Kill la Kill IF
>it looks legitimately good now

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Shame that the contents of the show never managed to be just as good as its looks.
Which will probably also be the issue that dooms this game.

Glad my wife Mako made it into the game

>same awful gameplay we've seen so far
>same terrible genre
>cringey dubbed narration

How is that legitimately good?

I'm a bit sad only Ryuko and satsuki gets the sexy costumes. nono in full clothing is meh. I wouldn't mind a nudist beach even with the "sparkly censorship" they used in the show.

Is that really what the dub of KLK sounds like?

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>whopping 10 characters!

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I mean what other characters could be in the roster?

glad people are excited for this. kill la kill deserves a good game

a lot of the early bad guys.
Other trigger characters trough cheat codes and hidden endings

Theres plenty of 2 stars they could use.

>arena fighter

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Dammit Mako! I'm not into arena games, but I might pick it up just because...

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>Tennis girl
>Boxer guy
>Brown Secretary
And that's all. Man, you are right.

Is this a PS4 exclusive?


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Nope, pc and switch as well

>3d game
>arcsys netcode

it doesn't matter how good it looks if the character designs are absolutely horrid

Looks fucking horrible. And this is because of the Switch. Fuck my life why must we share mĂșltiplas with that shitty console now?

They sell more. Plus even with all the arena fighters in the world there's still at least 3 times as many 2D fighters

>It's a collaboration between [...] Arc System Works

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It was announced as PS4/Steam tho

>It's still an arena fighter
God dammit. It would have been okay if it was a traditional 2d fighter. But instead they had to choose the worst in the fighting genre. I guess this was my monkey paw wish for asking for a kill la kill game for a long time

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Nah. It looks like a terrible fighting game with 10fps gameplay. Big yikes. Naruto clash of the ninja shits all over this

>translating the whole trailer into english when it isn't even confirmed if the special edition stuff that the trailer features will be available

It will be in yurop at least

shit taste, fag

So when is Inferno Cop game coming out

>Licensed arena fighter based on an anime show
There is no way it won't be shovelware.

nah, when's the Luluco game coming out

nah, when's the Ninja Slayer game coming out

When will a full series coming out

I liked the Hero Academia game, as simple as it was in some of its mechanics. I legitimately don't get why people are upset at KLK of all things being an arena fighter, seems like a good fit for the series to me.

ASWs netcode in BB has always been pretty good to me. What's the problem?

The story is the only reason Im buying this game

but KLK story was dog shit

inferno cop point and click adventure game would be good if it was as funny as the show

No, characters looking fine is the only thing the game has

Gameplay is typical animu arena masher, like those Naruto games from Cyberconnect. And the backgrounds are PS2 era levels of one low res texture stretched to the horizon

>even good
Someone bring some insulin for this fatso please.
Because he is all delusional.

Inferno Cop, Luluco and Ninja Slayer

Only ArcSys could make an Arena Fighter good, because their characters hitting each other actually feels like it has impact unlike Jump Force or Musou games.

And Akko since it's the same dev team

ps4 will have exclusive "costumes"

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>being able to penetrate akko's little heart with your sword then decapitate her in a rain of blood

>skin tight bodysuits

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Resetera seal of appoval

Gundam, ARMS and Virtual On are better arena fighters than this shit.

The hitting/slashing/special effects look legit better now, the whole package looks presentable.

Still, the animation is clunkier than Xrd/DBFZ even when its trying to replicate them. Also still an arena fighter. I give it 10-15 hours for casuals and 2-5 hours for FG players until they forget it.

Unless they make it somehow deeper and more varied than it looks. Only 1 arena fighter has managed that so far and they specifically tried to bait casuals in the OP trailer with "simple controls" and "you dont have to be good at FGs to play" so, not getting my hopes up.

>Kill la Kill game comes out
>6 years after it was relevant
Kids who were 12 when it came out are legally fuckable.

Without fanservice

Nobody will cares about this shitty anime

>bait casuals in the OP trailer with "simple controls" and "you dont have to be good at FGs to play"
That's literally how arena fighters always sell themselves. Gundam vs also uses "simple controls" and "you don't have to be good at FGs to play" yet it's by far the most complex arena game

I love Imaishi's work. Don't tell me what I would think about the things I like, faggot.

What makes skin tight suits so hot

Do you think online will be more popular on PS4 or Switch?

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>kek le kek

are we not past this yet?

Its going to be dead on day one on both systems.

two stars, tsumugu by himself, money boi

On the top of my head:
>The final evolution of the 4 devas uniforms.
>Some of the minor enemies/The club presidents
>Tsumugu Kinagase (i know the ULTIMATE NAKED DOUBLE DTARRRGH is in there, but its not the same thing, anyone who knows their KLK knows this.)
>Takao Takarada
>Rei Hououmaru

And as DLC because TRIGGER:
>Luluco/Miss Trigger
>Inferno Cop
>Panty & Stocking

its clear this game, was rushed to a degree, not to say its gonna be bad, but for an anime with such a large cast of fighters, it does feel a bit underwheming.

>no Berserk Ryuko or even proper Junketsu!Ryuko



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>Tsumugu Kinagase
Wait, he's not even playable in base?
That's fucking stupid considering his intro episode

since the IF story is centered on Satsuki, maybe they thought 'hmm, since Tsumugu never dealt with Satsuki directly in the series, guess he's not needed.'

Literally every villian of the week and even then that would pad the roster to a respectable 20

When everyone left gainax there was literally no passion left for this shit. You can always check out the art book thing that the creator made a few years ago that continues the story

looks better honestly