Looks like we set sail, mateys!
Looks like we set sail, mateys!
Other urls found in this thread:
>Tune in to the Gameplay Reveal Event on May 1st
conspiracy theory: they were originally going to show us everything today, but decided to delay it to may 1st when they got the EGS backlash.
Why are steamfags so butthurt about competition?
Fuck 2K and fuck Randy.
>10 V-bucks have been added to your EGS account
>muh botnet
>muh chinks
Typed on their computers built out of chinese parts and with steam installed.
I dont want fucking spyware on my PC
go tell your Winnie the Pooh master to fuck off
Epic isn't using spyware
>not pirating everything
You's both retarded corporate cucks.
They're all console warriors who migrated to PC because of Steam and treat is as a console
Based and piratepilled
Hello Ching, how’s the weather in chink land?
borderlands 3 isn't even worth pirating
Competition doesn't work in a digital environment. Always leads to exclusivity. You need about four streaming services now to watch the same shit you could just watch all on Netflix years ago.
Exclusivity should be limited to the platform's first party content. Fortnite and Unreal Tournament should be EGS exclusive, and all the other games should be available on more platforms.
For the record, I think it's also retarded when a game is on only Steam and not others.
If epic wants to be competition then they should put games on both their store AND steam, since epic is such a great store in all and it can apparently pass the savings onto the customer (which it isn't and they don't)
Epic is a fucking terrible store that can't stand up to steam so they have to throw fortnight bucks at monopolising to FORCE the consumer to download their shitty chink malware system. I didn't care for fortnight before but now I'll never even look at it because fuck epic.
>2 points added to your social credit score
Spicy meme, my dude!
>didn't even read it
april 2020
Yeah a year from now.
I literally said they should put the game on both the epic store AND steam and let the consumer choose, that's literally what compitition is. PLENTY of other games are on both steam and other storefronts and you can always shop around for key. Stop defending fucking anti-consumer practices because you have a mindless hateboner for steam.
Yes, retard.
>and let the consumer choose
Okay but Steam has a monopoly. You need to be aggressive to throw them off
>literally support a series for years and buy everything related to it
>release a sequel on a different platform because lul memes
Fuck this. Looks like I'm waiting for the GOTY edition on steam then.
Any confirmation on this? I'm willing to wait for this a little longer
>let the consumer choose
But that's anti-american and anti-capitalist you dirty commie.
>lets replace this monopoly with this other one thats even worse
>boredom lands
Not even pirating mang
>Steam is a monopoly
Or you can work at differentiating yourself and work on what you can offer to the consumer.
I for one hope they put a fancy chest in a prominent spot that you can never ever fucking open.
Why must you turn my board into a house of lies?
>Steam core features are still 2004 tier
>community features barely function
>search and promotion algorithm only shows AAA games and asset flips
>despite admitting this Valve continues to delay the Steam client update
>EGS comes out
>severely lacking in features but adding more week to week
>entices several indies with exposure and deals to keep them afloat
>poised to take a large share of the market
>suddenly Valve announces that they'll be pushing the Steam client update soon
>amongst this is that they'll be trying to better showcase indies and promote them in searches
Yea man, competition is a complete meme
>EPIC games good
Ah so you don't want competition then. You think Steam should be able to control the entire PC market.
I unironically hope borderlands 3 will make the headlines as the most pirated game of 2019, fuck this turd EGS and their exclusives bought with tencent money
Most people won't pirate because they are afraid of infesting their machine with shit.
If you want people to pirate, educate them.
Same. I'm even going to buy a key from a 3rd party website like CDkeys just to give the middle finger to 2K. I hope I get a stolen key too so they lose money from this.
It's the literal definition of a monopoly. Are you being retarded on purpose?
Steawm is a monoporry!!
It's not competition if you have monopoly on product, retard.
Sell it in all e-shops then it will be competition.
buying out devs for exclusive deals isn't competition retard
Daily reminder that the Mutt fears the Dragon.
Honestly I can't wait until you get your bones ground into dust. You fucking shills are soulless subhumans.
Probably still buying it.
>It's not competition if you have monopoly on product
Of course it is. You gonna bitch about Nintendo games next?
what's wrong with the epic store? same as steam init?
>Humble Store and GOG exist
>Slavs taking advantage of their regional pricing to profit by selling keys to foreigners
>Devs and publishers have been using their own storefronts for years
Why do Incels like the Epic store so much?
I supported BL2 on Steam and this is the thanks I get.
Well,I could spend literally 10 years going through my backlog on Steam alone and never replay a game, so it’s not like I need this game day one. Just like TOW, Metro Exodus, etc. Fuck these guys. I’ll buy it for $10 on sale in a couple of years.
>Playing Borderlands alone
Cause its not good competion when the epic game store provides no up side to steam and were only forced to use it because they paid some publisher a shit ton of money
No workshop
No chat
no reviews
no nothing
Its like steam from 2004
And its fucking spyware
I fucking hate buzzwords so much.
>All the STEAMING Steamfags ITT
Fuck yes. The salt is glorious. Seeing you /r/Valve faggots cry is the greatest treat Randy has ever given us.
Turns out Steamfags were the biggest console warriors all along.
Changing the discussion into geo politics won't help you sell epic here
>steam is a monopoly
You might want to prove that, and remember, market leader isn't a monopoly.
>What is basic business&economics
Lets be honests, if Epic cant even convince Borderlands tards to install their shit, they might as well give up
I have honestly never seen a bigger shill than you, get the fuck off this board you slant eyed chinese bugman
Most bordertards are console peasants anyway
>could I have a virus on my computer?
