At what point will people just switch over to Epic?
At what point will people just switch over to Epic?
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The answer is never, you shill cuck.
I might if they get an exclusive I actually want to play
I already downloaded it once for shadow complex
I then got 3 attempts of chinks trying to brute force my account. So i tried to delete it. Which took epic a fucking month to approve so, all the while more chinks kept trying to get my accouny
So never again. I can wait six months for the GOTY edition or just pirate
If Steamcucks were really mad they would start posting how to pirate.
Well if it's going to be timed exclusives, I know I won't be any time soon. I almost never buy games at release and treat this more as early access/beta where they'll patch the game and maybe release a DLC or two. Then I might buy it through Steam when it gets release, or just wait longer for a sale while I go through my backlog.
I'd switch back to piracy rather than epic
I always wait a year for 50% sale on GOTY / complete edition game which was already patched.
Does /v remember the disaster which was called dark souls 2 where you had to buy the game twice to get the DLC? I evaded that simply by waiting for complete edition :-)
When it improves its security and has sales. Even fucking Origin is more secured then this shit.
Wait, was it officially announced?
Their website still says Steam.
, I can understand a smaller dev and their publisher going for epic’s deals but how come a big shot like Take 2 needs to make deals with epic when you’d think all they’d want is as much access to everything around as possible?
>6 months
>implying it's gonna be good before they release 10 expansions
Smell you guys in another 5 years.
This post happens to be the best post, its also the first.
>switch over
What is that even mean?
Wow, so I get to skip the DLC and get it in a $60 collection? Thanks, Epic.
Portal 3
L4D 3
Those games need to be on Epic.
piracy > steam > epic
this, better buy the game on my ps4 or pirate it if is good.
This keeps happening to me no matter how much i change my password. This has never happened with my 8 years with Steam.
I get more emails about attempted security breaches from my epic games account more then anything.
Can someone please elaborate clearly and concisely what exactly is wrong with EGS? I see literally no issue with it and it just sounds like the people crying are just a bunch of Valve shills screaming about it because it is something that is directly competing with Steam. Isn't competition good for consumers?
I kept getting emails about being people trying to hack my account. Which is weird because I never made an Epic Account. So some rando probably stole my email address to sign up which has happened before. I’ve emailed legitimate companies and they’ve closed the accounts before.
But anyway I tried to send them an email about this through their support page and got a bounce back error. Marked their shit as spam and blocked their email.
When Epic offers a better service than Steam. At this pace never.
Maybe a decade. That's how long the last major botnet (W10) took.
get a load of this faggot, guys
enjoy that bitcoin miner friend
how to spot the chink shills
how is it competition when epic wont let the game be sold anywhere else but the epic game store
twitter posts need to be autobanned
Competition would be Epic making their own exclusives not just buying whatever's popular.
I think you mean at what point will people just switch over to pirating games again lolbmao
>i haven't pirated in years
anyone know if it'll be possible to play a pirated copy with legit buyers? All my friends are gonna buy it on the epic store cause they're retarded and don't fear the chinkroach spyware.
I can 6 months. Borderlands is garbo and has godawful writing anyway.
There is more than enough material in any webpages discussing the EGS for you to search. Personally I used it to buy Metro Exodus, got hacked and lost 500 bucks to an asshole on fortnite. Never even touching the thing again.
>Big tits
Human female bodies don't work like that. The tits are the first to go when they get fit.
>In a looter shooter game
You think the writing is what makes Borderlands popular?
Literally a god damn new fag, the reddit spacing does not help your case tranny.
This is good actually, because this means it isn't using steamworks so you don't have to use spacewar or anything to play online pirated.
>he thinks he is smart when chink companies and many other companies in the world already have his data via, google, facebook, twitter, etc etc or even from people he is friends with.
not saying that taking precautions isnt good, but to think that doing this particular thing will stop them from having your info when your info is already available through a pletora of other platforms just seems naive.
I have pirated more games in the last 3 months than the last decade combined. Epic has reminded me how nice it is to try games for free.
when they actually make a better store with better services like they should have done from the start without pissing off thousands of potential users by holding games hostage. They've really fucked themselves.
