Why does Yea Forums brag about pirating?

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Makes zoomers seethe

to hurt their feelings

they're like vegetarians, they don't eat meat but enjoy sucking cock

Because the average incel has no power in their life, so they embellish the usually-insignificant things they can do no matter how small.

wasn't there a company that didn't give a fuck about it, and even said "they're just beta testing." That dev was based asf, unlike this literally who roastie.

Why would the devs give a fuck? They dont get paid per unit sold.
Only the publisher gets a hit when you pirate

I doubt their goal is to make the dev think they're cool.
In fact, I bet they got the reaction they were looking for and then some

>based asf
>literally who

go back to resetera newfag

Imagine how autistic you'd have to be to tell a dev you're pirating their game lmao

Especially after they've already been paid LOL

But I thought the Epic Store was covering the costs of all games launching on their platform so there's no such thing as a missed sale.

Looks like someone can't handle the sass after all.

I can understand bragging about piracy. You're playing games for free, why wouldn't you be happy about that? What I don't understand are anons who brag about having Denuvo in games they buy.

>Posts the same thread for the 6th time this week and it isn't even a discussion thread
Jesus kill yourself.

*Heavy voice* "No!"

>get something for free while others pay for it
Gee I wonder why they’d brag about that

They get bonuses based on sales, not to mention that probably don’t like people stealing their hard work

>be me
>have the money to buy anything I want
>still pirate because I want to giv these devs a big fuck you in their face

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This basically. I buy tons of games but also pirate a ton of shit.
Faggots need to deal with it.

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most of Yea Forums doesn't even play games anyway. No use taking it personally.


Why do only devs that create trash post on Twitter about how piracy is offensive to them?

This. Fuck these asshole devs, stop making shit and stop virtue signaling, then I’ll buy your games. Until then:

yo ho yo ho a pirates life for me

Nigga I dont give a fuck if a game dev gets a bonus. They get a livable wage and I'm more concerned over my own finances than someone who already gets a nice salary and benefits

Oh shit bro an MS paint comic

That's the worst example I've fucking heard, especially when so many people have fallen for pre-orders, early access and fucked up pre-release DRM.

It's because video games are way better than that other trash.

Notch once said that he didn't mind piracy, so long as they bought the game when they had the money to spare

What a stupid developer. That's free advertising. Worth way more than what ever few dollars they lost on that sale, for the time being.

Checks out, it's an ubisoft " writer " and they haven't released a good game since like the early 2000s.

>how dare you use Yea Forums words on the Yea Forums website
literally fuck off you're not welcome here

>It's because I have double standards

Hey Yea Forums, long time know see. I see your having a discussion about pirating games here, I hope you understand how this hurts hard working developers like the me and the other folks over at Bethesda Softworks LLC.
Anyways all I'm asking is for you to consider buying my games, maybe we can squad up and play Fallout 76 together for a bit haha, I promise you wont regret your purchase, thats the Bethesda guarantee!

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It's not innacurate. Yea Forums and /vg/ are the only two boards on this entire website that throw regular hissy fits over pirates. Even though it's filled with collectorfags not even /vr/ is autistic against emulators and piracy as Yea Forums is.

That's becasue those are the only two boards with cooperate whores who want their "friend" to make money. And shills.

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release it on steam now or I will pirate your shits

I'm a huge fan of Remedy games but I'm gonna pirate it. Would have bought it if they released it on Steam.

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Why are Steam drones so cringe?

Buycucks get upset, boomers and fake ancaps REE, and devs get no fucking money for whatever shit game they ship out.

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looks cool but that aim though

Bragging about pirating is some underage shit because you have to make it "political" or a "statement" to fight back against your dumb enemies.

Back then we just downloaded the game and played it.

Pirating is the only choice if you don't want to be a consumerist cuck with buyer's remorse.

Since there is no demo available for games, you have to pirate if you want to know if the game is good or not.

Also, piracy is a good solution for kike marketing and SJW games.

Pirate EA games.
Pirate games with microtransaction.
Pirate games with SJW content.
Pirate games exclusively on Epic.
Pirate consoles-only games.

Buy good games after pirating them.

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good thing I don't actually give a shit and will pirate anyway

I am rich enough to buy anything I want, but I prefer buying it on Steam cuz of convenient. Epic fucks it up, I guess I will return to pirate more.

In fairness what faglord would brag about pirating
Like ooh I'm such a haxmeister I clicked two things and downloaded a crack someone else made

>game dev openly says they don't me to play their game
>pirate it, based
or alternatively
>single player game is 60$
>no online feature
based pirate

>piracy is theft
Well, not according to Jesus.
Checkmate, atheist.

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The question isn't why pirate, it's why brag about it?

Game devs of games usually don't give a shit cause they are already paid for their time making the game. They either move onto a new project or are dropped.

And then there were the Hotline Miami devs troubleshooting pirated versions of their games in the comments section on Pirate Bay.

based and redpilled
Those christcucks should defend this. kek

Why play these games in the first place?

Why do people brag about anything?
Because they want the attention.

Have you ever seen the battlestation threads with consumerist cucks that display their 8 different consoles and 500 plastic game boxes?
Same fucking shit.


If you're a Christian, you can't be mad at Piracy.
Thanks Jesus.

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Defend what? I'm pro-piracy, per Christ's teachings.

>Yea Forums words

>Pirating games from tpb
They deserved no help

>Why play these games in the first place?
For fun.

I honestly enjoy the Call of Duty and other casual games for the 5 hours that the campaign lasts.
I'm not giving them a penny though.


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>We sold more bottles of water in a place that's desperate for water!!

was meant for

You can't control what people say, that's why. It's like asking why there always has to be someone shouting nigger or ripping on religion. Because freedom. The moment you tell people not to brag, they will.

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>why does Yea Forums do things?
To make people angry.

I pirate things to try them out mostly, but sometimes to spite devs who call pirating "stealing"

Well it depends on the game.
Some games are good, but the devs don't deserve a CENT because they were acting like kikes or SJW.

Metro Exodus has sold 2.5x as many copies SO FAR as last light did on steam on DAY ONE. Seriously misleading title, which of course is intentional.

I don't see how bragging about something everybody and their mother does is comparable to bragging about your expensive riced PC build or physical collection. I only see people "brag" about pirating because it triggers fanboys and autists.

There are also games that you have no choice but to pirate because the fuckers holding onto the rights refuse to put the damned things up for digital sale.

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This comic is so old that the political meaning of the anarchist symbol has changed since it was first posted here.

