Explain to me how pirating a video game isn't the same as pirating a candy bar from a convenience store or pirating a...

Explain to me how pirating a video game isn't the same as pirating a candy bar from a convenience store or pirating a neighbor's car for a joyride.

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If I cant pirate a game Im not buying it either, specially today when I can just twitch/youtube it
They would not be getting my money anyways


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I'd pirate the fuck out of my neighbor's car without remorse

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So it’s ok to steal a million dollars from bill gates? Not like he’s going to spend it anyway

Who care

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Nobody believes that shit anymore lmao go watch the begging when 1 game takes months to crack

>not buying something = stolen income

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I cant, im a white person with morals but i kinda agree its ok for some thirdoid to pirate if the game would cost 2 months wage for them

I can only speak for myself, feels like most begging everything in this board is falseflagging too.

Piracy =/= stealing. Stealing takes what’s there, piracy makes a copy. How do you pirate a candy bar?

You won't get caught for pirating a videogame. It requires no effort, it's easy, it's free. I just take what I want, and I love it.

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A man walks up to you and offers you a candy bar, which he says he stole from the nearby convenience store, would accepting the candy bar be immoral?

The point is that there’s no practical difference between stealing the income of a gamedev and stealing the income of a candy store owner

Yes, instead of accepting the candy bar you should tell the store owner


in what fucking world do you live in

He made shit OS, so why not

one where you know the store owner, not that it helps, without proof even if the owner knows who did it it won't do shit, not even with the cops unless the owner does a store ban

Why did you feel the need to take an image from the other thread and start your own thread about the same subject?

Hahaha pirating right
Go pirate bloodborne, oh wait

Reply piracy.

but a gamedev has already been paid when they made the game

I'm an atheist so there's really no ultimate authority that will judge my actions in the end. If I can avoid trouble with the law, I'm home free. Anybody trying to impose their arbitrary moral absolutes upon me will get promptly ignored unless it's a police officer with a gun

That's not universally true, also publisher's need money too.

>I'm an atheist so there's really no ultimate authority that will judge my actions in the end.
That's why it's even more important to have your own set of morals. Don't use atheism or nihilism as an excuse, evil faggot.

>piracy steals income
prove it

Stop playing semantics, you know what I mean

Based pirate bros

shieet so you're saying if I pirate I get the game AND money for chicken tendies?

>publisher's need money too.
How much do they need

Fortnite kids are paying for my copy of Control, Outer Worlds and Borderlands 3. It's not piracy if i donn't pay directly

It is but I don’t care lol

Piracy isnt justified. Faggots try to justify it.
If you want to go for it, but dont be a faggot.

Universal Basic Income is the only right thing in a world where single people can amass billions and billions of dollars. They claim there is no shortage of money but they lock up properties both real and imagined. More properties than you could ever have.

A pirate wasn't going to buy the game in the first place, so the company wouldn't have seen that money anyway. We have had this argument for a long time and even Ubisoft made a fool of themselves by revealing fictional loses due to piracy.

>That's why it's even more important to have your own set of morals.
Says who? Sounds arbitrary. We're just animals homie, law of the jungle and so on. If I get to have my own morals, then someone else could have morals that run contrary to mine, and there's no actual good or evil or meaning so why give a shit
>evil faggot.
That's assuming there is an objective moral standard that categorizes my behavior as evil, which there is not

You know what else steals my income, game stores demanding cash for a bunch of lines of code. Get out of here, you thieves, I'm taking it, information is free, look it up!

Why are western companies so buttblasted about China pirating their tech? They still have the design so there is no problem.

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There isn't, but if I could as easily steal a candy bar or my neighbor's car as I can pirate games, I would do it too.

> I wasn’t going to pay for this candy bar anyway!

Personal use isn't the same thing as resale dummy


Well how do you know that this guy wanted to sell it? Perhaps he wanted to make a turbine for himself.

Because he's a bugman

Based Zheng fuck American dogs

He’s a member of a lesser race, which cannot be trusted to practice moral behavior.

chinese think lying, scamming, cheating and stealing are virtues by sign of intelligence. The Han ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''people'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' are indoctrinated to believe the whole world is out to get them. Even when living in western countries they feel affiliated with China

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Why are you trying to act like the good guy on Yea Forums?

It's more like getting stuff from a fence.

I would pirate all the time if I got both a game and the developer's income. Too bad piracy isn't theft so that isn't the case.

>food analogy
>comparing a physical product to digital data

Want a better example? Taking a videogame disc, a physical object, from a store without paying is stealing. Taking a videogame file from the internet, a digital program, is piracy. Not like you WANT to understand the difference.

Only Yea Forums feels assblasted enough to where people have to constantly have to make threads to justify their piracy or make threads to complain about piracy

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>Even when living in western countries they feel affiliated with China

I mean, if you moved to China, would you pledge allegiance to Pooh and stop feeling affiliated with your home country?

>when niggers do it it's bad

damn I'll go pirate DMC5 10 times just to get those 600 bucks

Why would anyone want to move to China

i borrowed it from my brother
it was exactly the same as pirating :)

they wouldn't want, just trafficking


We do as we please

It isn't any different. It's still theft. It's still illegal. It's still wrong.
These countless faggots who boast about how great piracy is on Yea Forums only do so because they haven't faced any legal consequences. If they got arrested and sent to prison for copyright infringement, and forever lost their right to vote or own a gun again I sincerely doubt they would speak so highly of it again.
The industry is as bad as it is today because if all the awful business practices publishers implement which is done, among other reasons, to combat piracy.
The very first loot boxes were created to help recup losses from piracy.

came here to post this

didn't read lol keep seething cuck

No but there's a difference between going about my day and actively participating in what is basically corporate espionage
>When the cancer research journal Tumor Biology retracted 107 papers last year, a dubious new world record was set — and the world's scientists took notice.
>Largely because all 107 papers were penned by Chinese researchers.
>But EU officials explained that given the importance of cybersecurity as a threat, which is growing “exponentially”, and past concerns related to Huwaei, the Commission decided to get involved following internal discussions on Friday morning.
>Another senior Huawei employee, Vice-President Meng Wanzhou, who is the daughter of the founder of the company, was also arrested in Canada last month. China reacted by detaining thirteen Canadian nationals in its territory.
in informal research settings chinese research is considered garbage and in the netherlands the national security agency has warned ISP's about using Huawei for 5G mobile network.
Chinese also frequently scam burgerclapistani researchers out of their grants and funds by claiming they have special soil or some shit, only to walk away with the soil data for agricultural use.

Which part of my post implied this?

>T seething pirate cuck.

I'd pirate your pirated car.

Third world fag here. I can't pay for it in the first place, so pirating a game won't harm anybody since I can't pay for said product in the first place.

boy am I seething while playing all these free games

i pirate overpriced games
if its a fair price and i have the money odds are i'll pay

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>It isn't any different. It's still theft. It's still illegal. It's still wrong.
fukken deal with it.

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If you really wanted you could work harder and save up
or commit a crime idk


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>All these free games
They are only free because you stole them.
Not only are you a thief you are also a liar.
But please, continue to deny this, it's very amusing.