I don't have stockholm syndrome with a DRM, so I'll just buy it on the Epic Store.
not that user but some dude bro shooters are more enjoyable when i don't have to mute the ingame audio and play music while i grind. it's not the major selling point but some effort is always nice.
They won't.
GoG > Piracy > Steam > Epic
I'll pay them for a good service, I don't want to pay them for a deliberately worse service than piracy
You hit the nail on the head
It's the same reason I never fully switched to origin, even though origin had some games I wanted I would never buy anything directly from origin and I would sometimes have origin closed for weeks and months at a time because origin just wasn't as good as steam. Epic starts off FAR worse than origin so I won't install their launch until they fix that and until tim sweeney stops being retarded also I'm not convinced epic store is anything more than a tool for tencent and china to get their claws further into another industry.
Have you played the other borderlands games? The first game was nothing but an endless stream of outdated memes.
Well I won't, so that's all that matters to me.
They're disrupting the market ENTIRELY at the consumer's expense, of course consumers are going to be upset.
Nobody wants a DRM launcher, and they're now trying to force us to adopt another without even pretending to have any real benefits.
most people don't care so you whine all you want but you lost
EGS is worse than steam, uplay, origin, bnet and GOG, all they have going for them are exclusives.
Epic pays for exclusives but they have no had in financing development of games, it's not like when sony or nintendo actually pay devs to make a game, epic pays devs/publishers to not release a game anywhere else
Epic claims to be developer focuses but devs generally have no say in if their game ends up on EGS, if someone like Take Two (The Outer Worlds and BL3 are ultimately published by them) says your game is going on EGS that's where it's going and devs don't get any of that exclusivity money.
>giving Randy Bobandy any money at all
Might as well donate to Cliffy B while you're at it
>thinking I use google, facebook, twitter, etc. etc.
I don't use them either. I don't use or want anyone, american or otherwise, having my info without my explicit permission and I have to understand what my information is being used for and why. I'm definetly not giving any info to the fucking chinkroachs or downloading their literla spyware of EPS that crawls around your machine in the background and gathers up all sorts of shit. Also if you're not gonna answer my question then fuck off.
>competition good for consumers?
competition is, fucking monopoly isn't. EGS doesn't even have a authenticator even after people fucking complained about their account getting hacked/stolen.
What is the obsession with trying to convince people to use EGS if you're not a shill?
Epic is not benefiting consumers at all, user.c Arguably they are benefiting publishers/devs, which is not the consumer. Epic pays for exclusivity, epic makes deals paying for a certain amount of guaranteed sales, and epic gives a bigger cut. Consumers get nada.
EGS is the most bare bones shit ever, it's like they got a team of people who thought 'steam is bloated as fuck with features, lets not use literally anything steam has to offer, not even a search function' and that's how we got EGS.
Next time you take a hostage it would be better if you didn't pick the two-bit, negro crackhead.
Never for me. I made an account when it was announced but now I don't care about it anymore since the only thing it brings to the table is console wars for pc.
there is no real competition for customers in this industry. when the game is 60 everywhere is down to personal preference or addional service. what you witness right now though, is competition for publishers, and lets be honest, none of them gives a shit about the customers
>implying handsome jack garbage isn't want made the game popular with its reddit tier audience
The game play was even worse
Nothing makes it popular anymore I'd think. Borderlands 1 had novelty, but once that wore off you were left with a rather shit game. I pre-ordered borderlands 2 back in the day on borderlands 1 nostalgia train, it's still to this day the only game purchase I deeply regret.
2019 will be the year of Piracy, to the torrents beyond!
And i totally agree on that one. I wouldn't call it afraid, but im really concerned about more and more publishers moving to this shitfest of a launcher because i don't really feel comfortable using it. But in the end i guess it's just time to set sail again.
Faggot cuck
It sure as fuck wasn't the gameplay
this shit costs $20 for me but I won't buy it, at this point I can't of a single game that would make me dl the EGS
>Isn't competition good for consumers?
someone have the "competition/monopoly" comparison between the metro games?
