Why are Steam weebs so obnoxious?

Why are Steam weebs so obnoxious?

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Prison homosexuality

>op posts screenshot of their own profile


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There are non-obnoxious weebs?

if you don't think so you might be on the wrong site. don't worry, r/games should be open again now that it's not april first

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Case in point I guess.

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You'll just have to realize that you share the internet with a lot of 14yo


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Oh here we fucking go again.

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Pretty much this

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I'll never understand why people pour out their life stories onto the internet, you can't be that lonely and sad sack of shit that you couldn't give two shits about anonymity that the internet provides
Just give us your credit card info while you're at it, dumb fag

who cares

People like that exist because of weak fathers that cannot teach them social norms and how to make friends.
People are obnoxious like that because it's the only way they know how to make themselves interesting.
Talk to them for any prolonged amount of time and you'll realize they're pretty devoid of any meaningful life experiences or interesting personality traits.

haha lol why would depressed autists who never talk IRL want to vent on the internet thats so weird

Top kek

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Good job outting yourself as one.

>He intended Yea Forums to be an American counterpart to the popular Japanese Futaba Channel ("2chan") imageboard and a place to discuss manga and anime.
>Upon the creation of Yea Forums, Poole encouraged users from the Something Awful subforum titled "Anime Death Tentacle Rape Whorehouse", who also happened to be dissatisfied with the forum, to discuss anime on his website.
>During Yea Forums's earliest days, it had only two boards: "Yea Forums – Anime/General" and "Yea Forums – Anime/Random" (the very first board to be created)

>b-b-b-but it's not an anime site!

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Do you ever wonder what they look like in real life

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>you can't be that lonely and sad sack of shit
You'd be surprise.

They're that guy at the mall with a can of monster, premade sandwiches and a 4 day beard.

The "anime poster's perspective" is actually more accurate in practice.

Based and patrician

Most of them are underage. We've discussed and proven this. Stop making and replying to these threads over and over again.

>bro these 50 dead boards that barely scrape a 10th of Yea Forums's population represent all of Yea Forums

Why do you click on random people's profiles and then post threads about them?
Have you tried being less of a faggot, OP?

I spend my entire day working with difficult people but the pay is good enough so I don't complain about them, I need someone more miserable than me to spit on, doesn't matter if they're mentally ill, children or whatever the fuck else.

>girls and tits
>they're gay xd

Traps are gay, you idiot.

>Talk to them for any prolonged amount of time and you'll realize they're pretty devoid of any meaningful life experiences or interesting personality traits.
This makes me sad. How is someone to grow from that? Not socializing really snowballs and becomes a difficult thing.

I don't care, I'm at work and I'm bored. Kys.

>Started out as a Japanese subculture focused website.
>Faggot cry that the website only cared about Japanese subculture.
>Owner decide to include other board for other topic.
>Non-anime faggots now say Yea Forums isn't an anime website like the revisionist kikes they are.

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That's even worse
I'd understand if it was some meme profile picture like a Trump dabbing or something with the username WeedMaster69 because that's a phase kids will grow out of but shit like () will not if people continue to indulge in his fantasies and unrealistic view of the world.





Why do you post my profile on Yea Forums?

>I'm a type 2 diabetic
Doesn't this mean he's fat irl?

>4chin making fun of anime
how about you f@gs go back to l3ddit, huh?

W-want to abuse me? uWu

It evolved from that to something bigger, anime passed into the background and will stop appearing on non anime boards.
Just like you no longer remember that Amazon was supposed to only sell books.

desu idk, a close friend of mine from highschool has been getting into anime the last two years. In group chat he always be posing dumb anime shit these days

If it makes you feel any better, these people are the reason young male suicide rates are so high.
They do not last to middle age.

Steam user profile was a mistake

It also doesn't help these people forgot to develop a personality and instead decided to emulate the girls they see in their hentai doujins.

He's gone forever. You should move on.

My favorite game is zero hours because I played it before the Steam release

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>Weebs denying himself

This or kill him.

>unist and grandia

the "reality of the site layout" is literally /reddit/. redditors are used to their boards being neat and compartmentalized. if you go to a sub about cars you're only going to talk about cars. if you want to talk about pokemon you go to a pokemon sub and you can be confident people won't be talking about anything else.
Yea Forums is more like a runescape message board. they have off topic boards where they can talk about other games or cars or exercising, but everyone who posts on those off topic boards likes runescape and won't have an autistic fit if someone brings up runescape in the middle of a discussion about their favorite car


Yep. That's a weeb alright.

killua gay anime shota

Alright. Now show me the trap on that guy's profile.


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>forgot to develop a personality
This is the main issue in all of this, I think.

Nobody cares nigger

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Anyone who puts any effort into their steam profile is someone I don't want to talk to. I have a facebook and an instagram I don't need to turn steam into another one.

This angers me

Someone bully me right now!

>How is someone to grow from that?
Usually, you don't.

Life is like an ICBM, you have to do well at the start if you wanna go far and high.

I really don't mind anime avatar, but that shit is infuriating

>I have a facebook and an instagram
kill yourself nigger

God damn this really does triggers the weebs.
Sorry faggots, we are here for good. It's not your site anymore :^)

My former steam boyfriend is the only person I've ever been "intimate" with.

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Steam profiles are LITERALLY facebook pages for virgins.

Why do you even care? Do you even interact with these people anyway? I don't know what the fuck you guys are doing with or on steam, but I just play games and never come across these people, nor do I go out of my way to read their profiles.
Is this some sort of advanced masochism?
Do you actually seek out things to be upset about?

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Noone wants to talk to you either, normie shitstain.

give me like

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Why are you actively seeking them out?

Steam weeb detected.

Google and Yandex didn't help me. May I have the sauce user?

This. Easily offended and defensive.

big gae confirmed

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Nah dude, I just don't see what all the rage is.
There are autistic people in every platform, the thing is, Steam is for games. You don't have to use the social features at all if you don't want to (like I do). You can literally just launch your games and never have to interact with people, let alone see their profiles.