>mfw trying to emulate games with PCSX2
Mfw trying to emulate games with PCSX2
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If you use it on Software having a decent CPU, it's flawless for nearly every game.
I can see the tears. Poor guy.
Yeah and every game is blurry as fuck
what does the high 5 represent?
Just like on PS2, so? Turn off FXAA.
On a CRT PS2 games don't look that blurry i can assure you
>not CFW'ing your ps2 and pirating all titles
>not playing ps2 games on a CRT TV
>Go to the PCSX2 wiki or whatever
>Fiddle around with the settings for a minute or two
what games are you trying to play?
His face always gets me its like hes shitting out his liver
A bit of everything
I wonder if he made that face on purpose. Faking a smile is not that hard.
Works great lads
Really, you can play Silmeria without the purple forest?
>not playing on 720p telly through component
>it's flawless for nearly every game.
If you've ever used PCSX2, you'd know this isn't true. It's the best option for PS2 emulation but it still sucks.
>emulating playstation 2
well kill yourself like that dad did
>game is listed as "playable"
>all kinds of sound and graphical glitches, progress halting issues and millions of other weird bugs
>People get angry if you dare to criticise the piss poor emulation
Not worth the hassle to be quite honest
I don't play shitty games so yes.
do you think he killed himself yet since he has no legacy?
He wears hawaiian shirts,i don't think he ever cared.
Do you even know what CFW means?
>mfw emulating Breath of the Wild in 4k
Thank you based Cemu. I highly recommend it PC friends
Someone post full webm
Or just buy a 20$ ps2 off craigslist and a 5$ freemcboot memory card off ebay?
Works wonderful for me
>children too young to remember what actual PS2 games looked like are now old enough to post on Yea Forums and tell lies about emulation accuracy
>wtf emulator doesn't play every game flawlessly
spoiler: reverse engineering a console is a lot of very hard work
PCSX2 is great, so is PPSSPP. Besides that though it's autistic as fuck, with mednafen being peak autism
Absolute cringe
>when op posts an off topic thread vaguely related to video gaems
pretty sure software rendering doesn't increase rendering resolution, so it's most likely you're playing it in a larger window than the actual resolution and it's being blurred when scaled up.
Agreed, mednafen is cringe
>PS2 and games emulation aren't video games
>Newfag doesn't know about posting cropped images/videos to bait different discussion
mod your fucking Ps2
here, I'll help
you will need:
>a Ps2 (no shit, if you somehow don't have one buy one cheap and refurbish it, it's easy to do unless you're a tech illiterate, it also doesn't even need to have a working disc reader for this method, but if it does you can play games like normal)
>a network adapter (here you have to make a decision, SATA or IDE, I'll explain this later)
>a spare hard drive (for this method, I'm not covering multiple because fuck you, if you don't have one buy one for $20, at least that's the cost for a 500GB SATA HDD (amazon.com
>a memory card (you'll be wiping this as well so copy the save files to another memory card)
>USB flash drive (if you really wanted you could use Ethernet to transfer files instead)
now, the actual guide, but first I have to cover the SATA or IDE thing
I'll start by saying I recommend SATA, here's the problem though
essentially, IDE was the standard type of hard drive used when Ps2 was launched, as such the network adapter doesn't connect with SATA hard drives. you have three (3) options:
>buy a chink third-party SATA ps2 network adapter, this would be ideal if it weren't for the fact that the ethernet port is false so no network capabilities, if this doesn't matter to you then go ahead
>buy this: maxdiypower.com
>and install it, it's a pain in the ass but you'll have the ultimate ps2, SATA and network capabilities. this is what I did but I haven't really made use of the network capabilities yet, I was planning to play RE Outbreak with some anons tho
>or get an old ass IDE drive, google a compatibility list and try to find a good one
now, install FHDB on your hard drive, the noobie packages are outdated, but this doesn't matter because FHDB is temporary so you can install FMCB
(1/2, maybe 3, I pray not 4 because I'll kill myself)
Even old games like SNES and Genesis have insanely flawed emulation. Anything that emulates PS1 and PS2 are awfully emulated. It's better just buying the original hardware at that point.
I did this a couple months ago, it's been awesome. Got a hardmodded fat with a 1tb hdd
what is this webm from, i see it everywhere
That's not a PS2 emulator, you attention-starved shit-eater.
interlacing and signal distortion soften the image quite a bit.
If PPSSPP and PCSX2 were like Mednafen nobody would joke about them.
353 words you dumb cunt
It's from a cuckhold porn film called the lazon affair
>Even old games like SNES and Genesis have insanely flawed emulation
4th gen emulation (excluding japanese computers) was already perfected many years ago,PS1/Saturn is also near perfect thanks to Mednafen.
>his son is a cross-dressing faggot
>acts like everything is fine
he's not a good actor
IIRC, it's some gender reveal thing, except rather than being for an unborn baby, it's for some mentally ill guy that wants to be a girl. That's the father in the webm.
Who cares about flawless? If it has glitches that you don't notice unless you're playing with the original side by side it doesn't fucking matter. It's only when the gameplay or "immersion" is impacted that shit like that actually matters.
