Have modern games gone too soft?

Have modern games gone too soft?

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Wow, it’s almost like cultures change over time.

>Swearing = Maturity

Believe it or not, that really just makes it more dated and childish.

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It's not an argument about maturity my little nintiddler, it's about soul vs. soulless.

F1 and 2 response is a lot more appripriat4e within the context of the game, which makes when you play it irrelevant.

>no argument
>ad hominem
Based retard

I've played Fallout 1 and 2 and I've never seen this line appear. Is it even real?

What does that even mean? This is fiction we're talking about, anything is allowed.

>post apocalyptic world and setting where law basically no longer applies anymore
>implying having everyone speak cleanly is appropriate.

not really, it's just more realistic for a gruff guard to tell you to fuck off.
what kind of fag says "funny business"?

Faggot is a nigger tier word nowadays.

>That bit in Fallout 1 where the development team tell you to "Slaughter every single non-white subhuman disgusting maggot"
Truly a different time

No there would be an outrage if someone put the word "faggot" in a game.

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and that's a good thing !

>That one quest in New Reno where you plant a bomb on a mob boss' kid to kill both the kid and father
We'll never see games like FO1 and 2 again, will we?

Le epic pop culture reference. This is why Fallout 1 is still the best in the series.

based and ahead of their time

Not until we get Sam Raimi to direct the next one

Was Fallout 2 ahead of its time?

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Wouldn't surprise me really, after all there is that dud ein Morrowind who threatens to kill you and rape your corpse.
Not quite the same, but about as shocking.

>no argument
>ad hominem
>Based retard
Unironically mentally challenged.

It's a childish expression used by children to express themselves.

Once you start reading actual literature you will experience the jarring molestation of the english language that is swearing for the sake of sounding mature. The japanese don't say "fuck" and they most certainly make better games too.

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Honestly no, I can't think of much content in older games that is anywhere near as gruesome as some of the near-perverted excesses present in even relatively mainstream contemporary titles. I would guess that this is related to the increased desensitization and general autistic-sociopathic sensibilities of the modern consumerist.

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>The japanese don't say "fuck"
They have their own words for "fuck" dumbass

When shit hits the fan and the current society collapses, you won't have people pissing and moaning about identities other than ethnic and racial.
Humans will return to their most base instincts like they used for thousands of years to survive. What we have in today's society is a veneer of civility that will be violently torn off when the economic wealth is drained.

considering how easy it is to edit the dialogue files, probably not.


Right, which is why it makes sense for someone in that context to speak like that. Have you interacted with people in the real world? They generally aren't eloquent

And they don't use them. Kuso is more like "damn", while words like muka (or whatever their word for cunt is) are reserved for cheap gags in Gintama, which is a children's show made for children.

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Does that mean this is a double cunt?

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Imagine your profession is to craft dialogue and you write on the same level as a conversation between 2nd graders. Plus I played Fallout, and ther's no consistency; sometimes you get long, pretentious speeches to remind you that you are, in fact, supposed to take things seriously.

Maku? Mukat? I've never heard it not bleeped. It's the dirtiest word for sure.


Truly visionary.

Literally better than anything fallout 4 gave us

So we should put words like "fuck" into our children's media, like video games.

Nah, 'hate newspapers' is pretty good.

No, people grew up and became more responsible as their games became mainstream. Using hurtful, exclusionary language is bad for marketing. Indie games and small companies are free to be edgier.

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon fags are the absolute worst.

You shouldn't talk about things you know nothing about.


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lol Republicans

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No. If it was ahead of it's time, it would've been a shitty console shooter with leftover RPG elements.

Culture hasn't changed, what's changed is a small minority of overly sensitive faggot entryists have infiltrated the industry to try and enforce their will on the majority

>Implying this isn't funny

>I've played Fallout 1 and 2 and I've never seen this line appear.
It's from a recently released total conversion mod, Fallout 1.5.

That's why it sounds exactly like something a cringy internet dweller of [CURRENT_YEAR] would write.

>conservatards triggered over a small little jab
That's why democrats will always win, cringey shit.

Yes, See

That only applies if you want your writing to look like a pretentious work of "art" that applies to a circle of self absorbed fartsniffers. If you work attempts to replicate reality by any measurable extent, there will be swearing, because people swear all the time, in casual conversations, or when something happens, when they drop their wallets or hit their heads against something on accident. When a dude slams his head against something you don't hear him go "Golly me, that was mighty uncomfortable", he yells "Fuck!"

>I've never read a book in my life and am self-conscious about it.

Take it from a literature and linguistics bachelor.

Do you yell out "FUCK" every time you die in Souls too? You troglodyte.

t. retard who never leaves his parents basement

>dying in a shitty videogame is tantamount to getting harmed physically
You're the troglodyte here, making comparisons like that.

The only game I've ever seen the MC use the word faggot was the point n' click Jack Orlando. He says that he hates faggots.

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Kek. Republicans really can't take little jokes. Luckily I'm a fascist



Would’ve been better if he said
“Fuck off with your funny business”
It’s shorter, sharper and flows better

i yell fuck every third word i speak desu

t. australian

cunt is also up there

Didn't the last dem candidate have every single news facet powering their campaign and still lost?

