Make Games Easier For Me

Like pledging a fraternity, a From game becomes a little bit more than a game when everyone who’s finished it has had to endure the same litany of absurd, theatrical challenges. Finish a From game, and you belong to an exclusive club full of other people who get it. Furthermore, Sekiro removes one of the biggest options that previous From games provided to players stymied by difficulty: the ability to summon other players for help. As a result, talking about Sekiro can easily shift to talking about you, all the things you did to beat its many challenges, and your personal case for why you earned your spot in Club Sekiro.

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Other urls found in this thread:

God damn do I fucking hate the media.
>gamers are entitled manchildren
>this game needs an easy mode

Why is this such a controversy? Some games are just difficult. If it's a kids game I would understand a little. But you're a fucking adult.

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Okay, these are not artists toiling away for the sake of a single person or even to express their creative vision.

They are making a product to consume.

And as long as they are expecting me to shell out money for their product than I have a right to make what ever critiques and whatever request I want.

And that is something you, and everyone else in this comment section agrees too. I don’t recall you or anyone else ever making the claim that request by the consumers to patch out bugs or fix glitches that make the game less enjoyable should be ignored by the “artists.”

It’s only ever about the “artists” when its a change you don’t personally agree with.

This isn’t about respecting the wishes of the developers and you know it.

This is just about gatekeeping, plain and simple.

>This is just about gatekeeping, plain and simple.
Nothing is stopping you from not being a little bitch.

This is kotaku tranny reddit pussy gold

I don't get it. Just play an easy game if you don't like hard games. There are many easy games to choose from. Imagine watching a horror film and complaining that it was scary, then trying to argue that future horror movies should be less frightening so that you can enjoy them better.

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Because these people have invested part of themselves as being someone who can beat these difficult games. They feel like other people being allowed to do the same thing without having to suffer like they did would cheapen a thing they’re proud of, and so, they’d rather those people just not even try.

Of course, that’s stupid, and makes you look like an asshole if you just say it, and that’s why you get all the Git Gud excuses, all the people going “Well maybe it’s just not for you”, “Not every game is for every person”, shit like that. It’s not that they don’t care, it’s just that protecting something they’re proud of is more important to them than someone else’s ability to enjoy something simila

That's nice.
Books are products too, but they're allowed to be too difficult for some people.

Sure you can request whatever. But the developer can ignore your requests. At the end of the day you bought the game, it isn't From's fault if you went in without doing your due diligence to understand what you were getting into.

Games don't have to be easy or easier for the sake of a few who can't put in the effort of learning their intricacies, they can just play something else.
On the other hand, I despise the git gud so hardcore mentality spawned from the souls-like genre.

fuck """journos"""

I hope that From add even bigger hard mode when expac will drop

That's a nuclear bad take. It isn't From's fault a consumer didn't put in the effort to understand what they were buying before they bought it.

How do you feel about fighting games? Should they just let you win?

fuck off faggot sekiro is already casual tier you dont even need to deal with thought enemies they all die in 1 shot from stealth

>he even included reddit spacing
Mad lad.

Why not just cheat?

Loving the spacing.

The sheer amount of butthurt this game is giving casuals is music to my ears. It's like Dark Souls 1 all over again.

There's already a hard mode.

This is just something that comes with popularity. You get people who are entitled as fuck with fragile egos thinking they personally need to be catered towards because they bought something. They can't accept that this one thing isn't for them. It kind of reminds me of people who are trash at multiplayer games but feel like they deserve the ultra omega diamond rank, but they are stuck in silver and it's totally not their fault.

Then get a fucking refund if you don't like it.
>hates horror games
>buys a horror game
>hates racing games
>buys a racing game
>hates hard games
>buys a fromsoft game
Be a responsible consumer and do some fucking research.

Journos ran out of SJW bait so now attacking the game itself is their agenda

Or maybe they should just git gud. Who are you to be the authority that trivializes the accomplishments of what others achieve in a video game that you yourself haven't matched? If you buy a game with a particular reputation from said developer or series then you should expect that said reputation to hold true. I sure as hell don't go playing "Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator" and expect them to change elements of the game to accomodate to me.

Is there another profession where it's considered reasonable to be bad at what you're paid to do?
>inb4 politician

>This is just about gatekeeping, plain and simple.







I think there should be a dedicated easy mode for journalists with god mode and special cut scenes where everbody yells, pleeeease let me suck your cock, just to rolls over with their bellies up letting themselves get killed without any sort of defense. Then after 10 minutes of the bad guy says it was all a big misunderstanding and he learned his lesson and then the credits roll.

Lawyers and judges.

what if its implementation takes away development time from something else? doesn't that make the game worse

>cave in to the entitled whiners and add an easy mode
>they finally complete the game but don't even find it fun because the main fun was in the challenge they demanded to be removed
>they start demanding casual features to appease to them because the game wasn't fun for them anyway
>suits upstairs see the outrage and decide that the next game must be made more accessible
and there we go, adding in easy mode ruined a game's sequel for the price of making it better for no one

Nah you just need to get good. Not everything needs an easy mode for your casual ass.

A breast has never ruined a game.

That's not a good take at all. The witness was "free" for ps+ but i'm shit at puzzle games so im probably not going to finish it because i know im a retard with those types of games. I dont expect it to deal with me being too dumb for its genre.

>Almost every other game is entirely about providing easy "challenges" that most people breeze through without even thinking about it
>A single game being hard causes a controversy
It's hysterical that this entire argument is caused purely by game journos refusing to get good

Even if you don't want easy games, why do you need to beat it to enjoy it?

Why do I seem to only see this shit with video games? I very rarely see someone complaining that a movie, album, or book needs to be changed in a way so that it can suit their personal tastes. Is it an ego thing? Are video games the only source of entertainment that can destroy egos?

Why does it matter to you so much if they make an easy option for casual scrubs? It doesn't detract from your achievement and its not like you people ever gave a shit about their opinions of the game regardless if they finished it or not.

Some user worded it perfectly yesterday. Journalists just want to breeze through games so they can shit out their reviews faster. No one but them wants an easy mode.

Breasts ruin games if I can't touch them.

Why aren't there any journalists complaining about Dwarf Fortress?

Git gud you little pansy

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I wish I could just play Baba is You: Easy Mode, where the game tells me how to solve every puzzle.

>If one person climbs the side of a mountain, and the other takes a helicopter to the top, they've accomplished the same thing and therefore have the same experience

>I sure as hell don't go playing "Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator" and expect them to change elements of the game to accomodate to me.
I sure as hell you don't go playing it period.

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Not a flavour of the month game

But then you have to compete with every other shitter's review. If the game is hard, then only accomplished gamers can complete it, give a full review, and gain a reputation as a gaming journalist with a respectable opinion.

that ninja guy is currently playing sekiro on twitch. live.
logged in to see if he gets rekt

>man literally confined to a chair with barely any actual mobility options is leagues better than games journos

So now that calling journos retarded is clearly giving them too much credit, what do we call them?

>thanks for the gold kind stranger

It's nothing to be proud of to simply learn and beat a game, but if difficult games aren't something that interests you, then why are you trying to get them to pander to you?

I recommend watching movies as a great alternative to playing games if being challenged annoys you.

They should release a patch that makes it harder, to watch all the wimps implode.

Yeah its literally one of the comments copy/pasted from the article


Gain profiency.

The argument fails when you consider that easy mode takes development time, and would exist at the cost of graphical fidelity or other features.

These people haven't fucking played NES games. They don't know bullshit.

They don't care about reputation, all that matters is publishing the review sooner than the competition.

The title got a sensible chuckle out of me but I am quite evidently aware that the game is clearly not meant for people like me. Currently on Raiden IV.

Notice that a journo is asking for an easy mode. It’s not that he can’t just play an easier game, its that he is unable to play the recent hotness because he’s a madbad, so he can’t write shitty clickbait articles and reviews about it.

Yeah I posted it and I replied that

Sure just call it NG0 for easy and NG-1 for very easy or some shit and dont let people get all the content until they play it for real

>An Easy Mode Has Never Ruined A Game
World of Warcraft

I don't even really care about easy modes but the hypocrisy is pretty hilarious. The most entitled assholes calling gamers entitled.

>Raiden IV
Excellent taste my dude.

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Imagine being so bad at your job when a modern AAA video game literally plays itself. No wonder they want easy mode because they've been on easy mode all their life.

Do you even enjoy video games faggot? You sure want to change them a lot. Maybe find something you actually enjoy instead of changing shit to cater to you?

Watch a fucking stream pleb, you'll still get the casual experience you're asking for. Make sure to get hype with the streamer and sub with your twitch prime you drooling buffoon.

Why are journalists allowed to keep abusing their power like this?

>game is made to be a challenge, and a huge selling point is its difficulty
>wahh why dont you compromise your vision because i suck wahhhh

does anyone have the video of the guy crying over the orge or the one where the guy throws his controller outta anger?

>sekiro is popular
>journalists got rekt by it and there's no ez mode in the game
>reeeeee muh accessibility


What are you talking about? Movie goers complain constantly about arthouse wankery, subtitles, and all that stuff. At least if it's in a movie that's marketed in a different manner and they felt tricked. Fuck, Eyes Wide Shut spawned a backlash in the 90s because it was marketed as a sexy time erotic flick and not some meditation on the illuminati.

But seriously though, problem isn't really that the game in itself, it's normies who follow the herd without question and the game becoming enough of a meme that they feel obligated to play it in order to "fit in" despite them not really liking it. They don't like gaming same as they don't like movies or anything else, if you think it's about the content you're getting them wrong. It's just a social thing they only do because everyone else does it and now it has become obvious that nobody of that group of social wannabes was able to actually finish the game, so either the game is too difficult or they and their group just sucks. But again it's not about the game it's about the social ladder.

We live in a world where assholes are posturing about fucking video games and pretend to play them in order to get social browny points.

Like honestly, and I cant stress this enough. You dont get it. You can not make these games easier without ruining them plain and simple. Them being hard is an integral part of the whole. You dont have to enjoy that but you do not get it. And I dont have the time to teach you. Watch a youtube essay or something, educate yourself in mediums that aren't just flashing colours and psychological manipulation, or god forbid getgud and play the fucking game all the way through. I swear this whole easy mode shot is like illiterate retards arguing they cant enjoy the great Gatsby, well sorry but if we made it a picture book so you could read it, it wouldn't be the great Gatsby now would it.