I don't think you've ever used PPSSPP, it's one of the best emulators ever made.
based and redpiled
take a screenshot during one of those blur effect scenes.
>Even old games like SNES and Genesis have insanely flawed emulation.
Both consoles have cycle-accurate emulators available. Stop trying to discuss subjects you're ignorant about.
Anyone ever have luck playing online netplay with a N64 emulator? Tried a few days ago and couldn't get a connection
Emulating is the only way to get proper visuals. The ports are all shit tier.
>Tried a few days ago and couldn't get a connection
port forward
What is that screen supposed to show? You using hardware mode?
It really isn't,plenty of games still have trouble even booting.
No shit. Already did that. Firewall off too
>want to play both Viva Pinata games
>never released on PC
>emulators for the 360 are shit
PS1 emulation is garbage since so many games use varying disc read speeds back then. Emulators still can't keep up with it
I haven't played MGS but wasn't the gamecube remake of 1 supposed to be great?
lol trannies
Where can I see the full video of this?
>What is that screen supposed to show? You using hardware mode?
Well aren't you the retard.
The first Viva Pinata is on PC.
The lazon affair
Lighting isn't properly emulated in this scene
Same here
Yes it is salty kid.
Will the N64 ever get a better emulator
i can understand native x n upscaling but why widescreen when it breaks fucking everything every time?
Now show a picture of Ocelot when Liquid is in charge, or a picture of Fatman. And if you are using that opengl shit that fixes it, shows us a webm of the cutscene where you see Vamp for the first time.
>Faking a smile is not that hard.
it is when you are trying not to cry
That's the problem. Many games are unplayable
>imagine being so autistic that you can't shrug off a bit of graphical errors
PCSX2 is pretty flawless as far as emulating goes, even upscaling works really well.
You'll need to tinker with some settings per game (as in there isn't a universal this works for everything setup) but after you do that the game works pretty goddamn good.
I think the only actual error I've seen pop up once on my upscaled playthrough of Devil May Cry is some strange light effects on an orb.
Do't worry kids. One day you'll get a job and you'll be able to afford your own PC that can emulate.
Yes? Do you?
And then imagine being so autistic you make up errors to support your "argument".
>Tfw spent a while in the options fucking around trying to "fix" Drakengards audio
>Didn't realise it was supposed to sound that way
>Mfw trying to emulate Gamecube, Wii, and Virtual Console games on Dolphin
>Mfw everything works flawlessly even upscaled to 1080p with fuckloads of anti aliasing
>Mfw the gamecube adapter works natively and I get to use the proper controller
Is there a way to get Metroid Prime to play like an FPS?
>imagine being so desperate that you ignore graphical errors
People said the same shit about ePSXe,begging retards never change
I'm not arguing anything though. I'm content enough that I can still play games that I missed back in the day
Yes, you can make your mouse emulate Wii Mote motion controls and download the Prime Trilogy
my only question is why does it run so poorly?
I can emulate everything before the ps2 perfectly fine and I can also run a lot of games on dolphin with only occasional slowdowns.
but then I try to play katamari damacy on pcsx2 and it is so fucking slow its unplayable.
I have a pc that can emulate up to ps3. I also have modded ps2 to play the games as they were intended to be played.
why bother? you could upscale with GSM but you wouldn't get a real 720p image out of it unless you used homebrew to look at still images
Will we ever get easier netplay?!
I'm talking about the retards you're talking about, retard.
How is emulation flawless when a ton of games do not run or are not even in a playable state?
Software emulation is pure shit. Best way is simply CFW the original game systems
ePSXe is pretty good on it's own although I dislike the way the upscaling happens, for some reason it just seems really smudged for PS1 games on 3d models but looks fine when you use upscaling on PS2 games with pcsx2.
What settings/plugins are you running in pcsx2 ?
There are so many little things that can affect emulation speed.
>>imagine you ignore graphical errors
How is this a bad thing lol. Like say there's an error, how is ignoring it better than sperging about it? The game is still playable.
Hell you don't even know any errors. You autists cling to TWO games that don't emulate well meanwhile a few thousand emulate great.
You're probably doing it wrong, Dolphin is more demanding than PCSX2.
>How is emulation flawless when a ton of games do not run or are not even in a playable state?
>Software emulation is pure shit. Best way is simply CFW the original game systems
This is not true, that's how.
Retroarch,you are welcome
ePSXe is outdated,use Mednafen
>beggar logic
it makes silly changes and is generally considered a good game but a bad replacement for the original.
oh so the ones who just wanna play and not care about the graphics being 100% accurate and properly emulated are the desperate ones?
What is this?
>salty nitpicking
Yes,they are so desperate to play games that they will play it even with glitches and problems that they could avoid if:
1)they bought real hardware
2)had patience and waiting for emulation to improve
3)used a better emulator
>what is this webm from, i see it everywhere
It's from a tranny video where his son reveals himself to have become a woman. The mom is happy about it, and he's, well, dying on the inside.
with software mode 99% of the games work flawlessly, dude. What are you talking about? If you don't like software mode (software mode is basically how the game played in a real ps2) you can try the hardware mode but most games will have some graphical issue because of the higher resolution. They can range from minor like disaligned fonts to making some graphical effect like bloom or fog bad.