You might have tourettes.

Can someone explain the rage people with low functioning autism have when they see naughty word?

My culture didn't change. No one's did, but a tiny amount of people have tried to force change.



>getting so ass blasted over someone using certain words
Sticks and stones...

Yes, and she was helped by foreign powers like Britain as well.

>Words can't hurt m-

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is fallout 1.5 good? I like all of the pre-3 fallouts

>say something stupid
>get called stupid and have your example refuted
>you're wrong because you said bad word, even though I insulted you first!
Don't dish it out, if you can't take it, bitch.

Hell yes
It's great, it really is what it claims to be

First time I'm hearing of this. Is this an entirely new game or is it just an add on?

This is correct. And soon enough gays will have their rightful place in the world. Up against a wall and shot.


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And Ukraine

>literature and linguistics bachelor
How is the literature and linguistics factory?

it's not borderlands tier at least.

Yeah, try Fallout Nevada as well.

Thanks friend. Fuck Republicans and fuck democrats

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You're not a faggot, are you? You sound like a faggot. I bet you're not only a faggot but a fucktarded tranny fag. Your daddy, if you even know him, probably was a secret cross dresser. Loved it when mommy railed him with the strap on. That's the only possible explanation why you could even consider the notion that "culture" changes and not the fact that it's a tiny fucking minority of retards taking offense to anything and everything even remotely close an insult that comes in their general direction. They have picked up the mantle where the christian conservative soccer moms of the 80s and 90s left it and are carrying proudly ever since. They are just no longer writing letters but angry tweets and articles and circulating them among their like-minded dipshits until they've cooked enough of a shitstorm that it reaches developers and big companies who then publish a groveling apology. You are the kind of people that destroy art, not create it.

Yes, because Fallout 1 has absolutely zero pop culture references.

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>I like all of the pre-3 fallouts
>like fobos
That's a yike.

wait this is fucking real?

Dream come true, left IT uni for it, best decision of my entire life.

Thank God I don't live in Americuckia,

I think the difference is that fallout 1 either had the pop culture references be in universe or more zany stuff to be in special encounters only. Fallout 2 tends to go overboard with the prior as well as have weird dialog choices such as the 4th wall breaking "european fallout 2" joke.

Well they always did say a picture is worth 1000 words and god damn is that picture telling a mean story, and the image name is telling lies

It's marketing and in that sense, they're right. The thing is that it's more than just who is gay and offended, it's anyone who recognizes offensive language or at the very least, the marketability of words. You can get away with calling a woman a bitch (calling her a female dog) easier than you can get away with calling a gay guy a faggot (calling him a bundle of sticks that somehow warped to disparage someone based on sexuality) and that makes little sense given the directly dehumanizing and degrading language of one word and the absurdity of the other. Maybe that's indicative of "the patriarchy" in that a male dominated culture more easily normalizes use of an arguably more disparaging word against women than a word that should logically be less offensive used against men. Or maybe it's the social dynamics of women being more easily accepted than a gay man. Who knows.

I went off on a tangent, but the main thing is that there wasn't so much infiltration as it is just the natural progression of big, mainstream companies that employ straight out of California; where people are more likely to be or at least know someone gay.

Also marketing aims to be inclusive not exclusive. You want everyone's money.

Still better than 4 and 76.

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those are really rare and you can count them in your hand, fallout 2 has references and break the 4th wall left and right

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Did she make it :(

Those are funny, though. Fallout has always been about juxtaposing the harsh conditions of the wasteland with black humor. I feel like people greatly exaggerate the amount of pop culture references in Fallout 2.

absolutely based

They do but i can see what thet mean when fallout 2 have 50 goddamn star wars references. Fallout 2 also just has some weird shit like the ghost in the den and talking deathclaws.

Why would anyone in the Post Apocalypse have any manners or hang ups about "culture".

Is it immature? Yes, absolutely.
Does it make sense in world? Yes.

I'm gonna gag some lolis and there's nothing you can do about it

>posts Pokémon

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i liked the combat. I wish we could have a story driven game like fo 1/2 with funner combat like bos

Nothing wrong with talking Deathclaws. Plus, they're reasonably explained in the game and there are still two canonically living ones, so they could appear in a later game.

2d right?

>Fallout has always been about juxtaposing the harsh conditions of the wasteland with black humor
no that started with fallout 2, fallout 1 had few humorous moments

Just play E.Y.E. Every other dialog option is an insult.

Obviously, who would want disgusting 3dpd

They’ve become less creatively free due to outrage culture.


yeah because some thug in a post apocalyptic world sure would act mature and respectful and never use curse words or misgender you

>it’s a nintendie makes an incredibly cringe post episode

It was still less serious than the first one, Frank Horrigan was so cartoonish I couldn't take him and the Enclave seriously

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Just your friendly neighborhood police checking.

The Master is still the best Fallout villain.