In my opinion emulating is okay because the things the pirate is either old and easy, or new and difficult to emulate. If you can fully run and 100% Breath of the Wild on your PC without it crashing randomly deleting your data you've earned it. However depicting yourself as a rouge pirate laughing is cringe.

>care about anything

>rouge pirate
Are you a trap by chance?


I don't deny anything because I just don't give a fuck, if it's your choice to pay up then it's fine by me, but I don't have to explain myself to you because I don't care, keep seething

No just spelled rogue wrong.

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Shit argument when there's virtually no manufacturing costs for digital codes, yet u fags are still forced to pay an ever growing value for an ever less tangible product

U won't even be able to download games legally in a few years, ull just have to stream it off some fucking platform and pay double of what ur paying rn because "servers cost money"

Also the stealing = piracy meme is retarded, u aren't taking anything away from anyone, ur cloning a product and keeping the clone

Reminder that piracy is a self-created problem. If the service provided wasn't absolute dogshit then the majority of people who pirate wouldn't actually do so.
Sure there are people who would still pirate in that situation, but they would have never made the purchase in the first place so they're quite a minority.



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Wait, so cooking my own food is theft too since I "steal" potential income restaurants would get if I visited them instead?

>if you face consequences for doing something you'll be less motivated to do it again
groundbreaking revelation right here

Corporate secrets and trademarks are retarded. If your company was any good, your competitive advantage wouldn't be reliant on keeping as much information quiet as possible.

Because piracy mean sharing, not stealing. The game have to come from someone, peoples bought the original game legally and then share it online

you want a download link or what? you can pirate shit on the ps4 retard

Do you understand what you’re paying for when you go to a restaurant you thick headed cretin?

Based and redpilled also

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The employees already got payed, you're only stealing money from the big (((honest))) corporation.
I never intend to give EA or Ubisoft my money ever again, and while most of their games are repetitive garbage I'll atleast try them out like this.

If you can shoplift, why do you pay?

This is true and literally only coping pirates will deny

I was gonna buy sekiro but when I found out it didn’t have denuvo I pirated it day 0

Because it took at least 2 weeks for a working crack of DQ11 I just bought it

Just doing a bit of book piracy

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As I said, you don't care because as of yet you haven't faced any real consequences.
Look at the founders of The Pirate Bay. They have all been raided, arrested and imprisoned numerous times, due to their illegal actions. Warg has been living in exile in Cambodia for years, and he still went to jail.
If what happened to the "saints" of file sharing happened to you, I REALLY doubt you still be acting like the smug little faggot you are now.
>We do what we want
Oh yeah? Record yourself showing all the files of your pirated games on your hard drive. Then say your name and address, and we'll see who "doesn't give a fuck" then.

no it isn't. Studies have disproven it more than once.

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Hmm, almost makes you think immigration can lead to problems that otherwised wouldn't have occured or something.

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I do. I can get the same food at home which is away from their income. So according to the OP, I am a thief for cooking home.

I pirate 100 copies of every single game that comes out and then delete them as soon as they have finished downloading. I must be costing the gaming industry BILLIONS

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>it's all your fault pirate, greedy companies have nothing to do with it reeeeeeeeeeee
Look at Japan where piracy practically doesn't exist, and still greedy capitalist pigs make the same bad practices. Stop defending richcunts, stupid baboon.

I’ll steal your vidya and I’ll steal your car buddyboy

file sharing isn't against the law where I live.
lick them boots amerigoblin.

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>this meme report again
Actually read the study that was conducted

Literal dribbling retard

Pirating is 100% theft. I just don't give a shit.

I think I have radically different morals and values than the average pedo incel Yea Forums nazi. I also think I qualify as white more than any of you mutts.

so according to you used games are also theft

Nice argument, son. You will sure get a degree one day.

>Things changing... changes things
>Like, woah, dude I'm so smart I can't believe people have never thought of this before.

Shit like this makes me wanna turn commie

How can u fucking say that taking the actual profit someone has ALREDY made, (stealing), equates to taking imaginary income that someone never even got to make out of something that wouldn't even exist if not for the pirate (the pirated copy) because of the chance on a possible transaction that cant even be measured, since putting value on that item might wildly change the "now" buyers interest

it's ok to pirate because western game devs are cucks

>everything I disagree with is a meme
you got bodied, video games sell more and more each year; piracy has not and will not dent sales, as evidenced by the PC market being larger than the console market.
in other words, cope.

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Do you even know what "practical" means? I don't think you do. Taking away an item and not fulfilling potential income are two completely different things in practice. Completely different.

Where were you educated?


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i like the chink Epic Game store

By that logic, is being a shitty game dev, or shitty publisher that pushes bad decisions also Piracy? Since it steals potential income from themselves?

If lost income = theft then simply not buying a game is as morally abhorrent as pirating a game.
If lost possessions = theft then piracy is not theft.

I download games I don’t like several times so that the developer loses as much money as possible. Oh, that’s not how it works? I guess OP is wrong then.

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Pirating a vidya
>One guy originally buys the vidya
>gives it infinitely to people
Pirating a chocolate bar
>One guy originally buys the chocolate
>gives pieces of it to people
>he's got to go out and buy more chocolate bars

>not pirating your own food
>not wanting to put farmers and grocery stores out of business

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So slavery is ok? After all there’s nothing wrong with not fulfilling potential income

Not only are you a phoneposter, you’re also a nigger. I pirate shit because I can


I wish I could steal income

He could have sold his car to you. Now he's $5-10000 poorer and his car is worthless. I hope you're happy.

farmers and grocery stores spray all kinds of nasty pesticides and conservants in your food.
I grow my own greens and am buddy buddy with the local butcher.
Fuck subsisting on pre-paclaged cancer.

The "i'll just pirate" claims are memes, people seeding and even leeching pirated games hasn't increased at all since epic started their shenanigans.

I'd pirate the fuck out of everything if everything worked like software piracy.

If I pirate some game, that means I’m not interested enough to buy it in the first place. Sometimes I pirate the game first, and then buy it, when I realize the game is worth it (Risk of Rain, Warhammer total war, REmake2)

I actually feel empathy for the neighbor
Fuck game industry

>Puts losing ownership of a gun as a main concern in the topic of legality over cloned digital media

Fucking Americans, kek
Neither you or I can actually do anything with a gun except killing animals. U can just as easily go to jail over protecting ur own home as if the gun was illegal, depending on how the prosecution spins the tale of the accident

Yup it's theft. If people could they would "pirate" everything. On the other hand without piracy i wouldn't get hooked up on video games due to living in meme country.

it's viral marketing. I've never even had a launcher.
Steam and Epic are digital middlemen for the tech illiterate and children.

>offer to wash cars for $10
>someone sees me washing cars and starts washing his own car without paying
>tfw just lost $10

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Question for everyone who pirate, if everyone pirated only, wouldn't that end the gaming industry because devs would make no money?

Tell me why a library isn't state sponsored pirating


I'm a eurofag slav, and you're fucking stupid.
Without guns you're defenseless cattle. You're literally double digit IQ if you don't have a SHTF cache somewhere.

I am.

Someone post the bicycle analogy

A country without spics, slavs, chinks or niggers, in other words, Paradise

This happens all the time. All you gotta do is lobby the government to ban personal car washing so they're required to pay you to wash their car.

And where would that be exactly?