Looks like a game no one has ever heard of and a bug that's easily fixed using HW hacks.
Why are you so mad?
I'm surprised there's no thanos edit; his chin beard fulfills the ridge chin shit nicely.
What is up with all these fanboys who are so triggered by the idea that emulation continues to be flawed? A lot of games do work well but don't toss around the idea that it is 'flawless' because there is still room for improvement.
Here was my dumbass for about 6 years thinking software mode meant it wasn't using your PC hardware, but software instead
>but most games will have some graphical issue because of the higher resolution
Not even true.
Can you emulate the Ace Combat trilogy yet?
Some people aren’t comfortable with negativity.
I'm not mad,i just want you dumb fucks to get some taste.
If you want to emulate at least do it decently.
Because your arguments are flawed. There are only a few games that don't work well and according to autismal sperglords that means the emulator is shit.
We do. Why are you so mad you have to exaggerate?
Yeah actually.
All trannies should be shot.
It better fucking work
>n-n-n-n-n-not even true
Where does this happen? I've only seen two trannies in the wild. One was probably just a crossdresser so doesn't even count.
>i just want you dumb fucks to get some taste.
>says the manchild playing on native hardware 120p
Yes we know you can't configure.
man I wonder why they haven't remastered this. even 2 got a pc release and 1 is coming soon
Why do people always come into emulation threads and claim the same shit?
>emulates "flawlessly"
>works "99%" or even "100%"
When you point the obvious flaws in emulation, they always go and say "Well, it works 100% on all the GAMES THAT MATTER". If it only works 100% on the 5 games you know, then it doesn't work 100%.
I was just emulating those two games:
- Maken Shao
- Mahou Tsukai Kurohime
And both of them have problems drawing particle effects onscreen. On Maken Shao it's worse because you need to be careful where you're stepping, and that glitched particle effect (of dust kicking up with every step) gets in the way. Kurohime just has a ton of lag.
But then you'll say "Well, none of those games matter". Yeah, that's why it doesn't work "100%".
Yep, but 4 needs software mode
>use project64
>runs like ass
>use 1964 on the same game
>runs infinitely better
fuckin pj64
also any recommendations for n64 games
not him but
>custom firmwaring
>ePSXe is outdated,use Mednafen
I'll give that one a shot next time I want to emulate some ps1 stuff.
Playstation emulation in general and N64 emulation have always been kinda shit, and Xbox emulation doesn't exist.
Not really sure how emulation is for Sega consoles like the Saturn and Dreamcast since I just kept mine around and they're stupid easy to pirate with
what game
By configuring you mean using skipdraw or other hacks? You know what skipdraw does, right? It makes the emulator not render a particular effect. You're not "fixing it", you're removing it completely.
Armored Cores still have trouble showing the HUD.
Jak 2 still had black eyes glitch until a few months ago.
Armodyne doesn't even start up.
Zeonic Front can't draw the level geometry correctly 70% of the time.
Both Another Century Episode 2 and 3 lock up randomly. In ACE 3, choosing some stages will ALWAYS lock the game up.
Giant Robo doesn't even start the game up.
There's your "only a few games". I can list a ton. The emulator isn't shit. It just doesn't "work flawlessly".
>saying it is not flawless = it is shit
I can't follow this fanboy shit mindset
Try Mupen64plus
Please do,if you have problem getting it to run use Retroarch with it
Grandia III. a real underrated gem, fans hate it because it doesn't live up to 2 but I wouldn't know anything about that.
How do you play multi-disks game on mednafen? I was playing with mednafen by just dragging the bin file into the emulator because shit doesn't have a gui. But I don't know what to do with multi-disks games.
Not everyone is dishonest enough to pull it off.
with how specific settings need to be for certain games I wish PCSX2 had a proper preset function so I don't have to fuck with emulation settings every time I want to switch games
>there are perfectly functioning, great PC ports of Silent Hill 2-4 floating around
>it is impossible to buy SH 2-4 beyond secondhand
>there is NO WAY to play a game as classic and beloved as Silent fucking Hill 2 on modern systems without shitty emulation or pirating PC ports and fan patches
>Konami could make boatloads of money off the zoomer horror streamer crowd with like a month of working oiling up the PC ports that already exist
mfwtifhgqiwf Just use fat ps2. those are like $5 and can play every game.
-Looks awesome even on new TVs.
-You also get to use all sorts of original controllers without adapters.
-Memory cards are also awesome to use. Really adds to the feeling.
-Takes less electricity than turning on pc to play ps2 games.
- No worries
There's literally no downsides to playing on actual ps2. Everything is plus and awesome.
>Playstation emulation is shit
Where have you been living in the last 10 years, retard? Playstation emulation with mednafen is on the level of accuracy of any snes emulator.
