Is this game any good? It's free on the Xbox right now

Is this game any good? It's free on the Xbox right now.

Attached: xbox_star_wars_battlefront_2-110214.jpg (640x909, 153K)

It's free try it yourself faggot

If you wanted wrist rocket posting you should have just asked

I purchased it like 2 months ago for $10
Beat all the modes and got board

Yes, its the best battlefront they have made gameplay wise and the multiplayer is pretty crazy but last time I played it was full of cheaters.

Is the best one, play it.

Very fun game, I'd recommend it especially for free.

Never mind, OP is on xbox so cheaters won't be a concern

The AI is severely retarded, and will cause you immense rage in single player battles.

>The AI is severely retarded, and will cause you immense rage in single player battles.

They play just like people online play, focusing on killing everything and not objectives.

The new one is better


watch those wrist rockets
is this ironic or do I finally get to leave Yea Forums forever?


It's the reverse
I can kill 100 enemy AIs, but my AIs will still lose, because they are both incompetent and unwilling. However, if I give my team more spawn points, then there is a slim chance that they will overpower the enemy by sheer numbers

Does the multiplayer on Xbox still work? The XBLG overview video said you can play in MP matches, I think.

The AI actually suicide off screen to balance the numbers around the number of control points captured.
As long as you ensure the control points are at least even it should be easy to solo games by kills even on hard difficulity with the exception of playing empire on polis massa because of the way you spawn in the centre of the map.
Also protip: the award guns are typically much better than jedi or other heroes so just rack up a big killcount.

Get it anyway because then you'll own it forever.

Just to add, if you aren't getting at least 40-50 kills per match vs ai you aren't playing the game right.

Is the MP active on the xboner?

Game is good but better on PC because of graphic mods and better fps. I always prefered the first battlefront tho. The 2nd one is worse than the first one in terms of maps and gameplay besides having hero characters

>Is this game any good?
Very. 15 years later and it still holds up remarkably well. Give it a download and enjoy a true classic.

They got supers!

Unironically my favourite game. Has infinite replayability, shooting feels good, looks great. Can't go wrong

>all those matches you won as the lone survivor by killing 50 enemies that tried to capture you last control point
fucking good times
