Can I get definitive proof that Epic games is a botnet or have any relation to chinese malware?

Can I get definitive proof that Epic games is a botnet or have any relation to chinese malware?

I've checked those images and ((that)) webm, and Steam and discord do the exact same background processes.

Was there actually any proof of any actual chinese malware?

Attached: 1200px-Epic_Games_logo.svg.png (1200x1393, 51K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Hahahhaa you've reached the bargaining stage

Fuck off Xiao Ling

You can just google one of the many articles about it, look up the ones of valve not being happy about it getting info from steam.

>Steam and Discord do the same exact background processes
They literally don't faggot.

Chang, why did you ignore the baby in the middle of the road?

If you cant prove it's not malware AND the Chinese have a stake, you assume the worst.
Tianamen square freedom democracy multi party system

No, you can't. Just trust us though... It's bad..... Steam is the only store that should exist, a single penny spent on this supposed storefront is a V-Buck given to Zoomers.

Attached: 1554022706578.png (800x600, 144K)

>complains about draconian steam
>makes an even worst one

Epic shills need the rope

Attached: ....webm (1259x992, 1.85M)

>Can I get definitive proof that Epic games is a botnet or have any relation to chinese malware?
There is no proof, because it isn't.
This thread will archive with hundreds of replies of faggots without a single fucking fact to back up anything they say.
Yea Forums is literally resorting to tranny tier posting about their feels rather than facts.


They do.

Attached: IMG_20190403_092318.png (1015x173, 42K)

Go home Tim, your buglords are waiting for you.

Attached: metro exodus.jpg (580x334, 35K)

He asked for proof, not babies first process monitor.

Fuck Yea Forums is embarrassing, you faggots don't even understand the shit you're spewing.

Nice fake lmao

Fuck off Chen

Lying through your teeth must be second nature by now for you.

Attached: 1553897065738.jpg (1095x1115, 842K)

>steamdrones sperg out instantly once confronted with the ugly truth about their "friend"

Attached: even the bugs laugh at you.jpg (400x217, 9K)

Why are Steam Fags so afraid of facts?

>Tim totally doesn't take orders from Tencent
>"Yeah lmao Tencent practically gave me advise on how to run the company"
Fuck Chinks and fuck Chink slaves.

Attached: 1554221026526.png (913x834, 736K)

You're the one that lied champ, I merely called you out on it.

Go on though, rev up that chink pasta though, that always lends your arguments credence.

They're scared that their libraries lose their value once the rest catches up to them and exposes Steam for the botnet it really is.

This has to be a troll.
>Show proof
>Fuck off, you chink!
>Wow, why are steam cucks so afraid of "facts"?

I'm so fucking sink of Chinks shitting up Steam, Valve needs to do something about them.

Attached: CHINGCHONG.png (663x857, 49K)

Just play another game user.

This has to be a troll.
>Show proof
>Fuck off, you chink!
>Wow, why are steam cucks so afraid of "facts"?

Your bot is broken, as is your logic and inability to follow a discussion.

>Your bot is broken
The only bot here is you, Chang.

>He really just crossed over the great firewall
kek, thanks for the laugh, Wei Long.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-04-03 v - Can I get definitive proof that Epic games is a bo - Video Games - 4chan.p (406x48, 2K)

Show some actual video evidence like the webm.
This shit is too fucking easy to photoshop

Attached: 1549559124813.png (502x563, 229K)

>start a legit EGS thread
>seething ledditors start spamming china hate
>implying anyone here is Chinese or give a fuck about China

How dumb are you really? And be honest for once.

Attached: why is it trying to access DLLs in the directories of some of my applications.png (1366x728, 212K)

Jesus christ. Thats all I wanted to see. Thanks user.

lol you guys are so triggered. all you have to do is install a launcher. you don't have to pay $300 for a console just to play a single game. stop comparing this to console exclusives and learn to deal with it. steam shouldn't have this much power anyway.

None of that is proof user.


