If there was an Avatar fighting game, who would be your main?
If there was an Avatar fighting game, who would be your main?
Based Sokka, he has a projectile that comes back and strong sweeps
I'd main either Azula or Toph
>anyone but Sokka
As I don't feel any specific affinity for Avatar characters, it would come down to the "Combofiend Principle".
Bumi, the old one.
Cabbage vendor from the Earth Kingdom
Whoever was the most fun mechanically
The meme one
If you main anyone from the right you don't deserve the game.
cabbage seller, obviously.
John cena
He would be top tier, I know it.
>old cabbage seller in it but not his son
Shit list. I want to see those two fighting each other.
Without a doubt Sokka as a main. Iroh secondary
>Sokka has a win animation where he swigs some cactus juice
>Iroh sits down and drinks some tea
Holy shit the color layout is fucking with me hard why aren't the squares colod coded based on the element the character mainly uses what the fuck.
Hello, Zuko main here.
Why was Legend of Korra so bad compared to ATLA? I just can't put my finger on it. The animation's better and it was darker, but no one talks about LoK anymore and no one rewatches it, while ATLA is still talked about fondly and appears frequently in nostalgia memes.
atla got lucky with toph
>pokes you
Never watched it, what's the appeal?
Always thought it'd be cooler to have a series following a past Avatar.
>Why was Legend of Korra so bad compared to ATLA?
Shit setting, massive jump in tech with no explanation just because the lead writer wanted it to take place in a 1920's themed new York world. It has shit characters and writing and the head writer from ATLA didn't come back. It ruined the lore to the original series just by existing and took pleasure on it.
my man, sokka is a great pick
Sokka, Old Toph and Old Katara
Korra herself is a big reason. She is much less likable than Aang, and repeatedly fails to solve problems Aang would have solved easily.
Now part of this IS because of Korra being worse than Aang, but also, people don't realize that the point is that Aang and Korra were meant to be opposites. Think to the problems Aang had problems solving; mastering the elements, fighting Azula and basically the physical, fighting half of being the Avatar, but when it came to talking things out or spiritual matters he was an expert from day one, the sole exception being learning the Avatar State. Now think about Korra, her problems were more spiritual and dipolatic in nature, but when it came to a fight she rarely had issues. And what was the one spiritual thing she had a leg-up on over Aang? Entering the Avatar state, after the first season she could do it basically whenever she wanted.
So while Korra IS a legitimately worse show than The Last Airbender, part of the dislike comes from people expecting it to be something it wasn't even trying to be.
The Boulder wonders why he did not make the list
Azula, Toph, Korra, or Kuvira
I have a thing characters who are good, know they are good, and feel no shame in showing how good they are.
tfw everytime we have an avatar thread there has to be some faggot that brings up Korra
yeah i get it it's fucking trash and i hate it, but i think it's time we move on
they didn't go far enough into the future, it went about 1 generation gap thus tying the series more to ATLA more than it being it's own thing.
The Boulder is obviously being saved for DLC, in order to get people to buy the Season Pass.
The boulder
>there has to be some faggot that brings up Korra
Half of the OP is Korra characters, no one is derailing the thread by bringing it up.
>why was Korra so shit bros?
making such a post is beating a dead horse
I won't argue that. But just bringing the series up when it's in the OP isn't a crime.
I guess you're right
even though LoK is shit, at least Korra was hot as fuck