You hated him because he was loved.
You hated him because he was loved
Other urls found in this thread:
At least he left genetic offspring with his wife, which is more than anyone else here will do.
I miss him
I never cared because I didnt watch Starcraft not I watch any Youtube review bullshit for video games
>his wife
Does she still abuse his channel, or is it finally dead now?
There apparently hasn't been a video in 4 months.
>tell others to get cancer and die
>get cancer and die yourself
No, I hated him because he was an opinionated, aggressive parasite who derived sustenance from denigrating the works of others and receiving shush benefits to shill Starcraft garbage and shill shitty indie games to appear cultured and in-the-know. He spawned a generation of self-appointed, self-centered expert game critics in love with their own voice.
Fuck I miss TB
He just wanted the best for the industry
At least that's how I saw it
You summed it up pretty well
No, you hate him because you havn't had sex.
Have sex
based and truthpilled
He was Yea Forums.
Yea Forums hates Yea Forums.
Want more proof, read this dude's post. , what does who he describes sound like?
no i hated him cause he was a niger
i dont hate him because i didnt even know him before
How many fps is hell?
>I hate opinionated critics
There can be no other kind of critic, asshat
Go prep the bull, that's all the sex you'll ever have.
>Him dying didn't warrant a sticky
>But some gay porn actor dying did
>Yea Forums - Video Games
she never wanted to take over his channel, it was tbs wish that she did
Nah, I hated him because he popularized the idea among retards that framerate was the defining factor of what makes a good video game.
Someone post the anal vore edit already.
lol what
anybody who is not a drooling consoletard always knew 30fps was borderline unplayable
Look at this sonyfriend cope and laugh at him
>watch game review
>reviewer gives his opinion
Fucking SJWs, am i right guys?
You can be close to an objective critic, or you can be a self-absorbed narrative pusher thrashing all who do not conform to your ideals. It's fucking disingenuous to believe "oh my videos are just a first impression! that's why I thrashed it!" is a statement made in good faith; the fucker knew he was wrecking people's works when they didn't give him his precious benefits. Fuck him, and fuck the generation of e-sports retards he created. Next time you start a thread about how Fortnite is for retards, remember that you have TB among the media shills to thank for it having a market at all.
He was a good man.
everybody who i disagree with is an evil commie sjw who wants to kill whitey
Fuck off back to Lelddit already, won't you.
That’s not his kid......
literal who
He's Yea Forums incarnate in the way he behaves himself
Same deal with Yea Forums's attitude toward Jim Sterling(son)
literal me
there is nothing Yea Forums about sterling lol
I promise I have a better PC than you, I just don't give a shit about high framerate. Games are more than their technical aspects.
sonygro cope
he doesn't know
Imagine actually believing this. Take your meds, schizo.
No, he quite literally secured the livelyhood of dozens of skilled indie studios. His net effect on the world was positive, no matter how much you want to deny it.
If I could revive one person, it would be TotalBiscuit. I miss him, Yea Forumsros.
meant for
Get cancer and die
who cares?
he is dead and dabbed on
if i could revive one person it would be my dad
>Yea Forums makes a big deal out of this despite routinely telling others to kill themselves
what about his looks?
>what about his looks?
ok ill give you that
My dad is dead too, but I would still revive TB.
Jk, I would definitely rez dad.
i was just making a joke my dad isnt dead lmao
>not reviving billy
what are you gay?
Herrington? That's a good suggestion. I will reconsider.
It had to do more with he told someone "to get cancer and die" only for his target to cast magic mirror and inflict terminal ass cancer. Also how the fuck do bot got to a doctor after shitting out blood.
Miss his pro-consumer voice
>Yea Forums makes a big deal out of this despite routinely telling others to kill themselves
go deeper why don't you, see if you can find something that matters less.
>my IQ is 155
Hahaha shoot me in the head please.
