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>playing redditlands

only redd*tors play borderlands

How long until some Buddhist group complains about the cover art

they ripped off pic related
they know christcucks wont do anything

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that's a picture of Christ

>Butchered content on release

Well, this is a disappointment

how long until you graduate high school?

more like they can't do anything since they're not in the "oppressed" minority.

How the fuck are there people on this board unironically hyped for more redditor sjw "funny" writing

They want that sweet internet attention, get some drama going just to make your game noticed.

day one pirate :)

Guess I'm playing on ps4

I'll give them one thing, at least they didn't use Steam as free advertisement like Metro did.

>not pirating and playing with bros

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>actually happened
I was already on the fence of buying it, leaning toward not buying.
Guess I'll have to figure out how to pirate it since my friend group is going to be getting it.

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Isn't this game on UE4?

Doesn't it make sense that it's released on their storefront too just like source engines are released on steam.

Titanfall is Origin exclusive

bonerlands LMAO

I'm 26, retard

When will you buyfags ever learn?

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even if it wasn't an epic store exclusive isn't the majority of consumers tired of looter shooters? Its not like when the borderlands 1 and 2 came out and there weren't a whole lot of games like it but now they have so much competition and I can't think of anything borderlands offers that any other looter shooter doesn't.
hopefully Randy can win back some of the money his company is hemorrhaging by shooting dice with Gaben.
last 3 digits of this post is how many gearbox employees get laid off after this flops

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>not buying on console for couch co-op

literaly nothing wrong with pirating epic exclusives
just wait for the torrent


lol just wait 6 months

ok this is epic

unless you're in usa, maybe not minority but they definitely feel opressed

>All units, be advised: Feminism is awesome!
We're going to get hundreds if not thousands of "oh no no no no" threads during the lead up to this game featuring every little thing that could possibly be made fun of

is this an out of season april fools joke?

Based Randy baiting christians. All we needed was another retared group screaming about video games.

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This, who the fuck cares? I wouldn't buy Memelands 3 even if it were on Steam or GOG.

god imagine smelling those thighs


Based Borderlands taking the heat from games that are actually worth something.

Borderlands is pure trash

Reminder that it is your moral and patriotic duty to pirate Epic store exclusives instead of buying
The publishers and devs are already paid by Epic such that if the game sells nothing they still turn a good profit, taking money from China while buying the game removes American money from the US economy and gives it to China, devaluing the dollar and accelerating inflation

hey there 26 yo retard

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Nah. Unless it's a literal Bhudda statue on a vidya game cover they won't be mad.

t. Bhuddist from ladyboy land

so, how long until you graduate high school?

Simple economics corroborated with what devs have already said about getting exclusivity
It's all in the numbers


yeah honestly its a pretty offensive coverart desu

Why is Randy and gearbox so insensitive towards the religion of the poor catholic Honduran migrants from the caravan. Their first day in America they are going to see this cover art mocking their religion. I thought gearbox was more progressive than this.

>Fuck you Epic, I'm going to wait six months to buy the game because I'm not supporting you and your shitty business practices!
>Fuck you Activision, I'm not going to buy your game because I'm not supporting your shitty business practices!

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These BR, lootshooter games are what is killing the industry. Won't even pirate it.

A simple "no" would have sufficed.

>Fuck you Epic, I'm not going to buy the game because I'm not supporting you and your shitty business practices!


TPS is shit

Im sure next one is with islam or judaism

I was going to pirate anyway, guess now I won't have to feel bad about it.

The April Fool's Day thing just proved this board is full of Redditors.

See you on launch friendo

>MFW zoomers supporting a company trying to create a real monopoly

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>Yea Forums can’t stop hyping or memeing BL3 and having fun
>it’s epic exclusive now
>hehehe who cares dude. The game is reddit and none of us here like that trash game right Yea Forumsro’s?


Oh poor multi billion dollar corporation Valve with its stranglehold on PC games for the past decade! I feel so bad for them!

ill be there after a quick stop at an athletic female's website

Good thing copyright is long void on this one.

steamites getting dabbed on. Yeet!.

