What the fuck were they thinking?
What the fuck were they thinking?
I don't know or give a shit, and neither should you.
Fuck bigots
Fuck racists
Fuck misogynists
Fuck transphobes
Fuck fun
And most of all fuck gamers
kill all faggots
wasnt this actually an april fools joke? i thought it was, it certainly reads as one
I bet this will drive even more redditors to Yea Forums
Won't be a problem.
I hope I saved the full sized image of this and not the mobile compressed one.
It legit wasn't
Neither was this, funnily enough
>and not the mobile compressed one.
Reddit has already won
The mods there are all Resetera members. So you know exactly what they were thinking. Who wants to bet they have the "everything is political" fags in the comments.
This is unironically right, though
Banning porn would greatly benefit civilization
Everything IS political, but that's irrelevant, because anti-politics-fags are actually anti-hamfisted-preaching-fags and hamfisted preaching is something to oppose.
>3m subs
>20k online
that looks fake as fuck
Why doesn't someone just make a new gaming subreddit with lax moderation like 4channel?
You'd need some full on crazy surveillance state for that to work. Anybody who has or access pornography is sent to prison. All porn company employees and owners? jailed. All and any lewd artists? jailed.
reddit is digital north korea
Is everything political or is it actually that anything can be seen as political? because that's different.
90% of modern porn is made by jews, so I wouldn't mind that
Why do those members all have those types of names?
>banning hentai would greatly benefit civilization
What do you mean? Surely you can enforce your own rules as long as you don't permit anything actually illegal
Everything should be porn. Have you ever seen animals? They're fucking everywhere. They don't care. You're horny? You mate is up to it? Time to fuck. Humanity would benefit so much from this type of behavior. Just have sex everywhere you want, regardless if people are there or not. Waiting for the bus and want to bust a nut? Whip it out and get going. Boring business meeting? Fuck the secretary. These puritans and their crusade against skin and sex is laughable.
Enjoy your body while you can.
I'd be more inclined to agree with you if "having a black person exist in your video game" wasn't considered to be hamfisting preaching around these parts.
>You'd need some full on crazy surveillance state for that to work
Just give it time.
It's more that politics itself is a result of how we see everything, so everything we produce must itself say something politically.
Like, I dunno, Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. The fact the hero uses violence in order to bring good into the world is itself a political statement.
The people who act like that are a separate breed who're really anti-politics-I-disagree-with-fags.
subhuman gluttons like you are why modern civilization was a mistake
ironically, by doing this they managed to do the opposite of what they wanted to do.
Sorry sir. You do not have your "intercourse license" to legally partake in fornication. Please take the class Biology and You 101 with Professor Anita in order to take the first step to be eligible for the license.
Why didn't anyone make reddit/games2?
there's no reason to post about this here, it's not as relevant as when neogaf imploded
Fuck this is a way better set up for smut than the stuff that guy was saying
here's your r/games moderator bro
Why don't these people just...ignore these types of games? I don't care for Neptunia and I hardly ever see it. Why can't they do the same?
How hard would it be to spam an entire subreddit with gore?
I have tons of proxies ready, do you need to register a new account every time?
go see for yourself, it's legit a couple of people are playing it off as April Fools but most of the posts are "lmao wyt tears".
Well the first 4 and the last one are the same thing.
You won't be able to. /r/Games setup automoderator to automatically remove comments from new accounts. You'd need to make a bunch in advance, get some karma on them in multiple subreddits (including /r/games) and then your post will stay up.
Mods ban this guy too please
I don't know but
>we remove these comments and ban these people but the issue persists
these dumb niggers seriously need to read 1984
they like some element of the game, however small, so everything they don't like about it has to change for them, how dare you tell them to play something else. when a game really gets their panties in a twist, they vote to ban all discussion of it from resetera, but i haven't heard of any games being banned recently. a lot of people begged for catherine full body to be banned but mods denied them.
>t. 17 year old virgin
>banning art would destroy civilization
And when they do it on Yea Forums?
>so racist he cant tell the difference between acceptable and unacceptable black characters
>mods denied them
They said it was important for the outrage to be visible. So the only way for it to be banned is for Atlus to tell them to fuck off and that they'll never listen to them.
Same reason /pol/ can't ignore niggers. It's bad for society.
That would mean they couldn't virtue signal for free appraisal and fame from drooling idiots on social media. The thought of it is nightmare fuel to them.
Jewish post