If a friend picks me up in his car and drives me somewhere am I pirating fuel?

This analogy worked if instead of pirating you made another videogame yourself instead of buying the dev's game.

Shit is already payed for, and by the same fucking logic that anti-piracy people use, buying a used game is also stealing "potential income".

That's consentual

If u mean the modern day slavery of doing a job for no pay ur 100% right. The first working years of most people are unpaid, and even when u get promised pay, it's pretty much a coin flip of if u'll get it or not depending on how well ur company is doing.

Even as a public employee all there needs to be done for u to become a "slave" is having ur president wanting something the house doesnt.

All of this shit is not only legal but embedded on the laws that rule you

If he asked you for fuel money and you didn't fucking pay him.

Inside your mom's pussy while you're busy whipping that credit card lmao


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If your friend regularly drove you to places he would probably ask you to help with gas money occasionally.
That's what real friends do anyway, but I realize that you would never actually have this interaction in real life because you don't have any friends.

Lol, most modern devs wouldn't make money even without piracy involvemen.

The analogy might work better if you were to hide in the trunk of the car.

Your TV is also already paid for so how about I come take it?

Theft: You take something someone else owns
Piracy: You make a perfect copy of something someone else owns and take the copy

pircay hurts less, as youre not actively reducing someones possesions, but it still hurts as you're removing yourself as a potential client

In a way this happens indirectly in cities
>houses are unaffordably expensive
>apartments don't want their parking lot used for car washing
>self-serve car wash buildings are torn down due to land value

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sounds like a nigger free place

Oh so ur a civilian with a cache of weaponry? Good job retard ur already breaking more serious laws than if ud backup the entire steam library

Income is a fake jewish construct made up to keep people on a leash.

>avoiding the question

You are welcome to COPY it. Do I need to spell out every autistic little detail about how piracy works, or is it already general knowledge?

I'm a slav dude. Everyone does.
That's how you not die when conflict arises.
Also bears when I go into the woods.

Want the answer? Yes, game industry will die because only EA and Ubisoft will be left.

what's wrong with pirating the neighbor's car
he still has his original car

because you're a faggot

This image is retarded. I can't steal my own money, it's already mine. And I'm definitely not taking money from the company's bank account and putting it into mine.

>go to store and buy physical game , i like it so i share it with other people
This is not stealing, its sharing
>go online and buy digital copy of game, i like so i share it with other people
This is not sharing this is stealing
Explain how that makes any sense.

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>his car is worthless
If it's worthless why would I have bought it in the first place? He should've given it to me for free, since by definition it has no value.

Did they own the income before? No, so its not theft. Making intellectual property does not entitle you to income from it.

buy my game

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When you steal candy, you not only bypass the income that you would've generated by buying it, you also remove that candy bar's ability to generate income from someone else. People who pirate are often the kind that wouldn't have bought the thing anyway, so it hurts nobody.

That is a huge what if. Look at piracy as a competing company you can't kill and thus must compete with. Imagine if companies were extremely stubborn and refused to go digital for anything, would you really drive out to a gamestore to buy a DRM-laden PC game just to have the moral high ground?

Because of piracy companies needed to create a service where you can instantly spend money and receive a download of the game. Piracy is why there can't be a true monopoly in PC gaming.

>He thinks pirates weren’t used as miners without their knowledge when pirating games.

>State of anime is the worst it has ever been

>decide to get on diet
>get sued by food companies for lost profit

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In the case of theft, no one pays the retailer for the stolen item.

In the case of piracy, Epic pays the publisher for the stolen games.

>decide to spend more time with family and friends
>internet provider sues me for lost profit

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I don't think ur understanding the point tho, why are u so preoccupied with the legality of piracy, which isn't even equated to actual theft in the eyes of most countries (not even a crime in some) when you are doing somethng that is probably a more serious crime in ur country? As far as I'm concerned if ur living in an east European country u probably have to abide to the laws of the European Union

If ur so far east u might aswell just be called russian then idk, not familiar at all with how things work there, maybe pirating a game is more illegal than owning an unlicensed arsenal there

So everyone copies your TV instead of buying one and nobody will ever make new TV's because you can't earn money from it.

Great idea, now nobody will ever develop new products.

Remember when Jesus Christ pirated bread and fish to feed the starving?

No one would even accept his car for free because they already have 10 copies of his car already. Once car piracy becomes a thing his net worth would decrease by the original value of the car. Actually every car owner's net worth would decrease by thousands of dollars.

>Making intellectual property does not entitle you to income from it.

By definition it does you fucking mongoloid thief

It shouldn't though. It's a corrupt system.

>People who pirate are often the kind that wouldn't have bought the thing anyway, so it hurts nobody.

Yes ofcourse you people wouldn't play videogames at all if you couldn't pirate. You certainly would never buy the game.

Fucking disgusting liar.

Really activates the almonds

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Pirate does not get income, though.

>record a song from radio
>put on replay
>forget to turn it off over night
>now own thousands of dollars for lost profit

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I bet you would change your mind the moment you developed any intellectual property.

In fact I bet you would change your mind instantly if someone gamedev gave you the right to the profits from one of their games.

>Doesn't answer the question. Just gives a childish insult.

gottem lmao

Good, fuck him.

Why hasn't piracy killed the industry yet? We've had it for decades at this point yet somehow even more AAA games are coming out on PC despite it making the game even easier to pirate.

>sing song in my head
>get sued for stealing profit

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>be me
>hate bananas
>enter grocery store, take bananas and leave
>cashier stops me and tells me I have to pat for those
>tell him it's okay because I hate bananas so I wouldn't have paid for them anyway
>continue on my merry way
It's that easy.

Copying is not theft

By your logic you stole that OP image.

The difference lies in the availability. When you lend the game to a friend, he in turn can not keep lending the game out to more friends, he needs to return it to you at which point you can start playing it again yourself.

With a digital copy, you can keep playing the game while lending it out to several other people who in turn lend it to several other people without the requirement of returning it to its original owner, and the distribution keeps growning exponentially like that.

It's more akin to making a physical copy of your own game and giving it away to other people, which was already legally dubious. The only reason it wasn't seen as as big of a problem as pirating was because the process involved in doing it made it less widespread.

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I also wouldn't mind if I had a slave. It doesn't make it fair just because it benefits me.

>Piracy steals income
Will EA finally become bankrupt if I pirate Andromeda a billion times?
Shit thread, piracy is based.

>I bet you
This is the peak argument copyrightfags are capable of.

>not giving the cashier head pats for bananas

You're only "stealing" from publishers, who are stealing surplus labour from their employees.

potential income is not profit

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Still falls flat seeing as i was indeed not going to pay for that candy bar anyway

>I bet you would change your mind the moment you developed any intellectual property.
I bet if you started a business you'd want to become a government protected monopoly as well.

If devs would make demos again, I wouldnt have to pirate shit. The only games I ever pirate are ones I think I might like, but I'm unsure about. If I pirate it and like it, I end up buying it, be it immediately or when it's on sale, depending on how much I like it. But if I cant pirate it, I just dont buy it. There's your lost income. Seriously, free demos would affect piracy MUCH more than shitty DRM.

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Morals without punishment are just self imposed restraints. Its worldly and otherworldly punishment that keep the vast majority of people in check. Even the nicest of people would be pressured into breaking rules had there been no punishments of law.