>Thing I don't like
Retarded mouthbreather

why not brag about not spending money?

Person making 6 figure salary complaining because a minimum wage gamer said he will not buy your game if you do annoying shit.

"i pirated to your mom" is what i would replied if i had a twatter

Yeah but my point is: Epic Store is near empty. What did Metro Exodus have to compete with?


You can't say it's bad if you've never played it
So basically in order to say a game is bad you have to buy it, which only incentivizes more bad games

Publishers often refer to copying they don't approve of as "piracy." In this way, they imply that it is ethically equivalent to attacking ships on the high seas, kidnapping and murdering the people on them. Based on such propaganda, they have procured laws in most of the world to forbid copying in most (or sometimes all) circumstances. (They are still pressuring to make these prohibitions more complete.)

If you don't believe that copying not approved by the publisher is just like kidnapping and murder, you might prefer not to use the word "piracy" to describe it. Neutral terms such as "unauthorized copying" (or "prohibited copying" for the situation where it is illegal) are available for use instead. Some of us might even prefer to use a positive term such as "sharing information with your neighbor."


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That's not even that, she just want to virtue signal and attract attention.

She's a woman, an SJW on top of it.
She lives through those twitter likes.

I CAN say it's bad if I never played it, that's why I shit on nintendo games.

I would pirate Kingdom Come, but I can't even be bothered to download the piece of shit

How did it change

That's why

Hi /g/

I just realized that piracy will die when all games are streamed. You can't pirate a service, right?

What about niggers?

you know most christcucks are pro-capitalists. They are hypocritical af. Anyway, I don;t care.

>You can't pirate a service, right?
Yeah, I totally don't pirate Netflix movies.

Because it clearly upsets people for irrational reasons.
You don't see anybody brag about it on other boards, because there's no reason to when piracy is the norm.

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>pirate mental gymnastics
jesus christ just pirate your games and shut up

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>Goddess of Sass

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Yes. But that's an if, not when. You already can't pirate multiplayer games and a good portion of singleplayer games that require always-online.

anything can be pirated. there are plenty of private servers.

No you can't.

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>a good portion of singleplayer games that require always-online.
Yeah, those can't be pirated, sure.

When you live overseas and it's a downright pain in the fucking ass to move money around and play Twister with gift cards and bullshit in the end you realize it's way easier to pirate.

why are you upset

If I pirate your game then it means it wasn't worth a cent.

nah, just trigger chinks, epic shills, cucked devs, etc.
THEY ARE FUCKIN BASED AF. The exclusivity right is fuckin cancer cuz it promotes more pirating.

Really? How do you pirate Ps Now? I just make a new account to abuse the 7 day free trial, but if they didnt have that I could do it.

it's about using correct terminology not the morality.

Easy to be a sharer when you can multiply things.
I'd share my house if I could multiply it.

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Falsely equating piracy to theft and violent crime is closer to mental gymnastics than any pirate rationale

*Heavy NO!*

I CAN, and I WILL.

>i'm only trying before I buy
>if I like it I will buy it
What's the argument against that?

Underage brazilians dont realize that they are making it worse for everybody when they brag about piracy.

I bet its the same retards who cried about Nintendo closing down romsites not aware of their part in that.

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Meanwhile the Cave Story dev said that he understands that pirating is ok if it's the only way to get the game and because not everyone has the financials to regularly buy vidya

>[study] shows stealing cars doesn’t affect dealership sales
Guess it would be ok to joyride yeah?

I had completely forgotten about that. Goddamn

if their games don't sell well enough the publisher won't give them money to make more games

>piracy is stealing

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As long as I can pirate the mods that make that trash game any good

Do not use that word to describe copying of files as it has nothing in common with killing people and pillaging ships on the high seas.

In a perfect world your money given for a video game would reward the maker of the video game and allow him to live a good life and make more video games.
In our world if you give money to corporations you are feeding the devil that is aimed against you that wants to either enslave you or kill you and exterminate your bloodline.

Fuck off tripfag, your opinion is irrelevant.

unfortunately there is no way to actually study this so this study is bullshit

To make people like in the OP's picture seethe. Also this

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You know how old ladies like bragging about getting 20% off on a bushel of grapes or something? It's sort of like that.

I miss Terry.

>"game dev"

Yeah no. That's like saying "I drove the car" when all you did was read the GPS directions to the driver.

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That isn't how this works user, if you wan't mods I'm going to have to ask that you buy them from the creation club, available in Skyrim SE and Fallout 4 (Coming soon to Fallout 76!!!)

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So no arguments then?

if you seriously think hood rats that steal vehicles are ever going to be in the market for a new car then you are full retard

>piracy is stealing

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This honestly

What I don't understand is the people that claim they just pirate to try and they'll buy it if they like it. Why would you buy something if you've already stolen it for free?

> I don;t care.
>But has to make a statement any ways.

I'm more confused why pirates try to justify their piracy by saying it isn't harmful or even that it is beneficial. It is a huge display of mental gymnastics for no reason.

So it is ok to joyride?

it's because Yea Forums is full of newfags, tourists and worst of all, game devs/shills. they get furious when you won't pay for their garbage.

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and so? Are you ok, triggered christcuck?

He also only ever made one game and re-released it 12 times.

Imagine if Miyamoto had that loser mentality. Quit after Donkey Kong.

They will once they become the newest rapping sensation. Any day now.

ok now ask yourself that again with your brain on

If I stole a $50,000 car from a car dealership then that dealership has lost $50,000 worth of product. If I go into a car dealership and use magic to make my own car then the dealership has lost exactly nothing

t. cocksucker

If your game cannot handle pirating overhead then your game is a failure. Suck the microtransactions out my ass.

Get cancer, corporate tool.

Any pirates in this thread who have both of these opinions:
>I can do whatever I want so long as I get away with it, so I can pirate games no problem
>devs/publishers should NOT try to protect their products with antipiracy measures

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>If I go into a car dealership and use magic to make my own car then the dealership has lost exactly nothing
No the dealership has lost $50,000 as you yourself just established

except that you were a potential customer with $50000 to spend a car and now you don't need to. keep in mind to make this analogy more realistic it would need to be against the law to use magic to make a copy of a car.

Fuck off trip fag.