Sega Saturn is getting better, but not flawless like Mednafen people like to say. SSF still has a ton of problems (games lock up randomly for no reason), and some games have a ton of input lag or glitched effects (Fighting Vipers).
Dreamcast is a three-headed snake. Some games only work on one emulator, the requirements are huge (even above PCSX2 requirements sometimes), and some games make the emulator crap itself heavily (Super Robot Wars Alpha, for example). My main problem with DC emulation is that it's pretty hard to sync the audio with the video, usually you get a botched audio sample that just stops playing midway.
>Looks awesome even on new TVs.
konami is more focused on mobile games and pachinko. it has been this way for a while now.
Remember to grab the patches that disable interlacing.
Jak 2 pls work....
If you are actually following the SNES scene, a lot of games still need fixing on SNES emulation. Many games do not emulate well at all and you need a lot of CPU power to emulate them perfectly on PC. And some still need coding fixes. SNES already doesn't have flawless emulation.
I almost forgot to mention, if you don't have a network adapter you could also buy this instead maxdiypower.com
it will save you from the pain in your ass you'll get modifying the adapter for sata yourself, but it's more expensive then buying both and doing the work yourself
all right, guide time
>download this ps2-home.com
>extract that, put your hard drive in your PC and turn it on
>make sure your hard drive is unallocated, start menu -> computer management -> storage -> disk management -> whichever is your ps2 hard drive -> right click delete volume
>run WinHIIP as administrator (remember that because you have to everytime you add games to your hard drive)
>Select Drive -> pick the drive you are going to use for your ps2 -> Options -> 48bit HDLoader -> OK -> Format Drive -> Application -> HDLoader 48bit -> OK
>After it's done formatting, exit
>run HDDRawCopy1.10Portable.exe as administrator
>when it asks for sauce, select FHDB_v1_966_(2019-01-14).img
>when it asks for target, select your hard drive
>start and wait until it's done
>now, insert flash drive and find and download the latest version of FMCB, as of this post it's 1.966 psx-scene.com
>copy INSTALL folder and FMCBInstaller.elf to flash drive and turn off PC, take flash drive and hard drive, connect the hard drive to the network adapter and insert that into the back of the ps2, insert your flash drive into the usb ports
>select (u)LaunchELF and press circle to enter file browser
>mass:/ is your flash drive, press X or circle (I don't remember which one it is) to enter it and select FMCBInstaller.elf
>press R1 twice -> Format MC -> Multi-Install -> OK -> Exit -> power off and take your hard drive out
should I bother continuing? If I typed all this and no one used it I'll die
Is path of Neo playable yet? The pc port sucks way too much.
>1 is coming soon
Wait really ?
>Being surprised Konami fucked up
This is the company that thought Kojima made good games, a company with a game director that couldn't even find his own game in stores, a company with that cringy presentation
im too retarded to use mupen
Some of your post is bullshit and you're playing games that weren't even localized, totally autistic.
where can i find those? not for this game but for shin megami tensei nocturne. the interlacing makes the overworld very distracting
Reminder Persona 3 is the best emulated with a party control mod
Informationpill me on fat ps2s, I have a slim one I got for like $10
Also they look like shit on modern TVs
I thought Grandia 3 was pretty good even though I hated the orb mechanics for some boss fights.
I'll screencap your posts and make em into one. go for it. I'll probably post it in every future emulation threads if I can help it
PCSX2Bonus, also game specific settings are a meme, not many games require tweaking that wold mess up other games.
Huh, not him but I thought with higan snes emulation was almost flawless?
>Some of your post is bullshit and you're playing games that weren't even localized, totally autistic
>that weren't even localized
And that makes it better how?
input latency
The only way to "fix" Ace Combat 4 emulation is to use software mode (that means no upscaling whatsoever) and use skipdraw which removes effects.
It is retard,try it before talking
Mednafen Saturn made SSF nearly obsolete
Bsnes is already cycle accurate
>and you need a lot of CPU power to emulate them perfectly on PC
That doesn't even matter,if the emulation is extremely accurate is all that matters.
Use Retroarch
Also another example of PCSX2 being a "good emulator"
yeah later this year, on PC and switch
Hardware mode has the same visual problem as the ports and software mode is too demanding. Feels bad man.
They can't even make proper pc ports of modern games, Silent Hill Homecoming was a goddamn mess and they never fixed any of it.
Even if they were to release an updated Silent Hill pc port of the original trilogy they'd probably make it even more fucked than the HD release was.
please do that. It has some good information in there
Jak games work you just have to go to software mode for cutscenes or eyes will look silly.
>Mednafen Saturn made SSF nearly obsolete
Always with the sweeping generalizations.
Noice, I loved the second one to death but I've never gotten to play the first one.
You could try these settings for SMT Nocturne, it works great for me.
god bless emulators
oh fuck my sides have been obliterated
that looks hilarious
>modded ps2
>as they were intended to be played
So in other words, it's better than on native hardware.
>That doesn't even matter,if the emulation is extremely accurate is all that matters.
The problem is that it is not accurate. SNES emulation still deals with shit like bad color palettes and latency. Stop flinging all this misinformation about the emulation scene.