>new EGS """exclusive"""" announced
>copy&pasted shill threads and "haha steamdrones" threads clutter half of Yea Forums
>all the shills pushing the same exact shit, every time
This week it´s "LOL it´s just an installer bro and it´s totally free don´t treat it like a console, a console costs money haha faggot"
It´s so fucking bad that it almost seems like some kind of reverse-psychology plot to make us hate Epic even more than we already do
i'm 100% ok with this, since i'll wait for the goty edition and i'll play 1 remastered and tftb meanwhile.
i hope they'll use those fortnite money to make better dlcs
post yfw you'll never install EGS on your PC
ror2 is the first time I've ever even played a pc game in ages
i hate that steam changed how their nickname system works, it was literally perfect before and now it's fucked up
time exclusives LOL
god you steam shills are pathetic. epic won. it’s over.
user this will be a games as a service model so the DLC will be free. there’s no GOTY edition
I don't care what I use I just wanna play video game
if video game is there first I go there
>tfw I actually had Epic Game Launcher installed for UT4 but had not opened it in years
>I was reminded I had it because some chingchangs apparently hacked my account that I never used
>uninstalled that shit instantly
>wait for a year or two
>they release the version with all the DLC on steam
>buy it
>play with people who are slow to catch up with the trend
game as service means everything is a dlc, so as i said, i'll wait for the complete edition
>6 months of bug testing
>may drop in price for agressive competition (probably not)
>6 month of cumulated golden key hoarding
thanks for the superior experience chinks meat toilets
Here's a thought: what if Gearbox just released the fucking game simultaneously on both EGS and Steam, allowing the consumers to buy the game from wherever they like? Fuck's sake, this console war shit is retarded and I thought we had moved past it already.
Funny thing is, this whole Epic shitstorm completely overshadows the second outrage of their super-duper edition for 120 bucks. We are on double of that so-called stagnant video game price.
Then they won't have that extra rice by Epic
Then you would get sale numbers where would Epic got obliterated, which is exactly why they dont allow for that.
WTF why it isn't 12 months? I'm not paying premium price for a mere 6 months of early access. Fuck this scam.
the chinks wouldn't like that
this is probably the first semi-relevant game they've poached, i wonder if it'll affect anything
>6 months
Big fucking whoop, even if I gave a shit about Borderlands I always wait at least that long for AAA games anyway so they fix all the bugs.
>games as a service model
I'm starting to hate this shit honestly, it sounds good on paper but it's code for 'expect the game to be shit for a year or two while we fix the game and add shit'
it's not gearbox's decision, it's take two's decision, they're the same ones who made the outer worlds EGS exclusive
I really dont understand their endgame. What happens when the exclusivity ends and they no longer can buy developers? Their storefront is dogshit and no developer willing wants to release there without getting paid. This might have worked when there were no other options, but thats hardly the case now
>it sounds good on paper
how on earth do you think it sounds good on paper?
no, the end game is to make you pay monthly forever even if you do play anything (like television)
>Computer can't handle current gen games
>Not replacing it for a few more months
I'll still be catching up on this pathetic excuse of a console generation by the time all these exclusives hit steam anyway.
>What happens when the exclusivity ends and they no longer can buy developers?
they're hoping that what amount of people they managed to install their malware just decide to continue using it
>pirate when it comes out
>buy 6 months later on a sale with all the DLCs to replay it with steam friends
They expect their shilling to hit the consumers at heart and make people actually go against Steam for no reason by calling anyone not pro-epic "pcbros" or whatever
because they knew it will be shitfest but still went for it, greedy jews
do you have the one that compares the two metro games?
this basedboy cute
+1 Like
>take 2 being morons
oh who would have fucking guessed
at least this probably means that another gearbox game will fail horrifically, at least on one platform. maybe they'll go under.
Weird, because it was fucking dead when I watched my mate play it.
>uplay pre orders
desu it's probably T2 and not him theyve been massive cunts killing games for a quick buck left and right
They won't switch, most people will keep every launcher and buy games where it's cheaper. Epic will probably tone down the exclusive deals once they have solid consumers and finish building the store's features
my man
And again, the problem isn't using multiple launchers. The problem is the fucking piece of garbage EGS that sucks fucking ass.
based fpbp
see It has more preorders on uplay than division1 because everyone bought it on steam or basically anywhere but uplay
This. FPBP.
It is literally spyware and bloatware with a fraction of the things Steam provides.
