What went so wrong? Do people even want more KH after this mess?
Kingdom Hearts
I thought KH3 was decent. KH4 could be a lot better if it uses KH3 as a base and builds/refines on it, rather than reinventing the wheel yet again. If they wait to make KH4 until the PS5 then it'll be a mess.
If you think KH could ever stand up to the big boys like DMC you're insane and got meme'd by autistic speedrunners. And I say that as someone who has a shitton of nostalgia for KH1.
As long as Yoko is still making music I really don't give a shit what happens to the series. I've accepted that there won't be a game with combat on par with KHIIFM and just roll with it. I didn't even hate III, it's alright if not a bit shallow.
Cute shota
>combat on par with KHIIFM
It's pretty weak
Nothing, KH3 is the best-selling game in the series.
KH3 was better than DMC5 and sold better as well, literally cope
>/v is still pretending KH3 is bad for a non final mix tittle
The game was a big success so nothing.
>the dlc will fix it!!11
KH2 was good even before final mix, no amount of extra content will fix how atrociously mediocre 3 was.
>it sold a lot meaning it's good
>Barry is still pretending KH3 is bad for a non final mix tittle
Osaka team was the problem.
The only thing that went wrong was that there was so many goddamn original characters. Who the fuck cares about Xion for example?
Worse than KH1 and Kh2.
Came here to say this. They ruin everything they touch. Whatever team worked on kh2 should have worked on it considering this is a mainline title.
The OCs are owned by Disney so they're Disney characters
Honestly don't think Critical Mode will fix anything.
>It sold a lot so it's bad
I'd love for you to explain this logic
I care about xion and namine actually.
What do you mean? Did something go wrong?
So much this.
I think they did a lot of things well, but there are just too many glaring problems. Imo the biggest problem in this game is the fact they they switched to large-group based combat. I don't think it works well unless you would make Sora 10x more faster, and give his attacks a little bit more aoe. Of course it would mean making some more balance changes, but you get the idea.
>BBS is the best
let's not go that far
I don't see how 3 apologists think final mix will save it. Will it improve the combat? Will it improve the story?
When it became 100% convoluted shounenshit mixed with blatant Disney shilling.
IE everything after KH2.
Not what he meant mongoloid.
If they just went from 2 straight to 3, and 3 was just an improved version of 2FM, I would've been satisfied with just that and let the series die there
But nope, they had to continue to milk the franchise, making mediocre handheld games after the other, with all having really bad, shitty stories (except Days), and just being lower in quality in general, and the majority of fans just ate it up, without realizing it was going down a bad path
I would like more KH but only if they actually gave a shit about the gameplay and story, sadly I don't think they intend to actually try anymore because they don't have to
3 sold well because of hype as well as the supports of long time fans, it did not sell well because its a well made game
Fuck no I don’t want more, 3 was garbage the series I’d dead.
Pretty much this. The series should have ended with KH2. It would've had a better and more conclusive ending, too.
I'm just going to look up the ending of KH4 on Youtube and if it doesn't piss me off, I MIGHT get back into the series.
nice logical fallacy there, faggot
Cloud and Tifa?
Zack and Aeris?
Zack and Tifa?
If it’s a decent difficulty increase I’ll be happy. I really like most of the bosses in the game and I just want them to be more of a challenge.
Ur mom & me
The bosses in the game are the worst in the series...
I'm having way too much fun with double arrowguns, hunny blasters, and blizzard claws. Mage sora ftw
Anyone else here playing the Vanitas mod? It's pretty fun
Yes. They should bring back the command system from BBS/DDD though. The step back to the magic system from KH2 in KH3 felt janky compared to the clean system from the games after it.
So is your mom after I had my way with her last night
>with all having really bad, shitty stories
>(except Days)
Dumb waifufag
>What went so wrong?
Nomura got involved.
This. Horrible "boss fights" all around in kh3
Critical mode fucking when? I swear Nomura is so bad at this info announcement thing. Don't announce anything if it's so far from release. Nomura is such a hack.
fuck off xion is a terrible character who didn't need to be a thing, almost all the female characters in KH are poorly written and almost have no personality other than being the girl of their groups
but just because xion is a bad character doesn't make the story in days bad
It does because the whole plot revolves around her instead of Roxas.
