At what point did you realize you were experiencing a masterpiece?

At what point did you realize you were experiencing a masterpiece?

Attached: Sekiro_SDT.jpg (1080x600, 218K)

Other urls found in this thread:

The gyoubu fight

When I fought Owl the second time

when v was shitting on it before the game was even released

When I got to Fountainhead

When spamming L1 was the safest way to defeat any boss

Translation: I haven't fought Owl or Isshin.

When I uninstalled the game and played DMC5, you know a game where the camera actually works


t. never played it

He's not wrong; the camera is nothing short of terrible. If you're blocking attacks and get backed into a corner by an enemy, the camera has a seizure and doesn't know how to behave and freaks out. Enemies can break lock on by doing any sort of move that puts a lot of distance between you or any move that has them move really fast.


Probably around 30 minutes in, when I breezed past all the piss-easy enemies, but died to the bull boss because the camera bugged into the wall and I couldn't see anything

at what point did you realize that you have no taste and think everything that gets hyped by the media is a masterpiece?
its a pretty good, even stellar game
solid 8/10

when I dropped this turd and fired up Bloodborne one more time

when i skipped general newbaori and got gangbanged by 6 people on the other side of the door

>muh high iq fromsoft experience
Imagine thinking feudal MGR is hard.

you can literally disable the camera auto-correction in the menu retard
filitered by the chained ogre

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>omg basic parries and mikiri counters are so hard guys
>t. never played an action game fromdrone
top kek.


>you can literally disable the camera auto-correction in the menu retard
Doesn't change the clipping issues

The DMC series figured this out 18 years ago
How are Fromsoft still making the same janky mistakes they did back in DeS?

Except the game punishes you for spamming L1

just admit that you're on genichiro and gave up long ago faggot.

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that's funny considering dmc5 is the worst in the series

>At what point did you realize you were experiencing a masterpiece?
Senpou Temple

When I walked into the temple area

Have sex

God Hand and NGB are the only action vidya that can actually go toe to toe with Sekiro.

Attached: Isshin Final Phase.webm (782x440, 2.94M)

When I finished it in two days. Would have been one if I wasnt so bad at the beginning

>h-how can anyone think my game is easy fromsoft is obviously the most hardcore action game experience!
top kek.

>Press X to awesome
Woah nice masterpiece fromfaggots

Attached: Sekiro™_ Shadows Die Twice_20190324173231.png (1920x1080, 2.39M)


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Sekiro is zoomer repellent.

t. stuck at chained ogre


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I knew the game was good foom the very start, after the ape i thought it was top tier but the open ended nature of the world map made the story worse. At second owl and divine dragon just realised it is a masterpiece, maybe because the bosses are kikd of underwhelming so when those fights hapened and had that epic memorable music at last i realised that is what rhe game was lacking up to that point even if divine dragon is a meme fight.

>mfw i unnistalled DMC and played Sekiro
Couldn't stand 30 minutes of that shitty game

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Which one is the true casual filter?

When I saw 剣聖

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When the first week of the game was nothing but shitposting because all the people enjoying the game were off Yea Forums playing it.

I expect the same revisionism that Bloodborne and TOH had, where Yea Forums will pretend that they ALWAYS loved Sekiro and that nobody here ever complained about the game being cheap or unfair.

At the Genichiro fight


Butterfly because she's so early in the game unless you're a retard and manage to miss the bell, and is incredibly tough to manage if you're used to the roll spam of dark souls

Attached: Lady Butterfly.webm (800x450, 2.85M)

t. dmcuck filtered

Attached: Sekiro™_ Shadows Die Twice_20190322165151.png (1920x1080, 2.85M)

Yeah, most people wouldn't think to try and keep attacking her like that if they're used to Souls games.

>h-how can anyone critique my perfect game?
brainlet fromdrones hard at work in this thread.

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When I saw Emma!

Attached: emma.jpg.png (482x610, 268K)

>Attack, deflect, jumpkick, mikiri counter
L1 spam shitty combat
>Roll, roll, roll, R1, roll, roll

How are you supposed to deflect Ashina Elites main slash? It's so fucking quick.

Honestly, I feel sorry for DMC. Gets completely overshadowed as soon as Sekiro comes out and nobody talks about it anymore, It's like the game doesn't even exist.
Sad, but understandable, because Sekiro it's a better, more polished, more complete game.

t. filtered by chained ogre

You see a white flash right before the slash, then double parry in quick succession. It's basically a parry/timing check.

Attached: ashina elite.webm (1280x720, 2.87M)

>r1 r1 dodge r1 r1
whoa, so this is the true action game experience I've been missing...

lady butterfly fight

music, art direction, ruthless difficulty


It was at that point I learnt that the enemies had all the same moves I did.

They could do the spin move which can't be blocked/parried They got a stab you got a stab. Etc/Etc. It was kinda refreshing to see that the enemies played by the same rules.

A Japanese waifu with out all the disgusting Japanese bits, is Emma GOAT?

You just do it. The fight is over in 30 seconds once you got the timing down

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When I realized the bosses couldn't handle you running around them in circles.

I'm almost finished with my second run, but the one thing I'm missing is really memorable music.

But chain ogre was easy user, you can literally stealth kill him twice because the game's so jank. Unless..
>fromdrones get stuck at mini bosses

Zainichi trash get out

I like the game, retard, but you have to be a massive Fromdrone to keep defending their camera system. It's terrible and baffling that they haven't changed it since DeS.

it also doesn't help you kill them any faster

t. never played it

why are DMCucks so assblasted over Sekiro?


I think it was when I fought the same generic soldiers for the 50th time, listening to same generic combat music, spamming the same generic moves because this combat system is as shallow as a puddle, while running through the same, boring environments

Really set the experience apart

after beating genichiro

>stealth kill him twice
just stop, retard. You're making a fool out of yourself.

Because it stole the spotlight

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Sekiro is certainly tons harder than any action game whatsoever on normal difficulty, and even on their hardest difficulty quite a few will fall behind.

>you can literally stealth kill him twice
no you cant
you can only stealth deathblow on an enemy that hasnt aggroed, and he will regen to full health if you de-aggro him

Yes, Emma is my wife!

Attached: drunkEmma.jpg (690x960, 73K)

>Game doesn't let you date her
>Surely they will correct this in the sequel right guys?

see this autist is so assblasted he goes to every Sekiro thread to complain about the game, and he didn't even played it

Fuck off barry, god damn it. Everyone here knows who you are, and not one of them likes you. Go away, retard.

>Sekiro is certainly tons harder than any action game whatsoever on normal difficulty
*clones himself in your path*

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Why does Yea Forums love it so much?

my first run, i kind of got lucky by forcing him into a corner and just attacking him so he can't back and use his double slash but on ng+ with extra hardship and bell ringed,i couldn't do that and had to learn his double slash perfectly because it goes through block and instakills me.
good shit.

but the rice loli is the canon waifu

Is this From's best boss fight, lads?

Attached: Genichiro Lightning Reversal.webm (1280x720, 2.97M)

>Judging an action game on the normal difficulty
This is the dumbest post I've seen all day.

You will never make her the cradle for your dragon

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So they can pretend to be hardcore, give it a month and real discussion will be possible like with all From games.


anyone, simply anyone and all who talk down on sekiro have been filtered and are seething. keep that in mind and remember to remind them.

casuals get filtered

it's not even the best in the game

>o'rin will be a forgotten character
>no fan art

ghost girls are underrated

I think Guardian Ape might be better, but that's great quality webm, user.

Attached: mortal blade.webm (960x540, 2.83M)

not even close
sword saint beats that nigga easily
i kind of like the rape ape too since it's very different from most bosses.

