Yea Forumsidya Draw Thread

Previous thread >Post character name/franchises and references and keep them in a single post
>Keep it vidya
>The character(s) must be of vidya origin
>Post an art sample with your "taking requests" requests
>No bumping your requests
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>No OC requests. You can, however, request the creation of vidya characters.
>Everyone posting "LOOMIS" without explanations and proper criticism is just spam, which should be ignored and reported.
>Please bump if the thread reaches page 10
>Have fun

Post your art to the booru for anons to find later in case they miss a delivery or if it is NSFW: (current) (backup)
Also, to those uploading, if you know who the subjects of the picture are, please tag them!

NSFW Deliveries (excluding loli/furry content) should also be posted in
For NSFW Deliveries that go against the rules like loli/furry try these sites: or

Want to learn how to draw or improve your drawing skills? Visit the /ic/ sticky
Drawing Books and drawing programs:!vp5hQCbQ!oCNGOUgaVeK1pHs3qasJDQ

Attached: ca4fab33af50cf739788b3b315b6a8c2c0f1fea0.png (992x1333, 676K)

Other urls found in this thread:'s_Rabbit_Suit_(F)


Attached: 429dae105ba1bf7eddbfb3301f3f001861048d89.png (392x422, 39K)

Hello Everyone! We're getting the Easter Collab underway - We've got a background artist ready (Pure, with Jacinth as a back-up) and now we just need to pick what idea we're doing for the collab. After hearing ideas, we've got a Straw-Poll ready to decide on ideas.


This evening, at 8pm EST, we'll have the results, and submissions will be open for the collab. The deadline will be Saturday, April 20th - The Day before Easter, so that we can post our combined efforts on Easter Sunday. Looking forward to this - And Happy Easter!

Attached: Easter Collab.png (1305x829, 1.66M)

Requesting a deep, passionate kiss between Alicia and Rudy. Both characters are from the game Brave Soul.

Attached: alicia and rudy.jpg (850x1008, 143K)

Taking requests~!

Roll from mega man being covered in cinnamon frosting, then asking if this is some weird fetish

Requesting Meme holding a Minecraft block of your choosing over her head.

Attached: meme_img.png (286x450, 127K)

Requesting Hat Kid in a bunny outfit & being smug.

Attached: 1552376258151.gif (155x201, 499K)

Requesting Gaius hiding behind a rock

Attached: Gaius.png (992x1576, 856K)

Alma Elma affectionately cuddling with Luka while the latter looks scared and/or paranoid about such wholesomeness being out-of-character for her.

Attached: Luka_alma_mgq.png (900x600, 453K)

Somehow Easter egg hunt is the most intriguing to me

are we drawing or what

Still in bed cus it's cold

Attached: 1554288619649.jpg (669x469, 90K)

Posting Umihara Kawase anchor

Attached: excited kawase.gif (500x375, 139K)

Requesting a 7-8 Month pregnant, no stretch marks, with Triplets and bigger breasted Kyoko Kuremi

Attached: __kuremi_kyouko_digimon_and_digimon_story_cyber_sleuth_drawn_by_yasuda_suzuhito__2d6bd1f8aebd79994f0 (1500x3163, 1.18M)

Requesting this scene (the complete battle see link or only the gif) with vidya characters.

Attached: astroganger_running.gif (280x215, 873K)


Attached: ss-(2019-04-03-at-10.24.gif (1918x980, 97K)

>Message janai on pixiv
>hasnt gotten back to me in a month or more
maybe I did this wrong

Try his Twitter?

Requesting Dragon girl Menardi

>But she's already a Dragon!

I just want something more Draconic looking

Attached: Dragonic Menardi.jpg (1731x600, 151K)

Requesting all orbs (in any color) from Devil May Cry eating pizza and drinking monster energy.

Attached: blueorb.png (240x240, 75K)

2B wearing this new DLC costume in Soul Calibur VI

Attached: 2B_Nier.png (1024x1024, 578K)

Requesting Noel Vermillion in a qipao with covered hairbuns

Attached: pZDRkwY.jpg (3776x1968, 921K)

Requesting some stuff of Welch (star ocean)
Video reference with 3d model at the timestamp until 0:36
Like being groped from behind under her sweater
And wedding dress Welch.

Attached: WelchVineyard03.png (1024x1024, 320K)

Mecha dry bones bowser

Update on this.

Attached: lewd.png (515x567, 228K)

Requesting Psyme and Risky as bunny girls

Attached: Purple girls.jpg (903x687, 110K)

Requesting Polarday and Obelisk (from Girl's Frontline) artwork.
Make it spooky, cool, badass and cute in the same time.
Sexy erotic art is welcome, but keep it spooky and badass too.

Attached: Polarday&Obelisk.png (2370x2050, 2.63M)

Requesting Touko/White/Hilda in a Galvantula/Joltik themed Spider-Gwen outfit web-slinging a disembodied head towards the camera ala Johnny Cage's MK11 fatality.

The head can be a FOTM, a character you are tired of seeing requested, crying Nintendo/Sony Wojak, or anyone really.