>now he's posting games that work flawlessly pretending they don't
Well i said nearly,i'm sure some games still run better with SSF
>lacks effects
>hurr its better durr
The state of beggars
don't remember much of the orb mechanics, only started playing this for a bit (last time I beat this I was in the 3rd grade).
aren't they just a bunch of special spells with a cooldown?
enjoy your broken laser
// Progressive Scan Mode patch for SMT3 by Altimor
// NOP out old interlaced field switch
// Another field switch here that needs to be NOP'd to prevent
// post processing effects from getting misaligned when entering
// and leaving menus.
// Patch sceGsResetGraph arguments to set 480p
patch=1,EE,002C81D4,word,24110000 // addiu $s1, 0, 0x00
patch=1,EE,002C81D8,word,24120050 // addiu $s2, 0, 0x50
patch=1,EE,002C81DC,word,24020001 // addiu $s3, 0, 0x01
It's a bit more buggy in 3 but 1 and 2 the eyes render more or less correctly, but one of them won't animate.
Shut up, it works 100% on Zelda and Mario!
It emulates flawlessly in software mode but the FPS is higher.
Haunting Ground's lighting/bloom emulation was always and still is fucked up.
>came out of nowhere
>works like a fucking charm
what was their secret?
not exactly the same question, but where can I find the proper widescreen hack for the nocturne maniax chronicle edition (the one with Raidou)? I got the huge pack for the hacks but none of them seem to work (tried the NTSC-U, and J)
It's been fixed for years.
More or less. And you need a monster CPU to emulate it right
>Saturn emulation
>near flawless
lmao, you don't expect anyone to actually believe you, right?
I dunno but it should be out there.
thank you user
What SNES emulator do you use?
>works like a fucking charm
All Irem games emulate like shit (Hammerin Hero) and some don't even start (Zettai Zetsumei Toshi 3)
Persona 2 has a misaligned text box and a glitched encounter flash screen
>being this autistic
no you
I hate how this place has become.
Why am I still here?
It's the thing that bothers me the most about emulation, all these people experiencing games through emulation and not knowing if the game is supposed to look, sound and play like this.
I have a 5-year old cpu and I'm yet to see a game run choppy. What game in particular needs such monster cpu?
>is generally considered a good gam
Nope. Regardless on how you personally feel about it, it's a very divisive game. People either love it because of how retarded it is, or hate it because of how retarded it is.
Use Mednafen Saturn,its not near flawless but its very good nonetheless.
>monster CPU
Use the performance of balanced core,accurate is placebo.
use the patch. it's there for a reason
Imagine raising a son for twenty years and doing everything you can to be a good father to him, just to have him pull this shit...Assuming he only has one son, This man now knows his family bloodline is as good as dead and it's too late in his life to start over. This is the ultimate betrayal. It couldn't possibly get any worse than this. The poor man puts on a fake soulless smile, but you can see that all is dead within.
I wish I had a dad at all.
It emulates flawlessly in software mode but the FPS is higher.
Calm down kid.
they also have problems with lighting passing through walls in pretty much every game that uses lighting.
persona 5 runs better on my pc than the shitty ps2 emulator retard
man SMT protagonists always have that distant, tense look on their faces
What is dilation?
Crimson Tears
Found by googling "ps2 game Amber"
don't be so autistic
On this image I can see some visual glitches. The lamp on the roof should have a halo.
It's not considered good because the OST is fucking terrible.
Are you going to say MGSV or 4 aren't very divisive as well? Because looking at metacritic you wouldn't get that impression, and yet when speaking to a fan you'll probably get completely opposite reactions to both those games with a coin flip ratio.
Dealing with potential tearing issues in general. Multi cores of modern CPU should be okay.
Apparently you are lying.
What patch? The one that fixes the black plane? Too bad it doesn't fix the rest of the problems
>mah reviews
Fuck off retard
Fuck off retard
People that take reviews seriously are small in the brain,don't even bother.
its been to long, i dont remember how they looked like. i might get a ps2 and a crt, because emulating sucks, for every console
>A friend gave his PS2 to me, all hacked so can burn the games on DVDs
>Haven't touched it since like 2009 since I sold mine, excited as fuck
>Laser is dead
>Replacing it turned out to be hella expensive cause noone in my shithole country uses the system anymore
>Finally play
>Realize how horribly aged the games are, how low-res they are and how most of them run like shit sub 20-fps
Made me appreciate current consoles a bit more. Still had a great time replaying Burnout 3
Oh no................
That's obviously emulated.
>stretched text FOR MUH WIDESCREEN
Just as the devs intended :)
You like EA shit zoomer,your opinion is null
This just happened to me, actually. I played Another Century Episode 2 some 10 years ago, and just booted it up again yesterday to record some gameplay.
(Skip to 0:15).
I'm pretty sure that flare effect doesn't look like that on a real console. It's way too overblown.
you can't even see the lamp on the 4:3 version of the game
I'm not lying. I remembered incorrectly. But the hardware version does remove the halos in all parts of the game. It also doesn't render shadows correctly.
