert online

here's a better version

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Always listen to your pee pee.

Doesn't particularly bother me but it doesn't really do anything for me. I'm not a realismfag either, visually it just doesn't really appeal to me. I'm more of a frilly armored dress kind of fag.

nigga thats an asshole

Only if it's the only available option.

the neck part is hot

Boob plates are an instant drop for me.

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Bot all of us are niggers who think disproportionate shapes are sexy and totally healthy when they're obviously not.

Does that have any articulation at all?

That does make sense. Statisically speaking, people wearing mundane uniforms are more likely to get shot.

Only if it's a bad design or goes against the aesthetic of the entire rest of the cast.

Interesting character design with unique sense of personality > Practical and consistent realism > There's one character in a torn thong and lace-up bikini alongside grittily dressed army veterans

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Only when it's worn by old hags

It belongs to little girls

No, but I want variety. You should be able to pick between bikini armor and fully covered plate for both male and female characters



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your ugly fucking retard toon with default armor that ever faggot wear in that game
wow boob
wow you look like every other shit slut in that game
nothing new
so creative wow retard you did it
huge character creator with a lot of outfits and you made yourself an ugly default
good job supporting jew devs too
pay to win fucking trash game

have sex

>losing my wizard powers
You won't trick me, filthy succubus.

Imagine thinking you're virile and masculine for being attracted to a video game character.

Anyone who posts that should make all of there holes readily available for whoever they replied to.

>shitty reddit tranny meme
have bleach

it's always kinda lazy
give me some creative shit like fran's armor from FF12

No, and I actively look for it in games as it enhances my enjoyment of them.

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>give me some creative shit like fran's armor from FF12
That's just bikini armor with additional decorations.

Only iif the men use realistic medieval/renaissance armor

no, it is actually a reason to play a game

Chinks can't make consistent and immersive period games or clothing for that matter. They have to always inject them with their gravure garbage to feed their slave culture devoid of physical contact. Medieval fantasy game? Hers some bunny suits, modern swimsuits, tuxedos and other fashion catalogue trash. Generic bikini armour atleast has a creative history behind it to back it up.

This barbie dressup garbage belongs in the trash though.

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>fine ass female models
>hear nothing good about it's gameplay

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yeah, exactly
>medieval fantasy
FF12 is practically bordering on star wars

This. Character designs don't have to be stoicially realistic, but they should still try to have something that shows more effort than putting the character in plain metal underwear.

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ugly pear-shaped bodies do
hourglass all the way

no. To anyone whom it bothers lore-wise, who are you to say it’s not a magical bikini that creates an invisible shell.

It's legitimately the best MMO gameplay on the market right now, but still has a lot of room for improvement (especially in PVP). The devs are kinda dumb so you have to be patient with them. Also not really any group PVE content to speak of.

God, the things I'd do for one night with that Sallet.

Attached: valkyrieshieldaxe.jpg (564x581, 84K)

shit. what game is that

>It's legitimately the best MMO gameplay

Even if you believe that almost everything else about the game is garbage. Especially how p2w it is which is an even bigger deal because you WILL get dickslapped by whales unless all you do is sit in Heidel jerking it to idle fapbait characters.

However I do prefer it when it's a bit more elaborate than metal underwear.

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What bothers me is the lack of it in western games.

No, but I never play as a girl unless it's mandatory as I am a man and you should always play your own gender.


Are you retarded? Autistic? FF XII isn't fucking medieval.

It's sad isn't it? All that art from the 90s and early 2000s and now that we have the tech it's not acceptable anymore.

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m8 if inhumanly strong heroes are saving your shit you won't question their choice of attire

feminine, form-fitting armor > revealing armor > armor-flavored lingerie > overly complex yet feminine and frilly armor > bikini armor > regular chunky armor

I'm okay with it.

Attached: selena goblina escaping a german sex dungeon.webm (960x540, 2.85M)

Can anything stop the Germans' desire for fetish porn?

user how did you manage to mistake the < character for >

the helmet is right there you dolt, between her hip and her spear.

Form fitting corset armor holding up boots with regular leg armor with a hugh bastard sword>Anything else

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She's going to be so embarrassed when she finds out what it's for.

what game

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if it gives higher stats than other equipment, why should I not equip it?

Resident Evil 2 remake but it is a mod.