>nah, that couldn't possibly be it
Nintendo games made by nintendo are sold on nintendo hardware. WHAT A FUCKING SHOCKER. Literally no-one cares about first party games selling on first party owed products. did Epic produce Borderlands? No, fucking 2K did. Did epic MAKE Metro? No. If they MADE those game we wouldn't give a shit since it's their fucking games.
You think you are just pretending but in truth you always was a very real retarded boy.
Hey buddy, don't go bringing facts into this.
anti-consumer backwards competition. no thanks.
And yet literally no one used any of these words here before Epicshills came. Fuck off.
Competition is a meme because this wont hurt Steam
(90+ million users and still the cheapest store for all third world people)
This will only kill smaller storefronts and thus well end with less competition
>steam is a monopoly
>pays devs to put thier games on every platform possible
Based monopoly
Can't read your chink runes through all the smog, Chang
post good pirate music
This, dear god it's pathetic.
Steam already sells all your data to jews and chinks anyway.
This is literally a reddit post.
You know those "buzzwords" are the reason why the USA keeps shitting up foreign nations with their mutt armies to fuck up the country's local economy and infrastructure.
>take game that could've sold millions on steam
>put it on chink spyware for a quick 2 mill
Wtf is 2k thinking?
so rip boorderlands 3 pc sales.. thanks epic store
if you dont want spywares just cancel your internet subscription
Games sell better on Epic
>say bad thing about steam
>steamdrones call you a chink
this is some next level sad cringe
>mfw I can now go and help review bomb all the Borderlands games on steam because I literally gave those fuckers money
Fuck you Randy boBandy
>borderlands 1 remaster is on steam
>but borderlands 3 is on egs
the fuck
I dont get regional pricing on my country. And 60 dollars for the fucking standard edition is fucking crazy here
the final nail in the steam coffin will be when RDR2 won't be on Steam
Lol why bother making the costumer happy when they can make ez money NOW and us faggots will buy it anyway on the epic store or double dip on steam?
Looks like it's a pirate for me untill 2020 and then STOLEN KEY TIME WOO
His script says so.
Based retarded shill
dont feed the animals
Based Epic dabbing on faggots.
too late redd*t
oh nonono delete this before angry steamdrones call you a chink shill
You know thats counting the preorders on steam, right?
true but I'm gonna pirate it anyway
Stem doesnt have one tho
>Ask for proof
>Gives anecdotal evidence
Now provide proof.
>search and promotion algorithm only shows AAA games and asset flips
Objectively false. The personal queue is based on the account activity, though, so you might see shit if you play shit games.
>suddenly Valve announces that they'll be pushing the Steam client update soon
The one that changes visuals and makes everything worse? Can't wait.
>amongst this is that they'll be trying to better showcase indies and promote them in searches
They say this shit on a monthly basis, it means nothing.
Furthermore, EGS is not competing, it's monopolizing. Nothing good ever comes out of that.
I keep seeing it thrown around but the only source is Pitchford suggesting 6 months exclusivity is what he's fine with, but also said in the same string of tweets he had "no control" over the distribution.
Store exclusivity is absolutely retarded. Yes, some games are inexorably tied to Steam, but there are actually very few games genuinely exclusive to Steam (which I also dislike). You can buy them off other sites. Not to mention EGS is competing with a platform that's been around for 15 years and is safer, more robust and feature rich. Steam's about to add Valve-provided dedicated servers for game devs to use, Epic doesn't even have a Steamworks equivalent yet.
I don't want to visit different hardware stores because one of them has bought off hammer manufacturers. And it's in a shitty neighbourhood that's a long drive away.
Sony wins again baby
This is including steam preorders
It does though
the real question is, why would you not pirate any borderlands game, you can play co-op even if you have a pirated copy so there's literally 0 reasons to give randy cuckfork any money whatsoever
Last Light was a small niche game that was a sequel to a small niche game. Exodus was a massive AAA title that made appearances at multiple E3 shows.
Let me put it this way. Do you think Exodus would have sold the same as LL on Steam if EGS didn’t exist? If you do you’re a 75 IQ retard like every game journalist.
>Literally telling lies
Being a market leader and being a monopoly are 2 completely different things
FUCK EPIC AND FUCK THE EGS. Literally using fortnight dollars and chinese money to push developers into releasing on their shitty chinese spyware with absolutely zero features as a platform
>play his game
>call him a cuck
i think your the real cuck here
This shit was obvious after the ydidn't announce platforms during the GDC event. They knew they'd get booed so skipped it until today.
Let this be a message to never buy 2K shit again.
Nigga, don't be a fool. You were going to pirate it anyways.
>I don't want to visit different hardware stores because one of them has bought off hammer manufacturers. And it's in a shitty neighbourhood that's a long drive away.
All this is shit making me want to just get a ps4 disc for EGS Exclusives, I believe in blu-rays more than chinks.
>push developers into releasing on their shitty chinese spyware with absolutely zero features as a platform
Yes I'm sure the poor developers had no choice in this matter.
>you can play co-op even if you have a pirated copy
dont worry I'm sure jewbox will make sure its not possible in BL3
>At its GDC 2019 keynote today, the company announced that Metro Exodus sold 2.5 times better on the Epic Store than Metro: Last Light did on Steam.
>It's not a perfect comparison. Metro: Last Light released in 2013, and the PC audience has grown significantly since then—granted, a portion of the recent growth can be attributed to Epic itself for developing Fortnite. Metro Exodus could have other qualities that helped it sell better, too. It's hard to say. But still, the news is confirmation that the Epic Games Store is not the death sentence its naysayers claim it is.
>newer games of existing franchie sells better
>two different games
>bro it's a single click
>bro it's just a 10 minute drive away
Fuck off, Randy, and I'm not your "bro."
