what did ubisoft mean by this?
What did ubisoft mean by this?
friendship is magic
Based and ponypilled
I thought this was a semi real looking game?
Dress horse is best horse.
Rainbow 6fags BTFO
>this is what rainbow six has become
Man, what a far fall from Vegas... At least Tom Clancy's dead so he doesn't have to see this.
>it's fine when tf2 does it
i would fuck fashion pony
Lee won't like this, bros...
He’s too busy fucking his dog and/or failing out of college. Who cares?
Who’s Lee
>April 1st
TF2 never took itself serious to begin with.
Through the 8th
Bruce Lee. He hates ponies and beat the shit out of horsefuckers.
Mr Bear is a huge improvement over the default hostage.
It's obvious the devs are poniefags
>It's not okay for a serious competitive shooter to have fun once a year
Absolute state of TF2 faggots
the announcer and hostage are huge improvements
GJ Ubisoft only 9 years late.
for me, it's moon horse
Stallions have 15 inch penises, you think you ca compete?
Those days are around halloween and or xmas. Not in the middle of nothing
kinda late desu, diablo 3 and bioshock infinite were making pony jokes
Isn’t FiM on the way out
how many layers of Slowpoke is Ubisoft on
newfag spotted
I'm mostly a fa/tv/irgin, /fit/izen, and co/ck/
>teddy bear
it's carebears not ponies. damn underaged faggots.
whatever you say tranny
Infinite made poni jokes? What?
by making a garbage game
> Rainbow six
> Mane six
luckily lee probably doesn't play rainbow six.
at least
Maybe they're looking into the future and making a reference to gen 5?
what is gen 5 called anyway? love is pain?
So far more like "country girls are problematic"
whatcha mean
das raciss.
Applejack is getting reworked into a suburban yas queen because hick stereotype was "out of touch".
>what is april fools?
im not even a horsefucker but the ranch girl pony was the cutest desu
They just better not fuck Rarity over
not in game but a youtube video levine made, you can google it easily
Too bad moonbutt is getting written out of the show
i can imagine why, they were all pretty useless having to get clunked on the head whenever plot needed to happen
You're a genius.
How does one wash away sin?
with marejuice
april fools isn't something you take seriously
Leaked Hasbro emails. Of course to be taken with a grain of salt.
Why are people still playing this trash?
>cant be brown/tan
jesus christ
goddamnit jamal hide your powerlevel
>cant be brown/tan
Ponyland is perfect and that means no niggers
wouldnt the niggers of ponyland be mules?
This was 4/4 by the way, might as well post 1,2 and 3
mules can't reproduce
Its the zebras
or fucking ziggers as i like to call them