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The very first Genichiro fight, I love cheesy feudal Japan shit

>Completed NG+++
>Got all achivements.
>Did Bell Demon+No Charm runs
>Nothing left to do now.
I wish combat arts were stronger even if they costed more emblems.

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Do a run where you take no damage.

>government lacky gets btfo'd

Attached: sekiro emma2.jpg (1333x1181, 143K)

>Did Bell Demon+No Charm runs
i only see one debuff there tho

>You should not judge a game on the difficulty 80+% of players and 95+% of Yea Forums actually play


Didn't expect much from it and it blew me away. Anyway, what is up with fucking xp on NG+ I have Kuro the charm and even at only 2 points bosses dont even give me enough for one full point. Guardian Ape got me halfway to 3 and one death will basically lose half the xp he gave me. Am I supposed to play up to NG+ infinity to unlock all the skills or what.


Is he doing good?

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I killed him before I could even try out firing the lightning back at him. Didn't really understand the mechanic until the dragon fight. It was pretty disappointing but it made the fight with Isshin so much more satisfying

>feel like hot shit beating the game on ng and ng+ with demon bell
>do ng++ with no charm + demon
>feel like im playing the game for the first time again realizing how many deflects i actually miss
>gun saint isshin is actually hard now
11/10 game i love it

He's stuck on Owl.


Fuck you, Owl.

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Its a few anons shitposting, any dmc fan knows soulshit is more popular with casuals and casuals never play hard modes in games. It's honestly more hilarious to see how buttblasted Sekiro fans get when you point out how basic the game is. Seriously posture bars and parry mechanics are nothing new.

Kuro's charm should be removed from your inventory by default, in fact it shouldn't even exist and the only way to avoid damage while blocking should be by perfect parries

Emma is not for lewd!


I went to the general on /vg/ literally everyone seething about the game, people that are giving up on ape etc. wtf kind of general is that fucking casuals

Never. The game is mediocre at best. Some sparks of genius here and there, but also a lot of bad design.
>inb4 mad cuz bad
I finished it

I had a dream about a game that blended Sekiro's combat system and movement mechanics with an open world like Breath of the Wild. I think I nearly nutted in my sleep.

when the combat clicked as I fought Lady Butterfly, the rally was fantastic

>missed the opportunity to eavesdrop and get this boss
Welp, guess it's NG+ time

haha but did you finish it on new game + 7 no heal no upgrades no charm ringed bell no emblems no items no block no deflect no attack?
thought so bitch opinion discarded

>but also a lot of bad design.
[citation needed]

Attached: Sekiro Finisher.webm (800x450, 2.92M)

When I realised I'd been actually playing Onimusha 3 all along instead of this pile of shit.

>game literally about testing your skill at combat mechanics
>I should not judge a game based on the highest difficulty meant to test mastery of the game that has objective mechanical difference to do such.
Yes, you are the dumbest person in this thread. Rushing through a game on easy is not a good indicator of a game's difficulty and how it handles it.

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Souls and Bloodborne are masterpieces.
Sekiro is good. Nothing more.

That was my NG++ run. I didn't really enjoy that one as it felt everything took alot more time than I had energy to give. Owl 2 and Hatred were absolute fucking gay. It did forced me to get better at sword saint which I'm happy for. Maybe I should do another bell run for Old Man Ashina that way I can say I've also beaten every boss with it.

Look man, I'm good but I'm not that good. I like making mistakes being hasty and using silly skills. Playing efficiently all the times can get boring.

Attached: Fuck this ain't Ichimonji.webm (852x480, 2.86M)

ITT: mad cuz bad, unironically

Post discarded.

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>we will get DLC about some random lightning bitch instead of some spooky kino
Why does it have to be like this bros?

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so sekiro's difficulty should be judged on NG+7 demon bell + no charm playthroughs only

>google "devil may cry 5 camera"
>find tons of reviews where it's one of the few criticisms of the game
When I was a kid, everyone told me about that terrible camera in Super Mario 64 - and I never knew what they were talking about. When I was a teenager, everyone told me about that terrible camera in Kingdom Hearts - and I never knew what they were talking about. As an adult, everyone's told me about that terrible camera in Dark Souls, and I don't know what they're talking about.

They are literally all the same. There is no such thing as a good or bad camera in third-person action games, just good and bad players.

No, Sekiro's difficulty should be judged on NG+7 demon bell + no charm + no beads + no memories playthroughs only. Something a shitter like you won't understand.

The DLC is going to be playing as Emma in the past.
Screen cap this.

I'm at the icky bug temple and I found a cave that loops.
Is there anything good there? I picked up the esoteric text from one exit.

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you have to go back there later for one of the endings, but that's it

>monkey dating sim
This is gonna be fun

Did you happen to notice a spook in a corner that's very different and distinct looking? He's related to a quest

I'd be okay with that

While fighting Genichiro


Attached: Emma likes monkeys.jpg (884x652, 100K)

What a shitty meme.

Core combat is solid but lacks variety. The Fountain place at the the end ruins the game's dark atmosphere. Could have been Ninja Scroll or Blade of the Immortal kind of story, unfortunately it isn't.

yeah I even made a screenshot of the lad

This game completely squanders the supernatural stuff

I didn't get into From's games until about two years ago. Did Bloodborne cause as much assravaging on this board as Sekiro currently is?

It entirely depends on how the game handles difficulty, which souls games tend to be poor at because the combat is usually so shallow. How does going ng+ change the game, is it just the same game with a minor change the margin of error? Do you even know the difference between playing Ninja Dog and Master Ninja? Devil hunter and DMD? 1st climax vs infinite? These are games that have entirely different enemy encounters and setups based on difficulty and certain mechanics or lack thereof to take off your training wheels. The reason they have normal/easy modes is because journalists and casuals just want to mash their way through the game. Thus they have harder modes to test your skill and mastery of combat.

Since you obviously haven't played any of these games go look up the difference between bayonetta 1's hard mode and easy mode to understand the difference.

>At what point did you realize you were experiencing a masterpiece?
I'll hold of on my judgement until the DLC. I'm expecting said DLC to adress.

>the black Mortal Blade

Yes. Running in a circle is the safest way to beat them. Very hard game.

Guardian Ape was a cakewalk, beat him on my first genuine attempt.
Was wondering what you guys recommend to go for a first ending? I was getting the dried and fresh "fruits" and was curious what they were for, so I sort of get the idea, but I'm not sure which path would be a good first ending, without looking up too many spoilers.

>DLC addressing important lore stuff
That's not how things work at From Software.

>the black Mortal Blade
what about this needs to be addressed?

>tfw you learn you can flame umbrella Owl 2.0's firecracker spam
Feels good, beat him next try.

dlc will definitely be Sekiro acquiring a bell that triggers a flashback similar to Hirata Estate flashback, he’ll be going to where Tomoe trained Genichiro 10 years earlier.

screencap this

Lack of enemy and environment variety. Exploration is typically rewarded by either a lame item (here's another sugar you'll never use) or by finding another copypasted miniboss. It has maybe 8 proper bosses if you don't count reused ones. The combat is fundamentally very simple they compensate for that by employing a few tricks such as surrounding the (mini)boss with trash mobs, making the boss very aggressive and giving them multiple phases so it takes longer to learn attack patterns. None of this is especially interesting.
The first third of the game is especially bad, laden as it is of terrible copypasted miniboss encounters and the two of the worst boss designs in the history of soulslikes: the hitbox ogre and the flaming bull.

What happens to it after the final fight. That weapon is pretty dangerous all things considered.

Both AotA and ToH addressed a lot of things from the main game.

Attached: Bullying Maria.webm (1280x720, 2.69M)

>old Hunters addresses Kos (or Kosm) and Ludwig, the two things everyone wanted to know more about

Best endings were Purification and Immortal severance imho

how do i git gud in bloodborne

So the Return ending is the canon one right? It screams sequelbait.

