Play touhou
Play touhou
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lmao what the fuck mods?
Then maybe make your threads with more substance than just a banal phrase user
Alright sure
What game are you currently playing and what are you trying to achieve?
And what's your favourite song?
This is now a Touhou video games thread.
toho sucks my balls
pcb and in the best
mokou and youmu best girls
They should do another revision of Soku with a couple more characters & a new Story Mode. The games are a lot of fun
>Haven't played an actual 2hu game since Perfect Cherry Blossom
>Yet still play a bunch of the era shit and fan games
There's something legit wrong with me.
I read this doujin and now I want hourai in a fighter
Zun is making touhou hotf next user
>Tasofro want to reach EVO with the next fighter
Bros are we getting a HotF tier fighter soon
Is it going to surpass Soku?
I'm playing youmu's game
Is it translated?
If you think about it Shion is kinda like Joon's stand
He probably switched mid-developement to touhou tag tournament
I'm waiting for Suika's game
And it's Broken Moon
Is this another HM revision or? I don't keep up that much
Gimme that link senpai
I wanna lewd the dork
kys weeb faggot
Didn’t he do the aame thing in IN and SA?
Tasforo wanted to go to Evo with the new fighting game
So it's safe to assume that they will do a ground fighter again
I wish Moe will still do the sprites tho
I wonder how this one will play
While unique, I actually kind of prefer the simplicity of the meter from IaMP. I'm far from good at any of these games though, so I don't believe I should be catered to, just that it felt more at home with more traditional fighters.
Demo fucking wen
Thanks lad, you're cool
Anyone's playing touhou(vivit) 99?
I was, but it shut down
Creator said he can't into networking though and that's why there was no online
That would be best timeline
Touhou hotf at evo
10/10 would travel to America to compete
What? why?
>2hu game will kick out meele from evo
>meleefags burn the fucking place down in rage
I literally can't think of a funnier fate
>while melty is played in bathrooms
Is the melee community one of those places with a lot of people who think anything even remotely Japanese is anime? I can't imagine how much asshurt a niche Jap game about cute girls wearing hats kicking out their game would generate.
We've already seen how touhou and smash only generates insane amount of shitstorms
No thanks
That's Smash as a whole. Why do you think Reimu in Smash become a meme?
Name a more kino moment
fire emblem characters are usually referred to as "anime swordsmen" so yes
Suddenly Tenshi appears next to you
What do?
When did that happened?
To be fair that's rosterfaging, people will shit on anything simply because it isn't their favorite. I meant the melee competitive scene in particular since they don't seen bothered by Marth or Roy existing.
kick her in the balls
Offer her a corndog
spank her butt
Punch her in the stomach and hard as possible
I'm hoping it I do it hard enough she'll cum on the spot
This summer, when smash threads flooded the board and they went with that reimu in smash autism
Touhou 17 Soon right?
Should be announced this Reitaisai with the usual schedule
>literal who weeb shit thread consisting of nothing more than "play X"
>wonders why threads get deleted
shoo shoo shill
pls be phantasmagoria
What kind of gimmick do you want in touhou 17?
With the whole manga plot going on I wouldn't be surprised if picking up hell cherries isn't how you get extra lives
You play as Reimu, your amulets and needles are limited, you need to use unconventional hell weapons you find to fight your way out of there since spellcard rules don't apply there, shoot the oni arm until it dies, it is also a first person shooter.
Why Junko is always mad?
>The time they touted Falcon as the "anime slayer" when the most anime FE had ever dabbled in was a 2 episode OVA of Marth's game vs Falcon's 55 episode romp
heres your touhou 17 bro
I will breed a female swablu, nickname her Tenshi and raise her into mega altaria.
Nazrin (alola Raichu), shion (lugia) and Jo'on (Ho-oh) need another friend.
hows the chink touhou?
Oh hey I lost to Kaguya again
Fuck you NEET bitch
Survival cards were a mistake
This is hilarious, imagine if a powerful "anime character" showed up on the meta
>somehow Reimu gets memed into Ultimate
>lightweight zoner who rewards dodging and constant movement
>she can also graze through projectiles because fighting games
>easy to use but hard to master just like her games
>a semi competent player mains her on comp
>proceeds to take a shit on the meta because she counters both aggressive and passive playstyles while having good recovery and evasive options
>what follows is a never ending asshurt because 2hu on a superficial level is so anime it makes FE and Final Fantasy look normal
>an asshurt so strong it makes Neptunia in Playstation All Stars look like a joke
>work too hard on practicing phantasm mode
>shift key doesn't work anymore
should i learn to play unfocused or just man up and fix it
Sorry, but I'm a pizzapastaman
You can rebind keys in the options menu
Fuck off NEET bitch
Fix it you're going to need it for more than 2hu anyways
>tfw hurt my wrist by abusing the Malice trick
I love Touhou and it's my go-to time-sink. My one complaint is how in most of the games, you don't unlock a stage in practice mode until you clear it in Story. This isn't normally too bad, but in SA, I'm having a ton of trouble with Orin, and I have to play for 20-25 minutes just for a chance to beat her (assuming I play really well for the first four stages).