>mfw gonna pirate this 5 times so Randy goes out of business
>paying for a product you do not own
The absolute state of gaming.
A monopoly requires that a company actively seeks to be the only one in the market by either buting or bankrupting the competition.
Valve did nothing when GoG/Origin/Bethesda/Blizzard created their even when they used to be the only ones
PCfags riddle me this.
Why not just download Epic game store icon and buy the game there?
Why do you care more about Steam than just playing games?
This whole shitshow has convinced me there are literal chink shills on this board and a fucking ton of them. This isn't Epic competing. This is them avoiding competition entirely by buying out games from publishers and preventing them from being on other stores.
Holy fuck I'm still mad and the only reason I even gave a shit was because I was a Phoenix Point backer who got shafted because I wanted a fucking GOG key. God I hate chinks.
>People waiting to buy it once it reaches Steam
Isn't it better not not buy it AT ALL? If you buy it after the Steam release you're saying this kind of shit is acceptable when it's not.
because atusim mostly
They literally don't when they have a publisher, you fucking retard.
Because I pirate everything anyways and I have my multiplayer games on steam.
My steam account is also pretty old so I own a lot of games on there.
>Another shill makes this about Steam and Epic when there are a fucking half dozen online stores who never pulled this shit and have a strong marketshare
Seriously I hope you die a fucking horrible death. You are the literal bottom of the barrel humanity wise.
I had an epic game store account but had to close it due to getting 5 to 8 emails a day about someone trying to get into my account.
Because I think steam’s feature set is a baseline for PC gaming, Epic has almost none of it, and I don’t trust them.
Publisherfags kill yourselves over this.
Why not just release on multiple storefronts and if consumers want to better support you they'll buy on Epic?
Why do you care more about money than making consumer choice?
>Why not just download Epic game store icon and buy the game there?
Epic store has leaked info not long ago, having account with email adress from that leak ends up on 10 emails from Epic telling you that your account is not safe a day, basically a nascence.
>Why do you care more about Steam than just playing games?
We don't? I have Steam, Uplay, Origin and Battle.net installed at this very moment, only thing I care about is Epic for being buying exclusivity from all the other stores.
Of course it is but I would eventually like to play the game and I don't like engaging in piracy.
Official List of Fuck You Devs
>Buying on a site like G2A
>Buying Used at Gamestop
>Buying on Sale
I hope you're typing this from Linux because if not you're a gigantic faggot
Because I have principles? Even if the epic store wasn't spyware. even if it didn't lack the features one would expect a storefront to have in CURRENT YEAR (like a shopping cart and I don't know, actual fucking security), even if it actually gave the consumer a FUCKING DISCOUNT like they SAID they would be doing, I wouldn't fucking download it. You know why? Because paying off publishers for exclusitivity deals is anti-consumer and i don't like being fucked over as a consumer. I'll just wait the 6 months to a year like i did with destiny 2 and buy it with a 3rd party key and hope 2k gets the bill for a stolen key.
Steaming Valvecuck
havent used Hamachi for a while, im ready broskis
This is proxy battle of jews vs chinks.
i'll sleep well knowing that i ain't giving that cuck any money, besides playing the game is the only way i have of playing as my waifu gaige so there's that
unless they make it always online there will always be a way, hell even if they decide to go all jew mode and make it MMO like people will find a way to reverse engineer that shit and make a server emulator, just like they did for SimCity and the first D3 release
nope never again. i dont care about skins and shit. i'll wait and let other people deal with the launch bugs first
>jew NSA spyware GOOD
>chink spyware BAD
wtf i love Yea Forums
>Compares Last Light to Exodus
>Not Last Light Redux
Big think.
AHHH The Blood runs cold.
We take our loot but dont get old!
OHHH Hail the Mighty, he's arisin' from the deep
With Tattered Sails and Incredible Tales,
We're partin' endless seas!
>epic says
because instead of trying to buy your customers with exclusivity bullshit instead try to make a better service for people rather than trying to hold games hostage for people to use your lackluster software
It's just video games, nor battle for mankind, you autist.
Is there any hard evidence that the epic store comes with spyware? I feel like you guys are the same type of people that told me mountain dew would make my dick smaller.
If you are not Chinese, you should be against them.
why? i hate USA more
fuck off pablo
The problem with everything I see is that despite us all being pissed, not enough people are actually protesting with their wallets. Games continue to sell well on Epic and game publishers aren't getting hurt because people continue to buy from there. I don't think it's going to change.
Apart from "WAAAAAAH SCARYCHINKIES AT TENCENT IS GOING TO USE MY DATA AND THIS WILL BE BAD FOR ME SOMEHOW" none of the complaints about Epic exclusivity seem comprehensible to me.
Whats the T word again?
Tim Sweeney can suck my weeney
Well i'm skipping Borderlands 3.
Because as a European I would rather let American spy on me then those fucking communist pigs
Tiananmen square
oh nonono my internet is cutting out, pls don't post these words again
Thing is there is no competition. Either you get it in Chink store or fuck off. GoG Vs Steam is the only thing we needed
>just spent 3k building a streaming rig
>epic store faggotry has me buying more games on console than ever
Fuck you 2K
why do you fags hate Chinks so much, they are pretty based and redpilled
10 v-bucks have been deposited into your EGS account. If you really can't see why chinese spyware on your PC is bad, there's nothing I can do to help you.
>chinkbot thinks the dumb sheep isn't him
>The Pre-Sequel
>Colonial Marines
BL3 may as well give me blowjobs and candy if Gearbox is expecting anything but the exclusivity deal money to keep them afloat.