Nah, I hated him because he was an entitled douchébag cuck who actled like he was "the president"
Even his former 'friend' / employee described him being mentally ill, narcissistic obsessed and entitled - like he'd literally throw a shitfit if game devs didn't give him free copy to review.
I can't imagine the woman who married him to have done it out of love or anything like that
so how is this not like sjws digging up your past to find anything offensive?
>throw a shitfit if game devs didn't give him free copy to review.
you mean every single e-celeb
>but he was le right XDXD
Doesn't matter if he's right. Even multi-millionaire actors/musicians/politicians/public figures act with dignity and treat their audience with respect.
TB literally played video games on the internet for a living and clearly thought he was a God among men because of it.
not really, most e-celebs have so much money they don't really give two fucks about buying since they know they can just refund it if they're too jew and 2 hours of content is enough to make a video
No other gaming personality has left as big an impact as him. And his impact is not even the most visible type. From AAA to indie studios, he is responsible for the success of games to the success of entire studios. It's always amusing that the sjws will never understand why he's so loved. They are always criticising how developers are treated yet TB some has saved more developer jobs than their protests ever will. Not even an exaggeration. Several indie studios have specifically credited him with saving their entire studio and the jobs of everyone involved due to his constructive criticism of flawed games that they took to heart or him signal boosting great but overlooked games.
she's using her own channel
I hated him for how he pronounced "year"
How did he pronounce it?
Thread Theme:
>he is responsible for the success of games to the success of entire studios
Why is this an all-round good thing?
Studios should live and die based on the quality of their product. They don't have the right to exist and survive purely because some fat internet critic says so.
>indie studios
No one gives a shit. indies are a fucking plague just like AAA games.
Horseshit, she renamed the old tb channel
Why you gotta lie on the internet
annoyed the shit out of me
be careful user he might hack Yea Forums and find all those racist comments you made anonymously 10 years ago
If a game is good, people will generally recognise it and the developers will rightfully be rewarded.
All TB did was birth the current trend of EVERY SINGLE above-average PC indie game receiving straight 10/10 GotY reviews without deserving it.
No, it's still called Totalbiscuit and there still hasn't been an upload in months. She's using her own channel.
>jim sterling is so fat he killed the channel
i bet she saving up for the son
I don't know, at first i liked him. But he became quite self-entitled and that's when i dropped him.
No. I hated him because his opinions were genuinely god-fucking-awful and he was a complete casual that hid behind PC elitism as a scapegoat. His Titanfall 2 "review" (and the damage control video that came out after) is when I decided to stop taking anything he had to say seriously. He's the guy that helped petition to get Dark Souls on PC and then didn't bother playing it because it was too hard for his baby-ass. He's one of those people that shits on everyone around him, including his own fans by saying that they were expendable and easily replaced, but he just loved hearing the sound of his own voice. He spawned a slew of dumb Brits pretending to be cynical only to be controversial trying to make his formula work for them. He was a pompous cunt, and made big stinks over nothing, like that "are traps gay" shit.
Yea Forums hated him because Yea Forums is pro DLC/preorder cuckery.
And like every other retarded kid Yea Forums is helplessly trying to be edgy all the time.
>tfw that's exactly what I thought when opening the channel page a while ago
I used to like watching the Co-optional. But it just isn't the same without TB. Genna just... isn't great. She's shrill and annoying at the best of times, Jesse Cox has always been unfunny and not exciting, and Dodger isn't even interested in video games.
nice tits
It's only fitting for someone like-minded to be the one that snuffs out the last remnant of TB
The only review worth watching is from TB. Yeah he talked a lot and maybe he was a retard but his reviews were really good.
Nice bait.
>He's the guy that helped petition to get Dark Souls on PC and then didn't bother playing it because it was too hard for his baby-ass.
What a shit person he was.
How dare he advocate for something outside of his personal taste, just fust for the sake of others?
Yea Forums is truly an autistic place
not any more they're not lol he dead forever rejoice
He lacks the critical information..
