Why do you hate him?

Why do you hate him?

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Other urls found in this thread:


I do?

literally who

He's a content stealing clickbait producing lying faggot

Pretentious hack
Well known thief

He talks like he suffered from a severe stroke

He's better than that PVP Dark Souls youtuber who made a video about how he wants to cum inside Lady Maria

He dabbed on ENB's dead channel.

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He's a big reason why soulsfags are such pretentious faggots about their shit series

he's Aystralian

sounds kinda based

>read description
>"Contact me on reddit"
Closed the tab immediately.

That dude sounds hella based though
Who doesn't want to cum inside of her?

I would milk my seed into Lady Maria any day.

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Cringy fake accent. I want to smash every youtuber's skull in with a sledgehammer when they do this to be appear more sophisticated for their reddit audience.

Is there anyone more cursed than OnlyAfro?

>Those youtubers that edit their voices to sound manlier

Vaati is a scummy nigger.

kek, any examples?

I like his lore videos but he is a massive shill.

>He didn't even jump on the Sekiro train.

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What happened to ENB?

If you want to know about lore and you are too lazy to check reddit or the wiki, his videos are a good source of info since he pretty much just steals everything and wraps it in a video with some fancy and over the top production values

Thoughts on German spy?

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got cucked by his gook wife

>Mental breakdown
>Unfinished content
>Outclassed by other youtubers

Is he still alive? I dropped him when DS3 just released and he was an insufferable cunt moaning how he didn't receive it pre-release.

Recently? He deleted 80% of his old youtube videos, including in depth, lore runs for no other reason but "they don't fit my quality standards anymore".


that would imply he's trying to get views off a lying video title

who? ENB who?

completely neutral on this homo. that said he still stole all his content from here and others. it would be one thing if he properly curated and linked back to archives he based his interpretations off of but no he assumes the position of expertise and sole source and interpreter of these ideas directly from the game. doesn't stop me from watching with scripts that prevent view count and blocking all ads.

the channel is nearly curated material collected into one place but since its the internet lol i aint citing shit. it isn't very entertaining but it does provide various interpretations due to taking sips from so many different pools.

Isn't he a literal fedora lord?

link please

wife had a miscarriage, depression, etc.

>completely neutral
>proceeds to only list negatives

i think you need to figure out what the word 'neutral' means.

Wife lied and said she had a miscarriage but in reality she had an abortion.

You can't steal theories retard. You don't own them.

Pretty much, trench coat and all

manlet tears
Reminder, you can't edit your height.

Unironical cringe, even worse than ENB.

That's not what clickbait means you stupid fuck. The videos he makes without stealing content are literally just glorified buzzfeed listicles. That he also stole.

He's the kind of guy that copies your homework while you're not looking and gets A.

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He is an incredibly smart person with more interesting things to say that ENB that's for sure.
But he never became popular because he doesn't put too much time into his content. Unlike ENB, German Spy actually has a career outside of youtube/twitch. A big career working for the german government. I think he works for an embassy or something, not sure. So his has little time to create content or stream hence why he kinda slip into obscurity.

It didn't help the fact that he became incredibly salty and cynical after DS3 launched, simply because he didn't get a review copy or was asked to write the game's guide.
And to be fair, I would be pissed too. German Spy did a lot of good things for the community, meanwhile, DSP got a review copy of DS3 and he is just a pissbaby that loves to shit on FromSoft games.

DSP was important enough to get a free copy but not German Spy? I would be angry too.

>There is literally no way he could possibly come to the same conclusion as my theory on a game based upon evidence from the source so I hate him for stealing my unique theory
Self-absorbed twat.

weak seed

Its all about numbers
50k babbies have no chance

Stop stealing my shitposts asshole

Why would I hate Magnus? He did nothing wrong

started great, but he turned into a faggot

>content stealing
Shut up, fag. No one owns these theories and he gets them out to the masses.

t. Vaati

He has autism, which I enjoy.

Most pretention cunt on the internet. Him or Evaxephon, it's hard to decide. But Evaxephon is prob retarded so I its kinda unfair to blame him for it.

>tfw this motherfucker mas made more money than probably the whole developers that worked on those videogames by now

He literally just quotes Yea Forums threads almost verbatim and hopes nobody notices.
That's why most of his theories are completely wrong and absolutely retarded. He didn't actually put any thought into them it's just shit he plagiarized.

autist that makes shitty lore speculation videos

i'm sorry what exactly does he steal? it's very enjoyable to see you claim he steals stuff that everyone can come up with on their own.