Who said anything about pirating Linux? Or perhaps you don't understand what's going on in that image?

no but joyrides aren't crashing the car market
if someone wants something for free they will just get it for free or do without

If the whole point is to not spend money by stealing it then why would you buy it

I just love rubbing it in their faces. They fear, they tremble, they can't stop feeling guilt and anger over the mere thought of some pity plunder, while I'm shamelessly bathing in the mountains of wares I've taken for free while having nothing but a wide grin on my face.

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But they still HAVE THAT CAR to sell to someone else. If they have 10 cars they have $500,000 worth of income. If I steal one they only make $450,000 income. If I make my own they still get to make $500,000 income. Therefore there is no loss to them.

Imagine having shekels fall into your lap because you pirated a game.

you mean using reddit words on Yea Forums?

There is nothing wrong with piracy, it's like how you'd lend your friend CDs back in the day. If anything, it increases sales (if your game is good).

Western corporate model functions good for making cars, expensive machinery, sugary drinks, alcohol, etc. mundane things.
It is one of the worst models to apply to video game development.
It is creatively bankrupt and to much money goes into everything else but the actual process of making the video game.
And jews.

This and based.

Get cancer, corporate npc.

i pirate

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If there’s someone who can magically clone that car with no repercussions then those cars in the dealership are now worthless

no you are wrong. they can't sell the car unless someone is willing to buy it. the car copying magic reduces the potential number of buyers. not every person copying cars would buy a $50000 cart without magic available but some would. others would buy another cheaper car and still others would never buy a car. the dealership has suffered a loss less than the value of the car but still greater than $0. you would be correct if there were any infinite number of theoretical customers but that isn't the case.

Christianity never fails to amaze me

It was just a bunch of Indians that didn't want to host rooms anymore user. Also there's nothing wrong with downloading abandonware.

Social Posturing, simple as.

But that behaviour isn't limited to "Pirates", plenty of people go full retard for Good Boy Points from their peers, and there are plenty of people who know to shut up and not fuck up their "source" by painting a big target on it.

This ties in to , the other boards consider it so natural so no one considers it a big deal to brag about, Yea Forums had moralfags for years so you have fags who wants to make the moralfags cry extra hard as a response and then you get the "I CAN CHANGE THE WORLD" guys with messiah complexes on both sides.

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they are worth less but not worthless. not everyone would have access to the magic and others would still choose to pay for cars out of a sense of moral obligation.

Because I want to support devolpers who make good games?

Last Light also sold like shit so it's not exactly a high bar to clear.

because i'd rather not give developers that concede to exclusivity deals anything at all rather than having my game DRM riddled.

>being this much of good goy
What is your favorite video game?
Game that you prefer to any other. That has the most significance in your life.

The problem isn't big companies, the problem is that most people are dumb and have shit taste.
They fall for lootboxes, gacha, and other scams. They don't care about gameplay quality, they can't quite put their finger on what's wrong when framerates drop, they don't care when a game is vastly downgraded from the bullshots they showed a year ago early in development.

This is also why games will be pushed into streaming. Impossible to pirate. The common retard doesn't care about 200ms delay on fucking single player games.

Darkwood devs uploaded the game to TPB

There is none, but nobody actually does this anyway. It's absolutely made up, since Steam already allows you to try and return games.


>no argument

Wait, who the hell ever brag about pirating so game dev will think you're cool?
I thought people tell game dev they are pirating because that's how much they hated the game dev, not the game?

to make buycucks and resetera trannies SEETHE

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>memegenerator dot net

I'm a game dev and I sell assets on the marketplace, I had some guy tell me he pirated my asset and demanded I give him support to help fix an issue that had been fixed in an update to the supported version.

>lead writer
>narrative mindbender - whatever the fuck that means
>worked on Control, Dishonored DotO and GW2

It all makes sense.

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Yea Forums is full of advertisers that get really mad when they find out all they've done is convince you to pirate their shit

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Mods OP is twelve years old.

you don't know if they get more or less than you though.

why? because idgaf about western developers their game while sometimes good are filled with sjw , "inclusive shit" and niggers , why do i play if dislike all the above? because is FREE and tehres nothing they can do about it other than whine , so deal with it or just keep complaining is not going to change the piratery in regions like mine argentina were if you go out of bussiness we dont care as long we play the game and then move on to the next thing

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Why do they do this in every picture? you're holding "your" kids and all you can do is stand there with a stupid gaping mouth?

>they lose something without losing it
Not even a child "argues" that retarded.

here's my answer:


This entitled cunt don't seem to realize that since renting or demos are a thing of the past. There is more at risk for the consumer for buying a game they would otherwise never buy. These devs need to check their fucking privilege. Consumer rights always matter.

>calls others npc

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more like
>lmao stupid buycucks don't you know piracy isn't stealing and actually helps devs
>but that's not true
>enjoy getting reamed by the corporations moralfag


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Are you retarded? In that specific tweet she didn't say don't pirate. She said don't brag to developers about pirating their games.

t. high school dropout

kill piracy

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>The problem isn't big companies
The top down part of the problem is just what I described, big cancerous companies and corporations and their owners.

The bottom up that you are describing is a result of the top down. and perpetuates both the top down and itself.

You want an argument, jew?
Here is an argument.
May God make your tribe and bloodline perish.

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Steam returning isn't ideal.

>charge 60$ for a not complete game
>also 30$ more for season pass
>also second season pass
>also purchasable cosmetics
That's a real piracy

Next to no one brags about pirating.
It's an entire different thing to say to a devs face that you will be pirating after the make some stupid decision in order to punish them and make them angry at the same time

Having somebody tell you to your face that they pirated something that you worked on is insanely frustrating, even more so if they don't realize that they were doing something that's not actually cool.
Here's two cases from when I was helping at the booth at the shittiest convention on earth, Anime Expo.
First time somebody comes to our booth where we sell visual novels, browsing for stuff to buy. I go to them asking if they'd like something, and they tell they're into something with gameplay. Fair enough, I recommend Rance VI. They're absolutely shocked at price, going "What, 40 dollars?! I got Beat Blades Haruka for free!"
A day later or something a group of barely 18 brats come in, giggling like hell at the sight of dakimakuras and physical porn games. I ask them what they'd be into, and they want something hardcore. Alright, I recommended Euphoria. One of them tells me that he already got it from ErogeDownload, but that it was really great, with face all smiles! Little shit should have been happy I'm one of the more mellow dudes that works for the company.
...That kind of shit is annoying as hell.

Get cancer, corporate tool.

>kill bandwidth
>gib overage charges

more like
>*preorder, buy lootbox, dlc and what not*
>but you're just feeding scummy pratices
>lmao are you poor?
i can do this too

Holy shit! Am Christian now.