Because the industry adjusts to it. If 70% of all revenue is lost to piracy in every game, then it's not hard to budget your games accordingly.

because nobody has a secret candy cloning machine

>Explain to me how pirating a video game isn't the same as pirating a candy bar from a convenience store or pirating a neighbor's car for a joyride.

When i pirate a game, the bits and bytes don't magically disappear from the original source you fucking brainlet. The candy bar does.

There's a lot of f2p shit around.

>piracy steals income
Whoa I should be stealing games thousands of times, I'd be a millionaire overnight.

>Pirate a game
>talk about it with normie friends who don't keep up with smaller releases
>they buy the game from my recommendation
Those were sales that would have never happened without piracy

Thank bluray buyfags who pay a premium for 3 episode discs of imouto invest more bait.

Thats because distributors are the ones breaking the law. In the vast majority of places, including first world nations, using pirated software isn't against the law. Its only selling or distributing it. They understand it would be a pointless uphill battle to spend time chasing after millions of people over digital goods.

>pirate game
>it’s good so you tell everyone else to pirate it too
Wow... so good for the industry...

Demos have been proven to kill sales though.

And although art and games is somewhat justifiable, copyright law is holding back software, medicine, and industry. The medical industry right now is: Public Funding Offered -> Pharma gobbles up funding -> Pharma copyrights research funded by public -> Pharma sells drug rights to Martin Shkreli -> Martin Shkreli holds insurance companies (including taxpayers) hostage

>Demos have been proven to kill sales though.
For shitty games, yeah

If i pirate a game, and then NOT play it: is anything of value lost?

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If piracy steals income, how the FUCK is Ubisoft still afloat? Do they pirate their own games to get the income back?

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Most people I know won't pirate a game even if I tell them how easy it is to do. Which is good on them. As long as they are informed about the purchase. I'd hate to see them get ripped off.

Because they lost a sale dumbass

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>2D Boy's excellent indie title World of Goo is suffering at the hands of the pirates, as the game's creators have revealed that the game has an alarming 90 percent piracy rate.
based piratefags stick it to the corporate fat cats

Copying is not theft.
Stealing a thing leaves one less left
Copying it makes one thing more;
that’s what copying’s for.

Copying is not theft.
If I copy yours you have it too
One for me and one for you
That’s what copies can do

If I steal your bicycle
you have to take the bus,
but if I just copy it
there’s one for each of us!

Making more of a thing,
that is what we call “copying”
Sharing ideas with everyone
That’s why copying

Based and yarrpilled

That's actually worse than pirating and playing.

Not only did you rob the developers.

You also refused to give something in return, like some pirates do, for example free advertising in the form of word of mouth.

go fuck yourself you corporate dystopian boot licking piece of shit. You are not magically entitled to income, even if you create a product and someone uses it. You can't claim to lose something that you never had. Piracy is not theift, it isnt even piracy. It's sharing data on a computer that has the potential to generate you an income, and someone using it for free doesnt remove that potential as studies have overwhelmingly shown. People are more likely to buy a product after trying it if it was a good product and you fucking know it you disgusting bugperson.

how, if i never intended to play it, if i just downloaded the files and then delete them how is that a lost sale?

The availability of something does not determine whether if it is stealing, nor does how widespread the practice of an action is.
Nothing that you said makes the argument that pirating is stealing, instead you make the point that pirating is copying .
Copying is not stealing and you cant change the definition of the word to suite yo needs

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I do not need to justify my actions to you, landlubber.

Publishers need exactly nothing.

retarded lawful good people

>still using an example from 2008
Anything other examples you'd like to share from the last 5 years?

your income isn't my problem, dude.

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You're responding to a false-flagging creationist.

I'd put my car on a tracker for other people to pirate.

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Not him, and legit question: you can? Haven't followed the PS4 scene

But why would you make it even easier to lose revenue by releasing it on PC?

I pirated it off of PSN while it was free.

Not my fucking problem.

you're obviously retarded so I don't owe you an explanation

Be honest, all of you are using pirated Windows OS

That’s not the definition of theft

Companies ARE entitled to a sale if someone is making use of their product. It doesn't matter if you intended to ever pay for it.

Because the cost to make the game and the lost opportunity cost are less the the actual revenue.

>Companies ARE entitled to a sale

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you can pirate and play any game released before april 2018 assuming your ps4 is still on firmware 5.05 or lower

You're right, it doesn't prove that pirating is stealing, and I guess I wasn't really trying to do that either. I pretty much talked around the topic, mainly due to the original comparrison being faulty and instead tried to point out how. That was probably my main point.

Ripping and distributiong copy-protectect material, which many games are, is a crime however, even if it isn't "stealing" by definition.

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>pirating means just cracking the game and getting it for free
>somehow that is stealing income like if it was cracked and then sold for cheaper
i'm too much of a lil bitch to pirate, but even I can tell this is some fucking bass ackwards logic there, and whoever made this image should work on their phrasing some more

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Legally no, but if the law said the sky was green it wouldn't make it so. Theft is taking away someone else's property and thus depriving them of the original, intellectual property is made up bullshit to justify creators having their cake and eating it too.

Just pirating some labor, I wasn’t going to pay them anyway so it’s fine

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what if someone needing something makes them just as entitled to having it as the company is entitled to profit for their product?

It's a double-standard to imply that only the company's needs matter.

So is piracy a problem? Sounds like there's plenty of profit to be made despite it. Look at even the AAA single-player games released on PC this year.


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>Intentionally cutting out half a sentence to remove context and claiming victory

Daily reminder that it's not worth arguing with corporate bootlicking faggots.

Okay, now I'm convinced.

>"buy" a game
>publisher doesn't actually give me anything, just lets me download a digital copy
>pirate a game
>uploader doesn't actually give me anything, just lets me download a digital copy
Assume I'm an idiot and explain the difference to me.

You don't need a video game. Maybe you could spin that argument for stealing medicine to save a family member's life, but they still aren't going to let you get away with it.

Companies are dirty jews that deserve to be exploited by the masses until they fall apart.


The publisher owns the intellectual property whilst the uploader doesn’t

So you don't like goods and services? You proclaim as you utilize a multitude of goods and services.

Companies are never ENTITLED to a sale, no matter the circumstances. If I buy a game and let my little brother play it, the publisher isn't entitled to shit. If I sell my game second-hand, the publisher isn't entitled to shit. If I play a game in a store, the publisher isn't entitled to anything. If I watch a review on YouTube, the publisher can fuck right off with any claims of entitlement.

Intellectual property is fucking cringe

I'll start to care when they start to put back into society what they take out of it. Until then I hope they all burn.

So you don't like flies and mosquitoes? You proclaim as flies feed on your garbage and mosquitoes bite you while you aren't looking.

As long as it has out of date firmware

>The publisher owns the intellectual property
They both have the same copy of a game. They're both sharing it. The only difference is one of them wants money beforehand (which is a filthy tactic anyway, let me try the game before you demand I pay for it). How is the uploader doing anything different?

