Why do shills bother coming here to draw sales when Yea Forums mostly pirates games anyway?
Why do shills bother coming here to draw sales when Yea Forums mostly pirates games anyway?
they aren't actual shills they just think they're being funny and meta
Shills are more responsible for influencing public opinion than increasing sales
There are no shills. Just console fanboys.
going by steam threads not everybody pirates.
Yea Forums is the absolute unfiltered ego of the online gaming world. It's valuable to get the pulse of that
this is just another "social media" to them
Sad as it is, Yea Forums is the creative force from which internet culture emanates. Shills think they can take control of it, or influence it.
I haven't pirated a game in like 3-4 years.
I dunno. I only want to play a few games a year and those you usually have to buy anyway to fully enjoy them (online shit).
Just too lazy to pirate. Why bother pirating a game I will quit 5 seconds after entering the menu anyway.
This guy thinks actual shills still come here like Yea Forums is as influential as it was back in the late 2000s
Because they don't and also because they are post elsewhere.
Yea Forums is one of 3 most popular boards on the website and gets millions of visitors. Even if 99% shit on the shills and pirate all it takes is the 1% to be retards and fall for the marketing to be worth it
We have had actual shills here. Take the xbot for example
When you have a bloated marketing budget there's no reason not to pay some chumps 2 cents per (You)
Yes some people are just memeing but there are real shills among us
>posted about how I enjoyed Forza Horizon 3 when it came out because I didn't expect it to be nearly as fun as it was
>got called a shill
>when Yea Forums mostly pirates games anyway?
this is false.
Because all rivers flow from the fountain.
Newfaggots are too young to remember how EVERY site on the net copied our mannerisms and memes and still do.
Poison the water supply poison the world
The way shills work isn't winning independent sales. It's convincing people to play and talk about a game so that other people become interested in it. Yea Forums itself is not the source of sales, but if you create a positive word of mouth on Yea Forums that can spread like wild fire to the rest of the games community.
Don't you mean id?
shills almost never swear because they have to show their posts. also they dont know our memes. they use outdated and reddit memes.
>still do
Not anymore
FPBP. Anything else is delusion.
Have you considered the possibility that some people can just enjoy a game and want to talk about it?
no, nobody likes games here
You can't openly admit to liking a game on this god forsaken shithole.
You sound like a shill.
It does work believe it or not
Nah. There are a lot of retards here who actually pays for video games.
They don't even bother coming here anymore. They just make their games as (((progressive))) as possible and you retards do their jobs for them.
Formerly buys them legally
For every poster there exist a 100 Lurkers, these are the ones the shills really try to convince
because they're not jewish and try to look past the other Hasidim here kvetching at the thought of paying for something
Pirating helps sales. It's free advertising
Yea Forums has tons of literal children too dumb or scared to pirate games
> It's free advertising
i think you're overestimating the amount of piratefags
if you owned a hot dog cart do you think you would be better off if people paid you money for your hot dogs or made copies of your hot dogs for free?
>At least people would know about hot dogs
>food analogy
Pretty much
they are paid to post on every single social site the company is aware of to generate interest and controversy (which results in interest)
yes people (pajeets) are paid to post on Yea Forums
Because believe it not piracy and shopping aren't mutually exclusive.
Many people pirate, but the amount of "only pirate" is much lower than you expect. The reality is that people will pirate for many reasons. Some want to try the game, some see some god knows indie and aren't sure if it's worth it. Some want to buy but do so on GoG or are given the game but someone who has it on GoG.
Reality is that at a fair parice, a good product will sell, and people will surely pick the option where their games organized, up to date and allow some shenanigans (modding, crossplay, private dedicated servers, etc) at a reasonable price than anything else, but fail the costumer and he'll look for alternatives.
The reason people pirate EPIC games isn't due pure hatred to EPIC, but how they managed everything. Had it been an actual new store on the same level as Steam, with more benefits than it and there wouldn't be much complaints, but right now thei are literally another origin or Uplay, DRM that has already been despised by the consumers. The only difference is that EPIC had the help of Fortnite and paid exclusives to get a starting userbase, but TO THE CONSUMER it doesn't offer anything better than Steam, so people won't fall for it and instead just pirate, as they'll avoid having another software, the DRM and at this point less risky than buying there.
Not saying companies shouldn't try to make new stores or compete on PC, but I have no idea what the fuck they expect when entering a market with a worse product than the dominant one.
I’m like digital stamp collecting.
I rarely play more than a demo’s worth.
shills are 16 year old boys getting paid 5 bucks by EA to post about their games everywhere. They have no clue about marketing.
The majority of people on Yea Forums do not pirate. Or at least, they don't pirate the majority of their games. Pirating takes more effort than just buying a game. Most anons go for ease of purchase every-time. And there is a certain appeal to buying a game on release, especially any game with a significant community/online component.
Pirates are a loud minority, and even beyond that, discussing pirating a game is an easy way to drum up (you)s and shitpost.
And it's still advertising no matter what.
Someone pirates your games, then tells someone else it's good, they'll probably just buy it, simple as that.
Yes there’s real Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, Steam, Epic, Sega, Capcom, Square-enix, Rockstar, EA shills here.
Anytime you see an “Online marketing sales” position from these companies it’s for a shill position
Some even pay Gookmoot to have special security for they’re trends basically anyone shits in them,
They’re posts are removed and they get banned typically for “extremely low quality”
If anyone believe that AAA companies bother to shill here then they are retarded.
But shitty indie publishers certainly shill here.
But also 95% of the time Yea Forums cries shill it's just someone who is actually excited about a new game. But Yea Forums hates games. You aren't allowed to like anything the hi/v/emind here.
>Yes there’s real Sony, Steam, Epic, Capcom, Rockstar, EA shills here.
The microsoft one is a bot and it missed Yea Forums once.