Who's the best current Dark Souls youtuber and why is it InfernoPlus

hi vaati

a person can be neutral without giving praise. the post also answers the rhetorical question presented by the OP under the presumption of hate being the driving emotion behind the feeling towards the individual. i never share my interpretations of fromsoft titles to begin with despite reading theories a quite a bit on this site.

so uhh yeah thanks for not contributing to the thread or conversation in a productive way and making additional assumptions.

wow it's like im really talking to or watching a vaativid with all these half baked ideas based on other peoples ideas.

try opening a Yea Forums archive and searching verbatim any of his dark souls content to find it months ahead of any of his releases. wow!

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They all suck, dark souls youtubers are over just like the games.

10 things you missed from dark souls 3 part 25

>came from Yea Forums
>criticized redditors
>became one the moment he started getting views on youtube

He has no morals. Proved he will steal and lie if it benefits him.

Almost verbatim batshit theories he read on Yea Forums, complete with all the inconsistencies and conveniently ignored opposing evidence that you can read in the threads if you literally just search some of the stupid shit he claims in the archive.
You're pretending that plagiarism isn't real because "nobody owns an idea that anybody could come up with" when that's patently retarded.

>Make Darksouls cocksuck channel
>Call yourself After obscure Zelda villian

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>implying you fags don't deserve to get shat on every moment
I would have done the same. Nothing of value ever came from here.

Is this a 3D duck face or a 2D guy face with some blonde hair in the way

His logo reminds me of FEZ.

muh contrarian

I'm surprised Nintendo hasn't kicked his shit in for the name and likeness that he uses to make a frankly absurd amount of money

Why don't we just report him to Nintendo lmao

He's someone who would've been flipping burgers for life if he'd been born in the 60's. He steals his commentary from social networks and forums, he uses every low-level clickfarming technique in the book, and he frequently demonstrates that he's not all that good at the series to begin with.

His only attribute is his voice, which only stands out because he's chosen a narrow arena of competition typically reserved for lispy pale nerds.

pls do, I don't have a youtube account.

oh man. must be nice thinking Yea Forums is the only place in the entirety of the internet that can make a theory or talk about the lore of a character.

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All I want to know its if Vaati deleted or just unlisted his video about memes.

>that shot he took at reddit for stealing memes

Ironic isnt it?

A guy that think he's hot shit for making videos on theories he read up on some wikis

*stealing half-assed theories from Yea Forums

This faggot stole the brilliant theories of the Paleblood Hunt without attributing them to the original creator. I'll never forgive him for it and I hope he goes bankrupt

oh, sorry, I was thinking of Matpat

I remember he used to have the number of money he was making via patreon, and I remember getting really mad about that because my dad made that in months, my dad. I know it's stupid, but I just couldn't help it

Where are the video games?

4d shilling

That sounds based at least

I will ask this as somebody who could give a fuck either way; if I wanted to learn more about Soulsborne lore, and his channel didnt exist, then where would I go to find it?

Okay Demo

You're right he also steals from R*ddit too

I'm sorry, sometimes I just like to relisten to that video and it resonates with me

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It must be nice ignoring the evidence presented that states otherwise

>Steals from autistic "lore" examiners
>Puts them into perfectly made and edited videos
>Cuts all the fat, makes the videos digestible and actually enjoyable instead of making your dog 40 hours for item plot threads

Vaati Vidya is unironically the best YouTuber for dark souls, there's nothing wrong with stepping on others to make something great, especially if they're mentally ill.

Play the fucking game

Imagine thinking plagiarism isn't real because anybody can come up with an idea. It doesn't matter if you can actually search what he's saying verbatim and find the source he word for word plagiarized from, it's not stealing at all!

>play video game
>engage in active conversation with online community instead of being fed lore like a fucking baby

I understand the frustration that comes with this sort of thing, but I personally think it's really cool that people can make a living wage through direct donation platforms like Patreon. That sort of thing opens up crazy good opportunities for a lot of different people, even if they might be lazy from your perspective.

Try tongue my but hole while you're at it paypig

His videos are all glorified fanfiction stolen from an assortment of pretentious screaming retards on Yea Forums presented over trailer footage interspersed with gameplay footage that he has also on occasion literally stolen from other people. Don't kid yourself.