It's less butthurt about competition, it's more that people are angry that the publishers decide to take away their freedom of choice when it comes to which platform to buy the game on, especially when they release it exclusively on such a consumer-unfriendly plaform as Epic. I mean, if Epic actually made a good storefront with all the essential features and none of the spyware shit I wouldn't have a problem buying games on their platform. Sure, it would still suck to be FORCED to use their platform to play certain games, since I'd still prefer to buy the games on Steam, but at least I wouldn't compromise my own privacy by installing their launcher.
1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre Winnie the Pooh
>lol bro why do you care lol just download this botnet malware with terrible features, security and anti-consumer practices IT"S JUST A GAME BROOO
Yah, nah. I don't care as much as you think. I'm not even going to bother pirating it. I have enough games to play that I can just simply wait. Unlike you I tend to stand by my principles and I'll just be buying 3rd party keys from everything 2k related since I know gearbox is safe because they got paid an hourly wage to make the game. Stop defending companies who care more about money than their consumers.
chinks vs fat steamdrones obeying the fat lazy jew
who wins
Maybe if steam didnt take such a large cut from developers then devs would stop launching epic store?
If you believe chinks are a bigger threat than mudslimes you're a fucking delusional retard.
damn, if that pic is true, china now has a small fraction of baseness
Epic... Games... Good...
Why would i want to use another worse launcher and fragment my library even more just so randy pitchford gets a few extra bucks.
>I posted it again
>pirtating a co-op game
Steamfags are starting to act like literal toddlers.
Americans that let immigrant children die in detainment camps are not allowed to complain about spying.
This article sucks because people will always bring it out when talking about Epic even thought it is shady as fuck.
>Gives no actual numbers, just says it sold 2.5 times better
>Comparing it to Last Light, which sold like shit
And do they really want me to believe it sold better on the Epic Games store, which is basically a newborn at this point, better than the well estabilished Steam which has over 90 million users? The only thing Epic had before the exclusives was Shadow Complex and Fortnite, do they really want me to believe the fucking Fortnite kids bought Metro Exodus in droves? The only thing this proves is Epic has shills on their side.
it reminds me when Trump won and all the pics of crying libtards
>what is hamachi
kys weeb
>from developers
They take a larger cut from publishers, which are greedy kikes by default. I highly doubt much of Epic's charity is reaching to the developers themselves
Have you been living under a fucking rock or are you just American?
>Steambronies defending the fat fuck for free instead of forcing Valve to start making some fucking games
Piracy is super easy though and you get to feel good not giving these chink pieces of shit your money.
Epic exclusives dont mean you can sell anywhere but steam. They hirt the real competition too.
will epic games faggots be able to play with steam purchasers on this shit?
>Kiddo doesn't know how to set up a hamachi network
Shut the fuck up Xiang. How is holding a game hostage for 6-12 months anywhere remotely close to competition?
Steam has always been in competition. Initially it was with file hosts that distributed news, patches, betas, games, mods and so on. Those sites had a poor monetization model (they queued file downloads, unless you paid). Steam outmoded them, but in the transition you ended up with things like Origin, uPlay, Battle.net, EGL (prior to it being a store), Bethesda etc... This is without consideration for physical retail, piracy, different distribution models like self-distribution, or mixed distribution.
Valve just did a good job, they offer a comprehensive app that had voice comms, package management, news, community resources including forums, friends lists and they had good games packaged with it. Now they have a catalogue and a matured platform to launch games off of.
Stop begging for shit you don't understand.
Im suspicious that the people claiming to be so assblasted over chinks stealing your data are posting via a chrome browser. If so I have bad news for you........
>hamaxhi in 2019
>Wanting to encourage exclusivity
Fuck no. If there's one thing that should be taken from this whole debacle is exclusivity fucking sucks and every game should be sold at every store. You don't have GTAV be a Walmart exclusive why the fuck should I have to go to a store with no features I don't give a fuck about to buy the games I want?
i'm not up to date on chinese politics. please educate me /pol/
Somewhere out there Tim Sweeney is going "just as planned" as he wants Valve to throw money around to counteract Epic's exclusivity deals in order to bankrupt Valve.
It's actually quite a brilliant plan.
retards using chrome, discord, windows etc.. and then complain about chink spyware
Yea Forums is full of idiots
Epic didn't make Borderlands, retard.
reminder; the epic store is a deep state project that's been infiltrated by the russians.
fuck BL3 wasn't BL1 goty coming out today ?
It's mainly just a matter of education. I for one don't use chrome because i prefer firefox but untill you mentioned it I didn't know anything about chrome being spyware. If I know about it, and have the choice to avoid it because the system isnt a monopoly, I try to do so. It's mainly the reason why I have a pirated copy of windows 10, don't buy sony shit, and am against epic.
>Not using noscript, adblock+ and ublock
>"you guys! EGS is just creating competition to the PC market!"
>Can't buy bl3 on steam, gog, or any other store besides epic
>Doesn't just lowerr the price to give the consumer a choice
It's not competition if I only have one choice.
>No Steam availability
Literally gamer genocide
get fucked, pc cuck. enjoy your console war.
I'm racist and i hate those chinks
It isn't a fucking monopoly. That's like saying Walmart is a monopoly even though it's always across the street from a fucking Kroger or Safeway. Steam is the market leader, it competes with literally everything else, including consoles, web distribution platforms, and the likes Discord, EGS, Origin, Battle.net, Bethesda, uPlay, GOG, thepiratebay, and so on. You're fucking deluded to think it has a monopoly because it is the market leader.
oh boy, I can already see the articles
>Borderlands 3 sells HUGE on EGS
>BL3 sells MASSIVE 2.8 times what BL2 sold on STEAM
while no actual numbers or ways to verify the data are given
>all this chink damage control
mmm i don't see the game being released in both stores at the same time sooo
But what about all the games that have been exclusive to steam for the last 10 years? Also your point about it being like a streaming service is retarded too because you don't pay a monthly fee to access a digital storefront like you do with a streaming service
doesn't affect me
>Jun 2016
Based illiterate.