They lost $50,000 of income, we’ve established this, please keep up

This would barely work in Yurop, let alone in muttland with their 3rd world internet connections.


Buyfags are vegetarians, pre-orderfags are vegans

they didn't lose anything, there was never $50k to begin with.

LMAOOOOOOO, imagine actually being this poster

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because fuck u fag, fuck u right in your faggot face

because it pisses paypigs off and makes them seethe so hard they make straw man comics and come up with bizarre mental gymnastics. no one else gives a fuck but for some reason Yea Forums gets absolutely assmad about it. i'd speculate that it's probably because majority of Yea Forums is underage and play consoles and are only allowed 1 new game from mummy and daddy every 6 months and don't know how to into pirating but that would just be me straw manning.

tldr keep seething lol

Pirates are why companies are turning to mobile games.

Enjoy your Diablo Immortal fuckers hahaha!

If a game isn't worth buying then it's not worth playing in the first place. I've only refunded one game and that was because it literally hurt my hands playing it.

Then there's me pirating some indie games to see if they're worth buying. Or feeling like pirating Outer Worlds if it turns out to not be shit because I sure as hell don't appreciate when big dick companies wave their money around to artificially create exclusivity. Then I can buy it during some winter sale when the arbitrary exclusivity time limit is up.

it's because whales actually but nice cope

>be me
>like seeing all my games sorted by playtime in one list because I'm weird
>if game isn't on steam I just ignore it and don't play it
>get called an entitled incel by game devs and blue check marks

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This. ALWAYS pirate before buying.

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They are enabled by retarded customers. What do you propose, widespread control over the industry? This will only make things worse, as it benefits fewer companies and government propaganda and nothing else.

>pirate chink store exclusives
>if I enjoy them and they come out on not shit launchers, buy them

It's simple really. Fuck epic and fuck Chinese subhuman bugmen.

no, A.D.D. phone addicted shillenials are way publishers are turning to phone games. they are low effort cash grabs,

Reminder that they've not divulged exact numbers, but running the math we've come to a total of 50.000 copies, Last Light simply sold like absolute shit. 2 times 2.5 is still only 5.

It's what happens when they push us real gamers too far. We hit them where it hurts

Considering that the Linux community is FOSS, then there's nothing to pirate then I figured that it probably represents the dude who pirates all sort of software.

Why should a dev make games you would like? you don't have a history of buying games.

don't forget their gen z kids who for the most part get their first smart phone in elementary school

>Why does Yea Forums brag about intelligently taking advantage of their resources
>Why does Yea Forums brag about spitting in the face of jewish companies that are actively fucking over the industry like Epic
>Why does Yea Forums brag about dabbing on digitalfags
>Why does Yea Forums brag about being able to play and enjoy more games then the average wage cuck
>Why does Yea Forums brag about

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1 copy pirated = 1 sale lost, so I pirate most games 20 times or more. If everyone does this the industry will crash and no more video games for anyone.

I'm sorry what he should have said was

>This toxic incel is too problematic and on the wrong side of history, yikes and oof. Have sex

Each new generation in a consumerist western society is more retarded than the last one.
It is a direct consequence of the owners of all industries and banks and the "eleccted" officials in government.

A purge. Occupy wall street movement was aimed at the ones that need to be purged and it was destroyed utterly and thoroughly on all levels just because it was aimed at he correct target, not because it had any chance of success.


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but it doesn't piss off anyone it just makes you look retarded like this guy


Based and piratepilled

This, i will gladly pirate if the devs pull some bullshit

why does any little kid brag about doing something bad?

Do you even know what piracy even means or did you just watch Pirates of the Caribbean?

>Shit game

>Gud game
Then buy

based af fuck

The consumerist cuck feared the copy pasta for they knew it spoke the truth

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a pirated copy is not a sale lost. there was no sales potential to begin with.

not true. some people wouldn't ever buy the game of piracy was not available but some would.

Nowadays I don't really pirate anymore, especially if the game is DRM-free. DRM is consumer-hostile and an actual downside to a purchased product, so I am more inclined to buy something that is DRM-free, because it's friendly to my interests as a consumer and it also kind of shows an increased level of confidence from the dev in their product, as in they think it's good enough that people would want to buy it even if they can outright get it for free or at the very least try the full version for free at any time. The tighter a game is locked down the more concerned I am for its quality, as that quality is not something I can asses in any way before actually paying for it.

It’s something people will say, but never do. And why should you trust someone who has a history of pirating to actually buy your game?

>Since there is no demo available for games, you have to pirate if you want to know if the game is good or not.
you could watch gameplay videos and read people's comments on the game
steam reviews are useful if you actually read what they say instead of just looking at the ratings

>I swear guys, I wasn’t gonna buy it anyways
Literally the faggot

steam also offers refunds. piratefags aren't logical they are just trying to make themselves feel better.

Watching a video tells you nothing about how a game plays and controls.

>play one minute over two hours
>refund denied :^)
>game becomes garbage immediately after

boo hoo, babby

you seem to be the one seething about pirates here lmao

But they do.
Can you just admit you’re entitled and stop trying to do mental gymnastics to justify your pirating way.

only in your imagination

Just play under 2 hours

they think you're "seething" because you called out their idiocy

devs/publishers don't care about consumers = it's just business get over it

consumers don't care about devs/publishers = you're a horrible human being

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what if it's a game that you can barely grasp in that time, like grand strategy or operational hex games?

then maybe it's worth your money to try it out

Get cancer mods and janitors and jews.

>google deletes review videos they deem are not appropriate
>paid reviewers make bullshit reviews that hide the flaws of the game and point out the good sides

No one says that “devs/publishers don’t care about consumers is just business”.
If you don’t like their game and think the devs hate you, why are you playing their game?
After all, you guys believe piracy advertises and actually helps games.

>pirate anime on Yea Forums and /m/
> no one says anything

>pirate movies on Yea Forums
>no one says anything

>pirate books on Yea Forums
>no one says anything

>pirate music on Yea Forums
>no one says anything

>pirate games on Yea Forums

The problem is that most of Yea Forums is underage.

>But they do.
No, they don't, you fucking trained chimp.

>The only videos about a game are from paid reviews
>There is no “20 minutes of X gameplay” or let’s plays of a game

Fuck off zoomer.

>C O P E
How you likin' that Rabbi dick up your ass?