I wonder what his stance on this entire Epic Game Store situation would have been.
Yea Forums hated him to be edgy.
make a witcher 3 thread or a cdprojekt red thread and they will talk shit about it but at same time defend ubisoft if that's the current contrarian desired narrative
she took his Twitch channel and renamed it, it was surprised when i went on twitch and she was in my follows despite i've never being a follower of hers (i think she also continued the cooptional podcast for a while but that also ended)
He'd fully support Epic, he loved Fortnight and his last words where of how great the game was
He talked about the kind of things you'd want to know before buying and encouraged people to actually have standards.
But of course this gets all the console-kiddies all riled up. As much as you'll all deny it, TotalBiscuit was a force for good and the videogame-industry is worse off without him.
He was a pretty terrible human being but good at his job. Rotten personality aside, he was fairly harmless and died too young.
He was hated by literally everyone except a bunch of neckbeards on reddit. The entire industry pressed S when he died, because he made himself an enemy of liberalism.
>because he made himself an enemy of liberalism
Yea Forums must LOVE this guy
Because he would likely stand by what he said her. He is a public figure after all, and standards are held against them.
>made himself an enemy of liberalism.
isnt him the same guy who got triggered by a traps are gay joke
It's like you fucks can't even read. I'm commenting on how amusing that the sjws who are always complaining about how developers are treated complain about him despite tb doing more for one of their causes than they ever did. Also
>unironically believing sales = quality when some of Yea Forums's most beloved games are studio killers like VtMB and other such games.
>He was hated by Yea Forums because autism.
Wrong. TB was autistically pro-consumer, he would be shitting on epic with everybody else right now.
I didn't hate him, I quite enjoyed his content, and I have to admit his politics stayed away from it for the most part so at least it stayed enjoyable. But the dude had obviously a problem dealing with people and I'm sure his illness didn't help, that and at some point he went from unapologetic edgelord to a liberal pussy.
TB explicitly left those channels to her. He viewed his YouTube and twitch channels as financial assets and told her to make use of them. It's clear that she herself doesn't have the same enthusiasm for continuing.
Nah, he was obnoxious and had a shitty attitude. Still, I genuinely wouldn't wish cancer on anyone and it's a shame he had to go through that.
Just another example of hating one person just because.
And as we know, being pro-consumer is a misogynist, anti-progressive Gamergate viewpoint. Just look at Steam, the number one cesspit of racism, sexism, lack of moderation and bad indie games.
I’ve always loved him and I still love him. It’s not the same without him.
i miss his reviews bros
they were comfy
all we got left is shitty 5 minute "reviews" or 5 hour long essays a year after the games release
Are traps gay?
This. He was a fat cunt but he was also autistically focused on providing the most information to the consumer. He just wanted to make sure people didn’t waste their money on shitty games.
>that and at some point he went from unapologetic edgelord to a liberal pussy
That happened when all his organs got destroyed from the cancer treatment. He should've went the Steve Jobs fructaryan way and lived to 55 while remaining based and redpilled.
that's okay cause know you can use your brain to formulate your opinions now user!
Not if they are in cosplay
We condemn the transphobic "question" asked on Yea Forums. If anyone knows the identity of the person please inform a member of staff
How was that even a joke
>loved by redditors that live on r/PCmasterrace and zeropunctuation reviews
Based guy if ive ever seen one!
And for Yea Forums cucks that i s WRONG
i use youtube reviews to see if i wanna try a game in the first place
>he would likely stand by what he said here
Except he has said the exact opposite, that what he wrote here was stupid as fuck and that he was just a dumb kid at that time.
>this was his last review
>his voice
completely forgot about this, what a pussy
Reviews are for seeing if the game is worth playing. I get my opinions on the actual game from Yea Forums
>He just wanted the best for the industry
Oh, yes, starting arguments over nothing while wearing a false crown of indignation sure did make everything better.
Nah. He was a prick but he was fair and brought up real issues with games.