>pirated car won't start
>google the fix
>“You gotta fill up the tank first“
>mfw I have to pay in order to pirate

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This is actually the most solid argument for piracy so good on you. Its essentially one person buying a game and then allowing everyone to use it, and thus it just becomes a personal moral dilemma. Though for the distributor its a legal issue since 'sharing' becomes distribution based on some arbitrary amount im sure.

>So you don't like goods and services?
Someone else did the service of making a crack and torrent and a bunch of bits arranged a certain way isn't a good.

What are you expecting from them? They're not charities. They're creators of goods and services and jobs.

Not how morality works.

>not just pirating all your gasoline

>if someone is making use of their product
but im not tho, literally just copying files and then deleting them
I mean sure, you could argue that is "making use of their product" but come on man, does it still require an exchange of currency?

Irrelevant. The guy was flat out saying he wanted all companies to collapse. If that happened, there would be no goods or services to copy in the first place.

based, fuck chinks

Because the uploader doesn’t own the intellectual property

most new games are shitty.
So demos are worse for sales than piracy.

>only companies can make products and provide services, no one else can
Americlap education.

If you earned $150,000 a year, but only got to pocket m $45,000 of it because a bunch of people from all over the world took $5 each, would you be a little upset? Would you try your best to get them to stop?

Good enough jobs to keep money flowing back into the society that profits them. Like it or not, they need to be a little charitous.

Not what morality is about.
Also punishment is what keeps everyone in check, no need to add "vast majority". We are incapable of acting based on rationality, so we are incapable of being moral. This is not morality's fault. It is just a universal standard that is incompatible with our behavior.

Oh im sure Steve down the street will make Borderlands 4 just for you.

All of you retards seriously replying to this thread need to be hung and quartered.

But I'm not making use of their product, I'm using my own raw materials and a seperate program to create an identical product. The bandwidth and harddrive space used on my end to create that product weren't free you know.

If you got $45,000, you earned $45,000. Nothing more, nothing less.

Says who? I have absolutely no reason to be moral since there is no objective and inherent value to human life. There's no right nor wrong, just chemical reactions. A chemical reaction cannot be good or bad, it just is

>push car from behind instead of driving it
>fuel companies lose profit
>get sued for it

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Their contribution is to provide jobs to communities. When a large company builds a factory in a town it provides tons of revenue by giving people a job there and often encourages others to move into the town. Your idea of contributing is way too basic.

Yeah man, no group of people have ever banded together to create a sequel when the original IP has been neglected. It's not like we don't get monthly threads bitching about fan projects getting shut down that fit this very criteria.

You know theres tons of people in the world who dont give a shit about laws and punishment right? They're called criminals. It doesn't deter them because they're good enough to avoid it.


It’s not theft, it’s more like trespassing.

To follow up on this, morality goes beyond the arbitrary because if it were to be followed properly it would create the objective best existence for everything. However the previously mentioned irrationality of ours makes it so we cannot follow through on it and are thus stuck hurting ourselves and others needlessly.

>pay company for a game
>hack into their bank account
>steal money
>keep the game
Based poratebros.

>never was going to buy the game anyway
>"stealing" income as if it's their property and not mine

>piracy steals income
wrong, I didn't bought your game because I can't afford it therefore I pirated it, if it was shit I unistalled it (same as refund), if it was good you have decent chance that I'll buy it later because i want to vote with my wallet for such game

How'd you calculate $150k? Is this the income I believe I should be earning? Or do I get my paystub and a deduction of $105k is slashed out of it?

The fuck does that mean?

Good luck having a group of people in their garage make anything but shitty sprite based indie games or 'fan projects' using EXISTING MATERIAL which otherwise they stood no chances of making on their own.

The publishers invested the money required to develop the game in the first place. Without their finance, the developers would not have created the game. And thus, you would not have a game to play.

Games cannot exist without the artisans craftsmanship. While the game itself is merely ones and zeroes. It takes human intellect and talent, in order to arrange the ones and zeros into a form that is entertaining.

When you purchase a game, you are not paying for the product per se. You are paying for the service that created such a product.

If you earned $150,000 a year then you'd earn $150,000 a year. Full stop. Piracy doesn't change the check devs get paid from their publishers after its been signed.

Products are more than physical. They are patents on ideas. If you create an identical product, theres copyright laws to prevent that too.

What part don’t you understand

>monopolies are bad
>but these literal government-protected monopolies are ok

8.50 is not a job, it's slavery. If that's their idea of giving back to communities then I'll happily put the torch to them.

>I'm going to say copyright justifies it in a thread devoted to arguing the merits of copyright

Once the product is made, it's made. It's no longer dependent on the maker's actions or thoughts. If I write a song, sing it to someone, and that someone remembers it and sings it to someone else, that's a natural thing that happens. Once the song is written, it's out there. Unless, of course, I never show it to anyone.
>paying for the service
The service of what? By the time the game is out, developers are already paid (or, often these days, given the sack). What am I paying for? The costs of distribution/uploading? A torrent tracker provides the same functionality for free. There's no difference other than in cost.

Monopolies are often good though

>Monopolies are often good though

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Close enough but still wrong in many places. A tsunami is going to kill thousands regardless of morality of course and your mindless behavior is comparable to that. But value is objectively real. You can verify so to yourself right now providing you have the honesty.

>buyfags, not even once!

no they aren't.

"Intellectual property". Do publishers own exclusive rights to the idea of digital downloads? In what country?

You're not entitled to my money schlomo

Yes, owners of intellectual property are entitled to the income from their property

In that case, owners of the torrent are entitled to the income said torrent generates. Except, they set the price at $0. So nothing is lost.

Yes it's bad, no I won't stop doing it. If you wish to see this senseless injustice end you should stop reproducing and end the production of need.

Not him but he’s right, did you guys not do basic econ in high school?

>Yes, owners of intellectual property are entitled to the income from their property
Do you got a license to be spreading that IP propaganda? I don't think you paid to reuse that rhetoric you read elsewhere.

>Optional, you agree to the job and the amount of compensation and can leave at any time if unsatisfied by the conditions

Stop misusing that word

Why are Americans so retarded?

Monopolies allow for unchallenged price hikes. Competition is a necessity for a good economy.

>Wah I deserve an amazing quality of life for doing trivial work that requires no education or formal training!

Monopolies (as in when the government prevents all competition against a company) are always bad.

I bet you defend sweatshops too.

Deal with it, I've cast my vote in life.

>Value is objectively real
How? What makes a human life inherently valuable and worthy of being respected?

>I bet you defend sweatshops too.
What's your alternative?

If it wasn't free they probably wouldn't have downloaded it

What's some good torrents and sites for a brainlet like me?

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Actually treating humans like more than cogs in a machine and paying them a fair wage that enables them to actually live.

Yeah, the Jews literally tattled to the Romans and had him crucified for that.

No sweatshops
How is that hard to comprehend?

Why do people think me pirating a game is a lost sale? I was never going to buy it in the first place, so there was no sale lost.

The owners of the torrent do not own the intellectual property

You vote means jack shit you neet. You have no real power. Your tiny little boycotts do nothing compared to back in the day due to economies of scale. Day of the wage soon for you.

Well, because we are thinking human beings, with an understanding of time, and how past affects the present into the future. Then we can see how the actions of the artists in the past, is the reason why we presently have the game. Without their actions, the game wouldn't exist. So the game is quite literally dependent on the maker's actions and thoughts.
The fact that your song can never be known by anyone else, before you sing it, proves that the song's existence is dependent upon your actions.