I didn't know steam installs epic launcher on your computer

>It's not proof because I said so
That's a pretty Chinese thing to say there, Xaio

>VAC Discussion
>It's all Chinese

Attached: 1544550594631.gif (800x430, 564K)

Prove that's it proof. Oh wait, you can't, because if it was Epic would be in violation of US law and would have been shut down.
Checkmate atheist.

Stop ignoring the people with an actual argument just so you can easily BTFO the idiots whining about exclusives. EGS is objectively worse than Steam as far as user experience.

>Prove that's it proof. Oh wait, you can't, because if it was Epic would be in violation of US law and would have been shut down.
No they wouldn't, companies do this all the time, just look at some of the shady shit that google gets away with

I can play my EGS games without Epic Launcher running or even installed, I can't do that with Steam.

Epic: 1
Steam: 0

Anyone complaining about privacy or being spied on is full retard. Anyone using a smartphone is being data harvested 1000x more than a games launcher would do.

Fake and gay.

Yeah it is. Not our fault that you're too dumb to understand it.

Attached: IE cookies.png (1366x728, 206K)

That doesn't even make sense.

>Steam logo badly photoshopped with pixels cut off
>If image were real, it would imply Steam creates the EpicGamesLauncher.exe
Imagine being this retarded.

Oh, you mean all that shady shit that fucking no one, your hypocritical ass included, actually gives a shit about?

I mean right up until you need it as ammunition to push your own little narrative based on your own personal prejudices, then it's something you totally care about.

Fucking pathetic little faggot, look at yourself, no one takes you seriously because you don't even take yourself seriously.

"I can't understand this" is not the same as "That's not proof"
You'd be better served by listening to people that actually know what they're talking about if you're not smart enough to understand it yourself

Come on user, even you can't be that stupid.

You only need the Epic Launcher to download your games, not play them.

>because if it was Epic would be in violation of US law and would have been shut down
You're a good go... "friend". Don't listen to the others. Something like this would never ever be possible and everyone who says otherwise is fake news.

Attached: 124010.png (512x512, 3K)

Good advice, take it, and stop spreading around literal nothing webms of process monitor like they're something.

Yes, you can. If you use your tiny head and buy games that don't use steamworks.

>Oh, you mean all that shady shit that fucking no one, your hypocritical ass included, actually gives a shit about?
If you don't care about your privacy, can I please have your credit card, social security #, phone #, personal address, banking credentials and date of birth?

So are any of you faggots going to explain what is means or are you going off of what some turd on Reddit told you?

>which is what happens
So this is how a brain melting down looks like.

Attached: 729.gif (340x340, 137K)

Yeah, let's completely ignore the "NAME NOT FOUND" result, almost as if the "CreateFile" operation is more of a fileread and it simply looks if known malware exists.

The "CreateFile" operation doesn't create files, it's the name for the operation when a program opens a file.

>Still no proof
Imagine my shock.
Of course they're not going to explain it, first of all I doubt anyone in this thread even understands it, secondly there's absolutely nothing out of the ordinary or malicious there.

Lying, cheatin, scamming and stealing are virtues by sign of intelligence according to many Chinese, particularly those born before the gaming era in china. I have chinese student in my med school class who have been suspended for plagiarism and they literally could not understand why that was a bad thing. I was told it has to do with caligraphy and how that has formed their culture into one of mastering anothers' style before improving on it yourself

>he still doesn't understand it
Whatever mate, keep on living in your little dream world where everything is fine and dandy.

Attached: ron-swanson-head-shake-gif.gif (220x146, 100K)


Picture is Epic launcher going through someones Internet Explorer cookies

It's a list of files the executable is interacting with, a lot of which is related to your steam metadata, which that program has no reason to access. This has been explained several times.

>proof was posted multiple times
Keep going retard. I've always wanted to see a chink break because he can't comprehend simple logic.

Show me a single article written by a renown security firm delving into the Epic Launchers processes.

I'll wait.

