Beat Saber's new EULA prohibits modding (aka 90% of the reason why it got popular)

Beat Saber's new EULA prohibits modding (aka 90% of the reason why it got popular)


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so what, are they gonna remove my game if i mod it? what does the eula matter

They can't stop me.

why would they do dis

They can already ban you for modding the DLC songs in, the mechanisms are there for any kind of copyright takedown and it will happen considering how the music industry is.

well ill just play until they ban me and then torrent the game, good riddance

The Beat Saber team is clearly in contact with the modding group and clearly supports what they're doing. They just can't say so. They even "accidentally" put an "exploit" into the PSVR version that allows modding on PSVR. They've hired people from the modding group for map creation and everything.

Probably just put there to cover themselves but not actually enforced. So if they ever get into any legal issues over licensed music used in mods they can just point at the eula and say they don't allow it.

you can mod the ps version? how?

They said in interviews that they were sad modding took off so quickly since it hurts their strategy of selling song packs, they're a bizarre bunch.

Disregard that. I think I fell for a fairly elaborate april fools joke I saw the day after.

Well that's dumb. They've made more selling Beat Saber due to mods than they ever would have selling packs to the much smaller group that bought and played it unmodded.

beat saber is VR kino though

>prohibiting modding

either it's legal BS to cover their asses or they're trying to kill their game

The dev's have stated multiple times they intend to make custom tracks an official feature on PC with it's own full scale track editor, this may be in preparation for that or just to prevent DLC songs from being put in without paying.

They already went silent about the official custom track making, they are going full jew with the song packs shit.

the music industry is fucking gigantic for whatever reason, theyd get sued out the ass and probably figured that out later

>have a killer app because of modding
You fucking idiots

also, this isn't the first time. Last two updates broke the modding scene for a week. They definitely don't care

Why is the music industry so huge anyway? Almost everyone pirates their shit.

i dont know thats why i said for whatever reason. i dont get it either

Beat Saber with mods is literally VR's killer app
If they fully get rid of modding someone's just gonna make an open source clone like Osu, the game's simple enough where it could feasibly happen
They're playing themselves


hope this shitty game dies

I'm guessing Spotify is a major revenue source now. Even I pay for it and I never bought a single music album in my life. It's just too good.

Its not going to stop anybody