>Ohohoho, looks how sad that pokemon is, that sure is mature and completely original
This is what nintentoddlers actually believe, you would have an argument if the retarded anime didn't ruin your franchise credibility

Is siding with Caesar's the thinking man's choice for NV?

looks legit

Unfortunately, not. His system is doomed to fail, and it will likely fail much sooner thatn NCR. You have to choose between piss and shit.

Well there is no competition, Caesar was a great antagonist for the people that sided with the NCR though


piss, not even close

What is the context of these encounters? In Skyrim who is this person speaking? Same for Fallout 4 and Fallout 1 & 2. Is the person who is speaking working as a guard for the government of the area or as some hired muscle for a less formal organization? To what degree did you bother them? How does the society around this person view swearing?

Basically. This is a bait image. Your question is nebulous. Context matters. Go away.

>tfw shit master race
Fuck off pissdrinker

What would a meme equivalent of a biohazard be, memehazard? This guy is fucking retarded.

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Suck my dick you nut gobbling cockjockey.

kuso literally means shit

>Unironically siding with NCR
Siding with NCR: Cuck
Siding with Yes Man: Reddit
Siding with Caesar: Incel
Siding with House: Patrician

gene = meme
bio = pol (politismós) cant find another equivalent that sounds good as a prefix
so... polhazard

what did you call me?

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Literally the only two replies in the thread that answer OP's question. But I would have to agree with the user saying that video games have indeed got softer. They're are still plenty of titles with extreme violence, but harder tones or plots rub more and more people the wrong way. Maybe it's a symptom of consumers growing up in an age of relative peace.

Dark triad med chad Brian Fargo vs omega virgin white boy Todd Howard

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Plus the Saudis.

Political "comedy" is literally the lowest form of entertainment

I didn't side with them though, just pointing out that

I had no idea that faggotry was a real word

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Stupid child.

It's Ukrainians, man. 1.5 is weird like that.

I just want another RPG where having low INT gives you different dialogue. Fuck voice acting for taking this away from us.

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Fucking hell, the samefagging on this post is insane.

VtMB had voice acting and rewrote all of the dialog for Malkavians.


shut the fuck up you nigger

fuck bros why are delevopers such lazy faggots how come shit like this is not common?

>why are developers such lazy faggots
You answered your own question user.

Because Fallout 2 had soul.

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>wall of text that has 1 or 2 points, the rest is just edgy "shit, shit, shit"
fuck off. you wrote that yourself and capped it, didn't you? did you forget to edit in some replies?

>Imagine your profession is to craft dialogue
It’s an Australian wet dream if it involves a thousands ways of calling someone a cunt or a gay

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>The japanese don't say "fuck" and they most certainly make better games too.

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>t. Todd

I just miss when games were things that nerds made for other nerds

I agree, voice acting for rpgs was a mistake

>His system is doomed to fail
The collapse is not a failure, it is the whole point.

Fallout 1 and 2 have voice acting. Very good voice acting, might I add.

Games are made for a different audience nowadays user. I mean, old games are a good example of how dark you could be and no one would care because the game was fun at the end of the day. It was almost as if a game was made by basement goblins for other basement goblins

But as with everything else in existence, it grew in numbers and casualized itself, try insterting lines like what you see on FO1 and/or 2 and watch people exaggerating everything

>buttfucking each other in the ass while being concerned to use the right pronoun on the degenerate you are giving AIDS to is culture

this is your brain on Nintendicklets. No one actually wants for Kirby to tell the Redditera Discord trannies to kill themselves.
Fallout is thematically an entirely different beast but low IQ subhumans like you would never admit this out of a false sense of non-existant pride.

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>Once you start reading actual literature
Back to Retardera, you illiterate tranny.


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>Mfw DMC V has "fuck" in it and is arguably the best DMC overall.

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Stop trying to convince people that your retarded mod is the original game you massive fucking shit-eating nigger faggot.

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>oey vey goyim its just the normal change of culture :^)

fallout 1 and 2 was written at a college reading level. ballsout 3 and 4 was written for 6th graders. It's not some innocent changing of the culture, its a deliberate dumbing down of the population under the pretense of 'appealing to the widest audience possible'. Because as we all know, reading is for fags and ur shits all retarded.

ah yes, the nineties, when edginess and leftism went hand in hand, instead of the opposite

that reads like a 16 year old trying to sound smart on Yea Forums, also wasn't in the fucking game and was modded in

>that reads like a 16 year old trying to sound smart on Yea Forums
oh, you mean like you are doing now?


Is that line even in F1 or 2? Where is it? Because I've never seen it, it sounds like a line that would be more at home in a fangame.



Problem is voice acting costs money and Bethesda doesn't have any talent on their team.

Rewind 20 years and people would be doing FMVs of themselves cosplaying as their characters for cutscenes and overacting the fuck out of it all.

Absolutely based.

its a mod and that user is purposely doing this to confuse zoomers

>Rewind 20 years and people would be doing FMVs of themselves cosplaying as their characters for cutscenes and overacting the fuck out of it all.
bring this back desu

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but why can the vault dweller see it

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A comedian, huh? Fuck off, I have no time for your inane faggotry.

He can't though, only (You) can

>have no other option
Nice “”””RPG”””” you got there

You can kill him without ever talking to him.