I feel like the goal is to make people accept shitter and shitter launchers, not a single launcher that came out after steam has been as good or better, the most the accomplished is avoiding becoming bloated like steam
>Simultaneously giving money to both Randy fucking Pitchford and the chinese government
Don't do that
Will you like to pay Epic to steal and sell your personal data to 3rd party? Image what chinks will do with your personal data.
For me, never. Not helping something that encourages anticonsumer actions.
>epic shills are the sonyfags of pc
never, Epic pushes me to pirate their games more
More like Xboners.
>muh anecdotes
We don't see them much here cuz they aint got time for this BS cuz they are busy shagging your dream girls.
>is a
Fuck off retard
Fuck Tencent's botnet.
gonna pirate it again like the last three games.
Of all the things that could make me switch to Epic Borderlands is not one of them lol.
>mfw I was right and nu-Yea Forums was wrong again
and even if it was why would it make you switch? at that point I would just pirate it
Friendly reminder that Epic is Chinese spyware
>six-month wait
Yeah, no problem for me.
The fact that it's only 6 months shows that the anger is real, enough so where take two was only willing to receive half the bribe shekels
Since absolutely nothing on the Epic store has sold or any made any money, how long until Tencent either completely ousts Tim or just guts the company and walks away? There is no way they are happy with dumping millions into this only to see zero return on those investments every time. Fortnite is dying fast too.
What is fake tits user.
fpbp always.
Metro exodus did sold well if I recall, but there is going to be a point Epic is going to run out of bribe money.
Metro exodus sold like shit
could you give me a source?
It didn't. Only 2.5 million copies sold total including console and Steam. Only about 300-500K copies even sold on PC and 98% of them were Steam pre-orders, the rest were console. It's a flop and certainly didn't sell on Epic.
2.5mil sounds pretty good for a kind of niche title though
any source on the 98% thing though?
Depends how convenient it is to pirate honestly.
it sold like shit
there's a reason they didnt give any sales numbers and only said "it sold 2.5 times more than x on steam" and failed to mention that x sold like shit
Never. This is a repeat of what happened with StarForce DRM. If you don't start out on everyone's good side, you're not going to survive
Borderlands 3 being only 6 months exclusive instead of a year is no doubt a result of the hatred being put on publishers right now
>niche title
Kenshi is a niche title, Metro is a AAA game.
Maybe when they get something i give a shit about.
I got this reference.
user, it didn't even make back its budget with those sales...
nah, I will pirate that till they will be released on steam. I will pick it up at 90% sale
I'm gonna switch to Skidrow.
Thanks Epic.
FPBP, Put me in the screencap
>budget russians
are we already at that point?
what was the production cost? I didn't find anything online
in 6 months I'll have played 1, 2 the pre sequel and a bunch of other shit co-op on better services. I can and will just wait this out then buy it at full shill price on steam
These are all kike lies without actual numbers
>"the game will be constantly updated and content will be added"
>"oh did we not mention that the updates will only be to fix launch issues and bugs and that the added content will actually be stuff cut out of the main game and resold for 20 bucks? whoops!"
fucking shills they never understand.
The game flopped massively anyway. See
That cause epic offers a guaranteed number of sales which is why the preorders are so high
1989 tiananmen square
>Play hundreds of games on Steam
>Epic Store has two and they lose exclusivity before they even have a chance to drop in price
I genuinely do not understand how any PC platform is meant to overtake Steam when the latter already has so many more games available on it
Actually it's completely believable that preorders were high for The Division 2 because Ubisoft specifically said UPlay numbers, not Epic Game Store numbers. The original game probably sold like as in terms of pre-orders on UPlay because it released on Steam as well. Anybody who thinks that picture means good things for Epic's store are either intentionally misleading or an outright idiot
The pre-orders obviously weren't high since it didn't sell for shit. It's just that without Steam, the people who did buy it just did so through Uplay unlike before since they had no choice. Normally no one buys anything directly from Uplay.
If Epic's store is doing so well, why did their store guy hide the numbers for the original release of Last Light on his website after saying Exodus sold better than it on the EGS?
