Buy borderlands 3 on a second hand key website

If you buy it this way you can still play it legitimately with your friend online and such but epic games store makes 0 money from it since it is a second hand key. Plus you get the game cheaper.


Attached: bl3.png (919x845, 574K)

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Ever heard of piracy? nothing should go to the developer for fucking up! simple!

Steam keys don't exist.

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But you cant play multiplayer if you pirate it

haha no

Yea that steam key listing is just a placeholder for now. They will have cheap epic keys up soon. If you buy it this way it hurts the devs just as much as pirating it, maybe even more because it increases awareness of this store and gives it more funding.

How do people become this pathetic?

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What's the big deal anyway, there's nothing wrong with China. I'd rather have the Chinese government spy on my porn watching habits than the Amerifat government.

Just get your friend to stop being a little bitch and wait, or just don't even buy it at all it's fucking memelands

Why would you buy Borderlands 3 at all?

There are no "second hand" epic store keys. The only reseller of epic store games is Humble.

It has nothing to do with muh China you gullible faggot. The NSA knows literally everything you do and no one gives a fuck.

There are second hand epic store keys. Here is proof

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I don't want the game and I don't want to download the epic client even if I don't give them money

Im just gonna pirate it and then buy it whenever it comes out on steam

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Nah I'll just buy goty edition on steam a year later for 30 bucks. Feel free to beta test for me though, thanks.

>It has nothing to do with muh China
Literally every other post in these threads has something to do with fucking chang and winnie the pooh

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Why you replying to the thread bro if you dont even like borderlands.

Why did they blacked lilith, bros?

>steam boys steaming

If every post was honest and not obfuscating with bullshit then Yea Forums would just be "NO LE BASED GABEN DESERVES LE MONOPOLY" over and over again

But no multiplayer so you can't play with your friends

All I was saying is if anyone out there likes borderlands and wants to play bl3 with their friends on release, then buy a key for it on allkeyshop or something so the epic store loses money

>implying i would pay for shady key instead of just pirating

How many does Valve fulfill again?

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How about just not playing the shitty game?

I consider myself above arguing with someone as pathetic as you.

no thanks im not giving a dime to randy, epic or some russian kike with stolen visas

Just wait until it comes out for PC next year.

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pirating it means you cant play it multiplayer. If you are a fan of the series and wanna play with your mates just get a second hand key from one of these website dude, they are legit and I've used them alot.

So none, as always. Got it.

I prefer to play solo rather than having that shitware on my system

My only issue with Epic is that scraper, but I'm sure I can block it. I already buy uplay games on uplay because fuck having steam and uplay run at once. Neither overlay works at that point.


If you buy keys from those sites, Epic will remove those games from your account. Calling it now.

why can't we multiplayer?

I accept 25's capitulation. Key suppliers aren't all valve, multiple sites sell them. thus no monopoly.

"Platform exclusive games are fine when Valve does it, and not fine when not-Valve does it." Do you think this, or do you not think this? Please, no semantics, no autistic nitpicking, answer the question. Only write the honest answer to the question and click submit. Please, I implore you.

Lol just wait 6 months

Only if they're stolen. Steam operates in the exact same way.

I am not saying epic launcher is good its a piece of shit, but if you wanna get in on that Bl3 action with your friends and not wait a year, second hand key shops are the way to go

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>what is lan
>what is emulating lan

Why wouldI but it, it's fucking Borderlands.

>giving more than $30 to Gearbox
Just wait two years and get the GOTY with your friends on Steam for $20

>What is LAN
Feels great playing it with room mates

You know thats because its from the Nvidia deal?

>paycucks eat corporate dump all day long while I don't need a fucking launcher when I pirate it
literally laughing @ your existence

I am not sure how well hamachi is gonna work because apparently you gotta be connected to the epic game server to play

are you people actual zoomers or epic shills?
there's a billion ways to play multiplayer games pirated if they support lan

humble is the only site that sells epic keys and epic still gets a cut unlike when they sell steam keys.