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I would love to see you try this

it doesn't matter

but you guys are praising it, and you're here too.



Most likely. It's also the only ending that didn't push the issue around, Return from an objective stand point is more in line with Kuros ideals.

Use the untricked Saw Cleaver and keep pressing R1. I'm not even kidding.

Journey to West where we fuse the soulbrandt and demonbrandt into royal regalia.

Cope with what? I'm 100% right about everything I said.

This has to be pasta

Exploration is usually rewarded with tangible items like a prosthetic upgrade or a gourd seed.

So does Kuro's charm do anything aside from making blocked attacks still deal damage to you?
Is there unique dialogue/events if you give up the charm? Is there a pointless steam achievement or something?

Making blocks worthless isn't really my idea of a hard mode really. I suppose the idea is to punish poorly timed deflects and make deflects even more important. I don't really have much of an issue with deflects, but making blocks useless just sounds to me like it's stripping some depth and strategy away from the game. Realizing that there are times where you might want to block instead of parrying was part of the game as far as I was concerned, as rarely as that was the case.


Fuck DMCucks

The sequel is gonna deal with more pressing problems than the second Mortal Blade. I mean the games implying that you are going to haul your ass over to China to return the dragon to his homeland but we all know it's not gonna be that easy.

t. coping DMCuck

bb is a joke just parry at range with no risk

Spamming guard to parry doesn't actually work because then you won't parry even if they hit you. The window gets smaller and smaller until it disappears.

Dodge to his right your left and punish. Beat him without getting hit.

Ironically, I've come to the conclusion that the answer might just be IQ. Every fighting game player I've seen play Sekiro has dropped it. Meanwhile, every Dota player I've seen play Sekiro has gushed about it being amazing. Isn't that weird? You'd think a fighting game is closer to Sekiro than a MOBA is, so what gives?

I think the answer is unironically IQ. Maybe not directly, but at the very least indirectly. I've seen some other people drop it and they, too, I recognize as being kinda' dumb people, but they have something else in common with the fighting game players, and that's that they love big, dumb, flashy gaming experiences. Like Devil May Cry. DMC5 is easy as Hell, but you can mash buttons and see all sorts of cool shit happening, and you can string together combos and feel like you're playing really well even though it doesn't matter at all. These people are more interested in visual stimuli and feeling rewarded for how many buttons they press, as opposed to having the game tell them they won simply because they hit the right buttons.

And the posture system also does nothing for them. They gauge their success by watching the HP bar deplete, but that's secondary in Sekiro. In Dark Souls, if they time a dodge, they open up a counter attack and get to see that bar drop, and that feels good. In Sekiro, if they time a parry, something happens, but it's less intuitive for them; maybe they get a counter attack off, but it probably won't deal damage, and they may even take damage for trying. It's a lot of work for something they find unsatisfying.

In reality, Sekiro is no different from Dark Souls. Parries and posture are just the same shit with a different name. But it LOOKS different, and that's all they know, and it's all they care about.

This also works.

Attached: Logarius.webm (640x360, 2.11M)

>Is there unique dialogue
Only this and it only happens at the tutorial pagoda where you find Kuro.

Should I play it?

>He's not wrong; the
Your post has nothing to do with his post. You haven't refuted the notion of him being wrong at all. Spamming L1 is not how you defeat anything.

What attributes do I level?

How does the charm work, does it prevent blocked damage or does it add blocked damage?

Can I return the charm later in the game?
Can I return the charm in game 3?
Is game 2 already harder even if I don't return the charm?

The way to bring Kuro out of Rice Lady, who will rebel and fall to greed over the true power of immortality inside her (she’ll be the final boss), is to use the Black Mortal Blade that opens portals

>Can I return the charm later in the game?
You can talk to the sculptor to reverse it. But I don't think you can use it again until NG+2

I don't think so, the charm feels like it's the only thing making NG+ harder since you get a second source of damage that is from fucking a deflect up.

For Saw Cleaver? Get Strength to 45, then focus on Skill. You can keep Endurance at 15-20.

Without the charm you take chipping damage on block. Even if the attack wasn't elemental or special or anything.
I don't know if you can die on block though or just take damage.

>died a shit ton of times against guardian ape
>did the double monkey in one try

Do I just keep pumping pure strength or do I do some skill/vitality/endurance as well

To be fair you have to have a very high IQ to undestand Sekiro.

Attached: cursedimage.png (1271x676, 327K)

>I don't know if you can die on block
You can

>Every fighting game player I've seen play Sekiro has dropped it

I noticed that too, one would think that the idea of figuring out attack patterns and parrying with good frames would appeal to that crowd, specially the ones that also enjoyed Souls games, but it surprisingly didn’t

You mean SeKINO

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Should I send someone to the totally not mad scientist in the dungeon? I know i'm probably sending him to his death but do you get something good out of it?

right about here

Attached: fromsoft.webm (1920x1080, 2.81M)



The game is very good, not a masterpiece. The combat is fun, but so much of what I love about From's lore and design is watered down.

>inside her
I mean even though they were talking about her becoming a cradle and having Kuro rest inside her, I still somehow didn't imagine the sweet and adorable little innocent divine child to end up preggers. Cute but unexpected.
Well she has the most competent shinobi of all the lands under her wing, I am sure she'll be a pretty good mother.

Why doesn't it matter? Do your stats rest on NG+? If so, what's the ending you go for when you want the most bosses?

Stop bullying my grandson.

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Wow, it's like MGS3 except i don't give a fuck about any of the characters involved. Bravo From

how much chipping damage are we talking here?

>No deflecting the kicks

A lot.

In terms of skill prioritization: Str > Vit (really important that this is somewhat high for BSB and Amelia) > Skill > End.

You can ignore Bloodtinge and Arcane entirely, unless you want to actually use weapons that require them.

Eh, nah.

I just finished playing it for a couple hours, found it to be quite mundane. The first bits of combat are neat, but it gets real stale real fast. Got past Chained Ogre and into some time-travel sequence with a bell and by that point I was legitimately loathing every enemy encounter. Every fight felt the same, every time.

Honestly, I'd rather go play a Souls game. I can see the appeal of Sekiro, but I'd rather have more variety and choice in my gameplay.

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Armored Warrior takes like 1/3 or 1/4 of your HP from chip damage.

Why is this game different though?
I don't play them but I watched my friend play a bunch of fromsoft stuff back in high school.
All the videos I've seen of gameplay look the same as when I used to watch it being played.
Is there something I am missing?

This place has been inundated with the game lately and I really don't see why, since this is the 5th or 6th game in this style from fromsoftware right?

Does anything happen if you refuse to do the final deathblow?

Only fighting game player i know who's dropped it was MaximillianDood. Who else?

Except you do care about the characters and the game does a good job at making you sympathize with Genichiro.

When ogre chimped out and pulled off the sickest wrestling moves on my ass, i was shook.

When I fought that fucking monkey, saw his movements and heard his ebonics, I was convinced.

This is one of the most cringeworthy, self-absorbed posts i've ever seen on this site. It's literally >to be fair, you have to have a high IQ
But its played straight. by this user, completely unironically. He even parrots some nonsense shit about dmc5 to try and give himself some flair.

Christ. Before you even try to ejaculate some nonsense like "not an argument" at me please realize you never made one

Would be funny if the boss just restarted after a time.

Yeah that's really bizarre, I have the same issue.

Is the Centipide Giraffe a route-specific boss or otherwise hidden? I'm about to finish Demon of Hatred then I think I'm off to see Genichiro for the 3rd and final time in the secret passage.

