What does her rice taste like?

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inb4 her piss

rice, probably.

Post THAT pixiv image

Love nectar.

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it's really odd to me that they just eat plain rice with no curry or soup or something
rice by itself tastes like nothing, it's like eating bread with no butter or whatever

I bet the Snake Eyes girls give glorious head

its mentioned that loli rice is extra sweet so it makes a little more sense as to why he eats it plain

her skin
specifically her inner thigh

Cunt juice.

Where does she even get the rice? She lives alone on a mountain surrounded by zombie monks. Her only friends are ghost monkeys from the ghist zone, so how the hell is she harvesting all this rice?

Are you autistic or something? She makes it.

Those are centipede eggs, not rice.

I vaguely remember the rice conversation with Kuro, but doesn't he eat it uncooked too?

Rice, I'd assume

no Kuro said cooked rice is better.

I assume it's already cooked when she gives it to you, she tells you to savor it and I'm pretty sure one can't savor crunchy raw rice

It's a blessing.
She literally creates it in her hands.
There's an animation and everything.
She comments on the 'harvest' being better if she has eaten something good.
It's literally fucking magic.

Yeah, I meant Sekiro, not Kuro
When she gives you the rice, it pours into your hand, which I assume is because it's uncooked, also Kuro mentioning it tasting better when cooked


be more specific nigga

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This motherfucker just eats uncooked rice? I s that a thing or is Sekiro just an idiot

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that cracked me up because I feel like it totally implied Wolf was just eating the rice raw until Kuro told him to fucking cook it.

>spend hours on Owl (Father)
>decide to remove demon bell
>win first try
I'm a little bit ashamed but damn if it doesn't feel good to beat his ass without using a single gourd.

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Feel good because the demon bell does literally nothing for bosses

people eat tree bark and coal when they're starving
uncooked rice isnt going to kill you

I am 99% sure that I took way more posture damage when I had it on. Thanks though.

Demon bell almost doubles the damage a boss does btw, I went from being oneshotted to only taking 60% damage when I took it off

it makes them do more vit and posture damage
aside from that it does nothing for bosses

Don't spread misinformation retard
He is completely wrong

meanwhile you whiteboys eat regular cooked potatoes
and if you're feeling adventurous you'll mash it

Are you implying bread has no taste? If you eat either of them slowly you can taste them, though rice is not on the same level as bread.

Shit, I thought that we found out it didn't do anything. Guess I should've taken it off for Seething Demon.

it's her blood

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I eat rice every single day my friend whether I like or not

Why is she so angry?


>tfw actually just eating a healthy handful of white blood cells

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Sekiro is autistic

>persimmons become blood, blood becomes rice
what the fuck is this plot 2deep4me

>white blood cells
>eating immune systems cells
How silly of you.

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I wish I was protecting her smile instead of that boring nerd Kuro

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>her orgasmic 'oh my' when you bring her a persimmon

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Not gonna lie, hearing the sound of her eating made me a bit hard

You are literally travelling with her for years if not ages in the best ending.

What does his sticky rice ball taste like?

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Tasty and sweet judging by Sekiro's comments.

disgusting by the looks of it

He was literally raised to be a killing machine with zero thoughts or remorse
It's only over the course of the game when he starts thinking for himself and gains empathy and personality.

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t.American who has never eaten proper bread

But fresh bread tastes heavenly user. What are you smoking?

How come she has magical rice power while the real divine child Kuro has nothing?

like centipede eggs

Why did it turn red?

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What does “dropped” even mean in this context?

Created in the same style as loli's rice, probably pulled out of Divine Realm they have a connection to.

cunny honey

>Give rice loli some snake hearts
>She is now also a fridge and you can get some chilly rice

>cold rice
how about no

You know that potatos aren't just eaten alone right? you eat them along side meat and gravy and they usually have butter or something added as well to give a better texture.

There is jap myth about godness that also produce rice from her body.

>cold rice

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So is she blind now?

Imagine warming her up with your hugs.

And Wolf say its delicious, make you think what Owl give to him to eat when he was a child.

why can't I give the loli both snek hearts for the alternative ending? I can only give her normal ass persimmons