>let's completely ignore the "NAME NOT FOUND" result
The fuck you reading dipshit. Did you respond to the wrong posts or is the chink bot sperging out again?

>There is no proof, because it isn't.
>This thread will archive with hundreds of replies of faggots without a single fucking fact to back up anything they say.
It's all coming true.

>This has been explained several times.

>implying chinks still care
They just keep on spaming and deniy it until everyone gets too sick to listen to it. It's in every fucking thread and no matter how often you post and explain it it always gets derailed with the same fuckiung posts. ofc with nothing to back it up since that would be impossible.

>2 second search of what Fiddler is and its involvement with the Epic Games Store
>2 second search of Epic Games Store licking what data it can from where it shouldn't be looking (eg Steam user data)
Either way, I'm well aware it's bait. Just pointing this out for those passing by.
Don't bother replying. If you have a point to make, prove it. Dassit.

Show me a statement from Donald Trump saying Epic Launcher is not Chinese spyware

I'll wait

>There is no proof, because it isn't.
>This thread will archive with hundreds of replies of faggots without a single fucking fact to back up anything they say
>it's already been posted multiple time in this one lalone
>let alone all the other already archived threads
Every fucking time the same shit with you retards.

>They just keep on spaming and deniy it until everyone gets too sick to listen to it.
That's fine, I got nothing better to do today than yell at asians

Are you stupid, blind or what? Why would Epic be controlling Steam userdata?

Nice strawman user, now show me a single article written by a renown security firm delving into the Epic Launchers processes.

You do have articles to back up your claims, don't you? I mean you aren't just basing your claims on fabrication and fallacy? You'd have to be pretty silly to do that. You're not silly, are you?

>articles are proof

Attached: 1508724173483.jpg (400x315, 47K)

>literally making their own copy of localconfig.vdf Steam file
>XORing it with FF
>Tim calls it encryption
By noww fucking everyone who does care knows about your bullshit and avoids it like the fucking plague. Have fun paying out of your ass for the exclusives that nobody will buy.

There isn't any proof. Instead of spinning that bullshit just mention all the features it lacks compare to steam.

How many cents do you earn by doing this? I really need an explanation because this is even worse than click farms.

>There isn't any proof
>this thread alone has three posts with proof
Boldfaced lying must really be the insects second nature.

40% of Epic Games' shares are owned by Tencent.

One of the board of directors at Epic Games is a Tencent employee. Rumor is there's a second.

>Tencent dominance of the Chinese market comes from its control of content discovery, user acquisition and distribution

Why is this important? Tim Sweeney went on record saying he "takes no orders from Tencent." This is a facetious lie. 40% ownership of a company puts Tencent in a position of power to completely liquidate their assets and bring Epic Games to its knees if they wanted to. Tencent also has complete control of video game distribution in the Chinese market, only playing second to the Chinese government itself. This means that for Epic to have its games released in the largest market on the planet, they must adhere to the demands of Tencent's directors that have been planted at the top of Epic.

Also, the owner of Steam Spy is Sergey Galyonkin, who is also Epic Games' Head of Publishing in Eastern Europe.

Let's also not forget that the Epic Games Store has been caught scanning every facet of your PC, including Steam information. Pic related.

Tencent is no different from Huawei, a company backed by the Chinese government to dominate the western market it exists within, giving it complete and uncontested access to the private information of billions.

Attached: 1554297702486.png (960x720, 727K)

Here's proof from a trusted source

Attached: Untitled.png (897x680, 14K)

>Steam logo badly photoshopped with pixels cut off

That's how it normally looks in Process Monitor like you braindead retard.

>the tos literally says they are allowed to spy on you and send data to Tencent
>Tencent the company that works with th Chinese government to spy on their own people
>not spyware
damn you really wanna play BL3 that bad, dont you?

>Of course they're not going to explain it
From what I've researched it seems like it is creating a database of gaymur trends to see what games they should purchase for the store. Kinda sketchy, DESU, but no viruses or jackshit has been on my PC. Valve also takes data for the same reason though I haven't found anything in terms of whether or not they use website like Origin or EGL.