Nah. Mysterious Adversaries was great. But it should be harder and give them individual health bars. As for the Heartless bosses Skoll and Gothels Heartless are fine.
Let me get more card style combat
Yes. I like Sora/Riku/Kairi interactions and the gameplay is mostly solid for an ARPG, I just wish they would drop the long sagas and simply make a game with it's own story like KH1
>Mysterious Adversaries
You mean the Organization fights?
Xion is there but the game isn't about her
the plot revolves around Roxas making friends with Axel and Xion and them enjoying their time together only for them having to fight one another and be separated from each other
Xion may have a stupid background but the friendship she developed with Roxas and Axel was the driving force, it made the player care and empathize with these characters
I still give a shit about Sora, Riku, and Kairi even though Kairi is just a plot device because I care about their friendship and what they do because of it
>KH2 was good even before Final Mix
KH2 was piss-easy before Final Mix and lacked much end-game content. Granted, I agree it was still good, but many of the issues people have with KH3 are issues that were present in vanilla KH2.
The Organization copies you fight in Scala. It’s a fun fight but I wish more of them would attack you at once and that they had individual health bars instead of a shared pool.
>Xion is there but the game isn't about her
Lol what? Xion is the one who interacts with Riku and Namine leading into 2, Roxas piddles around doing nonsense for the Org until the last 10 minutes of the game.
>the plot revolves around Roxas making friends with Axel and Xion and them enjoying their time together only for them having to fight one another and be separated from each other
Roxas and Xion each spend a good quarter of the game in a coma, Axel spends a chunk at CO and when he gets back spends a large chunk of it avoiding Roxas because he learned what Xion is. Their "friendship" is cobbled together in the first couple weeks of the year and then the entire rest of the plot is Xion repeating Repliku and Roxas' existential crisis. Roxas gets to mull about in the background wondering why his "friends" are avoiding him so much and why they dodge every question he throws at them until he gets fed up and runs away. Days was trash, no ifs ands or buts.
but then final mix fixed it and kh 3 came out 14 years AFTER final mix so they should already know what we liked and to include it in the game. I'm not saying that you're argument is "Its fine for kh3 to be bad because kh2 was bad" but it is other people argument and its fucking stupid.
>until the last 10 minutes of the game.
seam to be a recurring feature in kh games other 1 and bbs
I agree that it makes no sense why Critical Mode and other difficulty sliders weren't implemented Day 1.
>It’s a fun fight
I don't see how, their only combat is to swooce in and do a few generic combos on you, then swooce out and you have to go looking for a group of them again. Possibly one of the worst in the game.
kh3 has fun gameplay but story feels so half-assed
>Wanted a game about the interactions and shady shit of the organization and Roxas
>Get Broken Puppet and Friends variety hour
I just wanted to do some shit with some of my favorite organization members, but some only get 1 mission in game before they get sent off to get murdered at CO.
Because making good action game systems takes a fuck ton of time. Why do you think Oatmeal Cookie took so damn long with NG1 and 2? And even then NG1 ended up having a revision to polish it's gameplay even more. Not everyone can be like Itsuno or PG.
>nice logical fallacy there, faggot
Oh almost like the logical fallacy I was mocking. Yes good job you fucking moron
>but some only get 1 mission in game before they get sent off to get murdered at CO.
Unfortunately that's something we were always going to have to concede unless they made Days non canon.
Why do KH3 keyblades look so bad compared to other numbered titles?
The only thing that went wrong was a lack of harder difficulty and post-game content, everything else was good or even great.
but again KH3 came out 14 YEARS after kh 2 final mix I damn well expect i to be better than a game that came out on the ps2. Even then its not that they're not only incompetent they added so many useless features shotlocks,summons,blade forms, disney attractions, every world has to have its own stupid minigame, every world ha to has its own gimmick, making the worlds so massive with nothing in it.
I bet you're one of those faggot whales that got their name in the command list.
Not the same team with the same expertise.
No but you sound upset that you didn't.
I'm upset that whole garbage sequence happened at all.
The gameplay was great but KH3's problem is that story, it doesn't deliver what the build up promised. And the sad thing is that it could have been avoided.