Attached: Fatality in style.jpg (2440x3036, 702K)

Attached: pika man.png (3000x3000, 1.57M)

While you wait for the other guy to deliver, have this

Attached: umihara alt.png (2212x3000, 918K)

Attached: murasaki.png (2219x3000, 830K)

Holy fucking yes
I'm glad that dress is suddenly making rounds, there's a ton of girls i'd love to see in that dress

if you mean robo, try his twitter
was fairly responsive when I comm'd him there

only sketch

Attached: rape.png (3000x3000, 2.24M)

I'd like to request either this (SFW)
or this (NSFW)
with Eldridge and South Dakota

Attached: vanillachocolate.png (948x2576, 2.27M)

here's your clean burg

Attached: burger supply depot.png (3000x3000, 1.74M)

not OR but that's a real nice Murasaki

Requesting this (see link) but with Re-Class and without bra and with happy lewd grin face.

Attached: BBV_Battleship_Re-Class_561_Full.png (530x668, 367K)

Adult Myrrh please

Attached: myrrh.png (1288x1676, 846K)

Can I get a picture of Claude and Rena hugging intimately, either by a window in a ship with a view of space, and/or in 0-G and floating all the while?

Attached: rcld.jpg (1080x1596, 361K)

OR here. Even if there's a possibility that I got bamboozled into waiting forever, this is still really fucking nice and sexy. Thanks a ton!

Can someone do Brock rubbing sunscreen on Olivia's back please?

Attached: IMG_0152.png (905x882, 670K)

Requesting Sister Friede from Dark Souls 3 with shortish red hair, nose piercing, stockings, garters and heels put in a pillory and cummed inside of by a buff viking looking dude.

Attached: 1554058055831m.jpg (1024x392, 79K)

>sankaku shitting the bed

Requesting sexy ara ara milf version Kokoro Belmont pinching Soma Cruz's cheeks

Attached: Soma and the youngest living Belmont who would be 40 in his timeline.jpg (942x720, 71K)

Just use gelbooru or danbooru for now, there's an official_art tag even.


Requesting cheeky and mean Curly Brace laughs at user.

Attached: 1553298580484.png (512x384, 204K)



Requesting Wakaba isshiki making a heart shape with her hands, with a grin on her face

Attached: 1554156549624.jpg (848x1200, 96K)

Requesting Merrymaker Lian (left) from Paladins like the tamamo cat image on the right, but showing her x-mas panties or not wearing any. Or wearing a sexy dress.

Attached: merrylift.png (1208x720, 1.11M)

Tried doing that incel to slayer transformation picture with this guy from Resi 7. How's it look? And if any wants to edit it themself/make the pretty boy version, i'd be glad to see.

Attached: incel-to-slayer.jpg (788x566, 256K)

Requesting my MMO character from the game "Mabinogi" wearing her "Rhetoi Rabbit Suit", doing stuff related to rabbits or easter.

Hiding colorful chocolate eggs in bushes, decorating them while sitting on the floor, hunting easter eggs herself, jumping around like a bunny really fast, doing the special dance the character does when you wear the outfit without weapons (which is simply ear and hands flap flap, tail shake shake), fighting the easter bunny by throwing eggs to each other or anything else cute/funny you can think of.

Character reference:
Outfit and dance reference:'s_Rabbit_Suit_(F)

No lewd allowed, it will be ignored, instantly rejected and sealed away.

Please and thanks!

Attached: 1554082293652.jpg (220x220, 14K)

Requesting Beta Rosalina please

Attached: Princess_Rosalina_concept.png (421x867, 340K)

Requesting chubby Shulk!

Thank you in advance!

Attached: 93BA7294-8F1A-4893-BC1B-58B08903DEB1.jpg (3218x1536, 787K)

Requesting Twinscest

Attached: Calypso Twins.jpg (1024x576, 181K)

Requesting this squid kid stumbling upon an old porno magazine with his mother on the front page after finding the photo.

Attached: Squid milf_.jpg (825x1275, 210K)

Requesting Anju please

Attached: 1515425785493.png (600x800, 741K)

Not doomposting but damn threads are dying too often.

Requesting Doom the video game series posting

I know right, all I want is some nice lolis taking a dick in their butts, damnit!

Thanks for the Pika!

Requesting Borderlands Pirates pirating Borderlands.

Requesting pov of Goth Aradia being fucked on her back and having one of her breasts grabbed, top lifted so just that one tit is out


Attached: husyhyshyusgyssgtssssgftsgftsss.png (435x349, 14K)


send requests

Attached: whyidrewthis_sorry_joelxd.png (237x300, 52K)

Sunny Emmerich

Attached: nQo7srd.jpg (761x819, 98K)


Ouch, reminds me of that webm where the girl does a car alarm-like sound after watching a bunny get shot.


Attached: roll covered in v req text vers.png (561x817, 337K)

Riki using a rifle, or playing with the Monado
Inspired by his in-game lines of being good with rifles and wanting to play with the Monado

Attached: Riki_2.png (325x279, 130K)

Requesting Brenda getting her huge breasts roughly fondled, looking extremely aroused

Attached: Brenda ref final.png (1977x720, 1.06M)

Silly but pretty kawaii nigga.

Bunnygirl Amelia please?

Another idea: How about Amelia without her armor with some muscle tone, like she's exercising?
Or her using the SSG from Doom and slaughtering enemies or gone full-Berserker and using an axe to rip and tear

Attached: Amelia.png (720x1280, 351K)

Don't die on me

Requesting a drawing of either shrine maiden or MILF-mode wearing casual clothes and/or an apron.

