CD PROJEKT will announce on E3, alongside Cyberpunk 2077 playable version, another game they are working on, unknown triple AAA rpg. There are subtle clues that this game might be 3rd Baldur's Gate.
Would you play newest Baldur from CD PROJEKT?
CD PROJEKT will announce on E3, alongside Cyberpunk 2077 playable version, another game they are working on, unknown triple AAA rpg. There are subtle clues that this game might be 3rd Baldur's Gate.
Would you play newest Baldur from CD PROJEKT?
yikes. Those clowns know nothing about rpgs at least witcher is garbage at the core so nobody cared about ruining it.
Why make Baldur's Gate 3 and not a Witcher crpg or a new ip? Yeah I'd play it but it probably wouldn't be very good desu.
Lol EA is so mad they pay people to shit on CD-PROJEKT-RED on Yea Forums.
We don't need a BG3.
BG2 ToB finished the story. It's complete, there's nothing more to add. Your character literally became a God of the setting at the end.
Probobly not, love CDPR, but i hate rtwp combat. Couldnt finish PoE because of it
>fav game from my fav dev
It's just a dream
>it has to be about charname
they were nobodies before witcher 3 you just hate that shit because the PS3 was already a dry desert of nogames at the time.
Most probably newest game won't be Witcher due to ongoing conflict between CD PROJEKT and Sapkowski, who demanded profits from sales for the amount of 15.5 million dollars. it's even unclear if 4th Witcher or any new game based on it would be their IP. Untill their beef with Sapkowski is solved, it's unlikely they will work on this franchise anytime soon.
While some might not be interested in new Baldur's Gate or even dislike the idea of continuation, Brian Fargo claims that it's being developed and he knows who is developing it.
Say what you want, but I bet CDPR can do a much better job than the guys who made Sword Coast Legends.
It would be
>It's a sequel!
>But it's not
Just call it something else then
>final fantasy games are all sequels
stop being dumb
Exactly because they were NOT nobodies they even managed to bring out a game as big as W3. Are you really this stupid? You are letting your personal dislike of W3 (or W as a whole) influence your view on things, which is beyond retarded.
I'm fine with it if the game takes place in the Sword Coast region.
Why doesn't Beamdog?
OP has some weird misinformation. Larian is working on a real BG3 though.
>There are subtle clues that this game might be 3rd Baldur's Gate.
Such as? I'm actually hyped for this if true.
>a crappy studio that made single mediocre game
I don't understand why people think they're so good
Larian already confirmed they don't.
>comparing a series that had no connected stories ever to a series that obviously had a continuation of the story
Fucking retard. You wouldn't start a new God of War with completely new characters, because it's always been a continuation of Kratos story. Same goes for BG.
That's also why FFgames which do continue the story of a prior entry have the SAME number but with a subtitle.
Now kill yourself, you fucking waste of oxygen.
Fuck that i want a a Witcher 1 remake
Of course they "confirmed it", because they aren't allowed to reveal it yet. Holy shit how new are you to the industry.
Hell Yea... Just keep SJW BS out of it! And that doesn't mean it can't have any queer characters.
>they were nobodies before witcher 3
Witcher 2 was already a masterpiece. Happened that PS didn´t got it so normies (sony's audience) didn´t heard about the studio.
That literally never happened, though.
Not unless they make it isometric with DnD systems.
It'll be just a Dragon age reskin
Then no. I don't want it.
If you think about it, outside the party dynamics, Baldurs Gate 2 and Witcher 3 had very similar story dynamics. One main story and plenty of interesting side stories and characters.
Yeah great, but what are these "subtle clues"?
So 10years after Cyberpunk releases they release BG3?
So we are looking at 2032.
Baldur's Gate 2 doesn't take place in the Sword Coast and the city of Baldur's Gate doesn't even show up in that game, the only reason it's called Baldur's Gate 2 is because it's a direct sequel to the first game.
Call it something else if it's a different story, like Icewind Dale, like Neverwinter Nights, like any other Forgotten Realms game.
Isn't that IP owned by EA?
non-US developers like CDPR are the industry's last chance as the stupid diversity quota's force a lot of SJW's into writing positions, foreign companies can playfully bypass this, great.
Cyberpunk is taking so long because of its ambition and the fact no game has ever done a live futuristic city at the scale of 2077.
Did CD Projekt lose the Witcher license? Why the hell would you use the old unpopular DnD branding when you can create a generic PnP ruleset and just rip it off.
>Witcher 2 was already a masterpiece
It was an abomination and the result of 2007/8 and W1's supposed console developers screwing over CPDR financially, it was a complete rewriting of what they were originally doing (and received critical and user acclaim for).
Because they are done with the series for now. They want to make other games.
What's the point, Bhaalspawn won at life, unless he dicked Viconia in which case at least he's off murdering drow and taking the fight to Lolth with his half drow spawn
On a side note, if an elf or half elf fucks do you just call it an elf or is it like half drow half elf, or one quarter elf, human and two quarters drow?
even a 1/1024 elf is still a elf and not human