That's competition
>it's not a different launcher bro
I must admit that as much as I like Steam, it's been great watching GabeN ass suckers seethe harder and harder with each passing day.
Maybe now that fat cunt will make Half Life 3.
Grr...... I'm so ANGRY...... I was sucking Gabens penis yesterday and he told me the game was coming to steam. Not like this, anons, not like this............
I wanna honk his nose
with who themselves?
i dont know why /v complain about this shit i wont spend a single cent on the chink store and im not even american (argie) muy entire collection is on steam all my friends are there but the fact the epic store keeps stealing exclusives donest impact me or any of my friends in fact makes my life easier game on steam gladly buy , on the other hand game on the epic store i will pirate like i did with metro and ashen , tehres already here anew boom of game torrenting soon it will be like the good old 90s everybody pirating torrenting and seeding , too bad for the developers they lost an entire region but if they make more money with the exclusivity good for them in the end i will get their game for free so i dont loss anything , they do
With steam
I don’t play games on PC so I really don’t understand why everyone is upset. If you have steam, can’t you just download epic games as well? Is there some reason why you can’t have both softwares on your computer so you can play epic games exclusives? I don’t get it
theoretically speaking how hard would it be to crowdfund hitman on tim swine?
I don't care about spyware, China, etc
I refuse to support a business that decided to call itself "epic".
As much as we protest, will this really make a difference? I feel like it's just the loud minority who won't purchase, the rest will happily eat Epic's shit.
What Epic is doing is not competition
Bribing devs to stay off of Steam is not competition
Strongarming consumers into using a platform that offers nothing to them that's worth switching for by holding anticipated games hostage behind their platform is not competition
It's scummy behavior and should absolutely not be tolerated.
dumb wojak poster.
Literally just mindless console wars but more retarded since epic is free
Yes it is
No one fucking takes GOG seriously lmao
buying exclusives is anti-consumer competition
>PCfags have to install 30 different launchers or have their data stolen to play the game
Shitposting isn't going to convince Winnie to let your family out of the ghetto, Pao
So Epic cucks are going to beta test the game for 6 months so we Steam chads get the best initial experience? Sounds like a win to me gamers.
Yeah, sure. It's competition nobody should tolerate, you don't see one sprinter getting to start earlier than the other because he bribed the hosts of the event.
>lets compete with other stores by selling a game only in our store
Shame, I was looking forward to playing a game with friends again but being an epic exclusive means it's a hard pass. I'd play that shit on literally any other client, even Origin with it's nonfunctional friends system.
This...is....GAMER HOLOCAUST...I...CANNOT....six gorillion games...died
It isn't and you can't argue otherwise
>I dont want fucking spyware on my PC
So why do you use Steam?
The normalfags are already on the epic hate bandwagon. If anything they will get it on console.
These bugmen are slowly conquering the world, and that's a good thing.
this pic is retarded, no matter where you buy the game you still need to use Steam DRM
Unironically this is also a potential problem.
>If Xbox wants to compete with Sony they should release Halo on the Playstation!
>Forcing a pseudo console war on PC
Epic really is cancer
But america pulls this shit all the time and nobody bats an eye. But if the chinks do it you better watch out goy.
They're worried about the possibility of spyware because they all have child porn on their computers. Fucking steamfags are the worst of the worst
chin chong bing bong!
That's how competition works, yes
The weirdest thing about this is that there are Borderlands fans on Yea Forums.
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
Imagine defending the fat jew for free
If I could buy it anywhere and activate it on EGS, I wouldn't complain.
But they are the only legitimate seller.
That's bullshit.
there is literally no good reason no to use steam at the same time
They invested too much into their steam libraries and now afraid that steam might die because of the real competition and their accounts will lose their value.
Borderlands 1 was a decent game and had regular threads. Stop trying to fit in so hard because you heard the grown-ups hate Memelands 2
I'm not America. You can't even generalize some sports enthusiasts as America. Even as someone who has only glanced at sports events I've been disgusted by how disenfranchised it's become from actual competition.
Lol you retarded? Why the fuck would they lower the price when they don't have to?
> Humble Store and GOG exist
They offer slightly different products. You are right its not a monopoly, but monopolistic competition.
>All the chink and steam shill
Just torrent it
It's an inferior product(less features) with security flaws(billing issues, spyware) and scummy business practices (exclusivity deals, tencent)
Fuck off retard, I was here on Yea Forums for the marketing storm and BL1 was bland as fuck. BL2 was actually garbage. I'm not giving the series another chance.
The only real competition to steam tbqh
Because that is competition
>I don't want chinks to spy on me
Are so many of you delusional enough to believe you matter to anyone?
> Why do you care more about Steam than just playing games?
They dont play games, they play Steam. Isnt it obvious.
Then why do you give a shit about people talking about it if you're devoting any time at all to its discussion, you fucking witless pruneboy
>playing Blunderlands to begin with
that's a big yikes
if this was exclusive to any other digital platform, it'd be fine, but Epic is cancer
>using the argument wrong again
I'm convinced you're doing this on purpose. Halo is a MICROSOFT FUCKING TITLE. Literally, and I mean LITERALLY NOONE CARES IF IT'S ONLY SOLD ON A MICROSOFT PLATFORM. You bumbling fuckheaded asswhipe.
No it's not you idiot. That's a fantasy
>being this dumb
>haha what do you mean you don't care about being spied upon
>you're just another number, silly
Yeah, cool. Normalise infringement of privacy because it's happening to millions.
