Can't even learn his patterns in the third phase because everytime you die you need to perform first two phases with...

>can't even learn his patterns in the third phase because everytime you die you need to perform first two phases with perfection
>0.1 ms window to realise he is gonna use lighings attack
>stiff controls so you dodge into foe's katana instead of mikiri

Attached: Sekiro 03.04.2019 20_15_51.png (1920x947, 1.27M)

that's one of the easiest bosses in the game
just call it quits now if you already have trouble with this guy

I want to finish it.

>Just keep spamming attacks
>He keeps trying to pull out his bow
>Interrupt him every time

Even the boss AI sucks

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and this, dear anons is perfect example of being filtered by sekiro


have sex

>randomly do the reverse lightning
>fail to do it when I actually try

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>reverse lightning

lmao jump and spam r1 when he does lightning

Lightning reverse or whatever

Every single boss is the easiest boss in the game.

The lightning makes the third phase a joke lol.

Just run around and bait his lightning you fag. When he charge up jump toward him and reverse lightning. Do it 3 times and he's done.

I did the third phase first try without knowing about lighting reversal.

Yeah, he always one shot me and items are useless.

I simply can't, it's too fast.

just git gud user!

still relevant years later.

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I really can't believe anyone found any boss in DS1 hard aside from Manus

>he thought manus was hard
why are zoomers so bad at video games lmao

>near perfect first 2 phases
>fucked up the lightning block all previous times
>finally do it once
>whips him for 90% of his posture bar
I honestly felt I didn't deserve that win.