>It's legitimately the best MMO gameplay on the market right now
Neverwinter is leagues better than this shit and that game is F2P

>every year I become more willing to kill a man for a great heretic/Heretic 2 remake
it's an abstract kind of feel

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I fucking love it

I can also do full plate but it’s a different aesthetic

don't make yourself sift through all the redditors' template replies manually
>pepes/wojaks/eceleb image hashes'
>text filters

google general butt naked

I just want a fun to play MMO with a living community for ERP

I would settle for an active community with one that at least looks as good as BDO.

why? because is flashy? because is "action mmo" ?
that doesnt mean anything when the encounters are a without any challenge,

dont belive what this person says the game is as shit as any other korean mmo. it only have the tits and ass going on for it, even the so called amazing graphics are as bland as they get, no personality at all.

i agreed with you, the combat in neverwinter is a lot better.

Don't do this. It is barely better than masturbating and how got herpes and learned women are vile creatures that shouldn't be considered human.

Is this the ebin new may-may?!

not really

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you get black desert for free if you get until certain lvl during trial, right?

It's actually the head that's bothering me here.

Go away

>buying a game and only playing half of it

There are plenty of games where there's real difference between playing as a guy or a girl.

No but I prefer witches

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I said unless it's mandatory. I played Amazon in Dragon's Crown, but if there was a male barbarian that played the same way I probably would have chosen that.


This. If you want people to have sex then you better be willing to put out.

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Only if it's in a game that's boasting about realism.

Fun and distinctly designed outfits that may or may not be revealing are better.

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Not really if it's full sex fantasy mode.
I really get triggered by realistic looking cuirass with garter straps or shoulder spikes and boob plates. Same as pizza cutter swords.


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Not in the slightest.

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No but it also doesn't do much for me

>plate diaper

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>that unicorn helmet

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you are literally on Yea Forums's Yea Forums

no, I think the idea of
>look at me I'm wearing this and I'm still going to curbstomp you all
is pretty great
of course the reverse scenario where the character gets punished for her arrogance has some merit too

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Where do you live where diapers look like that?

It would bother me if it would happen in games I like, because bikini armor is stupid.
But it mostly happen in fantasy or fighting games, which I hate, so meh, I don't care.

>he doesn't want to wear a severed unicorn's head as helmet

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a little desu
i usually prefer more realistic looking armors

>because bikini armor is stupid
No less stupid than the male characters in nothing but loincloths and harnesses, but I never see anyone complain about that.

if its a high fantasy setting theres usually magic and enchantments that make armor completely redundant anyway

>of course the reverse scenario where the character gets punished for her arrogance has some merit too
what do you mean

I too demand realism in my fantasy video games.

I would, but again, it's just fantasy shit thing.


People fought in rags and nude for thousands of years in real life.

How do you know, were you there? Didnt think so you fucking deductive retard

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>Chinks can't make consistent and immersive period games or clothing for that matter.
What is Sekiro?

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It bothers me that western cucks are trying to get rid of it.

I like women kitted out in full plate armor. That easily falls apart leaving them open for raep.

You're the cuck here, angry incel lol

I don't even particularly like it but I agree. Even if I prefer my female fighters in full plate armor, anyone trying to stop people who like chainmail bikinis is a faggot, people should be allowed to enjoy what they enjoy

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You can't be serious.

The fuck is wrong with her face

can i fap to you ingame?

No one is stopping you from enjoying it

>powerful warrior girl thinks she can get away with wearing metallic lingerie
>gets miles of D instead
I think it's pretty self-explanatory

normalfags and zoomers don't actually play games

Skimpy armor is what I put all my characters in, male and female.

Attached: where's the needles.png (1920x1080, 2.22M)

why would you
that looks awful
the character is fat and ugly
put her in trash dumpster rags and toss her in the bin

Hes lowering his standards so he'll be able to please his wife in bed, relationships are about sacrifices.

I don't get the appeal of wow characters

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matter of faith, really.
By dressing flashy (which draws fire) they show off their courage to spirits, believing that spirits will protect them from bullets.
Same with not using sights when shooting. By firing gansta-style/allah-style, instead of actually aiming, you show your trust in spirits/allah/whatever, and let him decide if your bullets hit or not.

Women should only wear armor for looks and novelty. It is mens duty to fight, women should just look pretty, make dinner, and take dick. True story.

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How much of a faggot am I if I prefer real full body armor instead of bikini armor?

