Now that P5 is in the spotlight again, let's discuss the best party composition and why it's Joker (Multi), Morgana (Healer), Ann (Magic) and Ryuji (Physical).
Persona 5
Swap Ann for Makoto and thats my setup
Give me a team to use that doesn't use Morgana. I hate that little shit
Yusuke is a better physical attacker.
Two healers don't see much optimal
I like to switch around constantly but for lategame bosses it was always Ann+Ryuji+Makoto. You get all the necessary heals, buffs and attacks.
Can't believe Joker's cartoony portrait here got swapped for this boring shit.
Swap Morgana for Makoto and the thats the optimal set up with all the best chars
Personally I found that Ryuji and Anne were the only party members aside from protag who managed to consistently hit over 1K damage in the final boss, without having done grinding.
Excellent taste
I always ran Joker, Yusuke, Ryuji, Maktoto. Haru would sub in for Ryuji I think in certain situations.
I beat hard with Joker, Morgana, Makoto and Haru. I did absolutely no damage but I never died either
Ryuji is so, so much better than Yusuke. The moment you get Swift Strike on him the game is functionally over. It fucking obliterates every random encounter in the game and does almost a fifth of most boss's health. And he gets Charge and Tarukaja to rape even harder in the endgame. Ryuji is solidly the best party member, and Yusuke is probably the worst since he is just a version of him with less useful skills, barely higher strength and agility, and much worse health.
>God Tier
Ryuji (Charge and Matarukaja)
Ann (Concentrate and Matarunda)
Makoto (Mediarahan and Marakukaja)
>Good Tier
Haru (-karns and Riot Gun crits)
Akechi (big dick damage)
>Outclassed as soon as Makoto gets Mediarama tier
>Bad Tier
Yusuke (why the fuck are half his level up skills passives, come on, at least he’s a little useful for critting treasure demons later in the game)
Theres literally no reason to keep morgana on your team once makoto starts learning healing shit
Miracle Punch
yes there is. makoto is a bitch and i hate her. I hate the cat too but he is still better than that cunt
I did the same, but swapped Ryuji for Haru because of that hard hittinh bullet attack with high chance to crit.
It's irrelevant because the game is braindead easy
Just use Kaguya and shining arrows, rest is unimportant
She has a great ass at least
Ann Yusuke Makoto
Once i got to end game, everyone was evenly leveled because of Mishima's, and i could switch people out each turn because of Hifumi, but until that point this is what i stuck with, unless there was some kinda elemental weakness i needed to exploit. Makoto was always the bottom bitch, tho
I mained Seth with that one shot kill so didn't really need haru
morgana is the most annoying character ever how can having a talking pet be that bad, fuck
I always ran Ann, Morgana and Makoto and just let Joker do all the damage with Yoshitsune.
The "cute mascot character is actually a thinly veiled hint system" will never be a good idea for any game, prove me wrong
Penis persona has One Shot kill as well, but with better strenght stat.