>using services of any kind
>not just pirating literally everything
Seriously, for what. Fucking. Purpose.
normies gonna norm
I just googled that and a non clickbait title said they'll refund all purchases
so it's an annoyance but it's not theft like they implied
Spotify and Netflix are streaming rental services. The comment at the bottom is retarded. I will say don't buy anything on any of Apple's stores. They have proven time and time again they don't mind removing apps you've paid for.
the one big difference between Steam and pretty much every other service of this size, is that steam is a private company (not on stock market basically) so it doesn't have to deal with all the chinese shareholders' demands
>refund a purchase
How come? How about the author who already got paid?
God I wish I could get a refund on my Steam library.
Physicalchads and piratebros told you guys, but it was always "muh convenience."
Sometimes I'll just buy the game but then download the cracked installer so I don't have to deal with DRM or any always-online bullshit. Plus, if Steam ever goes down or tries to take away my games, I'll still have the cracked versions playable and ready to go.
Who the fuck buys ebooks? Literally paying for .txt files with DRM slathered on them. Also I can already back up my steam library, and it even gives me tools to do so.
lol I hope this is true.
People who want:
Cheap books
Easy portability
To not be a criminal (outside of this site, piracy really is quite looked down upon)
Commuters, mainly.
Maybe in the boomer generation, but even Gen-Z and millennials are embracing the pirate's life, especially for shit like books for school.
Retard doesn't even understand what Spotify is
Nothing's gonna happen to the authors, they already got paid.
It's a matter of thinking in net gains and losses.
The business bigwigs and analysts decided that it'd be cheaper to pay a few million right now in refunds, rather than lose multiple times that in the comming years due to dwindling profits and upkeep costs.
First they came for the books
But I did not care because I didn't read
This is true for all streaming services.
Which is why I have a backup HDD with all my steam games installed on it and another one with movies,books,etc.
nooo dont take away my steamy
>(outside of this site, piracy really is quite looked down upon)
>goes outside
>full of places selling knockoffs and piracy
Believe in the cloud goyim, I'm sure Article 13 won't happen to it
>the author who already got paid
Normally when you buy a book/movie/game/album, the creator of the work isn't the one that gets the money, it's the publisher.
I do own a kindle, but it's hacked. Amazon can suck my dick, I'll read whatever I want for free.
I'm not buying books with DRM, if I'm forced to then I'll just go back to good old paper.
>dwindling profits and upkeep costs
>tfw the zoomer generation is so functionally illiterate that you can't even sell books to them digitally
Read this you retards:
Refunds and compensation for notes is on the line already
I get that this painting is trying to say the bird drew the rainbow trying to escape, but the bird would try to fly away from the wall, not along it.
You cannot refund purchases on year old items past the last tax season of its original date of purchase.
Microsoft paying out of their own pockets for this means they dont expect a lot of people to claim a refund or give them sensitive bank information.
>buy book
>pirate ebook and audiobook anyway and never touch book again
Based fucking Microsoft. I completely trust them with the all digital future. I love you Phil Spencer.
Imagine paying for a book and then having it forcibly taken away from you years later, but it's "okay" because you get a refund.
Actually fucking end yourself, holy shit.
You have literally no reason to assume anything you "buy" today on Steam will still be available to you in 50 years.