>mmo shit
such a shame, the character creator looks kino

Attached: armor44.jpg (1800x1350, 1.26M)

reddit tranny maymay

Calm down, children, what othe rpeople like has no affect on your precious feelings or mental state.

I don't play games but I was able to identify it.

Drink bleach

Slut armor should be available for both genders.

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one thats not out yet


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Why does Yea Forums hate black desert again? never played it myself but it looks pretty cool for an mmo from what I've seen.

>"We get enough orders to make it worth having here."
Every object women claim to hate, including everything they'll describe as pink tax. Made me laugh.

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goblin slayer

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It's a great reminder that there is far more to gameplay than combat
The combat is friggin great, but what you can use all your combat abilities on isn't. the enemies are mostly just really passive punching bags standing around in the world somewhere.
of course there is also pvp and between equal opponents it looks absolutely great, but in practice it will really teach you about korean MMO power creep.

Only on some occasions, specifically when it doesn't make a good fit for the character.
I couldn't play Code of Princess because of the protag's outfit, but Amazon from Dragon's Crown is one of my favorite designs from that game for this exact reason.

It makes you less of an animalistic slave to your primal desires
Though it doesn't really matter what you like, as long as you've never spent money on something solely because it made your dick twitch (or decided you didn't like something because it /didn't/ make your dick twitch) you're not a barely sentient animal masquerading as a human being.

it was the only thing most people had and knew about for a long time

>tfw not enough games with girls covered head to toe in tacticool armor

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is the pvp fun atleast?

Women shouldn't be in game. Just like how children and some other things aren't in some games.

>Women shouldn't be in game
Fuck you man, I ain't fapping to dudes in my eroge.

bikini armor is top tier anyone that disagrees is a flaming fag but almost any armor is great just no buttcapes
also its magic so fuck muh realism stats

Attached: Tensei Shitara Ken Deshita armor test 2.jpg (1125x1600, 1.01M)

Yes, incredibly fun, but you'll have to spend hundreds of dollars to get proper gear, your PVE stuff translates to your PVP, its all equipment based. Its a huge gamble because getting something to +whatever involves alot of RNG. I play tamer so I blast down opponents but am super squishy, other classes require fully upgraded items to stand a chance.

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Female combatants are already unrealistic so who cares what they wear?

>It makes you less of an animalistic slave to your primal desires

but what if women in full armor turn that user on more than bikini armor? checkmate you pseudo intellectual fedora faggot

It's like Rockstar said it. If you get bothered by things like that, you're not old enough to play video games.

details, please

okay let me correct myself then
normalfags and zoomers don't care about games


And what if the law passes where women are drafted into the military? What, you gonna send them out naked so pajeets can rape them in front of you?

>tank in the front
>morale boost/support in the back

perfect design

Attached: amazon.jpg (901x1000, 216K)

What's the sauce on this ?

Go have sex you sad virgins LOL

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Whoever is stupid enough to draft women into combatant service roles will lose so who cares what they wear?


no, neither does realistic armour, neither does """realistic""" armour (boobplate but otherwise realistic looking)
the only thing that bothers me are the autistic retards who bitch one way or another

No, but that body shape does. That's grotesque. Is she a bowling pin?

bikini armor for everyone, even the non humans

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Somebody must have the post saved about recovering guns from them with all the sights zoomed in because they think bigger number = faster or harder firing bullets

You are actually such a piece of shit nigger for trying to shill BDO it is the most soulless jew game made by the most subhuman devs who just want to suck up your money

Kys anyone who unironically shills BDO in 2019 let it die please don't let them scam people for another year

Downloading it right now just to spite you

this guy

I can't believe Nisetanaka is finally fucking back!

seething homo


every time i try to play black dessert i end up masturbating. i cant play it, it just appeals so much to my dick

snu snu please

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Scales and claws have natural armor and attack, so naturally all scalies should be specced into naked brawlers.

He's alive and posting again, user. He's live on Twitter, Pixiv and Patreon.

Attached: edit nisetanaka.jpg (1118x822, 207K)

>this guy's love for fit girls and highly detailed and well-drawn bits of armor
I guess he won't return to Skyrim to finally make those Daedra and Ancient Nord bikini sets, but oh well, that's still great news.

>weeb artist
So nothing of value.

Attached: __original_drawn_by_majo__69c599e6b3c2efb83d397ede23d96bdf.jpg (1267x1516, 700K)

The guy is literally Japanese.