Small complaint on an otherwise stellar franchise.
Can anyone stop the Crown Prince
Smashfags in general are like that so probably
Why, the Clown Prince of course.
Why don't you download a 100% unlock save?
With Christianity being canon on the Touhou universe, I hope we get at least one character in Hell that is based on it, even if it's a fictional one like Dante.
Do other Touhou fans shower?
That'd be hilarious. But as a compfag I don't wanna go through the Bayo experience again and watch as Reimu gets crippled next game.
This year has been great already but it'll be the best year of my life if we get a new 2hu.
Mods are dumb
>download a 100% unlock save
>unironically being a smelly delinquent
mokou is an uggo punk wagie that works at miko'donalds, hyu hyu hyuuu
Rumia a cute, and cute youkai get headpats
My 2 biggest hopes for Ultimate are for Reimu and Doom Guy to be in as DLC. Just so I can see the art and porn of the two together. It'd be a wonderful marriage of west and the east
Because I want the experience of unlocking everything myself.
I'm on the verge of 1cc'ing my first Touhou (PCB) on Normal without (almost) using bombs. (Playing MarisaA)
feels gud
2hou is for pedophiles or hat fetishists only.
Damn I love her hat.
Futo is pretty great
lol rite?
cute futo
Xer dilation schedule
smol kanako
there is nothing tranny about dying and transfering your soul into girls body
You seem confused that's the radical and adorable Mononobe no Futo not the dork
Looks like a dork to me
look at the clown
Im trying to do a full lunatic run on any touhou games, a have achieved to do stage 1 of Hsif with 1cc and things arent looking too bright, what are some things to help me, besides thinking of paths and being generous with bombs, for my survival?
It's always nice finding fellow mandolini 2hufags in the wild
2hu based on roman mythology when?
Try completing the other difficulties first.
unrelated but Is the catalog fucking down right now?
Anyone playing mountain blade?
post mod
which? the slav or the chink one?
I tried Touhou for the first time recently with Touhou 8 and I was awful at it. I played as Sakuya & Izayoi and the furthest I managed to get was to Reimu, but I couldn't beat her. I don't even think I understood all of the mechanics in the game either. It was fun, though, I'll probably give it a try again here and there when I'm bored.
>Sakuya & Izayoi
I don't know anything about Touhou man, I don't even know what's wrong with what I said.
You played with the team consisting of Sakuya Izayoi and Reimilia Scarlet
Oh, I thought the maid was Izayoi and the vampire was Sakuya.
And? Next you will tell him Hideo and Kojima are the same person.
Who is your 2hu?
I want a new IN with new teams
>Reimu & Kasen
>Marisa & Narumi
>Reisen & Eirin
>Sanae & Kanako
>Miko & Futo
>Clownpiece & Hecatia
>Byakuren & ???
My wife, Hecatia!
For me it's the Remi.
I like the cute magician
Same as yours, but I also adore Shinmyoumaru
and the Crown Prince, Futo and Mamizou are also pretty great
Nue obviously
Corndog girl
My far fetched hope (since 17 is likely to be set in hell) is teams, with a Yuugi/Suika team involved
Please go find the closest bridge and jump off of it while having concrete tied to your ankles
I suck at bullethells
I have the reaction speed of someone thrice my age
I do enjoy the porn though
my underappreciated goddess of course
wait a minute, are you telling me that every time i had sex with the raccoon it was adultery? disgusting
How can I jump off the bridge if I have concrete tied to my ankles? Help me out here mate.
They don't call her Mamizou "NTR Queen" Futatsuiwa for nothing.
>play IN
>do good until Marisa shows up
>must survive Kaguya with 2 lives left
I'm getting here at least
Ganbatte user
Sex with the Bake-Danuki?
I love Reisen!
Zun just can't satisfy his wife
Really you should buy viagra and drink less alcohol
>Youmu with big breasts
Nah, gimme a cold beer
I thought Hatate was the NTRhu
Dumb bunny made for bullying
Reminder she only takes 7 inches or above, she'll just cuck you again Reisenfag.
PCB > EoSD > IN difficulty wise.
My wife!
HTT is the yanderehu
Anyone here played Luna Nights?
What'd you think of it?
For me it's Parsee
What’s so special about this franchise? I could understand why and how the Japanese like it but I can’t understand how it’s popular in the west. Is it for people who are big weebs or something?