Attached: Mataharinew3.png (512x724, 314K)

This is the future you chose.

cowgirl Hornet or riding a rodeo machine

Attached: Hornet.png (984x1022, 960K)

tits too small

requesting Emeralda with big breasts, making her top drape
showing her underboob would be best
or requesting happy Emeralda wearing a white dress

Attached: EmeraldaArt2.png (368x525, 319K)

Ready. Hope you like it.

Attached: Will Pizza.png (1600x1200, 580K)

Requesting more Yandere Rozalin/Zenon. Thanks to the drawfriend who drew this one.

Attached: 1553631191444.png (1655x2065, 2.97M)

You might be right

Requesting Tamamo from Monster Girl Quest in the Wind Waker art-style.

Attached: WindWaker_Tamamo.png (1800x1200, 1.39M)

Requesting JRPG characters who have a hood as part of their design but never wear it, wearing their hood up.
Examples: Tidus from FFX, Kairi from KH3, Shulk from Xenoblade, Black Rock Shooter (if you count the PSP game), Sarah from Mobius FF


If you want to try drawing a very busty Frimelda with the idea of squished or grabbed tits, could even have Adelle from FFTA2 groping her from envy or admiration.

Attached: Frimelda Lotice.jpg (600x930, 94K)

requesting evil/yandere Rozalin like

Requesting characters as children wearing oversized clothes.

Attached: 1554259897336.png (640x688, 73K)

Nice to see the most forgotten E4 member

Nah that title belongs to Glacia

>can't complain about thing on booru or it'll reveal my power level

What did he mean by this?

Attached: 1416645240019.gif (500x377, 396K)

Requesting Fubuki getting her own happy ending
or other big titty goth girl stuff works

Attached: Fubuki_profile.jpg (1080x1200, 258K)

I dunno, Glacia at least has a small cult of GILFfags. Will seems to be a literal who as Wikstrom

Requesting Lu Bu from Dynasty Warriors throwing away his halberd aside, pulling out dual pistols, and pulling off a larger body count in his new Musou mode, which is like Reaper's Death Blossom.

Idea based off Reaper's Lu Bu skin.

Attached: lu bu goes john woo.png (2062x1200, 2.74M)

Requesting Natalie(left) from EBF eating a donut like Araki(right).

Attached: Natalie_Araki_donut_request.png (830x518, 751K)

Requesting a "guess I'll die" with Zero from Drakengard 3. She is being stabbed from the back with the Dragonbone Sword as in the reference. Don't put the words "guess I'll die" on the image, but she should have that same expression as in the picture.

Attached: 1554261891416.jpg (3322x1078, 1.48M)

Requesting some coloring.

Character reference:

Please and thanks!

Can I get uhhh, sissyboy blushing

Attached: Samekichi_character_art.png (732x960, 180K)

Just let your anger out user

Also thanks drawfag for this kawaii pic

Attached: 1554268434345.png (865x891, 309K)

Will take it, but I'll do it tonight. Here's a sample of my art
Let me know if you're okay waiting.

You know requesters will wait months for a delivery right

Selphie from FFVIII taking a very lewd and probably risqué selfie, or video

Requesting a smug N.. Trance from Crash Bandicoot with an Eggscellent hat.

Attached: request.png (1538x481, 842K)

Good to know. Today's my first time drawfagging.

Requesting A in pose 1, 2, or 3 cleaning the countertop/dishes/floor and saying the following line to the viewer:
"So clean, so simple... So effective."

Attached: 1553536757304.jpg (1056x1516, 337K)

Her right eye is bugging me, it's taking up a little too much space on the side.
Overall, very nice sketches
Lovin this one
I've been eyeing your request for a while, I'm gonna take a chance on it as well. Might work on it this weekend

Can I get a (You)

Take your time! Thank you very much for considering it, and let me know if I should provide better references.

Aradia and Miriam swapping outfits or swapping cum by kissing

Requesting this Pokémon Schoolgirl

Attached: 7E78F56D-3888-45C7-8B9D-61DA6736AF17.png (370x636, 139K)

/r/'ing nanako in pajamas with a dummy thick ass

Attached: 5ce452821861b85c6d314efcd2854a8d.jpg (638x1040, 66K)

little lewder than I expected. Also Casket would know exactly what it is, After all she offered Mega some of her pie after a mission

Some of us are either asleep or doing other things. I tried staying up a bit and bump some of them to life.

why did borv stopped drawing for these threads

Requesting sunglasses Mario as pic related but the text is in italian.

Attached: dfg1.jpg (600x600, 31K)

He's just busy, I think.

Last month was my first time doing a request. Gotten at least 15 of them done and planning on continuing.

Requesting a student witch from castlevania looking embarrassed after having fallen on top of an user's face.

Attached: 5856579712.jpg (1223x585, 500K)

I wanna fuck Anne.


You all suck. Now where's my burger art?!

Attached: 1554147128272.jpg (253x317, 25K)

Burger art?

Requesting floppy-eared bunny Aradia, possibly pregnant with easter eggs.

Attached: bunnygirl.png (1374x1083, 1.07M)

Throw me some simple sfw requests please

Attached: Greninja and Serena.png (699x803, 175K)

You got this already.

Anyone want anything else colored?

Attached: Knightess.png (1773x2333, 1.17M)

Im gonna draw 10 requests here before the thread dies.


Medli being subjected to racial profiling. And...FIGHT

Attached: medli.png (1107x1661, 1.66M)

I want to do things to her butt

This tall drink of water

Attached: 1535517384263.png (463x415, 43K)

Delete. Fairy is for pure and food

Fairies are for lewd and anal


Attached: Rosalina.png (463x415, 69K)

Not him but that was hella fast

Holy crap thanks user. She looks just like my mmo character

Oh bless you for this. I'm so glad to see the finished version and her ready to enjoy all the burgers, thanks!