The razor thing always cracked me up.
>Why does this stylized and heavily marketed razor with more material and a fucking two pound brick of lubricant cost more than the Bic disposable? PINK TAX!
No one is stopping them from buying dollar store razors, yet they still complain.

If you play it for a day you'll realize that you can't judge something just based on how it looks .

he's finnish

I have. It's okay. But in the end, fapping out a load and not dealing with bullshit is better.

Is he? His style looks more like some (south) american imitating manga style.

Attached: __drawn_by_foocon__6d994bec9b97f508d5d10ad15ab74d1c.jpg (1300x1040, 728K)

Prove it.

The moomins aren't proof, they're incredibly popular in Japan.

It depends on the artistic vision of the world really, it's a grounded realistic fantasy world having really slutty bikinis breaks away from it.

But if it's something like Dragon's Crown where everything is meant to be heavily stylized/sexual exaggeration I kind of love em.

I love poorly dressed amazon women and the hulking masses of half naked He-man wannabes, I think its ridiculous and fun

b-brap xD

He's Japanese.

>Yeah he's both pissed and dishearten all at once. The reason he was more overt with donations was because he's been struggling as of late. It didn't help that Japan is not all that keen with Paypal as it clashes with some if its domestic banking regulations

He made a lot of skimpy bikini outfits for Skyrim and got fucked by Paypal.

his patreon says
>make Finland great again

and his english is way too good for a japanese

>make Finland great again
Because the guy is obsessed with Moomins.

based dick saving you from playing that trash

or the more likely explanation that he's a finnish weeaboo

that's some random guy posting, not him



Attached: BONER.jpg (480x542, 42K)

this guy actually gets it

Holy fuck

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Honestly his style would look way different if he was someone growing up in japan. Don't get me wrong, they have bad artists there too, but even the low profile ones pull off the proper styles and elements of manga. That includes artists who start late in their life. It is a cultural thing, just like it is with the weeb artists.

Look at ShindoL. He is japanese and aware of his culture, but he grew up in the US and took some from there too. You can see in his style that he has some weeb art elements (in particular the mouths).

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>>>Resetera is that way

I had a friend who worked at a party shop with lots of costumes. Another friend (female) complained that most female costumes were slutty, to which he replied "we used to stock as many non-slutty ones, but no woman would buy them when a slutty version was available and we were losing money, eventually the manager decided not to get those any more."
She still complained for a while, but didn't really have an argument, just nonsense.

Your argument doesn't hold up because you're basing the entire weeb style on faces. You can't possibly compare this when he draws girls with completely obscured faces half the time.

How about now? He occasionally draws stuff like this too, and it's not much different from the generic animu of your image.

Attached: tumblr_o93u9qbEgh1ukywavo1_1280.png (751x996, 279K)

Attached: 1540586204228.png (680x914, 821K)

Or tampons, the more fancy the box they come in, and the higher the price, the better the cotton has to be, also the more aerodynamic.

How are those hips even possible?

I wish someone would make a version of that mod with stockings/garters, gloves and a corset

i'm in nise's discord, he's a filthy slant and has never been outside of the country.

Attached: 1408243681501.jpg (1000x1016, 608K)

Mod for RE2 god bless PC gaming.

thiccfags are retarded

i'm nisetanaka and i have never been to japan

Fucking disgusting square jawed miss piggy

imagine the smell of the person who made this lol

>"Why from 17 century, after major breakthroughs in metallurgy, which made plat armor more affordable, warriors preferred to fight without armor at all?"
Gee I dunno maybe because the fucking GUN was invented.

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it's from a movie i think

Based God

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It was pretty much the norm in western games until the 2010s.

>expecting modders to have taste
from what little I've seen it's nude or skimpy slut clothes

Sure thing homo friend

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It's very korean, in that the essence is the grind. Alot of people don't seem to understand that, so they're mad that there's no endgame outside of finding joy in the grind.
I love it, it's fun to press buttons in a beautiful mid-fantasy world and slowly make progress on my gear, which is upgraded in a very korean fashion as well (which people hate).
People put too much hate into a $10 game with no sub fee.

>Liking weak chins
I bet you still like shit tier asians.

>What is Sekiro?
Japanese you stupid fuck.


Someone post the picture of the buddha transcendentalist edit with the fully armored woman as >it makes my peepee hard

That is the goofiest shit.

I fucking love it and want it in my games.