Partially true, it's up to publishers to lover the price since Epic takes lower cut than Steam.
Why do you give a shit if I dislike the series, you fucking clod? I didn't quote a single person in the thread, you decided to get into a conversation with me because I insulted your crap game's honor or some shit.
If I was witless maybe I'd actually love Borderlands. OH MY GOD A NEW GUN!!!!!!
imagine defending the soulless chink for free
>tfw none of the epic shills will respond to this
What are GOG, G2A, Discord, Humble Bundle, Amazon then?
A monopoly means you have no other options, if anything, I'd say GoG holds a monopoly over old games, most of them cant be bough anywhere else.
Most steam games can be bought in other platforms tho.
>wanting to rent the game on a platform that won't survive for more than a few years because the whole userbase consists of 12 year olds who chase the flavor of the month
>What do you mean I'm retarded for getting mad about things I apparently don't have the time of day for? You're retarded for questioning my motives!
Try talking about things you enjoy, you'll be a happier person for it, you silly cunt.
didnt LL only sale like 50k or some shit?
>Platform exclusivity
I'm buying on console so it doesn't matter, but you're a total fag enabler.
No numbers... And of course a new game would sell better than old game. Industry is bigger.
Probably won't buy Memelands 3 now. I have an assload of Steam bux from trading virtual goods and haven't had to pay real money for games in about 4 years. I certainly don't plan on starting by giving my credit card to a Chink company.
Oh right, I was clearly mad in my original post dude. Meanwhile you're clearly not mad, responding with autistic anime reaction images because someone called Borderlands not good.
well cheng, sorry but we see that you visited a fourchan, a site with a low score! Now because your social credit has dropped you are banned from flying
How else do you compete with the established giant who practically ahs a monopoly?
>muh features, muh service
All secondary, It's a way to bankrupcy
Epic does the only thing that actually works. The fact that people are seething means it works. Hell, the publicity alone they are getting right now is more than worth it.
I don't, buddy
I just want to see Valve's lazy ass to get fucking wrecked and cucked out of games haha
>Mad about anime on Yea Forums
So you got off the boat with the elections, huh?
>epic is bad
>steam is good
Steam has always been shit. Not saying Epic is better but who cares? Just pirate it
>I certainly don't plan on starting by giving my credit card to a Chink company.
ive had 15 emails in the past 3 days saying someone is trying to get into my EPIC account no way im fucking trusting them with my CC info
ok retard
FUck off Ahmed.
You're not fooling anyone.
Imagine believing that steam is the only pc store before epic came.
>Pirating games
>Pirating games because you can't give Gaben money.
stupid white piggu fake email no worry you buy??!?!
Oh so we're back to that again, even though I literally just said I was here for BL1's obnoxious marketing? You really are Gearbox's target audience, you have fucking brain problems.
I hope you don't actually believe that chinks can browse Yea Forums
Uh, yes?
You actually consider these shitter competitors as actual threats to Valve?
Except it isn't. Epic doesn't want to compete, they want to monopolize. And they do that by throwing money at everyone and forcing people to use their shitty storefront.
If steam cared about video games and paid for exclusives then they could've competed lmao
Where did I say that? You're getting mad about things I'm not even saying, take your meds.
Man a 'console' war with launchers on PC is going to be wild. All that shitposting at consolefags only to end up exactly like them
> they want to monopolize
Nice 6 months monopoly
>So cucked that he can't even pirate the game
Fucking kek.
It's like watching Nintentoddlers screaming at Sega and now Sony again
>bro I never said you were new I said you were an electionfag!
So you're an electionfag yourself, gotcha.
That's about how long Fortnite was popular.
Fuck epic store and fuck tencent, they're literally the fucking jews of the video game industry, having resort to such toxic practices to force us to switch. I've always been loyal to steam and will remain as so.
Moreover, there's no support for linux and therefore will never have to install this botnet.
Valve has done more for us than any other PC store. Valve's hegemony on the PC market might be threatened but it's not for a few shitty exclusivities that it'is gonna kill off their platform.
Fuck chinks
>>severely lacking in features but adding more week to week
So what new features do the currently have?
10 v-bucks is pretty generous, more like 2 v bucks per shill.
I was going to pirate the game regardless. i just hope it being on epin doesnt make a hassle out of things.
>H-how dare they! I-I'll just wait a year and buy the game later, that'll show 'em!
God, buycucks are so fucking pathetic.
Based. Have another (you), its on the house
You're still making things up. I said if you're mad about anime on Yea Forums you must be new, not that you have to like Borderlands.
In fact, I never said you have to like Borderlands, that's fine. I asked why you'd enter a thread about it if you didn't like it.
Please seek professional help, because I do worry about some of you anons sometimes.
It would be competition if one were allowed to buy the game on both Steam and Epic, with one storefront offering better prices, features, security measures, etc.
But that's not what's happening.
>I said if you're mad about anime on Yea Forums you must be new
I wasn't mad at anime, the only person who keeps trying to claim I'm mad is you. Who is mad that I called Borderlands a crappy series. 1 is the 'best' BL game and its bland as fuck, and stating that sent you into an autism attack.
Calm down and stop being such a retard.
Free tibet.
>posts a chibi from a chink gatchashit
but nobody will find you right because most of them here are steamfags and epicfags
>All these seething steambab replies
The store is shit like bare bones retarded, they employ filthy tactics to get games they have no reviews and just about every game ""journalist""" is praising it
How many more redflags do you want senpai
Chinese overlords and EGS launcher literally caught spying and taking info from steam users with both clients open.
Nice picture of yourself chink bot
Why are Steamfags such poor sports?