This R63 dragon pup from mgq

Attached: 06012ff5369311d5f23bf98c0c1de0718142f3dc.png (1200x1351, 263K)

requesting this with link

Attached: 1532735780660.jpg (1199x662, 199K)

You're anonymous on a website of revealed power levels.


Draw her being raped Custers Revenge style

>no good notte lewds anywhere
Fuck. Why did dragalia have to be so meh

edgy fanfic autism chara (female) getting heavily came on with a side of possible cum inflation please and thank you

Attached: 1553914264741.jpg (680x680, 87K)


I know right? Those greenteaneko comics are hot, but they only imply lewd, I need more.

Requesting the bottom pic with Lamretta from Granblue.

Attached: Lamretta.png (1512x2428, 3.9M)

Requesting Ilsa at her ideal wedding. If the scenery is too much I would be okay with just her in the wedding dress.

Attached: IlsaWedding.jpg (484x1632, 364K)

requesting this but with fat tiddies instead

/r/'ing Buddy with a fat ass attempting to sit on someone's face because she heard it dominates males.

Attached: 1553921480256.jpg (465x512, 72K)

Requesting sexy Easter Daisy.
Or like this
Daisy porn:

Attached: cutie.jpg (3296x2992, 1.26M)

No problem. Make sure to add her to the booru!

>Labrys followed by Aigis

Attached: labrys valentine.jpg (883x1214, 1.26M)

Requesting Serena and Ash getting it on


Requesting Pio gathering giant wyvern, dragon and other rare creature eggs into a cart for her potion making.
You could also just have her struggling to hold one up.

Attached: Pio outfits.jpg (2435x3035, 819K)

>forced meme followed by other forced meme

>posting years-old art to an anchor
What the fuck are you doing?

I feel like the saying forced meme is a forced meme at this point.

Requesting size_difference stuff

Attached: Euryale and Asterios v2.jpg (1024x2000, 900K)

Because it was already done before:

if only the phrase "forced meme" was a meme

Makes sense

Requesting Amshel as a grown up adult

Attached: 64264637_p14.jpg (472x472, 177K)

Requesting Wally as a manly biker, bonus points if his helmet looks like Gallade's helm

Attached: Wally2.jpg (393x871, 27K)

But it is.

Draw a pirate

Attached: William_Kidd.jpg (882x1183, 806K)

Requesting Captain Kidd's cool early design in the top right here.

Attached: 20170107014652.png (1299x911, 823K)

Requesting nude Pio art

Kidd wasn't a pirate. He was a pirate hunter that was frammed by a pirate he was hunting.

>pirate hunter
>suck at your job

Should have pirated Monster Hunter

Make it World Heroes Kidd

Requesting King K. Rool and a nude Rosalina recreating this drawing of a crocodile and a nude woman ice skating.

Attached: dance of the hours.jpg (940x1023, 271K)

Requesting Fuze doing the kazotsky kick

Attached: Fuze.jpg (1502x1290, 393K)

Requesting Ada protecting Sherry from some zombies

Attached: Re2.png (1575x1033, 711K)

requesting a three pannel pov pic with mae on her knees being smug and disdainful at a small flaccid cock, then nervous when it gets hard and huge, then getting throatfucked with her twintails used as handles

Attached: FE_Echoes_Mae.png (1133x3566, 3.18M)

drawthreads on fast boards are a mistake

You got this on /h/ and /d/, fuck off

Drawthreads in general are a mistake.

she looks silly

Requesting a parody of the bottom image but with Link

Attached: LinkVerse.png (1664x836, 784K)

Requesting kisses


And? Size difference doesn't have to be lewd.

Eliza in a school uniform please

Attached: 1546378274546.jpg (1232x2000, 378K)

could I have a drawing of a cute girl please it’s getting close to finals and I’m getting stressed out

>friend messages me asking how am I
>"I'm fine"
>"aww just fine?"
>"Yup just fine" because I'm having trouble with anatomy and perspective
>"well lets make that fine into a great"
>"hehe *kisses you"
>don't respond
>"feeling better?"
>close discord

Attached: 1552882879938.jpg (386x526, 93K)

I'm running out of money, I need a commission please.

Anyone knows how to do stuff with 3D models?
Requesting something with Kat or at least make the models usable, if they do indeed lack rigging and bones

Sure. Post your blog

>thread died early
Fuck you.

Attached: Cole MacGrath is sickened.jpg (561x581, 99K)

It's been 4 hours and nearly 100 posts with no deliveries.

Attached: he.png (1582x1526, 117K)

discord is for fags

Attached: aigisVein.jpg (1200x1200, 432K)

You get used to it

well you sure jinxed it

>my meme delivery in it wasn't added to the booru

Requesting Celeste in a sexy bunnysuit

Attached: celeste luvendass.jpg (6000x2600, 1.43M)

Go away, Bishop.

