What are some good JRPGs that are short?

like 20 hours or less

I wanna burn through a couple this summer but I have less and less time as I'm getting older *sip*

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mother series is p short.

Mother 3/Earthbound. Suikoden 1 is pretty short. The sequel is a bit longer.


Breath of Fire VII is pretty short

Lisa the Painful is fun, and no more than 10-15 hours long. I'd recommend Pain Mode.

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how come the Switch version is allegedly 8 hours shorter than the original?
I have a Switch, but if I'm missing out on this much content I'd rather power through the original

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Parasite Eve is an unusally short game considering it's from Square. Personally, the game bored me to tears so I couldn't even finish it regardless, but it has a pretty unique setting and a sizeable cult following.

Switch version has more content, not less, dunno what they're on about
Original is still better though because the controls are superior and Switch/mobile versions removed a big part of the battle mechanics

so I should still try to run the DS version?
I could order an R4 cart I guess

people love the sequel right? does the story carry over?


Paper Mario
I don't remember how long TTYD is, but you could probably beat it within 20-30 hours

Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga is another good short JRPG.

is IV the shortest FF?

SaGa Frontier, if you consider individual character routes

Still a mystery to me why they didn't port the game to the 3ds
Maybe they lost the source code of the original?

FFI is the shortest by a large margin.

3DS is backwards compatible so no real point
I know a lot of other games did it but that doesn't make it less pointless

how does the microphone work when you play TWEWY on a 3DS? I remember Phoenix Wright DS case 5 being nearly impossible due to that

3DS has a microphone

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yeah I know, but as I said with DS games the results can be mixed. For PW I couldn't blow off the dust in that one case.

Well it works fine with TWEWY

Atlus remade every 3ds smt game to the 3ds with new content
It would have been a no brainier to do the same with twewy

Pokemon Red, Blue & Yellow

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>with DS games the results can be mixed
THen your microphone is broken. Same thing happened to the one on my original DS.

that can't be right, because actual 3DS games detect the microphone just right, like the 3DS PW. It's just DS carts/flashcarts that let me down. I googled and a few people reported similar issues.

Might be a flashcard issue then
I'm using DSTWO and have no problems

the hell, I have the same exact flashcard.
I might just give TWEWY a spin and see if it was just Phoenix Wright acting up.

Earthbound felt long as hell when I was a kid but it was also my first rpg so I was shit at it.

Shin Megami Tensei

People don't like the first game but love the second. That's my impression. I only played the second one because, like you, the first one bored me to tears.

shin megami tensei is easily 50 hours long dude. Unless you already played the game and know what you're doing.

Idk man. I've beaten it last week. It only took me like a week to beat it too.

He means the first one