Because Yea Forums and basically anyone who's life involves video games as a main and integral part of it is in general a horrible person who doesn't know how to act around others, and in general are just not good people to be around.
I mean seriously, why act like your piracy is some sort of moral crusade and try to justify it? Just do it and shut up about it nobody actually gives a shit about you.

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>*video shows gameplay for game*
>”n-no man. that doesn’t count. I need my pirating fix. I’ll buy it if I like it, honest”

they still didn't lose any money, they have all the original items for sale they had before, no salable item was lost.

So are you helping games by pirating them, or do you stick it to EA by pirating them?

a sale requires someone to sell to.

>paid streamer or lets player videos

A person that never played Eu4 can watch Arumba videos and think the game is the best thing in world.
People that actually played the game know better.

This desu

Attached: smug pirate anime girl.png (958x592, 380K)

That's fucking legendary.

yep i knew women wrong doto

Y'all ever just flex on 80iq niggas by pirating games for fun?

pirates aren't part of that equation, they are outside the system. there is always someone willing to buy, a fool and his money are easily parted.

you're delusional.

Because PC players are subhuman dishonest and entitled pieces of shit. Nothing new.

>pirate game twice
>dev loses two sales

Attached: deviru.png (666x666, 666K)

>buy game digitally
>dev still has it so they didn't make a sale

>pack a nice version of Civ 2 into a torrent
>seed it for 15 years
>hundreds of thousands of copies made
>Microprose literally died because of me
>Sid Meier is a hobo and begs for a slice of bread and plate of soup

keep seething consolefag

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game devs are paid per hour and don't get any money from profit. so why do they care

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Bragging makes buycucks even more willing to pay money for games while i get it for FREE and ensures I will keep getting them for FREE

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Seething about what? The only upset people right now are PCfags.

>female game dev
>Goddess of Sass
>complaining about people pirating her marxist garbage products
really makes you think doesn't it lads? really fires the old gray matter

why give money to niggers
they dont have a history of making civilization

true desu. and they immediately move to the next game after working years on one. seems boring and creativity killing work.


I pirate because I find pirating bants.
I get a little buzz whenever I download something.
99% of the time I don't even use whatever I download, being a pirate is just really fun.

...Because they like keeping their job, maybe?

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why do pirates feel the constant need of validation?

>99% of the time I don't even use whatever I download
That describes the majority of piratefags, who play a game for 30 minutes and then drop it. Even casual gamers spend more time playing video games.

I like having a big physical collection and making you seethe just by posting it, so I think I will.

zoomies are generally the pirates in my experience tho.

BL3 will be the first game I pirate since I've became a buyfag like 4 years ago

I believe you.

They either feel guilty or are desperately looking for attention

because most of Yea Forums is made of edgy teenagers.


Writers aren't devs

He cute

>undocumented gamer

On the plus side, none of us have to see you whining about the game because you’re a retard and can’t figure it out :^)

Just on Yea Forums. /m/, Yea Forums and Yea Forums don't do that. Pretty much every topic here on Yea Forums is to bait and derail the thread. Not a surprise though, knowing that is the most popular board, it's filled with redditors and underages from both sides.

so, Yea Forums, pro-piracy, or being against DRM?

you can't be both without sounding like a complete retard

nice tinfoil hat

>Yea Forums never not sounding like a retard

because paypigs are disgusting

Steals income, huh? Let me pirate Sekiro 10 times to make 700 bucks then.

>Rightmost profile picture of the latest people who liked the tweet is drawn by that garbage artist who gets commissioned by every SJW and sex pest on Twitter
Like clockwork.

Because I enjoy the reactions.

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>piracy is theft

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>Devs: Dont brag about pirating. Nobody will thinks you‘re cool
>Also devs: Here‘s patreon, early access, p2w, microtransactions, lootboxes, DRM, unpolished releases, SJW and politics, fake teasers and downgrades, censorship, exclusive, and straight out lying to customers

underrated post

If you're poor then pirate. If you can afford to buy the games and the company deserves your money buy the games.

It really shouldn't be bragged about. It's a crime. Do you brag about taking a video recorder to theater and recording a movie? Sure, maybe you can record a movie, but try bragging about it and see where that gets you.

It's not a crime.

Does anyone else remember when that user stole a press copy of Hotline Miami 2 from some conference and streamed it for a couple hours? I remember the Devs or someone showing up in chat and saying it was cool so long as the guy didn't play the last chapter on stream

I love how piracy is supposed to be a horrible crime with terrible consequences, but nobody gives a shit about enforcing it because the entertainment industry is full of whiny bitches.

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Yes, it is.

so you don't pirate from devs who don't pull any of those crappy practices off?

Kill her.

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Their fortnite money is what's funding the games that are now fair game to pirate is why you can do it to mock them.

Not really comparable, with streamed movies, no matter what DRM they add, they can't stop someone from just plugging their streaming device into a capture card, streaming games wouldn't be beatable.

>Goddess of Sass
HOW is she still single? Where have all the good men gone?

>they wont think you're cool
Isn't that the point?

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I remember when I was proud of being sarcastic. I was a fucking retard. People who take too much pride in a certain part of their personality are fucking annoying

Reminder that this is the future moralfags want.

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>pirating EA games
>pirating SJW games
you know youre gonna hate them so why even bother?

>piracy steals money
Nah. Devs/publishers aren't entitled to my money

Yes. And later I dont buy anyway.

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>watching gameplay is the same as playing a game
How does it feel to be legally retarded? It's also funny how you immediately went for the addictions, you must be hooked on something.

Based stallman youtu.be/wiPGP5SOmes

Because people who buy games and either brag about it or complain are stupid, when they could literally just download a better experience for free.

Pirates are literally anarchists, warriors, people with character and will.
The industry is making more money now than before regardless, thanks to microtransactions, this proves the pirates point entirely.
There are literally zero reasons not to pirate everything you can.
Life is expensive, save your money on real things.
This is just a fucking box. This is the thing based oldfag pirates understand.

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Please impregnate me

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im gonna brag even more now

Makes Chink Epic shills and trannies kill themselves.

>tfw pirate
>tfw pretend to be a buy fag
im a wolf in sheeps clothing

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Why would she think people saying "I pirate your games" is in any way an attempt to make her think they're cool?

They're politely telling her that she's shit at her job.