What a generic and meaningless post
It's one of the most soulful franchises in Japan. All of the games in the series are a result of 1 guy who just makes games out of passion.
Good music, interesting lore/setting and great characters. is what does it for me
I love Yukari-sama!
Lots of fanworks, cute girls, genre that caters to autists, and ZUN is a cool guy. Bonus for the music which I like a lot.
Where can I read Cage in Lunatic Runagate?
I’m serious though, I guess I’m not into bullhell’s even though I think the later games are not?
>MFW i want a Loppuny nickname "Reisen", but only the shiny has the pink fluff that would make the riesen theme more fitting.
Goddammit, assuming I can get a shiny in the GTS, there the nature problem.
The gardener.
Comfy Gensokyo is best Gensokyo
They're all bullet hells
Some of the spin-off games are fighters
I really enjoy pretty bullet patterns and this series is literally jam packed with them
Mainline have always been bullet hells, with some fighting games spin-offs
Where can I go to get the best translations for each game?
It's on the touhou wiki
Mokou chapter is the best
I fucking hate ZUN, why can't he just make Reimu and Marisa do a team-up?
Ah I see, I dunno, I guess I’ll watch a play through.
It's unironically the best shoot 'em up franchise. Touhou is hard but fair. It's more about adaptability and reflexes than most other shmups.
Ironically, despite being completely about japanese history, culture, religion and mythology, it's one of the less weebshit franchises out there
It sure is.
Thanks, user.
>Still no makai/devil game
>Still no witches focused games
>Still no genderswaped Amakusa
>about to point out that yukari shouldn't be awake in the daytime
>realise those are her pajamas
The little details man
For me, it's the nuke birb.
We all suck at the beginning, nobody is born with LNN skills
The best bird!
good taste
Probably because they do in anything but the games
The Crown Prince is Cool!!!
>miko: I'm not as good as I could be
>byakuren: Nah b u gud
>miko: oh shit u right
>ywn be covered in cute fairies
why even live bros
Kasen is just a hermit! A HERMIT! There's no way she'd be something as disgusting and debased as a dumb oni!
only a dumb oni would believe that
this is suwako thread now. suwakobros, assert your dominance
>used goods
best girl
might as well
Dumb frogposters
Is injecting still a thing? To my understanding if you're willing to cheat you can skip the breeding autism that goes into shiny farming.
Fun although short, visuals are great. Not much in the way of actual exploration or shortcuts other than secret walls into rooms with items.
Grazing is kind of OP in bossfights, its really easy to go back to full health in one or two attacks if you know what you're doing. I hope that the boss rush mode comes in soon.
It's a bit short for the asking price of 18 dollars (you can beat the entire thing in 4-5 hours if you're an average player) so you may want to wait for a sale, but I definitely don't regret buying it.
Fuck off Kanako
Ask me anything about touhou lore and I can probably give you a good informative answer
Is Kasen an oni?
Explain Junko's backstory and mythology
Who's the better shrine maiden?
Any anons out there that can share tracks that are similar to this?
Why do Suika and Yuyuko hate each other?
How did Sumireko BTFOed the Hakurei Barrier?
I haven't played in a while
Magician's Melancholy.
What was the deal with PCB's plot? Was Yuyuko really unaware that she was resurrecting herself or did Yukari pull off some shenaningans to lead her into unsealing the Saigyou Ayakashi?
With mind bullets
This is basically canon
ZUN is not entirely clear about it, but in the comics we see that Yuyuko isn't exactly and airhead
Meme answer: no
Actual answer: 99% yes but there's arguably still a chance that ZUN pulls some silly BS like "concentrating her evil into her arm caused it to become an oni arm" but she's based on an oni, her arm's reconstructed body is an oni and she has oni tools
Junko herself may be based on the wife of a Xia Dynasty ruler, Chun Hu, whose husband was usurped and whose son was killed by the usurper, who ended up marrying her. Chun Hu then proceeded to conspire with another official to murder the usurper and get her revenge. That usurper's name was Hou Yi, who is actually different from the legendary Hou Yi who shot down ten suns and who was married to Chang'e, but they seem to have been conflated here.
As a shrine maiden Sanae is definitely better because she can actually gather faith for her gods. Reimu's shrine is always empty of visitors besides various youkai slackers and she doesn't even know the name of the Hakurei god.
It's unclear
It was actually Kasen who busted a hole in the Hakurei Barrier, with the power of the occult orbs. Sumireko was about to use them and her own psychic power to basically suicide bomb Gensokyo because everyone's "scare her straight" prank worked too well.
isn't exactly what?
how true is this
Based primary.
Zun never actually stated if Yuyuko knew what she was doing
Not him, but ZUN was actually considering putting Okina in a wheelchair to play up one of her roles as "God of Burakumin".
Touhou dialogue was fucking nonsensical for like the first ten games.
