>game have choice with consequence
Game have choice with consequence
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What a shit thread.
That fucking infuriates me.
>start a space program
>first thing you do is produce trash
>first they were shitting in the streets
>now they're shitting in space
can we nuke these shitskins
This is the kind of country murricans should be attacking.
They are LITERALLY fucking up the planet.
China made like 23000 pieces of it with the same thing.
>Game has retarded ai.
>the ISS is at risk!
>the ISS is safe!
Which is it?
*blocks your path*
Well they shit in the streets and are the worst IT people ever. Can we just nuke the entire country already?
>I mildly dislike what they're doing, can we please commit genocide already?
Fucking retards holy shit
pooperpower by 2020
What's wrong with them?
>it’s another America fearmongers and cries shoah over another country finding ways to defend itself against American aggression
Lol America
Leave India to me
India and China deserve to be bullied
inb4 they get invaded because of "weapons of mass destruction" or "gas attacks on civillians"
I'll just leave this here. Don't look if you're eating.
You should get your obsession checked out, sorry your shit country can't be the main character of the universe
>we filled space with 10cm-wide shotgun pellets just to dickwave the pakis why the hate?
The American's are claiming the ISS is at risk and the Indians are saying it's totally fine
every anti satellite missile test produces debris. not a news.
Mein niger
Americans are seething just because indians are brown, indians are proving that all humans are capable and that whites' success is a cultural thing not a genetic one
Oh no not space! That's practically next door!
Except it's the same (american) guy quoted on both instances
>literally shitting up space
you can't make this up
How are you defending the pajeets, that's irresponsible as fuck
>China's rise is danger
>iran will kill everyone
>pajeets are dangerous
>saudi sheikhs and israelis are frens.
big yikes
Dammit what the fuck.... I told you guys to subscribe to pewds, he's the only thing holding them back
debris happens with any anti satellite missile test.
russia, china, america all have done it.
Patrician taste in anime.
I didn't even bothered watching it with spaniard dub
I guess they just wanted to make space a bit more like home, full of trash and poo.
The difference is India never could have done it on their own without white man's help. Whites built themselves on their own.
>>pajeets are dangerous
To themselves. Just send one single white man and they'll all bow down.
the more debris in orbit, the more expensive it gets to have things in orbit (you need to adjust orbits to avoid collisions)
eventually it'll be economical to start removing the debris
there's no need to worry
one white men went there and got blown the fuck out by fucking arrows
more like the country achieved the feat of almost locking out humanity from space for decades
I mean at least they're not as bad as chinks... right?
At least chinks are active in science compared to indians which are cheap code monkeys.
Whatever get's you to click on news websites.
Still nasty. Interesting to think most of the world was like that in Ancient times. Two of those pics aren't Indian, by the way: the machete ones. Not like it matters anyway.
At least the chinks can have some attractive women. Attractive Indian women are rare or non existant.
China has problems, but even their tier 3 cities are better than any high class India city.
I've always found the artwork of their deities to be hideous. I never understood why they're so popular
Dude weed lmao
Based Indians. Amerimutt Tyrone-Hernandez hybrids seething hard.
I'm baffled that they can claim they'll ever be a ''superpower'' when their people like this
> Year 2100
> Pajeets have launched a space colony
> Colony has vents on the streets that vent all the shit into space
> Pajeet colony has a Saturn-like ring of shit surrounding it
> No one can go there because their ship will wind up battered by the shit ring
They'll develop only part of their country, lead by a small elite and let the rest of the country die.
I unironically wish India has a very bad launch with several astronauts killed which will make them pull the brakes a little on their imagined space program
POO in LEO (Low Earth Orbit)
That's not true, indian women can have some fat asses. They always have huge dark nipples too, kinda hot.
>Wishing India kills Russian, American, French, Japanese and Canadian astronauts
Some men want to watch the world burn.
So nigger genes ? We don't need indians for that.
>linking directly to CNN
>reading CNN at all
Indians and blacks are completely different.
India and China should take steps to curb their population. They are making a mess out of earth.
The age old debate!
china already has, one child policy but they reverted it to two children because population is ageing.
What's the point anyway? It's not like we can colonize shit thanks to the Space Treaty effectively castrating any nations advancement and handing the future of space to corporations.