Are game "journalists" stuck in the 80's?
There's no secret clubs, no one is going to brag that they beat a video game. It's a hobby, YOU determine how much time and effort you put into it and nobody has ever unironically heckled anyone for not finishing a Souls game.

And if they DID include an easy mode made for game "journalists", then what would that accomplish? Would the "journalists" be able to take pride in beating a game on a baby mode made specifically for them? Would they finally be accepted into this imaginary exclusive club they so badly want to belong to?

How the fuck are video game "journalists" so childish and simple-minded?

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proof this faggot has never played games on a NES. causals need to be put to the sword.

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The journo filtet

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You can screech, scream and make all the demands you want. The developers won't and don't need to listen to you for any reason. If it's too hard for you, don't buy it.

That has been the mantra of developers for quite some time now, right? "It's not made for you", "Don't like it, don't buy it".

Why not just make an easy mode?
It's not hard to make one just put damage modifiers on.
Who cares about your super secret club? It's autism to the extreme.

Games should encourage diversity and inclusion for all people, races, disabilities etc; except for autism which should be wiped off the face of the earth.

There's nothing inherently wrong with gate-keeping though. I have a friend in my group chat that's trotted out every excuse in the book about Sekiro: the game's broken, it doesn't work, it's cheap, it's unfair. But the rest of us beat those bosses, we did it without help while he complains about it. We rib him a little bit, but we also offer tips and advice and encouragement. I don't relish my friend's frustration with a perceived difficulty, I want him to overcome the challenge. And he has to do it himself, we can't do it for him.

I'm all for accessibility, but let's face it, difficulty =/= inaccessibility. I've seen people beating Souls bosses playing with guitar controllers and literal bananas. Anyone can complete Sekiro, the game isn't "difficult," it's just challenging and requires that you take time to learn and system and master the skills required of you to succeed. If you work hard and practice at things, you tend to get better at them--shocker.

The satisfaction of a Souls game doesn't come from the completion of a difficult or unfair task, it comes from overcoming a challenge. I don't have fond memories of bosses I beat on the first try, I remember the times I sat there for hours practicing and grinding until I fucking did it. There's a catharsis there that you loose when you make something easy. The games are billed as being "difficult," it's been part of their image and branding for a while now. If you need easier games, you don't need to play Sekiro. If you have trouble reading, no one's telling you to suffer through Ulysses.

>Okay, these are not artists toiling away for the sake of a single person or even to express their creative vision.
You have 90% of threads on Yea Forums about AAA games, and you landed on the incorrect one.

No, problem is vidya journalism ended up being a last resort job for these people when they realized their journalistic degrees isn't a guarantee to actual journalistic position. I'd bet good money that most of them DESPISE video games. Not to mention vidya journalism has always in all honestly aired on the side of being an unofficial PR department for the industry, but it came from passion more so than selling out. Journalists of old were video game fans who got into business of reporting on them.

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What do these fucking kike journalists not understand? Learning and experimentation is a key part of Souls games.

>thinking of making a game
>heavily tempted to put the lowest difficulty setting's name as "gaming journalism"

I'll even get free publicity, what are the downsides to doing this?

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>Who cares about your super secret club? It's autism to the extreme.
There is no secret club. Just don't be a useless faggot and demand the bar be lowered for you fat, retarded ass.

>one of the few devs still making big budget niche titles
>secondaries now crying for them to start pandering more to the mass market

>implying this sōyboy ever pledged a frat

This is exactly why COD and other casual are so popular, they are not video games, they are an EXPERIENCE, they fill it out with cutscenes, and story and QTE events so you can suspend your disbelief and actually think you're some badads operator .
On the other hand, From games feels really like an ACTUAL video game, with actual difficulty and depth.

What you could do is make the game a bit like Ghosts and Goblins where every playthrough becomes harder and harder.

Because no one actually cares about them or their opinions. We fling around quotes and review scores, but when you can look up raw gameplay it really doesn't matter.

>attacking is an agenda
gamergaters, everyone

>Finish a From game, and you belong to an exclusive club full of other people who get it.
The club should be open to everybody friend, except autists like you.

not every product is for everyone, nor should it be.


>The club should be open to everybody
should it? if you suck, you suck too much for entry.

>journos still seething
my sides

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>Finish a From game, and you belong to an exclusive club
You are the one saying that tho.

Don't you think you should go play some games that are more your speed, like candy crush?

This argument is about waning to eplore the world for yourself withot being slowed down by bosses every two steps
how is that hard to understand

Then you have people bitching that you have to beat the game twice to fight the TLB. Also Souls gmaes do get harder and harder on each playthrough.

Read the OP you fucking retard

Waiter? This pasta is cold.

Then they should play some shit like No Man's Sky.

>And as long as they are expecting me to shell out money for their product than I have a right to make what ever critiques and whatever request I want.
Sure but as long as the critiques you make are whiny and childish I have the right to consider you a massive faggot.
Companies are not obligated to appeal to the lowest common denominator, some of them just choose to.

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he is being ironic

now imagien if film critics DEMANDED that David Lynch offer a complete guide to understanding all his films because they found it too difficult to follow. that would be ridiculous right? i know it's not the best comparison but my point is that asking a director to change their vision because a few people find it too challenging is one of the most stpupid things i've ever heard. these are the people that champion game sbeing art, yet they refuse to play anything that doesn't hold their hand while at the same time give overproduced, generic western AAA games a 9/10 score for doing literally anything

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But what is it away from you if some mouthbreather wants to finish the game on easy? WHY DOES IT AFFECT YOU???

Welcome to The Salty Spitoon, how tough are ya?

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I am going back and exploring every inch of the world, because i was good enough to beat the bosses.

People on Twitter don't care about sources though. They just take the news outlet's word for it.

>now imagien if film critics DEMANDED that David Lynch offer a complete guide to understanding all his films because they found it too difficult to follow. that would be ridiculous right?
This doesnt happen because they can just sit through a film and pretend they understood it.

I've finished N.

The only thing sekiro has going for it is the difficulty

I made this same argument to my friend yesterday. Lynchmind.

What does an easy mode actually matter to you? You'll never select easy mode so nothing changes as far as you're concerned.
The only problem anybody here has with an easy mode is that people who have beat the game on easy will join your scared FROM club.
It's autism at it's finest and it needs to be stamped out.

it diminishes us all.

I hate you elitist dark souls incels too but an easy mode isn't the right answer either.

A game doesn't have to be accessible to everyone. You know what a certain game offers, it doesn't have to cater to you because you can't adapt or persevere.

Fucking Kotaku and Resetera dickless fools. Go watch a movie instead.

why shouldn't I be able to breeze through the bosses to focus on the best part of the game: exploration
and how does adding an easy mode hurt your experience of the game

It doesn't but the game was designed a certain way, I don't go to a movie I don't like and bitch about it not being for me.

when it really comes down to it those who aren't in favour of an easy mode are encouraging toxic masculinity

This whole thing reminds me of the end of ME3 but reversed.


based frenlo, but this industry will never change so it's kinda hopeless

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Except the argument is retarded because the inclusion of an easy mode takes no effort apart from changing a couple of values and adding an extra menu before you start the game.







target audience


if I don't


puzzle games for exemple

I wouldn't

go around


for the developers

to add

fucking DMC-tier combat

or some



and that is something you, and everyone else in this comment section agrees too.

>people falling for this bait

>kiddie hobbies they didn't grow out of
Sure thing

>"Waaah, waaah, waaah!"

Seems like this little baby is crying a lot.

>But what is it away from you if some mouthbreather wants to finish the game on easy? WHY DOES IT AFFECT YOU???
Because having difficulties make 100% of the time a halfassed experience.
When you play a game without difficulty options you know the experience was tailored exactly the way it is, and this compels you to keep going forward.
HAving games with hard mode which consist in spending 5 minutes shooting the same guy on the head is not fun. They just shuffle around numbers instead of delivering a polished experience.

>the best part of the game: exploration
the bosses are the best part, that's why they are so featured. they are the intent of the game.

If this guy can do it you have no excuse.

>b-but making hard games is gatekeeping!

Absolutely correct, and there is nothing wrong with that.

I only want to discuss the game with people interested in it. Anyone with any sort of interest in a game will go through the process of learning mechanics in order to beat it, which if we're being honest, isn't all that difficult unless you are impaired with a disability (and alas, a quadriplegic man still managed to finish it).

tl;dr : fuck trannies, journos, niggers and women.

Streets of Rage 3

>it's easy just change values
boy i wish

A club that is open to everybody is not a club anymore, discord tranny.

Because autists would prefer to exclude all others from enjoying what they enjoy for no other reason than they don't want other people to enjoy what they enjoy.
It's disgusting.

I'd be ok with an easy mode if it doesn't award all achievements, or cucks you out of some unique item, or doesn't let you progress to NG+, or shames players who use it somehow.

>that clip
Absolutely based

The only thing that needs to be stamped out is weakness in humans.

Ergo you.

Grow the fuck up and git good.

I don't play From games. I find them too difficult to be fun. I don't have the necessary timing, patience and investment to push through numerous failures to beat a game.

But I also understand that they are made to be challenging, and this is not a fault of the developers. It is a fault of my own to not be able to take up that challenge. I probably could if I put in the time and effort to get good, but I don't particularly want to because I'm not seeing much pay-off in beating a challenging game where the challenge is the sole reason for playing. From games don't seem to have the most engaging or rewarding stories, so I don't feel I'm missing out. I have friends who love these games, but they also understand why I'm not interested in them, just like they aren't interested in some of the games I play. Not everything is for everyone.

What is important to point out, though, is that I don't want From games to be dumbed down or casualized for my sake. It's important that there ARE games out there that can provide a challenge, just like in real life where not everyone can do everything. Not everyone can become a fighter pilot, a navy seal, a firefighter or a senator. It takes effort, time and investment.
Anyone demanding that games should cater to them and be easier are completely missing the point of games being made to be challenging. If you take away the aspect of challenge, then there's no point in even having the game to begin with. I feel like you would need to have a very, very small and smooth brain to not understand this concept.

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video games should be acessible to everyone
end of discussion

Just tell these faggots they are entitled babies. Is not what they do?

If you don't want to put in the time and effort to play video games I honestly question whether or not you actually like the medium. Go read a book, or watch a youtube playthrough. If playing the game is such a chore you either have a bad game or should find a different hobby.