You could play without it but I don't know why you would.
It renders shadows correctly.
show me upscaled xenosaga with properly rendered shadows and no missing particle effects
PCSX2 has serious problems handling shaders and bloom effects
Did they fix the character shadow problems that Nocturne and DDS 1-2 had since a decade ago?
nope. at least not on persona
>his family bloodline
>family bloodline
Fuck off. I am bald too, I am not putting another balding fuck in the world.
>oh hey i brought in a couple of my emotionally inexperienced students so that they could make their beliefs as law in the demon infested world, that's a good idea!
>my wellbeing is more important than my daughters
Something like that but you need them for certain boss battles and it takes forever to get them charged up before you can use them, so if you happen to forget that for certain bosses and use the orb, have fun grinding away for an hour to recharge it again.
It's the only big downside in terms fo gameplay mechanics since everything else is Grandia as always.
hawaiian shirts are based
One thing I hardly see mentioned when emulating these games is that you have to have a DS2 or DS3 controller with analogue pressure sensitive buttons, and configured correctly so it's compatible. Otherwise you can't even hold up a weapon without cancel firing it
If he was any kind of father this wouldn't have happened. It's his fucking fault. Don't feel sorry for this useless fat prick sorry excuse of a father.
I dunno about DDS but Nocturne renders them correctly.
Also PCSX2 fixed the bloom stuff a long time ago, visual problems now are generally random thnigs.
>giving this much a fuck about hair
I'd say it's more impotant that his daughter is happy than >muh bloodline
Shit bait.
pros always cancelled by unequipping the weapon anyway.
the trans was probably a normal guy until he spent a year or two at some liberal university
>if I don't like it it's bait
ok kid
It's just too painful
Yeah I guess you can do that
>now when you insert your MC, your Ps2 is modded, and when you take it out it's back to normal
>however in order to play games off your hard drive you need to install OPL, ps2-home.com
>I recommend downloading the "all" version, as of this post it's OPL_1564_DB-TA_all-7fd6d50-2019-02-25.zip
>extract, rename the folder containing all the files to just "OPL" and delete the changelog files. copy the OPL folder to flash drive (should have put this earlier in the guide)
>put your flash drive in your ps2 and power it on, leave the hard drive out
>enter mass:/ again and highlight the OPL folder, press R1 and select copy
>press triangle or select the ../ to go back
>enter mc0:/
>R1 -> Paste
>triangle or ../
>go down to FreeMCBoot Configurator
>press X if you're not a filthy jap
>Configure OSDSYS options
>Configure Item, press dpad right until you get to OPL or Open PS2 Loader and press Circle to clear, then X to customize
>Here you want to name it what you want to show up in the PS2 menu "OPL" or "Open PS2 Loader" is fine
>Path1: mc0:/OPL/OPNPS2LD.ELF
>Return or triangle x2
>Save CNF to MC0
now time to load your hard drive with games, and since this isn't everywhere else on the internet I'm not going to be a faggot and talk about how to make your own copies and instead supply you with links. after all, Jesus would have done the same thing, pic related. it's the exact same as with emulation so if you know what you're doing just skip this shit but either download the workaround script for emuparadise gist.github.com
(3/4, maybe 5)
Top 10 anime betrayals
is there a a ultrawide hack already for nocturne
I'm really just waiting for one
>try to grab some guy from behind in Metal Gear Solid 3
>end up slitting his throat
She cute!
>emufags cant knifekill in cqc
I read this user, but how easy is it to fuck up?
>muh tranny discord boogeyman
His son has destroyed the entire genetic history of the family for his pathetic sense of happiness. Fuck you.
I have great hair and my father as well, but you bald fucks need to stop being so insecure about your goddamn hair, ultimately it doesn't matter and it's just aesthetics. And it's actually also linked to high testosterone, it's not just genetics alone. Don't cuck for some hair follicles my man.
The rest of the 40% is waiting for you.
>family bloodline is as good as dead
Do people really give a shit about this kind of stuff nowadays?
by the time your kid is grown up there might be a cure. also, even if there isn't, if you get on finasteride soon enough you're fine
this is such a 'bee urself :)' thing to say. you have no idea what it's like to be a hairlet.
please explain to me how that genetic history is more important than happiness
14.Neko Project II
I know you're too progressive and modern, vegan, gay, Californian and atheistic to care, but yes, they do.
I'd rather my son be some loser drug addict or petty criminal than to be a trans-trender.
People with brains and wealth do
>Where does this happen?
Lard of the free.
hairlet here, shut the fuck up
just shave it and grow a beard, it's fine. nobody cares about this shit if you're older than 20
liar, i9 can't do it
Please explain to me why having an infected wound between your legs that grows hair and oozes pus/shit is more important than not being a mangled freak.
>no Blastem
confirmed for not knowing shit about emulation
Where do you think you are?
No I don't but you don't need to be such a cuck to think that's such a big deal, when in fact, women don't really really care, as it is self evident by the fact that hairlets continue to reproduce
Daughter (male)
>The mom is happy about it, and he's, well, dying on the inside.