>Emma lewds are finally starting to come in


your face when the final boss of Sekiro 2 is against her, who will be called something like Haruko, the Divine Immortal who dies mid-fight and calls the real final boss - Sekiro, The Undying Shadow

Imagine fighting the protagonist of Sekiro 1 in the sequel as the final boss, cause he wants to protect Kuro’s spirit

power up the bass cannon... FIRE

If you ever visited the gun fortress, which I think is obligatory, you should have fought it.

dance puppets

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Does anyone have a webm of headless shoving your ripped out spine up his ass?

>dropped Sekiro literally on the final boss fight cause he couldn’t beat it

by far the most pathetic thing I’ve seen him do

Emma is not for lewd.

I DID IT LADS...i platinum sekiro
my hands are shaking

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He's pulling out your soul and puts it in his bum.

I'd pour my seed into Emma's gourd if you know what I mean.

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When I beat Genichiro. Then I realized I wasn't after Owl when the game really sets into the tedium of repetition.

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Shit, you're right. I did and must've blocked it out of mind because it was almost like the enemy in temple.

anotha one

No, Emma is pure!

Attached: Emma.(Sekiro-.Shadows.Die.Twice).600.2531611.jpg (424x600, 42K)

>quiting a a game on the final boss
How? The time invested would make it on obligation to finish it even if it's just to see the ending f the fight and the games ending.

Attached: harakiri.jpg (1920x1080, 392K)

You fight Giraffe before you can really enter the sunken valley. There's not a way around it. You probably forgot about him because he's a very quick and easy boss fight

you saw Kibagami Genjuro?

Maybe he means the second one at Senpou

Emma spilled her juices all over me

Attached: sekiroemma3.jpg (1262x866, 433K)

There's the other one in temple grounds

I mean he clearly wasn't having fun with it even as far back as Owl

Too bad she's a cake walk.

Damn. I legitimately did not want to see that.


>Beating Isshin without taking damage
Fucking how?

First at the Genichiro fight, then really at the Sunken Valley.
It's funny because when they first announced Sekiro I wasn't thrilled at all. I thought Fromsoftware wouldn't be able to make a proper action game with a more focused story but boy I was wrong.

>without taking damage
Look at my gourds friends

by using his other 9 gourds to heal

No matter what it turns out to be, Kuro’s Charm is significant.

Before I say why I need to divide the Souls community into two general groups - Charmers (those who beat the game and acquired Kuro’s Charm in NG+ as a trophy of their victory, exclusive to them) and Non-charmed (those who didn’t) - and quickly define both.

Both have basically been around since Demon's Souls, but the very nature of the Non-charmed demands that the Charmers come first. Why? Because Charmers beat the path and light the way. Afterward, like mold or a rot, the Non-charmed seep into the community, ever at the heels of the Charmers.

How is that? Either by a lack of information upon release or due to a self-imposed restriction, the Charmer goes in blind. Charmers embrace the challenge From Software has extended with each release in their series while the Non-charmed abhor it. While Charmers scratched and clawed their way through levels and boss fights, the Non-charmed poured over FAQs, Strategy Guides, Wiki Articles, Google Search Results, Let's Plays and How to Videos.

Therefore the Non-charmed subsist by virtue of the illumination spread over From's games by the Charmers, entirely dependent on it. Overtime they've let themselves forget this, fancying themselves old hands as they bring their borrowed knowledge and tactics to bear on each successive release.

And then here comes f***ing Sekiro, reminding the Non-charmed who they really are. And with little to no documentation in sight they hide behind s***posts so they can cling to that "gud" status they worked so hard to attain. Eventually they'll be back. Once the Charmers have shown the way, that is.

And that's why Kuro’s Charm is significant. No matter how superficial, uselessly cosmetic or quickly outclassed it is, it still says I'm not . No, I'm a Charmer.

Attached: 7A86A23F-C95E-4FA1-9779-6F1C6AD98416.jpg (1920x1080, 131K)

The first boss

>a proper action game
I really wouldn't call this an action game.

No? No takers?

I'm an idiot.

based and kuropilled

Why is Wolf such a manlet? It's jarring to see him as the same heigh as Emma.

Attached: wolfvsowl.jpg (1280x720, 167K)

This game is focused on non-stop aggression, whether it be attacking, deflecting, blocking, parrying. You should always be on the attack.
There's a huge emphasis on verticality, both in movement and the level design. This was present in From's past games, but not to this degree.
There's a stealth component that can't really be ignored.
The story is much more direct and conventionally told.

It's not a Souls game.

Owl didn’t feed him properly

>he only played dmc on the easiest difficulty
Jesus could you guys even try and act like you played the game.

speak for yourself


Lady Butterfly is literally the only moment in the entire game with memorable music.

When I fought lady butterfly and the combat clicked.

For what it's worth I did it with 7 gourds left. Though to my great shame I had to 2 gourds right before the very end as I messed up twice in row when he was at like 10%~ health. Better safe than sorry I figured, but I almost did it with 9/10 gourds.

Attached: 1554306855.jpg (1280x720, 403K)

absolute retard, get the fuck out of the thread

is it better than dark souls?

It's a good game, it's not Bloodborne but it's still better than 99% of trash that's out these days

This game is not good. It has extremely little content but due to bosses wasting hours of your life at a time, it gives the impression of a long game. Bloodborne and Souls games (minus 2) are all vastly superior and more FUN to play.

Any tips? I beat him, but he took me literal hours.

Just killed the flaming bull and I’m already bored t b h. Not feeling what the point is, I just miss evetything about souls.

>People still think Dark Souls 3 was better than 2

>soulshit more popular with casuals

DMCfag seriously thinks buttonmashing faggotry is less casual than actually having to worry about timing. You should play God of War bitch

Aww no...

It is. DaS2 is just chink shit.

Heresy, you say?

If it is for the sake of preserving Sekiro-threads, I will seize any manner of heretical memes

>What is royal guard
Fromdrones can't even understand the games they shitpost, surprising no one.

Calling both Dark Souls 2 and Bloodborne masterpieces shows how retarded you are.

Probably the same people that think sekiro is bad

>first genuine attempt

nice job losing on your first try to a big monkey desu

Dark Souls 2 is actual garbage though.

Bloodborne is a masterpiece, though.

Attached: Bloodborne Kino Grid.jpg (5760x3240, 1.66M)

>the answer might just be IQ.

You can stop reading this post right about there

I was hunting for a clip of Armored Warriors English lines and I stumbled on possibly the dumbest observation ever made by a lorefag.

It's pretty fucking hard, probably harder than Bloodborne, but the combat is the best its ever been and most the NPC's and enemies are interesting. Stealth is tacked on and badly implemented so if you're into it for the stealth you will be disappointed.

>haven't even met Lady Buterfly
bet u rq faggot

Dark Souls, Bloodborne and Sekiro are the only good souls games. I know Sekiro is not really a souls game but it shares a lot of the same DNA so whatever.

Same. Gyobu got me pretty hyped up when he came out and announced himself

My point, friend. Dark Souls 2 is just okay for all its problems. Bloodborne is the best game on PS4 and probably the best From game ever made, including Sekiro.

this guy clearly gave up on lady butterfly

Respect your elders, user.

Attached: Demon's_Souls_Cover.jpg (256x295, 87K)

Add Demon’s Souls

Okay that is cool. I had heard it put in a stealth aspect, and watching my brother in law play it, it did seem more floaty.

How is it not a souls game though?
Everything you just listed implies that they added these features to a souls game.

you will be stuck by chain ogre faggot

God that's a long shot.

Never played, have obviously heard much about it. How does it compare to say, Dark Souls 3?


I like your post, user.

Attached: 814380_20190326114550_1.jpg (1920x1080, 592K)

It's much better. The game is infinitely more non-linear, stamina management is actually a thing, build and play style variety are a lot better too. Every boss is unique, too, instead of all being some sort of epic anime flipping guy with three phases.

no traditional leveling up system, no gear focus, no recovering soul system, no multiplayer or messages etc. It has more in common with action games than rpgs

i know its a shit skill
but why is it so satisfying to use this skill?