Aigis deliveries aren't entertaining

seems to be a slow day today for this board

Attached: 1515028262176.png (1185x691, 116K)

That one was kinda boring

A2 is sexy

Requesting Hex Manic hexing Aigis turning her into a Hex Maniac clone

Attached: 63013685_p0.jpg (2248x1600, 757K)

This meme has to STOP, it's not FUNNY how about you fags get a sense of humor instead this dumb low effort shit. This is some facebook tier shit meme for edgy 12 year olds.
You drawfags waste your time drawing PATHETIC meme crap like this and you still DARE complain that thread has no good requests while ignoring actual serious requests, like mine.
You DISGUST ME. You only draw shit like this because that's only way your "art" can get noticed, just for shock value. ANd it's always the same that dub weeb shit game robot. Instead of tits you then manage to RUIN it by drawing GAY SHIT with that Richard faggot.
I hate you ALL DRAWFAGS.

Requesting Hex Maniac but with her small canon breast size.

>Thread goes full circlejerk
>Non-circlejerk people leave
>Now they can't keep the threads alive

Can I try drawing what you want?

Sometimes I have to wonder if he does it on purpose or if he really just is that unaware of himself.

should've edited the pasta since there wasn't any Ricardo this time

user, just don't question it, don't acknowledge it.

this, but hex is then dabbing saying "you got pranked" dress as filthy frank please

One of you lads wanna draw some Lady Butterfly lewds or are you a fucking pussy puppy ass bitch

Attached: F1E9C859-793A-416A-B291-99198ACC94C0.jpg (1280x720, 92K)

Requesting Ricardo Milos Tethu

Attached: Tethu.png (411x428, 455K)

i drew Maldraw's oc but im not sure if i should post it here.

Draw and jam

Attached: Untitled.png (2560x1440, 1.52M)

Stop memeing about Maldraw, Jesus. Post it though if you're serious.


Stop trying to ruin my request

Forgot my jam

Pasta is promising but it needs to be made more neutral, that is, easier to just copypaste it.
Maldraw's OC is not Vidya.

i'm improving ti and i can request what i want

what do you genuinely want to draw that no one ever requests?
Fuck requestfags, I want to see drawfags draw something they have a personal interest in seeing

I love drawing girls wearing short or long boots included or even emphasized a bit. Not that I'm good or anything (wip is above)

Just waiting for someone to request my fetish with Aigis and I will draw it. I know it is bound to happen someday

If you want to draw more things, draw a girl in a big fluffy parka with some nice warm boots


I usually like drawing simple cute shit from games like Zelda, Pokemon, and Persona

Draw a pixie or maybe Jack Frost eating a popsicle

how about labrys and aigis trying on matching dresses, no memes only cute

Draw more cute witches!

Requesting fusions

Attached: 2BF58481-F0E6-49D1-BB55-495C252C302D.jpg (640x682, 110K)

Which one?

>persona androids

Attached: too much coke.png (2134x1486, 1.15M)

Mariel as a knight "colored" to be a more likeable character.
I put a lot of time into that, but he claims nobody delivered on it. Oh well!

Attached: Shrug.jpg (1000x850, 143K)

Requesting requests.

Attached: 59.png (1135x1113, 112K)

This one is a maybe
Unfortunately I’m gonna have to pass on this one mostly because I have yet to play P3

Both dressed as Megaman X characters.

Why even waste your time on a shitty request

it's a pretty good game as much as we get memes in this thread, if you play P3P you get control of party members

I thought it turned out pretty good!

Requesting fusions

Attached: Robutt Hex Fusion Other.jpg (1600x1911, 246K)

It definitely did but you really shouldn't acknowledge it, good joke delivery or not.

Well maybe someday someone will draw Aradia with her hair down.

requesting a friend

Cool, I requested Mimi a while ago.
It's nice to see more art of her getting drawn.
Or any of the Atelier characters in general.

Attached: Mimi from Atelier Totori.png (688x771, 160K)

Not that the spic would say it.

Thoughts on this?

Attached: IMG_0601.png (748x766, 333K)


>image looks better when it's not some faggot's mmo OC

das cuute

Needs erection

what kinds of things do people from these threads tend to pay money to commission
(either from an artist's observations or a commissioner's perspective)

Attached: 1520523875090.jpg (700x741, 63K)


Suggestive and lewds. Specifically the autistically detailed kind that i try to spare the threads from

Attached: 1551938496385.jpg (818x453, 108K)

I never commissioned anyone for anything but I've been on a good hunt to find an artist to draw me a cute daki lately. I'm struggling to find anyone I'm satisfied with though.


Alright. There you go.

Attached: 71.png (1450x1665, 335K)

The only commission I ever did was a lewd.
But then, it was a present, so I technically didn't pay for it.


requesting the meme from the left redrawn using the Huppermage from the right, thank you very much have a nice day

Attached: drawthread request.png (1448x900, 1.05M)

Commission me
jk I can't draw at satisfactory level

daki comms cost upwards to 150 dollars unless if you can settle for subpar art

I don't care, I just want to find someone with a good style at this point.

Gotcha senpai

Her back is odd and long, I can't say if the ass is from the side or not or if those are two buttcheeks with some strange bikini bottom. Her legs and lenght of their parts is just ??? Glasses and their lines are
extremely out of place compared to the lines you used on the rest of the image. Talking about lines, their thickness, fuzzyness and hardness is all over the place. Don't be afraid to spend more time on your drawings, right now the lines scream first sketch with a bit of cleanup.
Guy is either dug into the sand up to his pelvis, has no legs or has hips borken in a very painful way which would eplain his tears.
At least the heads/faces are pretty cute and colours are decent but could use some more saturation.
Think more about how characters are positioned when you draw and don't be afraid to use real photos as reference images. Draw them as those connected piles of boxes if you need to, even.

lemme see the people you've considered to comm

This drawthread doesn't deserve my ideas.