>Metro Exodus
>Steam: 200,000-500,000
Jesus Christ even with closing down pre-orders a day before pulling it from the store Steam numbers are probably running circles around what it sold on the Epic Game Store
They can hide it all they like, we already know the original Last Light release only sold about 1.5 million copies total and only about 20K on PC. So for them to claim it sold twice that on Epic, that means they were bragging about a maximum of 40K sales. Fucking embarassing by all metrics.
Considering that the original release of Last Light only sold 20k, the ebin version sold 50k at most. The steam version is running circles around the epic version saleswise, no doubt why the guy hid the original 2033/LL from his website, but it's pretty fucking hard to erase things from the internet
I don't get it either, in march I bought sekiro, dmc5 and risk of rain 2, in february I bought ace combat 7.
I don't plan to buy anything this month or next month but there's nothing on epic's store that makes me say 'holy fuck I want to buy this game right now'. There's no game that good, epic's store is too shitty and tim sweeney's attitude towards consumers had made it so I can't in good conscience buy a game on the epic store without feeling like I'm selling my soul to the devil.
This. If I'm going to switch the service I use itll be because I want to, not because some faggot company said to.
You're a stooge. There is a separate miner to download on the website if you want to donate. There haven't been a miner in fitgirl repacks for a while now.
The steamspy estimate was 0-20,000 which is usually what happens when they have next to no data on it. My guess is that it's a glitch because I just don't believe Metro sold fewer than 20k copies when something like Airport CEO Simulator is in the 50-100k range.
Last Light didn't sell well in general, and most of its sales were on console. The original release only sold 1.5 million copies total.
But, you still had it already.
metro last light had almost 0 marketing back then pluss its was a beraly know franchise
i mean the only reason i heard about the metro games was back then when thq was giving away metro 2033 for free on facebook before going bankrupt
You may not have noticed it, user, but that is a cartoon drawing.
I get some email about a login attempt at least once a month even though I don’t have the launcher installed and only did, briefly, for a shadow complex probably a couple of years ago now. Total scam company, they are NEVER EVER getting my money.
Your analysis of the situation is probably correct, but all the same the first week sales of Last Light were fucking abysmal because right before the original release date THQ died, nobody was sure if Last Light was even going to release, and when it did eventually release months later with a new publisher it was to zero marketing whatsoever
Can't wait to make an EGS account for 1 game.
Never because I’m not a pc cuck
Xchad here
I don't really see the long term strategy here. Even if they get people buying their exclusives, they can't continue buying exclusives indefinitely. People will buy the exclusives and then go back to Steam because that's where their entire 100+ game library is. If a game is ever released on both platforms, they'll probably buy it on steam.
I will never forget these fuckwits that pushed exclusivity deals and tried to sell it to consumers as “competition”. They will never get any money from me, not ever. I will quit gaming before I buy a single game from them.
Did Borderlands 2 have LAN support? I know the original game did and if this one does to you could just pirate and LAN tunnel to play with friends
Don't do that. The client is spyware and a bitcoin miner and they have no account security so you will get hacked and your payment information stolen.
>six months instead of a year
So theyre running out of money already?
The state of damage control right now ahhahahaha
Yeah. This model from Epic can't last long. I guess that they are running out of money and we won't see a lot of exsclusives in the future.
>randy is a thieving conman
>anthony burch is a retarded commie
>epic is a store owned by thieving commies
sounds like a perfect match. i just hope anthony burch and his sister get enslaved in the foxxcon mines by winnie the pooh or get tianaman squared
I bought a physical copy just to feel nice about myself.Then torrented the shit out of it.
>10 points were added to your social credit
More that given the popularity of Borderlands + it being a micro transactions focused game means buying exclusivity is a shit ton more expensive.
They're probably trying the 6 month exclusive approach to see if it makes people hate them less, because they're realizing that their "Fuck the consumer" attitude only works in Fortnite where they're dealing with addicted children who scream and beg their parents for more Fortnite dollars and not actual consumers.
It won't.
People like to think never, but the worst thing about epics strategy is it's 100% effective.
Prepare for the dark age of PC gaming, where you're limited to precisely two places to buy games and they're more expensive than ever to fund the exclusives arms race. I wouldn't be surprised if epic churns out a subscription service down the line because what are you gonna do? Go somewhere else for games? LMAO. My only joy is knowing that indies that shilled for epic for muh 88% are also getting fucked over.