What the FUCK is Marisa's EoSD route.
Holy fucking based
Shit translation
Are you a bad enough dude to explain every bit of mythology that makes up Okina?
Also, are Makai and Hell different places? Hecatia is specifically referred to as goddess of Hell, but I though Hell was Makai
Yuyuko seems to have truly been unaware that it was her own body that she was resurrecting. There's no indication that Yukari was in on it either since she has nothing to gain from the Saigyou Ayakashi being unsealed. Not to mention that resurrecting herself would essentially be suicide, and Yuyuko does not have any kind of death(?) wish as a ghost.
One common interpretation is that Yuyuko wanted this one tree to bloom and as someone who controls death, wanted to create life for once even if that meant unsealing a demon tree.
That being said, it's actually not confirmed if Yuyuko didn't actually know what she was doing but she seemed very sincere in awakening the tree.
One of the many things that Matarajin (the god that Okina is based on) is a patron of is the disabled, and ZUN commented that one of his original designs for Okina included her being in a wheelchair.
>One of the many things that Matarajin (the god that Okina is based on) is a patron of is the disabled, and ZUN commented that one of his original designs for Okina included her being in a wheelchair.
I mean the other guy already told me, but why is Kanako in the image?
Soku is the peak of touhou fight games
I've tried playing Genius of Sappheiros recently. Looks like a fun game, but some parts of RPG Maker-ish are sticking out for some reason. Is the only series of jrpg\srpg about touhou?
Touhou dialogues literally doesn't make sense but that's what makes it fun.
They actually make sense if you read the omake
I'm too bad to play it
It's her daughter
dont worry user, you'll be a primary just because you've played the games
i mean beaten a game
i mean beaten a game 1CC
i mean beaten all games
i mean beaten all games on lunatic 1CC no bombs reimu only final destination
with a blindfold
You forgot playing the game at 150fps for true hardcore experience.
Although since about UFO this hasn't been true, a lot of 2hu games are very vanilla and have pretty shallow mechanics compared to anything Yagawa or Ikeda made. It makes the games pretty boring to play even if the work gone into them all is impressive from a lone drunk person
Okina is a based on Matarajin, an obscure god whose idols are often placed in the back of the shrine. Matarajin was also the focus of several secret cults. These form the basis of her being a "secret god" who has the ability to create backdoors.
She's also the patron of multiple things, like actors, the disabled, and general outcasts. It's likely because as an obscure, secret god, Matarajin's cults attracted various outcasts.
Hell is a very multifacted concept in Asian religions; there's a lot of them for different purposes and not all of them exactly fit our notion of "Hell". This is true in Touhou too.
Makai in Touhou is basically an alternate dimension where lots of demons live. It's not an afterlife at all. According to PC-98 lore it was created by Shinki, but it's unclear how much of that is still canon.
Hell meanwhile is just the afterlife, subject to a celestial bureaucracy (here called The Ministry of Right and Wrong) where souls are gathered after they died, judged based on the lives they lived, and given an afterlife outcome based on the judgement. However according to Hecatia, the bureaucracy was not always there and apparently it was just a place kind of like Makai where the lawless and the strong gathered.
My guess is something about Kanako being a "hag"
Your parents never gave you the talk about the birds and the bees ?
While we're on Okina, redpill us on this "fairy"
Matarajin is identified with Daikokuten, who is said in SSiB to be the father of Takeminakata, whom Yukari refers to as "one of those gods who recently moved to the mountain"
This in reaction to seeing Shimenawa (something that Kanako is sealed with) being used to chain her, which is exactly what's used to seal Kanako.
Daikokuten/Matarajin is sealed with two shimenawa, but can still go around without it apparently. Doesn't restrict her to the shrine, but probably to the Earth, since Daikokuten fought the Lunarians.
Only EoSD has shitty dialogue and I blame the translation for that
wich would be the best place to arrive in Gensokyo?
let's say if someone were to find a way into it, wich would be the safest place to land without ending as food for some youkai?
a butler in the SDM? human village? the crimson slayer shrine?
Also Kokoro is also Okina's kid because hata no kawakatsu
The village or the Hakurei shrine
>Okina was originally going to be a cripple
>Yukari was almost entirely outclassed by an actual fucking cripple
holy shit lmao. You can’t make this shit up.
The lunarians also feared her to some extent so take that watatsukis
I don't think anyone has gotten hit as hard by touhou powercreep as Yukari
The closest I can think of is Sakuya getting downgraded from time stop to just being super fast
How can I become a Reimu B chad?
Stay under the target.
