Did MSGV deserve a perfect score? Wasn't there a single flaw that would justify lowering the score by just 1% to a 9.9?

Did MSGV deserve a perfect score? Wasn't there a single flaw that would justify lowering the score by just 1% to a 9.9?

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Its pretty fun. Spent 100 hours playing it so it was well worth the money I paid

It didn't even deserve a 7/10, let alone a perfect score

Retarded ign as usual

Literally 5 lives from kiefer, in a series that's all about the protagonist talking.

literally retarded

> - Spare Story

Fucking IGN.

Game was an 8/10 at best. Turns to shit halfway through. Kojima is the chink Tim Schafer wasting company money and time.

5 lines*******

Numbered scores are fucking stupid, much like the people who care about them.

As a marvel of videogame wizardry, it deserves a 10. Smooth gameplay, buttery FPS, choice of approach for days, etc. It deserved it.

What hurts is how heavily it dropped the spiritual essence of what makes MGS games fun: long ass indulgent cutscenes with plot twists galore. It's phenomenal as a game. It just stinks as a tale of Big Boss.

for some reason this is one of those games where I was very irritable whenever I was playing it.
not a fan of mgs so disappointed didn't have anything to do with it.

The controls are good, the gameplay is repetitive and boring. All you do is run around and invade copy pasted outposts with the same 3 enemy types.

It's a 7/10.
It doesn't even come close to other mgs games.

Jurnos had a huge hard on for the Far cry 3 gameplay loop at the time, look at BoTW for instance. They've only now started to not give a game an inflated score if it has the same loop

10/10 from IGN means nothing when the scale starts at 6.
The praise MGSV got is all the evidence I need to know that for all the bs normies spout over story is crap and that so long as a game looks nice and plays well, it will score highly and will have all its faults overlooked.

Sony bonus

Funny how the amazing "gameplay" consists of 20 lazy villages and a single base that is well designed (that you can beat in 3 minutes by running past all the guards in d-walker anyway)

gameplay wise it was kinda flawless desu

>b-but story

go read a book faggot

No game deserves a perfect score (except BotW obviously)

i really loved playing it and i dislike open world games

Don't you have an overbudget game to finish Hideo? Is posting here really the best use of your time?

it was a really slow year

Scores aren't just a sum of good points, nor are they objective measurements

One of the best games ever made. If 4 deserved a 10, V sure as heck did

it gets bad after 200 hours

only people who dislike mgsv are faggots who think the plot of mgs mattered, even tho 2 was a massive "fuck you, this shit doesn't matter".

Gaming journalists should all be shipped off to Treblinka.
These people earn their money from clicks. No way in fucking hell are they going to do an honest review of such a franchise- they don't want to lose visitors.

Neither of them do.

not a 10 but a 8.5 or 9 for sure

MGS4 isn't even a 10/10 game, and MGS5 is a step back in every way with the bloated open world meme tacked on.

>mgs2 was a massive fuck you doesnt matter
Literally IMAGINE not getting it THIS HARD

I love Metal Gears' atmosphere, but while the games consistently look good, there's always some huge flaw that puts me off. Been like that since MGS 2. Kojima should've just made Escape From New York: the game. Or a sequel, even.

>MGS5 is a step back in every way
lol no

The perfect scores were the product of the review events, they flew reviewers to LA, put them in a hotel for 3 days where they could only talk to each other, and let them play it. Results? People finished Act 1, reviewed it with rose-tinted glasses and left. They never encountered much repetition.

10/10 is a perfect score but it doesn’t imply a perfect game because a perfect game is impossible.

Granted there were minor flaws but overall game was perfect 10

I think we can all agree that, whatever its flaws, MGSV's core gameplay mechanics are very solid and fun.

This came as quite a shock to me. I was never able to get far into MGS1-3 (I never played 4) because they have some of the clunkiest controls and camera systems I've experienced in all of gaming, to the point I find them essentially unplayable. This has nothing to do with how old the games are either. I've had no problems enjoying stealth games that released at the same time as MGS-1-3, such as the Splinter Cell and Thief games.

So my question is: How did Kojima make such a huge turnaround? Or is it not because of Kojima at all, but because of the employees at Konami?

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MGS is a fucking joke of a vidya series.

Attached: MGS quality outpost.webm (700x294, 959K)

>sparse story
>in a series thats mostly story
>in an entry that was supposed to answer story questions

It was great fun to play but the story is half the appeal of MGS, and this was less then sparse.
It deserved a high score but not perfect

They didn't play the online component either. They never saw the insane grinding and microtransactions.

Honestly fuck reviews.

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not to mention
>arbitrary wait times
>recycled missions

I take it back. It didnt even deserve a high score. A full price game with mobile F2P gimmicks and mechanics is unacceptable

Let's be real, no one is praising it for the story either.
Almost all the questions were given the explanation of nanomachines.

Most of the improvements were already in 4, some were even removed in 5 to make it simpler. The special edition of 3 already made the camera system less confusing.

5 deserves a lot of praise when it comes to animations and performance, though

>500 hours and still couting (mainly FOBs Invasion)

No. It doesn't. I give it a 40. And you know what? That's ok. Because I love more what I see may have been more than what it turned out to be.

Yes. The game was stripped from its beloved formula but the fun gameplay saved it. It felt indeed like "a phantom pain" for the series.

The fact that the story was "sparse" should have lowered it at least 1 point.

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Except for the part where you run out of a pool of 20 missions or so, and start repeating them over and over. And they're all about raiding some shack with like 5 niggas. Other than that it's perfect 10/10 kohima u geniouse

>Sparse story
>I literally had trouble listening to all tapes in 50 hours

he talks in the tapes. pretty much every tape.

Thats the "problem", alot of the story is in the tapes and you are suppoused to listen to them as you pick them up. Most people didnt bother with that. I seriously doubt most players even unlocked the Paz mission. There is just alot of details and things you can miss.

>Repetitive missions/gameplay
>Real time crap
>Awful maps and bases

Not playing MGS for Story AND Gameplay
You somekind of faggot, son?