Because as someone who read the Paleblood Hunt and actually played BB I recognized him as a fucking mosquito to the community. There's a reason he fucked off back to Souls really fast and its because the BB community rejected his ass hard.

Also I bet 100 bucks he was lurking Yea Forums for Sekiro clickbait theories.

He sounds like a fucking Souls NPC

Acts friendly, hands out important lore and has a joyful laugh and then fucking backstabs you

I don't care, he makes the autism makes sense. I get enough of an aneurysm reading this board daily, roll my eyes enough to hurt them. Anyone who is willing to put up with that shit is a good person.

I was actually going to ask how much of the shit he posts is real and how much is just kind of like speculation

>hey guys remember to kindle the bonfire on my patreon!

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isn't he the fag that made a video of him just reading a Yea Forums post?


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Well don't mind if I do.

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Nah don't get me wrong, I don't hate people on patreon, it's perfectly fine to monetize your work and I would totally support a handful of creators if I wasn't poor (although I strongly disagree with bullshit practices like hiding content behind patreon paywall), it's kind of an antiquated idea of mine about meritocracy that comes deep from my heart when looking at "content creators" and hard working good people that work their asses off that I know personally. It even happens for me, I work a somewhat cozy job and my aunt works the same job as me but shittier with much lower pay, and I feel kinda guilty about it. Don't mind me, I'm dumb.

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He rose to fame stealing and plagiarizing. He stole from Yea Forums and /dsg/ and plagiarized from that Redgrave dude who wrote that autistically long encyclopedia about Bloodborne lore. He's not a challenge runner like Faraaz Khan. He's not a speed runner like Elajazz. He's not a comedian like Iron Pineapple. He's not a PvPer like Prod. He's not a streamer like Lobos. So what kind of videos does he make? What kind of contribution does he make for the community?

Just fluff pieces. Eg:
> "10 things you did not know about this level in that Souls game!"
> "20 things you missed in this level in that Souls game!"

That shit is like 70 percent of his content. For every overly melodramatic lore video he does, he does ike 4-5 of these WatchMojo fluff pieces, the kind that you watch to pass the time while you're taking a shit or are stuck in traffic.

Every single person you listed is a complete faggot.

Well then

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Because he stole many other people's theories and published them as his own, he has virtually nothing else to show of worth other than his ramblings and conjecture based on incomplete translations and mistranslated information, his basic value was only as mortal as the lifespan of the Dark Souls titles were ultimately and he's essentially just a slightly more charming interpretation of MatPat without a face you just want to punch and laugh at.

At least he didn't sell out to Google like the latter did and throw every consumer under the bus for the sake of money.


Why does that annoying indian dude have a monopoly on cut content videos?

You're right, and it's telling when those faggots still contribute more to the shitpile that is the souls community than Vaati does

He's completely right. Vaati is a parasite.

For fucks sakes even his name and logo is lifted wholesale from something else.

>At least he didn't sell out to Google like the latter did
He did sell out though, even if it wasn't to Google. Remember the pre-release period of Dark Souls 2?

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Man he backpeddled hard on this
>SOTFS is what DaS2 was meant to be, THIS is the actual version you want to buy!

Yeah this always confused me I assumed his videos would be about zelda but he literally just couldn't be assed to come up with his own name or logo I mean he would have been better off just using his real name the whole vaativideo thing to me is like weird it would be like making a gaming channel called MarioMasters and your logo is Mario in a blue hat and you make lore videos about final fantasy

It's all stolen from Yea Forums posts and from redditors.
Literally 100% of it is speculation, because if there IS any actual discussion to be had about the evidence, Vaati himself isn't a part of it.

Dark Souls 2 exposed a lot of awful people in the community. It's one of the reasons I'm glad it exists, even if it's shit.

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Reminder that the retard has been stealing from redditors since even before he became one, despite making that huge rant condemning reddit for meme theft that he has now taken down.

Why is this thread still up?, fucking mods are so useless.

Vaati's fanbase is so fucking bizarre. I don't know how anyone can be that passionate about dark souls lore while seemingly being ignorant about everything else. Its like baby's first lore or something.

I do? Isn't this guy one of the pillars of worship here?

African faggot who self inserts as the hollows, and the Gwyn man stole everything from his "culture".

>Its like baby's first lore or something.
That's because Dark Souls, for many people, is babby's first challenging action vidya.

Kill yourself, Vaati



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>defending e-celeb shit threads
no u faggot

>Yea Forums hates plagiarism
>Yea Forums loves pirating