The only thing Yea Forums hyped about BL3 was licking the abs of one of the female (male) new characters.

fuck eBic gaems

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someone should photoshop a "Pirate Bay" option

>valve is rich so let's support a worse company
High IQ post

Love how PC brats act like epic store is forcing them to buy 2 different computers or something. Get over it you fags.
>inb4 the usual Chinese boogeyMan spam

noone gives a fuck about valve
you should feel fycking bad for yourself as a consumer you dumb nigger unless you enjoy being assdrilled by ruthless corporations like tencent and epic, with no choice on your part

>I don’t like X. Therefore I wholeheartedly love Y
Go play conductor of the steampoop train elsewhere

Hello? There were bump limit threads of people talking about the game, which weapon companies would be back, what would be the best equipment and shit. I saw a few posts about licking her abs but most of it was people shitting on her saying she’s a pajeet and will be voiced by one. Did you ever actually go into the BL3 threads other than just looking at the OP posts?

INdie devs said it a couple times that they're getting a few millions from epic and a guarantee that if the game sells like shit, Epic will pay them to what the expected sales would give them. Look up the phoenix point ama, the devs explicitly said that this was the only reason why they went to epic in the first place.

>6 months instead of 12 months
can't keep up i guess

>Giving money to a Chinese company results in America losing money and China gaining money
Wow what a hard fucking concept to work out

borderlands is the only thing in the world that can be succinctly described as simply "reddit"

Steam is the best we have right now. I want a new store to try to be better than Steam, the epic store is only going to be a negative for the industry

She's not wrong y'know

How many does Valve fulfill again?

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>playing through Pre-Sequel for the first time right now
>literally every girl keeps yelling that they are a lesbian
Holy fuck is Lilith the only straight woman in this series? Also what the hell is up with Randy and cosplayers? That guy couldn't go 5 minutes int hat presentation without talking about them, and even brought 2 on stage.

She is He. Mr. Torgue is talking, not Springs.

>we need all money in existence to only be in America and circulate in America

you dont know their pronouns

Valve is a big player, but never held a monopoly. Here's the signs of a monopoly:

>High or no barriers to entry: Other competitors are not able to enter the market
Other stores like Epic, GoG and about a dozen of company specific store exist

>Single seller: There is only one seller in the market.
Plenty of steam games get release on other store platforms. During that time, Epic is bribing devs for exclusivity deals, which make them the only one seller of said game on the market.

>Price maker: The company that operates the monopoly decides the price of the product that it will sell.
Publishers are the ones deciding the price of the product they sell.

>Price discrimination: The firm can change the price or quantity of the product at any time.
Valve have to ask publishers when it comes to sales and removal of certain products.

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i would agree with you but on the other hand it's chi fucking na user, they ain't doing jack shit for asia let alone the world for what's worth

It's an one-year exclusive or what?

*fedora tipping intensives*
Well guess I wont be buying this shit. The whole edgy Christian-hating thing is passé. Then again, so is borderlands. It hasn’t been good since the original, even then it hasn’t aged well.

Please do go find the post in question. I'll wait.

>Pumping money into what is basically a third world shithole so they can make more bootlegs, low quality electronics, and human atrocities

So the game will be an unfinished game with10000 versions on release. No thanks. They can go fuck themself

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It’s not really bribing when no one hides it. Epic has a bazillion dollars from fortnite and they give huge chunks of it to devs for exclusivity. Just business. Annoying business but business all the same


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>People somehow confused about China buying up everything they can to try and gain a monopoly and start the gouging
It's like it's your first time with Tencent

I couldn't give a shit about valve. But I refuse to knowingly install Chinese spyware. More to the point I dont give a single fuck if Epic is better for developers.

I know right

HAha yes he said bonerfart truly an intellectual game for smart people such as me

My major problem with Epic isn't even the fact that it they use predatory bullshit to bolster themselves. It's the fact that their shitty launcher doesn't have basic features like Linux support or In-Home Streaming / Family sharing. Maybe when Epic can get half the features in pic related they'll have a chance in the industry.