I don't get Picasso's Guernica
Even when people explain it to me, put it into context and make it so easy that even a retard can understand why it's great I simply don't get it, I feel nothing watching it even when I got to see the real one
it just mean it's not made for me, I simply don't have the mental capacity to enjoy it, and I don't expect Guernica to be changed into something I can enjoy, I just accept it's not made for me
It's beyond me how in front of a game you're not meant to play, a game you don't have the mental and physical capacity to enjoy, why would you want to change it so you can enjoy it ? You still won't enjoy that game because you won't be playing the same game as the others
You're missing on the experience, and by making the game easier you won't access it anyway simply because it's not the same thing
Do these people think hard games are enjoyable because of the story ? Even adding a mode halving all of the enemies HP they wouldn't be able to enjoy it the same way others do.
What even is a easier mode ? How easy do you have to make the game for it to be easy mode ? I'm pretty sure the example I gave above wouldn't even be enough for them, so what ? Just set you character's attack so it one shot everything ? They will still find a way to miss their hit and die from the environment.
Asking for easy mode in games is just as retarded as hard mode is easy games, you just end up with monster with thrice the hp they should have and unbalance you can't fix without grinding, you just ruin your own experience.

tl;dr Why can't some people accept some things aren't meant for them ?

If they do add easy mode it should be like Double Dragon 2's easy mode where it just gives you the first 2 bosses and then credits.

Make them free. Also give away free tvs, consoles, and pay for the electricity.

Saying the lawnmower you bought is a louse printer isn't a criticism, it's whining.
You can ONLY criticise something for failing to deliver something it was promoting itself as. You can criticise something for failing to execute its premise thoroughly, but not for not liking its premise in the first place.

Yes it is you autist. It would still require people actually play the game, they should just be able to have a choice of difficulty. To be honest there should just be an invincible mode so you can't die so anybody who invests in the game can enjoy it.

Except for that game where the reviewer gave it a shitty score for not having an ending, and the developer pointed out that playing on Easy Mode locks you out from it

seriously, I wouldn't consider myself gud at all and I've prob died a thousand times in sekiro already. Haven't even finished it yet cause owl is a true pain. But I'm having a blast doing it, how hard is it for you people to realise that in sekiro and souls games death is litteraly part of the game design. Heck the souls games are one of the most forgiving games when it comes to dying.
These games LITTERALY resolve around the challenge they offer and how you adapt to it after each try, lowering the difficulty wouldn't do you much good. You aren't missing out on any content hidden behind a gate, you are facing that content right there.
Also I don't even think the games are that hard, they are challenging and you'll die a lot, but it's not like those old NES games where they would make games extremely hard in order to make them seem longer.
If you think fromsoft games are hard I sugest you pick up the old megaman games and play them on classic difficulty.

>An Easy Mode Has Never Ruined A Game
>Can think of several games that lock you out of the later chapter/true ending if you are playing on Easy mode
>Thus making the games story ruined for the player if they chose to play on Easy, as they will have never known there was more gameplay in other difficulties

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>that desperate journo in the thread ignoring all valid points
Also have sex

This is good bait. You a master baiter. Have a ((You)).

>dat feel when journos are worse at the game than someone with legit disability
Maybe it's time to reconsider their profession.

nice bait friendo, if you want it, work for it, don't hate the game, hate yourself

What game was that, it sounds hilarious.

>don't hate the game, hate yourself
Real gamer words!

Yes the whole world should be judged only on how many FROM Software games they can complete. Demon Souls should be the final arbiter of mankind.
You're too autistic to even see how autistic you are.

i agree with this, even with the shaming part.

This game will never have an easy mode and difficult games will always exist.

Thank the lord it keeps faggots and other soys out of our hobby.

You're right, of course, but in this case the reason is obvious: because he's a games blogger and his "career" forces him to finish games. The easier and shorter those games are, the sooner he can shit out a review and go home to his family. He's ashamed to actually say this, so he claims to be championing disabled gamers or newcomers to the medium -- but those people aren't the ones complaining, because, like you said, they don't need to finish a game to have fun with it. It's unfortunate that the people who speak for all video game players, due to that very role, have some of the most unpleasant and artificial experiences within the medium.

Do you think books with big words should be dumbed down? Do you think the NFL should accept skinny little boys?

It's the opposite of a secret club; theres the internet. Nothing is secret. Literally everyone knows

Sure, and they should be free as well. That's the only way to make them 100% accessible to everyone.
And also everyone should get a free PC or console of their choice and free electricity as well as a free apartment and free food so they can play the game without having to worry about anything.

Sign me up for that.

Having a difficulty that makes you take 50% and deal 200% damage is still infinitely more effort than not implenting it at all.

If anything when you play a game without difficulty setting you know that is was tailored for mouthbreathing retards. Like jesus christ if you take some form of honor from being good in Sekiro - one of the biggest triple A titles this year - you are just confessing that you are not very good when it comes to video games and are forming a gatekeeping movement to be able to tell people finally that you are good at something! Same shit with battle royales... God damn shit genre for people who play fps games for the first time and everyones jumping in because they know its popular and if it is a popular game they will finally have a chance to 'be good'.

That is my theory anyway why this is a thing...

Do you have any other words in your vocabulary other than "autist"?

Your shtick is getting tired.

Well shit, nobody complains about it being "too hard" to become rich, nobody complains about it being "too hard" to become a chess grandmaster, nobody ever said that "rocks have to change to make rock climbing easier for everyone".

Don't try and shit up an entire hobby because it wasn't made for you.

g i t g u d

I couldn't get past level 3 in earthworm jim when I was younger and it was still one of my favorite games. You don't have to complete every game. Beating games used to be an accomplishment and not something that was just guaranteed if you play it for long enough.

How about somebody can like something for reasons other than how many times they can brute force the same enemy until they get past it.
The lore, the setting, the atmosphere, exploration, character interactions, enemy designs.
Why shouldn't people be able to experience this without the frustration of aspects of the game play they're not interested in.
Thinking that everyone plays these games for the same reason is fucking autism.


>too hard
No such thing. If someone can do something and you can't, then YOU are the problem, not the rest of the world.

Attached: smiling smiley with sunglasses doing thumbs up sign.jpg (400x299, 20K)

>one of the biggest triple A titles this year

>put the wrong webm
I'm fucking retarded

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Holy shit there's a lot of bad bad takes about difficulty settings and accessibility ITT.
Imagine saying not everything is for everyone. Imagine suggesting you can't sit in a restaurant cos of access issues and being told to fuck off and eat someplace else that's easier to get into.

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Why do people want to play games so bad where they clearly arent the target audience in the first place? Its like demanding rpg elements in fucking Mario games that are supposed to be platformers.If you dont like a game the way it is then dont fucking play it. There is no fucking point in playing games like Sekiro if they arent hard for fucks sake.

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>Thank the lord it keeps faggots and other soys out of our hobby.
Oh of course your super secret club.

>that fucking reddit spacing

Absolute fag retard.

It's really easy to tapdance around it, they're just bad at writing.

not sure if you're being ironic or not here so I'll just call you a retard and get done with it


imagine buying a meal you don't like and not being able to finish your plate and blame the restaurant because of it

why is exclusivity bad?

Nibba it took me litteraly 4 years to beat a dark cloud boss when I was a kid and when I actualy did it was the best feeling ever.

Nice, glad this guy made some uploads.

I dont get journos positions though, I am partially disabled in my right hand after an auto accident so I use a steam controller and remap every function but camera view to the left side.
Yes every action in all the games I play from sekrio to BFV and spyro remastered is entirely done by my left hand.

And just beat owl and the monk yesterday when I genuinely thought I wouldnt be able to handle owl.
Fuck journos, and this guy is cool in my books

>nobody complains about it being "too hard" to become rich, nobody complains about it being "too hard" to become a chess grandmaster, nobody ever said that "rocks have to change to make rock climbing easier for everyone".
Where the fuck have you been? The current generation complains, whines and bitches about everything INCLUDING your examples. Women are demanding that entry exams to physically hard jobs be made easier to allow them to pass even when it means they can't do anything useful in the jobs they end up getting.

If rock climbing was a job you could be sure you'd see women demanding that men carry them up the mountains, because anything else would be unfair.

>Imagine saying not everything is for everyone.
Well, hamburgers are not for vegans.

I'm so angry at this shit. Why are THESE the people that have power in the game industry. Say that they have no power all you want you guys know that's not true just by looking at what they influenced.

I'm sick of these righteous fuckers. Not all fucking gatekeeping is bad. Many different niches of players is far more diverse than changing shit to making sure everyone can play every game. Then they pull the fucking disablilties card as though they fucking talk for every single person who has one.

I hate these stupid fucking cunts.

If they want an easy mode to experience the content, they won't get to experience the same content by making it easier. A player mashing one button to beat a boss doesn't have the same experience as someone who learned to parry and eat ass

No because that would be stupid.

Adding an easy mode doesn't take away from anything that you want to experience, literally nothing would ever change for you, you won't even notice it's there because you would never select it, it just allows other people to experience the game also.

>Why shouldn't people be able to experience this without the frustration of aspects of the game play they're not interested in.
They can watch it on youtube then if they don't give a lick about the gameplay. It's not that hard.

>And as long as they are expecting me to shell out money for their product than I have a right to make what ever critiques and whatever request I want.
You're right, and they don't have to listen to you and the 10 other whiny bitches

but that isn't the creators intent.

Imagine seeing an astronaut walking on the moon and being told you can't walk on the moon because it's a billion dollar investment which takes years of training and peak physical and mental condition just to make someone an astronaut and even then they aren't certain to ever go to space.

Clearly they need to make the moon more accessible because that's just not acceptable.


>food analogy

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Because there is no sensible reason for it.

Man, everything after the human rights declaration fucking sucks, wish we would go back to the fucking middle ages.

Seriously, I'm fucking tired of faggots weighing their food and calculating their calories, when their ancestors used to be able to bite into an onion without flinching.
FUCK, where are the people with some street credibility? Everywhere I look I see faggots.

This is literally the difficulty in gaming version of "b-b-but I have a black friend so I cant be a racist!!" Tbis shit is retarded once again just because someone can do something doesnt mean everyone can does not change the fact that sekiro should have an easy mode

there doesn't need to be.

those retards never played a single game before 99

you're right
but the thing isn't that it's made to exclude people, it's made to challenge people
and unfortunately people who don't like challenge can enjoy it as much as people who enjoy challenge

>Why can't some people accept some things aren't meant for them ?
Because sheeps follow whatever stupid trend they heard about.

Did you just pirate a twitter post?

Honestly out of everything in this thread this is my favorite article of all.

Saying "Ulysses is a hard book to read" is a valid point of criticism.