Korea sucks.

>isekai shit

Depends on the tone the game is going for. If it is some MMO or it goes for the Conan asthetic I have no problem with it, but it doesn't really belong in pseudo realistic medieval fantasy games.

No. I'm not a fat and ugly woman

Yep, that's why I'm never going to live there. At least they like putting sexy broads in their games, I can appreciate that.

You haven't seen anything yet.

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Everything Korean sucks.


I am fairly certain bikini armorfags have the worst retards out of all the girls-in-armorfags

I can't play as them because my autism always forces me think of how retardedly easy it would be to kill them irl

It's not just faces. The way bodies are drawn, coloring, composition and so much more can be similar around weeb artists.

this is peak female characters design

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I'm fairly certain the first widely used musket was issued in the early 1600s, which would of course make plate armor completely irrelevant.

depends on how much there is of it, a few sets of bikini armor is good, having every single armor be bikini armor is shit

It doesn't bother me. I kind of like it.
But I also think women in full proper armour is pretty hot too

maybe, but they're way less harmful than the
>muh realism

>Korean game
>Tries to scare off with Chinese antipropaganda
Found the American

I think you'll find the biggest grievance anybody has with bikini armorfags is the repeated argument that "women fighting isn't realistic." As if a woman picking up any sort of weapon is akin to a unicorn trotting down the street. Just say you like big titties and want something nice to look at, don't jump through absurd loops to justify skimpy outfits. Also a woman engaging in war being unlikely doesn't make it unrealistic, just uncommon.


women fighting isn't realistic

it is unrealistic
if you want to jerk off to armored women, then just say that instead trying to make up dumb arguments for it being realistic

Unrealistic is a statement that it would never happen. It has happened, just not often.

It's uncommon, not unrealistic. Please learn English.

it's literally less common than 13 year olds going to war

Still not unrealistic.

maybe you should look up the dictionary definition for unrealistic, because you clearly dont know what it means

true people with taste like frilly dress armor

Get those shitty frills off my waifu

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The Oxford dictionary considers transgender a legitimate word now, user. I'm not taking that thing seriously anymore.

Yeah it makes my pants tight as fuck and I gotta take them off and then I gotta fap goddamnit WHY DOES THIS SHIT KEEP HAPPENING

Light-weight and enchanted to tank magical Armageddon.

Can't stop a tickle.

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This justifies all the rape in that story

Because you're going through puberty

I've been going through puberty since fucking highschool then.
I'm a goddamn wizard and my wand doesn't want to fucking STOP.


If you can't learn to love the process, it'll put you off completely. Maple Story made me appreciate the grind. Honestly, I miss the days of slaving away at my computer leveling my char and shooting the shit with my guild.

If I didn't have so many responsibilities (and a tendency to spend unnecessary amounts of money in the cash shop), I would have have been maxed level on MS2 ages ago. Black Desert would be my runner up.

put the yoga pants back on

Black desert online, TERA online or Blade and soul

Can't tell

No. I’m heterosexual

Never has and never will ever bother me.
It's the best sort of protection and should be both the standard and elite go-to armor everywhere.

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Goddamn, that shine on that sword. Fuck I should reinstall and see if my PC can run it with those visuals. I want to see my enemies fear in the reflection of the blade.

>Let me display family photos in the background
Even see this twerk vids, fucks me up everytime

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Yes, I think girls look more sexy in regular armor.

I hate it when bikini armor is made out of metal but behaves like cloth, like when a breastplate jiggles or a chain stretches. also when there are spiky bits that just lip through the body.

>tfw no Red Sonja game

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My helmet is right between her legs if you know what I meam

female warriors bother me


>still isn't f2p

I think it looks stupid as fuck but as long as it's an option and not BiS it's fine by me.

holy shit i want to make her pregnant right this moment

WTF> How do you get this? I have the deluxe edition on PS4 and I don't have this costume. do you get this for beating the game on hardcore or something?

You all stupid, see they'll gotta be looking for army guys.


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You just need a pc.

Those shorts are fucking huge.

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Appart from tassets, it is gorgeous.

It's 5 bucks when it's on sale.
But even if it was free, it isn't even worth the time.

>it isn't even worth the time
No. No grinding game is. Ever.
The only good things that come out of these games are assets. Models and textures and art.

shoulder spikes and straps are surely a big no-no for me
but boob plates are more than historically plausible and in fact accurate
there _were_ boob plates.

