Are you looking forward to Nintendo's E3 this year? Things look like they'll be good

Are you looking forward to Nintendo's E3 this year? Things look like they'll be good.
>luigi's mansion
>astral chain
>metroid prime trilogy
>link's awakening remake
>probably at least one or two new announcements
comfy times ahead

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No new F-Zero, no buy
Or just any dead IP revival

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I’m older than 14 so I don’t buy Nintendo products.

so mature, thanks for telling us how much you don't care

don't be so condescending you fucking tool, how dare you

Wow so mature
How’s being 15?

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Apparently Best Buy have leaked LTTP for the switch, which is weird.

Definitely looking forward to it. I really like PlatinumGames so I'd love to see more Astral Chain gameplay. For years, I've been hoping for a Super Mario Galaxy 3 announcement, but haven't got it yet.

I am looking forward to more cute Theresa

>LA remake

What is this abomination

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yeah, can't wait for fire emblem to make smashfags seethe again.

After AC comes out on Switch, I won't need anymore games.

I just hope the other Treehouse girls are back. Last year was pretty much all Chiko.

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Best Buy leaks shit all the time.
Well not Best Buy themselves just dick head employee disobeying the constant
“Don’t leak shit online you retarded fucks” meetings

>caring about Nintendo spokespeople besides Reggie


Because look at those massive tits, its like a fucking cow, man. Reggie doesnt have an enormous pair of breasts, does he? I might need to double check, man

>not like Bill Trinen and his young adults with attitude

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I’m interested to see if Doug Bowser is gonna use his new found persona.

Personally I just want to see him speak in Bowser roars with an English voice over and subtitles
Before switch to fully animated bowser saying “Show time” then snapping

someone post the original

More tits Nintendo

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All rehashes and kiddy trash yea no thanks I’m done waiting for decent games from Nintendo I’m hoping to sell my switch for a couple hundred and get a ps4

>He didn’t buy a PS4 when it was 200$ and came with Spider-Man
This is why you’re poor.

I hope there's gonna be more thicc

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Based and red pilled imagine being over thirteen and owning a switch

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Imagine given a fuck what over people do.
Stay in your lane nigger

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Imagine calling something kiddy trash posturing a position of maturity on a video game image board based on which video games you like. While simultaneously saying you can't afford to play them. Likely because you're literally a child and/or neet living with their parents

Imagine being so assblasted and immediately jumping to the defensive because someone posted an opinion about a product of a corporation.

Not sure what part of that seemed assblasted or defensive. Did that strike a cord? You'll get out of that hole someday, bud. I believe in you

I always look forward to e3. And as you said, there's a lot of neat games for them to talk about. I can't wait to see more about Animal Crossing and Astral Chain and to see if there are any new announcements.

Imagine manufacturing strawmen and resorting to character assassination because someone dared to criticize your corporate masters. Grow up child.

There's only one thing I want

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>lots of neat games
>animal crossing

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Based wholesome hawkssuns08

She's clearly the better choice, and has a hefty set of tits herself.

Any chance Animal Crossing will look close to the Mario Kart track? I want that so badly. I hope we get a quick trailer in the supposed April direct and don't have to wait till e3 to see the game.

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Why would you put qt3.14's head on tittymonster's body?

happy 15th birthday

Couldn't give less of a shit I have all platforms and play what I want because I'm not some NEET. I just think its funny watching someone claim positions of maturity based on video game types

>character assasination
I don't think you know what either of those words mean.

F-Zero, and I will make sure to get a Switch.

That said, I hope NoA won't end up fucking up Nintendo as much as SIE fucked up Sony.


Also, I went to college with Audrey and... she didn't have those titties back then.

I just want SMT V man....

It probably got postponed for another Persona spinoff.

>older than 12
>has a switch

please no.....
unless it's PQ3 on Switch

A more powerful switch and literally any metroid news. Anything else would be great but I don't have high expectations, Nintendo kind of sucks.

I need this semen demon's mega milkers nudes now

This one too

Baited them highschool zoomers

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nice sidepits

We'll probably see stuff on these summer releases too.
>Mario Maker 2
>Fire Emblem cause it's been delayed repeatedly, now to July

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fuckin noice

Actually you're a fag so you get pozzed up and so that's why you can't play nintendo

New one looks very safe and lazy, not at all excited
Looking forward to seeing more. The Mayor duties and little puzzle games from the 3DS version makes me hopeful theyll add even more to do, as I usually get too bored to make any real progress in these games
>Luigi's mansion
By the creator's of dark moon so Im concerned. Looks like it totally lacks the fun creepy atmosphere 1 had again for the "Halloween supermarket decorations" approach Dark Moon had.
>Astral chain
Its Platinum so Im hyped, do need to see more to decide to buy though
>Metroid prime trilogy
Not happening. Its been rumored too long.
>Link's awakening remake
Looks like a cute little game Ill download and beat in two or three sittings
>probably at least one or two new announcements
Probably more on MM2 and hopefully a Pikmin 3 port. I wouldnt hold your breath for any big IP revival like F Zero or Mother though.

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>Not happening. Its been rumored too long.
>he didn't see the best buy leak


Was it the same as the dude who did the Star Fox Racing leak

silicon user

people get it injected into their skin in order to make their body more bulbous in appearance. sometimes people use their own body fat instead via liposuction in order to achieve this effect. Weebs will vehemently deny that the second part exists though.

Spot on about Luigis Mansion, 1 was never scary but it had a better atmosphere than babys cartoon haloween world

People grow, user

You forgot
>Mother trilogy remaster

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They're both the second girl's body
Some jealous nerd shopped the other girl's face on in OP's pic

Nintendo will never do Mother 3 cause it has drag queens in it

What's her name, lads?

I don't care I want them both anyway. The first girl's face is cute and she has real tits anyway

SMT V news or we riot

Nope. Enjoy your rolling pin world.

I’ll take PQ 1 + 2 HD for Switch


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wtf they both have big tiddies

I'm excited for both Nintendo's and Microsoft's E3.

Are those "gloves" a requirement if you're larger than a D-cup?

they're gonna go on about animal crossing for 90% of the presentation and spend the other 10% talking about other shit, including NONE of the games OP listed

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