The concept of time again plays a part in the service aspect. We understand that the publishers made an investment, with the intent of seeing a return with profit. This is an important aspect of the system, because ideas have value. And if people couldn't capitalize on them, then they would keep their ideas to themselves. And we wouldn't benefit. However, because they are able to capitalize, they are incentivized to make the game. And if they see a healthy return on one game, they might invest in another. Which again, would create more value for us, as consumers.

So what you are paying for, is the service of creation, which again, happened in the past. And those past actions are the reason you have the creation in the present.

Congratulations, you just fucked over every single person working in said sweatshops. They're not there for the fun of it, they're there because they have no alternative and desperately need the money.

>Working in retail/food/etc is basically slave labor because I have to actually do things and not be wealthy as a result!

>the epic chinaman
ok I kek'd

The people selling the game did not make it

I'll pirate until they go bankrupt and vote for higher taxes for the wealthy.

They made the torrent though.

>literally the meme ancap argument for slavery


Piracy is good! Everyone should pirate! No one spend any money because piracy is good!

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They'd be better off actually revolting. The world needs a second French revolution to remind the pigs who pays their bills.

That does not mean they own the intellectual property

They invested the funds the resulted in the game's creation. So by transference, they hold the value that the devs created.

Piracy barely makes a dent in total sales of games. Bad games fail due to being bad, not piracy.

I don't need mummy state to tell me what I can and cannot own.
Hope you die when the time comes.

Are you saying that people shouldn't debate about piracy and why are you saying that?

Piracy rates can hit 90% for some indie games

>natural monopolies exist where one company builds all the infrastructure
Conviently ignores the state here

They also fight tooth and nail when people circumvent their bullshit like when people managed to make cheap and effective insulin needles, or how there was a big uproar in the prescription glasses industry when someone created an app that let you test your eyesight for the right prescription and it gave you an accurate prescription without having to deal with visit costs.

>Without their actions, the game wouldn't exist.
The game already exists by the time it is made, and the artists have already been paid. The only case wherein this is only half-true is royalties, which have been long abandoned in the video games industry.
>publishers made an investment, with the intent of seeing a return
Their intent doesn't matter to me in the slightest. It's only the actions and reality that matter.
>And if they see a healthy return on one game, they might invest in another.
Patently untrue, especially these days. Successful studios are shut down or their resources rerouted to more marketable solutions. Not even AAA studios are immune to this. Remember Infinity Ward?
>So what you are paying for, is the service of creation
The service of creation has already been paid for by the time the game is released. I'm not magically sending my money back to the past to pay off the developers' work hours. The game is made, it's out there, and the only thing that consumers pay for, in reality, are the costs of distribution. Which, again, can easily be made essentially costless (or, anyway, self-sufficient) by using peer to peer networking. Which torrents are.

Yes, because as we all know there are no new games being made.

In retail, or any physical store really, if they want to sell something usually they're paying for it. Whether that's in labor making it or in buying it from someone else. If you go and take a candy bar without paying for it that store is now out 50 cents or however much they bought it for. It's called shrink.

If you pirate something not only are you taking anything from the seller you're not deducting that money from their bank account either. Piracy literally does not steal income. Really, the only ethical transgression is side stepping the market where someone says "I made this thing and you must pay this much to buy it or access it." Which, is probably the hill you want to die on as arbitrary as it is.

If you let a little nuance into your thinking you might see that piracy is very pro-consumer, but it also helps serve as advertising for good products. Sure, some people will pirate stuff and never buy it but they still spread word of mouth. There are also people who pirate stuff and then buy it. Really the people who get hurt the most by piracy are people who make sub-par products, which while perhaps they don't deserve to be side stepped as I said, shouldn't have great sales anyway.

Then the creators have been paid

You guys are the worst pirates. The ones trying to make it sound like you a moral crusader trying to stick it to the big bad companies. Just admit you like free shit.

>Piracy rates can hit 90% for some indie games
And they still sell really well. Funny how that works.

They countered piracy with microtransactions and loot boxes... way to steer the market.


>hire a group of people to make a game
>pay them
>they make a game
>people play it and share it with friends
Who the fuck thinks like this?

>He thinks developers dont account for piracy lost sales when determining how many actual sales they need

lol, I can't believe there are people who post on Yea Forums but don't pirate. Like what are you doing here? (not a question).

>for some
If we don't allow World of Goo as an example, what else?

I like free shit, but reverse jewing the BBCs is a nice bonus.

>if I don't pirate the game first to see if I like it I wont buy it.
So infact denuvo is stealing income from the publisher by making me not generate income for them.

yes it would, but you paypigs will keep paying so I dont have to worry :D

Technically you're not supposed to share games. Its just impossible to prevent so they haven't bothered making it a law.

Hows that working out for you? Its not. Were only spiraling farther.

>A pirate wasn't going to buy the game in the first place, so the company wouldn't have seen that money anyway

You can't prove this statement, because you can't show evidence for a negative. This is just an assumption of good faith you're imploring on someone who is asking you to make an exchange instead of circumventing the practice of service and payment.

It's like saying to the usher you weren't going to pay for the movie you're watching anyway so what's REALLY the point of kicking you out?

>you're not supposed to share games
Why not?

Anyone who wants a product or service should have to pay the creator for it. If you no longer want something, destroy or store it away.

because you don't have any rights goy, now give me you money

>Actively suppress the spread of tech that would significantly improve the lives of billions and maybe lead to the production of cleaner and more efficient energy extraction for one of the planets biggest producer of greenhouse gasses.

And people bitch because aliens won't come down and pull a deus ex machina and save our asses before our planet finally dies.

I don't know how to pirate.

Pretty good, I only pirate around 10 year and older games.

What are you trying to say about World of Goo's sales? It's one of the better selling indie games of all time. A year after release they made over $100,000 in a single week. And that was just from PC sales.

Gamestop should have been taken down a long time ago then. That's illegal!

Epipen was a great example of this
>try to make alternative epinephrine autoinjector
>Epipen sues for patent infringement
>get past patent infringement claim
>get denied by FDA
>get around this by making a pre-filled syringe of epinephrine
>it's technically a different medication so a pharmacist can't sell you the alternative as a generic unless your doctor specifically prescribes it to you
>Epipen quadruples the price
>"we need more regulation in the pharmaceutical industry"

How can I destroy it if it's the intellectual property of the creator?

Pirating games changes the market... big companies are always going to work hard to limit any loss. This is why video games are heading toward digital only, streaming, microtransactions, mobile gaming, etc. if you're one of those people who hate the fact single player campaigns are dying, stop pirating them.

that's like saying I'm stealing from every store I walk by and decide not to go in and buy something from

The way I see it is you could either
1. pay for a game
2. get the game for free
Why would I pay? Maybe if the devs gave me a reason to pay for it I would...

>Pirating games changes the market... big companies are always going to work hard to limit any loss. This is why video games are heading toward digital only, streaming, microtransactions, mobile gaming, etc. if you're one of those people who hate the fact single player campaigns are dying, stop pirating them.
Pirating is as old as the games industry. There's not a sudden rise or anything new about piracy rates from the last few decades.