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Not exactly "tired" but the market is a lot more saturated now. There´s like half a dozen better alternatives out there now

>a throwaway non-sequitur in the tutorial define the game, it's audience and all future or past titles in the series

Okay, retard.

He still doesnt know that Yea Forums its reddit 2.0
Try to keep up newfag

>Basic Features
>Linux Gaming

You can only choose one pal.

You know how fucking easy it is for developers to support Linux? Hell most of them do and they don't even know it.

>store is so basic that doesn't even display the price in my regional currency

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>There´s like half a dozen better alternatives out there now
What alternatives? Please don't be a retarded saying that the division, Anthem or Destiny is better, the only one close is Warframe and is not even similar

what's the problem?


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Anyone have that picture of Epic client being malware or something?

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>everyone on Yea Forums is american

Can't Valve just buy Epic? Gaben has to have billions by now.

70% though, Occam's Razor. why are the Dutch so disproportionally interested in Yea Forums? they're like 5th kek.

Why would valve want to buy a company that will be in the shitter in 2 years because their zoomer bux and chink infusions have run out?

I'm just gonna go ahead and auto-hide all things with the word "Borderlands".

I really don't want to see the ten gorillion "ohnonono" threads where people try to take random things and use them to "convince" me that a game I like maybe I don't actually like.

Sometimes this board can be really, really pathetic.

L-look, Mr. Torgue said to respect women!11!! Th-This is an SJW Reddit game n-now!

Jesus Christ some of you people need to go outside.

That Epic has to use underhanded, maybe even illegal tactics to make games exclusive says enough. They can't win open and fairly.

*insert super dupper rave party char in gas mask figuratively shooting itself in the head*

wow so fucking cool dude

thanks for the gold kind stranger

The Torgue thing is a form of satire using subversion, because you'd expect a man like him to have a very assbackwards view on women. I hate SJWs as much as any other intelligent being, but why must some people label it where it isn't?

>epic shop over steam
>so i can't play online on pirated copy

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Remember that most active sjw shitposters came from /pol/ during the 2016 election

>Yea Forums is one person
>Yea Forumsro's
How about you fuck off to Reddit. Memelands has always been shit and the launcher has no say in the gameplay.

I think Hillary should be murdered by the serial killer's weapon of choice: the kitchen knife (look it up, they love them) but false-positive flagging on purpose or not is only harmful to progress humanity and eliminate idiocy.

This is exactly my point.

If you can't pick up on the fact that they're using feminism as a comedic foil for the rest of his personality and instead just see three lines of dialogue as a reason to boycott a game then your brain is mega broken you fucking turbo retard.

Even if he DID mean it, "respect women", with 100 percent non-ironic intent then it still wouldn't be SJW because I'm not some woman-hating retard that waits with baited breath to find a reason to prove to everyone that I'm an incel.

Fucking faggots on this board try to ruin everything.

Aren't the magapede types that hate on SJWs the "trad-life" types anyways? Wouldn't it benefit them to respect women so they can start that "white family" they bleat about?

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it's not even the SJW shit, it's the obnoxious unfunny jokes being hamfisted into every part of the dialogue

is it bad if I actually like 1st and 2nd wave feminists because all they wanted is for humans to be treated as humans? (they teamed with the socialists, whom weere kino back then)

this, the entire series is just
>Reddit the fucking game
i mean look at that behind him, a ship who look like a dick, will make redditors laugh

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>is it bad

I don't know, bucko, does it satisfy your moral obligations to yourself?

Because you should really be worried about how YOU feel and not how a million angry faggot neckbeards online feel.

Is it morally wrong to want all humans to be treated with some form of equity?

>game not even out yet
>already hawking weapon skins

jesus christ how low can they go
glad to know I can safely drop this franchise now

great, we've got your hot take, now piss off

reddit tier poster

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heck, people forget the ship of thesuis, even if you support ancient socialists you get called a jew. Did they ever learn how bad the Industrial revolution was? Do they not know that political parties warp all the time due members leaving/dying and new joining? Today I'd give socialism a pass, they've won and did what they wanted in Europe.

What now nigger?

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90% of the time you are arguing with some angry magapede shut-in whose only exposure to political theory is scraping together all the second-hand comments on /pol/.