All in all, don't care. Will buy games on EGL if something I'm interested in comes out

>I haven't found anything in terms if the go through other launchers like Origin or EGL*

Fuck off Chang, steam.exe with location to Epic launcher

>articles are proof
That's why it's important to consider the people writing the articles, anons posting webms and making claims aren't important, or even relevant to the discussion, they're nobodies.

Post the TOS, i've seen nothing of the sort. Looks like you're making up shit again.

Fuck you guys just lie endlessly to push your own little narratives don't you, one might almost mistake you for Chinks.

>proof is not relevant

didn't these Chinese cunts release a bunch of david cage crap on pc
where are my fuckin pirated copies on the interwebs?

The proof isn't relevant if the sources aren't credible, and you're faggot ass is the least credible source around on anything other than hot pockets.

>unless you have this certain degree or position you can't post proof

Not out yet, keep your eye on crackwatch

Welcome to the real world kid, I know it must be hard for an internet crusader like you to understand, but just because you screech something online at the top of your lungs, doesn't make it fact.

>He actually thinks that companies don't break the law all the time

>and you're faggot ass is the least credible source around on anything other than hot pockets.
Actually made me lol

So you are saying people are faking process monitoring just to say the launcher is scanning your files?
Why don't you try it yourself and see if your results match?

they're owned by china

they're automatically shit tier

Glad to oblige.
And of course they do, I literally said as much, but i'm still waiting for proof of Epic doing anything malicious, illegal or anything more than run of the mill analytics that literally fucking everyone has been doing for the better part of a decade now.

This is basically a summary of everything Ebin Memes is doing on your PC

Attached: Ebin.png (1914x4402, 1.91M)

I'm saying what the process monitors are showing isn't anything weird or unusual and certainly not malicious.

Fucking Discord is way fucking worse, and Steam sniffs out a whole lot more than Epic.

>install and set up Fiddler
>enable SSL decryption
>remove certs afterwards
>start up Epic Store
>can instantly watch the packets flow all the way to Tim Sweeney's gaping datacenters
We went trough all this shit ~1 month ago, Epic copying files they have no need for and sending them out, yet here you fagtards are, somehow still trying to defend that shit almost as if your braincapacity is below that of a fucking ant.

LITERALLY based off of a reddit post that was thrashed by people who knew what they were talking about lmao

Attached: 1542056741927.png (509x546, 335K)

>Discord is way fucking worse
Suprisingly also owned by chinks

>Steam sniffs out a whole lot more than Epic
Prove it

So why is it opening dlls of applications that have nothing to do with vidya, like fiddler?

>and Steam sniffs out a whole lot more than Epic
>and yet no proof of that was every provided since this shit started last year
You should also change your spacing Chang, you're the retard from the anno thread earlier today who already lost it back then.

Attached: 1552843711538.webm (960x960, 2.93M)

>I know it must be hard for an internet crusader like you to understand

Y-yeah, they were so BTFO that Tim, our lord and saviour himself, had to come out of his moneyhole and get btfo when he couldn't give one fucking concrete answer as to why Epic is copying and sending out steam data.

sauce on this? would like to see this thread

You didn't disprove his claim. Sweeney can't do jack shit against Tencent, he already capitulated on his newer tweets. You sound like a SNOY who can't form a basic high school grade counter argument.

>add epic games launcher as non-steam game
>launch steam and run debug thingy
>hurr durr steam is scanning epic games.exe

That's Fiddler injecting it's own DLL
also preemptively posting this

Attached: I don't know how to use process monitor.png (1914x4402, 883K)

>OP asks for proof
>Still no proof
>Just a bunch of sperging steam fags

>ngl I learned a lot about how the Windows API works over the past few days.

>OP asks for proof
>gets it multiple times with explenations
chinkshills sperg out even harder then usually about it

Attached: 1554144967263.png (1920x1080, 3.57M)

>Steam and discord do the exact same background processes.
proof it
show me where steam scans for other launchers

There is no proof, all of it's been debunked.
Or any of the other threads on the topic.