I dunno, they think they're some Robin Hood esque type person and their arguments usually boil down to "ENTITY THAT MAKE GAME HAVE A LOT OF DOLLARS, HAVING A LOT OF DOLLARS BAD, ME HAVING A LOT OF DOLLARS GOOD" or some other commie nonsense.
Anyone bragging about pirating a game you enjoy doesn't have a functioning on the opinion of the game other than "I didn't like it" which honestly invalidates anything they can really contribute to a discussion, since all they can really do is go "I was never going to buy it, u mad I didn't?!"
Honestly if you pirate for any reason other than to test the game or "I'm poor" your opinion is worthless, at least a poorfag can effectively evaluate the game is worth their money, but they're unable to buy it, someone that thinks they're Robin Hood will say some bullshit like "Yeah, well this game is good, but they have a billion dollars so on this bell curve I shat out it should be 11/10 perfect" Like that means anything to anyone with a functioning brain.

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microtransactions work because they rely on the habit of assuming small quantities don't add up fast.
this is the first false assumption every poor person makes, being poor starts in the mind.
There is no reason to buy what you can get for free, it's just another industry that always finds a way to feed on the weak willed. If anything it's one of the most vicious ones.
the vast majority of people are bound to be less intelligent, and intelligent people don't need approval from the sheep that fall for the industries rhetoric.
In the age when developers outright remake their own games from a decade ago, and demand full price, is the absurdity of the situation.
If you told a person in 2004 that in 2020 they will be beginnings to return to classic, he would laugh in your face, but then burst into tears.
Fuck you moral fags. if gaming died as a whole it would be one of the best things to have happened to the generation that experiences it, a whole new gaming renaissance will grow out of the ashes of this corrupt and disgusting industry of games that should have been already made 20 years ago.
also fuck chris roberts he should be in prison.

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games ive pirated and bought when i had the money / better PC:
>gta 4
>arma 3
>dark souls PTDE
>saints row 2/3
>JUST cause 2
b-but pirate fags dont try before buy

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>Fuck you moral fags. if gaming died as a whole it would be one of the best things to have happened
Nah, fuck you nigger, I'll keep buying shit while you seethe that it keeps getting made.
Sorry your little revolution will never happened because you allowed your base to get phased out because you refused to buy shit, retard.

nah niggers are cool now. trannies are the real enemy

If you pirated a game and then bought it because "le money for hungry developers" you're stupider than both sides.
holy shit imagine your brain making sense of that to himself. you should be studied as a phenomena.

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>walk into a store intending to buy something
>change my mind and walk out
>receive court summons for stealing money from the store

It doesn’t even make any sense, lol

The devs have already been paid. This is like buying a Gillette razor then destroying it in “protest”.

>Enjoy product
>Buy it
Sorry I'm a functioning adult?

I'm a little late to the party but here's a good read about piracy for anti piracy fags
conclusion on pages 148-151

>bootlickers accusing others of sucking dick

Because anti-piratefags get so fucking seething and angry about something that doesn't effect them.
Also sometimes a game doesn't deserve your money, example being Skyrim.

forgot link like a retard

>"Why do ppl hate piracy so much other boards don't get mad u guys get so mad over piracy"
>*Posts pre order receipt*

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Same here fuck this industry

fucking kike central

" The positive effect
of illegal downloads and streams on the sales of games may be explained by
players getting hooked and then paying to play the game with extra bonuses
or at extra levels. "
This sounds fucking retarded

Very well.

>For games, the estimated effect of illegal online transactions on sales is positive because only free games are more likely displaced by online copyright infringements than not. The overall estimate is 24 extra legal transactions (including free games) for every 100 online copyright infringements, with an error margin of 45 per cent (two times the standard error). The positive effect of illegal downloads and streams on the sales of games may be explained by players getting hooked and then paying to play the game with extra bonuses or at extra levels.
>Displacement rates for games have been little analysed in previous literature, but it is interesting that a study of Bastard et al. (2012) also indicate significant positive effects, suggesting that games have succeeded in turning
150 Estimating displacement rates of copyrighted content in the EU illegal online transactions to their advantage by hooking up gamers and offering more levels / bonuses that are available only after paying.
antipiracy fags are literaly corporate shills, nothing more

i did it because i wanted a realiable download source and working multiplayer.
fuck you, you’re not me

as based as it comes


this is legit official study conducted by EU

>Nah, fuck you nigger, I'll keep buying shit while you seethe that it keeps getting made.

"I will keep wasting money which adds up to a small fortune over the course of my gaming career which as it looks right now will last until i'm old, enough to buy a house if I had invested"
Imagine thinking about this in 20 years when you're 30, how much money spent away on things that can't feed you or make you happy, or mean anything, it's not even materialistic, it has no smell, it has no worth, literally pixels, code some incel wrote that he constantly thinks how to lure more pathetic fools like yourself to spend more money on things that should have been in the fuckng base game and not in the DLC.
People like you always remain poor, you just live the moment, will probably never own a house, live in the same place your parents died in. do nothing. die in your VR headset.
While you can literally DO BOTH, as you do one for fucking free, with less hassle. you know what ? buy 2 or 3 multiplayer games a year, how about that ? treat yourself.
>Sorry your little revolution will never happened because you allowed your base to get phased out because you refused to buy shit, retard.
It will never happen because Huxley was right. It's a brave new world. we all knew what is coming.
Again, the intelligent can can see the signs, and avoid being fucked like you will in the future. Sheep.

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would an adult find a rock for free, and then go in the rock store and buy the same rock because he liked the first one ?
are you even listening to yourself ?

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Yes but the reasoning behind it is retarded.
>Well, uh, there is displacement, but uh, it's most likely only done to free games (??????)
>People will pay for shit if it's behind a paywall (And if it isn't behind a paywall)
Really speaks to the competency of whoever those retards at the EU hired to do this study, it sounds dumb as fuck and appealing to the fucking EU after all the retarded shit they've done is an awful idea, especially since it seems you don't actually know what you're reading.
I guess and EUtard or an Americuck would cling to this garbage though

it's their problem, not ours

If she was shit at her job why would you play her game?

>Imagine how autistic you'd have to be to tell a dev you're pirating their game lmao
Sounds pretty alpha 2bh
If you want to be a beta, just say you borrowed it from a friend or the poorfag public library

is that a torrent?
911 whats your emergency

amazing rebuttal

>old friend has one of the newest cars on the market
>you beg for a test ride
>he lets you drive his car around
>you like it but decide to wait until the price lowers
>car company intern cries on twatter

>friend has new movie on netflix or what have you
>you go over and pirate some of his beers and the movie
>movie writer intern cries on twatter

>friend has the new pair of nike’s
>wanna try them on to see if i like them
>michael jordan cries on twatter

Attached: 1553308265104.png (432x432, 200K)

this and moralfags desu

rebuttal this dick

If Yea Forums pirates everything why do they keep complaining about dlc and epic store?