Eternity Larva is based on the Tokoyo-no-Kami, a butterfly that became the center of a large cult in the 7th century AD in the Nihon Shoki; the people threw out their belongings and riches and proclaimed that a new everlasting world with everlasting riches was to come. It was put down by an official named Hata no Kawakatsu. Hata no Kawakatsu later on became the figure allegedly responsible for introducing kagura dances to Japan, and people began comparing him to Matara-jin as Matara-jin was a god of the performing arts, among other things.
Here's a neat articcle about the Tokoyo-no-Kami and its speculated origins:
Definitely either the Human Village or the Hakurei Shrine. In the Human Village you'd immediately be integrated and anyone in the Human Village is off-limits. Meanwhile at the Hakurei Shrine Reimu would be able to escort you to the village and not even Rumia would be dumb enough to try to eat a human under her protection.
Moriya Shrine probably works similarly although Youkai Mountain is probably not a fun trek to make, even with Sanae. Eientei girls aren't really youkai and Mokou has a deal with them to lead people needing to Eientei and back to the Human Village, so Eientei isn't a bad option and maybe even the Bamboo Forest if you're lucky and run into Mokou.
SDM is a terrible choice because Remilia is one of the few youkai who still openly eats humans, and although she probably won't kill you, an unwilling blood donation is probably not the first thing you want to do in Gensokyo. Myouren Temple is also another bad spot due to all the youkai, and Byakuren isn't very good at enforcing her rules even though she herself definitely wouldn't harm you.
What if there are bullets under the target?
Move out of the way of them and then back under the target
Graze the bullet. Make a lot of "TIKTIKTIKTIKTITKTIK" sound. That's the sound of being a true ReimuB Chad.
where do I start fagit
>play ISC
>can barely hear the music over all the TIKTIKTIKTIKTIKTIKTIKTIK
Yukari is the smartest character in the Touhou universe (so far), she could still come out with some asspull to win
And she still in the top 10 strongest characters, maybe even top 5
And Sakuya still has her time powers, at least
You play any game except MoF
Who is stronger than Yukari and why?
I remember she outsmarted Eirin by infiltrating the Lunar Capital and her power seems strong.
Heca, Okina, Yorihime, Toyohime
Post your twohue wife
I was actually unaware of that, thanks for the clarification. I should reread SSiB sometime.
Yukari once mentioned that Eiki should take on herself, Yuyuko and Reimu at once and win, although it may have referred to Eiki's lectures and not her battle prowess.
Toyohime defeated her in a 1v1 although Yukari ultimately achieved what she was trying to do.
Hecatia is definitely stronger than Yukari and probably the top dog powerwise in the Touhou universe so far.
The dumb fairy is made for bullying
Also, explanations
A greek god is ridiculously famous in one way or another, and ZUN said she's stronger than anyone in Gensokyo or the Lunar Capital.
Daikokuten was an actual threat to the Lunarians on her own. They needed 2 extremely thick shimenawa to prevent her from retaliating against the moon (compared to Kanako's 1). Besides this, her ability is extremely broken as she can instantly depower her opponent by controlling their vitality and mental energy, and her backdoor allows her to open the opponent up for this. Oh, and Matarajin is identified with a form of Shiva and a ton of other gods. Probably has enough faith to stand above most gods.
Hard counters Yukari with her ability and is probably stronger in raw stats and possibly skill anyway.
lol summons
Don't make me remember Puddi Puddi
Shimmy if you ask my kokoro
Yuugi, China and Mamizou if you ask my dick
Stop that
My wife is the strongest and for head pats only
From the first game
bruh where can i find the rest of the reviews?
>posts a pic of his wife whoring herself out to a notorious fake news author
Begone, Tengu!
Hecatia is a goddess of crossroads, magic and the night who was also often depicted as ruling over a part of the underworld. She was also often depicted as having three faces, sometimes representing the phases of the moon or the various stages of female age.
In Touhou lore Hecatia was in Hell before Hell even became Hell, and as Hell was a place by the strong for the strong, she was the strongest one there. When the Yamas came in she was too powerful to actually drive out, and she doesn't have any interesting in judging people's souls, so they both just sort of mutually ignore each other.
I think this is all the ones that have been released
The fake news author has a based and redpilled assistant though
I completely forgot why Touhou has an Old Hell and a Hell. Can you remind me? If I recall correctly, it was something about Overpopulation and/or economy issues. But it'd be nice to go further in-depth.
Heca was also one of the few gals who didn't get Zeus' lightning bolt in her snatch
How do I get to Gensokyo?
yfw you leave the human village and this plays
Yeah, 6 to 13 only and 9 excluded
That's a fox, not a wolf.
>fight kanako
>okuu's theme
>fight shinmyoumaru
>okuu's theme
>fight remilia
>okuu's theme
>all three had their own remixes but they were left unused for some reason
Slightly upsetting
Enter the forest and this plays
It was getting overpopulated so they moved. Hell in Touhou (and Asian religions in general) is just one giant bureaucracy
What version of Puppet Dance Performance should I play
Has some wonderful assets
the expansion
yfw you go to the lake on the mountain and this plays
I'm fapping to 2hus and shitposting on /jp/ and doing everything other than actually playing touhou
Why did ZUN drop using power to bomb?