I'm just saying it's the only cited example I've heard that had 90%+ piracy rate and I just want another example from something made in the last 5-10 years.

If you count installing Windows without paying for it as stealing millions of dollars from Bill Gates, then yeah I guess.

Developers don't sell games tho.

>sing a popular song out loud
>get sued for copyright infringement

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Because, they actually sell you just a licence to play the game basically is an authorization. But legally they still own the game. It's jewery at its maximum splendor.

yes but they make it retard

If I could make exact copies of candy out of thin air I would do that all the time tbqhwyf

The creators have been paid, because the publishers paid them. So by transference, the publishers take on the value.

>Who the fuck thinks like this?
Everyone. In every industry, you are paying a worker's boss, not the worker directly. If a mechanic fixes your car. You are paying the business. Then the mechanic is paid by the business. It's the same with 99% of jobs. Only freelancers see direct pay. The only difference here, is that the order is slightly changed. Instead of the workers being paid after the product is delivered, video game developers get paid prior to the product's delivery.

Who gives a shit whether you believe it or not. Its an indisputable argument.

Welcome to YouTube

Then you're responding to the wrong person. You wanted not the person replying to him.

Piracy and distribution is the equalization of power in a lop-sided system that punishes people for exercising essential liberties.

If it's wrong for governments it's wrong for corporations.

>tell movie's plot to a friend
>go to jail

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I have $0 in my bank account so I can't buy a game
I pirate it
what now?

Ok wagecuck

Hey, did you know that snake killed dumbledump?

Assuming you pirated a recently released AAA title, you now have $0 in the bank and $60 worth of software.

I don't give a shit about the "value". Some suit can cry harder

You are literally everything wrong with chill 14 year olds. Animals who go by "the law of the jungle" aren't capable of intelligent and critical thought. You're not a wild animal, you're just fucking stupid.

Jesus Christ, write properly.

Why is it valued at $60? No one will purchase that software off of me for any amount. It's readily available for free. The value of what I have is $0.

>Unironically paying for software
Sorry i'm not retarded

Release benchmark tools then soo we won't have to DL it to try

Money isn't magic. If the publisher had money to pay the developers with, that has to have come from somewhere. Giving them money for a product post-release that has already been paid for is, at the very least, unreasonable. None of it is going to go to the creators. It's just a distribution fee with a hefty overhead. And digital distribution can easily be done - and is done - for free.

You didn't get his point at all.

Watch out guys we've got a pirate here.

He's literally the Creationist strawman of Atheists. The ones that can't grasp a moral system that doesn't revolve around God so they assume all who don't believe in God are just moral-less animals.

Like pirating?

>No one will purchase that software off of me for any amount.
No wonder you're broke. You wouldn't know until you tried to sell it.

i can't get behind piracy (but emulation of old games I guess is alright) but I can't defend DRM either

>stop pirating them.
Except, games that I like aren't being made anymore, and settings that I like aren't being used anymore, so what is the point of wasting money on something I have zero love for ?

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Pirates aren't stealing money. They aren't taking the profit through black market sales. They're stopping a sale from taking place. Even your profit comparison is straight up fucking wrong.

>They're stopping a sale from taking place.
I don't think any pirate has that sort of power. If someone wants to buy a game, they're going to buy it. The fuck can some internet tough guy half the world away do?

What are they gonna do, break into your house and uninstall it off your harddrive?

Not really the same thing, considering that's stealing not piracy. The comparison would to copy bill gates' million dollars and keep the copy for yourself, bill doesn't really lose in the situation

They will throw you in fuck you in the ass federal prison.

How do I know if the product is good, or, what if it does not work on my machine ? I'm not going to waste money on something that I don't like or does not work on my hardware.

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Its a deterrent, but OP is a bumbling retard regardless.

ok. Well you're benefiting from the service that the suit provided.

>If the publisher had money to pay the developers with, that has to have come from somewhere.
Yep. Money comes from creating value. And then people give them money for that value.

>Giving them money for a product post-release that has already been paid for is, at the very least, unreasonable.
Again, you're not paying for the product per se. You're paying for the service that lead to the creation of the product. The product would quite literally not have existed, if the publisher didn't foot the bill. The devs get paid by the publisher, but who do the publishers get paid by? Like you said, money isn't magic.
In order for a capitalistic system to work, businesses need income. If they spend all their money developing games, and don't see an income, then the system ceases to operate.

Fuck, didn't know having PT was a liability now.

Meant to reply to you too.

>You're paying for the service that lead to the creation of the product.
That service has already been paid for, presumably using money that came from a previous game's sales. At least that's how it works, according to some people in this thread. By NOT buying a game, I may indeed prevent the creation of another, but I'm not deducting anything from the pay the developers already received for making the game in question.

No I'm paying some faggot who's going to turn around and demand the devs put gay porn in the games sequel to get the fag audience next time.
You don't need to jump through so many hoops

They legally can. They can put you in jail or you'll have to pay a fine, it depends of the country too, all of that just if they have proofs of course.

The only two major reasons to buy a game would be Steam Workshop support and multiplayer. I guess you could also make an argument that buying an indie game that often receives major updates is also more convenient than constantly waiting for a new patch to be cracked and then redownloading the game from scratch, but it's not as significant as the other two reasons.

It's a copy and you can't steal income. If you could steal potential value and have it actually be illegal, any business could argue that trying to get customers into your store would be theft in competition.

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No it's like saying you're stealing from nestle everytime you make a candy bar in your own home

>make game
>lock major content behind online service
>inevitably stop offering this service
>players start providing the service themselves
Is this piracy?

back to /r/atheism pal

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>That service has already been paid for
No it hasn't. If you go into a restaurant, and order a beverage. And the server brings it to you. Technically speaking, the server already got paid. He's received money from the previous work week. However, he is providing a new service. And this new service hasn't been paid for.

But you haven't even paid for your current service.

>police officer with a gun
Aight I'm heading out

>steals income
So if I wait for a game to go on sale for 50% off, am I stealing 50% of the income that the dev would've made off of me?

Absolutely. They don't call it a steal for nothing.

I guess that faggot is gonna struggle to justify his shit decisions then isn't he

I don't have to explain shit to you. I pirate everything since the Genesis days. I bought like 5 or 6 legit copies in my entire life. Deal with it or btfo, kiddo

So where are my 30 dollars

>Companies ARE entitled to a sale
Imagine being a corporate bootlicker unironically

Beats me, thief, but the remaining $30 are literally stolen :^)

stealing only works if there is economic scarcity, this doesn't exist for a purely digital product. "piracy" isn't theft.

I bet he's an investor. They all act like corporations are the victim of the big bad consumer.

I only pirate games with denuvo because the publishers fucking deserve it. Otherwise I buy, often full price.

I literally haven't pirated a single game (other than Japanese h-games) in like a decade ever since I started using steam actively and I still don't mind people who pirate or pirating itself
Reminder that companies are not your friends, you have no reason to defend them

Shhh don't tell stuff that goes against the narrative

>pirate game
>is fun so I talk about it
>someone buys game

What's the comparison you're trying to make with that example?


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Have you guys considered that maybe one of the reasons why reviews and shit suck so much now is because of how prevalent and easy piracy is? People don't take reviewers seriously now, which is why most of them are basically just "car go fast vroom vroom fun!".