Attached: Sekiro god tier webm.webm (484x216, 309K)

Demons Souls is the Oda Nobunaga of Souls games, Bloodborne is Toyotomie Hideyoshi and Sekiro is Tokugawa Ieyasu.

So is Sekiro

Attached: 814380_20190328150151_1.jpg (1920x1080, 992K)


>enemy and environment
This is an understandable complaint, but I think the problem is 100% the more realistic tone. In Dark Souls, you find a temple and it's full of people with huge snake heads and every room is a death trap there's no way the snake people could navigate every day; in Sekiro, you find a temple and it's full of human monks, some have centipedes inside them, and it's navigable as a temple would be. It's the unrealistic stuff that makes one of these places feel completely different from a castle.
This is mostly true. They didn't have to make every miniboss entirely unique, but they could've done a better job at least making them visually different. And going out of your way for a light coin purse is the most unsatisfying feeling. They wanted the same exploration from Soulsborne, but forgot Soulsborne was full of armor and weapons. They could've fixed this by adding an item you only get from exploration like 3D platformers used to do. Maybe remove the passives you get from some mini-bosses (for what feels like no reason) and put them in out-of-the-way locations.
>8 proper bosses
Yes, but I think they thought all the mini-bosses would make up for it. The way people talk about some of them, you'd think they were bosses if you didn't know better.
>fundamentally very simple
It's less simple than Soulsborne, though.
>surrounding the (mini)boss with trash mobs
Sometimes, and it's fine.
>making the boss very aggressive
You can use that to lure them out of the pack, though.
>giving them multiple phases
Rewarding stealth.
>first third of the game is especially bad
Pretty sure no one agrees.
>copypasted miniboss encounters
In the first third you fight probably Juzou, the shinobi hunter, one lone shadow, one Ashina elite, the bull, a headless, one of the gun chicks, an ogre, a centipede, and five samurai. 28% of them are "clones." I don't think that's THAT bad.
>hitbox ogre
>flaming bull.
Wait, what's wrong with the bull?

what this webm doesn't tell you is that it requires perfect timing to do what this shows

>Came for the shota
>Stayed for Emma
She cute

If I found DS3 mediocre and absolutely loved Bloodborne, would I enjoy Sekiro?

I haven't watched any gameplay videos or reviews because I want to go in completely blind. Do you think I'll enjoy it? Is it really as hard as everyone says? (for example I didn't think Bloodborne was too hard)

Attached: 2018031719210700-8AEDFF741E2D23FBED39474178692DAF.jpg (1280x720, 152K)

Hell no, Bloodborne deserves better than being Toyotomi HideyoSHIT

What about the immortal rice loli?

Attached: 814380_20190327124111_1.jpg (1920x1080, 524K)

I don't disagree.

that part was also the answer to OP's question. Really liked how desperate & hopeless Genichiro was. Seeing actually interesting characters in a From Software game was great

If you loved Bloodborne, you'll love Sekiro. The combat is even faster paced than BB.

Holy shit I have to try this

It’s not shit if it looks awesome, Iai is a very traditional samurai skill in entertainment, everyone loves it

Who knew focusing on more direct storytelling could create interesting characters?

Attached: 814380_20190326114629_1.jpg (1920x1080, 781K)

When I played Bloodborne afterwards

Attached: bloodborne.png (1422x800, 2.05M)

Unironically goty, don't play it like a souls game though, learn the combat system and how important parrying and posture is.

Genichiro had a hard life.

should i go through the abandoned dungeon or gun fort first?

Absolutely, I never liked DS as much as BB, love Sekiro

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

Also known as Sekiro: Anglos Get Cucked Forever

>Toyotomi HideyoSHIT
Shut the fuck up, without Hideyoshi Tokugawa wouldn't have been able to do fuck all. Stop watching chinese cartoons and educate yourself. He was arguably more important for the unification than Oda Nobunaga.

Genichiro was still the only one with actual depth in my opinion. While I liked Isshin, he was kinda the one-note "strong old fighter"-archetype

Such misery. Such sorrow.

Attached: 814380_20190324152115_1.jpg (1920x1080, 1.23M)

Learn the Shinobi Death Stare, it's even better.

Attached: sekiroisagoodgame2.webm (800x450, 2.65M)

I tried DS3 many times and quit everytime after like 2 hours, it's so dull. Sekiro sucked me into its world from the moment I started playing it and I already got all the 4 endings and I wish there was more of this game because it's really good so I think you will definitely enjoy it.

thats not fair bloodborne is so mediocre it makes everything look like a masterpiece in comparison not just sekiro

I beat MGR and never had issues with parry timings but Sekiro gave me some problems

A loli is fine too

I'm glad Yea Forums has finally realized Dark Souls 3 as the Ubisoft tier rehash, cash grab that is.

i thought rice loli voice was maya sakamoto/shinobu... but it's amira!

The timing isn't even that hard. You're just putting yourself more at risk of posture break while making fights go by slower if you do this.


Attached: 20190402044429_1.jpg (1920x1080, 131K)

is this the final ashina skill?

Thanks guys. You made me pull the trigger. Just ordered it.

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Does immortal infesting centipedes count as supernatural?

Attached: 814380_20190328140750_1.jpg (1920x1080, 992K)

What even is this fucking thing? Is there something in Japanese folklore that explains what this is?


Attached: Sekiro Gank Squad.webm (960x538, 2.95M)

>tfw no option to side with based Isshin and wreck ministry faggots
I just wanted to drink sake with the old man and discuss Emma’s feet.

Attached: BAE255A3-A7A8-44E1-9072-960F740DDFE2.jpg (680x680, 67K)

>Log for a dick
What did FROM mean by this?

idk but it reminds me of a character called Mojo from Chrono Cross which is also japanese, so maybe they're both inspired by something

Attached: Mojo.png (383x800, 270K)

Holy shit bros, I killed all 3 bosses on my first try so far

Attached: sekiro_2019_04_03_18_25_54_445.jpg (1920x1080, 496K)

Sajam dropped it. His video is even called "Sajam flushes Sekiro." Caleb Hart isn't a fighting game player per se, but he does play fighting games off-stream and is close friends with Max, and he also dropped it.

I think playing FFXI on a friend's account and carefully choosing his words so he doesn't have to lie and can just let people assume it was his is kind of pathetic. He probably sold it for money and didn't want to admit it.

He didn't play over the weekend 'cause he hung out with his friends and he couldn't play the rest of the week because of fighting game stuff, so he played the game for 11 hours and after fighting Isshin for an hour and a half, it was super late, so he gave up and said maybe he'll beat it some time later in the year. He was loving the game until he got to the end of the second act and fought Corrupted Monk (twice) and Owl. These bosses didn't take him anywhere near as long as BB/DS3 DLC bosses did, but he was still salty as fuck and was completely unsatisfied with his victories over them. I should also mention he had the Bell Demon on. Still, a 35-minute Corrupted Monk make him hate the game, but a 5 and a half hour Orphan of Kos made him love BB.

>Wow, it's like MGS
Please don't mention terrible video games in this thread. Unless it's DS2.

You did Genichiro before Lady Butterfly?

Attached: doubt.jpg (200x303, 16K)

It's not a masterpiece but the combat is fun as fuck.

>thinking Genichiro is hard

Lady Butterfly is really easy to block. You just have to remeber to throw shuriken at that old cunt if she does her jump moves. I really don't see why people have such problems with this fight.

I already liked it from the beginning, but it became something else for me when I realized that there were world states and they would change a lot of things (New enemies, paths and items in old areas), it was everything I was hoping from Bloodborne blood moon phase and Dark Souls 3 eclipse phase.