Cool, more deliveries for me.

Any pokegirl mc requests

draw the MC wearing the lass school uniform of her region

A present?

I can't draw anything good looking at all. I've practiced so much and anatomy still kicks my ass.

Fucking love it.

Keep doing it

Draw the new hotness with a fake moustache trying to buy an energy drink

Should I draw Mei futa again or another pokegirl



let me add Hex is also a futa that then uses Aigis as her cock sleeve after

Taking May request

aw hell yeah

Titfucking her own futa cock.

Draw Lana futa

Secretary May with her suit on the brink of breaking open.

Trying and failing to cover up her massive tits with her arms

Kris with a huge bulge in her spats trailing down one of her legs.

Attached: Crystal_Kris.png (909x1609, 1.62M)

Taimanin May in a latex tiddie ninja outfit.

Headswap with Hollow Knight on Hornet's body & vice-versa.


It's a bit redundant.

what the FUCK are you looking at!?

Attached: tumblr_nir47tPScy1u5r7z7o1_400.jpg (366x600, 137K)

Requesting Shimakaze dressed like a boy.

Attached: 1546540503189.jpg (850x1707, 162K)

Draw futa Hapu.

Attached: 344ab0071deab9e6f31983589006a6d8.jpg (2074x1475, 415K)

ugly fuc


make it bigger than a horsecock

Is it bondage?


Then requesting Shimakaze dressed like a girl.

Attached: 1525460997142.jpg (512x512, 38K)

This but non-futa and she’s riding my white dick like a horse

I want to draw characters that haven't been drawn 1000 times already

I fucking love Mogudan


Taking simple requests

requesting a simple request

For a Pokemon x Digimon request, can someone do a drawing of Bugsy (pic related) throwing a Poke Ball at a Tentomon.

Attached: IMG_0694.png (578x1002, 356K)

>pen nib was slowly decaying
>ordered replacements days ahead so that I'm ready
>receive package
>it has a scrap of paper and no nibs
Never use ebay for digital art shit holy heck I'm mad. I even made sure the seller was in the USA. Now I can't draw digitally for a few days

Attached: 1549033128836.jpg (720x720, 123K)

Requesting Serene finished swimming.

Attached: IMG_0572.png (997x932, 71K)

You can use my nibs, user~

Shimakaze sucks

Requesting female Earthlain from Etrian Odyssey V wearing a wedding dress holding out her hand with a wedding ring on her finger please.

Attached: Female-Earthrun.jpg (691x1221, 119K)

Aigis Toobee!

Attached: 1ABFE489-5B64-4994-8D48-3AA5AB93225B.png (2800x4550, 2.23M)

big black dicks

Requesting May buying nibs online and being disappointed to find she merely bought scraps of paper from an untrustworthy seller.

Requesting the Blind Prince embarrassed and blushing lifting his shirt up to show the Liar Princess his boner, have her poking at it innocently as she doesn't know what it is.

Attached: igeYL7A0-s0E2vL0D0tok6QRGK2E_xTM.png (328x282, 161K)


Nice 2A

Requesting Poison and Birdo comparing dick sizes.

Attached: poison birdo.png (522x434, 145K)

Thanks user that came out looking great.

This but with Labrys.

Why is she looking prince's eyebrows?

Maybe she thinks "Oh! His eyebrows are in the same color as mine!

Requesting a parody of Steam boat willie but with Mario

Attached: MM.png (1575x1068, 1.53M)


Requesting this villager having a polite and casual dinner with an old fat business man, a faceless muscular man who's head is never in frame and a suspiciously well detailed dog

Attached: 357px-AC3DS_Girl.png (357x599, 187K)

Draw the nerd with small tits and a hyper futa dick

Attached: 1554244410407.png (1171x515, 31K)

You know what even though I’ve never played a Persona game, I think I like Labrys a lot more than that stupid whore named Aigis. I’m joining the Labrys army. Who’s with me on taking down Aigis! You hear me you Aigis fags!

Attached: 003D1E4F-B652-4752-82DA-E5DD880FF997.jpg (500x363, 57K)

Sure thing phone posting shitposter. I dislike Labrys mostly becuase I don't like her design as much. It might be the dumb bright red parts on her arms

I guess we’re opposite then cause I think I like her design better.

You never heard her speak, I’m guessing.


Attached: 4-3-19_anju.png (750x1050, 393K)

Requesting Shigure with a hime cut hairstyle but keep the braid.

Attached: Shigure_Kai_Ni_Full.png (600x1320, 141K)


Lovely job

she looks silly

Oh god it's terrible

>english dub

Aigis sounds boring
Labrys sounds whacky and annoying
Aigis has an older but decent design
Labrys is fresher but also has a decent design
Wow I'm reaching critical levels of thinking here

Is that Scottish?

metis is the thinking man's choice

It’s bad in both languages.

Metis is just negro aigis, but sge definitely is underrated

She’s sounds okay I guess could be somewhat annoying. Now let me hear Aigis.

Attached: 1C929F01-6B55-461A-A920-BCA04B596E97.jpg (210x247, 23K)

Metis is literally just Aigis

Requesting the Ghoulfather from Yo-kai Watch 3 wielding a Tommy gun

Attached: Gogogo Godfather reference.png (2244x864, 1.57M)

Her japanese voice is cute. In general I prefer always the original dub and the language which fits to the setting.