Why is this seemingly always the case?
So what's the reason?
Christ don't tell him to grow a beard. We have enough bald basedboy beard cunts walking around. Grow a spruce mustache.
The reason is happiness from having a fully functional family/raising grandchildren instead of dilating your infected groin wound.
>not able to answer the question
just what I thought
well I can't think of anything that would be anything devastating, aside from if you don't back up your stuff on your hard drive before wiping it, or your save files on your memory card (even if you don't have another mc to copy to, you can copy them to the flash drive to keep them), later on I'll talk about OPL's features, one of them being virtual memory cards that save to your hard drive
anyways at worst you'll just have to format your drive and MC and start again or start using them like normal again, there's no hardware modding, this is just softmodding
I just hope I didn't forget a step
It is when you're trying not to cry. Imagine all the years, money, effort put into raising your son, praying he turns out better than you, and lives a happy, fulfilling life, only for him to tell you he wants to cut off his penis, wear makeup, and get fucked in the ass by men that resemble you. And then your wife tells you that you need to act excited and proud about your son basing his entire life around his fetish for sodomy.
How can trannies recover from this?
I don't have to answer questions to mentally ill faggots like you much like I do not have to convince a schizophreniac in a mental hospital that the postman is not an intelligence agent stalking him.
Join the 40%.
t. nvidia nigger
>he fell for the shave and beard meme
user, I...
Because they get the girls and impregnate them before their hair is gone, or are betabux. You're clearly a normie and just don't understand so this is pointless. Actually, since you're a normie you might understand if I phrase it like this: you're like a white person telling a black person to 'get over' racism and that it's fine.
What daughter?
you can adopt
No one is worried about what women think about balding here. It sucks to shave this shit every week, especially the nape.
>you can raise someone else's child like a good little cuck you are
You can also let a nigger fuck your wife and raise the niglet, doesn't make it your child.
were you guys poor or something?
>still no argument
wew lad
I dunno. If I were an old-ass man I would like to relax in my final years rather than having to deal with more annoying children.
Indulging a mentally ill boy's disease is not at all more important than genetic legacies.
I tried arguing with my dreampeople once, I tried my hardest to make them aware to the fact that they're merely a figment of my dream, needless to say that is a completely pointless endeavor much like arguing with merit with mentally ill dilators like you.
An adopted child won't have the same kind of relationship with his parents that a normal child will have,in the end he will always try to meet his real parents because nature doesn't lie.
I am not getting up to change games ever again in my life. I also need to be able to use my keyboard for most games because the ps2 controller is shit
To continue the family tree, so your name will live on. People die, it's what we do. but a bloodline and name will live on forever, this also means that you live forever.
That guy is just trolling you but he's not wrong about genetic history being whatever. Clearly their genetics lead to failure.
wont be happy when they commit suicide
Whatever my dude, I don't get it then. Go ahead and don't reproduce because you're such a fucking beta that's so insecure about their looks that thinks it's worthwhile to end their lineage. If anything that's good riddance, the less insecure cucks the better, while nobody else cares about a shaven head
bald + beard is kino masculinity if you have the right facial features
all snoyboys wear glasses, lack a jawline and have shitty hair growth due to a lack of testosterone
All wymen are traitors by nature.
>Clearly their genetics lead to failure.
I'm sure it was genes and not the media, the education system, the government, the pharmaceutical industry, the...
Alot of PS2 games emulate pretty flawlessly, games like Wild ARMs 3-5 are all pretty much perfect, all of the Suikoden games 3-5 also emulated great too.
The only problem with these games were a handful of FPS drops during certain spells, like Ice Breath in Suikoden 3. Any game with smoke particles seems to really make the emulator chug.
adoption is a choice
what about the kids parents died?
>being an AMDork
a caring father can't help to think it's his fault. I would say it's worse than your ex turning to a lesbian after you part ways.
Women tend to be more liberal than men,in fact this tranny plague and other liberal degenerate shit are mostly pushed by women.
>this also means that you live forever.
No. I'm going to be dead in 40 or so years.
it's getting boring user, just say you have no arguments
>adoption is a choice
So is raising a niglet your wife gave birth to if you're both white.
As years go by I'm more and more convinced altruism is actually a mental illness. No space-fairing society could be fully altruist.
>what about the kids parents died?
What can i say,better to have both parents die and be adopted than to live with a single mother.
>shaving his male beard because of onions meme
You don't have a good beard, I presume.
>Whilst dilating
>In your old fucked up palsied body
u wot.
Dork never ever sounds insulting to me, it sounds like what a tomboy would call you affectionately
I have arguments, just not for you stooges. For you, I have lead.
Holy fuck it is real
Altruism is good if it doesn't get exploited,whites fell for the liberalist/socialist meme of helping the poor at all costs.
your body will sure. but not your name and not your blood.
no one cares about these so called family values why should I care about family theres so many more interesting things to do like playing games
Dork is the english analogue to baka.
adopting a choice you make
your wife cheating not
For a few minutes there I forgot this was an emulation thread
I have a developed enough jawline to maintain a clean shaven appearance. I'm sorry you don't.