>Compares sharing something with someone he's close to with uploading a torrent for hundreds of thousands of people
Granted the company wants to stop both, but if you think they're anywhere near the same you're just some anti business tard.

piracy literally used to be called sharez.
eat shit.

Why isn't Yea Forums blocked at your elementary school?

> test ride

Holy fuck what a brainlet. As if cracked games have a time limit or self destruct to mimic when your friend wants his car back

Wow, it's almost like the people doing it wanted a name that sounded friendly, just like how companies wanted to name it something that sounded bad.
It's almost like it's some type of info war and branding affects stupid people, like you!

t. jordan

how's the EU doing btw

I have done that tons of games in the past, mostly indie like factorio/rimworld/baba is you.
There is also a point I don't see mentioned in about when the pirated version is better quality than the official. First that comes to mind is Kerbal Space Program being loaded with tons of spyware in the official version, and Denuvo games running better when pirated without Denuvo.

What I don't get is why pirates are so self-righteous and defensive. If they admitted to just pirating because they wanted free stuff, that would be fine, but they all seem to think that they're superheroes improving the world or some shit.

>Yea Forums words
That's not how you spell facebook, newfag-sama

It's intrinsically the same result. You're getting the experience of the game without paying for it.
Plenty of people watch narrative-heavy LPs and end up not buying the game because they've experienced 90% of what they would've.
Best case scenario, I borrow the game and pay for some DLC.

It's a stand-in for /g/ moron

how so? isn't that the same principle of giving away samples or pay what your want?

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Was that supposed to prove my point?

are you a tranny or a faggot?

I didn't mind pirating games until about 3 years ago. Steam has stupidly low prices in my country (The Witcher 3 and GTAV, during sales, cost less than a pack of beers).
But recently I'm changing my mind.
Incomplete games that need DLCs to become decent and therefore cost 3x more than normal; companies that oblige you by contract to cede all your internet history to be sold to third parties that they do not disclose who they are; etc.
In addition, there are companies like Nintendo. The Zelda BOTW costs $60, but you can buy "hard mode" for $ 20 more. The game has two years but never goes into sale, because Nintendo ignores the rules of the market and prefers not to sell the games than lower prices. The Switch's controller is so bad that you're forced to spend $70 on the pro controller, which is also a piece of shit. And if you want to play online, another $ 20 a year for no apparent reason, since Nintendo does not maintain servers.
The current state of the industry favors piracy.

No, because the assertion is most displacement is with free games (Who pirates a fucking free game?)
And also "Hurr, they'll pay for shit that gets them more stuff if they pay, like levels" is that not what piracy is supposed to let you do in the first place? bypass the fucking paywall, it reads like a fucking moron wrote this shit

>pirate game
>dev loses money
>buy game then
>dev gains money
>dev has zero profit
>you lost your money

Attached: facelesswojak.png (626x722, 175K)

>pirates would have bought your game if they couldn't pirate it.

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GW2 deserved to fail, what a rotten game filled with a dying will. That game is the embodiment of everything I hate in modern MMOs. Dishonored is awful and an insult to the stealth world. Western devs do not know how to make games, nor movies.

I don't want them to think I'm cool, I want them to know that their efforts aren't being rewarded because I didn't want to spend money when I could avoid it.

while I disagree that piracy only hurts sales, c'mon, are you really saying that there aren't ANY people who would have bought the game if they couldn't pirate it?

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Are black people of color allowed to pirate?

Not enough for it to make a difference.

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You gone into full NPC mode, huh?

It would work in Japan and Korea but lol google isn't launching that shit there.

I thought they meant paying for a later release with more content than the one they pirated.

Niggers pirate physically.
Which funnily enough takes more mechanical skill than doing it digitally, but incels make fun of niggers for stealing...

What are pirateniggers going to do when their practices have ruined the industry so much that game streaming takes over and piracy becomes literally, phyiscally impossible?

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Anti-pirating fags:
>You shitlords are forbidden from pirating because *100 lines appeal to emotion/pity/authority and various other basic bitch bullshit*

Normal people:
>Sweet, games for free!

And that's why piracy will never, ever go away. If there is a path to happiness that does not require people to sacrifice anything, then there will always be people that will take this path. And if the path does not exist, there will always be people to carve a new path. Sorry trannies, you lose again!

Ah, but let's be serious for a moment here folks. The ultimate redpill isn't for the public to take, but for the developers: if people who don't pay for your games will never disappear, and since there is no way of stopping them for good, then the only solution is to make your games free from the get go. Make everything free and open source, and find another way to generate money from your product. Perhaps some sort of donation system? A pay-what-you-think-it's-worth kinda deal, after you played the game of course. After all, sites like patreon clearly show that there are a lot of people willing to cough up money for creators they like.
A bit utopian for now maybe, but I'm sure we'll get to it in time.

Now if you'll excuse me, my switch freeshop just finished downloading, and I've got about an entire console's library of FREE GAMES to enjoy! Ta-ta!

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got the stats to back that up?

If it's something that looks good and is convenient to just buy(e.g. Steam/GoG/GmG/physical copies) I'll just buy it. If it's something that makes me go through hoops to get, new accounts/launchers/etc..., then i'll either look it up on jewtube or just pirate.

Do you? You're the one that claimed piracy steals income.

Writers aren't game devs tho

That would still result in lost profit though, if I paid 20$ for a GOTY edition of a 60$ game I played for hundreds of hours since it released I went from paying 60$+DLC to 20$ flat rate.
This study is absolute bunk, glad I finally got to read it though, because when someone wrongfully cites it now I can absolutely rip them to shreds since they obviously never put any critical thought into anything other than the headline "EU SUPPRESSES STUDY THAT R SAY I DESERVE FREE SHIT"

Show me the company that gives everyone *everyone* who worked on the game a bonus for additional copies sold over x amount.
I'm actually asking famalam

Not-Important's teenage years?

Good thing Epic already paid for it.

pretty sure they just told Australians to pirate the game too

I posted this:

post in which I was only correcting what you said here

and I'll say it again
ONE person having bought the game because they couldn't pirate it already proves you wrong
I posted nothing else, the burden of proof is on you who made the claim

tick tock

have sex with me

>That would still result in lost profit though
Would've been bigger loss if the user didn't buy or pirate and also didn't have the stimuli to buy the GOTY edition absent because of not playing it in the first place.

found the redditard zoomer

me on the left

And I was referencing the original claim here:
Now prove they would have bought the game or fuck off.

