Games don't age badly. Debate me

Games don't age badly. Debate me.

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What is he up too these day?

Alone in the Dark

Is that Bam?


In January 2018, Margera entered rehab for the second time after a DUI, and remained sober for seven months. Later that year, he relapsed after being robbed at gunpoint during a holiday in Colombia.[56]. In January 2019, one year after his previous attempt, Margera entered rehab for the third time,[57] but left after ten days, stating that he "didn't belong there", and was planning on beating his alcoholism on his own.[58] In March 2019, TMZ released a video showing Margera screaming at and threatening his manager at West Side Comedy Club in New York City. Additionally, Margera made Instagram posts in which he insulted his own wife and damaged his own home, leading to friends and family members coming together to have Margera committed to a mental health treatment facility.[59] Margera was released from treatment and returned home after one week.

Holy fuck.

if games don't age badly, why do sequels often improve on core mechanics from the first game?

he experienced afterlife

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Jesus Christ, Bam let himself go.

jesus christ

dunn's death really fucked him up permanently

It isn't edited to my knowledge

Thats been run through an old age filter. Bamm looks old now but not that old yet.

small quality of life changes don't mean the original was bad, besides if things weren't improved upon why even make a sequel if its not just a cash grab

You think that's bad? You should see Ryan Dunn.

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No, that was Dunn

Reminder that OP likes to spread misinformation

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Well games literally degenerate over time until they're not in a playable state anymore, so you're factually incorrect.

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I wasn't aware he went back in 2019. He's still not doing good, huh?

I didn't know it was edited

games don't "age", a game is a game, tastes and society change over time tho


>All those years terrorizing poor Phil
>Now he looks like him
I know his story is sad, but I can't but laugh when I look at it from that angle

>Online service and all its access to said content is gone.
Yeah, they do.

The entire Ultima series would like to have a word with you.



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I'M the biggest Ricky Martin fan. I would DIE for Ricky Martin

I don't see you dying

Sure, but something "aging" is just a shitty way of describing what's actually happening when people say this: tastes evolve as technological mediums improve and older games lose impact, relevancy, novelty, etc.

he still looks like shit, almost reaching vito's levels


Is it possible for a man to develop fetal alcohol syndrome later in life?


The entire cast of Jackass have either been drug addicts or addicted to alcohol. Everyone else in 2019 is clean except Bam... even fucking Steve-O and steve-o has done every single drug under the sun so that's pretty goddamn amazing. Bam is the reason there's no jackass 4. I think Steve-O recently talked about Knoxxville not wanting to do it but that's only because of Bam himself.

Bam ruined his sirius radio career by showing everyday high as fuck but then again so did all his co-hosts most of the time which is a shame because it was one of the best talk shows on sirius if you were a fan of skateboarding, punk rock, or the jackass crew in general.

He lost his first good wife who actually gave a fuck about him and all his old friends and then went to iceland or something and made this completely unfunny music video:

He thought this would be his next big thing but of course it wasn't. At least you get to see his girlfriends ass in it though.

It's not right to blame Ryan for his downfall. Yeah it fucked him up, it fucked a lot of the jackass crew up but Bam did all of this to himself. He was crashing way before Ryan died with the drugs.

That's howard sterns old co-host who had such a bad drug problem his nosed collapsed on its self. Keep in mind howard begged him to come back, get off drugs, and offered him a full time job over and over again but he would have rather to do this to himself.

I agree
It's we who age badly

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Games don't age. You do.

I still don't understand how coke does this.

It's snorted, nothing is meant to go up your nose.

His however, is like the worst it can get.

what will he do next