>live with friends
>spend time playing videogames

no steam, no buy

>Platform exclusive games are fine when Valve does it
Where was the frenzy when Fortnite was an Epic exclusive? Or BF only on Origin? Or is it that maybe there's a fucking difference between 1st party and 3rd party titles that you retards are just not able to grasp?

Look at the screenshot I posted earlier. tonnes of epic games are being resold on second hand key shops, metro exodus being one of them and borderlands 3 will be on there soon.

>unironically shilling
Or ya know, You could do good ol Spacewar on steam via cream.api or just host it LAN.

>Burgers worry about Chinese data selling
>Burgers are okay with the NSA
>The NSA is American
>China is not
>China can't harm you as NATO citizen
>The NSA can

I'm just a retarded yuropoor, but why are burgers so weird?

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you fucking faggot metro exodus is in second hand key shop because its from a Nvidia bundle, there is no way to buy other epic store games from key shops

Ok OP but why not just get your friends to also pirate it? and then LAN

The publishers make the decisions though

This, the whole chinkroach spyware aside I'm not splitting my fucking library up. Especially to play an outdated looter shooter with no cloud saves. That can absolutely suck my entire dick.

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>Platform exclusive games are fine when Valve does it, and not fine when not-Valve does it
Show me an exclusive that is only available on Steam because Valve forbid the dev/publisher to release it anywhere else. Besides that has nothing to do with

>buy borderlands 3
oh sweetie, noooo....

>but epic games store makes 0 money from it since it is a second hand key
imagine being this retarded

That’s correct. You couldn’t have put it more succinctly.

I had a lot of fun playing Borderlands 2 alone

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Why would I care about borderlands?

I wish my friends would wait until it comes out on Steam but I know they'll buy it day 1. Oh well

Best shootah evar

Do you think a zoomer would take the time to produce screenshot “proof”, and the extra effort to crop it so oddly?

I still think that borderlands 3 keys will be purchasable on second hand key retailers. if you go on allkeyshop all epic games are purchasable there.

Same, i'll play with them in 2020

dont spec low prices user

if I liked 1 are 2 and pre-sequel worth it? both on sale for 14$

>tfw went out of my way to buy the command & conquer collection on g2a just so EA sees as little money as possible
Who /D E V I L I S H/ here?

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Hell yea bro, you wanna fuck over any dev just buy their game from allkeyshop. Lost revenue to the max.

>play borderlands 1 and 2
>you've basically already played borderlands 3
Seriously why do people love these games so much I don't get it

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might as well just pirate it unless you want the legit version

I buy all bethesda games on g2a because fuck em

Yea bro pre sequel is definitely worth running through. Its not as big an experience as the other but still a very full and enjoyable game if you get it with the DLC.

How about you don't play Borderlands 3 at all and avoid playing hamster wheel garbage AND you don't have to worry about funding Tim Sweeny's crusade against an open PC market and Randy Pitchford's child porn addiction

>Second hand
So... accounts?

Hamachi hasn't worked in years, too much latency and lots of limitations if you don't pay for premium, zerotier one is the best alternative

Valve kiddies are fucking pathetic lol

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IIRC that was the way to play borderlands after gamespy went offline, before steam saved us (tsk tsk) with steamworks

>Games supporting LAN in 2019
rofl retards

I literally have everything from steam to origin to discord installed.

But I will never install epic launcher. I don't even care about the datamining and/or exclusivity, I just hate you shills

Nope they dont sell accounts, it just sells keys that you redeem on the epic launcher and it gives you the game. Usually the game is sold much cheaper too.

well I didn't use it in years, thanks.

Yeah, that is also better

Or you can pirate it and play with your friends online with any program to play online like a non retarded person

there's also gameranger. quite a few options available I think

anthony burch is a cuck, thats why

How old is that pic? I tough "savoir gaben" was given up after "paid mods"?

Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me
We crack, we hack, we share, and seed
Play up, me 'earties, yo ho
We upload and megaup and don't give a fuck
Play up me 'earties, yo ho

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Yeah I don’t understand either. I’d rather use Tencent services than any service hosted in FiveEyes. What’s China gonna do to me?