I don't know but it was a shit mechanic desu
There's Labyrinth of Touhou too, but Genius of Sappheiros is way better after you get through the start of the game.
I've impregnated so many Touhous in eraTohoK
PDP is worse than pokemon change my mind
t. stall player
oh yeah thanks for reminding me I wanted to play this
t.never played multi back in 2016
doremy sagume and extra aya was the most used stallcore faggot
HECK's design really grew on me. I'd like to see her and Junko again in one of the games, hopefully the next fighter.
yfw you go to Eientei and this plays
sure thing incel
have sex oof yikes
Blessed thread
By who?
>nowhere in the top used in the 2016 tier lists
Why does yuuka only make flowers bloom with her powers? Isn't she supposed to be stronk?
thanks a ton bruv
Only one way, user
Get forgotten
do any of the touhou games run on GNU/Linux?
Her powers don't really have anything to do with her strength. She's just insanely strong and also happens to love flowers.
even better than windows because Wine supports older ditectx versions so you strangely have to do less fuckery to run it
They do on Wine
Got em all running fine on my end with wine. Kinda at a loss for PC98 emulation though.
The chance of reincarnating in Gensokyo is pretty slim, you'd probably be better of going to japan and "disappear" in the wilderness (I.e be taken by the kami, I'd suggest finding a certain Bake-Danuki since she can come and go as she pleases)
why wouldn't you want a cute girl to get into your home?
/jp/ exists for a reason nigger
Okina is THE momhu, and there is no argument to be had.
Because you are already married to the superior Tengu and she's getting jealous
You're wife Chyna is smelly, she almost never bathes.
She's not my wife, I'm just an admirer.
is runagate pronounced roo-nah-gate or roo-nah-gah-tay?
I've played every mainline Touhou game except 16, what's it like and how good is it compared to the others?
Do not bully the Tengu
*gasp* The black cat of ill omen
I remember playing some of those quite some time ago but I remember jack shit aside from some basic gameplay. What would be a goog game to start with that won't break my balls too hard?
TH8, has some difficult bosses but much more player-friendly overall
So, I'm making a 2hu card game. It's about stealing the other guy's spellcards, among other things like reducing their life total to zero and milling their deck. And I need feedback.
Here are the basics if you want to read about it:
6 with the visible hitbox mod on if you really wanna go easy mode
7 or 8 are good too but they have gimmicks attached to them. Really fucking simple gimmicks, but still gimmicks.
10 is also regarded as incredibly easy.
visible hitbox only messes you up
it's not precise
Doesn’t MoF have some issues with hitbox?
It's pretty good
The live mechanic is back to simple score based, the shottypes are decent, Cirno (with a tan) is pretty nice, there's a number if excellent tracks and boss patterns
It's not too hard to 1cc either thanks to the release mechanic which let's you wipe bullets in the screen in different ways depending on your chosen sub season
I never heard any issues about the hitbox in MoF. So I can't really answer that.
Recently played some console Touhous, Scarlet Curiosity and Genso Rondo. I fucking loved Scarlet Curiosity even though it's super easy, there was a lot of heart into that one and the story was really nice actually, I was surprised how well done it was along with the role of the characters that appeared in it, and the Ys III gameplay was entertaining.
Rondo was fun, but it isn't a game I would recommend for more than 5 bucks, though. Having played Senko no Ronde 2 made Genso Rondo look lame in comparisson, but not bad.
Now I want to look into more of the console ones.
I already played Genso Wanderer's demo, and it was really fun, so it's already on my list.
And I've read that Kobuto is shit.
How's Sky Arena: Matsuri Climax?
So she's got retard strength? Scary
You don’t belong in this world, monster!
You're not supposed to be standing up.
Back in the wheelchair.
People sometimes refer to her as the flower Autist and they're entirely correct
If you mess with one of her flowers she'll go full tard strength and murder the shit out of you
Her ability is fairly being, but she's lived for so long that she's become too powerful to actually fight
That just means she doesn’t need her full power for you.
Wait so if she actually "fights" she would turn them into minced meat since she's so strong? Kek. So the yuuka being sadistic is actually real
bruh look at this god
>tries to move legs
oh wait till you se-
>tries to stand up
ohohohoho nononononono
>can't stand up
Does Yuuka's passion for flowers ever show in canon material? In both MS and PoFV she only seems interested in getting stronger and fucking with people. I don't think we saw her losing her cool either.
cute kitsune
Who’s the Hakurei god and why has he never talked to Reimu?