Saying "Ulysses is a hard book to read, and therefore James Joyce has failed me, the reviewer, perfectly by not communicating his story in a way that I enjoy" is an idiotic argument that no intelligent critic would make.

The issue isn't that the game is made wrong, it's that the review has his hands on a game that everyone says is amazingly fun but because he's not able to enjoy it or engage with it in the same way he feels left out, which triggers a flood of bad feelings in the nerdmind.

You can't argue that games are an art form out of one side of your mouth while at the same time arguing that their vision should be compromised for your preference out of the other. That's inane doublethink.

>game can be beaten with literally one hand
>wahh its not accessible enough
Imagine being so retarded you confuse challenge of content with how you access it, the controller.

You can get into any Buffalo wild wings no questions asked.
You cannot just handle their hottest wings, and demanding they be made more accessible is retarded.

you're 2 days late

git gut

How fucking hard is it for people to understand that for you a challenging game can be literally impossible to beat for someone else?

With earlier Souls games there was an abundance of adaptive difficulty which allowed anyone with patience to beat the game. Sekiro has no such thing fuck off with your HURR BUT PROSTHETIC.

Youtube doesn't allow for actual immersion and player choice in exploration, equipment etc, which is the key aspect of video games.

No the creators intent would be the normal mode that would also be part of the game. Nobody is saying make the game easier and get rid of how they function currently. It would just be another option of how to experience it. You know like games have done for decades.

The game was not designed with modes, no game should be forced to have a 'easy' mode just because people refuse to learn the game.

At the start of the game I was honestly just getting frustrated and thought it was way to brutal and hard, but I stuck with it and got better, and ya know what? I beat the game 2 days later after learning it. It is in no way impossibly hard to the point where it needs a 'easy' mode. If you dont want to invest time into a game and learn it its not the games fault

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why is the HBO effect bleeding into video games?
>for brainlets the HBO Effect is listening to critics and journalists rather than plain jane consumers

what kinda fucking commie shit is this? Is this what they call cultural marxism? Not wanting other people to even be better than you at a fucking game? Getting this assblasted that other people are beating a single player game and you can't? That they shouldn't be allowed to be proud of themselves for winning because you didn't? Fuck off man


>Youtube doesn't allow for actual immersion and player choice in exploration, equipment etc, which is the key aspect of video games.
Then learn how to play the game if you want to experience those things. They aren't going to cater to baby faggots on twitter who want the devs to turn the game into a walking simulator for them so they can look at the pretty graphics.

the game isn't meant to adapt to you, you're supposed to adapt to the game over time and learn how to time and use the tools given to you

Yes it does, if you plaid the game you would know that.
Only owl is a brick wall

Since when are From games AAA?

do you think they should allow females?

dont worry user
one day you will also mature and realize that the life is about doing what you enjoy and not letting other tell you what to do

>How fucking hard is it for people to understand that for you a challenging game can be literally impossible to beat for someone else?
Are you actually illiterate?


>How fucking hard is it for people to understand that for you a challenging game can be literally impossible to beat for someone else?
If modern games are impossible to beat for you then you have a much bigger problem.

>>How fucking hard is it for people to understand that for you a challenging game can be literally impossible to beat for someone else?
Where is the problem in that statement?
There is nothing wrong with games being unbeatable.


I've actually seen the Hamlet one. This sort of thing is a crime against humanity and the humanities.

Bad analogy. Shakespeare didn't create those versions. Your argument would be correct if some guy developed an easier version of Sekiro 500 years later.

>b-b-but I have a black friend so I cant be a racist!!
But that's true

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>a challenging game can be literally impossible to beat for someone else
too bad

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Based manchildren

That sounds like their personal problem.

good? no one is entitled to beating the game. no participation trophies for you.

actually it has, RE1 remake modern controls

>Buy a book
>It's in Serbian
>Can't read Serbian
>Ask for an English version

>saving anyone from gaming journalists or SJWs

>you need feet and need to be able to stand to play ddr
has konami had a talk about their ableism gatekeeping?

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What's your point? I'm never going to be a professional singer. I accept that. I'll never be able to dance outside of The Cha Cha Slide. I'm fine with that. I'm terrible at sports. It's all good. You aren't good at video games.

I can't believe I have to share the planet with retards like this.

complaining about From games' difficulty has been a thing for almost a decade now, it's just an easy bait for clicks and you're falling for it

EVERY TIME a Fromsoft game is released the same retards bring up the same "controversy" in the "hurrr I demand easy mode"

Just fucking ignore it. Fromsoft clearly do. Let the cucks have their little moan on their shitty sites. Who gives an honest fuck?

Just watch it on youtube, And if it is shit, dont buy the sequel.

Let the series die. I agree.

there's nothing wrong with this, you are just making yourself look like an idiot.

>This product, of which I am not the target audience, isn't marketed towards me

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They're inflicted with autism.

Why did you buy a book in Serbian in the first place if you can't read it? Did you expect that just because you wanted to read it the universe would allow you to without the needed skills?

no one is making you stay, you know the way out.

>muh exclusive club
I've never seen the suggestion of an optional mode piss off so many people. You guys are ridiculous. Did you bitch and moan when you found out Ninja Gaiden had an easy mode too?

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that's not really nice, so vidya are meant for everyone but retards are not allowed to talk you ? that some crazy hypocrisy here

Not even remotely the same thing.
0/10 put some effort into it next time.

Fuck off your righteous cunt. Gatekeeping isn't all bad. There's a point where it can get autistic but it also keeps the assholes out from changing the entire fucking genre or series. It also keeps niches as they are instead of trying to make them for everyone.

It's through niches you get real diversity in game design not fucking making things for everyone all the time because of some poor fucks who can't deal

Just fucking cheat if it makes you that fucking angry. Jesus.

While i like eaiser difficulites in games, it falls to the designer. No matter, the hard mode fags or the easy babies, it is up to the creator.

If they decided it was to be balls hard. So be it. Market will take care.

Damn thing needs to be engaging.

Because the book was expected to be in English.

Top tier bait, 10/10 would get triggered again

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Mega Man Zero Collection was ruined by its easy scenario. In fact, every Mega Man game with an easy mode was ruined by it.

What the fuck happened to Yea Forums? I don't remember nearly this many people defending easy mode whining like 7 years ago when the git gud shit was happening.

Being against participation trophies is retarded?
Being against participation trophies is autism?

>but it also keeps the assholes out from changing the entire fucking genre or series
I don't like change, I'm autistic

Shitposters who actually think that pretending to be retarded is the epic funny.

>buy a book
>blank stare when you see all the text

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If by now you haven't yet understood that From Software games aren't casual friendly and target a niche of players able to appreciate a challenge, you deserve to drown in your own tears. Sekiro is hard for everyone, the difference between faggots and people who make progress is only a matter of perseverance and learning. I must have died 30 times to the butterfly lady, but I kept fighting her until I could finally hand her her own ass. Faggot scrubs would just give up and cry because they feel entitled to win without efforts.

How the fuck do you accidentally buy a book that isn't written in a language you speak?

>"Sekiro is hard"
Just focus on blocking, parrying, and handling the red kanjis as they come.
So every fight is reduced to a parry-fest, as parrying is the single best way to get a deathblow on a boss.

>can be literally impossible
I have short term memory troubles, I can't learn shit like patterns of enemies because of that and yet I still was able to finish Sekiro
the only kind of person I can give a pass being unable to finish a hard game are people with no hands to handle the controller, even if I saw some person finish DS with their feet
if you can't finish a game you simply don't want to put in enough efforts

Yeah because selecting the default difficulty was dummied out and you could only select the easy mode, there was no way to play the original games at the original difficulty.
Fucking easy mode casuals!!!

Did you not open it and look at the pages first? Did you not do the slightest amount of research ahead of time?

The metaphor translates very nicely. Everyone knows that Sekiro is a hard game, and that FROM markets itself as a company that makes difficult games, so even if you didn't know about Sekiro specifically you should have some knowledge that the game is likely to be quite hard.

If you go into this transaction knowing that you are neither good at nor enjoy difficult games, then you made a poor choice and your lack of enjoyment is on you, not the developer. Either you bought a game you knew you'd likely not enjoy, or you bought a game without knowing the slightest thing about it. Either way it's on you.

That might be the most retarded point ever made. Just don't buy a book in fucking Serbian if you already know you're either too stupid or too lazy to learn the language.

>You don't like change therefore you're autistic

You know some people don't like change because people really do try to change communties from what they used to be from the inside right? Entire communities can become bastardizations of what they were because too many idiots joined in. Kind of like what happened to this fucking board and retards like you being here

>Yea Forums suddenly has people who would defend this
>Yea Forums likes to pretend sales=good now when that used to be laughed at
>Three times more console war bullshit
>Three times more shitposting
>Five times more politics
>Way less original content

You're on a board where gatekeeping failed.

I just fucking suck at hard games. I beat devil may cry 1 on the hardest difficulty, but my reaction times are absolute shit.

No getting good here. To dumb.

I will stick with my niche games and unique experiences. Glad people have a game they like though.

I agree if only because I feel games are limiting themselves these days and not being game-y enough. Take Ninja Gaiden Black. It had an easy mode and it forced you to play while wearing a cloth to symbolize you're a bitch. Doom/Wolfenstein offer easy modes while blasting you for being a baby. Games should offer more because why the fuck not? It's just adjusting sliders and numbers.

There was no way to play the games straight through without stopping, except in easy mode. You just keep trying though.

>an easy mode has never ruined a game
Bring up smash to fighting game fans and see what they think about that statement.

have sex

>people who dont want easy mode just want to jerk off about beating hard games

truly the lowest IQ pleb take on the matter. you're literally so buttblasted about being bad at a game that you're lashing out. get some self awareness you fucking dense retards. there are plenty of valid reasons to not want easy mode and just because you're too fucking stupid to wrap your mind around them doesn't mean that everyone else is evil.

Zatch Bell! Mamodo Fury.
Checkmate easyfags.


>if you can't finish a game you simply don't want to put in enough efforts
No but effort isn't always fun I want to be able to explore other aspects of the game other than combat that can be frustrating. I payed $60 for it.

Imagine anyone in any other field being this bad at their chosen field.
>Why come this Primer movie wasn't 2 hours of explosions and CGI robots punching each other? Make movies for retards!
>Why do people think they're better for knowing the rules of these sports? These "fans" are such entitled manbabies, make a national league for casually passing the ball back and forth!
>I have a mangina, that means I'm just as qualified as a police officer to judge this hostage situation it is MAYUM

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T. Fat smelly creep who plays his loli bing bings in public space

Why the FUCK would you buy a book written in a language you can't read?