>steamshills post """"proof"""" that is just misinformation and lies
>claim victory over imaginary chinese boogeyman

>more like niggernet exploder

Attached: 8768.png (586x645, 597K)

>if I block out the important parts I'm right
Yeah, that's true.

China could cease to exist tomorrow and the world would celebrate and make it a holiday. The ONLY thing of value we would lose is a shithole country to mass produce shit for the west.

>40% > 60%

It's a correction of

>literally censoring a image
you have no power here Winnie

And yet not once was it proven to be wrong, especially since everyone can simply test it out themselves. And of course the calssical "steam does it too and worse" without any proof to back it up. Alsmot as if there isn't any and it's a very desperatre attempt of some interns to damage control in the worst way possible.

So it sounds like Steam/Valve are a bunch of lazy cunts (again) for not properly encrypting their files and Epic seized the opportunity while they could.

God it's amazing how badly Steam fags have fucked up their anti-epic efforts with their childish shit.

It's more that they tought that others will paly ball and not lok

Except it was? There's been an image and a reddit post in this thread that shows the people making these process monitor claims are bullshitting

>still damage controlling your shit thread

not look into the personel files of pc users, violating EU laws in the process. Yet here we are, with Epic doing exactly that.

sperging out random words you don't even understand doesn't make it right either

I mean, if you keep ignoring the them of course it won't

It's been a great thread, it's drawn all of you steam faggots out of the woodwork and exposed you for the lying sacks of chinkoid like shit you are.

Yeah, by censoring half the image. Golly goo, who would've tought that they end up in the right then. Fucking hell use your brain for once insect and don't make it that easy to laugh at you.

okay, coldsteel

>sperging out random words you don't even understand doesn't make it right either

Attached: irony.gif (320x180, 1.32M)

The grief Epic brings steam drones is..epic

*Blocks your path*

Attached: 56601071_1246050205550627_5767973811026657280_n.jpg (470x960, 74K)

>censoring the image
Oh yeah it totally censorship to erase things that aren't relevant to the point you are making. Oh by the way, the original image is still there if you want to look at it, so it's not censorship

>his own link shows him that the spying is real
You fucks really, and I mean it , should start to read what you post. So far you've only kicked yourself in your balls time and time again.

This post matters the most, Epic has absolutely no actual reason to install it.

Where does it say that?

If you say "it looks at DLLs" I'm going to fucking throttle you

>>uh programs do this all the time
>>well OK this one is true but trust us it's fine
amazing debunk

That post would matter if 90% of the steam features weren't garbage and if it was actually honest and accurate about the Epic features, which it isn't.
So no, that post is worthless.

I mean fuck, half of Steams "features" should be under a cancer column.

Finally, I was searching for that picture for a month.
Thanks user.

Attached: this kills the steam drone.png (850x1060, 1.01M)

>This shit is too fucking easy to photoshop
I could do this in Paint

I don't give a fuck about the launcher. Does it being worse affect the game I play? In what ways?

If you don't care about the launcher why do you care about whether or not people want to use it?

>steam looks throught his own files
>egs looks throught steam files and copies them because...?

>affect the game
Every launcher and drm can affect the game.
Look at Resident Evil 2 steam forums, people buy licensed copies but play pirated versios because they are faster.

I remember Fortnite having problems with connection with the friendlist, not sure if they fixed it now. That might affect some join-in games. Then again Steam's friendlist recently got some hickups as well for me.

Pretty much in the very first response in the thread. Which you'd knew if you would open and read it. But keep on going, Darwin will take care of retards like you down the road anyway.

Attached: 1552779772660.gif (360x201, 499K)

>Steam looks through Discords files and copies them because....?
>Steam looks through your browsers files and copies them because.....?

then download it, what are you waiting for ? no one care what you do with your datas

>making up shit because....?