I wonder what would happen if people legit could not pirate games anymore. Maybe reviews, and therefore game quality, would get better.

Or maybe not. It's just a thought.

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>all piratefags are pc players
Based retard

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>I'm an atheist so there's really no ultimate authority that will judge my actions in the end
Not even yourself? Damn, imagine how cucked somebody has to be to be like that.

Chink store has renewed piracy

>piracy steals income
I wish. I could use the money.


Stop trying to defend piracy, just pirate. No one who doesn’t do it will ever understand why you do it. You don’t need a reason to pirate, and giving one just sets you up to be attacked for your reasoning.

Except there are studies that prove that piracy doesn't affect sales, but hey whatever you choose to believe i guess.

I have little money to spend so anything i pirate i will never buy most, i only buy stuff from developers I really like.

Do you know what ultimate means? Besides, having myself as my "ultimate" authority also means everyone else can do the same, leading to the same conclusions, brainlet

because Epic has paid for my copy of Phoenix Point

>Do you know what ultimate means?

>leading to the same conclusions

Yeah like USA existing in the first place, think all the shitposter we could've avoided

Piracy's been consistent since the invention of fucking storage devices, if anything it used to be more prevalent because there weren't as many anti-piracy measures such as online DRM. Quality of reviews has absolutely fuck all to do with it. Your "thought" is uninformed bullshit.

tu quoque, strawman

Really? So the income a game would have made flows out of their assets and onto the bank account of others?
Yeah, didn't think so.

If you don’t want to pay for it then you don’t get to experience it. You can watch a YouTube video

>Piracy's been consistent
No it really hasn't user. It's so easy nowadays to pirate it's literally thoughtless. Beforehand you used to have to leave your house to at least buy some sort of storage device to copy stuff over to a floppy disk. And even then some games required a fucking grid of stuff to put in the proper code if you wanted to continue.

You're a fucking retard. Just kill yourself.


>Walk the street
>Go past a Mercedes car dealership
>Salesperson comes running out
>Offers me to buy a car
>Refuse and continue walking
>He rushed back inside
>Calls the police on me
>"user, you are under arrest for stealing this dealership's income. In addition to that, the salesperson intends to sue you for stealing his sales commission."

Well, they fought damn hard to make sure even PS4s sold on eBay with it installed were taken down and it worked. It's insane how they obviously don't want it to exist.

>t. communist
Maybe you should have bought that car then you tranny liberal.

Hell yeah it is

As usual this is a flawed analogy. I hope you can identify the weak spot

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>Beforehand you used to have to leave your house to at least buy
You had to put in exactly the same amount of effort to buy software legally because digital distribution wasn't a thing anyone took seriously, and the internet was such a joke until way into 00s, that the only thing you were pirating were low res gifs. Everything's thoughtless nowadays.

Because none of the money I would spend buying a game pre-ps2 is going to the devs anyways so literally who cares.

what kind of lizard person could defend copyright?



If piracy and theft were equivalent then I could bankrupt any game company I didn’t like by pirating one game of theirs several million times. After all, making that copy is the same as stealing, so I’d be stealing millions of dollars worth of stuff from them. It’d erase their annual income entirely.

>Walk the street
>Go past a Mercedes car dealership
>Salesperson comes running out
>Offers me to buy a car
>get out my special cloning device and clone his car and drive off

This is the only argument I accept

ad hom

>You had to put in exactly the same amount of effort to buy software legally
Yes. There's a bigger difference now though user. Way bigger.


The is no supply and thus no scarcity based value, thus they are not comparable. It's value is purely determined by how much the customer values it, unlike something like a fruit whom's value is determined by labor costs, and scarcity of land, and production supply of the fruit.

Here it is

>2000 years ago multiplying fish and bread would get you being called Jesus
>today multiplying fish and bread would get you jail time
Where has humanity gone wrong?

there's no intellectual property behind fishes and bread

No one should profit for videogames, greed and capitalism killed videogames, think about it, everything bad comes thanks to greed (lootboxes anyone?)

Bc usually the reason people pirate something is the person making it is doing some shady shit

>go to art fair
>see photo you like for sale
>take a photo of it
>reprint and hang on wall

They murdered Jesus, though.

Of course there is. Fish will all soon be genetically modified and farmed, the intellectual property of bio megacorps, and every loaf of bread is clearly an artistic expression by the baker plus a unique recipe. Pirating fish or bread would be stealing them from hard working people.

Because if anything piracy helps income. Its not stealing, as you aren't actually taking anything away.
>pirate game I wouldn't normally buy
>like game
>buy future games in the series
Income increased

>pirate game I wouldn't normally buy
>dislike game
>don't buy future game in the series, same as if I had never pirated it
Income unaffected

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I was making a pretty fair analogy for the claim of "lost sale is equal to stealing money".

>greed and capitalism killed videogames
They seem quite alive to me.

Ace Combat 7
REmake 2

Been a pretty good year for them too.

I think you are taking this analogy too far from what it was supposed to represent

>It's value is purely determined by how much the customer values it
Here’s a really scary-ass thought to stuff your brain around: this is true for everything.

The golden age of advertising has completely destroyed any and all notions of true fungibility. The only shit left that people regularly purchase without any regards to brand recognition is gasoline.

Seriously, you can’t even go to the grocery store and buy flour or mustard or whatever without seeing 4 different varieties (of otherwise identical products) at different price points determined by the worth of the brand on the label.

EVERYTHING is priced according to the customer’s willingness to pay. Nowhere near enough people buy on cost alone for price competition to have any impact.

You forget about most people
>pirate game you wouldn’t normally buy
>like game
>pirate next game because free>spending money

>a literal remake

Souless games

DESU Piracy of Vidya is a good thing, it prevents the waste of your money by buying a garbage game. We can all agree if a game is shit your gonna want a refund/your money back.

By getting games pirated developers have to produce good games/better quallity games. If it's good you'll tell people to get it, if not the get no revenue. Also many people that enjoy a game developer or high quality game and want to see more will buy it after pirating to suppor the company. no harm no foul.

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>go to a store and buy a floppy once
>can pirate software whenever at no cost, just have to walk somewhere you can get it
>OR walk to a store every time and pay for a licensed CD, every time
>load up torrent client and download
>OR check a couple boxes in steam or whatever and it painlessly siphons money from your credit card
I'm not seeing a difference except less walking time in both cases, maybe the cost of the floppy but those were never super expensive, the bitcoin miners are probably making more off your electricity bill right now.

Income unaffected.

They weren't going to buy it anyways if they had never pirated it, so sales will go on the same as if the person had never even played the game to find out they like it.

Wrong, because in your analogy it’s “I’m not interested in your product, so I won’t be driving around in a Mercedes” vs “I won’t be buying one today but I want to drive around in one anyway for free”, to which there’s no equivalent unless you permanently borrow the car from a nice friend or steal one

>Souless games
Figures a dumbass wouldn't know how to spell soulless. I bet the only games that have soul were the ones that you played as a child, coincidentally lining up to when you also had a soul, get it?

You don’t know that a person wouldn’t have been interested enough to buy it if easy piracy wasn’t an option.

>I'm not seeing a difference
In one, you're not paying any money at all.