>Yea Forums isn't exactly the same as it was on 10/02/08(Sun)12:02:34
>The whole community is ruined and the gatekeeping failed now people have other opinions

This is exactly how autistic you sound.

Journos HAVE to play these games because they got stuck into the pit of vidya journalism in their careers.

you fags remind me of the gatekeeping private torrent autists. all games and torrent sites should be acceseble to everyone. keeping out the public fromm your torrent sites and games makes your place worse in the end and makes people feel left out. there is a reason why the pirate bay better there for make your games accessible to

While i agree. You did know what you were getting into when you bought it.

I fucking suck at hard games. I know if i get dark souls or seiko, i will not make it far and get super pissed.

So i skip and found 3d platformers retro ps2 games and ganbare goemon. Parasite eve is fucking boss.

Hard hames are not for me. But it is the vision of the director. Do more research.

That was for actual gameplay reasons.

you're fucking retarded m8. what a fucking failure of an insult.

not that guy btw.

You are probably a big fat smelly nintendo-playing retard.

And gatekeeping is good.

Souls fags BTFO

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>other opinions
wrong opinions.

Actually let's engage with this directly:

Solaris, by Stanislaw Lem, is one of the great novels of science-fiction, and it happens to be written in Polish. But for decades the only printed English version is a translation from French, which more or less butchered the original prose. The story is intact, but you'd likely get the same result if you read the cliffsnotes or a plot summary on Wikipedia.

Until very recently (you can now get a proper translation via Kindle as well as an audiobook version), the only way to read Solaris properly was in Polish. That means to actually, properly enjoy the book one would need to be a native reader or learn the language. That's some pretty serious gatekeeping, and it demands a signficant amount of dedication. Sure, I *could* read the existing translation but it's a poor shadow of the original, because it does not convey the author's original intent.

Being as I don't read Polish and because I don't want to read a butchered translation, I've not read Solaris. Is it the author's fault that I can't read his book? No, he wrote it for a specific audience first and foremost, Polish science-fiction readers, and if I'm not able to make myself a part of that group I can't access the story. Too bad for me, but there are lots of other books I *can* read.

>Be retard
>Somehow get Ace Attorney or any other game that requires deduction skills
>Spend two hours losing over and over again because you dont know which evidence to present in the first case or forgetting you have to Press statements

>makes people feel left out.

>Buy Silent Hill 3
>Puzzles are set to Hard
>Can't be changed
>Need to know the whole works of Shakespeare backwards to get past the first puzzle.
>The answer has been removed from the internet the only way to get past it is to figure out the answer or brute force it over and over until it works

I guess Yea Forums would defend this too

Souls fags BTFO

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Yes that is exactly what I'm saying. Yea Forums has only gotten worse since we've had more people in. The overall quality of poster is down and the original comics and funny shit we used to make among ourselves is non-existent. I'd rather be autistic than be part of the conforming idiots like you who have no idea what it used to be.

Gatekeeping is good. It's fucking entitled idiots who want everyone to change for them that have a big deal about it. Gatekeeping can be fucking stupid too if you look at shit like wizchan but that is an exception

>From game comes out
>'Why devs need to add easy modes and gamers need to stop gatekeeping!'
Like clockwork. This is what, the third/fourth time?

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Maybe be smarter with your damn purchases next time. Don't just buy something without looking into it then idiot.

I cannot tell if these are shitposts or not anymore

That feel when Danganronpa is exactly just easier ace attorney

Both are still kino tho

Really do ANY amount of research. If you aren't good at hard games and you buy one anyway there are really only a three outcomes:

1. It's not as hard as everyone said it was
2. It is that hard, but somehow it clicks for you and you can enjoy playing it
3. It is that hard, and you do not enjoy it.

Charitably that's a 30% chance that you will not enjoy the game based purely on its difficulty, never-mind the countless other aspects of what goes into the game. So you're really just doing yourself a disservice.

>My super sekret club is ruined
Make your own then, or obviously you just don't want a "good" Yea Forums enough.

you're too good for this board

In this instance, you put in the work yourself or wait for someone else to do it for you.

Ie download a trainer.

This whole problem could be solved if video games simply went back to having cheat codes and it'd be less work for the devs too


why don't you make your own hard game and add a easy mode to it then ?

This is getting way too far away from the point. Books=/=games

It's a hardware issue not a software issue. We need controllers for people who have trouble not game changes. Hardware would be the translation and software is the content of the book.

Every time until it works. Which it will, eventually, because being a little bitch is lauded, glorified, and rewarded in the current societal trends.

You're saying that they should never have translated into english so people could read it and be part of the group right?
Because we're saying that they shouldn't have an easy mode so people can't play the game and be part of the group who put in the effort.

What side of this argument are you on?

Trainers annd cheat engine already exist

the game isn't for you. there is nothing wrong with that.

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We're trying to get the devs to do it for us.

More effort than you're putting in bro.

You don't even have an argument so you go towards insults. You're either an idiot or you've been leading my on with bait. If it's the first please get the fuck out.

And if it's the second? Bravo you got me

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I imagine the people crying are consolekiddies, can you do that shit on console?

Jesus Christ why are people SEETHING so fucking much?
I don't remember people being this autistic for any Dark Souls or Bloodborne

>I'm not intelligent or well read enough! please someone hold my hand on something that actually has a difficulty mode!

the difficulty is the only reason to play these games tho?

Pretty sure you can modify your DaS3 save on PS4, don't know about Sekiro though

(You) fishing has not helped

wasn't nioh the same thing? you couldn't summon people to help you and it was super hard too.

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Uh huh.

Easy mode ruined MGS3 and 4 first impression for me

Well that's what the director wanted, he wanted everyone on the same same playing field. There's nothing really elitist about it, even in this shithole of a board where we insult each other all the time people will give you a hand if you need some boss tips, you're not expected to just be good, that's why it's git gud.

Similar to movies, if i goto a horror movie, i expect to get scared.

I did not sign up for the tv pg13 cut. I want my horror.

Sounds like a lot more work than just inputting a code

because the next big thing plebs are complaining about is gatekeeping

If something is not available for everyone then it is bad no matter what

Thanks man.
It's been a good thread for (you)'s while I wasted an hour and a half .
I got about 50 of them.

For the record people who can't get good at Dark Souls shouldn't play Dark Souls. They would have put in a difficulty option if they felt the game needed one.

anyway I'll be on my way

I'm about to do my 5th Playthrough of Sekiro. All I have left in order to get every achievement is unlock the last two Mushin skills. Grinding for EXP at this point is ridiculous.

Too bad

chess is too hard, make a mode where my opponent only has pawns and only gets one turn out of two

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>forced to play the first third of the game three times to reach the end
>forced to play the second third twice to reach the end
Jesus Christ, I had forgotten that slog.

To be fair it's not hard to bait anymore. No one calls it out anymore. Shit's not even a challenge.

Just watch a YouTube playthrough if you want to do nothing and see the game beaten

It would cost literally nothing to add an "invincible dev mode" to any single player game. Give me ONE good reason a single player game shouldn't have this invincible cheat code mode.

Not only that, it would also cost nothing to add a censored mode where all the female models are just invisible/replaced/blurred. Give me one good reason games can't have an uncensored cheat code.

Checkmate gatekeepfags

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They're making a product aimed at tryhards. Why the heck do you whiny shits assume that they're after your money?

Nioh did have summons and was not hard regardless, until the DLC maps

it was a game where you could grind really easily though, especially against phantoms for OP loot

I thought we've already moved to make games journalist a slur?



Sure. Iam glad to admit its about gatekeeping. Iam all for building a wall to keep people who dont like to game from playing it.

They do not expect you to shill out your cash.
In fact they are very much expecting you not to.
They are however expecting me to buy it. You know, becouse i like the game they made. not possibly like the game they could have made. I do like the one they did make. the whole game. I love it!

Do you? buy it then play it, if you like it there is no problem.
If you dotn like it. then dont play.
Its that simple.

This just in: film not an art form because they sell tickets

Books no longer art because of marketing

Art is only made alone in a cave where no one can see it, for free

The game is hard as piss m8. Demon of faggotry (hatred) has been handing me my asshole. Send help.

Isnt it funny that git gud is seen as an insult?
Anyone can get good.
I REEEEEd over beast mobs for hours untill somone reminded me you can just parry them too.
Bulldozer parents have raised a generation of retards that cant feel pride in self improvent.
Sekiro gives you the rush of mastering a skill without the 2 year timeframe it would take to play an instrument.

I helped people fight bosses all the time. Nothing like ruining someone's experience and chance to hone their skills than infinite living weapon rushing a boss to death in seconds.

This. I was having an awfully difficult time at first until I finally started to get it. That was around the Lady Butterfly and MY NAME fights. From then on, it was learning the enemy attacks and how to counter them. Now the game is easy as shit, but a lot of it depends on learning the bosses. I did the Shura ending last after I was feeling extremely confident, but the bosses for that ending, which I never faced before, were absolutely brutal for me. But I eventually figured them out and now they're nothing. That's satisfying.

As a game developer I wouldnt want to waste time in things I deem useless or irrelevant in a game id make.

Play another fucking game, there are open world games like Skyrim or even Journey as an apt example. This is an action adventure game

Devs make their own cheats codes for testing the games anyways, there's no reason not to have them and honestly I feel the lack of them in modern games has taken a lot of the magic out of gaming.

That is fucking dumb. By your logic you would be mad that Ninja Gaiden isn't some easy rpg because you can't 'explore' the game because it's 'to hard' for you when that isn't what the product was supposed to be in the 1st place.

What I'm saying is that it's not the fault of a creator who creates a work for a specific audience if your feelings are hurt that you aren't part of that audience.

Barriers to entry comes in degrees. For a rich person, a game being exclusive to a specific console doesn't represent a barrier to entry, while for a poor person it does. Solaris has a high degree of gatekeeping for a non-Polish reader. Conversely something by Dostoevsky doesn't have that same barrier because he has been competently translated into English, but the complexity of his prose presents a barrier in and of itself. Because Dostoevsky didn't write War and Peace for people with poor reading comprehension or limited patience.

That's actually a great point! If the only thing preventing a person from enjoying a game is a mechanical limitation, then a tool that allows them to play that game does in no way void the author's intention. It's like a skilled translation that allows an audience to enjoy the work *as it was intended by its author.*

But if what prevents you from enjoying the game is an ingrained notion that hard games are beyond you or a lack of skill and the patience needed to develop that skill where it's lacking then that's not the game's fault. I can read English but I will readily admit that James Joyce is beyond me and I don't have the time and energy to get good enough at parsing his text to read Ulysses, or god forbid something like Finnegan's Wake.