I'll be honest, I was struggling badly. Doing really inconsistent performance. Sometimes I could killed his first two phases almost perfectly and swiftly. Sometimes he wrecked me in the first phase. It was all over the place.

Then I had an idea. I should simply stop trying to be such a badass, stop trying to parry everything, and remember that blocking is actually a thing. And for like the first boss in the game, I was blocking all of a sudden.
I also abused the whirlwind slash pretty hard. So in his first phase I did the whirlwind slash on him, then put my guard up and backed off. Then depending on whether or not he does his 4 (I think it's 4, can't quite remember) combo in retaliation then I did a charged stab immediately followed up by another whirlwind slash. The stab deals good damage on a proper hit, the follow up whirlwind is likely to be blocked but it does deal damage through guard.
If he did one of his charge moves with the warning I just moves out of the way and did another charged stab into whirlwind and then put my guard up before backing off.

If you were to ever have some distance between you and he starts running off to the side, then that means that he'll do some 3 strike combo that almost always misses if you just have some distance between you, and it's really easy to time his 3rd miss into a charged stab hit into whirlwind.
If you're running and he is right up on your ass, an immediate whirlwind could turn Sekiro against him even though he'll block, but that'll still deal chip damage and afterwards you can put up your guard and back off.

>Thinking Genichiro is easy

I basically just repeated that. Guard after the whirlwind attack was like 100% safe almost.
And here is the funny part. Phase 2 and 3 were like unironically easier than phase 1 doing this strategy. In phase 2 and 3 he has this attack where jumps up in the air and slams his spear down towards you, which is then always followed up with a forward rush sword attack. But after the sword attack he is very vulnerable to attack, where you can hit him with your whirlwind. If your angle and or timing is right he won't even be able to block it, but even if he does it still deals chip damage. Then you just put your guard up and he'll push you way back. Guarding actually puts more distance between you than parrying does, which is also exactly what you want here.
In phase 2 and 3 though after you've hit him and you put your guard up, if he starts doing the large spear sweep charge attack that's gigantic, don't fret. Jump on his head and you'll avoid it. You can even start your own whirlwind in the air above him after you've bounced, and then you just put your guard up again after the attack. If he does one of his lightning attacks in phase 3, if you're right up on his face either run underneath him or attempt a lightning reversal. Your call. If you're mid to way back either run away from him or attempt a lightning reversal. Your call.

No matter the phase you want to almost always be running. Either run in a circle around him or in a large 8 some space away from him. Just be aware of the walls, ledges, and those annoying rocks. Try to stay in the biggest empty spaces.
I am unironically confident in that I could defeat Isshin without ever taking damage this way. I went from failing each time to doing it the very first time I thought of this idea. A shame then when I learned that this doesn't work at all if you let go of Kuro's charm in NG+.

Huh, no?

So how similar/different is this to Bloodborne?
I only played Bloodborne but I loved the atmosphere, enemy/boss designs, rewarding difficulty etc.

I keep hearing Sekiro's different though, but will I like it if I loved Bloodborne? Worried about the combat though, looks nothing like the fast-paced stuff from BB.

>This is one of the most cringeworthy, self-absorbed posts i've ever seen on this site.
The truth is unpopular. It's easy to call a game bad when it exposes you for being an idiot.
>to be fair, you have to have a high IQ
It might actually be true, though. I'm comparing casual fighting game players, people who don't even get paid for it, to professional Dota players. Given the fighting game scene is full of brown people, we know IQ ain't a big component to playing those games, but only whites and Asians play strategy games. Seems pretty telling to me. Also, it's not just the genre, but comparing people who do and don't get paid to play them.
>He even parrots some nonsense shit about dmc5
Because people compare the games and I dislike DMC. Even DMC fans say 5 is too easy.
>please realize you never made one
Low IQ response.

>>he only played dmc
I would never play DMC, please don't slander me like that. I'm not a 13-year old who shops at Hot Topic.
>on the easiest difficulty
Normal. You can play on a higher difficulty in lots of games, but that's not what 99% of people care about. You don't judge Souls by NG+, either.

it's a completely different game

Come on user, he's fun to fight but everyone knows how to beat him with their eyes closed by now

>almost kill owl(father) with no buffs or using the arm
>die when he was LITERALLY on the ground posture broken for the final blow because of the fucking phoenix attack
decided to just end it and use a sugar and throw shurikens here and there.
man, he was fun tho
everything was pretty fair, except the 7 hit + firecracker combo, which i never figured out if it's triggered by something

Attached: .png (637x505, 832K)

Yeah it's way faster.

Thanks, user.

But Sekiro is an action game, and it starts in normal difficulty.
You are the dumbest poster Ive seen all day

Sekiro puts its focus in others areas than BB, I don't think its guaranteed that you will like it honestly. BB has a very distinct atmosphere and setting. There really is nothing else quite like it. Sekiro doesn't feel quite as unique, and doesn't get nearly batshit insane as BB does. Theres far more focus put on its combat. BB was cool because the enemies you fought all had very strange and unique designs, Whereas most of everything you fight in Sekiro is humanoid. Coming from BB you might find Sekiro's visuals and atmosphere be a bit dull in comparison. Sekiro makes up for this by fleshing out combat more and by making enemies more of a threat. Nearly every boss in Sekiro is fun to fight or interesting in some way. Non-boss enemies feel like much more of a threat now so they are much more engaging to fight than they have been in the past. Sekiro's non-optional content is also quite a bit more difficult than BB's, but if you played and enjoyed BB's DLC you'll be fine.

>Whereas most of everything you fight in Sekiro is humanoid.
Found the person who hasn't gotten past Ashina Castle.

holy shit, the cope

As soon as he goes for the firecrackers you can dodge diagonally to his left and start punishing.

Pretty much this, and the ogre part that souls babies couldn't get pass

If you don't play with both Bell Demon and the charm don't talk to me

What bosses have you fought? I'm not too familiar with the world layout yet, but I thought the only two bosses you can get to after Gyobu are Lady Butterfly and Genichiro.

Boss memories in the inventory should be sorted in the order that you acquired them.

dmc is way more popular with casuals because it has no challenge, you just press buttons and the game constantly compliments you

straw doll

Are you joking?

he actually beat him today on his 3rd try thanks to guides and streamchat handholding

Yea Forums somehow fooled me into thinking the game would be as if not more linear than DaS3. Claiming that they had promo footage and other material as "proof".
Imagine my surprise when it was instead the least linear in comparison to all the Souls games. Or up there with DaS1 anyway.

>tfw DSP beats Owl in less tries than you

> looks nothing like the fast-paced stuff from BB
Well good that you havent seen any actual gameplay then. Its way faster than BB and makes souls look even slower than it is.

Classic DSP. I was watching him do Guardian Ape, live, and it was painfully obvious that he had consulted a guide prior. He had the most forced surprise reaction when the Guardian Ape entered its second phase. I'm actually not sure if he's gonna make it.

He kinda played the whole game looking at guides, the most notorious example is gainst guardian ape 1, he was salty as fuck and kept on dying for more than an hour straight, then he went on "a break" and magically comes back and completely changes his strategy and beats him

Are you? The latter half of the game is filled with fucked up enemies that aren't humanoid.

It's like a faster Bloodborne with DS parrying. There a part of the game that has a Bloodborne-esque atmosphere and enemy designs, leaning more towards dark fantasy or horror than you'd find in Souls, but for the most part the game feels like the more down-to-earth areas in Dark Souls with just a sprinkling of whimsy towards the end, and then an optional boss that's literally plucked right out of Dark Souls. Most bosses feel more like fighting hunters than Bloodborne bosses, though. If you like giant screaming monsters, I'm afraid there's only a couple.