Gonna want her Jap voice too

Taking requests

Attached: D3P7ALLWAAImK21.jpg (1362x2048, 165K)

aigis in that pose

Requesting Corrin treating Camilla's ass like a bongo drum and spanking it to her pleasure

Attached: Camilla Corrin.jpg (1284x890, 276K)

Attached: korb.png (418x312, 207K)

find it yourself baby-kun


Looks like Astolfo

labrys in that pose

>Her Jap VA is Maaya Sakamoto
Well that's not even fair

I know but... why it looks so odd?!
I am crazy? Or is the artist or this drawing crazy?

drawn by a muzzy

Requesting Pic related taking a bath.

Attached: IMG_0477.png (208x176, 144K)


Attached: 4-3-19_rosalina.png (750x1050, 137K)

I’ve decided. Labrys Jap voice is the best.


milfy fukua with a huge ass in a naked apron

Attached: Fukua.jpg (1694x1198, 442K)


An upskirt shot of Kameo

Attached: Kameo_2.jpg (1112x1775, 201K)

Tf wrong with u niggas


silly but cute if you ask me

Good taste

Based. His OC sparked my interest in meteors.

Haven't showered in days and my armpits smell unique, its getting dizzying
0 i shower
1-9 I dont

How come so many more well known artists draw for Yea Forums but not for say.. Yea Forums?

Because you clearly don't browse the Yea Forums draw thread

You don't go to Yea Forums do you?

Yes I do.

because Yea Forums is pure autism. Yea Forums is autism but its watered down with anger and reddit

Attached: Dis delicious.png (688x992, 235K)

They have a lot of pretty famous artist over there, what the fuck are you talking about?


Help me choose what to draw with this slut
>partial vore+cum inflation
>stripper+public egg-laying

Attached: 1526214520566.jpg (1000x1414, 538K)

>well known
like who?

Partial vore+public egg-laying

how about none of that and draw her giving an assjob to an user

You don't draw

cum inflation + egg laying

How about her sucking ma nuts like a good squirrel.

I don't know, I know Yea Forums has like splashbrush and a few other artist that went on to work on games or became pretty well known.

Sitting in a tree eating nuts.

Attached: gray-squirrel-uc-berkeley.jpg.653x0_q80_crop-smart.jpg (653x435, 44K)

Cum inflation and then public egg laying, but in a very casual manner

Her hair is too long
Please give her a cute haircut
Before it trips her

Attached: Lyria_(Event)_A.png (960x800, 113K)

Here's a quickie

Attached: He-Hold The Phone.png (497x411, 55K)

First option.


Attached: VidyaLolisCut.jpg (1768x528, 117K)

shitty character


>Mediocre and memey

Pretty hot desu

post your work tough guy

Feeling like drawing DBZ girls tonight, any request?


Only android 21 is Yea Forums user. Aside from that you'd want to ask Yea Forums.

Towa from Dragon Ball Xenoverse getting put in a choke hold by Vados with her thighs.

Attached: The weak should fear the strong.png (600x700, 177K)

Attached: assjob.png (896x713, 223K)

do not want :(

Aigis futa Nanako is great

Silly but cute joke delivery


Now that I'm done drawing those three lolis.

Can I get a drawing of Hanabi (Senran Kagura) in this situation saying/screaming ... DOKAAAAN!

My Smartphone died and I need something to cheer me up.

Attached: Hanabi Toilet Dokan Ref.jpg (1781x800, 562K)

Wow. Yeah, I bet that'll "cheer you up", you fucking freak.

Attached: F9709D1B-6186-40FC-938B-BFA245904063.png (2010x1850, 1.03M)


requesting morrigan fucking a guy in the amazon position

Attached: 1506308577414.jpg (2070x2792, 344K)

Which drawfags pass free art if I DM them

Hello Everyone! The votes are in for the Easter Collab, and it's been decided we're doing Characters in Bunny Suits (Pajama or Play-Boy). A little similar to last year, but hopefully we can make this one stand out on it's own! Pure is currently working out a background, Pic Related being one of the concepts, but he says more or less it's a grassy field, with Easter-y assets mixed in. He's also said character interactions, if any, are up to the artists, but if you have something in mind, let us know.

We'll be taking submissions between now and April 20th. As always, transparent images are preferred, but if you can't do that, it's not the end of the world.

Looking forward to all the artwork you all are going to make and can't wait to see this all come together. Happy Easter!

Attached: Backgroud_Concept02B.png (480x274, 48K)

Requesting momodora

Does this work as "sexy easter"

Attached: 4-3-19_daisy.png (750x1050, 186K)

>playboy bunny suits

Don't worry, you're not invited, again.

Requesting Skye Autumn, from the Sanctum games, relaxing and using her right, non-robot, arm to jerk off an imaginary penis, like the reference on the right. Whether she's being cocky to the viewer or has a lewd expression is up to you.

I had requested this before, but I made the mistake of going with the left, big robot arm. Requesting it with the correct arm this time

Attached: Skye Autumn is lood.png (1470x744, 1.21M)

If you don't like it, you don't have to participate

Good to know, and judging by the thread's state, it will probably end up as 3-4 guys doing multiple entries, again.



Coming from the biggest tripfag in this thread, I find it ironic. Hypocritical, even. Yes the discord shitters should leave, but so should you, too.