But Invincible modes already exist for bug testing purposes. You could alter one line of code for that shit to happen. It would cost N O T H I N G

Only issue i ever have is when fucking difficult fags use it as gatekeeping.

Gamers are more then just people who beat hard games.

>Nuanced discussion on Yea Forums
I like you and because I like you I will let you know that you might be pissing in the wind here

Reading is too hard for the blind. We should burn all books.

Doing that isn't worth the time and effort because its such a half baked decision that does nothing but make a less interesting game for the person who uses it.

The reason the game is good because its designed in a way that the developers force you really hard to truly understand the game mechanics and at least think about your decisions, instead of playing on auto pilot and spaghetting your way to victory. If enemies did not hit as hard as they do in Sekiro, people wouldn't be afraid and wouldn't use the defensive options and play for posture damage which what the devs want



The inclusion of an easy mode isn't what upsets these people. It's the idea that an easy mode should be standard, which it shouldn't. If the Devil May Cry games had Dante Must Die as the standard difficulty with no way to change it, then those game simply would not be for me. I enjoy DMC games on normal and hard, but they become too much for me beyond that. But I'm not going to say "the developer should change this or that in order to suit my needs and the needs of others who suck at video games." That's ridiculous. It's the same reason I don't play StarCraft; I suck ass at RTS games. I'm not about to say shit like hotkeys are gatekeeping. That is fucking absurd.

Oh I know that I'm screaming into a yawning void, but it's fun mental calisthenics anyway.

Git gud

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B-but I paid money for it!!!!

>Easy mode has never ruined a game
I think that's true personally since whats the difference between Easy and Hard these days in most games aside from enemies have more health/do more damage? If Sekiro had an easy mode its quite likely the mechanics and everything would be the same its just that enemies do less damage. Having Easy, medium and hard difficulty isn't the same as dumbing down or streamlining game mechanics.

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People suggesting easy mode, defending it, and encouraging devs to be more inclusive to the crowd who aren't at the skill level to fully enjoy a game are only "demanding" a game have an easy mode in the context of "supply and demand". You can dislike a choices made and criticize it all you want, but knocking people who want variety of play and more out of their games is fucking insane. Yes, there are those few idiots who take it too far and think they're literally being oppressed by the game they chose to buy, but these clickbait articles hardly push an agenda of "MAKE THIS GAME EASIER YOU HATEFUL BIGOT" which a lot of the people in these threads seem to think. Or maybe they know it's not that bad and would rather sensationalize a non-issue as a new battle ground for their proxy culture war, those types who want to be offended because they want there to be an issue here.

It cracks me up that "gatekeeping" has become the new shorthand for "someone doing something I don't like"

I think difficulty is part of what makes the Souls games and Sekiro. The dark and lonely feeling these games produce are so much more impactful if you're having a hell of a hard time.

It's like with Berserk too. Watching Berserk 2016 for the story is a terrible idea because good art adds so much more to the story that the bastardization of it directly impacts how it makes you feel.

People who cannot get into Dark Souls and Cuphead and want it changed for them will never understand the true experience. It's the sum of it's parts that matter the most.

My bro bought 25 To Life on day one. I bought ZombiU on day one. I also bought Amy on PS3 and expected a decent game. Sometimes you make a bad purchasing decision. You can do much worse than buying a game that was simply too hard for you, as opposed to just being straight up terrible. Live and learn.

Sekiro has an easy mode though. It's called no-bell kuro-charm.

Read the thread. There have been several games listed that are objectively ruined by their easy modes.

You have no idea what pledging a fraternity is like. Fuck off.

Right, it often adds to the experience. It's like adding a Dante Must Die mode and really I think that's what a lot of people who are mad about the notion of more easy modes would like. You have "normal" and you have "hard" modes. The normal is easy mode by way of being easier than the hard mode, but now the anti-easy mode crowd feels less emasculated and may enjoy the replay value of going through normal and then retrying hard. Everyone wins.

No one is gatekeeping shit. The game is right there, if you have the money. Or want to pirate it

This. The difficulty is part of what makes the game impactful. If you can steamroll through the game without a second thought, you would perceive the game completely differently. This isn't just for Sekiro, this is for any game that is very difficult to get through.

Did all the dick sucking of Celeste's game journalist mode not catch on? I thought games might jump on that bandwagon for the free handjobs they might get for being so inclusive.

Just use a trainer/cheat, its a single player game

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The club is open to everybody. Just finish the damn game, it's not that hard.

>miyazaki has been making souls esque games for literal decades and NEVER includes easy mode
>retards play souls games and immediately jump to the conclusion that its hard just for gatekeeping and couldn't have any design purposes at all that they aren't aware of
>don't stop to wonder why one of the greatest game creators of all time chooses never to include difficulty options; they must be smarter than him for thinking of it

you're all fucking geniuses

File it next to strawman, falseflag, gaslighting, and shill.

But in this case it can be since terms like "casual filter" have come to reflect real sentiments among gamers who want the hobby to be more exclusive. Anti-casual sentiment and how "normie" is a bad word aren't new concepts. It's like how fandoms can ruin a decent game for someone and how that problem could be solved by keeping out the children.

wastes dev time putting shit in the game that would only be used by people who hate videogames

just fucking download cheat engine and do it yourself, m80

I'm just glad that as the spirit of whiny bitches reawakens, so to has the spirit of GIT GUD. I was worried that that spirit had left our board, but now I can see that it is still alive and well.

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That's what bothered me about people saying they wanted Cuphead to be easy because it feels like people not being able to see their animations as a waste. When you go through that game you get more intimate with their animation more than any easy mode fuck could actually dream of. They made that game hard BECAUSE of how much work they put into it

Have these retards even proposed what an "easy mode" would be? I can't think of one that wouldn't completely ruin the entire point of the game, or would still end up filtering retards.
>massively increase posture damage to enemies
>that still requires you actually deflect things, which is too hard for retards
>make it so enemies never ever ever deflect
>they would button mash and still end up dying to them

Ah, I didn't realize that you were a game developer. My bad. Seriously though, you don't actually know if that's the case. Shit needs to get tested all the time and devs need to be careful that an invincibility cheat doesn't accidentally make its way into the game and ruin the intended experience. Shit like that happens all the time, especially in Ubisoft games where the devs are unfocused and try to do a million things at once while rushing the game out the door, only to ship a broken mess. The less time spent testing, the less money wasted, and the sooner the game gets shipped. There needs to be a balance between budget and quality, and if I have to sacrifice nonsense like that to make a game come out sooner and cheaper then I think I can live with that.

>never ruined a game
it objectively ruined pixeljunk shooter because retard gaming journalists played it on easy and missed the end of the game, and reviewed it as "unfinished" too.
It literally hurt the game's sales and disheartened the game creator from continuing on the path of development. They literally ended his dream. Because he put in an easy mode.

More health and less damage. Do more damage. Easier to level up. It's not hard to make the game easier, but the mechanics are mostly build around skill.

>ruin the intended experience
What? How?

Just give enemies less health and damage so they can fuck up more before dying really. That's what most games do.

>how could an invincibility ruin the intended experience


pretty decent bait, have my (you)

I've seen plenty of games ruined by easy mode, except it wasn't a mode but the entire franchise that they turned into one giant "ez mode". EZ mode usually spells the death of a franchise in spirit. Is there anything more horrifying to a fan than a dev stating that we want to "expand the appeal of our franchise"?

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>fandoms ruining a game

I hate this the most. I remember when I played Undertale and it gave me Paper Mario vibes that I haven't felt since TTYD. Only to realize what the fandom does to it and the rep it gave what is a usually silly little game

But then the difficulty of God Hand gave it bad press as journalists mistook difficulty for bad game design.

The invincibility isn't forced retard. Its a fucking option. In what possible way could a free addition to a game be a negative you fucking idiot

From games being hard is just pure marketing now anyways
Also the problem with sekiro is that the combat is not fun

Or how DMC5's difficulty was scaled down for the same worries. Journalists have so much power and it's terrible. If you like a more hardcore experience you're fucked when it comes to mainstream video game media

Agreed. Some people find it frustrating to play the same segment over and over again, but if the game is fun then I'm cool with that.

This. All you could really do is make it so enemies take chip damage on block and have severely reduced max health, but that ruins the entire point of the game. I suppose you could also just drastically increase the timing window for deflects, as if it already isn't large enough, but like it's been said before, it undermines the brutal world if you can kill everything without any effort. You're not supposed to be a superhero in this game, you're supposed to struggle, both the character and the player.

Then that's not easy mode and you're talking about something else.

Super Mario Odyssey is super easy compared to other Mario games, but has a level of depth in side quests and alternate modes of play that provide a challenge for those who seek it. It even has a "hold my hand" mode that appears if you fucked up too many times. You can ignore it, it isn't forced, but it's fun to have the option there as it feels like the game is talking shit to you.

Journalist. Singular. And he got called out by one of his co-workers.

Comparing an actual easy mode which mostly just changes enemy stats and sometimes your own to the dumbing down of an entire franchise's mechanics isn't a fair comparison desu.

If someone built an escalator on to the side of mount Everest, would climbing to the top still allow the people who achieved the feat the same level of pride, and a sense of accomplishment? Not likely, as it's now something accomplishable by virtually everybody, regardless of drive or ability.
Saying "well just don't use the escalator" to someone who wanted a challenge seems extremely condescending to me.

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So what I'm getting out of this is that video game "journalists" are ruining video games.

its this kind of short sighted retardation from non-game devs that's the reason you fucking dumbasses should be ignored.

Even having the option changes how the game feels. In the back of your mind you know it's there and you could always just get past everything. Imagine if the deepening sense of impending despair as you delve further into the Depths in Dark Souls was completely shat on because in the back of your mind you knew you could simply turn on invincibility whenever you wanted.

Now kindly fuck off.

But then you would just mash because taking a hit is now more safe and you wouldn't actually be scared of an enemy. Thats not very fun. Damage balance in the game is the thing that forces you to engage with the game mechanics and where the fun comes from

Except patching out bugs and fixing glitches is different from adding in an "easy mode". The former should be done since errors such as those shouldn't come with the final game that people are paying for. The latter is pandering to a group of people the game isn't even made for.


What happened to that game pad thing they made for people like this. I kind of want to buy him one even though he doesn't seem to need it.

