Which console and which games should I buy?
I've $700 to spend in vidya
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Buy a Famicom and Super Famicom, it would be around $100 for the two, then you can get games for each one for around $10-$20 if you buy loose carts
Ps4 + switch so you can play everything
If you've got a computer you can play most relevant Xbox games
Switch is 300, a ps4 is like 200
And I don't know what genre of game you like, but monster hunter world for ps4 and smash/splatoon2 for switch are solid picks
Buy a PC retard, stop settling with garbage.
Haha, put it in your savings account for a rainy day and play some free games on your computer or phone instead. I know you have at least one of those.
>buy a PC
>get digital files from Steam
>Steam shuts down
>no more games
Meanwhile my 25 year old games on my shelf still work
Build a PC, and then get a switch when you have more money
upgrade your pc, pirate games, spend extra money on pizza, weed and beer
>which console
the one with most games that interest you
better , kill yourself for being so retarded and save the world from your stupidity
save for next gen
upgraded switch, PS5, nextBox are all coming. 2019 is a leap year
Get a base PS4 and a Switch bundles
>Build a *snort* PC
Shut up fatties
>download all of my games to a harddrive
>steam shuts down
>still have all of them
Better yet
>steam shuts down
>endless torrent sites are still up
>download the games from there
Switch with a year of online + Pro Controller + BotW + Odyssey + Splatoon 2 + Smash Bros + MK8D + Octopath and then whatever else
ps4 for now, wait for upgraded switch.
Seething poorfag
Xbox and PlayStation are probably moving into next gen very soon so buying a new xbone or ps5 would probably be retarded, switch probably won’t lead into whatever Nintendo’s next big idea is until a few years and it has a lot of exclusives. Probably your best bet so you don’t feel like an idiot when xbone and ps5 are $100+ cheaper in a year or two.
you will have more games readily available desu
My old PC DVDs are probably all dead and my PC doesn't even have a DVD player anymore.
And if that really did happen I could just easily crack them, what a stupid argument from a retard that pays for online for inferior games and services, buy on GOG if you don't want DRM.
Okay Reddit, I prefer to have my games CIB on my shelf
Make a high end pc and emulate everything
Anything but VR because it is a meme gimmick fad that is already over.
700 dollarydoos is enough for a solid pc
>pays for online
Woah, do you stare at me through my window and watch me paying for online on my fucking n64 and PS2?
If you build a new PC right now you're looking at 1.5k minimum
You can get a PC Engine for $40 that's the only PC you need
I still have my old consoles too but I don't even bother taking them out of storage since I can emulate their games.
^Best value for money. You get every PC out now and almost every console game up to 2013 even 2017.
>being an emunigger
Emunigger discussion needs to be BANNED from Yea Forums you casual faggots need to FUCK OFF
Pc is trash gaming platform. There's nothing worth to play outside of console ports.
This one looks pretty good, it's actually better than my own except it doesn't have an SSD.
No peripherals tho.
stop lying retard
I was wrong actually, it does have an SSD and double the size of mine wtf, I paid way more some 3 years ago.
t. Seppo
The PC Engine library is HUGE it sold better than the Mega Drive
Keep lying to yourself and maybe it will become true!
get a pc or switch. i have a ps4 pro, switch and pc. i don't even use ps4 because all my fighitng games and good jrpgs are switch/pc.
>mini tower
>mushkin SSDs that will explode after a few months
>absolute shit outdated CPU
>has literally the best versions of all games from all eras plus the billions of non-console stuff like indie games and PC-only genres like RTS and FPS (no fuck you FPSes aren't playable on console)
>higher upfront cost but then it more than pays for itself in the long run with cheaper games and no paid online
>n-no games!
You have to realize that people don't namedrop a few "killer apps" on PC because it's such a fucking vast library and there's always something for any tastes.
>>absolute shit outdated CPU
What the fuck are you talking about retard? I have the 1600 and still run any current game on very high/max.
Modern games aren't CPU-bound at all actually, dev focus shifted their focus to graphics and a lot to extreme CPU optimization because consoles run on horribly outdated jaguar CPUs.
>has literally the best versions of all games
Oh really?
Gonna build a top PC right now to enjoy some 4k 144fps Bloodborne, God of War, Persona 5, Super Smash Bros Ultimate, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and Splatoon 2
lol, you even had to combine two consoles to come up with more than 2 games
But I named 3 games each?
Meaning even if I had only listed the PS4 for example I would have had more than 2 games.
Meanwhile PC has far more exclusives including newer releases, I don't really see your point unless you are trying to imply buying a shitbox is worth it for playing 1-2 games and with no backwards compatibility so you will have to buy the next shitbox to play the next 1-2 worthwhile exclusives.
Imagine unironically defending this cancer.
I'm not poor, so if a console has a few exclusives I really want to play I just buy it.
If you weren't poor you would have a beefy PC to play vastly superior games, wasting money on garbage doesn't make you rich.
>Ps4 gets shut down
>No more games because you need a 1st day patch for most games now.
That doesn't make any sense.
If I want to really play Bloodborne, Persona 5 and God of War for example, I can't do that on my PC
>Super Smash Bros Ultimate, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and Splatoon 2
Those will be emulated on the PC soon enough.
Again, why would I waste money on a shitbox to play 1-2 games when I could play thousands upon thousands of superior games?
>Persona 5
Isn't it coming to PC?
Because you are poor and stuck with the PC library, missing out on multiple great games each year that are exclusive to platforms you don't own.
>consolefag had to stretch his argument so much that now he admits consoles are both inferior AND more expensive
>$700 PC
unless you have a few k to burn, don't bother
Well, after Catherine, it'll most likely follow suit
Hey it's fine if you are poor and can only afford a PC.
Many of us are not though and can afford a PC on top of multiple consoles and handhelds.
Once you get a job and move out you'll be able to do that too don't worry.
Build a PC and torrent/emulate some games.
I have xbox and switch, don't play on pc because no gaems on pc slave race
xbox gamer are cheaper and ecosystem not full of trannies
Buy 6th gen and below. Older consoles are cheaper and the games are just as good as today's if not better in a lot of cases like Resi 4 vs. Resi 7. Once you're happy with what you have for what console you bought then fucking save the rest.
Okay? I don't have a PS4 for that exact reason just because PC sucks for that reason doesn't mean it's excusable in consoles you dumb primary faggot
This, there's no point in getting modern games
sega saturn + 300 saturn games would be more or less 500$ on yahoo auctions
Or you could just stop wasting money on shitboxes to improve your PC or do anything more useful with that money.
Wasting money doesn't make you rich, I already told you that, it's actually the opposite.
My PC is already good, I don't need to improve it.
Sorry poorfag. Enjoy being second class for the rest of your life though, having to make choices what kind of entertainment you have the money for or not.
there's absolutely and urinocaly no reason to own a playstation
all the games are shit
>already "good"
>most likely doesn't even have a decent sound system or VR or anything and is probably sporting some 4 years old components
lel poorfag
Not exactly a console but I recently got a N3ds XL refurbished just because they're so fucking easy to hack.