I have no idea how people can donate money to such a lying fuck. He doesn't even admit it. He just pretends it never happened. What a fake fuck.

DSP is /ourguy/.

Attached: DSP Dark Souls Backstabs.webm (1280x720, 2.76M)

you see
i read your whole post
and i could only understand it after i read it for the second time
because having no charm makes the game harder
so your post felt really stupid before i got what you meant.

you still sound gay tho

Can someone explain to me how Isshin got from being a deceased sickly body on the floor to being inside his grandson's body?
I get his motivation for fighting you and willingness to die by your hand or killing you and your master, both being equal in his desires.
But I don't understand how he got into genchiro'd body...

Name some

bit late since i killed him.
it's just that i never see that one attack coming

Black mortal blade opens a portal to the underworld and Genichiro used his body as a vessel. It sure was convenient that Isshin died of a disease the hour before or Genichiro wouldn't have been able to summon him.

Based Dark Souls, even the game hates his bullshit

The bull.

Emma killed him obviously

Long Armed Centipedes
Maneater Carp

Can you be eaten during the first snake encounter? Or is that only if you spare the snake after jumping on it?

Attached: gu0hxi1rqod21.png (1024x769, 656K)

If even angry joe (also shit) hasn't released his review yet due to being stuck there's no way DSP is beating Isshin

It's fucking funny though that Joe has had his review copy for probably a month and still hasn't beaten it yet. Guarantee when he does his review he'll either admit to not beating it or won't show him killing Isshin in it at all

If you payed attention and explored more you'd know that the Black mortal Blade creates life. Genichiro the little seething bitch that he is killed himself to ressurect his grandpa. When you're ressurected you ressurect at your peak.

>not the sculptor
He even had the shinobi arm too.

That's a mini boss.

Is it normal that I felt the concept of higher planes of existence more in Sekiro than in Bloodborne?

To be fair, those are
>a humanoid on all fours
>a humanoid missing his head
>a big animal
To people who want Soulsborne's enemy varieties, these aren't going to do it.

there are people in this fucking world that expect everything to be the same even if it's a completely new IP.
how did you not fucking realize that this game isn't dark souls and actually rewards you for being aggressive?
it was very obvious after i learned how to mikiri counter genichiro that this game WANTS me to manfight these weak ass puny chinks.

What a little bitch

Genchiro is such a baby. Hell after dabbing on him over and over again without getting hit on the final fight I don't think I can ever respect him again

>the sculptor had been mimicking monkeys for so long and so convincingly that little young child emma couldn't tell the rough and scruff man apart from an actual monkey

It's more well done because despite being westaboos fromsoft is still made up of Japanese people that understand Japanese legends, history, and mythos far better than western stuff

Yeah probably but he was certainly more unique than the other Armored Samurai x99 mini bosses

Genichiro had a hard life.

i love that they all tell the same stories from different perspectives based on the sake you give them

Wait until you get to Fountainhead, where you fight another bull.

user, I did beat him without barely even taking any damage. And I am sure I can do it consistently too.
I'd call that a success.

And yeah it's not Dark Souls. That much should be obvious.

what the fuck nigger
smoking beef is literally the worst mini boss in the entire game

After defeting Genichiro with my perfectly timed deflects, slashes and jumps

>From can't do a good gimmick bos-

Attached: Divine Dragon.webm (960x540, 2.98M)

When the funny monkey flings his poo at me. haha

I said unique, not necessarily good.

For real though what the fuck? DSP is shit at games but I don't understand what's even happening here. Or rather how.

when I heard the rice loli's sultry voice

Attached: 1554165723708.jpg (1120x1580, 1.24M)

It's Dark Souls 1.

Attached: Dark Souls 1 Backstabs.webm (800x450, 2.41M)

I thought the monkeys were a good gimmick boss. Watching people take 20 minutes to figure it out reaffirms my stance that the average person is retarded.

Her voice actress does an amazing job.
Kuro's too though for what it's worth.

But yeah the divine child is truly precious.

Someone said couple threads ago that Sekiro is unlike all the other FromSoftware games is consistently good and doesn't shit the fan quality wise.

he turned around to roll and in that narrow frame the enemy got a backstab off

Against other players it's kind of understandable, albeit shitty. But against a static enemy that's in front of you at all times to boot?

Was anyone lucky enough to beat Isshin before he pulls out his spear? I once got him to phase 3 before he did. At first I thought keeping pressure on him prevents him from pulling it out but it looks like it’s a little random when he does it.

Attached: 9916B685-119B-4C64-96BE-D67BA3173C6D.jpg (738x415, 23K)

And while I'm here, what's the best Souls game to start if I only played BB until now? Before you say play them in order, I'd rather play the one that blows me away the most, then go back through the others once I'm hooked, and I'm afraid Demon's Souls or whatever will feel very clunky and outdated coming straight from BB


>Tfw thought my controller was fucking up when trying to hunt the monkeys at some point because Wolf slowed down for a second
>Tfw the second time it happened I directly mashed R1 to kill the motherfucker because I instantly knew he was invisible

Is there any lore for the centipedes?
It seems like there's 3 ways of immortality. Dragon blood which ties two people to be immortal forever, and once one dies the other just lives a really really long life (like the sculptor???)
The waters of restoration which just gives you a long life but makes you more hateful

But I don't get the centipedes besides the monks betraying Buddha to seek immortality and it being related to that

Dark Souls 1 is just as good and arguably better than Bloodborne. The two sequels are mixed bags, neither one is as good as DaS or BB, but they're worth your time.

souls games are clunky as shit
sekiro is smooth as butter, is it running on a different engine?

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>Finish Sekiro
>Dead Souls and BB are a fucking cakewalk now
Never have I thought a game would force me to actually git gud

I wouldn't be surprised if the centipedes and the water are basically the same somehow.
Like the water has immortality/youth powers thanks to being full of centipede eggs or something.

>is it running on a different engine?
I wish.

Attached: sekiroisagoodgame3.webm (640x360, 1.35M)

>posts the same three webms every thread over the only single instance of the teleporting instant grab in the game, which is from a very early miniboss

it's easy to tell you didn't play the game, much less beat it

the bottom of the lake at the fountainhead has a centipede infestation, and that's how they end up inside the people experimenting with the waters
the centipedes don't cause the immortality, but they are part of it and also immortal


Attached: sekiroisagoodgame4.webm (960x540, 2.9M)

I think it must be a bug, it happened to me once as well, for no apparent reason

>You should not judge a game on the difficulty 80+% of players and 95+% of Yea Forums actually play

You should judge a game by the BEST difficulty, dumbass.

>trying to bullshit your way around enemies rather than utilize game mechanics
baddie detected

>parries in DaS and BB were already easy
>they’re literal brain dead easy now

thanks sekiro

>jumps over like a retard when he stabs more than once instead of using the mikiri counter
how about you git gud you salty-ass shitter

>Devil hunter and DMD
Well first of all, DMD is easier than Devil Hunter because by the time you get to DMD you've already played the game twice over. At that point, the enemies don't really get much harder than they would on a completely first time play through.

How is that supposed to be bad. The oger grabs are legit terrible, but this nigga just turned around

>falling for falseflagging
i'll take dumb nigger for 500

>a trained warrior doesn't just aimlessly strike empty air, but actually turns around in an attempt to hit you
Considering your extremely high mobility in this game, it is unironically fair.

the first genichiro fight

>plays rock paper scissors

Granny is literally the easiest boss to use L1 L1 deflect on.

>There is no such thing as a good or bad camera in third-person action games
There is actually user. If you play enough games, you'll find out. Though it's usually just something you take in your stride, and it's not much of a criticism.

>humanoid that on all fours
>humanoid with a missing head
>practically not even an enemy
I love Sekiro but you're bullshiting. Why choose this hill to die on? I've not saying its an inherently bad things for the game to have mostly humanoid enemy types.