Yeah, I mean, that's why I can't really hate the guy much, I dunno how something like that would affect me.
how come this thread has been going on for almost two hours and nobody has linked the thing yet?
This. He was a fag but one of a kind and always was on consumers side. Well, most of time.
>Well, most of time.
When did he not side with consumers?
>try to be a voice for the people
>greatest achievement is advertising league of legends for free
>TB didn't end his life by killing his wife and then going on a shooting rampage at the EA offices
Yeah, Genna is just not eloquent enough to make any sort of point and just repeats one-liners that don't go anywhere like "That's a thing". I like Jesse and Dodger, but they worked best when bouncing off TBs "serious guy" persona and it just doesn't work as well anymore. Dodger being a mom and clearly having other priorities sure doesn't help.
Nope, genuinely liked him. Been following his stuff since the WowRadio days. Though he was never the best back then, Octale and Hordak was the best podcast back then.
He was very pro consumer and up his ass about his personal principals. He could be annoying but he was never shitty enough to warrant the meme hate that Yea Forums. seems to have for him.
Not by his wife tho.
The consumers of his con that wanted to ask funny trap questions
I guess lol but that's not video games
Go back to ResetERA you tranny cunt.
It's kinda weird seeing all the youtube vidya commentators that sorta filled the void left by TB.
Unfortunately none of them are as good.
Didnt know that. Got a source?
like who? literally nobody has a pc gaming channel focused on reviewing games and pc ports of those games
Oh shut the fuck up you goddamn nigger.
The thing that gets me is that it's got absolutely nothing to do with trans folk.
The hero we needed but didn't deserve.
There's a culture war between traps vs trannies.
Hard to find it now but it was a massive tweet where he talked about a bunch of dumb shit he said/did in the past
He was a cool dude, just definitely has done a lot of stupid things before and also had an air of pretentiousness in his personality which put a lot of people off
Never mind, found it:
No, I hated him because he boycotted both Nintendo and Sega.
I'm not glad he's dead, but I'm glad he's gone.
Key couple of differences between Mercury who only had to deal with his audience at a shows or when asking him for an autograph, and TB who had rampant shitposting and demands that he review some game or another that he wasn't interested in under threats that they'd unsubscribe.
Shit to even compare them is disrespectful to Mercury, if he found some random quote from another e-celeb that would be one thing.
In short you're both disingenuous
>Even multi-millionaire actors/musicians/politicians/public figures act with dignity and treat their audience with respect.
I hope you never meet you're heroes kid. You'd be in for a rude awakening.
>When I was 2 years old I drank a bottle of Coke and sat in front of a door for over an hour pulling on a dog lead, repeating the phrase "ding the bell, ding the bell, ding the bell" over and over again.
>Yea Forums trolls the fuck out of him
>"Its okay, that's Yea Forums. I know they mean well"
literally who?
He was a cunt with terrible opinions and he was awful at games.
When did he say this? Source?
oh boy an ecleb thread
>"Get cancer and die"
>gets asscancer and dies
Me too, I never understood why Yea Forums hated him so much.
It's the video where he shows his house and fridge full of junk food and the cameraman/interviewer says Yea Forums is trolling TB again and he replies with that
ok corporate shill.
Don’t even try user, he’s just here to shitpost.
No I hated him because he dissapointed me
First I saw that retarded shit at coxcon or whatever it was and then I saw some of the dumb shit he'd been spouting on twitter and his podcast, I couldn't respect him after that and started to hate him instead
He was a good PC game reviewer, a good consumer advocate and I do wish he was still around to shit on some of the bad shit that's happening now
everything below based tier is shit
I never liked his videos. It's like the polar opposite of your typical IGN review but in a bad way. It's just british man rambling for an hour and takes him 10 minutes to get to the point. If a game review is going to be long I prefer it to be structured like MandaloreGaming or Ross's Game Dungeon since they're actually entertaining.
i don't know who he is