For instance Nomura had DDD and KH2 create an expectation that Kairi was supposed to do something useful. While it is too much to expect her to become at Sora and Riku's level he could have delivered on the promise by simply just making Kairi a tutorial character. Then don't have shit on her during the actual final battle. Simple.
For Aqua all they needed to do was something similar, actually have her defeat Vanitas while Sora wakes up Ventus.
For the final battle have it be Ventus and Aqua who save Terra not Sora.
Effectiely don't shit on anyone in order to make Sora look good, he's had several games to do so. And doing it now just lessens the impact.
Fix Frozen world's storyline, bring back Radiant Garden and the Final Fantasy characters.
Effectively keep the promises and expectations that you've built up from the previous.
Speaking of the mobile game, i got some medals that have a glowing icon that when pressed it shows some art, is there a way to download that or something?
It's absolutely bizarre how many shitty designs are in 3. There are maybe a few good ones, and even they don't hold a candle to the majority of the keyblades in 2.
KH1 > KH2 >>>>>> BBS >>>>>> KH3
The games just get worse and worse with every sequel/spin off
Would the series be better if the Disney influence was reduced? IMO the Disney worlds are the worst parts of the series with the exception of 1. I feel like if the Disney stuff is going to be shit they might as well just focus on the original stuff even more.
The original stuff is owned by Disney
No, quite the opposite. They should stop segregating the Disney shit from the plot. Integrate it all like they did with Triton in 1 or Tron in 2.
i thought they were supposed to release some dlc
where is it
I thought KH3 was trash, this is coming from someone who has a dedicated shelf of KH collectibles. I will most likely not be buying anymore KH releases in the future. I just want to get off of Nomura's wild ride and some fucking Final Fantasy characters.
The series wouldn't exist if the Disney influence was reduced. They literally own everything original in KH. Xehanort, the Organization, the MoM, everything.
Won't be releasing until FF7R is done and then whatever project Square lumps Nomura on next will probably be taking up most of his time instead.
Tai can just do it while Nomura fucks off
>I just want to get off of Nomura's wild ride and some fucking Final Fantasy characters.
Good luck with telling Nomura that.
The big final mix tier dlc is due near the end of the year supposedly. So its a waiting game at this point.
By all accounts Nomura wants it out by the end of 2019
>Wanted a game about the interactions and shady shit of the organization and Roxas
>>Get Broken Puppet and Friends variety hour
This will never not make me mad.
Last I checked, they milked the franchise in the meantime because 13 and Versus 15 were choking their home console development, which is why the series went to Osaka in the first place. They've said about as clearly as they officially can that KH3 was not this late for any particular reason, not that there could really be one. That we got the series on PS4 out of it isn't bad though.
Also focusing on other characters besides Sora so they can infect the main story despite 98% of them should’ve just fucked off after their respective games.
Now as of 3’s ending, they will never go away and the next game is going to feature a Chris Chan-eyed faggot to infect the series more.
They had a bigger dev team and budget. Another team made the gummi ship part so they didn't even have to worry about that.
There wasn't enough Terra.
Hey remember when the story was an Oz-esque tale about a boy separated from his home and on a journey to find his friends while battling evil forces and not convoluted shoenenshit?
What are you talking about Terrafags made out like bandits.
Terra arguably got the best scenes in 3.
and it was still bad.
>What went so wrong?
>Do people even want more KH after this mess?
Yeah I guess.
He, Aqua and Ven should’ve died or something along with all the other throwaway characters who aren’t Sora and his actual friends though.
Nah, saving the BBS trio was always going to be the point of 3. Saving all those other fags who already finished their character arcs was only added in Coded.
E3 I guess. Square has to show something there.
agreed. Nothing as fun as live menu-ing in an action RPG...
It was actually added in DDD. But it was the most pointless addition. KH3 should have been about killing Xenohort and saving BBS trio.
>It was actually added in DDD
Nigger hwat? Did you even play Coded?
>who already finished their character arcs was only added in Coded.
It was in bbs itself. That's what blank points was about
I just got my sexy KH3 limited edition PS4 Pro, and I can't wait to play KH3 on it.
Try re-reading my post, both sentences.
>sold alot of copies= good game
The current state of KH shills