What the fuck, they're so primitive.
>Indians and blacks are completely different.
Good one m80
Is this how Pajeets cope?
They should do like the Mexicans and send their trash to America :v
I meant their own, senpai. They need a Challenger of their own, except worse
They care more about their economy than the environment. They should have kept the one child policy and just maintain the population at a lower limit.
Indians on the other hand don't even have an idea what contraceptives are.
They're far from having a rocket sufficient to carry people, let alone a spacecraft to go with it.
A space shuttle is too expensive.
They'll stick with scatsat
But mexico is far worse. It is still an Aztec country with savages.
>They should have kept the one child policy and just maintain the population at a lower limit.
The Chinese population is projected to lower quite fast over the next few decades, despite removing the one child policy, people have higher standards of living now, children aren't as important as before when China was still mostly a rural country which required workforce for the harvests.
Sauce on anime?
This is how Usea was fucked after Ace Combat 7.
We Electrosphere in 20 years?
Poo on the Slope
>maintain the population at a lower limit
That's not how real life works. Aging society is disastrous for any economy. You need to have enough young workers to support the retirement of people from two generations ago.
Only educated people will have one children. All those in rural China will starting pumping out 2 children as soon they learnt that the bar was raised.
So... this is the power of t series...
seething Amerilards are jealous of the new superpower of the world
Japan seems fine. Same goes for Italy.
>they got tired of shitting up streets so they moved on to shitting up space
USA produces two times more pollution per capita than China.
USA is literally the leader in destroying the world we live in.
>Poo patrols
This can't be real
Reminder that China is manufacturing a war between India and Pakistan to sell weapons to Pakistan and to eliminate the pajeets who are their rivals.
Why is India arming like this anyway
Do they serious want a nuclear war with Pakistan
>even the space program poos all over space
Why everything nasa says sounds like bullshit?
These days NASA works more or less like this.
Not exactly. As we progress into the future USAs increase in pollution per capita will probably decrease as more stringent laws and efficient technology will be implemented.
On the other hand, Chinas rate of increase of pollution per capita might be higher or hopefully the rate may remain more / less the same owing to it taking more time to modernize its huge population.
>worst IT people ever
In my experience that would generally be US Americans. Many people that mistakenly thought IT only required a lot of blabla, and went into the field with a fucking business degree.
Indians usually at least have the skills required to get things done. They understand what they are doing and can explain it to you both verbally and in documentation. Sure, if you pay them worse than the cleaning staff, then you can't expect anything but shit.
Its just gimmicks shown by the ruling party to gain the public favour so as to win the upcoming election. I am pretty sure India can't afford a war with their poor ammunition reserves lasting for only 10-20 days.
Dated article but most probably still holds.
Such angry little brown men.
>I am pretty sure India can't afford a war with their poor ammunition reserves lasting for only 10-20 days.
Couldn't they simply "go nuclear"?
Has India finally left their skid mark on the toilet bowl of an island known as Japan? Why else would best girl, Rin, have two (2) separate goddesses of prominence inhabit her body while worst girl, Sakura, is possessed by, no bullshit, a literal who goddess of fertility from India? Not to mention, when Carnival Phantasm had a reairing in Japan, the FGO endcards they included had all the Indian servants, most prominently featuring Parvati, enjoying a nice steaming plate of curry? On that note, look at how many Indian servants they're dumping into the Fate series; Karna, Arjuna, Emiya, Rama, Okita (Alter), Parvati, with undoubtedly many more to come, like the aftermath of what chef Sanjeev Kapoor cooks up on his show Khana Khazana. There's no doubt Japan is taking a ply out of India's toilet paper, especially given the significant collaboration between GAINAX and ARINAT to flush out the series "Desert Knight" 2 years ago and even before that, the return to form for the mecha genre with "Torkaizer". If you look through the credits for the recent "Violate Everglade" by KyoAnus, you'll find that many of the animators aside from the regular staff there are Chinese and Indian. After all of this condemning evidence, it simply goes to show that the animation industry is changing at ass shattering speed; they're going going to drop a solid the likes of which this planet has never before seen once the logsmith unclogs Project Vindaloo Mk. 2.
Based indians are just creating jobs for the future.
It's at risk UNTIL the debris dissipate.