Dont mind me. just posting best videogame maker

also best anime and music producer

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as good as souls and sekiro is it still doesnt compare to my indie pixelshit

sorry weebs

>music producer
>literally le "i only listen to anime music" guy

>the indian ESL person from the last deleted thread made this

>souls, sekiro
nigger anime is the only important thing.

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i am kraut tho

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>weeb posting this thread again after the last one got nuked

yes i am and i want to live in japan

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imagine having yellow skin lol like wtf you fucking simpsons character taxi looking motherfucker

japan doesn't want you

For videogames yes
For anine of course
But for for music there is only UK

I see plenty of japs who are as white if not even white skinned then me

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why are you posting such a terrible bitch if your claim is that japan makes the best animations? you would at least post a better girl from that series. for example, literally any other girl.

post proof
why nips cant look like anime girls bros?

Attached: japanese game design.png (438x612, 314K)

lol wtf look at that hair she looks like a mushroom haha holy shit japan

Have you ever been? I'm just back from being there a month and once you see the scenery it's just like every other major city in the world. Arcades and shit like that wear off pretty quick and then all you would be left with is some of the worst working conditions in the first world.

>music producer
grow up


falsefagging as the nino spamming fag

>Have you ever been?
in fact i was there for about 6 weeks each in 2013 and 2014
i loved it but its is really not as in the animes. yet i dont know i feel like there is something that i have to do there, my calling if you so want.
and every corner there is something new to discover, everywhere is so damn comfy
i just love being there

wait this isnt the media create shitposting thread

In 5 years China will take over. Japan's days are numbered

Anime is a blight.

I mean japs girls are still the closest looking 3d women to anime

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western songs died around 2012
i only listen to niponese songs since then in different genres

Tokyo is incredible. I found so much to do while i was there and the women...absolute eye candy everywhere you go.

>Tokyo is incredible
It really isn't that much different from other major cities, it's just more dense. I guess if you haven't traveled much then sure somewhere like Tokyo seems crazy.

cosplaying russian girls are closest anime looking girls
also you posted 90% a chinese girl

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>women absolute eye candy
nigger did we go to the same city or do you just have shit taste?
all women i saw had eighter manly chin, were fat or had teeth like a tiger
also they mostly dont have a ass in there pants

jesus christ weebs are delusional

I was in Tokyo you sure you're not thinking of the UK or the us LOL


>really want to scratch balls but in public area

yeah it was tokyo bro

This. Good looking Jap girls are fucking beautiful, but the majority of them are ugly, and they're all so flat.

Hallo, Hans. Wie geht's dir heute?

Nice try igor

Attached: Japanese-popular-anime-Inuyasha-Kikyo-girls-Dress.jpg (750x750, 147K)

If you go to a big city like Tokyo you're going to see beautys every street you walk. it was incredible, they definitely have the most beautiful women on earth

>confirming my point
thx ranjid

also i bet this girl is chinese

If you go to any big city you're going to see attractive people.

That's the point I was making. if you go to the boonies anywhere you're going to find ugly chicks

I spent 7 months in Tokyo, there are definitely good looking girls, but there are a lot of ugly ones too. The average girl wasn't any more attractive than elsewhere though, and I have a preference for Japs. But capital cities of many places have good looking girls.
Go outside of the major cities for a more realistic example. I was also near Fukuoka for a while, then outside of Nara, still fairly populated but less touristy.

>best music producer

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Japanese developer
>knows that they are making a GAME, and that the point of a GAME is FUN
>creative and original, has variety
>action packed like DMC or just plain fun like Mario
>finished game that holds up a decade after coming out
>pander to PLAYERS
Western developer
>pretentious Oscar bait
>same few formulas, like big empty open world or a copy of Fortnite or COD
>thinks walking in between cutscenes is "gameplay"
>unfinished piece of shit that has bugs and needs patches/mods to function, also microtransactions because fuck you
>pander to "journalists" and Twitterfags

this is bait right?

Best women

The best videogame and anime producer is obvioulsly Japan, but I'd say America is the best at music.

The scottish DO play a mean bagpipe

Vidya? Japan has better muaic
In the real world? America did up until the 2010s. Our pop music is god awful whereas rock is actually still popular in nipland.

Shes not actually.

>he doesn't exclusively listen to yakuza soundtrack

Only boomers praise bongland.

is it true that american women are a unique brand of shit tier? every hot girl i meet is a selfish slut, or is that true of most hotties everywhere? t. a burger

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Most western women are shit in their own special way. Us and UK women are straight up slags and eastern Europe is full of gold digging whores and become babooshkas by 25.

The worst thing about eastern European women is - in a way - their traditional outlook in preferred males. Divorce rates are huge in Russia because it's habitual that woman goes for a better man the second it's possible, and instead of cheating they just dump the previous guy. Man who fails to keep his wife is considered a failure and it's his fault his wife left him for another man. Should have made more money.

same for german girls
they are roasties of highest caliber
i hate them so much

Thats a really fucked up culture. I thought they were super catholic in russia. Why have such a mindset then?


dumb burger lol

And Japan is Nino Kuni

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Bist du auf der Tomodachi?

wo ist das? ich kenne nur die dokomi und magic festa oder so in bonn

Königslutter (3 Tage Anime Marathon)

I was about to argue with you about best music producer but then suddenly remembered all of the Japanese video game composers.

You shouldn't sleep on western music though.

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