Elaborate bikini armor that shows ROCK HARD abs for me lads.

I think they're shit both visually and, depending on the setting, practically. My dick does not care and likes them anyway.

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>already following

Yea Forums loves cartoonishly big tits though, so you're wrong

>its another lets bitch about anatomy post.

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Why's everyone replying with spongebob squarepants to this post

That actually proves the point further.

No, its my favorite

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IS BDO better than Blade and soul? I'm getting tired of this lagfest already.

Bikini armor is just part of fantasy, it started in shit like D&D and Conan.
Anyone thinking about realism for armor or anything else in a FANTASY world is a literal retard

Same shit, different aesthetic

not even close

BDO has no real PvE content and the PVP is even more P2W.

I seriosuly hope you mean conan the arnold

Yes, it's dumb and lazy. I'm all for sexy characters, but do it in ways that don't ruin my verisimilitude. Either put bikinis on characters that have reasons not to wear anything else (barbarians, inhumanly tough monster people, surprised at the bathhouse, whatever) or put go through the minimal effort to make a character sexy in clothes that they'd actually wear in that situation. My dick has standards.

>10$ no sub fee
Come the fuck on. The game has so many essential p2w cashshop buys it's not even funny.

whats the name of it?

Yeah, it's shit. Realistic armor is also shit. Semi-realistic? Shit. Make all girls wear cute and/or cool clothes and come up with some magic/sci-fi excuse for the actual protection.

Third post best post.

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sometimes, because of my autism.

>cold snowy mountain area
>bikini armor
>imagine myself that naked in that area
>feel cold

same thing with child link in snowhead in majora's mask. he has a little tunic with exposed legs and arms, then he shivers and sneezes, and i just want him to put on some pants and a coat.

They give out free pets, and that's all you would really want. Play it free, I did for 6 months until christmas sales went up and I got a 2for1 maid and a 2for1pet. Everything else I own, the 6 other pets, the 2 or 3 outfits for each of the 10 characters I have, were all bought with silver from other players off the market.

It's less laggy, or rather the frame drops are less apparent. The texture pop-in kills people for some reason, it's ignorable since it only happens while running from one place to another.

I hope the engine upgrade for BnS comes soon, I really really want to play it to end-game, kung fu master is the best class I've played in an MMO

Depends on the game and setting. Generally no

yes, but all the skimpy costumes cost money

That's why looks so stiff and the picture sucks. C'mon people, think things through. She could've been squatting out a long sword swing at the beach. She could've stretched out on the beach or had sand stuck to her, without a cloak, and it wouldn't stretch the imagination.

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Actually it does with me. I don't care for bikinis much because it's already showing everything. You're seeing the present since it's already unwrapped so there's no real joy there.
I do, however, like revealing or tight tops but in baggier or covering bottoms. Something about that combo is great.

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full armor or bust

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here's the best version

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i wish everyone wore bikini armor
yes even the guys

it's from a movie you nerds

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Those textures are awful. It doesn't look like she's wearing lace, it looks like she has a weird, shiny, pink back tattoo.

The future is looking brighter every day. Fuck those people who says technology will make us unhappy. Who gives a fuck it was bound to happen. We will become gods anyway why not spend our eternity in pure bliss? I want to play VR with bikiny armor girls

what movie?

>you will never be the squire to a cute powerful female knight
It hurts to live bros...

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I honestly hate the exposed thighs on this armor, male classes get such great solid armor I wish they'd transfer it to females, or at least to my valkyrie

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>hates absolute territory
I wish I could hate you to death

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Johnny Mad Dog

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>female knight

What game

Please, I play my sex games proudly on Steam and talk about it openly, but I'm a proponent of true equality. Guys should have the option to run around in G-Strings like Aniki, and girls should get full armor.
My Valk would be so much better with a more serious armor, to fit my fantasy of who she is as a character.

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Dragon's Dogma's sexie lingerie thong attire got my pawn rented the most by online players

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still Black Desert

Meanwhile my hunter runs around like a wild woman

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just use a costume that doesn't have exposed thighs? There's a few of them.

As long as guys get speedo armour too, then I'm good to go.

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No, since I can still see her feet. If her footwear wasn't open-toed, then I would have a problem.