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Sure, I'll do it for free

Attached: ribbit for her pleasure.png (600x600, 271K)

At that rate they'd still wait for a 5$ sale or whatever they could afford.
Piracy alone would indicate you're interested in the product in some way, shape or form, I don't know why you'd waste time downloading the damn game if you didn't have a single inkling of interest in it, so this "builds interest" argument never really works, because you still have Youtube and Twitch to evaluate it after release as well, super poorfags were never going to bump up their budget for something they can't afford anyway, allowing them to play it on release does nothing for your bottom line, and people aren't deserving of luxury products.
I know it's a dickhead stance to take but that's how companies have to look at shit, they're ammoral, they're not interested in being good or evil, they're interested in money.

Because there is no downside to piracy, while buyers spend copious amounts of money just to stay up to date with gaming, and have a house full of physical games.

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There's already a €360,000 study done that show piracy only hurts block buster movies. It also showed that it helped mediums like books, music, and video games. They tried to suppress it.

Also even super jews like neil gaiman and foo fighters also figured out that piracy doesn't harm them but helps them almost 2 decades ago because they have common sense.

The industry likes to tout that a pirated game/book/song is a lost sale. Except the person who pirated your product was never going to buy it in the first place.

That little slut is just asking for it, yarr

>Read study
>"Well uh, most displacement is from free games"
>"And uh.. people will pay for games if they get more levels (Piracy is specifically meant to bypass this paywall lol)"
Amazing study, EU really sent their best on that one.

>Goddess of Sass

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>only ever made one game
Shut the fuck up, pleb.

>i bet you're so mad that i have tons of worthless plastic cases taking up space in my home

because bragging is free, just like video games

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>so this "builds interest" argument never really works
you can increase you interest in acquiring future products from having a positive experience, regardless of the way you acquire them in the first place
which i believe is the point of that sentence you pointed out

because it's absolutely not worth it in the slightest. It's a complete waste of time and resources to throw someone who pirated a disney movie, and there's no way someone who can't afford a movie is going to have $250,000 for that fine

Intellectual property is the real theft

Oh no, a dev won't think I'm cool!! My ego is shattered...

So, you think pirating something would move the timetable forward on a positive first hand experience and increase potential sales of future games?
So they're playing the long game with younger people with little money in hopes they start making money and become long time fans of said product?
This seems to be geared towards a certain demographics, certainly not third worlders and failed adults


>Twitter dev fags constantly start shit, throw insults around, berate, try to guilt trip, and basically see you as a lesser human.
>But don't fuck with us in anyway, shape, or form because we're above you.
Gonna pirate the same game a billion times and bankrupt your company.

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you said
in the post

>Do you? You're the one that claimed piracy steals income.

You asked me this. You didn't ask that other poster this.
So are you gonna take back what your post? Just kidding, I know you don't have the integrity for that.
Are you going to prove your claim? Just kidding, I know you can't prove your claim.
All you got left is look like an ass, making claims that you can't back up, then try to push onto someone else the burden of proof while claiming that you actually meant another thing with what you said and call everyone who points out how you're lying a retard, and proceed to never, EVER address the point.




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Piratefags are the vegans of Yea Forums.

Epic guarantees sales so there's literally no reason not to pirate Epic exclusives. The devs "lose" zero money from it.

I don't think a functioning human would expect a dev to think they're cool for pirating. twitter is filled with people overthinking shit and taking everything negative as an attack on themselves

The problem is that Yea Forums is filled with leftists and rightists. Those other boards tend to be neutral and focus on the topics at hand, most of the time.

>So, you think pirating something would move the timetable forward on a positive first hand experience and increase potential sales of future games?
I just don't think piracy has the impact publishers claim. Specially now, considering it's pretty much the scapegoat for either flops or a shitty work environment.
On a macro economy setting, it has to do more with the lack of regulation and taxes rather than a lost sale.

Are you mad that you don't have an argument against piracy?

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I hate a majority of people on here because of how they condition themselves for others in order to fill a particular criteria so they don't get mocked by others. It's like an infection plunging itself deep into your psyche changing how you think and communicate. It's an anonymous forum and you can't even have a conversation without people following the same typical patterns they always do.

I don't know why anyone feels like it's necessary to put up their walls for the sake of appealing to these assholes.

I think most people you're talking about independently came to the same conclusion that OP is a faggot.

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>falls back to umad
As expected.

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You haven't made an argument. I can only assume you continue to post because you're mad.

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This man is pretty based. Pozzed indusry deserves nothing less.

thisi s a 18 + board, fuck off to plebbit or disabledchan you fags.

>Tyler Wilde

This guy shills for Epic nonstop and disables the comments on the articles. Easily the worst shill writing for PCG and the most blatant. I'd be surprised if he was a real person and not just a name they all posted under occasionally if they had to be obvious about their corporate paycheck.

You made an argument here

And I asked for proof. Then you go umad. It's pretty clear who's mad around here.

The real anti-piracy measure is to release a good game, and then release constant updates for it. Half of the games out there are months behind on the update, especially for indie games. It got me to buy a couple games for the simple convenience of updates.

I was clearly talking about the original claim that "piracy hurts sales". It really doesn't matter if you did or didn't literally make the post.

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Zoomers are the most anti-piracy generation in history. This is a known fact among many.

Also this. Zoomers are literally born retarded and will die retarded. It's why they are the main audience for the Google Stadia and other game streaming services. Literally all they play is Fortnite.

Kys zoomer. Go back to your CR subscription.

What are some funny anti-piracy measures? Alan Wake's eyepatch, etc.

You said something, it's archived here, so you can't deny that.
Can you prove what you claimed, or can't you?
Sorry that I'm still posting, it's just that it's funny to watch you squirm around trying to dodge the direct question.

Reminder that zoomers are the people who most subscribe to Netflix and Crunchyroll. They are strictly anti-piracy.

What this means is that we boomers are literally the last generation to even dare to pirate.

Make of that what you will...





If you tell your imaginary girlfriend you're going to fuck another girl because she fucks like a dead fish. You're not bragging that you're going to fuck the other girl. You're trying offend the current one. .
No one is bragging.

because I want more games from that developer


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Jesus is so fucking based, holy fuck

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