Get the nightly builds, night and day difference in performance and compatibility. buildbot.orphis.net
>name will live on forever
You mean lives until you have a daughter.
Putting inordinate amounts of worth into every family is perhaps one of the most retarded point of views.
video games are for little kids
Based leftist, atheist retard.
You can play video games with your children like Stefan Molyneux does.
>I have aguments but I'm not telling!
>I'd rather shitpost
>t. low test velcro beard
it's okay, keep posting numale beta's to make you feel better about it
It might be edgy but its the the truth
No its not night and day,PCSX2's design philosophy its still to fix games by adding and removing hacks.
>People that are younger than the PS2 are now allowed to post on Yea Forums
I don't know what part of my post you're failing to understand, I hold nothing but contempt for you animals. I do not hold you on the same level as humans, I will not debate with you as I would with another human.
no need to be edgy
just leave them and start new
Is your beard's lenght actually related to testosterone and not genes?
Is Yea Forums lying to me again?
user did you have a first hand expereince?
raising someone else's child=cucked sounds like you are too pussy user you own that child now he is yours
>leave and start anew with alimoney taking half your earnings and only
Yes, it was great
>tfw my PS3 slim emulates games better than PCSX2 despite having lower compatibility
>sound still not fixed
You're delusional, try shaving your head (chrome dome and not a buzzcut, a buzzcut can look good) and see how far that gets you with the ladies. You won't, of course, as you know deep down that it would be disastrous.
That guy probably isn't even balding though, a buzzcut is a huge difference from properly bald/balding. Also women would probably still like him better with a full head of hair.
bald and beard might be the best cope, but it's no substitute for having a good head of hair. women like nice, flowing heads of hair.
I don't understand why it has to be this way.
You know how happy a kid would be if he didn't have to spend his youth living in some bumfuck foster home skipping from parent to parent every few months?
Nobody is obligated to adopting anyone and it's perfectly legitimate to want to make your own kid, but I think this cuck stigma against adoption does nobody any good.
>Yea Forums is now full of crotchety old grandpas that go on about "muh grandchildren" and "muh bloodline"
Some of you guys have been here too long.
I'm not living in a third world country where this is possible
>anime picture
>thinks he's better than anybody
>tfw I remember when Yea Forums was "A rag-tag group of Yea Forumsirgins with 140 ping"
>You know how happy a kid would be
I literally don't care.
You are a cuck if you adopt instead of having another child of your own. It's not a stigma, it's a fact. Sending your money to Africa so they can have more children makes you a cuck. Giving to the poor instead of your own family makes you a cuck. Stop selling the west you fucking cucked bastards care for your own people first.
>Just use a real PS2 XD
2016 election brought in boomers
Oh the irony as discord trannies do nothing but post cute anime girls as a facade to pretend they're also cute and also girls, but they're actually (poorly) medicated mess with festering wounds on their crotch.
now this is how you add games to your hard drive
>insert hard drive in PC and power on
>run WinHIIP as admin
>select your Ps2 drive
>format it again, this will free up space that is being taken up by the temporary FHDB image installed earlier
>add image(s) -> image files(s) -> add image(s)
>you can add multiple at a time but keep in mind they'll use the filename, so if the filename is the SLUS id you should rename it beforehand, but you can just edit it later if you'd rather. if you add one at a time it seems to show you a place to rename it, don't check any compatibility modes or anything
>for CD games (Ico, TimeSplitters, Oni etc.) you need the .cue and it needs to be properly set up for the .bin. you can edit a .cue file with Notepad++ if you change the name of the .bin
>after adding all your games you want (at least until later) you can power off your PC and put the hard drive back in your Ps2, power it on and launch OPL
>Settings -> HDD device start mode = Manual or Automatic
there's other settings that are preferences I'll talk about next post
>Save Changes
>Press Circle to go to game list, if you selected manual press X to start your hard drive
>You can now launch your games
I haven't bought it, I repurposed my old HDD, it has 5400rpm but that's really not bad considering two things
>the fucking PS4Pro has 5400rpm drive
>it's going through an IDE adapter so no matter how good your hard drive is it will be more or less the same, not to mention most games will only load a couple seconds quicker than disc
I just picked that one because pcpartpicker.com
I heard that if a hard drive has too much capacity (more than 1TB or 2TB or something) it won't be compatable but that doesn't make sense to me
I still use a real PS2.
I remember Yea Forums when it was still Yea Forums - The Vidya.
Fuck you, you flossing piece of shit, I was always here.
Get money, get a personality, get status, get game, looks are secondary for women. You're the one who clearly has to know this and is being delusional about it. If you don't know it, you're retarded. Pull the head out of your ass, with that slick shiny head of yours it shouldn't be too hard. Or maybe again, don't, and save the gene pool from your beta insecurities.
I'm friends with a tranny, but he's/she's cool as hell and doesn't spout SJW nonsense. Did I find a Shiny or something?
who then proceed to have children
>children counting as legacy
Id rather keep on living alone and make a name for myself and die with no heirs like Howard Hughes. Then to live and see