Ladies and Gentlemen, the next Epic Store exclusive
>thinking gearbox are competent enough to come up with their own online infrastructure
it'll be on steam.
user all the exclusive thing is anti-consumer
fat steam wojak laying on the floor with sweeney dancing on his body.gif
But I am gunna pirate it. The stolen key is just for when it comes to steam so i can play online with my friends.
>frogniggers are chink shills
Who could have seen that coming?
This really is the funniest part, how the hell are they going to run their multiplayer systems without letting steam handle it? It's going to be a nightmare and I'm going to have a good laugh over it.
It'll probably be P2P shit, which makes it that much simpler to pirate and play online.
>animeposter is a console warrior
Who could have seen that coming?
>randy is going to make pirated multiplayer possible
Is it even worth pirating if you can't use multiplayer?
maybe epic will handle that, mind you.
Seems like plenty of them are in this thread. Who else would defend Epic with such religious fervor?
not that user but, so for that reason you defend exclusivity? I think you're the idiot user
Things that never happened? Meanwhile the valve cult is in fucking hysterics. Just look at all the rage replies
>not supporting epic means your a console warrior
People who want fucking HL3 from Valve
What's your definition of competition?
I am going to pirate the game ten times
why wont chink shills reply to this
Two entities competing for a single reward or goal.
How does that even correlate? Stop posting, Yangjie.
>we have reversed back to cult of steam posting
Cause chinks can only say valve bad
literally the only reason i see people bash steam is because of this
"gabe is so lazy maybe now with some competition they will make games again"
You are getting your console war on pc, bro
Better expect Valve to cuck Epic out of video games as well with exclusives to stay in business
based, steamcucks seething
It really makes my morning seeing all these PC folks having meltdowns over trivial shit like this
>Goal: sell copies of bl3
So it's not really competition if only 1 company can do it.
Here is the Mobile wallpaper
>I-If you don't support Epic your a S-Steam shill
Why are all the chinksect posts like this?
To make the steamdrone mad as fuck like a nintentoddler
>Goal: Attract PC gamers to your platform
Which is the entire point of exclusives. I love how you want to act like there are rules of warfare for fucking video game sales
Because sites like gog doesn't exist in their feeble minds.
>Joker "attracted" Batman to come to his hideout by holding someone he holds dear hostage.
>comparing video game sales to a fucking childrens comic book story
You're not going to pirate, why lie?
enjoy your OCD
>Attract gamers
That's fair and a good goal. But they did it really bad
>Exclusives that make people mad
>No good UI that competes with other stores
>Bad press saying the consumers aren't who are going to help them
>Not using price incentives or store exclusive DLC
Sounds like they just aren't competing well at all
If the game was cheaper in epic, I would reconsider buying it there
it's not counting Redux
>egs exclusive for 6 months
as someone that played bl2 at launch, sounds like they are doing you a favor. By then all the shit mmo-like things will be patched out (like the 'raid' bosses having a daily lockout in bl2)
> Monopolistic competition is a type of imperfect competition such that many producers sell products that are differentiated from one another and hence are not perfect substitutes.
Like it or not the solution is the same, beat the bad guy and set the hostage -free-
>But they did it really bad
Not really because it's working. The games sell fucking great
Who's the child here.
>good guy
>Borderlands 3 is a hostage
>when it willingly went to Epic of its own free will
too bad we will never get a popular game on both platforms on release, and compare numbers cause i'm sure Steam would always beat Epic in sales.
Sadly we have no proof of that user. They don't have database numbers public like steam and other companies.
he was right, you are the retard, both content and form
cute gif
epic should be Yea Forums's favorite platform, they're immoral just like the bunch of you faggots that brag about pirating games
fucking die in a fire you mongs
if I had a nickel every time someone called something "spyware"
for some reason paradox didn't take the money so VTMB2 is on several platforms including those two, but I think it's still niche, especially in asia
Relevancy something they need
Good, another game to pirate
I want to believe that all the EGS exclusives we here about now were signed off many months ago and all the shitstorm it's causing now just scares other publishers away on the grounds of nobody wanting a shitton of negative PR. Probably not true but I can believe.
You don't even have to feel bad since epic pays the devs
I'm just sick of so many launchers. I have Steam, EA and the Ubisoft one. I don't want any more. Also fuck China.
Exclusivity isn't competition. Competition implies choice.
Competition: Three stores offer a product. One store offers it 10% off. Another store offers a BOGO. One store offers a bonus accessory.
Not Competition: A store buys out the rights to the product in order to force people to only go to their store to get the product, even if the rest of the store is subpar in its selections.
>Monopolistic competition
Number of Firms Many
Market Power Low
Number of Firms One
Market Power High
Do you even read your own wikipedia articles?
What did they mean by this?
It's a robot, it has no gender.
this all the crying is amazing
FLAK is a robot. Robots care not for your mortal genders.
>He says this while having Steam
>No Steam fanboy can even cite evidence for Epic Store being spyware in the first place
>disliking epic means you like steam
Is Epic really that bad? I wanted to play Hades.
It's over for Steam, goyim. Bow down to your new Chinese emperors.
What's your point?
PC gaming market is monopolistic competition because there are many storefronts that too different from each other hence they dont (didnt) compete directly against each other.
>Liberals completely dominate the political spectrum for years
>Steam completely dominates the PC market for years
>Liberals think Trump has no chance
>Steam fanboys thing Epic has no chance
>Epic and Trump actually succeed
>Liberals have outbursts and cry about Trump winning
>Steam fanboys have outbursts and cry about Epic even existing
>Liberals start conspiracy theories about Trump like election rigging
>Steam fanboys start conspiracy theories about Epic like spyware
Hmmmm. Really interesting.