I got no idea what you just said, none of it.

Then it's not second hand.
If I buy a tshirt and never use it to sell later it's not considered a second hand.
>in4 analogy

I just wanted to play some cnc generals and couldn't be arsed to torrent it. Well worth the 4 bucks i paid.

you do realize the resellers had the buy the keys somewhere
epic games still get their share

don't they use black/drug money to buy them? or even stolen cards? that way chargebacks happen and taking games from the consumer is the worst PR move you could think of, so Epic has to pay. want to hurt epic? buy from criminals.

Yea but the seller is usually people who buy the game then decide they don't want it so they sell the key. That means that two people end up buying the game but epic only gets 1 sale.

3 won't even have Krieg so there's no point at all.

I don't think so, I think they just buy it from countries where it's cheaper
Keys you get on cdkeys or stuff like that aren't "keys that people dont want anymore"

I've played every Borderlands with friends and never bought Borderlands.
Although it might be a bit more of an issue these days than it used to be. Still, if it doesn't work, I'll just get it from a keysite like OP suggest. Fuck Epic.

Yea I gotta say that the new cast of characters looks pretty fucked. I hate how the villains look like kids from hot topic.

>don't they use black/drug money to buy them? or even stolen cards?
That barely ever happens sadly.

They cant just buy it from countries where its cheaper because most games are region locked. Go on one of the key shops and they all have warnings telling you to only but games from the region you are in otherwise it wont work.

Jesus fuck they're really forcing the console warfare hard on PC lately. Retards will buy BL3 en masse, so it will probably sell like hotcakes, signalling devs that it's okay to do 'exclusives' on PC. Goddamn this shitshow. I hate console gamers and their mindset so goddamned much.

Exactly. If people protest by buying the game on key shops which is perfectly legal and I feel most people would be fine with it, the devs will be sent a strong message. Hit them where it hurts, right in the money. Makes me sick that people are bringing console wars to PC.

Lol get fucked with your shitty loot shooter, i 'm glad you're taking the epic chink pill right up the ass on this one.

I'm just thinking that key sales might not harm them as much as you'd like to think. They will still use the number of sales as a reference, they won't tell you where the sales came from. Meaning it will signal other publishers to also start doing timed exclusives, and soon PC will be filled with digital platforms having 3rd party "timed" or even full exclusives.
Well, I guess pirating is always a good alternative. I toned down on the pirating lately, but I guess I'll start doing it again.

That is a good point. It will damage their profits from the game but they won't affect their player count and perceived sales. Other publishers as you say will probably just see it as a win

They've already removed games from the libraries of people who have bought epic store games from second hand stores and told them to eat shit

Really? how could they possibly tell if a key was bought from a second hand store? It seems to me the only way to do that would be if it the key was bought with a stolen credit card or something and they found out about it, and that very rarely happens. I have bought tonnes of games from these stores and it is perfectly legal and I have never had the game removed.

Steam does the same thing, just don't buy a key that's supposed to be region locked or something that tips them off.

ITT: Retards that think that developers only get paid for their work once the game got released. They have monthly wages, you fucktards.

Does Epic only give a "guaranteed X sale" kind of deal or do they get paid an additional fee for being exclusively on Epic store for a year?

If it's the former then Randy must have lost all faith in the borderlands franchise.

>they make 0 money since it's a second hand key

you have no idea how this works, do you

2K is the publisher and handles distribution.

No, this will still mean you have to have the epic launcher installed
Fuck you you chink bastard

I'm not going to buy it at all because Randy Pitchford is a dick.

you're expecting Yea Forums to think for themselves. The only people who get paid when you buy a AAA game is the publisher. When you buy indies, then you're paying the developers back for their work.

Regardless it's hilarious seeing the chinese shills go into full assblasted damage control when confronted with irrevocable proof that epic games client is spyware and they cannot defend it. Keep on shilling chong, but reality doesn't cater to your desires.

Aussie land and new aussie land
>world power

Randy is the CEO and has a say in this kind of stuff

selfhosted VPN

t. sysadmin