But journalists often represent the new player base. Hardcore gamers are more rare than the wider audiences who give a shit about what a journalist says. DMC5 still has alternate game modes as they are a tradition in the series.

>climbing everest

I'd use the escalator or not do it because I don't want to be part of that high mortality rate. I think when actual death is involved instead of video game death the conversation of accessibility changes.

And this here is kind of an important discussion. For a game reviewer being able to provide an accurate assessment of the game is part of their job. This is a double edged sword; how is a reviewer expected to accurately assess the full breadth of a JRPG that takes 100 hours to beat in a time-frame that lines up with the game's release, while also keeping on top of a dozen other games? But does being able to shoot through it on invincible easy-mode compromise the actual experience intended for the player?

At the heart is the reality that reviewing games is a dumb job that's been so woefully compromised by the very industry they're meant to be criticising that it's almost useless.

(Game criticism and journalism is a very different story, but the notion of "my job is to play a game and rate it out of 5 stars" is inherently dumb and frankly unfair for a wide variety of games)

Dude is asking for a movie.
Someone tell him that.

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this. happened with paladins and the game was dead within 2 weeks.

>devs need to be careful that an invincibility cheat doesn't accidentally make its way into the game and ruin the intended experience
>doesn't accidentally make its way into the game and ruin the intended experience
>doesn't accidentally make its way into the game
>doesn't accidentally
>The invincibility isn't forced retard. Its a fucking option.
Hmmm, what did he mean by this?
>Shit needs to get tested all the time
>The less time spent testing, the less money wasted, and the sooner the game gets shipped.
>Shit like that happens all the time, especially in Ubisoft games where the devs are unfocused and try to do a million things at once while rushing the game out the door, only to ship a broken mess.
Get your reading comprehension checked. I was pretty clear. Whether you agree or not is one thing, but you completely missed the point of what I was getting at. Or do you need an easy mode for reading too?

Its easy mode. Its as simple as tweaking player health/defense to max. If it was called a cheat code instead of easy mode no one would be whining

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And devs marketing their access to people who give them good reviews and get chummy with those sites through sponsorship and ads. And the casual mainstream audience doesn't play hard games. Blaming this all on journalists is shortsighted

>Okay, these are not artists toiling away for the sake of a single person or even to express their creative vision.
>They are making a product to consume.

So are movies, theatric plays and book authors. Still counts as art, retard.

I know you're right but it more annoys me how they can talk so much about the minority but the minority of players who like hardcore experiences are looked down on. Shit is stupid as fuck. Like look at that one Kotaku article on Furi arguing that games shouldn't pander to the hardcore crowd.

because when its labelled as a cheat code its clear that its not part of the "intended" experience and just meant as a bit of extras to play around with.

Someone coined it for me perfectly a few threads ago, but all these people complaining about the difficulty are like people who go to an Italian restaurant and then complaining that they only serve Italian food. What the fuck do these people expect from a FROM Software game? This isn't gate-keeping, the difficulty itself IS the gate.

At least DMC5's DMD difficulty is still brutally fucking hard, but I agree with what you're saying. Eventually it'll get to a point where video games are just bad movies where you have to press a button every now and then; all the difficulty completely gone.

>There are many easy games to choose from
Nooo, it's only 99% of the games that are easy. I'm being marginalized, I tell ya!

Part of this is because movies and music can be passively enjoyed. Also the first user made an excellent point as well.
But the thing is is that unless it's supreme arthouse wank then even the biggest brainlet burger can go into and get something out of it while missing all of the intended themes, imagery, cinematography, e.t.c. and not realize it. Contrast this to journalist difficultylets who spent 2 hours trying to beat Asylum in DS1 who are being stymied in their desire to access the game. Unlike movies or music they're literally being told 'no you're not good enough at this get better'. Imagine if movies had a brief quiz about the contents of the movie every twenty minutes or something. You'd get the exact same thing.
Also it's because vidya journalists are almost unanimously complete hacks that are trash at games and don't enjoy them as a hobby whereas movie critics and whatnot at least seem like they are somewhat passionate about the medium. What we need is some sort of neckbeard uprising in the vidya journalist world to replace the art school rejects that couldn't get hired on to a real journalist gig.
.t vidya journalist

So basically, don't make a PC port? What a retarded fucking argument.
What a long post that just says nothing. You really thought it was worth hitting submit on that?

They'd still be whining because polygon wrote an article about the difficulty of Cup Head and in a thread about the headline everyone saw it as demands to make the game easier when really the article says "if you can't beat the game, just watch it on youtube". People want to be outraged.

Why is this even a discussion
If the devs wanted to put in an easy mode, they would have put in an easy mode. They're not obligated to anything you want them to. Whether or not you think it'd be a "better product" is irrelevant. They'll make what they want to make, end of discussion.

Helicopter can take you to the top right now.
You're right that exclusivity creates prestige but it's not as simple. Free diving still exists despite scuba gear. In gaming terms you can have both but the babymode players shouldn't write reviews for hardmode because these are two worlds just using the same medium.

>Can barely move his hands
>Could still beat isshin in like less than half of the time that my best attempt is currently at
That is really fucking impressive.

It make me wonder if I'm really the cripple and the guy in the video is just pretending.

What? You don't like the easy mode text explanation I set up for you? That's strange; I could've sworn that it was exactly what you were asking for.

>hurr durr pc players can just use cheats
>calls other arguments retarded

this entire thread is invalidated if you're going that way because anyone can just play games on pc and enable easy mode themselves. nobody needs to add an easy mode

you're fucking retarded btw.

i agree with op actually, if you think about RL has some easy mode options

like if you were donald trump's son, thats easy mode right?

Movie journalists are not that much different buddy. I used to think they were more professional as well but there are a few good eggs among many rotten in that industry too

I think you're flawed in your reasoning here because genre differences in games are a thing. Action, action adventure, action rpgs are more prone to being hurt by casualisation of difficulty than a game like Mario or other platforms. In platformers you're mostly fighting yourself and the environment but in these other action games there are actual enemies on your level that are playing their own game alongside you

>omg the player can just turn on invincibility at any time thus ruining the experience
By this asinine logic no PC player can truly enjoy the game. You said something stupid and I just elaborated on why its stupid, don't take it out on me, bro.

Adding an easy mode doesn't affect me in anyway but I can see why From wouldn't think to add one. Their games sell off of being hard.

"options" involves choice
nobody gets to choose their lot in real life
RL just has random players getting random difficulties enabled at random times for no reason. Truly terrible design.

Lets be fair here. They used the headline to spark that outrage to only be like "he he we never MEANT our stupid headline"

And that's where a lot of this frustration comes from. You don't want to give them any ground as these AAA devs scope out the market and see that hardcore gamers really are in the minority and you can make more money with casual shit. Look at Dota2 and LoL: Dota gives you all the characters for free, but it's a harder game so most gravitate towards the more casual experience of LoL. The hardcore are looked down on by nature of "oh you're so good at this game because you don't have a life and have been doing this longer than me. gotta go to work and pick up the kids bye :^)"

Which Kotaku article are you talking about?


Spotted the Fromdrone. Your shitty games aren't "hard," they're shoddily made. Consider substituting the water in your diet with bleach.

Fair enough. I don't really follow movie rags so I only knew about the 'big' ones but I guess thinking about it it'd be infested by the same sort of people that got into vidya journalism. As a more mature medium you'd expect there to be higher standards but I guess that doesn't work in a world of capeshit.

>downloading a cheat engine and doing some elaborate shit with the games memory is equivalent to opening the options and toggling invincibility

>calls others retarded

you're just getting stupider amigo

the shitter shattering caused by this game is incredible

ok bud find me a journalist who has the IQ to figure out how to enable invincibility in Sekiro with Cheat Engine :^)

heh this is were you are wrong, whos to say you dont have a choice before you were born

you dont know..hehe

>its not easy mode if i have to go through an extra step or two and its called something else

What is the difference between:
Easy mode
In-game cheat code unlocks
Difficulty mods

Go ahead i'll wait

Look up "Kotaku Furi" in google. It's the first result

And the thing is, this is what's cool about gaming as a medium and what's unique about it. With a film or a book, everyone engaging with it is working with the exact same text, the exact same images and sound, so critical investigation of the work is based on interpretation of that text and those images and sound. It's all about "what did *you* get out of it?"

With games, a person's involvement is based on their direct engagement with the game, which can lend to vastly different experiences. You're not saying "my interpretation of this is..." you're saying "I did this, and when this happened it made me feel like this." There's a huge degree of subjectivity in the medium because one's ability to experience, analyze that experience and synthesize a response is rooted in the actions that they do, rather than what they absorb. That's what makes it such a potentially exciting field of criticism.

(The issue I think is that current crop of journos aren't really up to the task because they prefer to frame their experiences from a sociological perspective rather than a literary one)

That's the player using third party software for that, its different when the developers of the game you are playing are handing you the keys for god mode for free

Contain your asspain, reddit. He's not wrong at all.


They are already. Everyone can buy and play any game they want. The only limit is your bank account :^).

What you and people like you really want is the kudos that come with being part of the group that has completed a game, without having to actually earn it like everyone else in that group has. This is why SJWism has met such resistance from the gaming community - it is antithetical to gamings very nature. Vidya is a meritocracy, indeed, it is the only true meritocracy in history. Everyone has an equal chance to complete a game, whether or or not they finish the game is entirely down to them.

if i was in control of FROM i would make a easy mode DLC and put a insane price on it "$200 bucks for your baby difficulty journos".

>sell off of being hard
This is the main reason why I think they won't do it there is no other franchise (to my knowledge) that has been used as an industry standard or comparison for features in games. The whole "Its the X of Y" saying is something any game developer wish they had, it's like having your brand be a household name or something.

one of them is put in by the developer as an "intended" part of the game and thus compromises the integrity of the games design.

The rest are bits of fun added by or for the players to mess around with.

Yes, the difference is mostly semantics but it's the intent of the original game design that matter in this case. I'm sure your dumb fucking brain is too retarded to understand the nuance though so I don't know why I'm bothering.

I can make retarded arguments as well! Fanservice never ruined a game!

>people trying to make this about accessibility
This is 100% about people being too salty that they're shit at games to get far into a moderately challenging one like Sekiro, and not actually about disabled people. And to the people saying that it's as simple as tweaking health/damage values, it really isn't.