God damn sexy squirrel.
requesting aigis tfing into a chocolate bunny just like this

Attached: aigis-by-shigenori2.jpg (2818x4062, 684K)

Could this count towards the Easter Collab if I did it, since it would technically be a bunnysuit sorta?

Attached: 1422166012913.jpg (1280x720, 104K)

There aren't even any discord shitters right now, why bring it up?

As long as you made a SFW version.

I was mostly memeing. I will do something more normal for the Collab, I promise.

Requesting May trying to weigh her boob

Attached: 54.jpg (1000x550, 296K)

Literally every easter collab we've done has been bunny suits. Is doing something different really that hard or do the waifufags just spam it every year so they can get porn?

Attached: 1513922953601.jpg (800x800, 93K)

Pretty much the spam.

Because discord, Mariel, and Aigis are three things singapore literally can't stop crying or complaining out

Why even have a poll if garbage gets through every time?
I don't think anyone who actually wanted to draw something for the collab is excited that this is the winner. Just don't include the lewd option next time at all.

Of course. If the drawfags that organized the thing chose the theme, people will bitch and moan, but if the anons chose the theme, no one will draw. It’s a lose-lose situation.

Requesting Princess Peach reading bedtime stories to Bowser Jr.

Attached: 1553966271153m.jpg (1024x576, 73K)

user's opinions literally shouldn't matter because a DRAWFAG collab is for DRAWFAGS

No wonder collabs died, they're just glorified extensions of the same requests killing these threads now

>That Hat kid in a swimsuit
I’m going to need a backview of that ass

The Discord is full of drawfags from what we saw of the that user list and people still bitch if they organize it. Don’t give me that shit.

Pretty much this

Honestly, they should just choose the theme.

>bringing up the discord

You had to go there, didn't you?

>The Discord is full of drawfags from what we saw of the that user list and people still bitch if they organize it

you bitch

no one else cares since they dont have an unhealthy hatred of the discord

how dare people draw what they want to

>Tfw the combination of thirsty non-contributing lewd Requestfags and Discord circlejerk sekrit club shitposters have ruined Yea Forums drawthread collabs

>we might never get a proper collab ever again

Attached: im on a mission right now.png (690x518, 409K)

Thats a good thing

Based Singapore. All three things should be banned from the drawthread

Requesting cute feet

Attached: OR7sVgF.jpg (630x2760, 462K)

you can always organize yourself paranoia-kun

delivering this

Attached: nico surrenders.png (645x465, 212K)

Jeanne d'Slack wearing glasses please

Attached: 9RjkHZS.png (927x496, 461K)

>I've been eyeing your request for a while, I'm gonna take a chance on it as well. Might work on it this weekend
Oh damn, awesome. Looking forward to it, man!

You're confusing me with someone else. I'm not paranoid, I'm just sad with the current state of things. And there's no point in organising another collab just to compete with the current one. Besides, they have a background and artist to put the thing together.

Attached: 1533211469882.jpg (180x180, 28K)


Attached: 1324773057523.png (417x640, 444K)

Thanks user, it's lovely!
I'll be in these threads so I'll prolly show a W.I.P maybe. I lurk in these threads half the time and always keep track of the next one

What a qt

I rolled several ips in that poll trollolol

I just wanted to draw bunnysuits

strange face

>Collab is done by anons
>"Fucking collab sucks it should be done by THE ARTISTS"
>Collab is done by local artists in a server
>"Dude collabs should be O R G A N I C"
Well fuck you too buddy

Can someone give Mallow pic related's swimsuit but green?

Attached: IMG_0699.jpg (638x900, 58K)

thank you!
glad you liked it, and sorry for the delay.

Stop complaining about a collab you could've organized yourself

Attached: 1554338999238.jpg (1280x720, 146K)

No problem, I've been gone for awhile and got back on keeping track of the thread.

Attached: file.png (638x900, 361K)

Both suck ass. Just cancel collabs.

Only a flaming homo would complaing about bunny girls, thus rendering their opinions irrelevant.

I said have Mallow wear Lana's swimsuit.


Yeah can I get uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhradia?

Attached: 1554320543934.jpg (1280x720, 81K)


New thread

>strong and imposing female warrior/fighter
>gets a really cute and relaxed casual appearance
This is the best

>request has a reference image in it
>can't think of some variation of said ref without being too similar
>don't want to just use it as is because don't know if requester wants it to be something new with the pose or just be like the pose

Fave Deliveries Time!

Attached: c84a610feac5178ae1628562e5308f9a073dbcfd.png (566x515, 296K)

Favorite deliveries time!

How about this face?

Also, requesting any vidya character doing this pose and saying the same line

Attached: DsjWztaWkAIGril.jpg (1199x677, 88K)

Attached: Kyrie new style.png (569x597, 182K)

Attached: 84E7EE65-466D-41AB-BF15-79B5D3BAF8B6.jpg (2043x3630, 351K)


SR Jeanne isn't imposing



She's just a village girl, thats why

He’s my cute boy~

I don’t have as much chubby Shulk as you think.

Attached: 40843281-9CE8-4520-98D8-299588D94143.jpg (959x1081, 146K)

Attached: 1546546396915.png (773x616, 525K)

this is a very cute request

Attached: Screenshot 2019-04-03 at 11.00.18 PM.png (742x731, 361K)



Cute! Thanks, drawfriend. I love seeing motherly Peach with Bowser Jr.

Attached: 1553966470648.jpg (800x600, 61K)