I've noticed half of these faggots haven't even gone as far to open a Wikipedia article let alone a book to form their opinions and they just let the retards on /pol/ educate them with infographics.

If I'm being candid I blatantly ignore anyone who demonstrates being a magapede because truly the only thing crueler than ignoring them is actually humoring their retarded hot takes.

>Trusting wikipedia for anything political
Common man, dont be THAT retarded.

try adding BS in Wikipedia, I dare you. I give it minutes before it's fixed.

It was intentionally written to demonstrate they're even too lazy to open a web page.

>buying a gearbox game in the current year
Come on lads

Nobody said anything on Far Cry 4 and the religious symbols are plenty in the game.

I took history in high school as extracurricular even while I didn't had to - i did so because it would be good for my development. Sure did, /pol/tards even forget Stalin was a fanatic antisemite when communism is mentioned.

>WashPost writes not so flattering piece on political figure
>Character assassination entered as truth because a "source" wrote it
>Person in question cant even correct it themselves
>Needs to get another "trusted source" to write an article with their real opinion

It was created to work with hard sciences, not people or political opinions.

Isn't burch not writing the series anymore?

Something something hostile take-over something regultation......

Okay, this puts it in... wait and see status down from Day1 Pirate.


>was gonna get it one way or another
>now I don't even have to feel bad about getting it for free

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I wouldn't have a problem with BL3 being sold on Epic if it weren't for Epic's supposed track record for phishing emails and attempted account hacks for lack of a verification system.

Has that been resolved at this point? Is Epic relatively safe to do business on?

>friendzoning exists

Not on Steam :)

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i thought this was common knowledge by now
people still dispute this because??

titanfall is a EA game like left 4 dead is a valve game on steam

Smokin slime Swishers like it's time to do the dishes
Look like takin' pictures, grills fresh out the kitchen
Cause it's like that, bitches like that, I'm iced out
Never sprite that, swagger got it right back like that
Stylin' sippin' smirnoff ice, private island
Got me messed up gotta back up, racks up
And that's real deal with it
Razor sharp faces, I don't fuckin' kill with it
Like get it?, you lame dude, forget it
I get it I'm pimpin' it live
Life's good extra nights at the ocean front view
Viewin' sunset, googly eyes
Yikes, I'm on meth, but I think I'm going plus
Tour bus, in the tour bus, girls just wanna adore us
New fangs on, all these haters tryna ignore us
And by the way I'm paid, did I not mention?
Bitches looking at my chain, I feel some sort of tension

Fpbp. Borderlands is normie tier and it is wide as a lake shallow as a puddle. Anyone unironically enjoying it has either OCD / gacha complex for the RNG drop guns or a simpleton.

Nice box art.

You know, I find it funny people always make fun of this line because lack of context.
The character says it after fragging a female character several times without dying.
Feminism is awesome cause it lets him murder "badass" women who feel "empowered" by the feminist movement.

steamfags got BRLands 1 remake for free

I think it's a better deal

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>maybe even illegal
Monopolistic attacks themselves are not illegal. Only attempts to actually monopolize would be illegal. The difference is that the latter kills competition. Not necessarily all of it, just competition in general, in this case, aimed at Steam. Whereas the latter is when you try to kill off all competition. Epic is trying to replace Steam in the PC video games oligopoly. Which in-itself, is not illegal.

>white power hand signal

>got BRLands 1 remake for free
Where is it?

>playing games for the writing

~90 mins until release. And its not remake, its remaster, kind of. Your game just gonna update and that's it

Nah, I getcha. Just quoting.
HD with hats and skins and shit.

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>preordering anything from western developers
>buying anything from western developers at full price

It's like you want to be disgusted with your purchase when you find out how pozzed the game is halfway through. I was gonna wait a year or 2 anyways for the deep discount, so Epic's bullshit doesn't affect me in the slightest. Still want them destroyed, but I doubt japs will bow to the chinks like this

Obsessed. Not even worth (You)ing.

>Playing TPS
>Playing a game made by aussies
Its literally a shitpost game