I'm guessing Epic were desperate to have this exclusive but Randy and Take Two refused to allow it to be a year long contract. Most likely because they know exactly how poorly every exclusive has sold on there and didn't want to kill their game but still wanted free money. None of the games that took the year long deal will ever sell on Steam next year either. Everyone already pirated and by then the hype will be gone and forgotten, they missed their window. Gearbox knows this would happen to them too so they are just going to focus on console sales anyway.
>what are you gonna do? Go somewhere else for games
The high seas of course
>Both Metro and Borderlands are only timed exclusives
>Several people on PC don't buy games at full price anyway and wait for sales
How is it effective? Epic has yet to do anything.
An unlikely worst case scenario, Epic has already failed. Fortnite is dying fast and will be forgotten by summer's end. No one uses their store and none of their exclusives have sold at all. They won't be around long enough for this to happen. Steam already won without lifting a finger.
I wonder how they plan to starve Valve fanboys next year when all of this years titles release on steam.
that or epic is just running out of fortine money for the bribes or 2k/t2 asked for too much for the 1 year deal
Do people even care about borderlands? i know like two people who played the original games, is diablo with guns even fun?
The Epic store really has the most baffling marketing plan I have seen in the gaming industry lately. Do they just expect to force PC user to change to an inferior store by holding hostage games with any benefits to the users they can market to the public to make the change? I mean at least GOG offers a good alternative to Steam, but the Epic Store what offers? Their public image is that they have a shit ton of money from their Chinese overlords to force you to use their service, they don't even hide it. And it is not even a good threat if you want to support small studios that a flop could put them in bankruptcy, like Supergiant Games, because thanks to Epic money they are in the clear for a while. Then there is the issue of being spyware, I mean I don't trust Gabe but I prefer him over a megacorporation on China of all places.
I prefer to wait than let them force me to use something I don't want to.
I wonder how much Take 2 will ask when they try to get a year exclusivity of RDR2.
Launch sales usually form the majority of a games lifetime sales. If anything this timed exclusive shit is worse since publishers will be double dipping like some of them do now with arbitrarily delayed console ports.
$100 million
>getting btfo this hard after 7 minutes of an almost dead thread
Y‘arr tis be no reason to trust slanty eyed scoundrels
Ill pirate before I let some chinks steal my credit card info and datamine my ass, fuck the company that takes exclusivity deals they dont deserve my support if the only way to give it to them is by risking my finances. Never trust Tencent with anything.
RDR2 isn't ever coming to PC anyway. But Rockstar has made pretty clear they support Steam and Take Two/2K do what Rockstar wants not the other way around (because they can't afford to lose them).
It will, after the gen 9 remaster so they can get people to triple dip like with GTAV.
>budget russians
according to huw beynon (deep silver brand manager) M2033 was made by 50 people and LL by 80 people
both games were in development hell
by 2017 4A had a well over 150 employees, thats more than 2033 and LL combined, with smooth 5 years development cycle
we have no clue how much money was spent, but its evident that exodus isn't your little niche AA game anymore
Don't mind me, just getting rid of stragglers.
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>Several people on PC don't buy games at full price anyway and wait for sales
All this does is give me more of a reason to wait until the price drops to $30 or below. Steam has hundreds of games under $30 so who cares that Epic has two that are $60?
Never will fuck this faggot Fortnite enabling shithead company, And fuck the kids who dont know any better and are being brainwashed to support a shit inferior service. in years time we'll have these faggots crawling around here platform warring spewing their fucking garbage.
>rdr2 isnt ever coming to PC
Stop with this shit. the Rockstar dev tripfag in /GTAg/ said it was going to be a delayed release the hour that first trailer dropped, there are PC only graphic options in the RDR2 companion app and rockstar made a fucking bundle getting double and triple dippers. It is coming to PC.
I'd be butthurt about it not coming until 2021 if I did't find RDR1 meh. GTAV was also just alright, think I've gone off on sandboxes as I've aged.
I wont. Buying exclusivity like this is bad for the consumer and anybody that wants to participate in it isn't going to get any of my money.