>oooooh big scary processes that pretty much every program runs tons of and no explanation as to what they do
>steam is a monopoly
>it's not
>b-but it's part of a monopolistic competition so that means it is
Then maybe the other stores should offer something better?
People will just continue to pirate if they care enough about the game anyway. It becomes an issue with online games though, but Borderlands has a history of being able to play coop while cracked.
I don't think epic is bad end I'm a steam shill. I just hate the way they're trying to put their foot in the PC market
>No price competition
>No good store/game overlay
>Appeals to companies instead of consumers
It's a robot ya dingus
Day 183
Games aren't like a cleaning or food product. There is no buying an 'alternative' to Borderlands. You can buy another looter shooter, but its not the same experience.
Honestly how can Pcbros exist today? Valve has literally spat in the faces of every old fanbase they had.
>piracy is a service problem
>Thinking steam is the only pc store
> believes that dlsite and playism were competing with steam
Are you implying trump is owned by China?
how come no one adresses the price discrepancy too?
steam regularly has sales of up to 90% off.
epic games entire shtick is that the savings are passed on to the consumer but many games cost more on the epic games launcher. i dont see any savings. there dont even seem to be nay sales.
>Appeals to companies instead of consumers
They literally gave away free games for the past few months. Not shit ones either.
I said va.lve drones but forgot it got filtered
cant wait for rdr 2 to be announced as an epic exclusive.
>Steam at least two times a year
>"Here's some sales from 10% all the way to 90% off! We even have free games whenever your want!"
>"Here's some free games but we won't lower the price for these specific games since we removed the competition"
Neither is eating at Olive Garden vs eating at Carrabba’s or Big Mac+Fries vs Whooper+Fries, but you don’t see people complaining about Carrabba’s big proportions to Olive Garden or how Burger King has a better burger and better fries than McDonald’s.
Well, if I’m going to be honest, he is owned by another foreign nation, like every president since Carter.
It’s just not China.
>steam did the same too
Wouldn't "its" be more gramatically correct?
Any game being exclusive to Steam wasn't a result of the devs/publishers being paid off like Epic has been doing
It's about as competitive as holding a gun to my head and forcing me to do something. When people aren't given choices, then it may be competition, but it's not going to help anyone. Their store is absolute trash, but if you want to play certain games, you don't have a choice. If they had released the game on both storefronts, nobody would be complaining except for a few idiots.
They're a living being have some respect.
>on both
>Steam wins by default
Fucking LOL
Glad I pirated all borderland games
Posted the last time this was brought up
Gog is doing just fine despite not having the same userbase or features
Epic has some bizarre vandetta against Steam it feels like.
Imagine browsing trannyERA unironically and being a mobile poster.
Zoomers were a mistake.
There's nothing to explain it's horseshit.
>GoG is doing just fine
By being a literal cuck for Steam?
>giving money to chinks that forces me to use their launcher or wait a full year so they can have a monopoly
>all while putting spyware in the computer
>unable to buy the game in any other store or forced to buy a console
Nah. Going the pirates way is much better
>i don't know what a basic words used in marketing means, therefore it is a buzzword
Kill yourself.
But that's competition. Steam is going to win by default in that scenario because epic has a garbage store. Maybe if they took a few days to actually implement some useful features or something, people would use it. If they started doing that, steam wouldn't have a choice but to fix their garbage as well. Right now, the only way steam can compete is by buying out exclusives as well. I'm pretty sure nobody wants that.
Valve did nothing to stop or prevent this. They were to busy stroking their cocks in their cashflow. Its about time they got some competition, now they'll hopefully release a new game that isn't a fucking cash cow ready to be milked.
Olive Garden owns their unique food and recipes. It only makes sense for them to serve at their establishment. If you want to use a food analogy, this would be like a small obscure chain buying out the Big Mac recipe.
>all these replies
Valve shills working overtime. I wonder how much they're paid.
Or how about they fucking cuck Steam out of games? Less effort and they earn money while adding more shit to the store
>Epic has some bizarre vandetta against Steam it feels like.
This didn't start with Epic, it's the same reason EA moved their games to Origin despite a hit to sales: because Valve are so fucking greedy.
>Two stores offer a product
>One is kept clean, well lit, organized, has friendly staff, a good return policy and lots of parking
>Other store has none of that going on
Maybe the fancy store should have made a counter offer if they're so well off instead of exploiting Campbells by giving them such a tiny cut of sales.
>That failed control+v
>be steamdrone
>only go to steam
>"dude why should I give a fuck about the other store lmao"
Anyone know if that spacewar thing is still working on steam? If yes than there's literally no reason to not pirate the game.
Just because you ignore it doesn't mean it's not true
You act as if we haven't listen countless reasons as to why Steam is the superior platform. Epic is as barebones as it gets, even if you disregard the Chinese botnet stuff.
Epic also owns their own games that they bought the rights to, with the publisher/devs agreeing to such a deal.
These games won’t even be exclusive forever.
Epic doesnt own Borderlands. They're paying for a 6 months exclusivity contract. As to why the developer agreed its unknown considering they almost certainly would make more on Steam long term than the burst of guaranteed profit from Epic.
Just because you say it, doesn’t make it true either.
Saying it 20x per hour also doesn’t make it true.
>why steam is the superior platform
Because they are a monopoly with zero competiton lmao
>can buy games anywhere else
And they try to pretend their's no Epic shills
I wonder if there's even a single genuine Epic poster on Yea Forums
Evidently not. They're a monopoly due to others not trying for so long until recently. Plenty of competitors could make a service as good as them. Steam doesnt force exclusivity deals. They were just the only choice for a long time.
Publisher, not developer. 2K got the cash from EPIC probably