>giant carp with human teeth
Come on now

The moment after beating the bull and unlocking the castle. The castle is a truly genius display of reusing assets in a positive way.

From games have shitty tracking. Stop the presses! Warn the President!

>He fell for the 'reused assets' meme

Nigger, casuals are the ones who keep replaying DMC until they unlock the good difficulty levels. Why would I bother playing the same game again with a marginal difficulty increase every time? I've got tons of games to play nigger.

Just give me the hard shit straight off the bat before I can get used to each enemy.

maybe you should've read the tool tip when his boss fight starts.

The supernatural stuff in this game isn't very interesting. It seems unfinished.

Genichiros 3rd phase
Viewers be advised.

Not him but I'm not a big fan of the bull. Bet it second time, but it was a lame fight.

>Dark Souls 1 is just as good and arguably better than Bloodborne.
Great, I'll check it out. I assume the Remastered version's the way to go? Is it worth getting on Switch or does it run worse on there? It's not the kind of game I can afford playing with framedrops

This, after rewatching bloodborne trailers i realized how boring sekiro's setting is with the exception of fountainhead

I wish they would bring back the loading screen that only said "bloodborne" that was great.

99% of people are casuals who don't care user. You judge things based on the BEST difficulty, Which is not usually normal.

The remastered version is fine (although, it's debatable how much of an improvement it actually is). Switch is 30 FPS, PS4/Xbox One are 60 FPS.

>im a pussy

mibu village and O'Rin fight
but I knew this was good shit after I whacked genichiro

>They do have one weakness though: human saliva is toxic to them. A weapon coated in saliva may be able to pierce through its armor and wound it.
>The Mortal Blade is covered in saliva

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>These people are more interested in visual stimuli and feeling rewarded for how many buttons they press, as opposed to having the game tell them they won because they hit the right buttons
I can tell you that one of these types of people would be more intelligent than the other, and it's probably not the type you're thinking of.

The Switch version is 30 fps and poor audio wuality if I remember correctly

Hoping to play the game next year when it's €20 or so.

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>if they time a parry, something happens
Have you even played Sekiro user?

Unironically based.

Dota isn't a strategy game user. And neither is Sekiro. You're pretty fucking stupid.

I recognize it's a really good game but I wasn't into it all that much. After beating it I had my fill. Didn't really suck me in the way Dark Souls did.

Attached: 1542198344683.png (261x138, 51K)

>intelligent gamers like myself prefer the shiniest of keys
>what? overcoming challenges?
>what is this, a game?

Kuro charm baby detected, you cant do that without it since you take damage for blocking the second hit

Youre supposed to dodge out of the way of this attack btw

>I really don't see why people have such problems with this fight.
That fight is great because it drills into your head how you're supposed to play the game. It took me two hours to beat her, but then the game became much easier.

Challenges are something you overcome in real life user. A videogame, is not something to overcome. A videogame is something you have fun in, because it pretends to have challenges; they are illusory challenges, not real ones.

scrub detected you can still deflect the second hit

Yes, user. Do you have trouble with reading comprehension?

>Dota isn't a strategy game
This is like saying Dark Souls isn't an RPG. It's less of one than what you normally think of, but that's besides the point. If all you can do is argue over semantics, you might want to try again.
>And neither is Sekiro.
Correct. Yes. That's true. Thank you.


The second one was deflected as well you dummy

>This is like saying Dark Souls isn't an RPG
It isn't.

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Don't fall for false flagging you retard. I'm a DMC fan and I'm loving Sekiro too.

>trying this hard to be an elitist when he doesn't understand the game

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>Enemy and NPC files list
>Mist nobles // Innsmouth

Attached: 1123.jpg (224x225, 5K)

Butterfly is much harder, but maybe that's because I was a retard who first tried to dodge, then finally managed to kill her by blocking and chipping away her health.

The problem with her is that she punishes you a lot whenever she connects, and you're at the point of the game where you only have 2 gourds. But the camera is the biggest problem in that fight

>stealth is bullshit
>combat arts only serve as eyecandy
>story isn't as thought as ds


Literally no point when you can dodge left with 100% consistency for massive free damage.

>he fell for "no hp dmg, just deflect bro" meme

it's a good game, I enjoyed it a fair amount, but it's not the phenomenal masterpiece you guys make it out to be

>If all you can do is argue over semantics
All arguments are semantical anyway. Because everybody who perceives reality assigns certain words to what they perceive, and since everybody is actually within the exact same reality, the meanings they put behind the words they use whether consciously or unconsciously (which may or may not be useful for communicating their ideas to somebody else), are in fact correct, for lack of a better word. Therefore the only times arguments appear are when somebody uses words the another finds incorrect.

I have no doubt you find sekiro shit. But you're an idiot, so whatever.

When I uninstalled and was playing DMC5 instead

Attached: dab.jpg (1300x866, 63K)

>die 5 times to this faggot because I assume you can't deflect twice
>try to double tap deflect
>kill him in that very fight
It's basically advanced deflect tutorial for what comes right after

Absolutely based.

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>can literally just stand still and mash guard and occasionally attack to beat him

or i can just stand still and let him kill himself with posture damage???

genichiro is the first time spamming guard won't work that well


I like both Sekiro and DMC5 but holy shit you DMC fanboys need to stop trying to shit up Sekiro threads. You're being obnoxious faggots and we can coexist fine.

Looks like the masses like this game. That means there's a high chance it's shit.

The sumurai dude right before the top of the castle?

Yeah I'm a tard and meant to reply to


Everyone likes From's games because they make good games.

>Challenges are something you overcome in real life user.
And games, puzzles, sports.
>A videogame,
Comma for dramatic emphasis on a point that is sure to be
>is not something to overcome.
Wrong. If you can't win or lose, then it isn't actually a game. That's why games have rules, so you know when someone has won or lost. Even toddlers know this. When little kids make up their own games, they don't just run around at random and feel good at every little incident, even if they don't verbalize it, they create conditions for winning or losing, so they'll feel good when they have overcome something. If they set a condition that is too easy to achieve, they'll try it a few times, it won't feel good, and they'll stop.
>A videogame is something you have fun in
This might be the most arbitrary thing ever said.
>because it pretends to have challenges; they are illusory challenges, not real ones.
They are illusory in that they don't matter outside the video game, but they are still real challenges nonetheless and you feel just as good for overcoming them.

Thank you.

>>stealth is bullshit
No, it's fine.
>>combat arts only serve as eyecandy
Sort of true.
>>story isn't as thought as ds
Can I get a translation on this one? Do you mean the story isn't as well thought out? That's untrue.

Just dodge it, faggot gives you a hugeass window to beat his ass if you dodge his more powerful strikes.

>shota and loli fused
>can fuck both of them at the same time
>still sad
why bros?

Attached: Sadmurai.jpg (1920x1080, 207K)

>combat arts only serve as eyecandy
depends. Shadowrun is pretty usefull, I think it's unblockable.

>All arguments are semantical anyway.
You forgot "goyim."
>Therefore the only times arguments appear are when somebody uses words the another finds incorrect.
We convey ideas with words, so naturally if two people ever come to an impasse it's because SOME idea and the word used to describe it don't match each other correctly, but that doesn't mean you're just arguing over words, people argue over the ideas behind them, regardless of what word you use. If someone called me a Nazi, I'd disagree with that, but I know why they call me a Nazi and so instead of saying, "um no ackshually nazi means this" like a faggot, I'd instead tell them why biological race is real, because that's what they're ACTUALLY arguing.
>I have no doubt you find sekiro shit.
But I love Sekiro. Did you mean to say, "I have no doubt you find Sekiro THE shit?" Or is that semantics? :^) Are we going to argue over what "shit" means now?