Top Nun
Probably okina at this point but who knows lol
Speaking of
>Translation never
cause reimu never bothered to ask
>needs a fairy to hold her in order to stand
Is this a god or is this a badly balanced mannequin?
It's mentioned in profiles whenever she's in a print work, but she's only ever gotten tiny cameos in the various mangas
The only thing I can really think of is how her danmaku in PoFV looks like massive sunflowers
Reimu herself is too dumb to know the answer
She's surprisingly fair in a fight as long as you don't do something stupid like hurt her flowers.
Naw, PCB is real shitty too. Just look at Alice and Sakuya dialogue.
Curse you.
*curses you*
>Downwind, there's a decadent Shinto shrine.
>There's a shrine maiden there who dreams of spring...
>I bet she's behind all this.
Are the flowers hiding something? Or is it the autism? Such a weird character
>tries to get sakuya to get whopped by Reimu
Alice is a jerk.
It's her flowers, so autism.
>Myouren Temple is also another bad spot due to all the youkai, and Byakuren isn't very good at enforcing her rules even though she herself definitely wouldn't harm you.
Loremaster, I thought the only follower in Byakuren's shrine that was actually dangerous, as in actively attacking humans, was Murasa. It's been a while since I last read up on 2hu lore.
Friendly Reminder that Shinmyoumaru did nothing wrong
Why are Chinese 2hus the best?
So is she the strongest character if they fuck with her flowers?
There are more youkai who hang out there than are explicitly named. If anything, being in a youkai temple with loose security is probably not too safe.
>Touhou trannies leaving their containment boards of /jp/ and /qa/
Yea Forums is already plenty shit without you, you are the last thing anyone needs.
Begone wicked hermit
Only Marisa gave her a good score
I'm sure Yuuka got a sizeable power boost when she absorbed Mima.
Maybe, but then again by this point she's not playing by spellcard rules so you're fucking dead kiddo.
Don't know much so what does the spell card rules mean? Like she fights dirty?
It's the strongest for me thanks
If you are a honest man, please contact me.
Asking again.
How's Sky Arena: Matsuri Climax?
I saw Youmu making out with Futo
An arena fighter
Good fancervice, mediocre gameplay
Touhou has videogames you have your own containment board same argument for Pokemon.
Spell Card rules remove damage from a fight. Without them it's just a real fight
Essentially, you won't die in a spellcard duel.
/jp/ is an idol/gravure cesspit
/jp/ and /vp/ are not containment boards, retard
go back there, JAV generalist
Spell card rules refer to the system Reimu set up prior to EoSD. Essentially, each duellist sets up cards for spell attacks, and when one person runs out, they must concede the loss, even if they have the strength to keep fighting.
So if yuuka is ignoring spell card rules you're basically fucked
yeah sure my home board is invaded by filthy 3D piggu who wont stop posting about their fucking idol they worship. They just keep making more fucking generals for them
Is it really that mediocre? I mean I've read that there's tons of shit to learn first.
Would you recommend it at low price or you wouldn't recommend it at all?
Why did byakuren get BTFOd, to my understanding she wanted peace between youkai and humans
Weaker than Heca
why did they kill him? fuck reimu and his bullshit rules
>plan an oc donut final boss to cap off your series of games with a theme based around dreams and the dream world
>immediately after ZUN releases a game with a new character who hits all those notes and is better designed to boot
>too late to scrap everything and avoid copycatting an existing character
Weird T-shirt
Maybe stop breaking the rules
And Kina
I don't have one
I just like the games
it's not alice
Because she's a race traitor
Does getting good at Touhou rely a lot on memorization? I can only 1CC on normal right now but was able to beat PCB Extra and Phantasm through brute force practice.
t. Miko
>hits all those notes and she fucking knows it
>is so smug it literally became her default facial expression
>has a better theme
>shoulders in AoCF are hot
How the fuck did she get away with it?
Reimu is an undead zombie!
Do you think she would actually kill another character or just doit for giggles?
Yes they are.
Praise the secret god
>undead zombie
Old and busted, LoLK Marisa is the new hotness.
LoLK marisa is the best
>shoulders in AoCF are hot
someone gets it
This is my favorite image now
Marisa isn't a zombie, she's a midget.
Low price if you are already a touhoufag
Skip it if it's your first time jumping into touhou
standing blowjobs
In Symposium it's explicitly observed that certain youkai taken in to the temple are a potential risk to humans and Marisa complains about it. The youkai from Old Hell are specifically cited as being amongst them and Byakuren had to have them effectively barred as a result. It's not that Byakuren won't take action, it's just that she has too much good will in youkai that makes her too lenient in some instances.