>So many women here have huge asses and incredible hip to waist ratios
>Starting to warm up so they're wearing less and less clothing
bros i dont think i can go on like this anymore

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There's ones with tights, but the armors all have exposed thighs, even the jousting armor, which was the closest to solid

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Nope, if I play female I usually go for a modest tomboy look because I'm a faggot but I have zero issue with gratuitous fanservice and anyone that enjoys it.

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you'd have to go outside of specifically Valkyrie outfits, but it's doable

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>that walk cycle

Why the fuck would you change the animations? They are great as it is in vanilla my friend.

post more of this qt please

Second Boast Best Post

How is BDO nowadays? Feels like every few months I'm vaguely hearing through the grapevine about some huge drama regarding a shitty update.


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I just wanted a cute comfy game where I can waste time grinding for resources and riding a horse instead of having to engage in shitty PvP and guild drama.

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Cute but I want big booty

Actually really good, the only reason i dont play it anymore is because theres no PVE content, no dungeons or anything. Would be my favorite MMO otherwise

Also gonna Gonna dump some brown goddesses

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Yeah. That's the problem, I don't mind any of my other characters being more exposed, but I just want the Warrior outfits transferred to Valkyrie, 1:1

Same old grind. Apparently hackers have been fucking around in the battle royale mode, and innocent people got banned in the wave, but they rescinded the innocent ones (supposedly).
I'm slow grinding up a Lahn, Warrior and Ninja. It's a cozy game for me, grab some whiskey and put on some tunes while putzing around with combos.

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FFXIV has the resource grinding if you get into the crafting autism

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I fucking love when its in a game, though it can go too far and become completely retarded.

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>Japan did not exist in midevil times.

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I feel like actual bikini armor is so fucking out of place in BDO, everything else is relatively good to great in it's theme.
It's the same complaint people have about how hats ruined TF2's aesthetic

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What body/texture? I love the tan lines.

mmm pungent

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No, it leaves too little to the imagination.

Dark Souls doesn't have that

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touched by dibella from SE, the tan lines are from LL

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>it's really good except for the fact it has nothing to do


gonna need source for every mod visible here

is this also a Skrim mod

absolutely based post, user
i hope you have a nice day


BDO doesn't even have any actual bikini armor. Yeah, some of the armors some some unnecessary thigh or whatever, but it's still, for the most part, functional looking equipment.
Actual bikini armor is like or

It has plenty to do, just not what i like, which is dungeons. ESO seems to have everything right now might get back into it

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Girls this fat often smell like shit

Fuck, not him but I hate crafting. The thing that made me drop MonHunt.

Bikinis are for those skilled/crazy enough to wear them in combat. Mages and Berserkers, everyone else should be a little more conventional.
Depending on the setting of course. If everyone doesn't give a fuck, then go to town.

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Not really, but something about the aesthetics of full armor just pleases me more

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That stupid nightie outfit and it's winged variation. It's stupid, but every time I see one it drives me up the wall.
I know people are going to play how they want, and it's only smart for the devs to allow them to play dressup as they want, but man I hate seeing people pull me out of my fantasy with their weird fucking choices. It's just that step too far. I'm glad the shitty halloween outfits aren't more popular.

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>brown dust

come on they are asking for it

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I like the Kibelius gauntlets for Mystic, at least

these are pretty fucking hot. i might have to download one of these games just to mod and beat off

Will any game ever top Skyrim in bikini armor?

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Can I be like pic related?

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No, not until they become as openly moddable as skyrim. The leaky fucking faucet that it is, it allows people to mold it into something great.
The bikini armors are a side effect of the freedom.

bdo is fucking legitimate garbage

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do you have a blog/album with more of her
she's very cute

bikinis that are literally armoured are the most brainlet thing imaginable
if they just wore normal revealing clothing, like barbarians, then it'd be great

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And we all know no game will ever be more modded than Skyrim.

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I like it sometimes.

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nope, just waiting for SEs sex mods to be somewhat comparable to the original so I can upload vids of her getting fucked on pornhub

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It's pretty good already. What are you missing?

better scripts and for futa mods to be properly ported to SE

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What armor?

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what's with these images being so small
and these so huge assuming you're the same person ofc

also how would I find these vids once you've made them?

>what's with these images being so small
the whole 4 megabyte limit, small images are more detailed than larger ones

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more booty

>not wearing armor turns you into a dark wood grain ring ninja dabbing on clumsy knights that can barely raise their arms to swing a sword in time

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dictionaries are descriptive, not prescriptive

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