Mfw Tim Sweeney himself paid for my free copy of Borderlands 3

>mfw Tim Sweeney himself paid for my free copy of Borderlands 3
How can one man be so based?

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the sad thing is youre right

i feel sorry for epic cucks that will miss out on this gem

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Mostest basedest thread on Yea Forums right now

Fortnite kids are paying for my copy

I am confused OP. Who is Tim and why did he pay for your copy

tim sweaty sure keeps displacing his hairline though

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It’s okay to boycott Epic, but pirates are pieces of shit.

neither 2k or gearbox lose NOTHING if people pirate. if the game sold 0 they'd still make a profit from epics deal.

Epic throwing fortnite bucks at developers/publishers is a free ticket to pirate the fuck out of it.


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seething steam buycuck

thanks president pooh

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>he thinks Bordermemes 3 will function offline
nice try sweeties

>gets a free copy of the chinese and russian trojan with every game
>gloats about it on a serbian shellfish forum

Is there anything more stupid?

delusional buyfag

Who the fuck buys hgames besides Japs?


Piracy is a service issue.

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i'm pirating right now. how ya feeling little paypiggy?

if EPIC paid 2k 1million dollars for BL3 exclusivity and lets say they sale 2million in the first week does that mean it only sold 1 million since EPIC pretty much bought the other 1 million?

>had to setup vpn to play borderlands with friends because we all pirated it
>will have to do it again in half a year
Thanks chinks for making me relive good old times.

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