On the other hand, Reimu actively breaks up a Choujuu Kigaku concert and beats up Kyouko and Mystia simply for "being too loud" and thereby causing a disturbance and takes it out on Byakuren, so what is "acceptable behaviour" for youkai in modern Gensokyo is a pretty dubious issue.
That's a new one. So now our containment boards are /jp/, /vg/, /bant/ and /qa/. Did I miss any?
>anyone i dont like is a tranny
lol retard
She pretended to exterminate youkai while helping them so she got lynched, it was a different time and there's no spellcard rules then
I wish I had my own marisa for on the go.
>pixel peeping a mangaka's interpretation of character height in one or two pages
Images like these are completely worthless
loremaster, i beseech you
which touhou girls would be "easy"
and then got unsealed and wanted peace for both sides but Reimu BTFOd her, thats what im asking.
t. marisa
>That last attack
The fuck did i witness
tasofro has been trying to reach evo since HM
This year has so many good weebgames Touhou will just be buried among them.
>Reimu actively breaks up a Choujuu Kigaku concert and beats up Kyouko and Mystia simply for "being too loud"
Think I might've mis-remembered that, I think Reimu just considers it one of several "crimes" that warrants youkai being exterminated on the spot. So it's still pretty absurd.
Should have improved Soku
>you're being loud so I must kill you
dude alcohol lmao
based ANCAPmoo
Because Byakuren appears to be a powerful magician sealed in motherfucking Maikai and apparently commands a bunch of youkai. In the end Reimu let her make a temple anyways
Sanae. She's yearning for some hot steamy fuck and she'll do anything for quality cock.
Kasen "Youkai of Sex" Ibaraki
They're all healthy, red-blooded gals.
Which touhou would give me a BIG surprise.
>touhou game thread is actual game thread
a surprise but a welcome one
Koishi. No effort required.
Even Yoshika?
Doremy was revealed ONE DAY before the final part of super touhou wars came out.
how? just turn off the screen and turn around.
Seiga commands her to pleasure random men while she watches from the bushes.
as a fithy casul smash fan, I would absolutely love this and drop my Belmont bros in a heartbeat for Ray-moo
God bless Stacks stupid voice
you can probably walk up to utsuho, call her cute, and bam, you have a dumb bird for a spouse
>Nuclear blasts your side of the galaxy
Nothing personal shrine maidens
>wanted to pick my favorite 2hu in shard of dreams
>she's a wild puppet on the second route so i'd be getting her super early anyway
what do
You do know that she wanted to turn the surface into a blasted wasteland, user?
Pick her anyway
Anything else is a disservice
gullibility knows no bounds
Starters will always have all S-ranks, so pick her anyway
Reminder that board culture has moved Touhou threads to JP because people don't talk about the games anymore, like JP became a board to CONTAIN Touhou. Fuck off.
>Are you Mamizou?
>Are you Hieda no Akyuu?
>(Bottoms only) Are you Yakumo Yukari?
>implying /jp/ talks about the game
Because Byakuren's stance on youkai being oppressed didn't make sense in their current time. Youkai have the upper hand in terms of power. Add in a group of youkai trying to revive her and you get Reimu thinking she's probably not a good person if she's sealed up and got youkai rallying behind her. Reimu lets Byakuren stay because she's ultimately a good person who isn't trying to threaten gensokyo. You could say the final fight with Byakuren is mostly a misunderstanding since she's an ally of youkai but she doesn't actually want youkai to do youkai things like kill and eat humans.
Or you could reincarnate for one with all S-ranks
look up if your SECOND favorite takes a long time to get
Well "exterminate" in this context really just means kicking their asses, so it's more like police brutality.
Judging by how she acts towards Sanae and Cirno in Soku, I'd think she's more likely to blast you to bits for funsies.
They don't, they just talk about the surrounding details like the characters and whatnot. It's like /vp/, you can talk about the pokemon GAMES on Yea Forums, but if you talk about anything else, you go to /vp/.
What would happen if you tried to kiss her?
She probably thinks that's how you get pregnant
I fucking love this song.
Even if she didn't I don't think Satori would appreciate you stealing her pet
Lewd pink
[X] Accept Responsibility
I always got the impression from SA that the "Komeiji family" wasn't really all that close, so I don't think she would care too much if Okuu ran off with someone.
this cunt twitter is private and he's not accepting my follow request.
O, the world of Dharna is full of light.
Satori has lots of other pets. She even gave some away to Koishi out of pity.
satori speaks really fondly of both of her pets, especially okuu and how helpful she is around the house, in the supplemental material
she's more worried for koishi than she is distant to her as well
Yea Forums
See here , Satori is pretty sweet
That's not a mouse, that's a dog.
Look at the ears. I can't be fooled.
Well that's nice then
Le smol ratte
is it okay to stick your pp in reimu or will she bust my nuts?
Just make sure to donate before
What do you think?
she's not kaguya