>no such proofs of this
I see chinks are losing it again. Lmao

it's not the epic shills' fault they are retarded


Attached: hk02Dxw[1].png (1920x1040, 243K)

No really user, if you have Steam installed and Process Monitor (I mean you do, don't you?) go and check for yourself if you don't believe me.

Steam sniffs around lots of shit.

Attached: Steam.png (623x315, 82K)

tiananmen square of 1989

Attached: c94eed56a5e84479a2939c9172434567c0147d4f.jpg (600x600, 48K)

wtf why is Steam scanning my Nvidia logs

Attached: wtf.png (619x23, 5K)

>enable Two-factor
>it doesn't actually have them
kek what an EPIC fail

It's pretty amazing that steam fags can't even get their lies straight.

Attached: Screen-Shot-2018-11-21-at-4.44.41-pm-min-658x381.jpg (658x381, 50K)


>achievements = good

Attached: regional prices.jpg (1242x976, 199K)

>achievements were introducced to track players
>this is good but Epic doing fucking nothing is bad because plebbitors don't know shit about what they write
I hope I'll never understadn the mind of a drone.

Durr i dont use them so BAAAAAAAAD

Attached: oogaboogaaa.jpg (800x450, 41K)

>steam provides boatloads of features
>the "lightweight" epic store with less features still needs more memory to run
I never knew how ressource-intensive spying was.

Attached: 32.png (1127x955, 149K)

Not really other than anons going "FREE TIBET" over and over in the middle of Yea Forums.

Also gonna point out, Steam hasn't done anything to really fight Epic.


Zoomer tier trash.

That image is wrong, I have both Steam and Epic running right now, both idle, and Steam is running a fuck load more processes using up way more memory.

I'll wait for you to read your own chart outside of the giant numbers on the right and realize you're a moron.

The fuck is that

>he can't afford a good harddrive
That shit is completely irrelevant


Attached: images (3).png (235x215, 7K)

Any you know it wasn’t relevant how? And why can’t people come to that conclusion on their own? It just looks suspicious.

Imagine getting this angry over people having differing opinions.

Struggle out in the real world don't ya champ.

So now they're opinions? Maybe next time don't present your "opinions" as facts and then you might not need to backpedal so much.

Attached: 1554296904246.png (251x254, 114K)

any people who knows their shit knows that it isn't relevant. see

I'm not sure what you see wrong with it, user

Why is it so fucking hard to get a definitive answer about this? Either it is tracking and stealing data or it isn't.

>So now they're opinions?
When were they not? Do I seriously need to define what an opinion is for you? Or are you a big boy capable of googling shit for yourself?

holy fucking shit. 0/10 chinkroach, better luck next time.

Attached: 1554307733372.gif (209x180, 1.18M)

It isn't.

>I've checked the proof and the other botnets do the same so it doesn't count
fucking retard

Attached: 1554019094711.jpg (660x660, 72K)

that's fine and dandy, but how come steam doesn't do it? sounds like a lot of excuses but if it was correct nearly all programs would how similar behavior

>still throwing names around like a preschool playground
Also, next time use "in my opinion" beforehand. You know full well that it wasnt specified, but Im sure youll keep jamming that square peg in the round hole

Steam does do it, and all programs of a similar nature do exactly the same shit.

I checked, it doesn't. feel free to prove me wrong with a webm.

because Gabe doesn't care either you're using a maphack or an aimbot (eng subs)

false and gay.

My apologies, I assumed you had at the very least a basic grasp of the English language and didn't need to be treated like an absolute fucking child with every little nuance of the language spelled out for you. I guess I was wrong.

Explain to me how I could infer that from the words you used.

Protip: You literally fucking cant

haha dude its just video games lmao why the tribalism haha

Sorry user, i'm not qualified to teach non-native speakers English.

Ok i see it. Now why does epic launcher do it?

Why does Epic Launcher do what?

>avoiding the question
Ahh retards as allways

Yes, how fucking DARE Steam check Steam files to run...

