The trailer is out
You living under a rock or are you a shill?
that pic looks like something out of asura's wrath
damnit if im not excited to play some fl4k
i'n gonna pass on this one
Seething Steamcuck
Piratebay exclusive
I don't mind the diversity shit but not having Siren from bl2 as a playable character is bullshit.
Fuck Gearbox.
I'll never understand the appeal of this series.
No one cares, pajeet
Its all cucks to you, take it easy man
I don't even buy games to begin with
You haven't played asuras wrath.
>but not having Siren from bl2 as a playable character is bullshit.
Did you skip Borderlands 1? No playable character from the previous game carries on to the next.
Why should she be?
Hey Patrick
Will this have 1,000,000,000 DLC's and several different GOTY editions which doesn't even include all the DLC's like Borderlands 2?
did they announce the epic deal?
Moze main here
Also, thank fuck they didn’t remove split screen like every other shooter has
Lootshooters are garbage.
6 Month exclusivity deal
>epic store exclusive
put it in the garbage
>Epic exclusive
Yeah, that's gonna be a pirated copy from me
the face could use some work, but holy shit, that body is solid like my d
>accidently watch trailer without sound
>looks ridiculous
best way to judge a trailer
because I wanted it to be
>epic store exclusive
i guess i gotta buy it now
i cant wait for the steamincels to crucify me for this wrongthink XD
Epic shills are here, late but they're here.
At least it's not a year
user please watch your insults before the steamincels shoot up a school
99.9% probability yes
>not pirating it
good goy
someone better make a blonde caucasian replacement model
I refuse to play a shit-in-the-street poo in the loo curry nogger
if you play borderlands then you have incredibly bad taste
I don't want a monopoly, but I also don't want spyware. Guess which one I prefer?
I can’t be the only one who saw this
>He doesn’t like brown people
Shit taste
Brown ladies are some of the tastiest chocolate
killing minorities?
Those cartoon graphics scream "we want the Fortnite crowd!" How pathetic can Gearbox get.
> crucify me
nobody gives a shit if you decide to install chink spyware on your computer, buddy
what people DO give a shit about, however, is retards who feel the need to advertise the fact that they plan to support a platform that's utter shit and can only survive by hoarding games and monopolizing them