Anyone else who genuinely loved this? No pity fags allowed, just people who actually liked it

Anyone else who genuinely loved this? No pity fags allowed, just people who actually liked it.

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It was shit just like the rest of the Modern Sonic games.

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I like it, is on par with generations, which was praised, no idea of why people hate it.

Has a lot of problems but it's not as bad as people say, I've seen claims that it's worse than 06 which is just ridiculous.

Oh yes, that shit. 06 fans started using this game as a meatshield.

because it has built in oc and it also has become a meme that sonic is bad because it's funny to make fun of SA and 06 on youtube. if something is on youtube kids will believe it without question.

>on par with generations
You completely lack intelligence or your like for Generation was superficial at best.

I replayed generations several times, nostalgia aside, the core game is very similar.

It's missing several moves from Generations adn the lefvel design couldn't be more different, I don't care how many times you played it, your basic understanding of both games is flawed..

>the core game is very similar.
On an extremely superficial level, maybe. The level design in Generations wasn't amazing, but it's leaps and bounds ahead of Forces'. Forces also feels very unfinished compared to Generations. I really don't know how you could play both games and come to the conclusion that they're both on par with one another.

Generations had much better level design and felt better to control than Forces did though.

It was better than some other Sonic games, but there are still tons of problems. The game itself is like two hours long at most, unless you're going for completion. The story is pretty ham fisted and several cutscenes don't even seem done. Why did they bring in Chaos and these other villains if you never actually fight them? You only fight Zavok on top of a bee mech, he's clearly just slapped onto a generic boss. Infinite's phantom ruby mechanics were just visually messy and confusing.

I hate that I love Fist Bump though, it's so good.

I like the soundtrack, i don't like how short the levels feel since they end before they start feeling meaty. IIRC i think that is because they gutted the engine for Lost Worlds and kept using the gutted version for Forces, but i might be misremembering.

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>The story is pretty ham fisted and several cutscenes don't even seem done.
Yeah, that's what gets me the most about the story in Forces. Most of the narrative is delivered via talking heads or radio chatter, so the whole plot feels a bit disjointed as a result. For example, Sonic is "tortured for weeks" but we don't even have a cutscene where a character tells the viewer that piece of dramatic information. It's just thrown in as an afterthought among another exposition dump. There's a lot of plot points that are given out in that way and it just makes me care even less about the game's story.

There was probably going to be a much more involved story in Forces, but they either toned it down or didn't have time to fully implement it properly.

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I tried to like this game but it most of it is so awful I couldn't stomach it. It was better than Colors and Lost World, I'll give it that, but it still pales in comparison to Generations or Unleashed. The controls are LW with less options or control, the story is shit, the music is super repetitive and uses the same synth for 90% of its songs, Infinite is a laughably weak (heh) villain, the game relied on false advertising in order to sell, most of the concepts and plot points in the game are dropped by stage 20, and Sonic's friends are reduced to cheerleaders once again. mcnosehair

nostalgia googles

This game came out 10 years too late. You're right. It's not as bad as 06, but its still bad in its own way. It would have been way better had it not been for its release date, and the fact that Generations came out first, solidifying the classic Sonic appearance.


Nobody, not even the most hardcore modernfags, loved it. Some liked it or thought it was alright but that's literally it, this game was such a horrifically bad idea not even the biggest Sonic autists could come round to it. Sonic Team are woefully incompetent and still don't have the first clue what their fans want.

How the fuck do you fail a reply this badly?

He's not giving him a (You). I'd prefer not even acknowledging posts like that, but I guess it's better than nothing.

I'm not giving you a (You)

Being this stupid.

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I liked it. The main story was a bit short but the missions and Red/Number/Moon Rings gave a lot more replay value. Classic Sonic's levels were fine, Avatar's levels were fun, and the Null Space tag team stage is probably the best one in the game. Only complaint I have is that Modern Sonic's levels were more braindead than any previous game in the series, but even they still required a lot of skill to get top times on the leaderboards. It was fun reaching #1 on a few stages for a while before people figured out how to break the levels.

The soundtrack was also fantastic, yea some of it is dragged down by Baby's First Synth but the Avatar vocal themes alone make it a godlike OST, and even the instrumentation can't ruin great compositions like Ghost Town and Network Terminal 2.

Colors felt more like a complete experience than Forces to me. It had more creativity as well.

>ut the missions and Red/Number/Moon Rings gave a lot more replay value
You receive absolutely nothing for doing those.

I think you're being way too soft on the game.
>Red/Number/Moon Rings gave a lot more replay value.
They only unlock more costumes for the Avatar or something equally meaningless, so there's barely any reason to do that, so most people didn't/won't.
>Classic Sonic's levels were fine,
More like "sub-par" at best.
>Avatar's levels were fun
They were alright but they didn't capitalize on the Wispon gimmick at all so it's basically just Modern without a boost + Wisps. Also the Avatar's stages are usually just as short as Modern's.
>the Null Space tag team stage is probably the best one in the game.
That's REALLY not saying much, but I don't disagree.
>Only complaint I have is that Modern Sonic's levels were more braindead than any previous game in the series
That's putting it mildly.
>but even they still required a lot of skill to get top times on the leaderboards.
I would highly contest the use of the word "skill" to describe playing Modern's stages well in Forces, but alright.
>The soundtrack was also fantastic
This is a bit more subjective so I'll just say that's a hard disagree from me chief. Only a few tracks were even memorable, let alone good.

I just hope you didn't pay full price for it. I pirated it and still felt ripped off.

The most fun I had with it was trying to make Max the Parrot but there weren't enough good options for it so I made a waifu instead after I finished the story
I'm still bewildered you can't even make a fox OC

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