Attached: 123908756.jpg (1224x1445, 247K)

Because stuff like "chang wants to gobble your data like a stray dog" isn't relevant to the point being made that the image in is wrong?

No, it was a legitimate question. You need to be more specific, because Epic doesn't sniff around Discord, and the only sniffing Epic does do of other launchers is if if you set it to sync with your friends lists etc

So again, why does Epic Launcher do what?

can anybody explain this webm to a brainlet such as i

what program is that
task manager doesnt show that much for me

Everyone who thinks EGS is a botnet is a genuine, 100% certified retard.

It's always been a case of Valve-drones that are loyal to their DRM. They can't stand competition for Steam, so they rant and rave about Epic Games being a Chinese botnet

The 60% would be split up among other investors. Unless there's someone with a 41% stake or higher Tencent has the majority of shares of any one group.

>avoid the main question
Like i said. Retards

What main question user? All of them have been answered in this very thread.

If you haven't read the thread, cool, you're a lazy faggot, i'd expect no less, but ask a specific question and i'll answer it.

Or would you rather continue not asking an actual question out of fear that someone will prove you wrong?

>debunked by /g/
>"s-still proof, see reddit says so!! tiananmen square etc etc"

>still not answering the question.
Pathetic already my man. Read the thread. The question is there

Steam fanboys just got their hands on this new shiny tool called process monitor and think it is the be-all end-all of reverse engineering. So they have made misleading webms to try and paint epic games store as spyware using process monitor
don't tell them about the rest of the sysinternals suite, based on their knowledge of process monitor they might break their computers trying to use the other tools

>imply one other group owns 60% and that isn't split up between smaller investors
Absolute fucking brainlet. What does largest shareholder mean? How do you operate in the real world?

>Tencent owns almost half of Epic (40%)
>Tencent is known to be in full cooperation with the chinese government
>chinese government is a communist state who doesn't hide any of their surveillance.

>buuuut muh proof?

Attached: 2Woke.png (452x276, 163K)

I don't really care about whether it's a botnet or not. Their practices have already left enough of a bad taste in my mouth. I won't use the Epic Launcher until all physical games, steam, gog and origin shut down, or Epic invents a new service (not related to the games themselves) that I haven't seen before and now can't imagine living without. Of course, I very much doubt either of those things will happen.

This thread has shown that you cannot trust steamfags.

You literally didn't provide any proof.

Unironically this, steamfags are a bigger hivemind of lying sacks of shit than Chinks could ever hope to be.

Not a free thinking educated brain among them.

>when most fags only have a couple of pics, some answer from reddit and aks for retarded shit to consider the proff

>but which chinese botnet?

There's more then enopugh of it in the thread anyway.

You either need more english classes, Chang, or a working brain.

It is.

It's not.

>some chink actually went through the trouble of photoshopping this to feel better about himself for a few minutes

It is.

egs runs like shit and doesn't have any features lmao

until it gets those it's not going to see people happily using it
doesn't matter if the games are cheaper if the client is still godawful

kill yourselves samefagging shills
fuck off

Attached: 58069f09c36188b21e8b457d.jpg (790x444, 48K)

>epic has no features
um, sweety, it took steam YEARS to get the features it has.

Attached: file.png (1510x762, 609K)

Roadmap doesn't make the features magically appear on the store right now.
Also consider the first and most simple thing to implement to any online store is more than 6 months away.

Attached: insect-b-gone.png (1400x586, 692K)

Good deflect man. Just accept defeat.

Attached: blistwske8421.png (685x408, 495K)

>click 'Add a non-steam game to my library'
>wtf why is it scanning for me .exe files

>There is no proof, because it isn't.
>This thread will archive with hundreds of replies of faggots without a single fucking fact to back up anything they say.
236 replies later, no proof, hundreds of replies.
Like a damn fiddle.

No Steam actually does do that shit on it's own, Discord does it with everything as well.

They're like dogs, can't help but bury their noses in everyone's asses.

pic or gtfo