Let's take Sekiro for example. It's a game full of aggressive enemies. When these people say they're trying to champion for accessibility options for disabled people, the only disabilities I can think of that would benefit from easier difficulty would be people with mental or physical problems that impair reaction times and motor skills to the point where it's impossible to play the game normally. The problem with tweaking health values is that it doesn't change enemy AI, it doesn't change encounters, and it doesn't change them trying to facetank and mash every enemy to death if their condition is that bad. You would require a complete rebalancing of the game to make a truly "accessible" mode for disabled people, and frankly devs shouldn't feel obligated to do that for an infinitesimal portion of their potential sales. I have not seen one actual disabled person asking for this, unless you can't being employed as a game journalist as a disability.

My only problem is that it's just one company who has this reputation. Why isn't this something that is regularly sought out across more genres? Although I guess Capcom has been making tough games without the branding for a while.

depends on the game

do it

How does an easy mode mess up the game design of the normal mode? There is no nuance here, more options is somehow worse because of mental gymnastics? That same option is OK and justified if you get it from another source?

Only a bad idea if the game sucks. Make sure it's good then do it.

>food analogy
And one that makes no sense, at that. It's more like demanding the restaurant chew your food for you because you let the teeth rot out of your head because brushing was too much effort.

God, next we're gonna have game journos tell devs to slow game devs down because boomers are too slow to enjoy a fast paced game.

>Why isn't this something that is regularly sought out across more genres
That'll be pretty hard to do desu as not every fan of their respective genre would like it and on top of that theirs the risk of people still calling the game "the dark souls of this genre" anyway.

>Its easy mode. Its as simple as tweaking player health/defense to max.
>Hard mode is bullshit. All they did was beef up the enemy health.
I don't understand how people don't see the problem with multiple difficulties, especially when it isn't clear which one is the developer's/director's true recommendation. Even when games these days say that one of them is the "standard" difficulty, it's still easy as fuck. I don't want to figure out which difficulty is right for me; make the game the way you want to make it and fuck difficulty options.

>literally too retarded to understand the nuance so he claims there is none

fucking kek, i fucking knew it. fuck off you 70 iq mongoloid. you're literally too stupid to ever understand why Miyazaki chooses not to put easy mode in his games. Deal with it.

This fills me with irrational rage.

Because it's genuinely fucking mind-boggling. The whole game is designed to be challenging. If you don't want to be challenged, why are you even playing it in the first place? To use a shitty food analogy, it's like asking for grilled cheese, but without the cheese. If you don't want cheese, why did you ask for grilled cheese in the first place? Without the cheese, it's not even grilled cheese. It's toast. If you want toast, just have toast. You're like a little kid who just wants to have whatever your older brother is going to have, regardless of whether you like it or not. You don't want to play this game because you derive pleasure from the experience of overcoming those challenges, you just want to play it because you see people on the internet talking about it, and you want to be part of the "group".

The headline was "When is exclusion a valid design choice?" It's not a demand.

>So why are so many people against this idea? The question of letting everyone in to experience one aspect of the game, while putting the others aside, always leads to spirited debates.

>“Because, the real nub of it is, it’s about exclusivity,” RockPaperShotgun wrote. “It’s about keeping the Thems, the riff-raff, the outsider, out. THIS section of the game, this is special to me and only those as great as I am! I DESERVE this bit of the game! Those weaklings do not! Gosh, it’s an ugly way of thinking, isn’t it? And so utterly idiotic too. Because it requires the mental gymnastics of somehow believing that one’s own isolated experience of a game is cheapened, lessened, impacted in any conceivable way, by the isolated experience of someone else playing that game.”

>And yet the difficulty is part of the experience of playing Cuphead. Difficult games create an emotional reaction in the player, and that reaction might be the point of the difficulty. If every game is designed to make you feel something, Cuphead players may be feeling exactly how the developer hoped they’d feel, for good or ill.

It's about the conversation and the article mostly sides with Cup Head just talks about why there's a debate and the marketing implications of difficult games for hardcore gamers and the casuals.

So the article and the headline aren't terrible, there are those who think that even having the conversation is bad when we've been having it since before Ghosts 'n Goblins.


Marxism would just mean these "gaming" "journalists" would get a department in the government to spread their bullshit.

Easy Automatic ruins Devil May Cry and Bayonetta
Checkmate, journos.

It's funny. I'd buy it to troll an English major or to ironically gift a high school student.

I always assume its normal difficulty or any difficulty that has no multipliers

This is the root of the problem, and what no one would ever admit to.

Fuck off Jim, go back to being cucked by Tyrone.

Yes, and like many timeless debates, their answers are equally timeless:


It's because FROM's games have a combination of difficulty, which engenders the idea that clearing it gives you some kind of objective merit, and world building, which attracts and interests a lot of people who might not otherwise give a difficult game a second look. You don't see this same kind of criticism leveled against, say, a Platinum game, in part because those *do* have adjustable difficulties but also because you don't see the same sort of praise heaped on, say, Bayonetta and Worlderful 101 for their narrative or atmosphere. A person who doesn't particularly like action games isn't going to feel like they're missing out, whereas a person who enjoys dark fantasy would feel that way about Dark Souls or Bloodborne.

So the result is that people want to experience one part of the game in-spite of other, more important parts of the game. Because the gameplay is the most important part of a game; all other aspects exist to support that, rather than to persist on their own. If you can't get down with the gameplay then you can't fully appreciate the game. It's like reading Cormac McCarthy and saying "I wanted to read a story about cowboys, but I couldn't deal with all the environmental descriptions and hypnotic prose." That's missing the forrest of the trees, yo.

If you can't articulate or explain your argument why bother? Do I have to fucking respond to an argument you didn't even bother fucking making? You're basically conceding right now. "T-THE NUANCE EXISTS, I REFUSE TO EXPLAIN" what a waste of a post.

The only possible nuance that could exist is "e-easy mode takes away resources from normal mode" which is factually wrong. Cranking up player HP and DEF to max and calling it an easy mode costs nothing, hurts nothing, and just creates more avenues for player enjoyment. I dare you to even attempt addressing my devils avocado

>I want to play the game, but I don't want to actually play the game
Let me tell you about this little known site called YouTube.

Okay fair enough. I still feel like they dug their own grave with how people take these articles whether when they're decent or not. They've built enough bad relations that it's not surprising the only thing you hear is the worst.

Even if you're a barely literate turbo brainlet, you can sit through a Tarkovsky film and say that you watched it, vacantly flip through Paradise Lost and say that you read it. You may not understand any of it, but you completed it. Video games have a failure state.

Yea Forums is the easiest board to bait


This is true. But sometimes developers don't want to make them, which is fine. Mod in your own easy mode. When games are too easy but are fun we do that to make them harder.

Hardware options for the disabled? That's fine. Changing the game? Fuck no. Let the game be experienced the way it's meant to or don't fucking play it.

The irony is that niche's (and by principle of being niche having exclusive appeal) is what makes for a more diverse industry. When you make every single game have the same plateau of engagement the very thing that makes individual games different or interesting goes with it. These people are anti-unique.

casuals need to get that nobody likes them

It’s my dream to become a game journalist. This thread has made me very worried.

Every board is easy to bait these days.

This shame easy mode

Attached: IWBTG_Easy_Mode_Mockery_1540.png (232x338, 25K)

I think people respond for the exercise of it and because it's fun to argue at a target dummy. I bet at least half of the respondents know it's bait, the reddit spacing makes it super obvious.

I agree. With this line of thinking, people are basically asking for a cliffnotes version without the negative connotations that come with it. Either you play the whole game as is, or your input into the book club doesn't have merit. Is it gatekeeping? Maybe, but I would like to discuss the game with people who actually beat it.

You're better off being an independent youtube journalists

how would a easy mode for Sekiro work ?

Shame easy mode is always funny to me. I like how Ryu wears a ribbon in Ninja Gaiden if the player plays on Easy. It's clearly visible and lets everyone know you're playing on Easy.

>there is only one way to enjoy the game
SL1 runs are wrong
Speedrunning is wrong
Prosthetic only runs are wrong
Summoning is wrong
If you thought the game was easy you're wrong
If you thought the game was hard you're right

Is that what it boils down to?

When I used to argue with what I knew was bait the autistic part of my brain would go "but what if this retard actually believes this? I must prove him wrong" I stopped doing this but I imagine there are plenty of people who do exactly what I did

Hahaha holy fuck what a retarded dream.

As much as the anti-sjw crowd wants to act like they "merely want to play videogames" that is absolutely bullshit.
There are a plethora of outrage bait youtube channels on the anti-sjw side who live and breath by the next "big outrage" and they're so starved for content that they actively seek it out and even fabricate completely made up elements of it or maybe even make something up entirely based on tweets from literally who's who get like 5 likes or whatever.
The truth is the anti-sjw crowd are as hungry to hate mob as much as the fringe SJWs they accuse of the same thing.
Once you realise this you can start to ignore it, online political cults are gonna freak out over anything and everything especially as long as you give them attention.
Reasonable people are having a reasonable discourse about this stuff and the fringe outside hate mobs are just that.
Personally I'm on against easy modes in games but I think the small minority of people trying to push it for the sake of disabled people don't know what they're talking about and are being really condescending to the disabled and are absolutely making shit up, accessibility options are about input methods and like colourblind modes just "make the game easier" is frankly a shitty solution.

But yeah tl;dr anti-sjws often make up and self perpetuate their own outrage because their ideology depends on there being a constant stream of something to fight against to maintain relevance, remember the whole cuphead shit? That whole thing was based on one video of a journo being bad and a few tweets by literally whos, there was almost none if no call for cuphead to be made easier by the press.

And once again with the doom eternal shit, no one but some fringe weirdos on twitter were offended by those lame jokes.
But no they had to be a whole thing.

This is also important, because as a social hobby, having people who disingenuously engaged with the product pollute the discussion by spreading their misinformation and stinking the place up with their disinterest.


nigger i literally explained my position perfectly and you're too stupid to understand what i was saying. i'm not going to bust my ass to try to explain myself like i'm trying to teach a kid.

Stop creating a strawman of what I said you baiting retard

put the main character in a giant baby costume and have the enemies do more damage

How did you get here from ResetEra, friend?

>ywn write article for that vidya magazine you loved when you were young
I hate it, why can't vidya journalists be passionate or at least pretend to enjoy vidya

>I would like to discuss the game


Attached: BtwT0FUCcAAgqi2.jpg (600x377, 30K)

Based and redpilled

>wah wah arguing too hard let me win without trying
lmao at this punk ass disingenuous bitch
the fucking ironing
another win for me on forward slash vee

but... you're also on the video games board